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Xie Li is an undercover agent. He just wants to hold Chang Xiaojia

accountable for his sins.

As an undercover agent, Xie Li is sent to Fish Island Prison with the

mission to get intel on Chang Guanshan, the leader of the biggest illegal
organization in the coastal city, Hong Fang, through his son, Chang Xiaojia.
It is rumored that Chang Xiaojia was imprisoned for an alleged involvement
in the rape/murder of a female police officer. He has a strange and stubborn
personality and is not as easy to approach as Xie Li initially imagined.
However, at this moment, Chang Xiaojia starts showing an unusual interest
in Xie Li’s body.
The main couple is Xie Li x Chang Xiaojia, with a plot that may potentially
involve drama and intense scenes. There might be some plot twists and
misunderstandings, with the background setting being fictional.

The inspiration for this story comes from “Line Walker 4,” borrowing some
character concepts but not entirely derived from it. The characters’
personalities are different. Please refrain from associating real actors with
the characters since the author does not have specific visual images while
writing; they are simply drawn to the background setup.

The story is expected to be relatively short and it will have a happy ending.

Xie Li is an undercover agent. He just wants to hold Chang Xiaojia

accountable for his sins.

As an undercover agent, Xie Li is sent to Fish Island Prison with the

mission to get intel on Chang Guanshan, the leader of the biggest illegal
organization in the coastal city, Hong Fang, through his son, Chang Xiaojia.
It is rumored that Chang Xiaojia was imprisoned for an alleged involvement
in the rape/murder of a female police officer. He has a strange and stubborn
personality and is not as easy to approach as Xie Li initially imagined.
However, at this moment, Chang Xiaojia starts showing an unusual interest
in Xie Li’s body.

The main couple is Xie Li x Chang Xiaojia, with a plot that may potentially
involve drama and intense scenes. There might be some plot twists and
misunderstandings, with the background setting being fictional.

The inspiration for this story comes from “Line Walker 4,” borrowing some
character concepts but not entirely derived from it. The characters’
personalities are different. Please refrain from associating real actors with
the characters since the author does not have specific visual images while
writing; they are simply drawn to the background setup.

The story is expected to be relatively short and it will have a happy ending.
BLNDD chapter 1

It was two o’clock in the afternoon, the hottest time of the day when the
sunlight shone fiercely on the basketball court in the middle of the
playground, making the ground dazzlingly bright.

Even in such scorching weather, there were still people willing to play
basketball under the blazing sun. After all, the hot weather stimulated
restlessness in people’s minds. If they didn’t let off steam during the
outdoor time, the heat would become unbearable at night.

There were energetic young inmates who wanted to release the accumulated
energy in their bodies, while there were others who were lazy and listless,
preferring to hide in shady spots. However, beneath the best-shaded tree in
the entire playground, there was only one person, a very young inmate. His
thin physique made the prison uniform appear loose, exposing his neck and
collarbone. His skin was so pale it was nearly translucent.

Xie Li found a spot near a wall and sat down next to Hu Minxin. He
glanced at the large shade under the tree, lowering his voice to ask, “Why
hasn’t anyone gone over there?”

The shaded area near the wall was crowded with inmates; the latecomers
had to stand near the wall to avoid the sunlight. Despite this, apart from the
young inmate, no one went to the large shaded area under the tree.

Hu Minxin appeared sluggish. He raised his hand to scratch his shoulder

under the prison uniform’s collar before replying to Xie Li, “Chang Xiaojia,
don’t tell me you haven’t heard.”

Xie Li’s expression remained unchanged as he gazed at the young man.

With his eyes closed, leaning against the tree trunk as if dozing, he finally
said after a while, “The second son of Chang Guanshan.”

Hu Minxin sneered softly, “Killed someone, got someone else to take the
blame. He was only sentenced to a year, and he’s going to be out in less
than three months.”

Xie Li glanced at Hu Minxin.

Hu Minxin yawned, appearing somewhat drowsy. His voice was lowered,

“It’s said to have been a policewoman, raped and killed, a gruesome death.
Despite Chang Xiaojia looking like a soft rabbit, he’s ruthless when it
comes to women. His father’s rich, so he’s still throwing his weight around
in here. Better keep away from him.”

Xie Li’s entire face was shrouded in the shadow of his apron. His eyes were
obscure and inscrutable as he watched Chang Xiaojia, remaining silent.

At that moment, Chang Xiaojia suddenly tilted his head, as if he had been
awakened from sleep. He raised his head and slowly straightened his body,
then unexpectedly glanced in Xie Li’s direction.

Xie Li knew that Chang Xiaojia had seen him, but it was only a quick
glance. Chang Xiaojia turned away and stood up under the tree, dusting off
his pants. With unhurried steps, he walked to the edge of the playground.
There, he talked to a guard before being let out alone, walking towards the
prison with another guard.

During free time, all prisoners were not allowed to stay in their cells.

However, that guard spoke to Chang Xiaojia for a while and opened the
iron gate of the playground, letting him out alone. They walked towards the
prison building.

Xie Li was an undercover agent. His mission inside Fish Island Prison was
to get close to Chang Xiaojia before his release. He was placed there the
day before Chang Xiaojia’s release. If he gained Chang Xiaojia’s trust, he’d
have a chance to enter the headquarters of the Hongfang organization and
investigate the criminal evidence against Chang Guanshan.
Hongfang was currently the largest underground organization in the port
city, legally and illegally conducting various businesses. It almost had
complete control over the city’s economic lifelines.

Xie Li was not from the port city. In order to completely eradicate
Hongfang, the high-level officials of the city’s police department had sent
elite teams from other cities as undercover agents to infiltrate the city’s
underground organizations. The operation was codenamed “Flood.”

Xie Li knew for sure that he wasn’t the only one undercover. However, he
had no information about the others. The only contact he had was with the
captain of the Anti-Corruption Division of the Port City Police Department,
Yu Zhengkun.

Xie Li had arrived yesterday and spent the entire day completing various
procedures, including medical check-ups. Today was the first time he had
seen Chang Xiaojia in person.

In the communal bathhouse on each floor of the prison block, everyone had
fifteen minutes to shower. Showers required card swiping. Each card swipe
allowed for fifteen minutes of hot water. Everyone had to finish showering
before 9 PM.

By now, all the doors to the cells on one floor were open.

Xie Li had been assigned to the same level and block as Chang Xiaojia.
After watching the news, he returned to his cell. It wasn’t until he saw
Chang Xiaojia passing by their cell door with a basin in hand that he also
walked to the washbasin rack and picked up his own basin, following him
out of the cell.

The bathhouse was shaped like a large inverted “回” character, with the
entrance at the bottom left corner of the “回.” Inside, there were
showerheads on each wall. Outside the bathhouse entrance, there was a very
simple changing room with no lockers—only a row of nails on the wall to
hang clothes.
It was now less than half an hour before 9 PM, and there were not many
people in the bathhouse.

In the changing room, Xie Li stripped off all his clothes, carrying his basin
as he walked in. He didn’t see Chang Xiaojia until he was near the upper-
right corner of the “回,” where two tall inmates stopped him.

Without saying much, the two men simply waved their hands, indicating for
him to move away.

Looking up, Xie Li saw only the back of a single person standing in that
corner, right under the shower, obscured by the mist of water. Even through
the mist, he could make out the figure’s snow-white skin.

Chang Xiaojia didn’t come alone to shower; he had two people watching
for him. He had taken over a corner by himself, and no one was allowed to

Xie Li silently stepped back, casually choosing a showerhead and swiping

his card for a shower. The hot water poured down from the top, instantly
isolating him from the surrounding environment, even briefly interrupting
his breathing. He closed his eyes, tilted his head back, and after a moment,
moved his face away from the water stream, taking in deep breaths and
vigorously wiping the water from his face with his hand.

Afterward, Xie Li picked up the soap from the basin, randomly applying it
to his body. His movements were somewhat rough; while applying the soap,
he was also rinsing off water. Soon, the floor was covered in foam, flowing
swiftly towards the drain.

As Xie Li turned around to wash his back against the wall, he suddenly saw
someone standing not far away, staring at him without blinking.

The person’s fair skin exuded a warm blush, with beautiful eyes that lacked
a spark, and lips displaying a moist crimson hue.

Xie Li stood completely exposed to Chang Xiaojia’s gaze. Chang Xiaojia

wore shorts and had a towel draped over his shoulder. The two individuals
who were watching over him during his shower were now eyeing Xie Li

No one knew why Chang Xiaojia stopped to observe Xie Li, and Xie Li
hadn’t offended Chang Xiaojia in any way.

Chang Xiaojia observed Xie Li from head to toe. Xie Li’s physique had
been shaped by years of practical training, exhibiting well-toned muscles, a
narrow waist, and long legs. His handsome face bore a hint of hostility,
fitting in well with the prison’s atmosphere, where everyone seemed to be
on guard against others.

Two other inmates discreetly left with their basins while Xie Li didn’t
relent, continuing his bathing routine without pausing. He wiped his chest,
which was slippery from water, while keeping his gaze fixed on Chang

Chang Xiaojia’s gaze briefly lingered at Xie Li’s chest before slowly
dropping and veiling his long eyelashes over half of his eyes. He then
walked outward, still carrying his basin.
BLNDD chapter 2

There were five people around Chang Xiaojia, and their relationship with
him wasn’t intimate. They seemed more like an employer and bodyguards
to Chang Xiaojia.

Observing for two or three days, Xie Li noticed that Chang Xiaojia had a
reserved and aloof personality. He liked to be alone, and those few people
would stay nearby, preventing others from getting close to Chang Xiaojia.
Under normal circumstances, they didn’t communicate with Chang Xiaojia.

Because of this, Xie Li found it difficult to make his approaches to Chang

Xiaojia seem natural.

In this prison area, apart from Chang Xiaojia, there was another individual
not to be trifled with—Dai Hao.

Dai Hao didn’t belong to Hong Fang; he was from Ju Yi. Ju Yi was an old
faction in the port city, suppressed by Hong Fang for many years. It was
only recently that a powerful figure emerged, causing Ju Yi to gradually
gain strength. Currently, their development was second only to Hong Fang.

In theory, Dai Hao and Chang Xiaojia should be in conflict. However, in

this confined prison environment, they managed to strike a subtle balance.
Dai Hao was the boss of the unit and usually asserted his authority, but he
didn’t provoke Chang Xiaojia. Chang Xiaojia was simple and low-key. As
long as he wasn’t provoked, he turned a blind eye to everyone.

During the recreational time, while Chang Xiaojia slept under the shade,
Dai Hao played basketball with his men. It seemed like he didn’t care, but
in reality, he avoided causing trouble.
Since the incident in the bathhouse when Chang Xiaojia had watched Xie
Li bathe for no apparent reason, there had been no unusual behavior. Chang
Xiaojia followed the prison regulations daily: exercise, labor, meals, and
sleep. However, he always occupied a four-seat corner by the window when
eating, and no one dared to approach. Even the guards turned a blind eye,
not interfering.

The seats closest to Chang Xiaojia were occupied by his men, and anyone
trying to get close to Chang Xiaojia was driven away.

Xie Li sat with his meal tray in a seat separated by another table, facing
Chang Xiaojia, but his view was partially blocked by someone at the
adjacent table.

Chang Xiaojia ate slowly. He was usually the first to sit and the last to
leave. The food seemed hard for him to swallow; it took a while for him to

When the person at the adjacent table left after eating, the barrier between
Chang Xiaojia and Xie Li disappeared. Upon lifting his head, Xie Li could
see Chang Xiaojia’s face clearly.

Chang Xiaojia always seemed listless, as if lacking energy, with a paleness

that suggested a lack of blood. His eyes were half-lidded until he noticed
Xie Li.

By this time, Xie Li had already lowered his head and avoided looking at

However, Chang Xiaojia continued to gaze at Xie Li, not shifting his gaze

At twenty-six years old, Xie Li was young and handsome, with sharp
features and thin lips. The sunlight streaming through the window rendered
his left earlobe a bright crimson.

He knew Chang Xiaojia was looking at him but didn’t understand what
Chang Xiaojia intended. However, the scrutiny in Chang Xiaojia’s gaze,
examining his face and the chest covered in prison garb, felt almost

As the gaze continued, Xie Li couldn’t pretend to ignore it any longer. He

lifted his head to meet Chang Xiaojia’s eyes.

Chang Xiaojia didn’t avoid his gaze. He looked at Xie Li while spooning
some rice and vegetables into his mouth, chewed unhurriedly, cheeks
bulging. His eyes still seemed lackluster but direct, without any evasion.

The local environment in Port City was complex, deeply entangled with the
government, legal system, and Hong Fang, which is why they placed an
undercover operative around Chang Xiaojia from out of town.

Having no acquaintances in the port city, Xie Li felt that Chang Xiaojia
wouldn’t easily doubt his identity. Even if he did, it wouldn’t be
straightforward to uncover the truth.

What was Chang Xiaojia’s true intention? Xie Li felt subtly uneasy but
displayed no emotion on his face. He calmly finished his meal, carried the
empty tray, and left.

During the afternoon break, Chang Xiaojia remained seated alone under the

Xie Li squatted in the shadow of the surrounding wall, with Hu Minxin by

his side.

Hu Minxin had been entrusted by Yu Zhengkun, although it wasn’t clear

what connections were involved. These days, Hu Minxin had been dutifully
explaining to Xie Li the unspoken rules of the prison: where not to go and
who not to provoke. Naturally, Dai Hao and Chang Xiaojia were among
those not to be provoked.

At this moment, seven or eight people surrounded Dai Hao in the middle of
the court.
Xie Li noticed someone approaching Dai Hao and whispering something in
his ear, while their eyes were fixed on Chang Xiaojia, who was sitting under
the tree.

Dai Hao dribbled the ball twice, his gaze indifferent, glanced at Chang
Xiaojia, muttered a few words to the person beside him, and then headed to
the center of the court with the ball.

They were short of two players for their basketball game. Dai Hao casually
looked around the court and stopped upon seeing Xie Li, pointing a finger
at him. “You, come here.”

Getting up from the ground, Xie Li stood tall at six feet, noticing Dai Hao
immediately upon approaching the center of the court.

After Xie Li reached the court’s center, one of Dai Hao’s men asked, “Can
you play basketball?”

Xie Li nodded. “A little.” After replying, he noticed Chang Xiaojia sitting

up straight and looking in their direction.

On the court, ten people were divided into two teams. Xie Li wasn’t on Dai
Hao’s team. He moved toward the basketball rack to stretch.

The exercise yard during break was quieter than anticipated. Most people
seemed exhausted by the heat, lethargically watching the basketball game in
the middle of the court.

Mixed in with his team members, Xie Li seemed serious about playing, yet
he wasn’t giving it his all. He noticed his teammates were also merely
passing time in the game. In the end, it was always Dai Hao’s team that

Chang Xiaojia’s gaze was fixed on Xie Li on the basketball court.

A shorter teammate passed the ball to Xie Li. He dribbled the ball past his
opponent, heading straight for the opposing hoop, preparing to shoot. As he
readied to shoot, Dai Hao attempted to steal the ball from him.
Xie Li quickly released the ball. Instead of heading for the hoop, the
basketball swiftly smacked Dai Hao’s face.

Dai Hao, trying to block Xie Li’s shot, couldn’t evade in time. The ball hit
him solidly in the face, rebounding onto the ground.

The quiet exercise yard suddenly erupted with a few brief laughs, quickly
quieting down, leaving behind a sea of numb faces looking at Dai Hao and
Xie Li under the basketball hoop.

Dai Hao wasn’t hurt, but he was extremely embarrassed. Once he regained
his composure, he grabbed Xie Li’s shirt and viciously kicked him in the

Xie Li staggered backward, collapsing on the ground. He fell under the

shade of a large tree beside the basketball court, reaching out and grabbing
hold of Chang Xiaojia’s foot.

Xie Li’s action was deliberate. The prison was too calm, and he needed to
disrupt the tranquility.

Dai Hao’s anger hadn’t subsided. Together with his seven or eight men,
they crowded under the tree, not even glancing at Chang Xiaojia, angrily
holding Xie Li up by his shirt.

Chang Xiaojia’s burly men, who were initially scattered around, gathered
around. Chang Xiaojia was still seated motionless under the tree, coldly
observing Dai Hao lifting Xie Li.

The commotion caught the attention of a guard, who blew his whistle and
ran over, wielding a baton. “What’s going on! No fighting!”

Dai Hao released Xie Li, teeth clenched, pointing at his face, “Kid, you’re
in big trouble.”

Xie Li said nothing.

Dai Hao motioned to his men and left, abandoning the game. They
dispersed a group hiding in the shadow of the wall and sat by the wall. Dai
Hao’s eyes, however, remained fixed fiercely on Xie Li.

Xie Li rubbed his abdomen, causing his prison uniform to shift slightly,
revealing a glimpse of his toned abs. He glanced at Chang Xiaojia, seeing
Chang Xiaojia looking at his abdomen. Chang Xiaojia remained seated
lazily, showing no intention to speak to him. Xie Li let go of Chang
Xiaojia’s foot, turned, and walked to sit under the scorching sun near the
basketball hoop.

After sitting down, Xie Li saw that Chang Xiaojia was still staring at him, a
direct and unwavering gaze. Taking a deep breath, he suppressed his subtle
discomfort, leaned back, and closed his eyes.

During dinner, Xie Li carried his tray towards an empty spot next to Hu
Minxin. But just before he reached it, someone placed their tray there.

Xie Li noticed the person was one of Dai Hao’s men.

Hu Minxin tensed, looking up at him nervously but said nothing.

Xie Li silently moved to another spot, but before he could set down his tray,
someone took that seat too.

Dai Hao sat down in his usual spot, adjusting his shoulder with a smirk,
saying, “Let’s see who dares to sit with him today.”

After this, Dai Hao’s men stopped grabbing seats from Xie Li, but the
whole cafeteria nervously watched him. They seemed afraid he might sit
next to them and incur Dai Hao’s wrath.

Xie Li glanced at the prison guards by the cafeteria door. Both looked
indifferent and showed no intention to intervene. He looked around and
finally carried his tray to a table near the window where only one person sat
—Chang Xiaojia.

All the inmates in the cafeteria discreetly watched Xie Li’s every move,
even Dai Hao silently observing, waiting to see if Xie Li would anger
Chang Xiaojia.
As Xie Li reached out to place his tray opposite Chang Xiaojia’s, two tall
inmates at the neighboring table stood up and blocked his way, impatiently
saying, “Back off.”

Xie Li didn’t move. He looked at Chang Xiaojia.

Chang Xiaojia straightened his posture, calmly wiped his mouth with a
napkin, and lifted his head, “Let him sit.”

This was the first time Xie Li heard Chang Xiaojia speak. His voice was
soft, soothing, and pleasant to the ears.
BLNDD chapter 3

After Xie Li sat opposite Chang Xiaojia, the entire cafeteria sank into an
unusual silence. It seemed that Chang Xiaojia’s action wasn’t merely
offering Xie Li a seat but was a deliberate slap in the face to Dai Hao in
front of everyone.

Dai Hao’s expression grew colder. Suddenly, he slammed the spoon onto
his plate and stood up, tapping the table.

But as soon as he stood up, the impassive guard, who had been watching
the scene, drew his baton and ordered, “What’s going on? Sit down! Eat!”

Dai Hao glanced at the guard and sat back down, his face clouded with

Xie Li lowered his head to eat, then looked up at Chang Xiaojia, saying,
“Thank you.”

Chang Xiaojia didn’t respond, continuing to eat and occasionally glancing

at Xie Li as if his face could increase his appetite.

Feeling slightly uncomfortable, Xie Li saw this as an opportunity to get

close to Chang Xiaojia. He cleared his throat and said, “Aren’t you afraid of
making enemies with Dai Hao?”

Chang Xiaojia’s mouth was full. After chewing for a while and swallowing
the food, he didn’t answer Xie Li’s question but suddenly said, “You’re not
from Harbour City“

Xie Li’s accent didn’t sound local. He replied, “I’m from Chongfeng City.”
Chang Xiaojia scooped a piece of meat into his mouth and waited until he
had swallowed it down before asking, “What did you do before you came in

Xie Li replied, “I was a soldier. After I was discharged, I worked on

construction projects for my boss.” This fictitious personal experience was
what Yu Zhengkun had briefed him on before going to prison. They had
prepared a series of false identity documents. Even if Chang Xiaojia sent
someone to investigate, they wouldn’t find Xie Li’s real identity.

Chang Xiaojia didn’t respond to this answer. He just glanced at Xie Li’s
bared forearm, which was not thick but showed clear muscular lines and
faint blue veins around the wrist.

Xie Li was waiting for Chang Xiaojia’s next words, but they never came.

After dinner, Chang Xiaojia acted as if nothing had happened. He walked

out of the cafeteria alone, followed by his men, one of whom glanced at Xie
Li but said nothing.

Back in their cell, Hu Minxin had already returned after taking a shower
and was looking at Xie Li. He observed Xie Li, who seemed to have
something on his mind. Eventually, when Xie Li prepared to go for his own
shower, Hu Minxin whispered, “Be careful. There are blind spots in the
shower room surveillance.”

Blind spots in the shower room surveillance referred to the areas where the
cameras couldn’t capture.

In the shower room, Xie Li undressed, hung his clothes on the hooks in the
changing area, and took a bucket. He walked to the right upper corner of the
“回” character, the spot where Chang Xiaojia usually showered. Two
individuals followed him inside.

The others who were showering nearby quickly finished and left.

Once Xie Li was certain there was no one else in their vicinity, the heavyset
man attempted to kick him in the legs. Xie Li casually looked down,
grabbed the man’s thick ankle, and effortlessly twisted him to the ground.

The tall guy hesitated for a moment, then raised the bucket in his hand to
strike Xie Li on the head.

Xie Li was always the top fighter in his class during his time at the police
academy, and no one had ever truly beaten him across the grades. But this
was his first time fighting naked against two men in a shower room. The
slippers were slippery, and when he tried to kick one of them, he sent the
slipper flying, hitting the basin in the tall man’s hand. His foot landed
precisely on the tall man’s lower jaw, causing him to step back a few paces
and hit the wall behind.

On the other side, the heavy set man clumsily tried to crawl up from the wet
floor. However, halfway up, Xie Li put his foot on the man’s shoulder,
pressing him back down.

Xie Li watched coldly as they struggled. At that moment, he heard

somewhat sluggish footsteps coming in their direction. He raised his head
and saw Chang Xiaojia, accompanied by his two big followers, appearing
around the corner.

Chang Xiaojia was shirtless, wearing a towel around his waist, with his
long legs extending beneath the towel, and his feet in the prison’s standard
men’s slippers.

When he spotted the situation, he paused, then said in an unenthusiastic

tone, “Get lost.”

The heavy set man on the ground and the tall man glanced at each other,
then awkwardly limped away.

Only Xie Li calmly took two steps forward, slid his foot into the slipper he
had kicked away, and stood in place, saying, “I’ve swiped my card but
haven’t showered.”

Each card could only be swiped once a day.

Chang Xiaojia looked up at the running showerhead, “That’s my spot.”

Xie Li deliberately came over because he knew Chang Xiaojia would be

there to shower. He attempted to ask in a casual tone, “How about
showering together?”

Chang Xiaojia looked at him strangely.

Xie Li walked over to the showerhead, quickly grabbed the soap and began
lathering it on his skin before time was up.

Chang Xiaojia still wore that odd expression and gazed straight at Xie Li
for a while. Then, he instructed his two men, “Go outside and keep watch.”

One went to the upper-left corner of the “回” character-shaped shower

room, and the other to the lower-right corner, positions invisible to both
Chang Xiaojia and Xie Li.

Chang Xiaojia walked over to where Xie Li was, placed the basin on the
ground, then unwrapped the towel around his waist, placing it inside the

The shower room lacked private partitions; it was entirely open. Even if Xie
Li didn’t look, the image of Chang Xiaojia’s pale body still occasionally
pierced through the misty air and into his line of sight.

Xie Li lathered his soapy body vigorously. He said, “I’ve angered Dai

Chang Xiaojia didn’t respond.

Uncertain if Chang Xiaojia couldn’t hear over the sound of water, Xie Li
moved a little closer in Chang Xiaojia’s direction and said, “Dai Hao will
continue to cause trouble for me.”

He turned to see Chang Xiaojia’s expression but found him leaning back
with his eyes closed, washing. It seemed he wasn’t interested in the
Xie Li hesitated, turned off the water, and then said, “My time is up. Can I
use your water to rinse off?” Without waiting for Chang Xiaojia’s approval,
he moved directly under Chang Xiaojia’s shower head.

Chang Xiaojia opened his eyes, stepped aside, but his arm brushed against
Xie Li’s arm.

Xie Li raised his hand to wash off the foam on his body. The damp,
muscular chest glistened under the dim light of the shower room.

Chang Xiaojia looked at his shoulder and then at his chest, noticing a long
scar on the right side of Xie Li’s waist. He reached out and touched it,
“How did you get this?”

Xie Li felt the smooth palm of his hand unexpectedly on the scar. He said,
“I got it from a fight and was cut.” In reality, it was an injury he received
while apprehending a suspect.

Chang Xiaojia’s fingertip lingered on the scar, “You’re quite good at

fighting. You’ve had training.”

Xie Li felt an itch around the old scar, as if the healed wound had come to
life again. He lowered his head to look at Chang Xiaojia’s hand, “I had
training in the military.”

The end of that scar was just under his right rib. Chang Xiaojia’s fingers
also stopped there.

Suddenly, Xie Li felt the shower room was extremely hot and stuffy. He
suppressed the uncomfortable feeling and said, “Chang Xiaojia, I’m more
reliable than the two outside. Let me guard you.”

Chang Xiaojia looked into his eyes for a moment and then withdrew his
hand, saying, “I don’t want that.”

Xie Li paused and tried again, “Chang Xiao…?”

Chang Xiaojia interrupted him, “No, you can leave.”

Xie Li wiped his face, turned, and walked back to his showerhead, picking
up his basin and walking outside.
BLNDD chapter 4

Chang Xiaojia was not easy to deal with.

At night, Xie Li lay in bed, somewhat sleepless, raising his arms over his
head, using them as a pillow. In the darkness, he lay with his eyes wide

He felt that Chang Xiaojia regarded him with some interest. Otherwise, he
wouldn’t have let him sit across from him at dinner or allowed him to share
his shower.

But when Chang Xiaojia rejected him, it was done without any sentiment,
as if there was no room for negotiation.

What should he do? Pestering and bothering seemed too suspicious.

Deepening the conflict between Chang Xiaojia and Dai Hao and then
helping Chang Xiaojia with Dai Hao might not be accepted by Chang
Xiaojia, and the more actions taken, the greater the risk of being exposed.
What about trying to approach people around Chang Xiaojia?

Xie Li couldn’t figure it out. Restless, he curled up one leg and suddenly
remembered Chang Xiaojia touching the scar on his waist. That gesture
made him uncomfortable. What was Chang Xiaojia thinking?

Before falling asleep, Xie Li felt the scar on his waist suddenly itching

It rained the next day.

The summer rain wasn’t like the gentle, lingering spring showers. It
suddenly enveloped the earth and came pouring down, splattering loudly on
the ground with a strong force.
Despite the intensity of the rainfall outside, the small building in the prison
district was still hot. The rain, thick with moisture, enveloped people’s
bodies, penetrating their pores. Even sitting still, one would soon be
drenched in sweat.

Perhaps the only benefit was not having to face the scorching sun and go
for a walk on the exercise ground.

During the afternoon exercise time, the prison opened the activity room and
library on the first floor.

The activity room had a ping-pong table and a pool table. Most of the
prisoners went there, either to play or watch others play.

Xie Li was among the last to go down. When he arrived on the first floor,
the activity room was already packed with people. He glanced inside and
saw Dai Hao playing pool with someone.

Dai Hao played pool quite well, with people around him praising his skills.
He seemed pleased. It appeared he hadn’t found time to cause trouble for
Xie Li.

Xie Li moved away from the activity room’s entrance and saw two of
Chang Xiaojia’s men sitting outside the library, chatting against the wall.

He walked over. The two men looked up at him but said nothing.

The library had seven or eight rows of bookshelves, with two long tables
near the door. At that moment, Chang Xiaojia was the only person inside,
seated at a desk, reading.

As Xie Li entered, Chang Xiaojia didn’t raise his head. So, Xie Li walked
to the bookshelf and glanced at the spines of the books. He wasn’t
particularly fond of reading. Otherwise, he wouldn’t have gone directly
from high school to the police academy. In his twenty-six years, his
strongest memory of the library was spending half a summer in the city
library with a girl from the neighboring class, trying to win her over. Sadly,
the girl, who was accepted into a prestigious university, broke up with Xie
Li, who was studying at the police academy, less than a year later.

Xie Li randomly pulled out a historical novel, walked to a table and sat
directly across from where Chang Xiaojia was sitting.

There were no guards in the library; they were all focused on the adjacent
activity room. Occasional noises from the prisoners in the activity room and
the conversation of the two men outside the door were the only sounds,
aside from Chang Xiaojia turning pages.

Xie Li didn’t say anything since Chang Xiaojia showed no intention to do

so. Keeping his head down and flipping through the pages, he actually
didn’t read much.

Suddenly, Chang Xiaojia looked up and said, “Don’t sit here.”

Xie Li was puzzled for a moment, looking at him inexplicably.

Chang Xiaojia, with his hands pressed against the edge of the desk, slightly
leaned forward, saying, “You’re disturbing my reading.”

Xie Li felt the voices outside stopped suddenly, as if listening intently to

their conversation. A strange feeling surged within him.

“You’re really annoying,” Chang Xiaojia said softly, his voice sticky and
sticky, sounding like a complaint between lovers.

Xie Li started feeling a bit nervous for some reason he couldn’t quite grasp.

At that moment, a young, spectacled prisoner appeared at the door. He was

a college student involved in financial crimes, introverted and always
somewhat reserved. He looked hesitantly guarded at the door. Upon seeing
Chang Xiaojia, he suddenly stopped, standing foolishly at the entrance.

Chang Xiaojia gave him a glance, then shifted his gaze away.

The student seemed to gather some courage, entering the library and
picking out a book. He returned to the door, sat at an empty table near
Chang Xiaojia’s table, and opened the book.

Chang Xiaojia looked at the young man again, then slowly stood up and
started walking between the two rows of bookshelves, not going too far
inside. He stopped in the middle, facing Xie Li.

Xie Li wrinkled his brow, then quickly relaxed. He stood up and walked
towards Chang Xiaojia, as if understanding his meaning and yet completely

The rain outside continued, with a few drops tapping against the window
glass now and then, making a sound. The air was humid, with the smell of
old paper mixed in the library, heavy and suffocating.

Xie Li stood in front of Chang Xiaojia, who was staring at him. Hesitating,
he spoke, “Chang Xiaojia?”. Upon hearing his own voice, he felt a slight
tightness in his throat. His fingers instinctively clenched tightly, and he
found himself in a state of alertness.

Chang Xiaojia, however, remained relaxed in posture. He even leaned lazily

against the bookshelf, raising his index finger to his lips, indicating that Xie
Li should not speak.

Xie Li stared at him.

Suddenly, Chang Xiaojia lifted his hand and placed it on Xie Li’s cheek,
just as he had touched the scar on Xie Li’s waist the night before. The soft
tips of his fingers moved gently against Xie Li’s face.

If Xie Li hadn’t understood Chang Xiaojia’s intention by this point, then he

would have truly been foolish.

Chang Xiaojia’s fingers felt a little cool and were exquisitely sensitive. Xie
Li felt a strange sensation, as if bugs were crawling slowly across his face.
Goosebumps erupted all over his body, and cold sweat began to form on his
Then, he heard Chang Xiaojia lean close to his ear and whisper, “Kneel

Xie Li’s gaze turned momentarily fierce as he grabbed Chang Xiaojia’s

hand and forcefully pulled it away from his face.

Chang Xiaojia remained composed, speaking softly, “You wanted to work

for me and guard me, right? I don’t need anything else, just need someone
to vent on. I find you suitable for that.”

Xie Li tightened his grip on Chang Xiaojia’s hand, and his fingertips turned
pale due to lack of blood flow.

Chang Xiaojia continued, “I’m a bit aroused. Use your mouth to satisfy

Suppressing the urge to throw a punch at his face, Xie Li let out a low
growl from his throat, “Get lost!” He then forcefully pushed Chang
Xiaojia’s hand away and walked out without looking back.

Chang Xiaojia’s hand hit the bookshelf with a “bang.” Xie Li was seething
with anger, nearly trembling throughout his body. It took enormous effort to
refrain from laying a hand on Chang Xiaojia.

For the next couple of days, Xie Li couldn’t shake off the anger. He was
even unwilling to look at Chang Xiaojia. During meal times, he’d rather
carry his tray and seek the guards than sit opposite Chang Xiaojia.

After two days, the anger faded, and Xie Li became calm and rational. He
realized a troublesome issue: his mission might fail.

Deploying elite police forces from elsewhere and embedding them

undercover into the prison to approach Chang Xiaojia wasn’t an easy task.
Although Chief Yu Zhengkun had emphasized that Xie Li’s safety was the
priority, he couldn’t easily accept giving up.

He was never mentally prepared for Chang Xiaojia to have such thoughts.
After his firm rejection, trying to approach Chang Xiaojia again would
clearly seem suspicious. It wouldn’t be easy to change the current situation
without a suitable opportunity.

Xie Li felt somewhat anxious.

Three months could be considered long or short. Once he left the prison, it
would be difficult to see Chang Xiaojia again.

That night, Xie Li dreamt of bloody and blurred scenes. He woke up in the
middle of the night, covering his face with a pillow, breathing heavily.

How could so much blood be shed in vain? He couldn’t let Hongfang go,
nor could he let go of Chang Guanshan and Chang Xiaojia. When he
entered the prison, he thought even if he lost his life in the end, he would
ensure Chang Xiaojia faced justice before dying. If he had prepared
everything, why did he get angry just because Chang Xiaojia said a few
vulgar words, touched his face, and harassed him?

As rain fell for two to three consecutive days, the temperature in the harbor
city dropped significantly. This afternoon, during the absence of sunlight,
the inmates were not as sluggish.

Chang Xiaojia was no longer sitting under the shade of a tree. He slowly
strolled along the exercise yard, circled twice, then sat against the wall. He
rested his hands on his knees, with dull eyes gazing ahead.

Xie Li stood near the large tree where Chang Xiaojia usually stayed, when
suddenly a basketball flew towards him. He swiftly caught it and saw that
Dai Hao was motioning for him to come play. The inmates on the whole
exercise ground looked towards him, aware that Dai Hao was about to deal
with him.

Xie Li walked to the center of the court with the basketball.

Dai Hao smirked, took the ball from him, and said, “Let’s do this.”

This game wasn’t about basketball; it was about Dai Hao dealing with Xie
Dai Hao and his gang took advantage of the normal confrontation on the
basketball court, constantly elbowing, kicking Xie Li’s ankles, and
deliberately shoving him.

Of course, Xie Li could have resisted. He knew how to fight back slyly
without leaving a trace, but he chose not to. When two men pushed him
from either side and caused him to fall, he pretended to be injured and
clutched his head. The guards quickly blew their whistles and rushed in,
warning Dai Hao and his group not to move.

As Xie Li was taken to the prison hospital, he glanced at Chang Xiaojia,

who was still sitting against the wall, looking around with dull, widened
eyes in Xie Li’s direction.
BLNDD chapter 5

Xie Li underwent an examination in the prison hospital. Apart from some

bruises on his arm, there were no major injuries. He pretended to have a
severe headache. The doctor who treated him was a woman in her forties,
and she kept him under observation in the hospital overnight.

The hospital ward in the prison was desolate. Cases with slightly serious
conditions could apply for outside treatment at a larger hospital, leaving
behind only minor injuries that could be healed with a couple of days on IV

Xie Li was the sole occupant of the ward, unlike the prison dorm with eight
people, where snoring was a nightly ritual. It was the first time since his
imprisonment that he had slept in such a quiet environment.

He didn’t want to give up on the mission, so he needed to figure out a way

to get back to Chang Xiaojia. However, Chang Xiaojia’s character was too
difficult to fathom. Before Xie Li accepted the mission, Chief Yu Zhengkun
had told him that Chang Xiaojia was the son of Chang Guanshan’s original
wife, while the eldest son of Chang Guanshan was born outside his
marriage with another woman.

Reportedly, Chang Guanshan’s wife was in poor health and had previously
suffered two miscarriages. During this time, Chang Guanshan had his eldest
son, Chang Xin, with another woman. Shortly after the death of Chang’s
wife, Chang Xin fell ill and died while he was still young. Over the years,
the one accompanying Chang Guanshan in business operations and running
the society was Chang Xiaojia.

Moreover, shortly after Chang’s wife’s death, Chang Guanshan took the
woman who had given birth to his eldest son into their home. Therefore, the
current Mrs. Chang was not the biological mother of the second son of the
Chang family Chang Xiaojia.

For many years, the police had mainly focused on Chang Guanshan and
Chang Xiaojia, knowing very little about Chang Xiaojia, until last year
when a female officer’s body was discovered.

This policewoman had disguised herself as a dancer and was investigating a

drug case at a bar under Hongfang’s name. She suddenly went missing. The
police began searching for her, and her body was later found in a reservoir.
According to the autopsy, the policewoman was strangled to death and
showed signs of sexual assault and abuse before her death.

The police commenced an investigation and found eyewitnesses who

testified that the last time the policewoman was seen before her
disappearance was in Hongfang’s bar. She was taken away by Chang
Xiaojia that night. Due to the victim being a policewoman, the case enraged
the police in the harbor city. They mobilized significant resources to
investigate and collect evidence. It was ultimately confirmed that the
vehicle used to dispose of the body belonged to the Chang family. By that
time, almost a week had passed since the policewoman was taken by Chang
Xiaojia, and it’s unknown what kind of torture she endured during that time.

Chang Xiaojia was summoned for questioning, and shortly after, a young
member from Hongfang surrendered to the police. He confessed to
physically assaulting and sexually assaulting the policewoman after Chang
Xiaojia took her there. He accidentally killed her and then transported her
body to dump it in the reservoir. Chang Xiaojia was unaware of everything
except bringing the policewoman there. The police, however, didn’t believe
his words. As the policewoman’s body had been in the water for over ten
hours, they couldn’t obtain any more biological evidence related to Chang
Xiaojia’s involvement in the sexual assault or murder. Moreover, Chang
Xiaojia had alibis for the day of disposal. Consequently, the prosecution
could only charge Chang Xiaojia with illegal detention, sentencing him to
one year of imprisonment.

Before Xie Li’s imprisonment, nobody could clearly explain who Chang
Xiaojia really was. Yu Zhengkun had reviewed the previous police
interviews with Chang Xiaojia and had concluded that Chang Xiaojia was
not a simple person and certainly not a good one.

Xie Li lay on the hospital bed and slowly closed his slightly red eyes.

The next day, when he returned, the prisoners were out for exercises.

The inmates in the yard were lazily going through their routines. When Xie
Li approached, everyone turned to look at him.

The prison guard opened the iron gate of the exercise area to let him in and
then locked the gate from the outside.

Xie Li stood at the end of the queue, next to Chang Xiaojia.

Chang Xiaojia was also exercising, arms raised, and his broad-sleeved
prison uniform sliding down, revealing his slender arms. He turned his head
to glance at Xie Li, but Xie Li didn’t look back.

After the morning exercises, they queued up for breakfast. As Dai Hao
passed by Xie Li, he sneered contemptuously.

Xie Li gazed at Dai Hao and suddenly, expressionless, “tsk”-ed at him.

Dai Hao was instantly provoked, raised his fist, and struck at Xie Li.

The observing guard reacted quickly and intercepted Dai Hao’s attack, but
Xie Li was hit on the face.

Chang Xiaojia stood beside Xie Li and glanced at him with an odd
expression, seeming not to understand why Xie Li suddenly started
provoking Dai Hao.

The guard reprimanded Dai Hao but didn’t pursue the matter. Then, he
warned Xie Li not to cause trouble.

Xie Li took a bowl of porridge, some steamed buns, a boiled egg, and two
plates of pickled vegetables.
Chang Xiaojia remained seated in his usual spot.

As Xie Li carried his tray around the cafeteria, seemingly looking for a
place to sit, he passed by Dai Hao’s table, where Dai Hao’s accomplice
attempted to trip him. Xie Li had actually seen it, but he pretended not to
have and, stumbling from the trip, accidentally spilled his porridge all over
Dai Hao’s face.

The cafeteria instantly erupted into chaos. Dai Hao and his group rose and
surrounded Xie Li, punching and kicking him. The guards couldn’t rush in
time. Xie Li’s face was stepped on, and the corner of his forehead grazed
against the fallen tray, leaving a bloodstain.

The guards managed to control Dai Hao’s group, and Xie Li curled up,
protecting his head, and didn’t retaliate at all.

He wouldn’t fight back where there were surveillance cameras and guards.
He deliberately provoked Dai Hao in such a situation. As long as Dai Hao
couldn’t control himself, the guards would intervene immediately, and Xie
Li would at most sustain some minor injuries.

Dai Hao’s group was put into solitary confinement, and Xie Li, just out of
the prison hospital, was sent back.

This time, Xie Li suffered more serious injuries. He needed two stitches on
his forehead and completed the check-up by evening. He returned to the
prison area from the hospital, bandaged in gauze.

All the inmates in the entire block silently avoided him, even those in the
same cell. Hu Minxin found a chance to tell him secretly that Dai Hao had
put out word to target him. This time was different from the last; Dai Hao
was truly angry and had even influenced the guards. Hu Minxin reproached
Xie Li, questioning why he’d purposely provoked Dai Hao.

Xie Li didn’t say anything. After the guard’s notice, he silently began
packing up his things.
Hu Minxin pretended to focus on his own activities but, seeing that Xie Li
was almost done packing, he couldn’t resist asking the guard, “Officer,
which cell is he being moved to?”

The guard responded sternly, “Mind your own business!”

Hu Minxin had initially intended to step back but couldn’t contain his
curiosity, whispering, “It wouldn’t be to Dai Hao’s cell, would it?”

Other inmates in the cell curiously eavesdropped on the conversation

between Hu Minxin and the guard.

The guard replied, “Focus on yourself.”

As Xie Li finished packing, he stood by the guard’s side and said, “Officer,
I’m ready.”

The guard nodded and said, “Follow me.”

As Xie Li followed the guard out of the cell, all the inmates from the whole
floor were peering out of their small windows above the iron doors.

Hu Minxin waited until the cell door was locked and then peered out
through the window, worriedly watching.

Dai Hao’s cell was on the floor below, but the guard led Xie Li to a corridor
a bit away from his original cell. After passing four or five cell doors, the
guard stopped and used the walkie-talkie to communicate. Then, the
automatic door of the cell on the right side, near the entrance, began to open

As the door opened, Xie Li saw an eight-bed cell. The upper bunk on the
right side near the door had a foot sticking out, which Xie Li would have
walked into if he had taken a couple more steps.

From this position, Xie Li couldn’t see who was on the bed, but the foot
was small, pale, and translucent. The toenails were round and clean,
reminding Xie Li of a particular person.
Shortly after, the person on the upper bunk leaned over and made eye
contact with Xie Li. It was Chang Xiaojia.

The guard pointed to the lower bunk and said to Xie Li, “This is your
bunk.” After Xie Li entered, the guard left the cell, closing the automatic
door behind him.

Once the door was closed, there was silence in the cell. Xie Li began to
silently unpack his things, placing a plastic wash basin on the stand near the
window and hanging up a towel that wasn’t completely dry yet. When he
returned to his bed, Chang Xiaojia had already moved to the edge of the
bed, swinging his legs back and forth.

Chang Xiaojia’s foot almost kicked Xie Li’s face, but Xie Li caught it with
his hand. Chang Xiaojia raised his head, looking at Xie Li with a cold

“Let him go!” shouted a big guy from the bed opposite theirs.

In this cell, at least four inmates were Chang Xiaojia’s people, and two of
the big guys who were always with him were present.

Xie Li knew that these two big guys were named Gao Yuan and Luo
Wanchun. This time, it was Luo Wanchun who stood up and shouted at him.

Chang Xiaojia smiled ominously, shook his head toward Luo Wanchun, and
Luo Wanchun silently sat back down.

Xie Li stared at Chang Xiaojia’s face and didn’t let go of his foot. Instead,
he suddenly used his fingers to lightly scratch the sole of Chang Xiaojia’s

Chang Xiaojia immediately let out a soft “Ah” and had to use quite some
force to retract his foot. He held onto the iron railings on the edge of the
upper bunk with both hands, glaring at Xie Li fiercely.

Xie Li paid no attention to him, bent down to spread the bedding he had
brought with him on the bunk, and began to make his bed.
BLNDD chapter 6

Xie Li was someone who didn’t like to procrastinate or be wishy-washy

when it came to doing things. When faced with a problem, he would make
decisions quickly and, once decided, he would act with a firm attitude.

These days, he hadn’t been resting well, but tonight, the moment he entered
Chang Xiaojia’s cell, his emotions experienced a brief relaxation.

By the time he finished making his bed, it was almost lights-out time. He
lay down, turned to face the wall, and quickly closed his eyes to sleep.

However, this nap didn’t last long. Xie Li felt someone climbing onto his
bed, and he instantly woke up.

Even in the darkened cell after lights-out, it wasn’t entirely pitch black. The
floodlights on the playground and the surrounding walls were still on,
casting a continuous stream of light into the room through the window
without curtains. The entire room was illuminated, making it almost
possible to see the face of the person on the bed.

Naturally, the one climbing onto his bed at this time and place wouldn’t be
someone else. Xie Li opened his eyes and looked at the wall, maintaining a
side-lying posture without moving until Chang Xiaojia reached out from
behind and embraced his waist.

Chang Xiaojia’s hand was soft and fluffy, slipping under Xie Li’s prison
uniform and lightly pressing against Xie Li’s firm abdominal muscles,
slightly cool.

In fact, Xie Li noticed that Chang Xiaojia’s body temperature was slightly
lower than his own, making him think of the rumors about Chang Xiaojia’s
poor health since childhood.
Chang Xiaojia whispered in Xie Li’s ear, “Shouldn’t you be thanking me?”

Xie Li remained silent, and he heard that the entire cell was still silent. No
one had started snoring yet; everyone was probably lying on their beds,
motionless, listening to the movement on their side.

Chang Xiaojia, without getting an answer, didn’t rush. He played a game of

climbing with his fingers on Xie Li’s lower abdomen, crawling slowly until
he reached his chest, where he pinched a small spot.

Xie Li couldn’t help but grab his hand, turning over to face him. He said,
“What should I thank you for?”

Chang Xiaojia smiled ambiguously and whispered softly, “If it weren’t for
me, you might have gone to Dai Hao’s cell now.”

Xie Li didn’t speak.

The bed was a single bed, and two men lay facing each other, naturally very

Chang Xiaojia’s shallow breathing was in front of Xie Li, and Xie Li’s line
of sight was almost entirely occupied by his pair of eyes.

“You’ve been a bit crazy these past few days,” Chang Xiaojia said.

Xie Li asked him, “Why?”

Chang Xiaojia asked, “Why provoke Dai Hao?”

Xie Li’s tone was calm. “He provoked me.”

Chang Xiaojia sneered, and he took his hand back from Xie Li, wanting to
touch Xie Li’s face again.

As a result, Xie Li once again held his hand, and with the other hand, he
grabbed Chang Xiaojia’s neck. “Don’t touch me!”

Chang Xiaojia looked at him.

Xie Li coldly said, “I’ve had enough of all of you!”

Chang Xiaojia coughed, “What’s with the aggression? Let go of me.”

Xie Li finally let go of him.

Chang Xiaojia raised his hand to touch his neck, asking Xie Li, “So what do
you want to do?”

It didn’t matter what Xie Li wanted to do; the reality was in front of him,
and he had already made a choice. He suddenly raised one hand, covering
Chang Xiaojia’s mouth, and with the other hand, he reached into Chang
Xiaojia’s loosely tied trousers.

Chang Xiaojia gasped lightly, once again being muffled by Xie Li’s hand.

Xie Li grasped Chang Xiaojia, looking at him with a fierce gaze.

After a while, Chang Xiaojia stopped struggling. He started to tear up, and
his breathing became heavier, unable to breathe out. You could only hear
his heavy nasal breath, and his body trembled slightly.

Xie Li covered Chang Xiaojia’s mouth to muffle any sounds, but their
actions still produced noticeable noise in the quiet environment. It was
likely that other inmates in the cell could clearly hear.

Chang Xiaojia’s body grew softer over time. He bent his knees, and his
legs, devoid of strength, parted. Sweat formed on his forehead, and his
damp hair became soft.

Xie Li looked into Chang Xiaojia’s watery eyes.

Chang Xiaojia also looked at him, his gaze unfocused but surprisingly
gentle. Eventually, Chang Xiaojia’s Adam’s apple moved, his legs tensed,
and all the sounds were stifled by Xie Li’s palm, turning into ambiguous
nasal tones. He tried to get closer to Xie Li, resting his forehead on Xie Li’s
shoulder, and closed his eyes.
Xie Li paused his actions, and after a while, he wiped the slippery and
sticky fluid from his hands onto Chang Xiaojia’s legs. Then, he withdrew
his hand from his pants and released his mouth.

Chang Xiaojia’s breathing hadn’t completely settled, and his eyes were
moist and lifeless as he looked at Xie Li. His voice trembled when he
spoke, “Didn’t you tell me to get lost?”

Xie Li’s tone was calm. “Don’t order me.”

Chang Xiaojia looked at him with a curious expression, then moved closer,
lips almost touching his, and said hoarsely, “Aren’t you pretending

Xie Li felt a slight stir in his heart, but his tone remained unchanged as he
asked, “Pretending what?”

Chang Xiaojia didn’t answer. He just earnestly looked at Xie Li’s

expression. After a long time, he suddenly sat up.

Xie Li saw Chang Xiaojia sitting at the edge of the bed. His slender figure
drooped, and he fumbled on the ground for his slippers for a while.
Eventually, he found them and walked quietly to the sink near the window.
Water sounds could be heard.

After a while, Chang Xiaojia returned to the bed. Xie Li thought he might
go back to his bunk, but he lay down on Xie Li’s bed, carrying a faint scent
of cool water. He reached out, embracing Xie Li’s waist.

Xie Li asked him, “Aren’t you afraid of being discovered by the guards?”

Every cell had surveillance cameras. Before lights-out, the guards would
count the number of people, but after lights-out, they might not always pay
attention to each cell’s activity. Nevertheless, being discovered not on one’s
own bed during the night was a serious infraction, and the score was related
to the length of the sentence.

Chang Xiaojia answered in a light tone, “I’m not afraid.”

Xie Li felt a bit uncomfortable. The two of them squeezed onto the small
bed, and Xie Li found it warm, especially since it was Chang Xiaojia. He
was already exhausted, and it became difficult for him to fall asleep again.

After lying quietly in bed for a while, Xie Li asked Chang Xiaojia, “Don’t
you want to sleep?”

Chang Xiaojia replied, “I have insomnia.” After a while, he added, “I have

insomnia every day.”

Xie Li didn’t know how to respond for a moment.

Chang Xiaojia held him tighter and said, “Pat my back.”

Xie Li glanced at him. One arm stretched under his neck, the other arm
around his body, holding him close, Xie Li gently patted his back while
stroking his hair.

Chang Xiaojia pressed his face against Xie Li’s chest, his voice becoming
light, “My mom used to coax me to sleep like this when I was a child.”

Xie Li said in a cold voice, “I’m not your mom.”

Chang Xiaojia said, “Of course, you’re not. Your chest is hard.”

Xie Li didn’t respond, but one hand continued to pat his back slowly.

They didn’t speak anymore, and the cell quieted down. After a while, Xie
Li started hearing the snores of the other people gradually. There was a
moment when he felt completely empty, not knowing where he was or what
he was doing.

Later, Xie Li heard Chang Xiaojia’s breathing become slow and deep. He
stopped his movements, and first, he looked down to see that Chang Xiaojia
hadn’t woken up. Then, he let go of Chang Xiaojia, allowing him to lie flat
on the bed.

Chang Xiaojia remained sound asleep.

Xie Li couldn’t carry Chang Xiaojia to the upper bunk, so he carefully got
out of bed and climbed onto the upper bunk to sleep.

As soon as he lay down, he smelled the shower gel that Chang Xiaojia had
used on the bed, a very light floral fragrance. He turned on his side,
reaching under the pillow, but found nothing. He then reached under the
bed sheet and mattress, still finding nothing.

Xie Li was truly exhausted. The moment he closed his eyes, he fell asleep.

The next morning, all the inmates in the cell looked at Xie Li with
ambiguous eyes. Perhaps due to Chang Xiaojia, no one dared to say
anything to him.

Xie Li pretended not to see anything.

When it was time for breakfast, sitting across from Chang Xiaojia again,
inmates from the entire cell block periodically glanced over in surprise.

When Hu Minxin sat down with his tray, he also seemed uncertain. He
glanced at Xie Li, then lowered his head to focus on peeling a boiled egg.
The person sitting next to him, from the same cell, whispered, “They say
Xie Li is done for this time. Yet, he’s with Chang Xiaojia again. I wonder
how Dai Hao will react when he returns.”

Another person sitting across from them said, “Do you think Dai Hao will
fall out with Chang Xiaojia?”

No one else spoke.

Hu Minxin also kept quiet, pretending to be indifferent as he let out a casual



Author’s note:

A reader reminded me that I made a mistake in Chang Xiaojia’s

sentence, so after considering it, I decided to compromise and change
it to one year.
BLNDD chapter 7

The entire day, Xie Li stayed close to Chang Xiaojia.

In the afternoon, during outdoor time, Chang Xiaojia leaned against the
shade of a tree. Xie Li intended to join Gao Yuan, Luo Wanchun, and others
nearby, but Chang Xiaojia reached out towards Xie Li, saying, “Come over

All the inmates in the cell yard sneaked glances at their direction.

Xie Li looked at Chang Xiaojia and stood in place for a while. Eventually,
he walked over to Chang Xiaojia and sat beside him.

Chang Xiaojia patted the space next to him. “Sit here.”

Xie Li hesitated but complied.

Chang Xiaojia reclined, finding a comfortable spot with his head resting on
Xie Li’s lap.

Xie Li, looking down at him, encountered Chang Xiaojia’s gaze. Chang
Xiaojia smiled at him and said, “I want to sleep.”

“Didn’t you have insomnia?” Xie Li remarked expressionlessly.

Chang Xiaojia had already closed his eyes and lazily replied, “That’s why I
want to sleep leaning on you.”

Xie Li didn’t say anything more, but he noticed the covert glances from the
inmates in the exercise yard. Even those playing basketball in the middle of
the yard stopped their actions. The group huddled under the wall whispered
to each other. Even the prison guards approached, holding their batons, as if
trying to get a clearer view.

In this closed environment, a male-only prison didn’t eliminate sexual

desires due to the absence of women. Men found alternatives. So, for an
attractive young man like Xie Li, being noticed by Chang Xiaojia was not
that surprising.

Xie Li understood the meaning behind those inquisitive gazes. He could

sense people pointing at him, whispering, and laughing. He didn’t bother to
look up but adjusted to a more comfortable position, stretching his legs and
leaning against the tree trunk.

Chang Xiaojia was disturbed, frowning slightly. He reached out a hand and
pressed it against Xie Li’s thigh.

Xie Li, looking down at Chang Xiaojia, extended his hand to wipe away a
bead of sweat from Chang Xiaojia’s temple.

There was a suppressed commotion around them.

Xie Li was fully aware of what he was doing—trying to flirt with Chang
Xiaojia using the same tactics he would with a girl. Xie Li had been
attractive since childhood, and in high school, many girls pursued him. He
knew the behaviors that could endear him to girls, and he had always been
successful in pursuing romantic interests.

Although Chang Xiaojia wasn’t a woman, and his personality was peculiar,
certain aspects of human emotions were universal, irrespective of gender.

Xie Li then closed his eyes, leaning against the tree trunk, but couldn’t fall
asleep. His mind was filled with various thoughts about how to proceed,
and he felt a bit lost.

When it was time to sleep that night, Chang Xiaojia climbed onto his bed
Suppressing his inner irritation, Xie Li reached out and embraced Chang
Xiaojia. He didn’t know what Chang Xiaojia wanted, but he didn’t want

Chang Xiaojia laid his head on Xie Li’s chest, making it difficult for Xie Li
to breathe. Nonetheless, Xie Li patiently raised his hand and gently patted
Chang Xiaojia’s back.

That night, Chang Xiaojia didn’t fall asleep so quickly. Xie Li, who was
already exhausted, felt even more restless, especially when Chang Xiaojia’s
hand slipped under his prison uniform, the soft palm lingering around Xie
Li’s waist and abdomen. It seemed like Chang Xiaojia particularly liked
tracing the scar on his side.

The cell became quiet. Before long, the snores of other inmates filled the

Xie Li gradually got used to Chang Xiaojia lying on his chest. As he began
to feel drowsy, Chang Xiaojia showed no signs of falling asleep.

After a while, Chang Xiaojia lifted his head and asked Xie Li softly, “How
long until your release date?”

Xie Li, nearly dozing off, was abruptly awakened by Chang Xiaojia’s
question. He frowned slightly before answering, “September 17th.”

“Oh,” Chang Xiaojia laid back down. “My sentence is until September
18th, one day later than yours.”

Xie Li’s warm hand rested on Chang Xiaojia’s back as he said, “I’ll come to
pick you up.”

It was a test.

Quickly, Chang Xiaojia chuckled and said indifferently, “Why do I need

you to pick me up?”

Xie Li remained calm. He lifted his palm gently, patting Chang Xiaojia’s
back with a soothing rhythm. In a deep voice, he said, “So I can hold you
while you sleep.”

Chang Xiaojia laughed sarcastically. “There are so many people waiting in

line to hold me when I get out. Why do you think you are special?”

Upon hearing this, Xie Li suddenly reached out, gripping Chang Xiaojia’s
jaw and forcing him to lift his head.

The two locked eyes in the darkness.

Knowing he was quite forceful, Xie Li saw Chang Xiaojia furrowing his
brows slightly. Then, shaking his head, Chang Xiaojia began to struggle,
quietly saying, “Let go of me.”

Xie Li didn’t release his grip; instead, he tightened it. Chang Xiaojia’s low,
pained exhale echoed as he intensified his struggle, trying to free his hands
from Xie Li’s grasp.

Finally, Xie Li let go of Chang Xiaojia’s jaw, but he swiftly grabbed both of
Chang Xiaojia’s wrists, turning to face him directly. He pulled Chang
Xiaojia’s hands behind him, holding one with a single hand and pressing the
other against his chest. Xie Li then pressed Chang Xiaojia’s head onto his
chest, kissing the top of his head.

Chang Xiaojia’s struggle ceased.

Xie Li slowly released the hand that held Chang Xiaojia’s wrists. Seeing
that Chang Xiaojia remained motionless, he embraced him again, gently
patting his back. In a deep voice, Xie Li said, “Sleep, Xiaojia.”

Chang Xiaojia no longer moved.

After a while, Xie Li heard Chang Xiaojia’s even breathing. He quietly

waited for some time, feeling that Chang Xiaojia had fallen asleep, before
gently releasing him with careful movements, flipping his body and getting
off the bed.

Two days later, Dai Hao finished serving his time in solitary confinement.
A total of four people were in solitary, including Dai Hao and his two
subordinates. They were released in the early morning. When they returned
from solitary to the cell block, all the inmates in the prison yard were doing
morning exercises.

Dai Hao and his group were at the end of the line. They obediently followed
along during the exercises. After finishing, as they were preparing to line up
and head to the dining hall, Dai Hao approached Xie Li, grabbing his

Xie Li looked at him calmly.

Having just come out of solitary, Dai Hao wouldn’t dare to make a scene in
public. He sneered at Xie Li and said, “You’ve got guts!”

Before Xie Li could respond, Chang Xiaojia walked up beside him, glaring
at Dai Hao. He said, “Let go.”

Dai Hao hesitated.

Chang Xiaojia repeated, “Let go.”

Realizing that something was amiss, Dai Hao released his grip on Xie Li’s

Chang Xiaojia walked away from the exercise yard, and Xie Li didn’t
bother looking at Dai Hao. He followed Chang Xiaojia as they left.

At this moment, another one of Dai Hao’s subordinates, who hadn’t been in
solitary, approached him and whispered a few words. Dai Hao immediately
spat on the ground, cursing, “Disgusting!”

Dai Hao harbored a sense of resentment.

When they sat down in the dining hall to have breakfast, Dai Hao continued
to mutter about being disgusted. However, he couldn’t help but glare
hatefully at Chang Xiaojia and Xie Li, who were sitting at the same table.
There were no overly intimate actions between the two, not even much eye
contact during the meal.

Chang Xiaojia seemed uninterested in the food. He only used a spoon to

drink the rice porridge, untouched by the steamed bun and egg on his plate.

Xie Li ate quickly. When he finished, he looked up and asked, “Feeling


Chang Xiaojia didn’t answer. He simply put down the spoon, picked up the
egg from his plate, and handed it to Xie Li.

Xie Li looked down and asked, “Huh?”

Chang Xiaojia, devoid of much enthusiasm, said, “Peel the egg.”

Xie Li fell silent for a moment, then reached out to take the egg from Chang
Xiaojia. He gently tapped it on the table, cracking the shell while asking,
“You don’t know how to peel an egg?”

Chang Xiaojia continued to scoop rice porridge with his spoon. Taking a
moment, he replied, “I have a maid at home.”

Xie Li inquired, “And before I came in?”

Chang Xiaojia, biting the spoon, lifted his head slightly, his dark eyes
meeting Xie Li’s. “Now that you’re here, why bother about the past? I
helped you deal with that trouble from Dai Hao, and you complain about
peeling an egg for me?”

Xie Li didn’t say anything more, he smoothly peeled the egg and handed it
back to him.

Chang Xiaojia reached out to take it. His fingers were nearly
indistinguishable in color from the egg white, blending seamlessly together.

Watching Chang Xiaojia hold the egg with three fingers, the ring and pinky
fingers slightly curved, bringing it to his mouth, biting a small piece, and
slowly chewing, even licking the yolk at the corner of his mouth, Xie Li
averted his gaze.
BLNDD chapter 8

The morning labor involved attaching soles in the prison factory.

Not long after Xie Li sat down, Dai Hao suddenly stood up. Holding a
basket of soles, he walked over to Xie Li and emptied the entire basket into
Xie Li’s.

The prison guard stood at the door, watching coldly without saying a word.

Other inmates kept their heads down, only daring to glance silently with
their eyes.

Dai Hao, holding his empty plastic basket, returned to his seat and sat

Xie Li turned to look at the prison guard, but before he could speak, the
guard already scolded him, “Work!”

Dai Hao looked at Xie Li and sneered.

At that moment, Chang Xiaojia stood up, his thin arms carrying his plastic
basket as he walked toward Dai Hao.

The guard, wielding his baton, pointed at him and shouted, “What are you
doing? Sit down!”

Chang Xiaojia looked at the guard and softly said, “Why can 3241 move

3241 was Dai Hao’s number in the prison.

The guard feigned ignorance and shouted loudly, “Who is moving? 3312,
immediately return to your seat!”

Chang Xiaojia stopped in his tracks and asked the guard, “Officer, what’s
your badge number?”

The guard scowled.

Chang Xiaojia said, “I suspect you’re taking bribes to shield prisoners. I

will report you to the prison prosecutor’s office.” He glanced over the other
three guards in the factory, adding, “I believe other officers won’t shield
you. After all, there are surveillance cameras in the factory.”

After saying this, Chang Xiaojia didn’t wait for the guard’s response. He
slowly walked back, carrying his plastic basket, and sat down to continue
attaching soles.

The factory became unusually quiet.

The four guards exchanged glances. One of them walked over to Xie Li,
grabbed his plastic basket, walked to Dai Hao, poured half of the soles
back, and sternly said to Dai Hao, “No causing trouble!”

Dai Hao was instantly infuriated, his face turning red. He glared fiercely at
Chang Xiaojia.

Chang Xiaojia paid no attention to him, still bowing his head, earnestly
attaching soles. Occasionally, he would lift his head to stretch his stiff neck.

Dai Hao kept his anger suppressed until the afternoon break.

That day, he didn’t play basketball; he walked with a group of people

toward the shade of the trees. Before they could approach, several of Chang
Xiaojia’s subordinates stood up, looking unfriendly at Dai Hao.

Dai Hao sneered and walked up to Chang Xiaojia. “What? Did you plant
these trees?”
Chang Xiaojia replied, “No.” As he said this, he took a step back, letting
Gao Yuan and Luo Wanchun, two big guys, stand in front of him, creating a
barrier between him and Dai Hao.

Dai Hao glanced at Gao Yuan and Luo Wanchun, asking, “What’s the
meaning of this? Can’t we chill under the tree?”

After saying this, he quickly raised his hand and shouted to the supervising
guard, “Officer, 3312 is occupying the area under the tree and not letting us
through. Isn’t this a violation of prison rules?”

The rules inside the prison were different from those outside. In prison,
guards held absolute authority, and prisoners, no matter how tough or
skilled they were, couldn’t afford to offend guards. The smartest approach
was to toe the line and make the other party break the rules. The guards
would naturally deal with them.

Everyone understood this principle, but it depended on who could keep

their cool. Dai Hao, in particular, was not the type to remain calm. He
valued his pride more than anything else and was reluctant to bow his head
even under someone else’s roof.

Chang Xiaojia was obviously a different type of person. Upon hearing Dai
Hao’s shouts, he raised his hand, patted Gao Yuan and Luo Wanchun’s
shoulders, and said, “Don’t block him. Let him in.”

Gao Yuan and Luo Wanchun, very obedient to Chang Xiaojia, didn’t ask
any questions. They stepped aside.

Dai Hao took a step forward, suddenly reaching out to grab Chang Xiaojia’s
wrist. Gao Yuan and Luo Wanchun both reached out to stop him, but none
of them moved as fast as Xie Li, who pulled Chang Xiaojia behind him and
grasped Dai Hao’s wrist, preventing him from touching Chang Xiaojia.

“Hmph!” Dai Hao sneered, looking at Xie Li. “I thought you were a tough
guy, turns out you’re just a whore! Look at Xiaojia, he even looks impotent.
Can’t get him excited?”
After he finished speaking, those following him burst into laughter. Even
some people squatting by the wall to watch the show suppressed a few

Xie Li’s expression remained unchanged, and Chang Xiaojia wasn’t angry.
Chang Xiaojia just said to Xie Li, “Remember to wash your hands later,”
while his gaze lingered on Xie Li’s hand holding Dai Hao’s.

Dai Hao finally lost his temper. “Fuck you!” he cursed, then swung a fist
towards Xie Li’s face.

Unlike Chang Xiaojia, Dai Hao had worked his way up from the bottom of
Juyi. The current leader of Juyi was his former brother, who had supported
Dai Hao after he rose in rank, turning him from a small-time thug in the
lower ranks of Juyi into a core member with influence.

However, even within Juyi, many people looked down on Dai Hao. There
were various taunts, both open and veiled. For Dai Hao, maintaining face
was more important.

On the surface, Juyi and Hongfang maintained a harmonious relationship.

When Dai Hao entered this prison block and learned that Chang Guanshan’s
son was also here, he didn’t think of making friends or causing trouble.
However, he always felt that Chang Xiaojia had a condescending attitude
toward him.

Sometimes Dai Hao would think: What right does a useless brat who relies
on his dad have to look down on me? When he thought about his situation
in Juyi, he felt helpless and inferior.

Being repeatedly suppressed for a long time, Chang Xiaojia’s comment

about him being dirty finally ignited Dai Hao’s temper, and his fists moved
faster than his brain.

Xie Li dodged Dai Hao’s punch by tilting his head and then used his foot to
trip Dai Hao, causing him to fall.
The entire exercise yard descended into chaos. Dai Hao’s subordinates
rushed towards Chang Xiaojia when they saw him, but before they could
reach him, Gao Yuan and the others blocked their way.

The prison guard, whistling, approached with a baton in hand.

On a dry afternoon in the prison exercise yard, dust filled the air, carrying
an unpleasant odor of sweat. About a dozen men were engaged in a fight,
punching and kicking each other. The guard, blowing his whistle, tried to
break up the fight. If that didn’t work, he mercilessly used his baton.

The other inmates surrounding the exercise yard, behind walls and wire
fences, wore numb expressions.

Before the guard arrived, Xie Li had pulled Chang Xiaojia aside. Apart
from the initial move where he tripped Dai Hao, he didn’t use force again.

Chang Xiaojia, with a somewhat vacant look, watched the chaotic scene in
the middle of the yard. Xie Li turned his head to look at him, but he seemed

The guard finally subdued all the participating inmates, blowing his whistle
to instruct everyone to bow their heads and squat down.

When everyone bowed down, only Dai Hao remained on the ground,
groaning in pain. His face turned gray, sweat beads the size of peas
covering his forehead. He told the guard, “Someone stepped on my leg and
broke it.”

The guard pointed his baton at him for a while, observing that one of his
legs was lying on the ground at an odd angle. He then pulled out his walkie-
talkie to call for backup.

Dai Hao’s leg had been broken by someone’s foot at the beginning of the
chaos. The situation was too chaotic at the time, and no one saw who did it.
When Dai Hao flipped over and tried to get up, he felt a sharp pain in his
leg. So, even he didn’t know who did it.
Perhaps it was an unintentional step during the fight.

Except for Dai Hao, who was taken to the prison hospital, all the inmates
involved in the fight were sent to solitary confinement. Xie Li and Chang
Xiaojia didn’t escape either. However, because Xie Li quickly pulled Chang
Xiaojia out of the fray, they were only detained for a day, while others were
sentenced to at least three days.

On the evening of the second day, after Xie Li’s 24-hour solitary
confinement ended, he returned to the cell but didn’t see Chang Xiaojia.

Inside the cell, there were only two people left with Xie Li now – one was a
timid habitual thief, and the other was a middle-aged man with an honest
demeanor. They said Chang Xiaojia hadn’t returned yet.

It wasn’t until the bathhouse was about to close that Chang Xiaojia was
brought back by the guard. His face looked very bad, and when the guard
left, he sat directly by Xie Li’s bed.

Xie Li, holding a basin, asked him, “Do you want to take a shower?”

Chang Xiaojia looked up at him, looking exhausted.

Xie Li looked at him.

After a while, Chang Xiaojia stood up, fetched his own towel and basin,
and followed Xie Li outside.

By this time, most people had finished bathing and returned to their cells,
waiting for the roll call. When they reached the bathhouse, there was no one

Xie Li glanced at the clock on the dressing room wall, undressed, and
walked towards a showerhead near the door, swiping his card to turn it on.

Chang Xiaojia, after a brief pause, followed suit, turning on a showerhead

next to Xie Li. Once the hot water started flowing, he stood under it,
motionless, with his head lowered.
Xie Li, feeling suddenly irritated, vigorously scrubbed his hair and body
with soap foam, then quickly rinsed off. His entire shower took less than
five minutes. He reached out to turn off the water, grabbed the towel, and
briskly dried himself.

Chang Xiaojia was still standing under the hot water when Xie Li finished.
He draped the towel over his shoulder, looking at him. “Aren’t you going to

Chang Xiaojia said, “I haven’t slept all night.”

The solitary confinement cell was a single room with only a bed and a
toilet; there was nothing else.

Xie Li asked him, “Why didn’t you sleep?”

Chang Xiaojia suddenly approached, hugged Xie Li’s waist, buried his head
on his shoulder, and whispered, “I was scared; it was too dark.”

Xie Li, gripping the towel, looked down at the top of his head. “Weren’t
you scared when you broke Dai Hao’s leg?”

Chang Xiaojia didn’t answer, but he didn’t let go either. The damp skin of
his cheek and forehead gently rubbed against Xie Li’s shoulder.
BLNDD chapter 9

Yesterday afternoon on the playground was too chaotic, and no one saw
clearly how Dai Hao’s leg was broken, except Xie Li.

At that time, Xie Li pulled Chang Xiaojia aside, but Chang Xiaojia shook
off his hand. Seizing the moment when Dai Hao flipped to get up, with his
knee and toes touching the ground, Chang Xiaojia, without hesitation,
stomped down on his leg.

Chang Xiaojia’s kick was vicious and cunning in angle. For a moment, Xie
Li even doubted if he heard the sound of Dai Hao’s bones breaking. He
hesitated briefly, then grabbed Chang Xiaojia’s hand, quickly pulling him
out of the crowd.

After that, Chang Xiaojia acted as if nothing had happened, coldly watching
the chaotic crowd and Dai Hao writhing in pain on the ground.

Xie Li looked down at Chang Xiaojia, feeling complex emotions.

Chang Xiaojia nuzzled against his shoulder for a while, closed his eyes, and
held him silently.

At this moment, Chang Xiaojia’s shower suddenly stopped. Xie Li initially

thought the fifteen minutes were up, but then he realized that the bathing
time had already passed, and soon the guards would come for inspection,
requiring all inmates to return to their cells.

Xie Li took a deep breath, removed the towel draped over his shoulder, and
began to towel-dry Chang Xiaojia’s hair.

Chang Xiaojia sensed his movements, lifted his face, and closed his eyes,
quietly tilting his head back.
Xie Li used the towel to wipe his face. The prison-issued towels were a bit
rough, and Xie Li’s actions weren’t particularly gentle. After a couple of
wipes, Chang Xiaojia’s face turned red.

Outside, the footsteps of the prison guards could be heard.

Xie Li handed the towel to Chang Xiaojia and walked toward the changing
room. When he was halfway through dressing, the guard poked his head in,
urging them to return to their cells as soon as possible.

After lights out, Xie Li heard Chang Xiaojia climb down from the upper
bunk and then get into his bed.

Xie Li neither hugged him nor pushed him away.

Chang Xiaojia found a comfortable position on his own before raising his
head and softly saying, “Don’t you hate Dai Hao?”

Xie Li remained silent.

When Chang Xiaojia spoke again, his tone was cold. “I despise him.”

Still, Xie Li said nothing.

With one hand supporting himself, Chang Xiaojia sat up, looking at Xie Li
by the light outside.

Xie Li’s brows furrowed slightly.

After looking at him for a while, Chang Xiaojia, with a cold expression,
turned away to get off the bed.

At that moment, Xie Li immediately reached out, grabbing his waist and
pulling him back, preventing him from leaving.

Chang Xiaojia struggled, not even controlling his voice as he shouted

loudly in the silence, “Let go!”

The two other cellmates didn’t react, presumably out of fear.

As Chang Xiaojia struggled fiercely, Xie Li had to use all his strength to
suppress him. Eventually, he faced him and pressed both his hands and feet.

Chang Xiaojia was breathing heavily, glaring at Xie Li with a fierce look.

Xie Li gritted his teeth and, in a low voice, said, “You didn’t sleep well last
night, aren’t you exhausted?”

Chang Xiaojia turned his head away without answering. His prison uniform
collar was pulled open, revealing a snowy white neck and collarbone. From
this angle, his Adam’s apple protruded sharply, tempting one to reach out
and touch.

So Xie Li did just that. He let go of one of Chang Xiaojia’s hands and, with
his index and middle fingers’ backs, gently brushed Chang Xiaojia’s
Adam’s apple.

Chang Xiaojia’s Adam’s apple slid along with his movements.

Xie Li couldn’t help but tighten his grip around his neck. Later, he released
it, using his fingers to touch Chang Xiaojia’s eyes. “Sleep.”

After saying that, he let go of Chang Xiaojia, lying down on the bed
without speaking, just watching Chang Xiaojia, waiting for him.

Not long after, Chang Xiaojia crawled into Xie Li’s arms on his own and
tightly hugged his waist.

Suddenly, Xie Li felt a strange sense of satisfaction. Chang Xiaojia, like a

beautiful and cunning beast, might bite anyone harshly, yet when faced with
Xie Li, he would nestle in, seeking affection.

This feeling wasn’t even related to desire.

Xie Li raised his hand to stroke Chang Xiaojia’s back, asking him, “Why
are you afraid of the dark?”

Chang Xiaojia didn’t answer; his scorching breath patted on Xie Li’s
shoulders. Soon, Xie Li’s body started to sweat, especially in the areas
where their bodies were close. The prison clothes were completely soaked,
uncomfortably sticking to their bodies.

However, whenever Xie Li tried to move back a bit, Chang Xiaojia would
press against him until Xie Li’s back was against the wall, and he couldn’t
retreat any further.

Chang Xiaojia lay quietly in Xie Li’s arms for a while and said, “Wu Lin
just called me to his office.”

Wu Lin was the deputy captain in charge of the third cell block.

Xie Li and Chang Xiaojia were in solitary confinement simultaneously, and

logically, they should come out at the same time. However, Chang Xiaojia
returned a bit later than Xie Li; he had gone to Wu Lin’s office.

“What did he say to you?” Xie Li asked while gently patting Chang
Xiaojia’s back with his hand.

Chang Xiaojia whispered, “Told me not to cause trouble.”

Xie Li said, “Indeed, there’s no need for that.”

Chang Xiaojia, with a somewhat unhappy tone, said, “It’s you who got me
into trouble in the first place. Have you forgotten who Dai Hao is

The beginning of this matter was indeed Xie Li instigating Dai Hao. He
found a reasonable excuse to get close to Chang Xiaojia, but he hadn’t
anticipated how things would develop.

Xie Li fell silent for a moment and said, “But you hurt Dai Hao badly. In
here, he can’t do anything to you, but once you’re out, Juyi will definitely
come after you.”

Suddenly, Chang Xiaojia lifted his head, looking at him, and said, “Aren’t
you from Chongfeng City? How do you know so much about the situation
in Harbor City?”
Xie Li remained composed, pinching Chang Xiaojia’s lower jaw with two
fingers and said, “Yes, I not only know about Hongfang and Juyi, but I also
know that you, Second Young Master Chang, are officially detained
illegally. In reality, you killed a female police officer.” After saying this, he
looked into Chang Xiaojia’s eyes with a cold gaze.

There was no emotion in those eyes. Regarding the matter of killing the
female police officer, Chang Xiaojia neither admitted nor denied it, finally
asking, “After you get out, do you plan to stay in Harbor city?”

Xie Li resisted the impulse to crush his lower jaw, released his hand,
encircled Chang Xiaojia’s back tightly, and asked, “Do you want me to

Chang Xiaojia indifferently chuckled, “What purpose do you have to stay

here after getting out?”

Xie Li held Chang Xiaojia tighter, filled with anger, yet his tone remained
terrifyingly calm. He said, “It seems like I can’t leave you even after you
get out.”

Chang Xiaojia said, “What do you need me for? Can’t you fight?”

Xie Li knew that Chang Xiaojia was mocking him but still calmly said,
“Then why waste time here with you?”

“Yeah,” Chang Xiaojia pushed him, “Just leave.”

At this point, Xie Li not only didn’t let go but held Chang Xiaojia even
tighter. He used his hands to forcefully pinch his lower waist and ass.

Chang Xiaojia winced in pain, struggling in Xie Li’s embrace, cursing,

“Are you crazy? Damn you, let go!”

Xie Li intensified his grip.

Chang Xiaojia tried to grab Xie Li’s hand in retaliation. His soft fingers
slipped into the gaps, gripping onto Xie Li’s little finger.
In that instant, Xie Li realized that while Chang Xiaojia might not have
learned combat, he had undoubtedly learned how to use sly moves to hurt
someone. Despite Chang Xiaojia’s smaller strength, he couldn’t break free
from Xie Li’s grip, but breaking one of Xie Li’s little fingers was within his

Moreover, Chang Xiaojia’s sudden burst of force caught Xie Li off guard. If
Xie Li hadn’t witnessed him breaking Dai Hao’s leg, he wouldn’t have
thought to be on guard, considering how soft and cool Chang Xiaojia’s
hands usually felt.

As Xie Li felt Chang Xiaojia twisting his little finger, he smoothly flipped
his wrist, skillfully reversing the hold on Chang Xiaojia’s wrist. With a
quick motion, he lifted himself, pressing Chang Xiaojia, who was on all
fours, onto the bed. Immediately, he twisted Chang Xiaojia’s other hand
behind his back, gripping it with his right hand, while his left hand pressed
down on Chang Xiaojia’s head. His knee pressed against Chang Xiaojia’s
lower back, preventing him from getting up.

Chang Xiaojia struggled fiercely but couldn’t break free from Xie Li. His
face was pressed against the pillow, making his voice muffled but filled
with sharp anger: “Let go of me!”

Xie Li’s chest heaved violently, feeling intense anger for Chang Xiaojia’s
attempt to break his finger.

Chang Xiaojia’s breathing became labored. His voice was hoarse: “Either
kill me, or wait for your own death!”

Xie Li remained silent, hearing his and Chang Xiaojia’s equally heavy
breathing. He couldn’t kill Chang Xiaojia, so in the end, he released his

Chang Xiaojia immediately sat up, raised his hand, and slapped Xie Li’s
face with a heavy blow.

Xie Li could have blocked him; his fingers moved slightly at his side, but in
the end, he didn’t.
Chang Xiaojia extended his foot outside the bed, stood up, and when he
stood up, his legs were still slightly trembling. He immediately grabbed the
ladder at the bedside and climbed up. His two beautifully shaped feet
disappeared one after the other in front of Xie Li’s eyes.

Xie Li lay down, and he could hear Chang Xiaojia lying down as well.

The room returned to silence.

Fish Island Prison was built on an island called Fish Island. The former
fishermen had all been relocated when the prison construction plan was
underway. Everyone alive on the island was now trapped inside this prison.

During the quietest time of the night, faint sounds of the waves could be
heard from the prison cells. Apart from that, strange and faint noises could
also be heard. Some said it was the sound of high-voltage electric currents.
If anyone dared to climb over the high wall of the prison, they would
instantly be burned to ashes by the high-voltage electricity. In reality, no
one dared to climb out because there was no way to swim across the island
to reach Harbor City on the other side.

Xie Li felt like he heard the sound of electricity. He didn’t know if it was
his imagination.

Following that, there was movement from the upper bunk, and Xie Li’s bed
shook along with it. He knew it was Chang Xiaojia turning over.

Chang Xiaojia continued to toss and turn, apparently still unable to sleep.

Xie Li slowly turned on his side, closed his eyes, and with the onset of
darkness, a strong fatigue overcame him. Soon, he fell asleep.
BLNDD chapter 10

Xie Li woke up and found that one side of his face was still slightly
swollen. Chang Xiaojia’s slap had been quite heavy.

Chang Xiaojia’s condition was even worse. Xie Li suspected that he hadn’t
slept for another night. He looked dim and absent-minded.

Since waking up in the morning, Chang Xiaojia hadn’t said a word to Xie
Li, treating him as if he didn’t exist. However, at this time, Gao Yuan and
the others were still in solitary confinement, and suddenly Chang Xiaojia
began to act alone.

Xie Li thought it was fortunate that Dai Hao’s group was also in solitary
confinement; otherwise, with Chang Xiaojia’s current state, no one in the
cell block would want to provoke him for no reason.

In the morning, while queuing for breakfast in the cafeteria, Xie Li stood
behind Chang Xiaojia. Chang Xiaojia, swaying all over, spilled the porridge
and fresh pickles all over himself when he turned around, accidentally
bumping into Xie Li.

The metallic clatter of the plate and bowl hitting the ground echoed, and the
prison guards shouted, asking Chang Xiaojia to clean up the mess

Chang Xiaojia, covered in porridge, looked at Xie Li coldly, then squatted

down to pick up the plate.

Xie Li was about to help him when the guards yelled at the people behind to
hurry up and get their breakfast without delay. Xie Li had to walk past
Chang Xiaojia and go to the counter to get his food.
After finishing breakfast, they had collective labor. There was no time for
Chang Xiaojia to go back and change clothes, so he could only wipe
himself quickly with tissue, leaving large stains on his prison uniform.

During the factory labor, Chang Xiaojia could still smell the pickles on his
clothes mixed with the sweat of the men in the workshop. It made him feel
nauseous, coupled with the lack of sleep, he felt dizzy and heavy-headed all
the time.

However, whenever he relaxed his work a little, the guards would come
over and warn him.

Xie Li noticed that that day, the guards were particularly strict with Chang
Xiaojia, probably as a punishment for his involvement in the fight with Dai

During lunchtime, Chang Xiaojia sat down at the table with his tray, not
even picking up his chopsticks. He pushed the tray aside and lay his head
on the table.

Xie Li, holding his tray, looked at him and then sat down across from him.

Chang Xiaojia remained motionless.

Xie Li asked, “Feeling unwell?”

Chang Xiaojia still ignored him.

Xie Li said, “I’ll call the guard to take you to the hospital.”

Chang Xiaojia slowly lifted his head, looked at Xie Li gloomily, pulled the
tray towards himself, and started eating with his head down.

Xie Li suddenly regretted having a quarrel with him last night, not because
he cared about Chang Xiaojia but because he needed to bring him back to
complete the mission.

After finishing lunch, Chang Xiaojia changed into a new set of clothes
when he returned to the cell, looking slightly better.
Due to a large-scale fight in the cell block, the afternoon outdoor time was
temporarily canceled. Instead, the inmates received legal education,
watching legal education videos in the small meeting rooms on each floor.

Chang Xiaojia sat in the corner where he usually watched the evening news
every night. Xie Li walked over and sat down beside him. As soon as he sat
down, Chang Xiaojia spoke in a cold tone, “Move away!”

Xie Li silently told himself that no matter how temperamental Chang

Xiaojia was or how harsh his words were, this time he had to endure it. So,
he sat there silently, looking towards the direction of the television.

A prison guard stood at the door.

Seeing that Xie Li refused to move, Chang Xiaojia shifted to the side,
avoiding any physical contact with him.

At that moment, Xie Li suddenly found Chang Xiaojia’s childish behavior

amusing. So, he shifted his body a bit closer to Chang Xiaojia.

Then he saw Chang Xiaojia moving even farther away, and his arm was
already pressed against the wall.

Xie Li pushed him a little harder.

Suddenly, Chang Xiaojia raised his hand and weakly shouted, “Guard!”

The guard at the door remained motionless, lifting his chin towards Chang
Xiaojia, indicating that he could speak.

Chang Xiaojia pointed at Xie Li and said, “He’s been squeezing me and
pushed me against the wall.”

Xie Li kept a poker face, looking straight ahead.

The guard’s expression didn’t change, and he looked at Chang Xiaojia with
cold eyes, saying, “3312, do you think this is kindergarten?”

A stifled laughter filled the room.

Chang Xiaojia tightened his pale lips, and his cheeks puffed slightly on both

That day, all the guards in the entire prison had coordinated, deliberately
making things difficult for Chang Xiaojia. Then the guard at the door
pointed his baton at Chang Xiaojia and said, “If you can’t sit properly, stand
and watch.”

Chang Xiaojia didn’t move.

The guard raised his voice, “3312!”

Chang Xiaojia faced the guard.

The guard shouted loudly, “Stand up!”

Chang Xiaojia stood up slowly.

The guard then pointed to the wall, “Go stand over there!”

Before leaving his seat, Chang Xiaojia cast a fierce glance at Xie Li, then
walked over and stood against the wall, staring blankly at the television.

It wasn’t until the evening news was over, and the two inmates in the same
cell went to the bathhouse for a shower, that Xie Li had the chance to
exchange a few words alone with Chang Xiaojia.

Chang Xiaojia climbed down from his upper bunk, holding the ladder,
preparing to tidy up and go for a shower later. When he was halfway down,
Xie Li reached out and grabbed his foot.

“Let go!” Chang Xiaojia raised his foot to kick him.

Xie Li held onto the top of his foot, and his fingers happened to scratch the
sole of Chang Xiaojia’s foot. Chang Xiaojia’s body swayed, and as he lost
balance, he quickly reached out to grab the ladder. However, Xie Li reached
out and caught him, placing him on his own bed.

Chang Xiaojia lifted his foot again, intending to kick Xie Li.
This time, Xie Li firmly grabbed both of his ankles and pulled them apart,
spreading his legs wide. Chang Xiaojia couldn’t control his body from
tilting backward and quickly used his hands to support himself on the bed,
unintentionally assuming a very ambiguous posture.

Chang Xiaojia’s feet couldn’t move Xie Li, so he turned around, grabbed a
pillow from Xie Li’s bed, and smashed it toward his face. In the process, he
lost balance, falling onto the bed with a slight tilt.

Xie Li stood between Chang Xiaojia’s legs, bent down, circled his hands
around Chang Xiaojia’s armpits, lifted him, turned in a different direction,
and sat him on the bed. Chang Xiaojia straddled Xie Li, staring blankly at

Trying to break free, Chang Xiaojia struggled. As his efforts were futile, he
raised his hand again, intending to slap Xie Li.

This time, Xie Li caught his hand, and his voice became devoid of emotion,
“Try hitting me again.”

Chang Xiaojia glared at him with a sinister look.

Xie Li took a deep breath, composed himself, brought Chang Xiaojia’s hand
to his lips and kissed it. Then, he embraced him tightly, placed one hand on
the back of his neck, and whispered in his ear, “I’m sorry.”

Chang Xiaojia’s voice sounded a bit hoarse as he spoke, “I told you, if you
don’t kill me, I will make you pay.”

Xie Li fell silent for a moment and said, “Then go ahead and kill me.” After
saying this, he lifted his head, grabbed Chang Xiaojia’s hand, and pressed it
against his own neck. “You can strangle me here. Choke me.”

Chang Xiaojia looked perplexed.

Xie Li, without much emotion, added, “It’s better than hanging me up.
Otherwise, I’ll be hanging by the bed, watching you all night.”
Chang Xiaojia abruptly pulled back his hand.

Xie Li stubbornly grabbed his hand again and pressed it against his neck.
“Keep choking until you feel no pulse here, then release.”

Chang Xiaojia forcefully retracted his hand.

This time, Xie Li didn’t insist further. He looked at Chang Xiaojia and said,
“Xiaojia, I already apologized.”

Chang Xiaojia’s face had an unhealthy, pale hue. He stared at Xie Li’s face
in a daze, as if his thoughts were unclear.

Xie Li used his index and middle fingers to gently rub Chang Xiaojia’s ears,
his thumb caressing his cheek, and asked, “Did you not sleep last night as

Chang Xiaojia suddenly trembled, lowering his head to mumble something


Because the voice was too low, Xie Li couldn’t hear clearly, so he gently
uttered, “Hmm?”

Chang Xiaojia repeated, “It was too dark. I dare not close my eyes.” His
voice was soft and timid, conveying a sense of confusion and panic.

Xie Li paused for a moment, feeling an indescribable emotion surging

within. He, himself, wasn’t sure what kind of feeling it was. He bent down,
tilting his head to look at Chang Xiaojia’s face, and said, “How about
tonight, let me hold you to sleep.”

Chang Xiaojia didn’t look at him.

Xie Li used his fingers to pinch Chang Xiaojia’s lower jaw, forcing him to
make eye contact, and said, “Answer me, do you want me to hold you while
you sleep?”

Chang Xiaojia, with drooping eyelids, looked at him for a moment and said,
Xie Li hugged him tightly and said, “Alright.”
BLNDD chapter 11

Why Chang Xiaojia couldn’t sleep and why he was afraid of the dark, Xie
Li didn’t know, and he didn’t want to ask.

However, one night when they were sleeping on the same bed, Xie Li asked
Chang Xiaojia, “How did you sleep before I came in?”

After asking, he waited for a long time but didn’t hear Chang Xiaojia’s
response. Lowering his head to look, he found that Chang Xiaojia had
curled up in his arms and fallen asleep.

Perhaps these past few days were too exhausting; Chang Xiaojia slept
deeply, and Xie Li’s words were completely unheard.

Xie Li stared at him for a while by the light outside the window, thinking of
letting go of Chang Xiaojia and going to sleep on the upper bunk in a few
minutes. However, he didn’t wait for those few minutes to pass; he fell
asleep on his own.

He slept soundly until the next morning when the wake-up bell rang,
accompanied by the lights in the cell turning on.

Before Xie Li even opened his eyes, he felt Chang Xiaojia tightly pressed
against him.

In the summer weather, with no air conditioning in the cell, Xie Li was
covered in sweat. Chang Xiaojia’s hot breath still brushed against his neck.
He looked down at Chang Xiaojia, and even at this moment, Chang Xiaojia
had not been awakened. He was still in a deep sleep.

The inmate from the upper bunk crawled down slowly and glanced over at
them. Immediately, he averted his gaze.
Xie Li reached out to wake up Chang Xiaojia.

Chang Xiaojia raised his head, looking confused as he stared at him for a
moment. Soon, he rolled off the bed.

Having slept well the entire night, Chang Xiaojia’s complexion seemed
much better, still pale but no longer tinged with a bluish hue. However, he
still appeared listless, spending the whole day with Xie Li but hardly
speaking to him.

In the evening, Chang Xiaojia’s subordinates returned to the cell after

completing their time in solitary confinement.

Chang Xiaojia’s mood seemed to have improved a lot. Although he still

didn’t talk much, he sat on the upper bunk, swinging his two feet in front of
Xie Li.

Xie Li had been reading a book while sitting on the bed. Later, he put the
book down, stood up to pack his things for a bath.

Carrying a basin, he met Hu Minxin in the corridor.

Hu Minxin wore loose-fitting pants and slippers, looking somewhat clumsy

as he walked. He also held a basin. When he saw Xie Li, he approached and
asked, “Are you okay?”

Now that Dai Hao was hospitalized, and his subordinates, who had been
released from solitary confinement, couldn’t afford to provoke Chang
Xiaojia, it seemed that they wouldn’t trouble Xie Li anymore. So Hu
Minxin felt relieved and dared to speak to Xie Li in front of others.

Xie Li replied, “I’m fine.”

Hu Minxin seemed hesitant to speak. The two walked to the bathhouse,

undressed in the changing room, and randomly chose two adjacent shower
heads after swiping their cards.

Xie Li had been covered in sweat since last night’s sleep, and he could only
use cold water to wet a towel and wipe himself casually. It was only now
that he could finally take a comfortable hot shower. Standing under the
water, he raised his hand and vigorously rubbed his face.

Hu Minxin said something, but Xie Li didn’t hear it clearly. Then Hu

Minxin leaned over next to him, asking in a low voice, “Did Chang Xiaojia
do anything to your ass?”

Xie Li gave him a sharp look.

Hu Minxin immediately closed his mouth.

Xie Li grabbed the soap and lathered his body. After a while, he said
quietly, “Once I’m out, I’ll follow Chang Xiaojia into Hong Fang.”

Hu Minxin seemed surprised and once again had that hesitant look.

Xie Li stopped for a moment, then said, “Say what you want to say.”

Hu Minxin cautiously said, “I just feel that Chang Xiaojia is too wicked.
Unlike us, who get caught stealing and are released after a few months, the
Chang family might… end up badly.” He gestured toward his neck,
implying a throat-slitting motion.

Xie Li remained silent for a while before saying, “I need money.”

The two spoke softly under the cover of the water’s sound, standing very
close. Hu Minxin almost stood under the same showerhead as Xie Li.

At this moment, Chang Xiaojia, accompanied by Gao Yuan and Luo

Wanchun, walked in from outside. Passing by Xie Li, Chang Xiaojia coldly
glanced at both Xie Li and Hu Minxin, expressionless, and continued
walking deeper into the bathhouse.

The inmates who hadn’t finished showering hurriedly increased their pace
to wash and leave.

Hu Minxin also went back under his showerhead, washing away the soap
Xie Li hadn’t finished showering for even fifteen minutes when Gao Yuan
approached him and said, “Chang wants you to come over.”

Hu Minxin quickly glanced at him.

Xie Li turned off the water tap, bent down to pick up his basin, and
followed behind Gao Yuan, heading towards the depths of the bathhouse.

Inside, there was only Chang Xiaojia.

Chang Xiaojia lowered his head to rinse off the soap. He first saw Xie Li’s
feet, then raised his eyes to glance at him, saying, “Just stand here.”

Xie Li casually placed the basin on the ground and asked, “Why stand here?
Do you want me to watch you bathe?”

Chang Xiaojia’s gaze was somewhat cold.

Xie Li said, “Gao Yuan and the others are back, so you don’t want me to
hold you while you sleep tonight? Who used to hold you before? Gao Yuan
or Luo Wanchun?”

Chang Xiaojia looked at him and, after a while, said calmly, “Xie Li, once
you’re out of here, just leave, let me not see you again.”

Xie Li walked closer to him until he stood in front of him, then asked,

Chang Xiaojia remained silent.

Xie Li picked up the shower gel from the basin, squeezed it into his palm,
and started applying it to Chang Xiaojia’s chest. His hand moved to
massage his flat stomach, then to his side, and his back. He said, “Xiaojia,
I’ve always genuinely wanted to work for you, but you look down on me.”

Chang Xiaojia stood still, letting Xie Li cover his entire body with the
slippery shower gel.
Xie Li stood behind him, hands circling around to the front, lips close to his
ear, saying, “Now that Gao Yuan and the others are back, you might not
need me so much anymore. Is my role to you really just this little?”

Chang Xiaojia watched as Xie Li’s hands slid down his lower abdomen,
lingering in his groin and thighs. He slightly raised his head, and his
Adam’s apple moved as he said, “What other role do you have, then?”

This time, Xie Li wasn’t angry. He just said, “See, you’re provoking me
again. When I get rough, you accuse me of bullying you.” After speaking,
he grabbed Chang Xiaojia.

In the spacious bathhouse, only Chang Xiaojia’s low breathing could be


Xie Li watched as Chang Xiaojia rested his head on his shoulder, then
rubbed his face against his neck continuously. Chang Xiaojia’s short hair,
though soft, still made Xie Li feel itchy against his neck.

It wasn’t the first time Xie Li had done such a thing for Chang Xiaojia, but
the previous time was in the dark, and he could avoid looking. This time,
everything was exposed in front of him as he touched Chang Xiaojia. There
were many moments when he wasn’t sure if he should do this, or even what
he was doing.

He thought Chang Xiaojia must find him suspicious. He tried so hard to get
close to him, even hiding in a dark corner to touch and please him, making
his intentions seem impure. But for someone like Chang Xiaojia, it was
nearly impossible for anyone to gain his complete trust. Including Gao
Yuan, Luo Wanchun, and others, who wouldn’t just use each other in
specific situations? Once they left here, Chang Xiaojia wouldn’t need them

How could he make Chang Xiaojia not to leave him and also believe that he
couldn’t leave him?

Xie Li lowered his head, kissing Chang Xiaojia’s forehead forcefully. His
voice was husky and low. When Chang Xiaojia reached his peak in his
hands, Xie Li whispered in his ear, “Xiaojia.”

The showerhead had stopped for a while, and both of them stared at the
milky traces left on the wet floor for a long time without making the next

Later, Xie Li used the wet towel from Chang Xiaojia’s basin to wipe him.
The two of them then walked out, one after the other.

Gao Yuan and Luo Wanchun were still dutifully standing at the door. When
they came out, the two didn’t show any other signs, following them to the
dressing room to put on their clothes.
BLNDD chapter 12

Without Dai Hao, life in Fish Island Prison suddenly became calm, and his
few subordinates also completely restrained themselves, avoiding contact
with Chang Xiaojia whenever they saw him.

Chang Xiaojia didn’t have major conflicts with Xie Li anymore. Every
night, he obediently slept in Xie Li’s embrace, allowing some time for Xie
Li to help him release his pent-up desires. Initially, he had requested the use
of Xie Li’s mouth, but he hadn’t brought it up again.

Sometimes, Xie Li felt that Chang Xiaojia’s mind was no longer in Fish
Island Prison. After autumn, Chang Xiaojia would be released.

Now, the entire prison assumed that there was a special relationship
between Xie Li and Chang Xiaojia. Even the guards occasionally taunted
Xie Li with dirty words. Xie Li didn’t mind. He gradually became familiar
with Chang Xiaojia’s group of followers; he knew they weren’t all from
Harbor city, and many were bribed by Chang Xiaojia after he entered

Xie Li often chatted with Gao Yuan and Luo Wanchun, occasionally getting
a few cigarettes from the guards through Chang Xiaojia’s connections. He
noticed that Gao Yuan and Luo Wanchun only started following Chang
Xiaojia after he entered prison. They were unaware of his past outside, and
even though Chang Xiaojia’s sentence was about to end, Gao Yuan and Luo
Wanchun still had one or two years to go. There was no guarantee they
would continue working with Chang Xiaojia after their release.

Gao Yuan and Luo Wanchun were both taller than Xie Li. When they
squatted down, they looked imposing. Gao Yuan, with a cigarette in his
mouth, patted Xie Li on the shoulder, saying, “Your release is almost the
same as Chang. You can continue working with him when you get out.”

Xie Li didn’t smoke before, and he couldn’t pinpoint whether it was to

relieve inner stress or to get closer to Gao Yuan and others that he started
smoking. Now, he often smoked, and he even learned to imitate Gao Yuan
and others, hesitating to throw away the cigarette until only the filter was
left. He said, “When I get out, Xiaojia won’t need me.”

Gao Yuan remained silent.

Suddenly, Luo Wanchun said, “If you fuck him properly, make him feel
good, he won’t want to let you go.”

Gao Yuan and Luo Wanchun understood the situation between Xie Li and
Chang Xiaojia better than anyone else. Normally, they didn’t talk much, but
occasionally, when chatting, Xie Li would realize that deep down, they
looked down on Chang Xiaojia more than others.

It was strange; although Xie Li was the one who willingly ended up in
Chang Xiaojia’s bed, they still held Chang Xiaojia in lower regard. Whether
it was jealousy for Chang Xiaojia being a wealthy young man or just the
ordinary prejudice of a common man, they looked down on the one being
taken in bed.

Still, Xie Li and Chang Xiaojia hadn’t gone all the way.

“Humph,” Xie Li chuckled, “Do you really think Xiao Jia would willingly
let someone have him?”

Gao Yuan still didn’t speak.

Luo Wanchun whispered, “I heard he was pretty slutty on your bed. You
should take advantage of the time before he leaves and let him enjoy a
round. Once he’s out, he might find someone better looking and in better
shape than you, and he won’t give you a chance.”
In this special environment of prison, some things that deviated from the
norm didn’t seem so hard to understand.

Luo Wanchun suddenly sounded a bit regretful. “It’s a pity Xiaojia doesn’t
fancy me. Otherwise, I’d let him try my skills, and I guarantee he won’t
want to find a woman for the rest of his life.”

After saying that, Luo Wanchun and Gao Yuan laughed softly together.

Xie Li looked at them, feeling inexplicably uncomfortable. He threw away

the cigarette in his hand, stood up, stretched lazily, and walked towards
Chang Xiaojia lying under a tree.

Chang Xiaojia, with closed eyes, wasn’t actually asleep. He heard footsteps
and opened his eyes, watching Xie Li approach slowly.

Xie Li squatted down in front of him and asked, “Did you know it was

Because of the hot weather, Chang Xiaojia’s cheeks were red. He said, “I
heard your footsteps.”

Xie Li sat down beside him.

Chang Xiaojia adjusted his position, resting his head on Xie Li’s lap, then
closed his eyes without saying a word.

Xie Li lowered his head, looking at him for a while, then raised his head to
gaze at the high iron wire walls. A voice in his heart silently chanted,
“Almost there.”

He remembered the first few days when he entered Fish Island Prison,
trying hard to get close to Chang Xiaojia without success. Time seemed to
pass quickly. Later, there was a period that seemed to slow down, but when
life entered a specific rhythm, day after day without change, time would
speed up again because, looking back, every day was exactly the same. You
wouldn’t remember what happened last Tuesday. It didn’t differ much from
every other day in your life.
So, very quickly, Xie Li’s three-month sentence was about to end, and he
would be released the next day.

Xie Li had almost nothing to pack; he hadn’t brought much with him from
the prison, and he could retrieve some personal items confiscated upon
entry, including his phone and wallet.

On the evening before his release, Chang Xiaojia behaved as usual. After
the lights were turned off, he quietly climbed down from his bed and
slipped into Xie Li’s bed.

Xie Li lifted his hand to embrace him, placing his chin on Chang Xiaojia’s
forehead, saying, “Xiaojia, I’ll be released tomorrow.”

Chang Xiaojia didn’t move in his embrace, simply responding with a soft
“Hmm”: “I know.”

Xie Li asked him, “What about tomorrow night?”

Chang Xiaojia whispered, “It’s okay.”

Xie Li’s hand slipped under Chang Xiaojia’s prison uniform, touching his
ass. It was early autumn, and it had been raining for the past few days.
Lying in bed, they could hear the strong sound of rain outside and feel the
salty sea breeze coming through the window.

In this weather, embracing each other, Chang Xiaojia and Xie Li wouldn’t
sweat anymore. Chang Xiaojia’s back was dry and smooth, and it seemed a
bit itchy. His body trembled slightly with Xie Li’s movements.

Xie Li wanted to say something, hesitating when the words reached his lips.
Despite spending so much time with Chang Xiaojia, their initial interaction
hadn’t changed much. Perhaps in the eyes of others, Chang Xiaojia had
become obedient in front of him. Still, Xie Li knew that Chang Xiaojia had
never considered him one of his own.

Chang Xiaojia’s breath became slightly hurried. He tilted his head to look at
Xie Li.
Xie Li gazed at the faintly illuminated contours of Chang Xiaojia’s face and
the slightly open lips under the dim light. Suddenly, an idea flashed in his
mind. What if he kissed Chang Xiaojia? Would Chang Xiaojia push him

Chang Xiaojia, lost in his own thoughts, focused on watching Xie Li. As
Xie Li’s hands moved on his back, he occasionally revealed an expression
of impatience.

Xie Li slowly lowered his head. He felt like this was an experiment; he
wanted to know how Chang Xiaojia truly perceived their relationship.

Chang Xiaojia didn’t avoid it. Even his gaze lowered slightly, and his long
eyelashes shielded the expression in his eyes.

Xie Li sensed Chang Xiaojia’s breath, slightly quick and a bit warmer than
his own. Their eyes locked, and their breaths intertwined. This moment
seemed to last a long time, but in the end, Xie Li felt it wasn’t enough.

He lowered his head and kissed Chang Xiaojia’s neck, a somewhat

endearing manner of kissing, accompanied by continuous touches on Chang
Xiaojia’s body. Finally, he said to Chang Xiaojia, “Wait for me. I’ll come to
pick you up the day after tomorrow.”

Chang Xiaojia didn’t respond.

The next day, before the morning exercise, the prison guards came to take
Xie Li away, bringing him to complete the procedures for release.

Xie Li took off his prison uniform and put on the civilian clothes he wore
when he was arrested. Carrying a small travel bag, he followed the police
officer outside. To leave Fish Island Prison, he needed to take a boat to the
opposite pier, marking his official release.

As he passed the exercise field, the prisoners in the cell were doing morning

Many people looked up at him, and Hu Minxin even waved at him.

Xie Li also waved back to the crowd in the exercise field.

Only Chang Xiaojia never looked at Xie Li from beginning to end.

This undercover operation by Xie Li was top secret. He was imprisoned on

Fish Island, and only the senior police officer Yu Zhengkun, who had been
in contact with him, knew about his release today. Therefore, no one would
come to pick him up upon his release.

He took a boat away from Fish Island, went through a journey of more than
twenty minutes at sea, arrived at the Lixin Pier, and then completed another
round of procedures before being officially allowed to leave the pier.

Lixin Pier was located in a small town called Wangfu in the outskirts of the
Harbor city. Due to its remoteness, the surrounding environment was
somewhat dilapidated. Almost no high-rise buildings could be seen, and the
view was dominated by narrow streets and two or three-story gray

However, because Lixin Pier was the only way in and out of Fish Island
Prison, many prisoners’ family members would come to Lixin Pier to pick
up their relatives after receiving notifications of their release. Therefore,
although Wangfu was remote, the town had many hotels.

Xie Li walked along the road in front of Lixin Pier for nearly half an hour
and randomly chose a small hotel in Wangfu town to check in.

By this time, it was almost noon.

The room in the hotel had a stale smell. Although it didn’t look dirty at first
glance, various stains could be found in the corners upon closer inspection.
Xie Li casually threw his travel bag on the bed, opened the window and
looked downstairs. He saw pedestrians passing by from time to time.
Because it was close to noon, the nearby restaurants became lively.

He still had some cash in his wallet, and there were also two thousand yuan
in savings on his bank card.
Xie Li closed the window and locked the door from the inside. When he
left, he only brought his wallet and phone, heading downstairs.

This phone number was obtained to protect his identity. There were no real
relatives or friends on it, except for the one number he should recognize, Yu
Zhengkun’s. The identity noted on it was a driver (Zheng), as if it were a
simple contact number for work that had been recorded and forgotten.

Xie Li didn’t dial that number. He just turned on the phone and put it in the
pocket of his jacket. Then he walked alone on the streets of Wangfu.
Finally, he bought a sandwich and a box of milk from a supermarket, put
them in a plastic bag, and walked towards a small street in the center of
Wangfu town.

He sat down on one of the two back-to-back benches in the park, took out
the sandwich, and ate slowly.

After a while, a middle-aged man with a hat and a white beard sat down on
the bench behind him.

There were not many people around.

The man behind him asked, “Smooth?”

Xie Li looked ahead, still chewing the bland sandwich. After a while, he
said, “I don’t know. He doesn’t trust me, and I haven’t obtained any useful
information so far.”

The man behind him was his contact person—Yu Zhengkun.

Yu Zhengkun sighed softly, “The Chang family is very cautious.”

Xie Li unpacked the straw packaging for the milk, inserted the plastic straw
into the small hole on the milk box, took a big sip, and then said, “I’ll go
pick him up tomorrow.”

Yu Zhengkun said, “The Chang family will send someone to pick him up.”

Xie Li knew that, but what else could he do? He said, “I can only go.”
After a moment of silence, Yu Zhengkun said, “Is your approach to getting
close to Chang Xiaojia appropriate?” Since he could entrust someone to
take care of Xie Li in prison, he could naturally receive some information.

Xie Li replied, “Can appropriate means get me close to him?”

Yu Zhengkun seemed to consider his words and said, “I’ve said it before,
prioritize your safety in everything.”

Xie Li answered him, “It hasn’t threatened my safety.”

Yu Zhengkun lowered his head and sat quietly for a while before asking,
“In early the year before last, did you undergo training at the Hurricane

Xie Li had finished the sandwich and was about to stand up. He paused for
a moment, then answered, “Yes.”

Yu Zhengkun asked the last question, “Did you hide anything from me?”

This time, Xie Li didn’t answer. He crumpled the sandwich wrapper and
milk carton in his hands, threw them into the nearby trash bin at the edge of
the park, then put his hands in his pockets and left without looking back.
BLNDD chapter 13

Xie Li woke up very early the next day.

It had rained all night, and the raindrops on the window made a noisy
sound. Now, as Xie Li opened the window, he felt the cold wind with a
scent of mud and sea, hitting his face. The ground was still wet. Across the
street, a couple had set up a stall selling breakfast. The pregnant wife was
tidying up the tables and chairs after the customers left.

Xie Li went downstairs, checked out, and carried his travel bag across the
street to the breakfast stall for a bowl of noodles. After that, he walked in
the direction of the Lixin Pier along the main street of Wangfu Town.

Knowing that it was still early, Xie Li walked slowly. However, he still
arrived at Lixin Pier more than half an hour earlier than the release time
yesterday. In front of him, separated by an iron gate, was the management
office of the Fish Island Prison at the pier. Beyond the iron gate, there was
only a deserted area with a provincial road.

Xie Li squatted on a smooth large stone, looking towards the sea through
the iron gate. He couldn’t see the trace of the prison guard boat from the

He waited for more than ten minutes. A taxi stopped by the roadside, and an
elderly couple got out. The two supported each other as they walked to the
side of the iron gate, looking inside, talking to each other in hushed voices.

After a few more minutes, two black sedans stopped in front of the prison
management office’s iron gate. After the cars stopped, no one got out for a
long time. From Xie Li’s perspective, he could only see the reflection on the
car window, unable to see the people inside clearly. However, he knew that
these two cars were here to pick up Chang Xiaojia.

The elderly couple waiting at the iron gate suddenly became excited.

Xie Li stood up to take a look and saw the trace of a police boat on the sea.

At this moment, the rear car door opened. Three men in black suits got out.
One of them looked thin, resembling Chang Xiaojia in some aspects. They
walked to the side of the iron gate.

The process of the police boat approaching the shore seemed unusually
slow. Xie Li put his hands in his coat pockets and slowly approached the
iron gate. The three men in black suits turned their heads to look at him
simultaneously, and the thin young man looked at him for a long time
before turning his head back.

Suddenly, Xie Li remembered that when Yu Zhengkun first came to

Chongfeng City to meet him, he was not very satisfied. At that time, Yu
Zhengkun said that he was too eye-catching, easily attracting excessive
attention wherever he went. When undercover in the enemy’s camp, it was
natural to be as inconspicuous as possible.

At that time, Xie Li said to Yu Zhengkun, “It depends on whether the chief
wants an inconspicuous little thug who can blend into Hongfang or
someone who can truly get in touch with the inside of Hongfang.”

After some hesitation, Yu Zhengkun was persuaded by Xie Li. That’s why
Xie Li was now standing here waiting for Chang Xiaojia to be released.

The police boat finally reached the shore, blocked by the buildings of the
prison management office, so Xie Li couldn’t see the process of them
getting off the boat from the outside. After waiting for more than ten
minutes, Xie Li finally saw three people in casual clothes walking out with
the prison guards.

Chang Xiaojia walked to the back. Three men in black suits walked up to
him, addressing him respectfully and indifferently, “Second Young Master.”
Xie Li stood aside and watched without going over.

Chang Xiaojia nodded to them.

The thin young man said to Chang Xiaojia, “Second Young Master, the
Eldest Young Master has come to pick you up.”

Hearing this, Xie Li’s heart stirred slightly. He turned to look at the black
sedan parked in front. At this moment, a man in a black suit got out of the
front passenger seat. He opened the rear door, first, a pair of legs in a suit
and trousers extended from inside, and then a tall man got out of the car. He
was wearing a well-fitted dark gray suit, his thick black hair carefully
combed up to reveal a full forehead. His appearance was handsome,
resembling Chang Xiaojia, but his eyes were slightly narrow, unlike Chang
Xiaojia’s round black eyes, making his overall temperament more rugged.

Chang Xin, Xie Li thought of a name.

Chang Xin left his suit jacket open, revealing the black suit vest and white
shirt underneath. He saw Chang Xiaojia and showed a smile, opening his
arms, saying, “Xiaojia, come.”

Chang Xiaojia looked at him, expressionless but still walked over. He stood
in front of Chang Xin, letting Chang Xin hug him, and received a kiss on
his forehead.

Chang Xin said, “Our Xiaojia is out of prison.” He seemed very happy.

Chang Xiaojia remained silent.

Chang Xin let go of the arms holding him, changed to holding his hands,
lowered his head to examine him, and said, “Our Xiaojia has lost weight.
Shall we go back and have some delicious food?”

Chang Xiaojia looked at him and replied, “Okay.”

Chang Xin smiled and took his hand, leading him into the car. Before
bending down to enter the car, Chang Xin suddenly stopped. He looked at
Xie Li and asked Chang Xiaojia, “Is he your friend?”
Xie Li stood in place, looking at Chang Xiaojia.

Without hesitation, Chang Xiaojia coldly replied, “No, I don’t know him.”

Chang Xin smiled and touched his face, “Alright, let’s go.”

Xie Li watched as Chang Xiaojia and Chang Xin got into the back seat of
the sedan together. The other young men in black suits also returned to their
respective cars. The two cars left in tandem, and as the wheels passed a
puddle on the roadside, splashing water, two droplets landed on Xie Li’s

Now that Chang Xiaojia had left, Xie Li had no reason to stay in Wangfu.
He walked back to the town from Lixin Pier. When he borrowed a landline
from a grocery store to inform Yu Zhengkun of the current situation, he also
took an hour-long bus ride back to the Harbor city center.

Xie Li had only been to Harbor City when he was very young. As a port
city, Harbor City was much more prosperous than Chongfeng City, where
he was born and raised. The environment was also more complex. There
were numerous criminal cases every year, consuming a lot of police
resources. Traditional factions had persisted and continued to survive in this
highly modernized city.

It was said that Hongfang, and Juyi, were both branches of the Hongmen,
originating from “Han Liu.” The initial claim was to resist the Qing
Dynasty and restore the Ming Dynasty. However, now, whether it was
Hongfang or Juyi, they had long forgotten their original intentions and
oaths. The only remaining purposes for both joining the factions and the
factions themselves were money and power.

After getting off the bus, Xie Li meaninglessly wandered around the
bustling Harbor city center. Yu Zhengkun gave him a few addresses, all
belonging to Hongfang’s bars and industries. One of the bars was where
Chang Xiaojia took away the female police officer. Yu Zhengkun suggested
that Xie Li find a way to get himself inside.
However, Xie Li felt that it was not necessary for the time being; it would
make his intentions too obvious. Finally, he found a quiet alley and stayed
in a cheap small hotel. He first booked a room and then left the hotel.

Xie Li listened to the noisy sounds of the cars passing by on the street even
though he was in a quiet alley. After a busy day, when he returned to the
hotel and lay down, it was already evening.

Lying on the bed, Xie Li lit a cigarette. Before going to sleep, he walked
through the corridor in front of the room to the bathroom. He noticed two
small cards that had been pushed through the door gap, lying on the floor.
He picked them up, and they were all business cards for prostitutes. He
casually threw them into the trash can.

The curtains in the room had no blackout layer. Even with the lights off, the
room was not pitch black. Although it was in a backstreet alley, being in the
city center, Xie Li could still clearly hear the sounds of cars on the street.

Xie Li turned over in bed, feeling a bit spaced out. The bed underneath him
wasn’t very comfortable, but he gradually fell asleep.

He slept for who knows how long before being awakened by a knocking
sound at the door. He reached out from under the blanket, ran his hand
through his hair, and, with a furrowed brow, opened the table lamp. He
picked up his phone to check the time; it was around two in the morning.

Getting up from the bed, he put on long pants over his underwear, leaving
the zipper only half done, and didn’t bother with buttons or a belt. Wearing
slippers, he walked to the door and asked in a low voice, “Who is it?”

An unfamiliar voice from outside asked, “Is it Mr. Xie Li?”

Xie Li raised his hand to secure the chain lock on the door, then opened it
slightly, looking outside.

In the dim light of the corridor stood a slim figure. With the faint light, Xie
Li recognized him as the young man in a black suit who had gone to Lixin
Pier to pick up Chang Xiaojia earlier in the morning.
The young man was still wearing a black suit, but this time without a tie. A
few buttons of his shirt were undone, and his hair wasn’t particularly neat.
He looked at Xie Li and said, “Is it Mr. Xie?”

Xie Li responded with an indifferent expression, “Who are you?” as if he

had never seen him before.

The young man spoke in a stiff tone without much fluctuation in his
attitude, “Mr. Chang would like to invite you over.”

Xie Li frowned, “Where to?”

The young man said, “To his place.”

Xie Li gave a cold smile and said, “I’m not going.” After that, he directly
raised his hand to close the door.

He stood behind the door for a moment, then walked toward the window of
the room. From there, he could see the alley outside the hotel’s main
entrance. Several cars were parked in the alley, and they had been there
since the evening. No other cars were visible.

Returning to the bedside, Xie Li sat down. He didn’t continue lying down to
sleep, and he didn’t even take off his pants. He just lit a cigarette for
himself and sat on the bed smoking, feeling somewhat restless.

He felt like he was starting to develop a bit of a smoking habit.

After a while, voices could be heard from the corridor. It sounded like a
man and a woman entering the adjacent room. The sound insulation of the
small hotel rooms was not very good, and he could intermittently hear the
voices of two people talking in the room next door.

After Xie Li finished smoking a cigarette, he took a deep breath, opened the
window for ventilation, and was about to take off his pants to lie down
when he heard the knocking sound again.

Xie Li’s heart rate quickened. He pulled back the halfway-removed pants,
leaving the zipper undone this time. Standing by the bed, he silently waited
for over ten seconds, then walked to the front of the door, opening it slightly
once again.

Chang Xiaojia stood in the corridor, wearing a white shirt and well-ironed
suit pants. He looked calmly at the chain blocking the door gap and said
coldly, “Open the door.”
BLNDD chapter 14

Xie Li looked at Chang Xiaojia through the crack in the door. The corridor
was dimly lit, and even though it was past two in the morning, it was still
evident that Chang Xiaojia’s complexion wasn’t great.

The chain on the door remained in place.

Xie Li asked, “Do I know you?”

Chang Xiaojia didn’t get angry at the question. He just lifted a foot and
kicked the door. Once again, he said coldly, “Open the door!”

The corridor, initially very quiet, was disrupted by the forceful kick,
causing even the neighboring conversations to come to a halt.

Xie Li calmly asked him, “What do you want me to open the door for?”

Chang Xiaojia replied, “I can’t sleep.”

Xie Li inquired, “Am I just a pillow to you?”

Chang Xiaojia didn’t respond. He seemed quite impatient and kicked the
door twice more, insisting, “Open the door!”

Worried that he might continue kicking the door and draw the attention of
the hotel staff, Xie Li unlocked the chain. As he opened the door, Chang
Xiaojia walked in, jumped onto him, and wrapped his arms around his neck.

Almost reflexively, Xie Li, without much thought, reached out and
supported Chang Xiaojia’s ass, holding him close. Looking at him, Xie Li
asked, “What are you trying to do?”
Chang Xiaojia, with both legs around Xie Li’s waist and his head against
his shoulder, replied, “I want to sleep.”

As if in reflex, Xie Li, still holding him, walked toward the bed.

With his eyes open, Chang Xiaojia scanned the room and remarked
indifferently, “The environment here is terrible.”

Bending down, Xie Li placed him on the bed. “Still better than prison,” he
said. When he tried to get up, Chang Xiaojia used his legs to hook onto
him, refusing to let go.

“Not much better,” Chang Xiaojia said, looking at him.

“Because I’m poor,” Xie Li replied, reaching around to his back to grab
Chang Xiaojia’s foot to push it away. Feeling Chang Xiaojia resisting, he
took off his shoes and used his fingers to tickle the soles of his feet.

Chang Xiaojia immediately retracted his foot.

Xie Li stood up straight.

Chang Xiaojia’s gaze moved from his bare upper body to his unzipped
jeans, revealing the bulge of his underwear.

Xie Li asked, “Are you sleeping here tonight?”

Chang Xiaojia didn’t answer. Instead, he said, “Take off your pants.”

Xie Li remained silent, just standing by the bed and watching him.

After a while, Chang Xiaojia sat up on the bed with his legs crossed. He
touched the pocket of his shirt, then put his hand down, saying, “I don’t
have money on me, but aren’t you poor? I can give you some.”

Xie Li extended a hand, pinching his chin and softly said, “Not for sale.”

Chang Xiaojia shrugged indifferently, lowered his head, and started

unbuttoning his shirt. He took off his clothes first, then removed his pants,
leaving only his underwear before slipping under Xie Li’s blanket.

The warmth from Xie Li still lingered inside.

Chang Xiaojia said, “come” He shifted to the side, making room for Xie Li.

Xie Li stood by the bed for a while before taking off his jeans, lifting the
blanket, and lying down beside Chang Xiaojia. He reached out to turn off
the bedside lamp, but Chang Xiaojia held his arm, saying, “Don’t turn it

Xie Li thought, “Chang Xiaojia is afraid of the dark.”

So, Xie Li didn’t turn off the light. He just adjusted the lamp’s direction and
then lay down, extending his arm to embrace Chang Xiaojia.

Chang Xiaojia wrapped his arm around Xie Li’s waist and said, “I couldn’t
sleep last night.”

Xie Li remained silent, soothingly running his fingers through Chang

Xiaojia’s hair.

Chang Xiaojia continued, “Tonight, I still can’t sleep.”

Xie Li asked, “Did you go home?”

Chang Xiaojia responded with a simple “Hmm.”

Xie Li continued, “If you’re home, why can’t you sleep? Isn’t it your usual

Chang Xiaojia explained, “It feels strange, and I’m scared.”

Xie Li didn’t understand what he was afraid of. He asked, “Aren’t you
scared when I’m around?”

While Chang Xiaojia spoke, his lips almost touched Xie Li’s skin, softly
brushing against it. “It’s much better with you,” he murmured.
Xie Li said, “Can’t you find someone else to sleep with you?”

Chang Xiaojia’s tone was inexplicable, “Why would I want someone else?”
Then, in an impatient tone, he added, “Don’t bother me; I want to sleep.”

Xie Li didn’t say anything more. His emotions were complex, and for a
while, he couldn’t feel sleepiness. He only felt Chang Xiaojia burying his
head in his arms, quickly becoming still.

The voices from the next room had stopped, and after a few minutes, Xie Li
suddenly heard a low moan from the woman through the thin wall.

He guessed that the two beds in the two rooms were probably against the
same wall. Along with the woman’s moans, there were also sounds of a
wooden bed and the wall colliding. There was no need to guess; he knew
what the people next door were doing.

The walls were too thin, and the woman’s moans sounded unrestrained.

Xie Li’s mind was a mess. Suddenly, Chang Xiaojia, who should have been
asleep in his arms, moved and reached out to hold him. Then, he lifted his
head and looked at Xie Li, saying, “It’s so hard.”

The sounds from the next room were unusually intense.

Xie Li didn’t say anything.

The room had a table lamp on, and the light was much brighter than in the
prison cell. Xie Li could clearly see every expression on Chang Xiaojia’s
face. He always felt that Chang Xiaojia under the light seemed a bit
different, but he couldn’t pinpoint what was different.

Chang Xiaojia kept looking at him, his round eyes slightly drooping at the
corners, looking both lifeless and unhappy.

While they locked eyes, Chang Xiaojia’s hand was still holding the most
vulnerable part of Xie Li’s body. After a while, Chang Xiaojia suddenly
leaned in, attempting to kiss Xie Li’s lips.
Xie Li raised his hand to block it.

Chang Xiaojia’s face turned cold. He flipped over, straddling Xie Li, and
raised his hand to slap Xie Li.

Xie Li grabbed his hand.

Chang Xiaojia sneered, then flipped over and lay with his back to Xie Li.

With one hand clenched into a fist by his side, Xie Li reached over, turned
Chang Xiaojia to face him and kissed his lips.

In the adjacent room, two people were vigorously engaged in a passionate

bed battle.

On this side, the two were entangled silently. Xie Li suddenly kissed Chang
Xiaojia passionately, caressing his body. Chang Xiaojia pulled down Xie
Li’s underwear, grasping him intimately.

Chang Xiaojia had seen Xie Li’s body many times in prison. Normally, the
size was slightly larger than the average man, but when hard, it was quite
impressive. Chang Xiaojia seemed to enjoy it, holding it with both hands
and lowering his head to take a closer look.

Until the noise next door subsided, their bodies remained entwined, and it
took a long time for them to finally quiet down.

Chang Xiaojia quickly fell asleep with closed eyes.

However, Xie Li couldn’t sleep. This time, his mentality toward comforting
Chang Xiaojia was completely different from their interactions in prison. It
wasn’t just because of the kiss; he was now immersed in the same sensory

Throughout, Xie Li had tried hard to control the direction of their

relationship, but now it was gradually deviating from his anticipated path.
In fact, it might have never been on track from the beginning, especially
when Chang Xiaojia initially made physical demands of him.
Xie Li wanted to smoke again, but Chang Xiaojia was tightly hugging his
waist. If he turned to grab a cigarette, Chang Xiaojia would surely wake up.
For some reason, Xie Li didn’t want to disturb Chang Xiaojia, who had
been sleepless for two days.

He lay quietly on the bed until the dead of night when all sounds ceased,
and Xie Li’s brain couldn’t continue to contemplate. Eventually, he drifted
into sleep.

Leaving the prison meant no morning lights or sharp wake-up alarms, but
the biological clock of adults woke both Xie Li and Chang Xiaojia up
before seven o’clock.

Yawning, Chang Xiaojia raised his hand to scratch his head, uncovered the
blanket, and got out of bed without putting on anything, wearing Xie Li’s
slippers as he headed towards the bathroom.

After a while, Xie Li heard the sound of water flowing in the bathroom.

In the prison cell, the toilet and the bed were separated by a narrow wall
only half the height of a person. They had never had any private space since
they met, and they were familiar with each other’s daily habits.

After a while, Chang Xiaojia came out of the bathroom, returning to bed
and curling up in Xie Li’s arms.

Xie Li asked him, “Anything planned for today?”

Chang Xiaojia replied, “Every day is the same.”

Xie Li felt a bit dazed, as if he had returned to the days in prison. Chang
Xiaojia was always passionate at night, but during the day, he became

Closing his eyes, Chang Xiaojia lay for a while. Apparently unable to sleep,
he nudged Xie Li’s shoulder and said, “Give me a cigarette.”

As Xie Li reached for a cigarette, he asked, “You smoke?” Even in prison,

he never saw Chang Xiaojia smoke.
Chang Xiaojia said, “I smoke, but I’m not addicted.”

Half-lying on the bed, he smoked, flicking the long ash into the ashtray on
the bedside table when it burned too long.

The bedside table still held Xie Li’s wallet.

Chang Xiaojia picked it up, opened it, and looked inside. He didn’t find
photos or identification, but he did find a train ticket.

Taking out the ticket, he looked at Xie Li and asked, “Are you going back
to Chongfeng?”

Xie Li reached over, took the ticket, and said, “I’m going back to
BLNDD chapter 15

Chang Xiaojia stared at the train ticket in Xie Li’s hand for a while,
suddenly reached out, snatched the ticket, and tore it without saying a word.

Xie Li sat up straight, the blanket slipping down from his chest, revealing a
perfectly proportioned upper body. The scar on his waist was clearly
visible, and there were bite marks left by Chang Xiaojia from last night on
his chest.

Chang Xiaojia said, “I don’t want to travel so far to find you to sleep. Just
stay here.”

Xie Li turned his head to look at him, “You never need me for anything

Chang Xiaojia said, “I always support you.”

After a moment of silence, Xie Li lifted the blanket and got out of bed. He
said, “If it’s just supporting me in bed, it’s unnecessary.” After that, he
walked barefoot to the bathroom.

In the budget hotel, the bathroom had no bathtub, only an uncovered

showerhead, and a large mirror in front.

Xie Li turned on the water to take a shower, looking at his body with broad
shoulders and long legs in the mirror, sneering, then closed his eyes and
buried his head under the hot water.

After a while, Chang Xiaojia also came in and squeezed under the
showerhead with him, making the space suddenly narrow.
Xie Li took the showerhead down and aimed it at Chang Xiaojia’s body.
After a short while, Chang Xiaojia leaned in to hug him and wanted to kiss
him. Xie Li embraced Chang Xiaojia’s waist, and their lips and tongues met
for a while. He let go and turned off the water.

While Xie Li was using the towel hanging next to the mirror to wipe the
water off Chang Xiaojia’s body, Chang Xiaojia frowned and said, “this
towel is not clean.”

Xie Li said, “I brought my own towel.”

Chang Xiaojia had no objections then.

After the two finished showering, when Xie Li returned to the room
wearing only pants, he heard a knock on the door. He grabbed a T-shirt, put
it over his head, and looked at Chang Xiaojia, who was still wearing only

Chang Xiaojia said, “Go and open the door.”

Xie Li walked to the door, opened it, and saw the young man from last
night standing outside.

The young man was carrying a bag and nodded slightly to Xie Li. He
walked in directly, saying to Chang Xiaojia sitting on the bed, “Second
Young Master, I brought the clothes for you.” After a pause, he added,
“This morning, Eldest Young Master asked about you.”

Xie Li heard Chang Xiaojia sneer.

Chang Xiaojia put on a loose hoodie with jeans, looking like a college
student. The shirt and trousers he wore last night were thrown on the
ground. The young man squatted down to tidy them up, and a few dry
tissues were scattered not far away, already dried up.

Chang Xiaojia put on sneakers, turned around to look at Xie Li, and said,
“Come with me.”

Xie Li leaned against the wall, watching him.

Chang Xiaojia’s tone was a bit impatient, “You can do whatever you want, I
won’t stop you.”

Xie Li crossed his arms and said, “What do you think I want to do?”

Chang Xiaojia sneered, “Besides making money, what else do you want?”

Xie Li extended a hand to him, “Come here.”

The young man who was still helping Chang Xiaojia tidy up his clothes
looked up at Xie Li and then lowered his head to continue what he was

Chang Xiaojia raised his chin slightly, looking at him with a cold and
arrogant expression.

Xie Li maintained his posture, repeated in a strong tone, “Come here.”

In the end, Chang Xiaojia walked over slowly.

Xie Li hugged him, tightly gripping his waist, and said, “I’m not living off

Chang Xiaojia sneered in Xie Li’s arms, mocking the same posture as when
he heard Chang Xin looking for him just now. However, he still obediently
stayed in Xie Li’s arms and said, “I’ll give you a bowl; as for the meal, you
can decide how to eat it yourself.”

In the end, Xie Li packed his bags and followed Chang Xiaojia.

In the narrow alley in front of the hotel, there was a black car parked.
Chang Xiaojia and Xie Li sat in the back seat, and the young man sat in the
front passenger seat. As soon as they got in the car, he told the driver to go.

Chang Xiaojia introduced the young man to Xie Li, “Shi Hongqing, my
good brother who grew up with me since childhood.” When introducing
Xie Li, he was much more concise, only saying two words, “Xie Li.”
Xie Li could only see the side profile of Shi Hongqing’s left ear behind him
from his seat, and he still felt that he resembled Chang Xiaojia to some
extent after staring at him for too long.

Perhaps he had stared at Shi Hongqing for too long, Chang Xiaojia kicked
him in the leg.

Xie Li turned his head.

Chang Xiaojia leaned against the seat, his thin back poorly postured, and
his expression was cold. He often had a listless appearance, preferring to sit
rather than stand, lie down rather than sit, and rarely sat properly when he

Xie Li, with a background in the police force, always emphasized etiquette.
He had been disapproving of Chang Xiaojia for a long time, but he never
directly intervened when he was in prison. At this moment, he just turned
his head to look out the car window silently.

The car had already turned out of the back alleys and entered the wide,
smooth streets of the city center. On one side of the road was the Harbor
city municipal government. At this time, there were many people gathered
in front of the government gate, in conflict with security and police.

The car passed by in a flash, and Xie Li only saw people holding banners.
On one of them, it was written “Hongji Pharmaceutical.” Since the banner
was hanging loosely, Xie Li couldn’t read the other words clearly.

Hongji Pharmaceutical was an industry under the Chang family. Xie Li had
just been released from prison for only two days, and he didn’t know what
had happened.

He turned to look at Chang Xiaojia, who had no expression on his face, but
was also looking out the car window, evidently having seen the scene that
flashed by just now.

Chang Xiaojia’s gaze shifted to Xie Li’s face and then turned forward again.
Xie Li asked him, “Where are we going?”

Chang Xiaojia said, “To visit my mom.”

Xie Li was stunned for a moment, and there was a moment of doubt in his
heart, thinking that Chang Xiaojia’s biological mother might still be alive.
Later, he learned that Chang Xiaojia did not mean that.

The driver took them to the Yunqing Mountain Cemetery on the outskirts of
Harbor City.

On the way, Chang Xiaojia bought a large bouquet of flowers, costing more
than three hundred yuan. When he sat back in the car holding the flowers,
he was completely blocked by them.

After arriving at the cemetery, Xie Li and Shi Hongqing accompanied him
for a while. Later, Chang Xiaojia went alone to visit his mother, holding the

Xie Li watched him climb the mountain, step by step on the stairs. The
large bouquet of flowers in front of him must have blocked his view of the
path, and Xie Li worried that he might stumble.

In the end, Chang Xiaojia successfully reached the top. His mother’s grave
was an independent one, with a tall and majestic tombstone. He placed the
flowers in front of the tombstone, squatted down, and seemed to be
speaking to the tombstone.

Xie Li stared at his back for a while, then turned his head and saw Shi
Hongqing standing upright with a clear face. So, he looked into the distance
again, feeling a little absent-minded.

They waited in place for more than twenty minutes before Chang Xiaojia
slowly walked back with his hands in his jacket pockets.

Shi Hongqing asked him, “Shall we go home, Second Young Master?”

Chang Xiaojia shook his head, “Tonight, I want to visit Fengling.”

Fengling was the name of a bar. Initially, Chang Xiaojia had brought that
policewoman home from Fengling Bar.

As Chang Xiaojia and Shi Hongqing turned to leave, Xie Li’s face turned

It took about two hours to drive from the city center to Yunqing Mountain.
When they returned to the city, it was almost noon.

After Chang Xiaojia got in the car, he remained very quiet. After sitting for
a while, he tilted his head and lay down, resting on Xie Li’s thigh.

Xie Li thought he wanted to sleep, but Chang Xiaojia’s eyes were open,
staring at him all the time. After a long time, Xie Li felt a bit uncomfortable
and reached out to cover Chang Xiaojia’s eyes.

Chang Xiaojia blinked, and his eyelashes swept across Xie Li’s palm.

Xie Li turned his head to look out the car window.

After a while, Chang Xiaojia grabbed his hand and pushed it away, turned
over and lay on his side, leaving the back of his head to Xie Li, seemingly

With plenty of afternoon time left, Chang Xiaojia insisted on going to the
arcade to catch dolls. He exchanged a large pile of game coins and played
with great seriousness and focus alongside Shi Hongqing, who was wearing
a suit.

Xie Li sat in the corner of the rest area, using his phone to search for news
about Hongji Pharmaceutical. He found out that a serious side effect
occurred in users of a newly launched antipsychotic drug by the company.
The families of patients suspected foul play in the drug’s approval process,
leading to protests in front of the government and demands for

The news was brief, and after reading it for a while, Xie Li put down his
phone. He noticed that Chang Xiaojia was no longer in front of the doll-
catching machine. He stood up and looked for Chang Xiaojia’s figure in the
arcade, only to find him playing a shooting game.

The shooting game was highly realistic, even simulating the recoil of the
firearms. Chang Xiaojia stood in front of the screen, holding the gun with
one hand. Each shot he fired caused the gun to lift slightly due to the recoil.

He hit a bullseye with the first shot, and the second shot was also a

Xie Li stood beside him, observing. Being professionally trained, Xie Li

could tell that Chang Xiaojia’s gun posture was very standard, and his aim
was also professional. In each round of the game, he consistently hit
bullseyes. Eventually, the game machine spat out numerous small cards for
prize redemption.

Chang Xiaojia didn’t rush to collect the cards. Holding the gun, he turned
around and saw Xie Li. Suddenly, he aimed the gun at Xie Li’s head.

Seeing the cold gaze in Chang Xiaojia’s eyes, Xie Li felt as if he was
holding a real gun in his hand. It seemed that if Chang Xiaojia fired, the
bullet would pierce through his skull, causing his brain to splatter.

Chang Xiaojia mimicked pulling the trigger, producing a light clicking

sound. Naturally, nothing happened. Then, he tossed the gun back onto the
game machine, ran towards Xie Li with a smile, and cupped his face with
both hands, forcefully kissing him on the lips.
BLNDD chapter 16

In the evening, Xie Li followed Chang Xiaojia to the bar.

Chang Guanshan was the wealthiest man in Harbor City. Shortly after the
birth of his eldest son, Chang Xin, he established the Hongji Group. Over
the years, it had developed into a conglomerate encompassing real estate,
hotels, entertainment, pharmaceuticals, and various other industries,
virtually dominating all sectors in Harbor City.

However, the growth of the Hongji Group relied heavily on the influence of
the Hong Fang faction. Besides the father-son duo of the Chang family, a
significant portion of Hongji’s shares were held by several other influential
figures within the Hong Fang faction.

Fengling was an old bar within the sphere of influence of the Hong Fang
faction, with Chang Xiaojia being the nominal owner. Bars, teahouses, and
even mahjong parlors were abundant under the Hong Fang faction.

As they stepped into the bar, a stifling mix of heat, alcohol, perfume, and
sweat hit them. The lighting dimmed suddenly, with rotating beams of light
flickering, illuminating the young men and women wildly dancing in the
center of the dance floor. The overly intense music continuously pounded
the eardrums, causing the floor to vibrate with every step.

By this time, almost all the seats in the bar were occupied.

Chang Xiaojia walked toward the interior. His attire stood out, making him
look like an innocent college student who had mistakenly entered the wrong
place. As he passed the edge of the dance floor, a drunken young woman
grabbed his sleeve, but he casually pushed her away with a wave of his
They crossed the crowd and headed toward the inner part of the bar, passing
by the restroom door. They stopped in front of a door with a sign that read
“Staff Only, No Entry Without Permission.” Chang Xiaojia reached for the
door, but it was locked. Unable to open it, he kicked the door in frustration,
creating a loud noise as the heavy wooden door shook.

Someone exited the restroom, gave them a surprised glance, and hastily left.
Soon after, a person forcefully opened the door from the inside, ready to
scold, but upon seeing Chang Xiaojia’s face, their expression stiffened.
They changed their demeanor, bowing respectfully, “Young Master, you’re

Chang Xiaojia coldly said, “Get Xu Lu for me.” Without waiting for a
response, he walked inside.

Xie Li followed Chang Xiaojia and Shi Hongqiang. When the door closed
behind them, they found themselves in a corridor. The corridor had seven or
eight rooms on each side, and a couple of rooms had people peering out.
Upon seeing Chang Xiaojia, they looked alarmed and fearful, quickly
addressing him as “Young Master.”

Chang Xiaojia walked into the innermost office. He sat on the sofa, crossed
his left leg over his right knee, and absentmindedly swung his left foot.
Without answering, he casually flipped through the account book,
seemingly uninterested in the report.

After about ten minutes, Xu Lu arrived, sweating profusely. Standing in

front of Chang Xiaojia, he reported the bar’s operation over the past year,
presenting the financial records.

Xie Li stood nearby and listened for a while. From Xu Lu’s report, it
sounded like Fengling bar operated entirely within legal and legitimate
business ventures, with no sign of any illegal activities.

Chang Xiaojia picked up the account book, flipped through a few pages,
and tossed it onto the table. He said, “You don’t need to continue. I want
someone else to manage Fengling. You’re done, Xu Lu.”
Xu Lu was taken aback. Beside him stood a burly middle-aged man, the
security captain responsible for the bar. He spoke before Xu Lu could, “Is
that necessary, Young Master?”

Chang Xiaojia tilted his head back, “are you questioning me? If you don’t
want to work you can leave with him.”

The middle-aged man’s face showed a hint of suppressed anger. Xie Li

noticed the muscles in his arms tense up.

Xu Lu patted the man’s shoulder and turned to Chang Xiaojia, “Young

Master Jia, we’re all brothers under the Hong Fang faction. It’s not suitable
to drive people away like this. Why not discuss it with Young Master Xin?
Take some time to reconsider.”

Although Chang Xiaojia was leaning back, he was looking at them from
under half-lidded eyes. “Fengling is mine. I’ll do whatever I want. Pack up
and hand over all the reports tomorrow morning. You can leave then.”

The middle-aged man was clearly suppressing his anger.

Chang Xiaojia stood up and walked toward the door. Before leaving, he
turned back and said, “If you’re dissatisfied, you can complain to Young
Master Xin. I don’t care.”

As they exited the staff room, Xu Lu and others didn’t follow. It was only
Chang Xiaojia, Xie Li, and Shi Hongqiang.

When the door closed behind them, Chang Xiaojia suddenly stopped and
called out to Xie Li, “Xie Li, I need to pee.”

Xie Li halted and looked at him, “Then go pee. Do you want me to carry
you or something?”

Chang Xiaojia said, “You have to wait for me at the door.”

Xie Li nodded, “Hurry up.”

Chang Xiaojia went to the restroom.

Xie Li saw Shi Hongqiang guarding the door, letting him wait here for
Chang Xiaojia. He took a few steps outside and returned to the bustling hall
of the bar.

Fengling Bar didn’t have private rooms, and the seats toward the back were
more secluded. Those in the middle were fully exposed to the view of

Leaning against the wall, Xie Li saw on the left side, near the wall, a stout
man was counting money for a young man. After receiving the money, the
young man handed a small paper packet to the man and stood up.

The stout man pocketed the packet and continued drinking with his friends.

“What are you looking at?” Chang Xiaojia appeared behind Xie Li at some

Xie Li nodded toward that direction, “Someone’s dealing drugs.”

“Hmm,” Chang Xiaojia wasn’t surprised. “People from outside.”

Xie Li asked, “You let them traffic drugs here?”

Chang Xiaojia said, “Why not? Hong Fang is a legitimate organization, and
we don’t deal with drugs.”

Xie Li found it hard to believe. “But shouldn’t you prevent outsiders from
trafficking drugs in the Hong Fang territory?”

Chang Xiaojia assessed him and suddenly said with a sinister tone, “Li ge,
you seem quite righteous.”

Xie Li calmly replied, “It’s against the rules.”

Chang Xiaojia sneered, “Whose rules?”

Xie Li remained silent. He recalled the tragic death of the female police
officer who had infiltrated the Fengling bar to investigate drug trafficking.
In the end, she lost her life in the process.
What was Chang Xiaojia’s intention in bringing her home that day? Wasn’t
Chang Xiaojia supposed to be gay?

Suddenly, Xie Li reached out and gave Chang Xiaojia’s ass a firm slap. He
hit him too hard, and his own palm felt numb. Even through the denim, a
clear “snap” sound could be heard.

Two people who had just come out of the restroom happened to pass by,
both turning their heads to look at them.

Shi Hongqiang also stopped, furrowing his brow as he looked at Chang


However, Chang Xiaojia seemed stunned by the hit. After a moment, he

asked Xie Li, “Why did you hit me?” His voice was full of confusion.

Xie Li asked him, “Don’t you like men?”

Chang Xiaojia didn’t directly answer Xie Li’s question, just laughed.

Xie Li silently observed him.

When they left the bar, and got into the car, Shi Hongqiang asked Chang
Xiaojia if he wanted to go home.

Chang Xiaojia said he wanted to show Xie Li the night view of Harbor City
and instructed the driver to go to a beautiful place.

Clearly, Chang Xiaojia’s intention to show Xie Li the night view was not
effective. He sat quietly in the car for a while and then fell asleep. It was
Shi Hongqiang who woke him up, asking again if he wanted to go home.

Glancing at the time, Chang Xiaojia said, “Yeah let’s go home.”

Returning to the villa by the side of Qing Shui Lake, it was already late at
night. Qing Shui Lake was a large freshwater lake near the hills in Harbor
City. The villa area around the lake was renowned as the wealthy
neighborhood, with dozens of luxurious villas situated around the lake. The
owners were all well-known and wealthy individuals in Harbor City.
In the darkness, Xie Li couldn’t see the surroundings clearly. However, as
the car drove along the lakeside road, he could see distant lights reflecting
on the calm lake surface like scattered stars, resembling a sky full of stars in
the pitch-black night.

The car entered the automatic gate in the middle of the wall on the north
shore of the lake. Inside, there was a vast garden, not fully visible under the
dim streetlights. Finally, the car stopped in front of the villa behind the

Someone approached to open the car door, speaking in a hushed voice,

“The master and madam are already asleep.”

Chang Xiaojia only responded with a simple “Hmm.” He seemed a bit

dazed and swayed a bit when he got out of the car. Shi Hongqiang quickly
reached out to steady him.

Xie Li also opened the car door and got out. Taking advantage of the light,
he looked up at the two villas of the Chang family. The smaller one was
situated to the left and behind the larger one, connected by a garden path. It
was said that these two villas were built almost thirty years ago, purchased
by Chang Guanshan after becoming the leader of Hong Fang. At that time,
Chang Xiaojia hadn’t been born yet.

When he was still in prison, he had thought about how to integrate into
Hong Fang after getting out. However, he hadn’t expected to be brought
directly to Chang Guanshan’s home just two days after his release.

Chang Xiaojia had Shi Hongqiang take Xie Li’s travel bag and then walked
towards the smaller villa at the back.

Shi Hongqiang led the way, with Chang Xiaojia and Xie Li following. Xie
Li noticed that this stretch of road, although short, was quite dark. Chang
Xiaojia closely stuck to him.

Xie Li extended his hand in front of Chang Xiaojia, and he quickly grasped
It wasn’t until they entered the house that Shi Hongqiang turned on the
ceiling light in the first-floor hall along with the staircase light. Afterward,
he returned Xie Li’s travel bag and said, “Good night.”

Xie Li took the travel bag somewhat puzzled.

Shi Hongqiang explained to him, “My room is on the first floor.”

Xie Li asked Chang Xiaojia, “Do you live on the second floor?”

Chang Xiaojia had already let go of his hand and was heading upstairs. As
he climbed the stairs, he said, “And there’s Chang Xin.”
BLNDD chapter 17

Shi Hongqiang went into the room on the first floor, closing the door behind
him. Now, only Chang Xiaojia remained standing at the staircase on the
second floor, waiting for Xie Li.

Xie Li looked up at him. He ascended the stairs calmly, approaching Chang

Xiaojia. Suddenly, Chang Xiaojia grabbed his arm, pushing him against the
wall. Subsequently, a warm and soft body pressed against him, and Chang
Xiaojia forcefully bit his lips.

Xie Li responded to his kiss, wrapping his arm around Chang Xiaojia’s
waist, though he was unsure why Chang Xiaojia had suddenly become so

Chang Xiaojia’s kisses were erratic and lacked any discernible pattern,
clearly indicating his lack of experience. He recklessly extended his tongue,
displaying a lack of finesse.

While soothingly responding to his kiss, Xie Li used his hand to caress
Chang Xiaojia’s waist. After a while, he sensed Chang Xiaojia becoming
more compliant, witnessing him slowly close his eyes and emit a soft nasal

As they continued this deep kiss, Xie Li lifted his head, surveying the
layout of the second-floor room. Unlike the first floor, the second floor
lacked an entrance hall and resembled more of a living room upon entering.
On either side were two doors leading to the rooms. Thinking about Chang
Xiaojia’s earlier words, Xie Li was uncertain which room belonged to
Chang Xiaojia and which to Chang Xin.
Accompanied by this thought, an indescribable strange feeling arose. Xie Li
hadn’t expected that one day he would be holding and kissing Chang
Xiaojia, the son of Chang Guanshan, in Chang Guanshan’s house.
Regardless of Chang Xiaojia’s identity or his personality, it seemed to ignite
desire within Xie Li, a desire that went beyond simple lust and touched
something deeper within him.

At this moment, Chang Xiaojia retreated slightly, attempting to end the kiss.
However, Xie Li continued, holding him firmly with his arm and roughly
biting his lips.

Feeling the pain, Chang Xiaojia pushed him away, tilting his head with a
frown, expressing slight displeasure.

Xie Li asked, “Which one is your room?”

Chang Xiaojia glanced to the left.

Xie Li lifted Chang Xiaojia and walked to the left door, asking Chang
Xiaojia to open it while inquiring, “Chang Xin is not here now, right?”

Chang Xiaojia, with a slightly breathless voice, said, “He’s usually not
here.” Once Xie Li opened the door, Chang Xiaojia kicked his foot
forcefully, wanting to get down.

Feeling the pain from the kick, Xie Li ultimately gently placed him down.

Chang Xiaojia glared at him ferociously.

From behind, Xie Li embraced him, and his arms wrapped around Chang
Xiaojia’s chest.

The bedroom’s structure was simple, with only a large bed and a spacious
wardrobe. However, the connected balcony was large, semi-circular,
featuring a lounge chair. The balcony offered a view of Qing Shui Lake,
illuminated by the night’s lamplight.

At this moment, the glass door leading to the balcony was wide open,
allowing the damp and somewhat chilly night air from the lake to flow in.
Xie Li looked beyond the shadows of tall trees, focusing on the lake
illuminated by the lights, and a sense of tranquility settled over him.

Chang Xiaojia had already pushed away Xie Li’s arms, standing by the bed
and beginning to undress. He discarded his clothes and pants one after
another until there was nothing left. His fair feet stepped on the floor as he
walked towards the bathroom.

Watching for a while, Xie Li lazily picked up the clothes Chang Xiaojia had
thrown on the floor and placed them in the laundry basket by the door.
Afterwards, he walked towards the balcony.

He didn’t lie down on the lounge chair but instead leaned against the
railing, smoking a cigarette.

The exhaled white smoke quickly dissipated in the wind, leaving no trace.
Xie Li looked towards another villa on the left, wondering if that was where
Chang Guanshan lived.

And where exactly was the policewoman brutally murdered in Chang’s


Xie Li contemplated silently.

Apart from the tragic death of the policewoman, there were countless other
sins that Chang Guanshan and his son might be involved in, sins that were
not as visibly and vividly presented to the public as the officer’s brutal
demise but still inflicted harm on numerous individuals and even the
interests of the country.

After finishing a cigarette and returning to the room, Chang Xiaojia was
still leisurely bathing. Without the fifteen-minute time restriction, he could
take as long as he wanted. Xie Li suspected he could scrub off a layer of his
own skin.

The large bed had two bedside tables, and Xie Li noticed a frame on the
right one. He approached it, picked it up, and saw a picture of a beautiful
young woman. The contours of her eyebrows and eyes resembled both
Chang Xiaojia and Chang Guanshan to some extent. Xie Li guessed that she
was Chang Xiaojia’s deceased biological mother.

When Chang Guanshan’s original wife was still alive, he already had a
child with his mistress. Moreover, after the original wife’s passing, the
mistress, along with her eldest son, entered the household. How old was
Chang Xiaojia at that time? As long as he was old enough to understand, he
must have harbored resentment, right?

Xie Li didn’t know; he only remembered seeing Chang Xin coming to pick
up Chang Xiaojia from prison yesterday, and it seemed like the two brothers
had a good relationship.

He realized he never knew what Chang Xiaojia was thinking.

The sound of water in the bathroom stopped. Xie Li put down the photo,
turned around, and saw Chang Xiaojia just wiping the water off his body.
He walked out wearing slippers directly and opened the wardrobe to take
out a bathrobe, wrapping it around himself.

Chang Xiaojia lay down on the bed, with the bathrobe wide open at the
chest and the hem hanging loosely to the sides. He said, “Go take a

Xie Li opened his travel bag, looking for a change of clothes.

Chang Xiaojia glanced into the bag and said, “I’ll buy you some clothes

Xie Li stood up and looked at him. “Do you plan on letting me stay at your
place permanently?”

Chang Xiaojia’s tone was matter-of-fact. “Just like Shi Hongqing, why

Xie Li went to the bathroom.

When he came out after showering, wearing only clean underwear, he sat
down on the edge of the bed and asked Chang Xiaojia, “Why does Shi
Hongqing live at your place?”

Chang Xiaojia squatted on the bed, legs bent, thighs and calves pressed
together, looking at his phone. He glanced at Xie Li when he spoke, “He
was adopted by my mom, so he’s my brother.”

Xie Li was somewhat surprised but understood why Shi Hongqing and
Chang Xiaojia were so close.

Xie Li said, “Your mom is very beautiful.”

Chang Xiaojia remained silent, his finger tapping the screen without

Xie Li continued, “Why does Chang Xin still exist?”

Chang Xiaojia’s lips tightened slightly, the corners downturned. Slowly and
coldly, he looked at Xie Li.

Sensing he touched upon a sensitive matter, Xie Li reached out and

embraced him, caressing his back through the soft bathrobe and kissing his
face and forehead.

After a while, seeing no change in Chang Xiaojia’s expression, Xie Li said,

“I mean, there shouldn’t be a Chang Xin.”

Chang Xiaojia stared at him for a while and said, “Then kill him for me.”

Xie Li was momentarily stunned, his expression unchanged. After a

moment of silence, he said to Chang Xiaojia, “Then I’ll end up back in

Chang Xiaojia, indifferent, said, “I’ll give you money to support your

Xie Li responded, “No, that won’t work. If I leave you, you won’t be able
to sleep at night and I’m worried about you.”
Chang Xiaojia looked at Xie Li without saying anything, as if studying his

Xie Li calmly locked eyes with him.

After a while, Chang Xiaojia struggled to get up from Xie Li’s embrace,
saying, “I’m going to sleep.”

Xie Li released him and, in a rare moment of tenderness, said, “Good night,
BLNDD chapter 18

That night, when going to bed, the glass doors leading to the balcony and
the curtains were not closed. A small night light was left on in the room,
making every corner clearly visible.

At first, Xie Li found it too bright, but after covering his eyes with the
blanket, he quickly fell asleep. Besides the villa, the surroundings of Qing
Shui Lake were covered in dense vegetation, fresh and serene, resembling a
mountain retreat. The environment was so good that his mood
unconsciously became calm.

Almost a dreamless night, consciousness awakened in the silent darkness

when it was already daylight.

A breeze came in through the French windows, lifting the curtains high,
almost sweeping the edge of the bed. Accompanying it were the subtle calls
of birds and the faint sounds of distant cars.

Without turning over, Xie Li opened his eyes and saw his arm tightly held
by Chang Xiaojia, who was still deep in sleep, with a low and steady breath.

Staring at Chang Xiaojia for a while, Xie Li extended his other hand and
pinched Chang Xiaojia’s nose.

Chang Xiaojia first frowned, then struggled to shake his head, opening his
eyes in the process. He pushed away Xie Li’s hand and scolded sluggishly,
“what are you doing?”

Xie Li placed his palm on the back of his neck, pulling him towards his
face, kissing his forehead, and saying, “Good morning.”
Chang Xiaojia pushed him away, rubbed his sore nose, then he lifted the
blanket and got out of bed.

Unyielding, Xie Li, as Chang Xiaojia’s leg was about to step off the bed,
reached over to grab the other leg, the one that had just emerged from under
the blanket. He forcefully pulled it towards himself.

With an unstable center of gravity, one leg still in Xie Li’s hand, Chang
Xiaojia’s head and upper body toppled towards the floor. Xie Li wanted to
catch him but it was too late. He could only raise the dazzling white leg.

At this moment, the door was opened from the outside.

With Chang Xiaojia’s leg in his hand, Xie Li turned to look and saw Chang
Xin standing at the door, holding the doorknob.

Chang Xin was wearing a shirt and trousers, with the coat draped over his
arm. His tall figure, with the morning’s cool and damp air messing up his
front hair, gave off a mountainous breath. He first glanced at Xie Li, then
looked at Chang Xiaojia, who was lying on the ground with nothing on but
open legs, and asked in a relatively gentle tone, “What are you doing,

Xie Li released Chang Xiaojia’s leg, knelt by the bed to help Chang Xiaojia
up, but Chang Xiaojia forcefully opened his hand, hitting him without
mercy. Xie Li instinctively withdrew his hand and insisted on reaching out
to pull Chang Xiaojia back onto the bed, covering him with the blanket.
Then he sat back, thinking: This is awkward.

Chang Xiaojia did not immediately answer Chang Xin’s question. He

turned to Xie Li and said, “Go get me some pants.”

Xie Li asked, “Where are they?”

Chang Xiaojia nodded toward the direction of the wardrobe.

Xie Li had slept in his underwear. He got out of bed, not avoiding Chang
Xin’s gaze, walked around the bed and went to the wardrobe to find pants
for Chang Xiaojia.

Chang Xin leaned against the door, watching Chang Xiaojia’s gaze follow
Xie Li’s movements. So he also looked at Xie Li, his smooth and well-built
figure, and his handsome youthful appearance.

Xie Li intentionally ignored their gaze, found a pair of underwear in the

drawer, threw it to Chang Xiaojia, and then took out a pair of trousers and
placed them by the bedside.

Chang Xiaojia covered himself with the blanket and put on his underwear.

Xie Li glanced at him, turned around, and walked towards the bathroom. He
stood in front of the sink and heard Chang Xin coming in. Chang Xin said
to Chang Xiaojia, “Dad will be angry if he sees this.”

The bathroom door was not closed, and Xie Li saw Chang Xin walk to the
bedside, sit in front of Chang Xiaojia, and say, “What’s going on, Xiaojia?”

Chang Xiaojia spoke calmly, with lowered eyes, and even a somewhat
docile expression, saying, “What’s there to be angry about? I hired a

Chang Xin’s tone was also mild: “But how did the bodyguard end up
sleeping in the same bed? Xiaojia, you said you didn’t know him when I
picked you up that day.”

Chang Xiaojia did not look at him, “I didn’t know him well.”

Chang Xin reached out and touched his hair, “Have you been sleeping
poorly lately?”

Chang Xiaojia did not answer.

Chang Xin’s slender fingers gently played with Chang Xiaojia’s hair, “Do
you want to stay with me for a few days?”

Chang Xiaojia replied, “No.”

Chang Xin suddenly turned his head to look at Xie Li.

Xie Li was brushing his teeth and didn’t look at them.

Chang Xin said to Chang Xiaojia again, “Did you go to the bar to find Xu
Lu yesterday, planning to replace him?”

Chang Xiaojia said, “Mm.”

Chang Xin asked, “What displeased you about him? If there’s something
you’re not satisfied with, tell me. Why kick him out without a word?”

Chang Xiaojia answered, “I just don’t like him.”

Chang Xin asked, “Are there others you don’t like? Do you dislike all the
bar managers in the other bars as well?”

Xie Li splashed water on his face and lifted his head to look at himself in
the mirror, thinking that Chang Xiaojia not only managed Fengling but had
taken over several bars, including Hong Fang. Why?

Chang Xiaojia, in a calm voice, said, “I decide who stays or leaves. It’s my

Chang Xin’s hand returned to his shoulder, pressing against his skin, “But
Hong Fang is not decided by our Chang family alone. The people in the bar
are all brothers of Hong Fang.”

Chang Xiaojia lifted his head, “If I want to replace someone, I will.”

Chang Xin withdrew his hand, his face turned serious as he looked at him,
“Xiaojia, you’re not behaving well lately.”

Chang Xiaojia remained silent, locking eyes with him.

Chang Xin stood up as he prepared to leave, and said, “Think about it

carefully again.” After speaking, he turned and walked out.
As soon as Chang Xin left and the door closed, Chang Xiaojia jumped out
of bed, ran barefoot into the bathroom, and leaned over the toilet, retching.

Xie Li stood by his side and asked, “Are you okay?”

Chang Xiaojia didn’t say anything. He leaned on the toilet seat, panting,
and said, “Run the water for me to take a shower.”

Without continuing to question him, Xie Li opened the shower, and before
the water had fully heated, Chang Xiaojia flipped into the bathtub directly.
He didn’t take off his underwear, just hugged his legs and sat down in the

After a while, when the water was hot, Xie Li took off the showerhead,
aiming it at the top of Chang Xiaojia’s head.

Chang Xiaojia raised his hand to cover his face, and with a weak voice, he
said to Xie Li, “Leave.”

Crouching down, Xie Li approached him, and after a moment, he said,

“You’re afraid of Chang Xin.” His tone was very certain.

Chang Xiaojia slightly lifted his head and repeated, “Help me kill him.”

Xie Li shook his head, “I can’t.” He turned off the water, wrapped Chang
Xiaojia in a bath towel, carried him out, and said, “Unless you tell me

Chang Xiaojia just gave a cold snort.

Under the name of Hong Fang, there were a total of five bars, all handed
over to Chang Xiaojia before he went to prison. He had just been released,
and he promptly replaced all the bar managers.

Xie Li had a premonition that Chang Xin would definitely come to question
Chang Xiaojia about this matter.

That night, they went to one of the bars still owned by Chang Xiaojia in
West Garden, Harbor City. Xie Li accompanied him for drinks. Suddenly, at
one point, Chang Xiaojia stood up and walked towards a corner where a
group of people was sitting.

Among them, a young man with a hat was selling drugs.

Chang Xiaojia grabbed his collar and pulled him out, saying, “Get lost!”

The person was about to resist when Xie Li followed and grabbed the
person’s arm, pulling him out until he handed him over to the newly hired
security guard of the bar. Before driving him away, a warning was issued
not to let him in again.

After leaving the bar that night, Xie Li and Chang Xiaojia sat in the back
seat of the car. That day, Shi Hong Qing was not there, and there was only a
quiet driver in the front.

Xie Li asked Chang Xiaojia, “Didn’t you say you didn’t care?”

Chang Xiaojia’s tone was indifferent, “Isn’t that what you said? It’s illegal
to deal drugs and it’s not in compliance with the rules.”

Xie Li said, “You chose to listen to me?”

Chang Xiaojia leaned his head on his shoulder, “mmmh.”

Chang Xiao Jia, who had drunk a bit, seemed somewhat intoxicated. When
he returned home, he took out another bottle of wine from the bar cabinet
on the second floor and wanted to drink with Xie Li again.

Xie Li accompanied him to drink half a bottle. Taking advantage of going to

the bathroom, he took out a small medicine bottle from his pocket. He had
gotten it from the guy selling drugs in the bar earlier. Now, he opened the
bottle and poured out a pill into his palm, sniffing its scent.

There was no distinctive smell. He crushed the pill with his fingers, took a
little on his fingertips, and put it into his mouth. He could sense a bit of
sweetness, likely an artificial additive.
However, this drug was not any familiar type of narcotics. It was likely a
new type of drug.

At this moment, Chang Xiao Jia suddenly rushed in. Xie Li, in haste,
sprinkled the drug powder into the toilet, embraced Chang Xiao Jia, and
then carried him into the bathtub after turning on the hot water.
BLNDD chapter 19

Chang Xiaojia was drunk. As Xie Li placed him into the bathtub, Chang
Xiaojia wrapped his legs around his waist, pulling him into the tub as well.

The hot water is still running, and both of them are instantly soaked as Xie
Li, pulling and tearing, takes off his own clothes. Simultaneously, he used
hands and feet to press Chang Xiaojia, who was clinging to him, into the

Chang Xiaojia pressed the bathtub’s drain with his hand, causing water to
accumulate in the tub.

Xie Li took off his clothes, and his wet pants were still tied to his legs,
making him feel extremely uncomfortable.

Chang Xiaojia pushed away his hand and leaned in to kiss him.

Xie Li refused, pinching Chang Xiaojia’s face and trying to climb out of the

Chang Xiaojia’s face was nearly distorted by his fingers, and he lifted one
leg to kick forcefully towards Xie Li’s groin.

Unprepared, Xie Li got kicked and his face changed immediately. He

covered his groin and legs and slipped into the bathtub.

Chang Xiaojia squatted and retreated backward, watching Xie Li curl up in

the bathtub. The water level continued to rise, and he leaned in to look at
Xie Li, reaching out to pat his face.

Xie Li grabbed his hand, twisted it forcefully, causing intense pain that
made Chang Xiaojia think he had a bone fracture. Afterward, he let go of
his hand, scolding, “behave.”

Chang Xiaojia coldly said, “You deserve it.”

Xie Li, finally recovering from the intense pain, was still shivering in the
hot water. He looked at Chang Xiaojia and said, “Do I deserve this just
because I won’t kiss you? If you want to find a man, find someone else. I’m
not interested in you.”

Chang Xiaojia, maintaining his squatting position, with red cheeks and eyes
due to alcohol, said with a cold arc at the corner of his mouth, “Then go and
die.” After saying that, he grabbed the showerhead and smashed it down on
Xie Li’s head.

Feeling a chill, Xie Li quickly turned to evade, kicking away Chang

Xiaojia’s hand while doing so. The showerhead fell aside, and then Xie Li
knelt in the bathtub, grabbing Chang Xiaojia by the back of his neck, and
pushed his head into the water.

Chang Xiaojia struggled with all his might, trying to pinch and push away
Xie Li’s hands, but his strength was no match, and he couldn’t break free.

Regaining his composure quickly, Xie Li released Chang Xiaojia after just
two seconds under the water. Chang Xiaojia coughed and backed away, and
Xie Li got out of the bathtub, feeling a lingering pain below.

Chang Xiaojia’s hair was still dripping, his face continuously red from
coughing, and transparent liquid, whether water or tears, slid down his face.
His gaze towards Xie Li was icy and cruel, making Xie Li feel uneasy.

Xie Li, while pushing away his wet pants, casually grabbed a towel from
the shelf to wipe his body. He originally wanted to say, “Find someone else
to sleep with,” but hesitated. After cleaning up, he put on clean clothes,
opened the door, and left.

During this time, Chang Xiaojia remained squatting in the bathtub.

Across the living room, Chang Xin’s room remained tightly closed, giving
the impression that no one was inside.

Xie Li walked to the side of the stairs, glancing in the direction of the third
floor, which was pitch black. So, he headed downstairs.

Just as he reached the first floor, Xie Li bumped into Shi Hongqian entering
from outside, and both of them paused.

Shi Hongqian nodded at him, seeming to intend to go directly to his room.

However, Xie Li called him, saying, “Do you have a cigarette?”

Shi Hongqian stopped, saying, “Wait a moment.”

Across from Shi Hongqian’s room, there was a small kitchen, impeccably
clean, indicating that it was usually used to boil water for coffee or tea.

Both of them entered the kitchen, sitting on opposite sides of the white
rectangular table. Shi Hongqian, who didn’t smoke, still offered a cigarette
to Xie Li.

“Do you want coffee?” Shi Hongqian asked.

Xie Li nodded, saying, “Thank you.”

Shi Hongqian turned around to boil water.

Xie Li observed the entire kitchen, saying, “Doesn’t the Chang family eat

Shi Hongqian replied, “They do, but everyone is busy, so it’s hard to

A small spotlight above cast a dim light in the kitchen, decorated in light
colors, creating a warm and comfortable atmosphere. Xie Li, holding a
cigarette, took a slow drag, and his previously troubled mood eased a bit.
He thought he would have to go back and appease Chang Xiaojia later.
Shi Hongqian was a man of few words, sitting quietly and waiting for the
water to boil to make a cup of coffee for Xie Li. After placing the coffee
cup in front of Xie Li, the warm steam, carrying the aroma of coffee, gently
touched Xie Li’s face. Finishing his cigarette reluctantly, Xie Li rubbed it
out with his fingers and said to Shi Hongqian, “Chang Xiaojia has a bad

Shi Hongqian said, “Yeah, he’s always been like that.”

Taking a sip of coffee, Xie Li asked, “Why is he afraid of the dark?”

Shi Hongqian didn’t answer immediately; instead, he sat for a while, looked
up at Xie Li, and said, “He was locked up when he was a child.”

“Locked up?” Xie Li had finished his cigarette and couldn’t find an ashtray.

Shi Hongqian turned around and pulled out an ashtray from the cabinet
behind him, speaking calmly, “Locked in a dark garage without windows,
not allowed to come out.”

Xie Li quickly extinguished the cigarette butt. “Who did it?”

Shi Hongqian said, “Chang Xin.”

Xie Li felt a cool breeze on his face and turned to find that the kitchen had
two open windows. He asked, “Why? His parents didn’t intervene?”

Shi Hongqian said, “His mother passed away, and his father is always too
busy. Sometimes he doesn’t come home for a month or two.”

Xie Li remained silent for a moment. “What about you?”

Shi Hongqian answered, “I knocked on the door from outside, but Chang
Xin would grab my hair and drag me away. He wouldn’t let me open the
door for Xiaojia.”

Feeling a chill, Xie Li asked, “How old was Chang Xin at that time?”

Shi Hongqian recalled, “Probably around twelve.”

Xie Li said, “So young and already so malicious?”

Shi Hongqian explained, “Chang Xini is unpredictable. When he’s in a

good mood, he cuddles Xiaojia. When he’s in a bad mood, he resorts to
violence. When he’s angry, he locks him up, and no one in the family dares
to intervene.”

Xie Li pursed his lips. “Doesn’t Chang Guanshan intervene?”

Shi Hongqian calmly said, “He’s very busy, and there’s more than one or
two women and children to deal with at home.”

Xie Li frowned and continued, “Does Chang Guanshan have other

mistresses and illegitimate children?”

This time, Shi Hongqian didn’t answer. He said, “It’s too late; let’s rest.”
After that, he got up and walked towards his room.

Xie Li sat alone in the kitchen for a while before slowly getting up and
leaving. He ascended the stairs and, upon returning to Chang Xiaojia’s
room, found the bed empty, causing a moment of bewilderment. He then
walked towards the bathroom and, standing at the doorway, saw Chang
Xiaojia still maintaining the position he had when Xie Li left, squatting in
the bathtub.

At that moment, Xie Li suddenly felt an indescribable discomfort.

BLNDD chapter 20

Xie Li walked to the bathtub and squatted down, reaching out to grab
Chang Xiaojia’s arm.

Chang Xiaojia avoided him, hugging his legs with his arms, chin resting on
his knees, staring coldly at the almost cold water in the bathtub.

Xie Li said, “The water is cold.”

Chang Xiaojia didn’t look at him.

Xie Li continued, “Xiaojia, I’m sorry.”

Chang Xiaojia said coldly, “Why don’t you go die?”.

Xie Li stood up by the bathtub, looking down at him. “I’ll turn off the
bathroom light.”

Suddenly, Chang Xiaojia lifted his head.

Xie Li reached out to him. “Get up, Xiaojia.”

Chang Xiaojia’s breathing was heavy, his thin chest heaving violently. For a
moment, Xie Li felt like he was dealing with an inflated pufferfish.
However, after a while, Chang Xiaojia grabbed Xie Li’s hand and stood up.

Xie Li half-dragged, half-carried him out of the bathtub, removing his cold,
wet clothes and drying him with a towel. Even after lying on the bed,
Chang Xiaojia’s body remained icy, so Xie Li had no choice but to undress
and embrace him, enveloping him in warmth. He caressed his back with his
Chang Xiaojia said darkly, “You wanted to kill me.”

Xie Li replied, “You attacked me first.”

Chang Xiaojia, still chilly, said, “You cursed at me.”

After a moment of silence, Xie Li, sounding a bit aggrieved, said, “You
kicked me in my crotch. Do you know how much it hurts?”

Chang Xiaojia didn’t answer. Xie Li simply grabbed his crotch, exerting a
bit of pressure. Chang Xiaojia immediately began to struggle weakly.

Xie Li said, “That’s how much it hurts”

Chang Xiaojia remained silent.

Xie Li continued, “In the future, let’s talk it out. Don’t resort to violence
when things go wrong. I can feel pain too. When you hurt me, I might lose

Chang Xiaojia made a soft sound.

He then sneezed twice.

Bending down, Xie Li, using the light, looked at him. “You caught a cold.”

Chang Xiaojia rubbed his nose with his hand, and after a while, his
breathing became less smooth. He struggled to leave Xie Li’s embrace,
lying on his back, starting to breathe through his mouth.

Supporting his head with one hand, Xie Li looked down at him. “Do you
have any medicine?”

Chang Xiaojia said, “No.”

Xie Li suggested, “I’ll go find Shi Hongqian.”

Chang Xiaojia shook his head. “No need, just sleep; I’ll be fine.”
The next morning, Chang Xiaojia was still unwell. He lay in bed, breathing
heavily, and his forehead felt hot to the touch.

Xie Li got up, went downstairs to find Shi Hongqian, and soon returned
with a thermometer and cold medicine.

When he tried to measure Chang Xiaojia’s temperature, Chang Xiaojia

woke up, pushing his hand away. Patiently squatting beside him, Xie Li
said, “Let me check your temperature.”

Chang Xiaojia felt pain in his nose every time he breathed. He opened his
red and watery eyes, looking at Xie Li for a moment, and said, “You want
to kill me.”

At that moment, Shi Hongqian entered the room with a cup of hot water,
hearing the words and looking at Xie Li.

Knowing that Shi Hongqian had entered, Xie Li didn’t look up. He
remained squatting beside Chang Xiaojia, saying, “I don’t want to kill you.
I care about you. Come on, let’s check your temperature.” He opened
Chang Xiaojia’s arm, placed the thermometer under his armpit, and pressed
his arm back. To prevent him from moving, Xie Li lay down, tightly
hugging Chang Xiaojia.

Chang Xiaojia had no strength to struggle.

Shi Hongqian placed the cup on the bedside table, squatted on the side of
the bed where Chang Xiaojia was sleeping, and reached out to touch his

Xie Li asked, “Should we take him to the hospital?”

Shi Hongqian said, “Let’s try giving him fever-reducing medicine first and
see if it works.”

Xie Li nodded, “Okay.”

After measuring his temperature, which showed a slight fever, Xie Li fed
Chang Xiaojia fever-reducing and cold medicine, tucking him back under
the blanket.

Shi Hongqian asked Chang Xiaojia, “What do you want to eat? I’ll ask the
kitchen to prepare for you.”

Chang Xiaojia said, “I want Sheng Ji’s pumpkin congee and steamed

Shi Hongqian calmly replied, “I guess the kitchen won’t be able to make

Chang Xiaojia turned away from him, showing no interest.

Xie Li looked at his downcast expression and said, “I’ll go out to buy it for

Chang Xiaojia glanced at him.

Xie Li gently said, “If there’s anything else you want to eat, tell me, and I’ll
get it for you.”

Before leaving, Shi Hongqian suggested arranging a driver for Xie Li.
However, Xie Li declined, saying it wasn’t necessary. He went out to hail a
taxi, assuring that he would return soon. The driver stayed at home in case
Chang Xiaojia’s fever didn’t subside, making it convenient to take him to
the hospital.

Xie Li walked out of the gate with his hands in his coat pockets, heading
down the driveway. After about ten minutes, he found a small bus stop by
the roadside.

He waited under the bus stop sign for almost ten minutes. A bus bound for
the city approached slowly. He boarded and walked to the last row of seats.

Taking the bus to the city took him over an hour.

The nearest Sheng Ji restaurant to the Chang residence was located in the
commercial district south of Harbor City. It turned out to be busier than Xie
Li had imagined, making it challenging to find a traditional convenience
store. Eventually, he found one in an alley behind the commercial center.
Xie Li bought a pack of cigarettes and used the shopkeeper’s landline to
make a call to Yu Zhengkun.

After the call, Xie Li purchased congee and steamed dumplings from Sheng
Ji and, in the adjacent shopping mall, bought a morning session movie
ticket. The theater was almost empty.

Xie Li sat in the last row. When the movie was halfway through, Yu
Zhengkun finally arrived, sitting in the second-to-last row, just in front of
Xie Li.

The packed congee and dumplings were placed on the adjacent seat. Xie Li
reached out and handed Yu Zhengkun the bottle obtained from the drug-
dealing young man at the bar.

Yu Zhengkun whispered, “What is this?”

Xie Li leaned forward, and his voice was completely drowned out by the
movie music. “Got it from the kid selling drugs at Hong Fang Bar.”

Yu Zhengkun asked, “Is it someone from Hong Fang selling drugs inside?”

Xie Li said, “According to Chang Xiaojia, it’s not.”

Yu Zhengkun remained silent for a moment and asked, “What do you


Xie Li stared at the movie screen for a while, then said, “Chang Xiaojia
recently took over the bar. I suspect he might not know a lot of things. The
details might only be clear to Chang Xin and Chang Guanshan, father and

“Can you get close to Chang Xin?” Yu Zhengkun inquired.

Xie Li said, “I’ll try.”

Yu Zhengkun continued, “Any progress on the Chen Haiman case?”

Xie Li’s face darkened, and after a long time, he replied, “None.”
BLNDD chapter 21

By the time Xie Li took a taxi back, it was already past lunchtime.

The taxi driver stopped the car outside Chang’s residence, saying as Xie Li
got out, “Isn’t this the home of Chang Guanshan?”

Xie Li remained silent. He waited until the taxi made a U-turn and left
before walking to the side door on the left of the main gate, entering the
password to open it.

As the door opened, a black car slowed down in front of the gate. The
backseat window rolled down to reveal Chang Xin’s face.

Chang Xin looked at him expressionlessly, said nothing, and the two large
iron gates automatically opened. Xie Li saw the car heading towards a villa
in the front.

Xie Li directly took the back path to the small building where Chang
Xiaojia lived. Through the garden, he heard movement in front of the villa.
After Chang Xin got out of the car, he went inside the front villa gate.

The small building behind was very quiet. After entering, Xie Li stood at
the staircase and looked upstairs. Then he opened the door to the kitchen on
the ground floor, put the congee and buns he bought into the microwave to

Sitting on a high stool by the dining table, Xie Li waited until the
microwave made a “ding” sound before getting up to take out the food, still
in plastic containers. He carried them to the second floor.

When he opened the door, Xie Li suspected that Chang Xiaojia might not
be at home anymore. However, upon opening the door, he saw Chang
Xiaojia still lying in bed, sound asleep. The blanket was pulled up to cover
half of his face, his hair messy, and both cheeks were slightly red from

Xie Li instinctively lightened his steps. He walked to the bedside, placed

the plastic bag on the bedside table, crouched down near Chang Xiaojia,
and called out, “Xiaojia?”

Chang Xiaojia had one hand against his cheek, and his fingers moved

Xie Li reached out, hooked his pinky finger with Chang Xiaojia’s, and
called softly, “Chang Xiaojia.”

After a while, Chang Xiaojia slowly opened his eyes, looking dazed as if he
hadn’t fully woken up.

Xie Li said, “Have you had lunch? I brought back Nan Guo’s pumpkin
congee and xiaolongbao for you.”

Chang Xiaojia’s voice was hoarse as he asked, “What time is it?”

Xie Li pulled the blanket down a bit, feeling a slight sweat on his neck, and
said, “It’s already noon. Don’t sleep anymore. Get up and eat something.”

Chang Xiaojia licked his dry lips, impatiently saying, “I don’t want to eat.”

Xie Li looked at him. “You were the one who asked me to buy it for you.”

Chang Xiaojia frowned, looking very uncomfortable, a deep mark between

his eyebrows. “How long have you been away? You took too long and I fell

Xie Li replied, “Your house is remote. Can you blame me for that?”

Chang Xiaojia said, “I don’t care. Just throw it away.”

Xie Li looked at him with a serious expression. After a while, he reached

out, picked up the congee and buns from the bedside table, and walked
towards the door. He left the room, intending to throw everything away, but
after running around outside for a while and not having had a chance to eat,
he suddenly felt hungry. So, he sat in the waiting room outside, took out the
food, and ate it all himself.

The congee and xiaolongbao, reheated in the microwave, naturally weren’t

as delicious as when freshly made. Still, as Xie Li ate, the taste was quite

After finishing the meal, Xie Li stuffed the empty containers back into the
plastic bag, tied it up, and threw it in the trash. He stood up, walked to the
window, lit a cigarette, and then turned back to Chang Xiaojia’s room.

Chang Xiaojia was still lying on his side, not asleep this time but staring
with slightly reddened eyes.

Xie Li walked to the bedside and sat down, reaching out to touch his face.
Chang Xiaojia turned his head away, avoiding Xie Li’s touch. So, Xie Li
withdrew his hand and asked, “Where’s Shi Hongqian?”

Chang Xiaojia didn’t answer.

Xie Li asked again, “are you really not going to eat anything?”

Chang Xiaojia still didn’t respond.

Xie Li bent down to look at his face, feeling like his eyes were a bit red, as
if he was about to cry. He leaned in and said, “Tell me what you’re thinking,
okay?” Sometimes, Xie Li found Chang Xiaojia extremely annoying.

Chang Xiaojia shifted his gaze.

Xie Li sighed quietly. He turned to look at the thermometer on the bedside

table and said, “Let’s check your temperature again.” After that, he grabbed
Chang Xiaojia’s arm to lift him up.

Chang Xiaojia tightened his lips.

After some thought, Xie Li said, “If your fever goes down, how about I take
you out to eat?,” lowering his head to look at Chang Xiaojia, “Do you feel
better after taking the medicine?”

Chang Xiaojia still remained silent.

After a while, Xie Li took the thermometer off him and held it up to check
the temperature, saying, “No fever.”

Chang Xiaojia crawled back onto the bed.

Xie Li touched his hair and asked, “should we go out now?”

Chang Xiaojia turned his head and slowly sat up.

Xie Li picked out some clothes from the wardrobe for him and helped him
put them on.

Chang Xiaojia wore an oversized long coat, making his pale and petite face
stand out.

As they left, Xie Li reached out a hand to him. Chang Xiaojia looked at it
for a while before slowly placing his hand in Xie Li’s, allowing Xie Li to
lead him outside.

After descending a few steps, Xie Li suddenly stopped, turned around, and
said, “How about I carry you?”

Chang Xiaojia neither agreed nor refused.

Xie Li released Chang Xiaojia’s hand, half-squatting down. After a while,

Chang Xiaojia climbed onto his back, wrapping his hands around Xie Li’s
shoulders. Xie Li supported his legs, stood up straight, and as they
descended two more flights of stairs, he felt Chang Xiaojia’s face pressing
against his own.

Chang Xiaojia’s face was warm and soft, with breaths carrying a strong
nasal tone. It made Xie Li’s steps pause momentarily, and after two
seconds, he continued down the stairs.
BLNDD chapter 22

Xie Li walked down from the second floor, carrying Chang Xiaojia on his
back. When they reached the first-floor, they saw Chang Xin coming in
from outside.

Chang Xin stopped in his tracks when he saw them.

Xie Li also stopped, feeling Chang Xiaojia’s hands still tightly clutching his
shoulders, indicating no intention of letting go. Therefore, he didn’t put
Chang Xiaojia down.

Chang Xin calmly said, “Let’s have dinner together tonight.”

Xie Li heard Chang Xiaojia whisper in his ear, “No,” with a tone that
wasn’t harsh but had a firm attitude.

Chang Xin looked at him.

Chang Xiaojia, with his arms around Xie Li, buried his face in Xie Li’s
shoulder and said softly, “Xie Li, I’m hungry.”

Xie Li looked at Chang Xin and said with a slightly more stern tone, “we
are actually on our way out to lunch.”

Chang Xin’s gaze turned cold.

Xie Li, reluctant to have a confrontation with Chang Xin, began to consider
that if Chang Xin insisted that Chang Xiaojia couldn’t leave, should he
resort to force for Chang Xiaojia’s sake.

But before he could reach a conclusion, he saw Chang Xin reach out to
Chang Xiaojia. Xie Li’s body reacted faster than his brain, blocking the
hand that Chang Xin extended toward Chang Xiaojia’s face.

Chang Xin withdrew his right hand that Xie Li had pushed away, sizing him

Chang Xiaojia raised his head and said, “I told you he’s my bodyguard.
Without my consent, he won’t let anyone touch me.”

Chang Xin chuckled at this revelation. He said to Chang Xiaojia, “Why are
you so nervous? I won’t do anything to you. It’s a good thing that he’s loyal
to you.”

After saying this, he added with an expression which was hard to discern if
it was concern or pretense, “I just heard you were sick and wanted to see if
your fever has gone down.”

Chang Xiaojia softly said, “I’m fine now. I want to go to Sheng Ji for

Chang Xin, still smiling gently, said, “Go ahead. I’ll check on you tonight.”

Chang Xiaojia neither agreed nor disagreed, only urging Xie Li to leave by
clinging to his back and saying, “Let’s go.”

Chang Xin didn’t block their way anymore. As Xie Li carried Chang
Xiaojia out, Chang Xin said to him, “Take care of him.”

Xie Li glanced back at him and nodded.

Coming out of the small building, Chang Xiaojia had Xie Li carry him all
the way to the garage. He chose a sports car, got off Xie Li’s back, and sat
in the passenger seat.

Xie Li sat in the driver’s seat and asked, “Are we going to have dinner with
your brother tonight?”

Chang Xiaojia shook his head. His face and lips were still pale, and he
rolled down the car window, saying, “Ignore him.”
Unfamiliar with the roads of Harbor City, Xie Li took out his phone to
navigate to Sheng Ji, deliberately avoiding the one he visited in the morning
and choosing an old restaurant in the city center.

Chang Xiaojia didn’t pay much attention. He lazily sat in the car, slouching
with his legs curled up.

Exiting from the Chang residence, they drove along a long stretch of road
along the lake. Xie Li also rolled down the car window, enjoying the breeze
from the lake while driving the sports car. It was a different feeling.

Leaving Qing Shui Lake, they entered the expressway into the city, and
then, following the navigation, Xie Li drove Chang Xiaojia’s conspicuous
bright yellow car through the streets and alleys of Harbor City.

Chang Xiaojia blew the wind for a while before closing the car window and
dozing off. When he woke up, the car had already entered the narrow streets
of the old city, and the speed slowed noticeably.

Xie Li had been watching the colorful old signs on the roadside. Finally, he
found Sheng Ji and parked the car in a roadside space.

When Chang Xiaojia got out of the car, he said, “This is the one I used to
come to when I was a kid.”

Xie Li followed Chang Xiaojia into Sheng Ji’s entrance. Since it was the
afternoon, there weren’t many customers in the restaurant. He asked Chang
Xiaojia to sit in a seat against the wall and inquired, “The usual?”

This time, Chang Xiaojia said, “I want preserved egg and lean pork

Xie Li nodded, went to the cashier to place the order, and then stood at the
window holding the order slip, waiting. He brought the preserved egg and
lean pork congee and the steamed dumplings to the table in front of Chang

With one hand supporting his face, Chang Xiaojia stared directly at Xie Li.
Sitting across from him, Xie Li picked up the bowl of preserved egg and
lean pork congee, stirred it with a spoon and said, “It’s a bit hot. How about
having a dumpling first?”

Chang Xiaojia glanced at the dumplings and asked, “Is it hot?”

Xie Li picked up the chopsticks, split one dumpling in half, and then picked
up only half to feed Chang Xiaojia, saying, “It’s not hot now. Here.”

Chang Xiaojia lowered his gaze, stretched his head forward, opened his
crimson and dry lips, and took half of the dumpling into his mouth, chewing

At a nearby table, two middle-aged women who had been chatting noisily
suddenly stopped talking when they saw them.

Xie Li kept his eyes on Chang Xiaojia, suddenly remembering the days they
sat face to face eating at the Fish Island Prison.

Before Chang Xiaojia could finish eating half of the dumpling, Xie Li
picked up another one and intended to feed him again.

This time, Chang Xiaojia turned his head slightly, looking displeased as he
gazed at Xie Li. He swallowed what was in his mouth before saying,
“What’s the rush?”

Xie Li didn’t know what he was thinking. He just liked watching Chang
Xiaojia eat, the way his cheeks puffed up when the food was stuffed into his
mouth. So, he said, “I want to fill your mouth.”

Chang Xiaojia widened his eyes, staring at him. After a while, his pale
cheeks turned slightly red, and he snorted coldly.

Putting down the chopsticks, Xie Li picked up the bowl of congee again
and asked, “Do you want to drink it yourself, or should I feed you?”

Chang Xiaojia reached out with one hand.

Xie Li handed him the bowl, and Chang Xiaojia placed it on the table. He
lowered his head, scooped up some congee with a spoon, and began to
drink it.

Chang Xiaojia drank very slowly. Later, when Xie Li went to smoke a
cigarette and returned, Chang Xiaojia hadn’t finished yet.

As soon as Xie Li sat down, Chang Xiaojia’s phone on the table suddenly
rang. Xie Li glanced at it, and the incoming call displayed Chang Xin’s

Chang Xiaojia stared at the phone screen, and took a while before picking
up the call.

Xie Li didn’t know what Chang Xin said, but Chang Xiaojia just responded
with a tired and weak “Mm” as an answer.

After hanging up, Chang Xiaojia still said to Xie Li, “Let’s just ignore
BLNDD chapter 23

Chang Xiaojia stood up and told Xie Li they could leave.

When Xie Li stood up and looked outside, he saw the two cars still parked
there with only the drivers inside. He then turned to look at Chang Xiaojia,
but his face revealed no extra emotions.

They walked to the entrance of Sheng Ji, and suddenly, Chang Xiaojia
stopped and said to Xie Li, “Xie Li, I need to use the restroom.”

Xie Li didn’t know how to react at first and could only say, “Go ahead.”

Chang Xiaojia reached out to grab his hand. “Come with me.”

Xie Li was caught by his hand, and they walked towards the left inside
Sheng Ji, following the signs indicating the restroom.

Chang Xiaojia’s hand was still slightly cool, and he walked ahead, not
exerting much force as he pulled Xie Li along.

They reached the restroom door, but Chang Xiaojia didn’t go in. Instead, he
continued to pull Xie Li forward, crossing a narrow corridor into a dimly lit
utility room and walked out through the open door on the opposite side.

Coming out from here, they were in Sheng Ji’s back alley. The alley was
narrow, with sewage flowing on the ground, and bamboo baskets filled with
garbage were placed in the corners.

Chang Xiaojia didn’t let go of Xie Li’s hand, and they continued walking
Looking up, Xie Li saw bamboo poles extending from the second floor, on
which women’s clothes were hung to dry.

Harbor City was a highly developed coastal city. Perhaps because of its
early development, the city lacked a unified modern plan. While prosperous
areas were bright and beautiful, old blocks still retained the atmosphere of
the last century.

Chang Xiaojia seemed a bit excited. He said, “I haven’t been around here
for a long time.”

A young man wearing a delivery outfit hurriedly passed by them on an

electric bike, almost brushing against Chang Xiaojia’s arm.

Xie Li pulled Chang Xiaojia closer and said, “Be careful.”

Chang Xiaojia looked at him and smiled.

They crossed the narrow passage between the buildings, and in front of
them was a street filled with restaurants. Just as they emerged, four men in
suits blocked their way.

The one in the front, dressed in black, was polite to Chang Xiaojia, saying,
“Young Master Jia, Young Master Xin requests your presence.”

Chang Xiaojia didn’t move. He glanced at the man and then at Xie Li.

At this moment, a middle-aged man on a bicycle came from the passage

behind them and impatiently rang his bell.

Chang Xiaojia and Xie Li silently moved aside.

The middle-aged man kicked the bike pedal with his foot. Seeing the stern
expressions of the men outside the passage, he made a clicking sound with
his mouth, jumped off the bike, turned it around in the narrow passage, and
rode back the way he came.

Leaning against the wall, Xie Li looked at Chang Xiaojia.

Chang Xiaojia suddenly reached out to him.

Xie Li held his hand, drawing him close. In a low voice, he asked, “Are we

Chang Xiaojia, leaning against the rough cement wall, said, “Well they
found us, we don’t have a choice do we?”

Leaning closer to his ear, Xie Li’s voice was low, “how about you turn
around and run inside; I’ll block them for you.”

Chang Xiaojia looked at him in silence for a moment, released his hand,
and said, “Forget it, let’s just go.”

Several men in black suits respectfully escorted Chang Xiaojia into the car,
and Xie Li followed. The car, parked on the roadside, did not leave
immediately. One man in a black suit stood outside making a call, and
another sat beside them, watching.

In the back seat, three men did not make it too crowded, but people were
inevitably sitting close to each other.

Chang Xiaojia originally sat in the middle, not liking the man on the left
whose leg was pressed against his. So, he stood up and sat on Xie Li’s lap.

The young man on the left in the black suit looked quite young, with neatly
cut hair and a slightly immature face. When he saw Chang Xiaojia sitting
on Xie Li’s lap, a hint of surprise flashed across his face. It seemed like he
wanted to stop them but didn’t know if he should. He looked somewhat lost
for a moment, then glanced at the man outside the car who was making a

The man outside didn’t notice them. The young man hesitated for a while,
then sat back down, avoiding eye contact with Chang Xiaojia.

Chang Xiaojia rested his head on Xie Li’s shoulder.

Xie Li asked, “Uncomfortable?”

Chang Xiaojia said, “No.”

Xie Li raised his hand and touched his forehead. Fortunately, it was slightly
warm but not too hot.

Chang Xiaojia lazily looked at the young man in the black suit and, after a
while, asked, “Are your clothes all prepared by Chang Xin for you?”

The man in the black suit seemed a bit flustered and didn’t answer.

Chang Xiaojia sneered, closed his eyes, and said, “Wake me up when we

Perhaps because he was still not completely recovered from his cold, Chang
Xiaojia actually slept soundly. He didn’t even notice when the car started

Xie Li had been holding onto him, supporting his head and back when
turning corners, preventing him from leaning to the side.

The man on the left in the black suit looked at him for a while and
whispered, “You are quite loyal to Young Master Jia.”

Xie Li chuckled at the comment, with a hint of sarcasm.

When the car reached its destination, Xie Li gently shook Chang Xiaojia
and said, “Xiaojia, we’re here.”

Chang Xiaojia, with his face against Xie Li’s shoulder, slowly opened his
eyes, looking dazedly out of the car window.”

Xie Li had been looking out the window throughout the journey. In fact,
they were not far from Sheng Ji, the place they had been earlier. It was still
in the old city area of Harbor City, but the environment was even more
mixed than the previous neighborhood. He followed Chang Xiaojia off the
car and, standing upright, saw groups of young people on the street,
smoking together. By now, most of the people on the street were looking in
their direction.
This street had bars, KTV, and noisy restaurants. It was adorned with gaudy
colored signs. The car had parked next to a mahjong parlor, and the sound
of mahjong leaked through the half-opened large door, blending with
people’s cursing voices, entering Xie Li’s ears.

The man in the black suit stood at the entrance of the mahjong parlor,
waiting for them.

Chang Xiaojia stretched his stiff neck and said to Xie Li, “Let’s go.”

Xie Li, in a low voice near Chang Xiaojia’s ear, asked, “What’s this place?”

Chang Xiaojia, expressionless, looked ahead and said, “Hong Fang Gong
Kou – He Tang.”

Xie Li was slightly stunned and looked up at the mahjong parlor with no

Meanwhile, Chang Xiaojia had already walked inside.

Xie Li followed closely behind him. Seeing Chang Xiaojia pass through
that door, past the cashier’s counter and tea room, and enter another room,
he walked through a short corridor and stopped in front of a closed door at
the end of the corridor.

Chang Xiaojia turned back and glanced at Xie Li, then reached out and
pushed the door open.

Xie Li’s gaze, over Chang Xiaojia’s shoulder, looked inside through the
gradually widening gap of the door. The room inside was even larger than
he had imagined. There was a rectangular table with nearly ten chairs
arranged around it. Six or seven people were seated, and the seat at the end
of the table, directly facing the main entrance, was currently vacant. Behind
the chair was a statue of Guan Gong, almost half a person tall, glaring down
with an angry expression. One hand held his beard, and the other hand held
a green dragon crescent moon blade, the blade suspended high above the
main seat.
Chang Xin sat in a chair on the left side, leaning back against the chair,
hands clasped in front of him. In a soft voice, he said, “Xiaojia you’re
BLNDD chapter 24

In the room, besides Chang Xin, everyone else Xie Li had seen in photos.
They were all influential figures in Hongfang.

Though these individuals might not be as famous as the father-son duo,

Chang Guanshan, outside, they still held significance within Hongfang.
Various business dealings of the Chang family also involved these people.

The oldest among them appeared to be around sixty or seventy years old,
older even than Chang Guanshan. His name was Du Shenglian, the second
in command within Hongfang under Chang Guanshan. He wore a straight-
collared gown, with neatly combed half-white hair. His broad forehead
accommodated a large cigar, and one leg was casually draped over the
other, exuding an air of decadence.

In Chang Guanshan’s absence, Du Shenglian sat at the front right of the

long table, looking at Chang Xiaojia, saying, “It’s not everyday the Second
Young Master pays a visit.”

Chang Xiaojia walked directly to the end of the long table, pulled out a
vacant chair, and sat down. He glanced at Chang Xin, then turned to Du
Shenglian, asking, “Uncle Du, were you waiting for me to start the meal?”

Du Shenglian took a slow drag of his cigar, not answering immediately, just
glancing at Chang Xin.

Chang Xin spoke up, “Xiaojia, show some respect to your elders.”

Chang Xiaojia paid him no attention.

Xie Li stood behind Chang Xiaojia, slowly scanning the people sitting
along the long table. To Du Shenglian’s left was a man around forty years
old, tall and sturdy, wearing an open black suit, a gold chain hanging
around his neck, named Wu Can.

Across from him was a man in his thirties, wearing glasses and having a
refined appearance, He Chuanyun. Next to He Chuanyun was a lean old
man in his fifties, holding up his chin with one hand, looking somewhat
weary, named Ping Xiang. Opposite Ping Xiang was a man who seemed to
be around forty years old, with an ordinary appearance, wearing a simple
white-patterned shirt. He looked at Chang Xiaojia with a mild attitude and
was named Song Daozheng.

Except for Chang Guanshan, these were the Hongfang influential figures
that Xie Li had seen through Yu Zhengkun.

Xie Li lowered his head to look at Chang Xiaojia, who seemed to be

nonchalantly fidgeting with his fingers, like an inattentive elementary
school student.

After a while, Chang Xiaojia raised his head. He spoke to Chang Xin, “Are
you holding a family court to judge me in Dad’s absence?”

Chang Xin chuckled. “What do I have to judge you for? It’s just that too
many people have recently complained about you. It reached Uncle Du’s
ears, and he asked me to bring you here.”

Chang Xiaojia looked at Du Shenglian.

Du Shenglian’s voice was somewhat sharp. He held the cigar between his
fingers and asked Chang Xiaojia, “Did you take over all the bars in

Chang Xiaojia replied, “My dad gave them to me.”

Du Shenglian said, “But they are still part of Hongfang.”

Chang Xiaojia countered, “They are mine.”

Du Shenglian pointed at him, “You are still part of Hongfang. It was

reported to me that as soon as you came out of prison, you replaced all the
managers of the bars.”

Chang Xiaojia remained noncommittal, lowering his head to play with his
fingers again.

Du Shenglian continued, “Not only did you replace the staff, but all the bars
that used to do open business are now off-limits. What do you mean by

Xie Li, upon hearing this, was slightly surprised and suddenly understood.
Initially, he wondered why the Hongfang bigwigs cared about Chang
Xiaojia changing a few bars. It turned out they were concerned not about
the money those bars earned but about the other illegal businesses
conducted within.

In recent years, Hongfang had expanded its involvement in various

industries in the city. While it appeared to be a large commercial
conglomerate, its essence remained that of a traditional society. Despite its
ventures in different businesses, Hongfang had never let go of its traditional
operations. The bars in question were not just for making a few bucks; they
served as venues for these illicit activities.

Chang Xiaojia claimed that those dealing drugs in the bars weren’t
members of Hongfang. However, they were ultimately connected to
Hongfang, as they were engaged in illegal activities inside the bars. By
replacing all the bar managers and driving out various illegal operations,
Chang Xiaojia naturally infringed upon the interests of the Hongfang

Xie Li figured that Chang Xiaojia, having grown up in Hongfang, should

have been aware of these things.

Chang Xiaojia seemed unperturbed by the situation. His tone was calm as
he lifted his head and said to Du Shenglian, “Uncle Du, because they
weren’t following the rules.”

He Chenyun suddenly laughed, asking Chang Xiaojia, “What rules?”

Chang Xiaojia turned to look at him. “My rules. The bars are mine.”

Song Daozheng asked gently, “Does your dad know?”

Chang Xiaojia replied, “Why else would he give me the bars? And if you’re
not satisfied with my rules, you can open new ones and follow your own

Xie Li noticed Ping Xiang sitting nearby, smiling unexpectedly.

These people had watched Chang Xiaojia grow up. For so many years,
Chang Xiaojia had not been actively involved in Hongfang’s business.
Perhaps, in their eyes, he was just a naive and ignorant child—stubborn and

Since Du Shenglian began speaking, Chang Xin had remained silent.

Chang Xiaojia raised his head, revealing a gracefully contoured neck. His
expression showed a kind of innocent stubbornness. He asked Du
Shenglian, “Uncle Du, is there anything else you want to say?”

Du Shenglian said, “You can’t do things this way.”

Chang Xiaojia asked, “Do you want to hit me?”

He Chuanyun smiled, asking him, “If we were to hit you, how would you

Chang Xiaojia replied, “I would call my dad, and I have bodyguards.”

He Chuanyun chuckled, “Don’t be nervous. We won’t hit you.”

Du Shenglian had finished his cigar. He leaned back in his chair and said to
Chang Xiaojia, “Today we’re telling you plainly. If you don’t listen, don’t
blame us for following Hongfang’s rules.”

Chang Xiaojia asked, “What rules might that be?”

Du Shenglian looked at Chang Xin, “Tell your younger brother about
Hongfang’s rules.”

Chang Xin straightened up and said to Du Shenglian, “Uncle Du, don’t be

angry. My dad will be back in a week or two. He’ll definitely explain
everything to everyone.”

Du Shenglian sneered, “What do I have to be angry about? An old man like

me won’t last much longer. Hongfang will be yours in the future. I’ll handle
what I need to handle, and I won’t bother with things that don’t concern me.
Why should I stick my neck out for you? Chang Guanshan is the helmsman
of Hongfang. I’m just the second. Listen if you want, don’t if you don’t!”

Having said that, he stood up, ready to leave.

Ping Xiang advised, “Master Du, don’t be angry. He’s just an ignorant

Du Shenglian ignored him. After he stood up, Wu Can also got up,
straightening his clothes and adjusting the gold chain to catch the light. It
seemed like they were planning to leave together with Du Shenglian.

Just as Du Shenglian reached the door, someone suddenly pushed it open

from the outside, narrowly avoiding hitting Du Shenglian’s face with the

Wu Can immediately looked fierce and shouted, “Who is it? Who dares
burge in?”

Everyone in the room turned their gaze toward the door. They saw a young
woman in a black dress standing there. The woman had a graceful figure
and a charming appearance. Her slightly curled long hair framed her face
with a touch of sweetness. When she saw Du Shenglian, she smiled and
said, “Master, I finally found you.”

Du Shenglian, who was angry just a moment ago, immediately softened

upon seeing this woman. He smiled and said, “Yuan Yuan, how did you find
your way here?”
Ruan Qiuyuan took hold of his arm. “I came to pick you up.” After saying
that, she pulled Du Shenglian out. When they reached the doorway, she
turned back, glanced at Chang Xiaojia, and then at Xie Li.

Xie Li had been watching her since she entered.

At this moment, Chang Xiaojia’s gaze fell on Xie Li’s face, and Xie Li’s
line of sight slipped from Ruan Qiuyuan’s face to her exposed shoulder and

Chang Xiaojia lifted his foot and kicked Xie Li.

Xie Li couldn’t dodge it, and his face changed color with pain. Seeing
Chang Xiaojia glaring at him maliciously, he grabbed Chang Xiaojia’s
wrist, lowered his voice, and said, “Just looking, no need to get mad.”
BLNDD chapter 25

“The bottle of medicine you gave me has undergone ingredient testing,

confirming the presence of hallucinogenic and stimulant components, but it
does not contain common drug ingredients on the market. It should be a
new type of drug,” Yu Zhengkun’s voice came from the receiver, somewhat

Holding the phone in his right hand, Xie Li raised his left hand against the
transparent glass door of the phone booth, rested his forehead on his arm,
and looked out at the empty road. He asked, “Have there been any news
about new drugs recently?”

Yu Zhengkun said, “Not for the moment.”

Xie Li asked again, “For this flood control operation, are you responsible
for all the undercover contacts?”

Yu Zhengkun replied, “Of course not. Why do you ask?”

Xie Li said, “Just curious.” He moved the phone away from his ear and
hung up.

He opened the door of the phone booth and ran along the road by Qing Shui
Lake. Xie Li had gone out for a morning run. When he woke up, Chang
Xiaojia was still asleep. He had to gently move Chang Xiaojia’s hand away
from hugging him so he could get out of bed.

Chang Xiaojia was startled by his movements, furrowing his brows with
half-opened eyes. He called out, “Xie Li,” in a soft and hoarse voice.

Xie Li raised his hand to tousle his hair. A long leg had already stretched
down from the side of the bed. Xie Li said, “You go back to sleep.”
Chang Xiaojia reached out to grab him, but only caught two fingers of the
hand that Xie Li had placed on the edge of the bed. He mumbled unclearly,
“Where are you going?”

Xie Li said, “I’m going for a run.”

Chang Xiaojia looked at him with moist eyes. “Don’t go.”

Xie Li reached out to touch his face. “Sleep, and when you wake up, I’ll be

Later, Chang Xiaojia couldn’t resist the fatigue and fell asleep. Xie Li got
up, put on a short-sleeved shirt, sport shorts, and sneakers, and went out for
a run.

He ran along the circular road by Qing Shui Lake. It was still early, and
apart from the occasional passing car, there were no other pedestrians.

Later, Xie Li called Yu Zhengkun from a public phone booth by the road.
After ending the call, he continued his morning run around Qing Shui Lake.

The cool morning breeze, accompanied by moisture, greeted him. When

Xie Li left Chang’s house, he felt a bit cold. By now, after running for a
while, he was covered in sweat. The sweat on his face hadn’t had a chance
to drip down yet and was blown dry by the cool breeze.

After running for more than forty minutes, he saw a tall figure running
towards him along the riverbank. Even though they were some distance
apart, Xie Li could still clearly see that it was Chang Xin in a sportswear.

Xie Li slowed down his pace. When he was less than two meters away from
Chang Xin, he nodded in greeting and said, “Young Master Xin.”

Chang Xin stopped, smiled slightly, and asked, “Morning run?”

Xie Li, who had just stopped, felt sweat sliding down his forehead. He
grabbed his shirt and pulled it, panting, “Yes.”
Even though his face was wet with sweat, and his damp clothes clung to his
body, it didn’t diminish his handsome appearance. He raised his hand,
wiped the sweat off his face, and said, “Ah.”

Chang Xin hadn’t sweated as much; he probably hadn’t been running for
long. He moved his neck and asked Xie Li, “Is Xiaojia still sleeping?”

Xie Li replied, “Yes.”

Chang Xin asked, “Are you planning to run back?”

Xie Li nodded. “I’m about to go back.”

Chang Xin said, “Then let’s go together. I can’t run too far.”

Xie Li felt a bit strange, but he naturally wouldn’t refuse Chang Xin. He
simply said, “Sure.”

The two jogged back towards Chang’s house together.

Chang Xini said, “Xiaojia really likes you.” It wasn’t a question but a

Xie Li could only smile and said, “Yes he is so straightforward.”

Chang Xin looked at him, “You should take good care of him and not let
him be bullied by others.”

Xie Li suddenly remembered when Shi Hongqian had said similar words to
him. He thought it was ironic because Chang Xin was the one who bullied
Chang Xiaojia the most. There was no need for him to pretend to care.

He slowed down his pace, and Chang Xin slowed down as well. Facing
Chang Xin, Xie Li said, “When Xiaojia and I were in Fish Island Prison, he
helped me a lot. Naturally, I will follow him wholeheartedly.”

Chang Xin laughed at the words, “Did he help you in Fish Island Prison?”
The heat on Xie Li’s body had gradually dissipated, and he began to feel the
air getting cooler. He looked at Chang Xin but didn’t say anything.

Chang Xin approached him a little, lowered his voice, and said, “He didn’t
force you to mess around with him just because you look good, did he?”

Xie Li felt like a string in his heart was suddenly pulled tight. His face
remained calm, hands hanging on either side of his body, his long legs
slightly apart. He only said, “Young Master Xin, what do you mean?”

Chang Xin said, “This brother of mine, his head has never been quite
normal since he was little. He doesn’t like perfectly good women; instead,
he likes men.”

Xie Li fell silent for a moment, then slid his hands into the pockets of his
shorts, took two steps in place, and asked, “Is he incapable with women?”

Chang Xin smiled and said, “Most likely.”

So, the person who killed the female police officer was not Chang Xiaojia.
Xie Li realized that his mind was unexpectedly clear at this moment. He
pursed his lips, then slightly opened them, saying, “Actually, I—”

Chang Xin was in a relaxed posture and asked, “Actually, what?”

Xie Li said, “It’s nothing.”

Chang Xin patted his shoulder, “Go back, Xiaojia should be awake.” After
that, he continued running ahead.

Xie Li didn’t speak to Chang Xin anymore. He could feel that Chang Xin
had a certain attitude, probably waiting for him to take the bait.

Chang Xin seemed to know everything about him and Chang Xiaojia at
Fish Island Prison. He wondered which person around Chang Xiaojia was
arranged by Chang Xin. Perhaps everyone, except for him, was arranged by
Chang Xin.
Everyone in Fish Island Prison thought he had sold himself to Chang
Xiaojia. Apparently, Chang Xin now thought the same.

Xie Li thought of Yu Zhengkun asking him to get close to Chang Xin,

glanced at Chang Xin’s back, and silently lowered his head to continue

Back at Chang’s house, Chang Xin didn’t go to the small building where
Chang Xiaojia lived but went straight to the front. Xie Li guessed that he
had spent the night in the front building as well. So, he walked towards the
back building himself.

Before he got close, he heard someone calling his name. He looked up and
saw Chang Xiaojia standing on the second-floor balcony.

Chang Xiaojia was wearing a hooded sweatshirt and jeans. With both hands
on the railing, he saw Xie Li approaching and actually flipped over the
railing, as if he was about to jump down.

For a moment, Xie Li was a bit stunned, and he even forgot to speak to stop

Chang Xiaojia sat on the railing, with both feet hanging outside, shouting,
“Hurry up and come up, or I’ll jump down.”

Xie Li came back to his senses, saying, “Are you crazy?”

Chang Xiaojia looked down at him, “Come up quickly!”

Only then did Xie Li regain his composure and said, “You’ve lost your

He walked into the entrance of the small building and met Shi Hongqian,
who was standing in the hallway. They didn’t exchange a word. Xie Li
quickly went up the stairs, and when he reached the corner, he suddenly
wondered if Chang Xiaojia had seen him and Chang Xin enter through the
main gate together.
BLNDD chapter 26

Xie Li came up to the second floor from the stairs and saw Chang Xiaojia
already waiting for him at the stairwell. Seeing Chang Xiaojia’s posture, his
heart suddenly tightened, and he hurriedly said, “Don’t jump!”

But before the words could fully leave his mouth, Chang Xiaojia had
already opened his arms and pounced towards him. Xie Li, standing on the
stairs, afraid that he might be pushed down along with Chang Xiaojia,
quickly changed direction, leaning against the wall, and hugged the
jumping Chang Xiaojia.

Xie Li’s back hit the wall hard, and although he stepped back a bit, his heart
was pounding. After embracing Chang Xiaojia, he fiercely smacked his ass,
scolding, “Are you crazy? If you want to die, go die by yourself!”

Chang Xiaojia remained silent, wrapped his arms around Xie Li’s
shoulders, and buried his head on his shoulder.

The tightness in Xie Li’s chest persisted.

Chang Xiaojia lifted his head, looked at him for a moment, then lowered his
head and bit his shoulder.

Xie Li winced in pain.

He didn’t know that when Chang Xiaojia lifted his head, he had intended to
kiss him. However, he suddenly became timid, afraid of being pushed away
just like before in the bathtub, so he vented his frustration by biting Xie Li’s

At this point, Chang Xiaojia pushed away from Xie Li and turned, heading
Watching his back, Xie Li suddenly remembered what Chang Xin had said
earlier. About Chang Xiaojia being openly interested in men, so he became
sure he wouldn’t violate and kill a woman.

Thinking of this, he felt a sudden discomfort in his heart. He couldn’t

determine if it was for Chang Xiaojia, for the deceased police officer, or for

Xie Li returned to Chang Xiaojia’s room on the second floor and got in as
he asked, “Have you had breakfast yet?”

Chang Xiaojia picked up his phone, stood near the glass door leading to the
balcony, looked down, and shook his head.

Xie Li said, “Want to go out for breakfast?”

After a while, Chang Xiaojia raised his head and said, “He Chuanyun
invited me to meet tonight.”

Xie Li didn’t find it particularly surprising and just asked, “Do you want me
to go with you?”

Chang Xiaojia said, “Of course.”

However, before they met He Chuanyun that night, Xie Li encountered an

old acquaintance that afternoon.

At that time, Chang Xiaojia insisted on eating dessert at a dirty and dimly lit
shop. Xie Li waited for him outside, leaning against the wall. Suddenly, he
saw Hu Minxin wearing a baseball cap and a denim jacket picking fruits in
front of a fruit shop across the street.

After being released from prison, Xie Li had lost contact with Hu Minxin,
not knowing when he was released.

Just as he hesitated about whether to greet Hu Minxin, Hu Minxin suddenly

stood upright and looked around. In that instant, even across the street, Xie
Li saw Hu Minxin’s eyes light up. He raised his hand and waved loudly,
shouting, “Xie Li!”
Xie Li also stood up straight, smiling at him.

In a hurry to settle the bill with the shop owner, Hu Minxin, carrying a bag
of fruits, crossed the narrow street, jogged to Xie Li’s side, and stopped. He
smiled and said, “Damn! It really is you!”

“When did you get out?” Xie Li asked with a smile.

“Just a couple of days ago,” Hu Minxin replied. After saying that, he

paused, and Xie Li also didn’t continue the conversation. A brief silence
made Hu Minxin look a bit awkward and forced a smile.

Xie Li smiled and patted his shoulder, asking, “How are you doing?”

“I’m fine; everything’s the same. How about you? You’re still in Harbor
City and still with Chang Xiaojia?” Hu Minxin asked.

Xie Li nodded calmly. “Yes.”

Hu Minxin instantly revealed an indescribable expression. He clicked his

tongue, then hesitated for a moment, then asked “What’s going on with
following Chang Xiaojia?”

Xie Li didn’t know why Hu Minxin found the way he and Chang Xiaojia
interacted strange. He just asked in a low voice, “What do you mean?”

Hu Minxin hesitated to express his thoughts, so he lowered his voice and

said, “do you plan on sticking with Chang Xiaojia all the time?”

Xie Li made a vague sound of agreement.

Hu Minxin lifted the brim of his hat, took it off after a while, and put it back
on. He seemed hesitant about what to say. Xie Li guessed what he wanted
to say but couldn’t honestly explain his current situation. So, he changed the
topic and asked, “Why did you buy so many fruits?”

Hu Minxin raised two plastic bags filled with pears and oranges. He looked
down and said, “Oh, just visiting a friend.”
Xie Li casually asked, “Is your friend sick?”

Hu Minxin tapped his head with his fingers. “Problems from drug abuse.”

At this moment, Chang Xiaojia, hands in his upper jacket pockets, walked
out of the dessert shop with his phone. Hearing Hu Minxin’s words, he
asked, “Skating?”

Hu Minxin shook his head. He looked around and said, “It seems to be
some new type. They call it an elixir outside. It can make you ascend like
an immortal.”

Xie Li suddenly became alert, but he didn’t want to interrogate Hu Minxin

in front of Chang Xiaojia. He remained expressionless and asked Chang
Xiaojia, “Are you full? Shall we go now?”

Chang Xiaojia seemed not to have heard his words and continued asking
Hu Minxin, “What elixir? Where did your friend get it?”

So, Xie Li stayed silent, waiting for Hu Minxin’s answer.

Hu Minxin said, “I don’t know about this.”

Chang Xiaojia said, “Oh okay, Xie Li, let’s go.”

Xie Li took out his phone and said to Hu Minxin, “Leave your contact

They exchanged numbers.

Chang Xiaojia had already started walking ahead towards the front. After a
while, he stopped and turned around, impatiently saying, “Xie Li.”

Hu Minxin was inputting Xie Li’s name into his contacts, looking a bit

Xie Li’s face remained expressionless.

Hu Minxin lowered his voice and said, “Why is Chang Xiaojia more
annoying than a woman?”

Upon hearing this, Xie Li, with lowered eyes, surprisingly chuckled. He
stuffed his phone back into his pocket and said in a low voice, “Ask your
friend where he bought the drugs. I’ll contact you later.” After saying that,
he patted Hu Minxin’s shoulder and turned, taking big steps toward Chang

In the evening, while Chang Xiaojia was taking a shower in the bathroom,
Xie Li stood on the balcony and made a call to Hu Minxin.

They had come back quite late, and Xie Li stood on the balcony, seeing that
Chang Xin’s room next door was still pitch black. Although he knew it was
unlikely for Chang Xin to come over to stay, he instinctively lowered his

Once the call was connected, he didn’t exchange any pleasantries. He just
asked, “How is it going?”

Hu Minxin was still somewhat puzzled but followed Xie Li’s instructions
from the afternoon, saying, “It’s said that he bought it at a bar called Night
Sun while partying. And his friend also bought it there.”

Leaning against the balcony railing, Xie Li supported his chin with one
hand and asked in a low voice, “What was his reaction?”

Hu Minxin said, “Initially, after taking the drug, he was just getting high.
But he mentioned that gradually, he felt it was too intense, and started
panicking, thinking someone was trying to harm him. He took a knife and
started slashing around, ending up injuring himself.”

Upon hearing this, Xie Li simply said, “Hmm.”

On Hu Minxin’s end, he also lowered his voice and asked, “What’s really
going on?”
Xie Li replied, “It’s nothing. We’ll talk more when we have the chance.”
With that, he hung up the phone.

Night Sun Bar was the bar under Chang Xiaojia’s control at Hongfang, the
one where Xie Li had taken a bottle of drugs from a dealer, delivering it to
Yu Zhengkun for confirmation that it was a new type of drug.

Most likely, the drug dealer was someone under the command of one of the
big shots at Hongfang.

Tonight, He Chuanyun invited Chang Xiaojia to meet and discuss the

business he was doing in several bars at Hongfang. This didn’t include
Night Sun or drug dealing. In Xie Li’s mind, He Chuanyun, for the time
being, could be excluded.

The remaining few people all had the potential. The flood action was
supposed to topple not only the family with the surname Chang but the
entire Hongfang. These drug dealers, who hadn’t used the Hongfang name,
would be dealt with ineffectively even if caught. Ideally, they would trace
back to find the source of these new drugs, capturing both the people and
the goods, leaving them no room for excuses.

At this moment, Chang Xiaojia, having finished his shower, came out. He
only wore a bathrobe, not coming to the balcony but lying on the bed. He
asked Xie Li, “Who did you call?”

Xie Li said, “Hu Minxin.”

He asked again, “So late, why did you call Hu Minxin?”

Xie Li walked to the bedside, sat down; he didn’t want to continue this
conversation, so he reached out to touch Chang Xiaojia’s nape, then slipped
his hand inside the bathrobe to feel his back.

Chang Xiaojia, seemingly uninterested in the topic, stopped asking

questions. After a while, he propped up his upper body and leaned over,
kissing Xie Li’s cheek and jawline.
Xie Li withdrew his hand from his back and reached for his chest. Over the
bathrobe, he pinched Chang Xiaojia’s flat chest.

Chang Xiaojia asked, “What are you doing?”

Xie Li said, “Checking if your chest has grown.”

Chang Xiaojia, bewildered, asked, “Why?”

Xie Li looked into his eyes, smiling, “Didn’t you eat papaya today?”

At his words, Chang Xiaojia kneeled, straightening his waist, grabbed the
bathrobe from both shoulders, and pushed it down on both sides, exposing
his chest to Xie Li. “See if it’s bigger now?”

Xie Li continued to smile, patting his own thigh, “Come here.”

Chang Xiaojia looked him in the eyes, then slowly crossed over to sit on his
lap, facing him.

Xie Li played with his hair and asked, “Xiaojia, have you ever slept with a
BLNDD chapter 27

This wasn’t the first time Xie Li had asked a similar question, but Chang
Xiaojia had never given a direct answer. Just like now, although he was still
sitting on his lap, Chang Xiaojia’s expression immediately turned cold. His
eyelids drooped, and the corners of his mouth sagged.

However, Xie Li didn’t get angry. He found that temper could be polished.
After spending time with Chang Xiaojia, his temper improved. He told
himself that Chang Xiaojia was just a kid with a not-so-good head. There
was no need to argue with him. Moreover, once he started an argument, he
would always have to comfort him afterward. It was self-inflicted trouble.

Chang Xiaojia said, “What does it matter if I have or haven’t slept with a

Xie Li had been patiently avoiding probing Chang Xiaojia too much on this
matter. He was afraid that asking too many questions would arouse Chang
Xiaojia’s suspicion. After all, infiltrating the Chang family was not easy,
and if he were exposed, it would be almost impossible for Yu Zhengkun to
arrange another undercover agent into the Chang family.

Everyone had to exercise patience.

However, at this moment, perhaps he could find another reason to ask

Chang Xiaojia this question, such as expressing curiosity.

With this in mind, Xie Li said, “I’m curious.”

Chang Xiaojia sneered.

Xie Li reached out, pinching his chin, and looked into his eyes, saying, “No
Chang Xiaojia tried to slap away his hand but failed. He then said in a low
voice, “Why are you asking about this? Are you curious if I’m the one who
raped and killed that policewoman, as rumored outside?”

Xie Li’s expression remained calm. He lightly shook the fingers that were
pinching Chang Xiaojia’s chin. “Was it you?”

Chang Xiaojia looked at him and suddenly asked, “Xie Li, who are you?”

Xie Li didn’t answer. His expression turned serious as he said, “What do

you think I am? I’ll give you a chance. Tell me who you hope I am to you.”

Chang Xiaojia sneered, blurting out, “You’re just someone I—” He stopped
halfway through, wrapped his arms around Xie Li’s neck, and lowered his

“Someone you?” Xie Li knew the words he wanted to say would be

unpleasant. “Say whatever you want. But let me make it clear to you; I have
my principles. If you want to do illegal things with the rest of the family,
that’s your business. But I can’t accept killing anyone.”

Chang Xiaojia said, “Didn’t anyone tell you in prison that I raped and killed
that policewoman?”

Xie Li’s tone was firm, “I never believed it was you, Xiaojia. Tell me, was
it you? I need to hear from your own mouth.”

This time, Chang Xiaojia remained quiet for a long time. He lowered his
gaze and spoke slowly, “It wasn’t me.”

Xie Li hugged him tightly.

Chang Xiaojia turned his head to look at Xie Li in surprise. “Do you believe
me just because I said so?”

Xie Li said, “If I didn’t believe you, why bother asking you?”

Chang Xiaojia looked somewhat dazed. Unconsciously, he raised his hand,

grabbing Xie Li’s clothes. After a while, he said, “I’ve never been with a
woman. I don’t like women.”

Xie Li said he believed it was true. Before this, he had already believed that
Chang Xiaojia had no interest in women, let alone committing such heinous
acts. He stroked Chang Xiaojia’s back, as if his emotions were somewhat
stirred. He didn’t ask who did it; he thought he needed to take it one step at
a time. At least, to this extent was enough.

At least he could breathe a sigh of relief. Chang Xiaojia didn’t know about
the drug trafficking at Hongfang, and he hadn’t committed the insane act of
raping and killing a policewoman.

Chang Xiaojia sat quietly in Xie Li’s arms. After a while, he said, “I’ve
liked men since I was a child. I know you’re not interested in men. You
probably think I’m a pervert.”

Xie Li felt a lump in his throat. After a moment, he said, “I never thought
you’re a pervert.”

Chang Xiaojia sneered, suddenly leaning close to his ear, and said, “Let me
tell you a secret. I’ve never been with a woman or a man. Anyway, I don’t
care if you like men or not. In any case, you must stay with me and not
leave. Otherwise, I’ll kill you.”

Xie Li’s heartbeat suddenly became intense. He didn’t know if Chang

Xiaojia, who was pressed against his chest, could feel it. He asked, “Chang
Xiaojia, do you like me?”

Chang Xiaojia didn’t answer. He just opened his mouth unexpectedly,

preparing to bite his neck.

Xie Li quickly held Chang Xiaojia’s face in his hands. In that split second,
he felt the sharp teeth touch his skin. He immediately said angrily, “Are you
a dog? Always biting my neck?”

Chang Xiaojia shook his head strugglingly. When he forcefully shook off
Xie Li’s hand, his cheeks had already been pinched red. Then he stood up
and said, “will you like it if I bite you somewhere else then?”
Xie Li was stunned.

Chang Xiaojia raised his hand, took off his bathrobe, squatted beside the
bed, looked at Xie Li, and slowly unzipped his pants.

For a moment, Xie Li found it challenging to describe his feelings. He

didn’t know whether he resisted more or anticipated more. Suddenly, he
recalled the first time Chang Xiaojia made such a request in prison. He had
refused without hesitation. In his eyes, it was a humiliating thing being with
another man. However, at this moment, seeing Chang Xiaojia’s cheeks
slightly flushed, showing no signs of reluctance with his eyes expectant and
focused, he thought, just as Chang Xiaojia said, he really liked men.

Xie Li lay back on the bed, tensing his thigh muscles, breathing heavily. His
thoughts were chaotic, and many images floated like bubbles in the wind.
Yet, he couldn’t calm down to think. He didn’t know what he was doing.

At this moment, he suddenly saw the door silently open. Lying on the bed,
the scenes in his eyes were upside down, and he only saw a middle-aged
man standing at the door. For a moment, he couldn’t react to who that
person was.

Which middle-aged man from the Chang family would open Chang
Xiaojia’s door in the middle of the night without knocking?

Xie Li was suddenly shocked and called out, “Xiaojia.”

Chang Xiaojia lifted his head from between Xie Li’s legs. He also looked at
the man by the door, then slowly stood up, wiping his lips with his hand,
and said, “Dad.”

Chang Guanshan was after all a worldly-wise person. Encountering his son
naked, pleasuring a man with his mouth, he could remain calm without any
change in his expression. His voice was deep as he said, “Put on your
clothes and come out.”

After saying that, Chang Guanshan stepped out and closed the door.
Chang Xiaojia, much like his father, remained calm about the situation. He
picked up the discarded bathrobe and put it on, fastening the belt. While
doing so, he said to Xie Li, “I’ll be back in a moment.”

Xie Li had already buttoned his pants and sat on the edge of the bed. He had
a premonition that things might get complicated. He realized he had been
too careless. Having stayed here for such a long time, no one had
questioned the relationship between him and Chang Xiaojia. He thought
this place was a safe environment, but he had forgotten about Chang

As Chang Xiaojia walked towards the door, Xie Li grabbed his wrist.
Standing up, he said, “I’ll come with you.”

“What’s the use of you coming along?” Chang Xiaojia tried to shake off his

Xie Li hugged him and said, “Aren’t I your bodyguard? I can’t bear to see
you face any danger. As long as your dad calms down and forgives you, it’s
fine even if he kills me.”

However, Chang Xiaojia became angry at these words, fiercely saying,

“you think I’d let anyone kill you!”

Teasing him, Xie Li said, “Didn’t you say you wanted to kill me yourself?”

Chang Xiaojia was visibly upset, trembling slightly as he declared,

“Without my consent, you’re not allowed to die!”
BLNDD chapter 28

In the end, Chang Xiaojia had to face Chang Guanshan on his own.

Xie Li opened the room door slightly to glance outside. Seeing Chang
Guanshan standing in the living room by the window, he told Chang
Xiaojia, “I’ll be right here. If anything happens, just call me.”

Chang Xiaojia softly responded with an “okay.” As he tried to push the

door open, Xie Li grabbed his arm. Adjusting the bathrobe around him, Xie
Li touched his face and reassured him, “It’s okay, don’t worry.”

Once Chang Xiaojia left, Xie Li didn’t close the door completely; he left a
crack and leaned against the wall to observe.

Upon seeing Chang Xiaojia, Chang Guanshan, contrary to Xie Li’s

expectations, didn’t express immediate anger. He simply asked, “I heard
you were sick recently?”

Chang Xiaojia softly replied, “Mm.”

Chang Guanshan asked, “Are you completely better now?”

Chang Xiaojia didn’t answer directly and instead asked, “Why did you
come back early?”

Leaning against the window, Chang Guanshan explained, “It wasn’t that I
didn’t want to come back when you were released; unforeseen
circumstances delayed me. Now that things are settled, I came back
immediately to see you.”

Chang Xiaojia remained silent.

Chang Guanshan extended his hand, saying, “Come here, let Dad give you
a hug.”

Chang Xiaojia stood still, not moving.

Chang Guanshan said, “Haven’t seen each other for so long; don’t you miss

Only then did Chang Xiaojia slowly walk over, allowing Chang Guanshan
to embrace him. After gently patting his back, Chang Guanshan let go.

Looking at him, Chang Guanshan remarked, “you’ve lost some weight.”

Chang Xiaojia lowered his gaze to the ground without looking at him.

Chang Guanshan put his hands in the pockets of his casual pants. At fifty,
he looked no older than forty. He was tall with facial features resembling
Chang Xiaojia’s. Appearing gentle, he usually wore glasses when facing the
media, always in well-tailored suits, giving a good first impression.

Now, facing Chang Xiaojia, he portrayed the image of a tolerant father. He

even used a somewhat indulgent tone to ask, “Is the person in your room
brought back from prison?”

Listening to their father-son conversation, Xie Li initially felt a familiar

tone in Chang Guanshan’s way of speaking to Chang Xiaojia. It took him a
while to realize that the tone was somewhat similar to the one Chang
Xiaojia’s older brother, Chang Xin, used with him. It seemed Chang Xin
had learned from his father how to speak to his younger brother, but he
hadn’t mastered it as well.

Chang Xiaojia answered Chang Guanshan, “Mm.”

Chang Guanshan remarked, “I don’t think it’s good. What do you think,

Listening to their father-son dialogue, Xie Li couldn’t help feeling

uncomfortable with Chang Guanshan’s gentle and persuasive tone,
especially in this situation.
Evidently, Chang Xiaojia shared this sentiment. He began to act stubbornly,
saying, “I like him.”

Chang Guanshan surprisingly smiled. He asked, “What do you like about


Chang Xiaojia started to act petulant. “I like that he’s good-looking, has a
great body, and is skilled in bed.”

Chang Guanshan didn’t get angry. He simply lowered his tone, saying,
“Xiaojia, you’re a boy.”

Chang Xiaojia denied without hesitation, “you think I’m a pervert.”

Chang Guanshan seemed somewhat helpless. “You’re my son. How could

you be a pervert? You just don’t understand. You were led astray in prison.”

Chang Xiaojia’s face remained expressionless, and Chang Guanshan

sighed, saying, “Feeling tired?”

Chang Xiaojia didn’t respond.

Chang Guanshan reached out and patted his head. “If you’re tired, go to
sleep. I know you have trouble sleeping. Staying up late is bad for your
health.” After a brief pause, he added, “I originally came to see if you were
sleeping well.”

Chang Xiaojia said, “You can leave first.”

Chang Guanshan smiled faintly. “Alright, I’ll leave. Get a good night’s
sleep. Remember to come to the main villa tomorrow night, and we’ll have
a family dinner together.”

Chang Xiaojia remained noncommittal.

As Chang Guanshan turned to walk towards the stairs, passing by Chang

Xiaojia’s room, he glanced through the crack in the door and saw Xie Li
leaning against the wall. The gaze wasn’t menacing, but it carried a chilling
Waiting until Chang Guanshan’s footsteps had left the first-floor hall, going
through the garden towards the front villa, Chang Xiaojia pushed open the
door and returned to the room.

Xie Li held his hand and felt that both of Chang Xiaojia’s hands were cold.
He hugged him, asking, “feeling cold?”

Chang Xiaojia shook his head.

Xie Li inquired again, “Scared?”

Chang Xiaojia remained silent.

Chang Guanshan seemed like an affectionate and enlightened father, but

Xie Li believed that his true nature wasn’t as it appeared on the surface.
That was probably why Chang Xiaojia was afraid. Xie Li hugged Chang
Xiaojia, lying on the bed. He felt a bit uneasy, sensing that this matter might
not be easily resolved. However, he didn’t want Chang Xiaojia to perceive
his emotional fluctuations, so he could only comfort Chang Xiaojia, saying,
“It’s okay. I’m glad your dad didn’t make things difficult for us.”

Chang Xiaojia’s face was pressed against Xie Li’s chest, listening to the
sound of his heartbeat.

Before long, he fell asleep.

Xie Li lay still, and after a while, even though his mood was still restless,
fatigue eventually overcame him. Embracing Chang Xiaojia, he sank into
sleep as well.

Although he went to bed late the night before, Xie Li woke up early the
next day. He had been jogging for almost a week and didn’t want to break
the routine. So, gently moving away from the sleeping Chang Xiaojia, he
got up, changed into workout clothes, and went for a run.

It had rained during the night, and the morning air by Qing Shui Lake was
cold and refreshing. The ground was still slightly damp.
As autumn progressed, each rainfall brought colder weather. Xie Li’s short-
sleeved sports shirt was about to be replaced with long sleeves. He jogged
along the lakeside, maintaining a steady pace until he slowed down near the
entrance to the Chang family estate.

Once inside the garden, Xie Li saw Chang Xin approaching in sportswear.

Upon spotting Xie Li, Chang Xin smiled and greeted, “Morning.”

Xie Li nodded, “Morning, Mr. Xin.”

Chang Xin walked up to Xie Li, stopped, and said, “Heard my dad visited
Xiaojia last night.”

Xie Li didn’t inquire about the source of Chang Xin’s information but
calmly replied, “Yes, Mr. Chang paid a visit.”

Lowering his voice, Chang Xin advised, “Listen to me, no matter what my
dad says to you, just follow his instructions. Don’t defy him.” After
conveying this, he patted Xie Li’s shoulder, stretched his arms to loosen his
shoulders, and continued jogging away.
BLNDD chapter 29

On that day, Xie Li drove Chang Xiaojia out for a drive, so in the afternoon,
Xie Li also drove him back early to make it in time for the family dinner.

Chang Xiaojia got out of the car in the front yard of the villa, stood by the
car door, and bent down to look at Xie Li through the window.

Xie Li said to him, “Go ahead. I’ll call the kitchen to bring dinner to me.”

Chang Xiaojia nodded. He lifted his head, looked at the three-story villa in
front of him with a gloomy expression, and walked towards the entrance.

Xie Li parked the car in the garage and, holding the car keys, went back to
the small building where Chang Xiaojia stayed. He used the phone in the
hallway to call the kitchen and have them deliver dinner. Chang Xiaojia
usually didn’t eat with his stepmother and elder brother in the front, and if
he wanted a meal at home, he would call the kitchen to have it delivered.

After making the call, Xie Li walked towards the second floor. Before
stepping onto the last step leading to the second floor, he saw Chang
Guanshan sitting on the sofa in the reception room.

In that instant, Xie Li’s heart tightened. He slowed down his steps and said,
“Mr. Chang, Young Master Jia is already waiting for you to have dinner in

Chang Guanshan smiled slightly and said to Xie Li, “I’m not here for
Xiaojia. I’m here for you. Come over and sit.”

Xie Li took a deep breath, walked slowly to the opposite side of Chang
Guanshan, and sat down. “Mr. Chang, what’s the matter?”
Chang Guanshan looked him over. His gaze was different from the coldness
of the night before, appearing more gentle. “Your name is Xie Li, from
Chongfeng City, a veteran, involved in business, unfortunately betrayed by
a partner, arrested for retaliatory assault, and during your time in prison,
you met Xiaojia.”

This was the identity arranged for him when Xie Li came to Harbor City as
an undercover agent. It was also the identity and experiences that Chang
Guanshan could find out.

Xie Li nodded. “That’s me.”

Chang Guanshan leaned back on the sofa, raised one leg, and clasped his
hands, placing them on his knee. “You’re only 26 years old.”

“Yes,” Xie Li replied.

Chang Guanshan smiled. “Very young.”

“Yes,” Xie Li said. “But I’ve experienced a lot.”

Chang Guanshan nodded. “Having many experiences at a young age can be

both good and bad.”

Xie Li listened without speaking.

Chang Guanshan asked, “What are your plans?”

Xie Li said in a low voice, “I still want to work for Young Master Jia and do
something at Hongfang.”

Chang Guanshan’s tone was unhurried. “Whether you want to work for
Xiaojia or work at Hongfang, I think you need to make it clear.”

Xie Li looked at him.

Although not young anymore, Chang Guanshan was still a handsome man.
The mature temperament accumulated with age even made him more
charming compared to his son, Chang Xin. Facing Xie Li, Chang Guanshan
spoke in a different tone and attitude than when talking to Chang Xiaojia
the night before. With Chang Xiaojia, it was like coaxing a young child, but
with Xie Li, it was more like a caring elder.

Chang Guanshan continued, “Working for Xiaojia means selling your body.
Although you have that capability, I believe you have more to offer. Your
body is not something you should easily give away; it would undervalue
yourself. What do you think?”

Xie Li tightened his lips. After a while, he said, “Young Master Jia suffers
from severe insomnia, both in prison and now. I don’t want my value to him
to be just accompanying him to sleep. But if he needs me, I can’t leave him

Chang Guanshan nodded slowly. He said to Xie Li, “You’re a good kid. But
over time, it will only spoil Xiaojia. Addressing the symptoms, not the root
cause. I don’t want you two to continue like this.”

Xie Li interlaced his fingers and placed them in front of him. “Mr. Chang,
how would you like me to handle this?”

Chang Guanshan said, “Actually, I think you’re not bad, and Xiaojia likes
you. I want to keep you by Xiaojia’s side, but I think you should
temporarily move out for a while. Firstly, to let Xiaojia calm down, and
secondly, I’ll be at home during this time. I can accompany Xiaojia to see a
doctor and find a way to treat his insomnia. If, in the end, Xiaojia still feels
it’s not working, we can sit down and discuss. Do you find this feasible?”

Xie Li suddenly sighed in his heart. He had considered that Chang

Guanshan might outright tell him to leave, but he had never anticipated that
the other would choose such a method—a method that involved negotiating
with him in a calm manner, considering Chang Xiaojia’s fatherly status.

Faced with this Chang Guanshan, Xie Li found himself nodding in

agreement without saying a word.

Just when he nodded, Xie Li couldn’t help but think that Chang Guanshan
was indeed patient. Anyone else would have directly kicked him out, so
why waste words persuading him?

Xie Li wanted to wait until Chang Xiaojia came back to tell him before

But Chang Guanshan said, “Xiaojia will be upset if he sees you leave.
Leave quietly; I’ll talk to him.” After that, he added, “You’re from out of
town, and you probably have nowhere to stay. I’ll have someone arrange a
house for you temporarily. Go live there for a few days. Once Xiaojia
settles down, I’ll arrange for you to meet him again.”

After that, Chang Guanshan gave Xie Li a contact number, asking him to
find a person named Chen Chao. “That’s Uncle Chao. He has been with me
for over twenty years and is reliable.”

Xie Li nodded. “Thank you, Mr. Chang. I’ll pack up and get ready to

Chang Guanshan said, “Don’t use Xiaojia’s car. I’ll have someone take

When Xie Li returned to the room, Chang Guanshan had already left. After
his footsteps disappeared from the hall, Xie Li walked to the balcony and
looked down. He saw Chang Guanshan walking steadily along the garden
path towards the front.

He felt somewhat uneasy. He realized that his understanding of Chang

Guanshan was too limited, and it wasn’t just him; even Yu Zhengkun’s
knowledge of Chang Guanshan was quite restricted. All they knew was that
Chang Guanshan in public was always calm and composed, wearing a
gentle smile on his face and being sincere in his interactions with others.
That’s how he managed to have a group of loyal brothers at Hongfang, and
his business continued to grow. In an interview with a magazine, Chang
Guanshan once said, “In business, what I value is not profit, but friends. I
open my heart to every partner.”

When Chang Guanshan’s figure disappeared, Xie Li came back to the room
to pack his things. He thought about how Chang Xiaojia might react,
whether he would be angry or upset. But it didn’t matter; as long as he
settled down a bit later, he could call him and reassure him that he just
didn’t want to confront Chang Guanshan directly and was leaving

He hoped Chang Xiaojia wouldn’t get upset with him over this.

Xie Li didn’t have many belongings when he came, and now that he
planned to leave, he only packed the essentials into a small travel bag,
carrying it in his hand as he walked out of the small building.

The driver arranged by Chang Guanshan was already waiting for him in the

As the car left Chang’s residence, Xie Li looked back, wondering if Chang
Xiaojia had a good dinner. He guessed that facing his family, Chang Xiaojia
might find it hard to swallow.

On the way, Xie Li called Chen Chao and arranged to meet him at a
designated location.

At the agreed-upon place, Xie Li met Chen Chao. Chen Chao opened the
car door, sat directly in, and asked the driver to continue driving. Their
destination was an old residential area.

Chen Chao, in his fifties, wore a faded old suit and a pair of slippers. His
sparse hair was combed backward, revealing yellow teeth when he spoke.
He always had a cigarette in his mouth and didn’t look like someone around
Chang Guanshan.

Chen Chao told Xie Li that they were going to Chang Guanshan’s house in
the old city. According to him, Chang Guanshan was a generous person,
and several houses in the city were reserved for friends in need.

Xie Li asked, “Mr. Chang has a good relationship with both his sons,
Chen Chao took the cigarette out of his mouth and said, “Very good. Old
Chang values relationships. Look, he has always taken care of us old

Xie Li smiled at his words. “I also think Mr. Chang is a good person.”

The driver dropped them off at the entrance of the residential area. Chen
Chao got out first, and Xie Li followed him, walking inside.

The environment of the residential area wasn’t great. Several tall buildings
were crowded together, and in the middle was a narrow and dim sky.

Chen Chao led him into the innermost building, took the elevator to the
fifteenth floor, and came out of the elevator into a long corridor. There were
over a dozen doors on both sides of the corridor, and at this moment, all of
them were tightly closed.

Xie Li followed Chen Chao until the end of the corridor to a door. Chen
Chao took out a key from his pocket, inserted it into the lock, and opened
the door.

The room was pitch black, with only the light coming in from the corridor.

Chen Chao stood at the door, showing no intention of entering. Instead, he

said to Xie Li, “Here it is. Go in and take a look.”

Xie Li glanced at him and said, “Alright, thanks, Uncle Chao.” He stepped
into the room with one foot. Before he could fully enter, he suddenly turned
around, grabbed Chen Chao’s wrist, and pulled him in front of him,
blocking a knife that had come from behind the door.

Then, Xie Li kicked Chen Chao from behind. With a howl, Chen Chao fell
inside, colliding with the person inside who was trying to come out.

Xie Li turned and ran, thinking that he had underestimated Chang

Guanshan’s ruthlessness.

But Chang Guanshan also underestimated Xie Li’s strength. When Chen
Chao opened the door, Xie Li sensed something was wrong because Chen
Chao neither entered and turned on the light nor handed the key to him. It
seemed like he was waiting for him to walk into the ambush set in the

Naturally, Xie Li wouldn’t just sit and wait for death. When he went past
the elevator, he noticed it hadn’t stopped on this floor. So, he decisively
entered the stairwell.

Unexpectedly, there were two people waiting in the stairwell. As soon as he

approached, they blocked his way—one from the left and one from the

Xie Li pushed against the fire door, lifted his foot to kick one of them away,
then turned, grabbed the other person’s shoulder, effortlessly threw him
over his shoulder, and, without lingering in the fight, quickly ran

“Stop!” one of them shouted from upstairs.

Xie Li ignored them. At that moment, he suddenly heard a gunshot, and

almost simultaneously, the intense sound of bullets hitting the metal
handrail next to him.

That person actually had a gun and shot at him directly from between the
two floors of the stairwell.

Xie Li’s heart tightened. Not daring to stay, he quickly ran down along the
BLNDD chapter 30

Xie Li descended the stairs all the way to the ground floor, encountering no
ambushes on the way out. It seemed that Chang Guanshan thought a few
people were enough to kill him, especially since one of them had a gun.

When Xie Li had confronted them earlier, his travel bag had dropped at the
door. He didn’t realize it until he left the residential area and walked on the
lively street. He turned back to look at the entrance, observing the people
coming and going, unable to discern if anyone was watching him.

Continuing towards the bustling neighborhood, he raised his hand to touch

his phone, only to discover it was missing.

He couldn’t remember where he had lost his phone, but his identification
and some loose change were still in a wallet, snug against his body.

He walked until he reached a central market. After wandering inside for a

while, he sat in a less conspicuous corner on a bench near another exit.
Finally able to catch his breath, he observed the people passing through the
market’s entrance, ensuring no one was tailing him. Satisfied, he left the
market, contemplating where to go next.

Returning to the Chang family was out of the question, and he didn’t dare to
contact Chang Xiaojia hastily. Chang Guanshan was ruthless, and Xie Li
didn’t know if he might be monitoring Chang Xiaojia’s phone. There were
several small motels nearby, but Xie Li feared that Hongfang’s informants
were everywhere. Once he registered at a motel, Chang Guanshan could
easily track him down.

In the end, Xie Li found a roadside grocery store, spent some money on
cigarettes, and borrowed the shop owner’s phone to call Yu Zhengkun.
After wandering around for a night, it was almost midnight. Yu Zhengkun,
seemingly awakened from sleep, didn’t express annoyance, asking if there
was an emergency.

Xie Li didn’t say much, only requesting, “Help me find the address of Hu
Minxin.” When he first entered Fish Island Prison, Yu Zhengkun had
arranged for someone to take care of him inside. Hu Minxin was just an
insignificant small-time thug, unaware of Xie Li’s true identity. However, if
Yu Zhengkun wanted to find Hu Minxin, he could.

Yu Zhengkun asked, “What happened?”

Xie Li replied, “Don’t ask. I’ll tell you when I have time. I’m in a hurry
right now.”

Yu Zhengkun didn’t waste time and, after two minutes, provided him with
an address.

Ending the call, Xie Li flagged down a taxi on the roadside and headed
directly to Hu Minxin’s home. In Harbor City, apart from Chang Xiaojia,
the only person Xie Li knew was Hu Minxin. At this point, he couldn’t rely
too much on Yu Zhengkun’s help, fearing it might expose his identity. If he
could hide for a couple of days at Hu Minxin’s place, it would be best.
Additionally, if Chang Xiaojia couldn’t find him, perhaps he might
remember Hu Minxin.

With these thoughts, Xie Li smiled bitterly. When he left the Chang family,
he packed his belongings and left by himself. He had no idea what Chang
Xiaojia might be thinking. He was probably furious, and tonight, he might
not be able to sleep peacefully.

Hu Minxin also lived in an old house in the old city area. The environment
was much worse than the neighborhood Chen Chao had taken him to. There
was no elevator, and Xie Li climbed up to the fourth floor. On the way, he
even encountered a semi-open door with someone conducting illicit
business on the third floor.
Xie Li knocked twice on the door. Standing there for a while without
hearing any movement inside, he looked up and found the doorbell on the
wall. Pressing it firmly, he soon heard footsteps accompanied by Hu
Minxin’s grumbling from inside, approaching the door.

When the door opened, Hu Minxin, wearing only shorts, stood there.
Initially stern-faced, his expression turned to surprise upon seeing Xie Li.
“Xie Li, what are you doing here?”

Xie Li walked inside and said, “Let’s talk inside.”

As soon as he entered, he saw a woman in her underwear coming out of the


Hu Minxin seemed a bit embarrassed and said, “Who knew you’d come
over so late.”

The woman leaned against the doorframe and asked Hu Minxin, “Are we

Hu Minxin said, “Forget it, another day.”

The woman said, “But you still need to pay for tonight.”

Hu Minxin cursed under his breath but didn’t want to lose face. He shouted,
“You’ll get your money!”

Xie Li, realizing the woman was not Hu Minxin’s girlfriend but a prostitute,
took out his wallet from his pocket and asked, “How much?”

The woman, eyeing Xie Li from head to toe, after a while, smiled and said,
“If you’re interested, handsome, I charge for one person. If you both come
together, how about a discount?”

Xie Li smiled, “I’m not interested.”

The woman turned and walked back inside, saying, “Boring.” As she put on
her clothes one by one, she finally took a hundred yuan from Xie Li and left
Hu Minxin’s place.
Hu Minxin still felt embarrassed. After a long time, when the awkwardness
faded, he suddenly realized and asked Xie Li, “How did you know I live

Xie Li, sitting on the sofa in the living room, tilted his head back and said,
“Asked around a bit.”

Hu Minxin didn’t press for details. He thought Xie Li had some means
since he had been working for Chang Xiaojia. So, he asked, “Why are you
here so late?”

Xie Li rubbed his face with his hand and said, “Chang Guanshan wants to
kill me.”

Hu Minxin was shocked, “What? Why does he want to kill you?”

Xie Li said, “Because I had something with his son.”

Hu Minxin’s eyes widened in disbelief, “You really had something with

Chang Xiaojia?”

Xie Li remained silent.

Hu Minxin’s expression of shock lingered for a long time. “Is it true or not?
You’re not joking with me?”

Xie Li sighed and shook his head.

Sitting beside him, Hu Minxin said, “Then what’s your plan now?”

Xie Li told him, “Let me stay here for a couple of days.”

Hu Minxin said, “You can stay as long as you want. The key is, what’s your
plan for the next step? Can you still go back to Chang Xiaojia?”

Xie Li didn’t answer Hu Minxin’s question.

In reality, if he were just a small businessman who had served time in

prison, and had decent skills, he should return to Chongfeng. After all, the
most powerful force in Harbor city was now chasing him. Just to make
money; there were opportunities everywhere. Why risk his life?

But he couldn’t just declare the mission a failure. After some thought, he
came up with the excuse that he couldn’t bear to leave Chang Xiaojia. This
way, Chang Xiaojia might just throw a tantrum at most. Otherwise, if
Chang Xiaojia clashed directly with Chang Guanshan, he might suffer some

He suddenly realized that he didn’t want Chang Xiaojia to suffer.

Hu Minxin’s house was small, an old one passed down from his
grandmother. There was only one bedroom, and Xie Li took the initiative to
ask to sleep on the sofa, hiding out at Hu Minxin’s place for two days.

After two days, Xie Li and Yu Zhengkun met at a secure location.

Upon hearing about Xie Li’s current situation, Yu Zhengkun fell silent for a
long time and said, “I told you not to get too close to Chang Xiaojia for the

Xie Li chuckled, “If it weren’t for that, I’m afraid I wouldn’t have seen
Chang Xiaojia again after leaving Fish Island Prison.”

Looking at him, Yu Zhengkun asked, “Xie Li, tell me honestly, did you mix
personal feelings into this mission?”

Xie Li didn’t answer.

Yu Zhengkun said, “Two years ago, during your training at the Hangfeng
Base, Chen Haiman was also there. Did something happen between you

Xie Li’s expression turned serious, and he said in a low voice, “Nothing
happened, but you’re right. Who can face this case without mixing in
personal feelings? I won’t let the person who killed her get away.”

Friendly reminder: Chen Haiman was the female police officer who
was killed.
BLNDD chapter 31

Before leaving, Yu Zhengkun asked Xie Li to prioritize his own safety and
temporarily refrain from taking new actions. If it is confirmed that Chang
Guanshan will not spare him, he should immediately terminate the
undercover mission.

Xie Li returned to Hu Minxin’s house and asked him to inquire about any
news regarding Chang Xiaojia.

Hu Minxin went out to inquire everywhere, and after two days, he told Xie
Li that Chang Xiaojia had been seen the night he left Chang’s house but had
not been seen since.

“No news at all?” Xie Li sat on the sofa, lightly rubbing his lips with his
right thumb.

Hu Minxin said, “Yes, there has been no sign of him these past few days.”

Xie Li frowned and, after a while, asked, “Have you seen Shi Hongqian?”

Hu Minxin asked in confusion, “Who is Shi Hongqian?”

Xie Li shook his head. After thinking for a long time, he said, “Tonight, I’ll
go out with you. Let’s check out Fengling together.”

Hong Fang’s influence had been running Fengling Bar for many years, and
it had already gained a reputation. Many tourists from other cities, when
they arrived in Harbor city, would visit Fengling Bar. Because of this, after
Chang Xiaojia took over the bar and changed the management, it caused
quite a stir within Hong Fang.
Back then, Chen Haiman had also infiltrated Fengling Bar to investigate
information about drug traffickers.

Hu Minxin was timid and worried that something might happen to Xie Li if
he went out. He advised him, “Although I haven’t heard any news, it
doesn’t mean Chang Guanshan hasn’t sent people to find you. I think you
should be more careful and not go out for now.”

Xie Li told him, “It’s okay. I’ll go alone, don’t worry.”

Hu Minxin was taken aback for a moment and quickly said, “I’m not afraid
of you causing trouble for me.”

Xie Li stood up, patted him on the shoulder with a smile, and said, “I’m not
afraid of causing trouble for you. I’m afraid that if Chang Guanshan targets
you too, I won’t even have a place to stay. Don’t worry, I’ll be fine.”

In the evening, Fengling Bar was bustling with people. Xie Li, wearing a
baseball cap and a pair of non-prescription glasses, was almost
unrecognizable if one didn’t look closely.

He sat near the bar, ordered a beer, and after taking a few sips, he grabbed a
passing waiter carrying a tray and asked, “Has the boss been here tonight?”

The waiter, a college student newly recruited by Chang Xiaojia after his
release, had no real connection to Hong Fang. He happened to be recruited
on the day Xie Li was there.

The waiter hesitated, the light above him flickering and casting alternating
shadows on Xie Li’s face. Unable to recognize him at the moment, the
waiter said, “The boss hasn’t been here these past two days.”

Xie Li let go of the waiter’s hand and smiled, saying, “Thanks.”

He sat back down to drink, picked up the glass, and finished the beer with a
few sips, placing the empty glass on the bar.

The bartender asked if he wanted another one.

Xie Li shook his head. He stood up, intending to leave. Just as he turned
around, he saw Shi Hongqian appearing at the entrance of the bar.

Shi Hongqian was wearing a suit and tie, stopped at the entrance, and
slowly scanned the entire bar.

Xie Li pressed down his cap and intended to walk towards him.

At this moment, Xie Li suddenly stopped in his tracks because he saw,

following closely behind Shi Hongqian, Chang Xin entered the bar as well.

F**k, Shi Hongqian turned out to be associated with Chang Xin, Xie Li
thought. He grabbed the wrist of the accompanying hostess and quickly
walked forward.

The hostess, thinking they were going to the bar, was pushed towards the
inside. She was confused.

Xie Li reached the edge of the hall, suddenly let go of the hostess’s hand,
and quickly walked towards the back door of Fengling Bar. He knew where
the back door was, but he had never walked through it. Along the way, he
bumped into an employee holding a bottle, but without time to waste, he
pushed the person aside and continued running towards the inside.

The back door was behind the room where the water bucket and trash can
were kept after passing through the kitchen. There was a door and a
window. Beyond the door was a narrow alley, only wide enough for a
garbage truck to pass through.

Inside the kitchen, the chefs were busy. Someone asked who he was looking
for, but he didn’t answer. He walked directly through the kitchen to the back
room, only to find that the back door was unexpectedly locked with a

Xie Li took off his glasses and hat, intending to ask the chef if he had the
key. However, he saw Chang Xin’s henchmen already chasing into the
Xie Li decided to step back and try to open the window. The window was
not locked, but it was a semi-fixed sliding window. The gap when pulled
open was not enough for a person to pass through. Xie Li jumped onto the
window sill and bumped the glass with his body, feeling the entire window
frame shaking.

As he bumped for the second time, the two people had already broken in.
They reached out and pulled him down from the window sill.

When Xie Li landed, he squatted down first, then stood up and used his
shoulder to bump one person away. He grabbed the other person’s hair from
behind, directly pushing his head into the water bucket in front of him. The
person was completely stunned, struggling to lift his head to breathe. Xie Li
then grabbed his waist and pushed his entire body into the bucket.

The plastic bucket was filled with water, and a lot of it splashed on Xie Li,
emitting a nauseating smell.

The person he pushed away just now had pounced on him. Xie Li grabbed
his arm, pulled him forward, lifted his knee to hit his waist, and then used
the strength of his legs to bump him onto the garbage can, overturning the
entire trash bin.

Xie Li heard Chang Xin’s voice. He suddenly changed his mind and
decided not to run. He wanted to detain Chang Xin first before talking to
Chang Guanshan. He moved to the side of the door.

Chang Xin stood at the doorway but did not enter. He just shouted, “Xie

Xie Li remained silent, leaning against the door.

At this moment, Shi Hongqian’s voice sounded from outside. He said, “Xie
Li, Xiaojia is in the hospital. Come with us to see him.”

Xie Li frowned.
Shi Hongqian walked in slowly. He raised his hands, calmly turned to face
Xie Li, and said, “He refuses to eat and has been starving himself for a few
days. Now he’s in the hospital receiving nutrition through intravenous
fluids. If you don’t go see him, he might not want his own life anymore.”

Xie Li said in a deep voice, “Don’t lie to me.”

Shi Hongqian said, “I’m not lying to you.” He reached into his pocket, also
telling Xie Li, “I’m taking out my phone, don’t be nervous.”

He took out his phone, made a video call, and said to the other side, “Let
me see Xiaojia.”

Then, Shi Hongqian turned the screen toward Xie Li.

Xie Li saw the hospital in the background on the screen. Chang Xiaojia was
lying on a hospital bed, pale, sunken eyes, and an IV hanging from his

He subconsciously swallowed a mouthful of saliva. When he tried to speak,

he found that he couldn’t make a sound in his throat. In that instant, his
heart was in chaos, panic setting in.

Chang Xin walked in at this moment, saw the mess inside, and frowned
deeply. He said to Xie Li, “Come, go to the hospital with me.”

When Xie Li sat in the back seat of Chang Xin’s car, chaos still reigned in
his mind. He didn’t know what had happened to him. Apart from worry, he
felt more fear.

What was he afraid of? He probably wasn’t afraid that something would
happen to Chang Xiaojia, as he was already in the hospital. If he went to see
him, he would tell him not to be stubborn, to eat well in the future, and
Chang Xiaojia would listen to him.

So, what was he afraid of? Perhaps he was afraid of the inexplicable
emotions coming from Chang Xiaojia. Why was he so dependent on him?
Why could he give up his life just by leaving him? How long had they
known each other? How long had they been together? Did Chang Xiaojia
understand him? Did he know what kind of person he was? Why did he like
him so much?

How could he bear such deep feelings from a person? Moreover, this person
was Chang Xiaojia. He had approached him with ill intentions, with a

Xie Li leaned back in the seat, closed his eyes wearily.

Suddenly, Chang Xin said, “You smell disgusting.”

Shi Hongqian, sitting in the front passenger seat, turned to look at them
upon hearing the comment.

The smell of water still lingered on Xie Li’s body, now permeating the
entire car compartment. Even with the window open, it couldn’t be
dissipated. He sat up straight, lifted his hand, and unzipped his coat. After
taking it off his body, he held the nauseating coat in his hand and threw it
onto Chang Xin’s face after a while.

Chang Xin was furious. “Xie Li!”

Xie Li pointed at him. “If something happens to Xiaojia, I won’t let you and
your father off!”
BLNDD chapter 32

Chang Xin had the driver take Shi Hongqian and Xie Li to the hospital and
left to take a shower, unable to endure the stench on his body.

Xie Li followed behind Shi Hongqian, looking up at the hospital corridor’s

pale fluorescent lights. One light kept flickering, emitting a sizzling sound,
much like his current restless and anxious state of mind.

Shi Hongqian walked up to a ward door, opened it, revealing a suite inside.
A nurse sitting on the sofa in the outer room immediately stood up to greet
Shi Hongqian.

Xie Li glanced into the inner room, only able to see a corner of the hospital

Shi Hongqian said to Xie Li, “Go in.”

Xie Li took two steps inside but suddenly stopped. He turned to Shi
Hongqian and said, “I want to change into other clothes.”

Shi Hongqian looked him up and down and said, “Wait a moment.”

Xie Li was given an empty ward to take a shower, changed into a new set of
clothes that Shi Hongqian had someone bring, and cleaned up before
returning to Chang Xiaojia’s ward.

Xie Li stood still for a moment, slowly walked towards the room, and Shi
Hongqian spoke quietly to the nurse, inquiring about Chang Xiaojia’s
condition. Xie Li heard the nurse saying, “Just woke up…” but as he
entered the inner room, the rest of the words became indistinct.
Chang Xiaojia lay on the bed on his side, legs curled up, his slender body
curled into a ball, looking lifeless.

Xie Li walked to the bedside, sat on a chair facing his side, leaned in to
look at his face. He saw Chang Xiaojia’s tightly closed eyes, and his lips
lacked any trace of color.

Only one wall lamp was on in the ward, its soft and dim light shining from
behind him. He looked like he was asleep, but his expression remained
tense, as if unwilling to compromise.

Xie Li didn’t want to disturb him, but he couldn’t help reaching out to touch
his face.

Unexpectedly, Chang Xiaojia immediately opened his eyes, looking at the

person in front of him with a tired but sharp expression. Even though he
recognized Xie Li, his gaze did not soften. Instead, he spoke with a hint of
resentment, “I don’t want to see you, leave.”

His voice was hoarse.

At this moment, Xie Li felt no anger. He used the back of his hand to touch
Chang Xiaojia’s face and forehead, feeling the coolness. He bent down,
almost pressing his face against his, and said, “Xiaojia, what’s wrong? Why
aren’t you eating?”

Chang Xiaojia coldly said, “Didn’t you leave me?”

Suddenly, Xie Li felt a bit uncomfortable. He asked him, “So what if I

leave, are you willing to die just because of that?”

Chang Xiaojia looked at him, “If you leave, I’ll kill you.”

Xie Li reached out and pinched his slender wrist. “Then why are you lying
in the hospital bed?”

Chang Xiaojia fell silent for a moment and said, “I don’t want them to get
what they want.”
Xie Li asked, “Who?”

Chang Xiaojia didn’t answer. It seemed like he didn’t want to continue

talking to Xie Li. He turned over and lay flat, closing his eyes.

Xie Li adjusted the position of the IV tube, silently watching him for a few
seconds. He stood up from the bedside, and the chair’s legs made a slight
sound as they rubbed against the floor.

Chang Xiaojia immediately opened his eyes and looked at Xie Li, asking
harshly, “Where are you going?”

Xie Li originally planned to go to the outer room to ask the nurse about
Chang Xiaojia’s current situation. Upon hearing Chang Xiaojia’s words, he
sat back down and said, “I’m not going anywhere, don’t worry.”

Chang Xiaojia said coldly, “Xie Li, you bastard” He closed his eyes again.

Xie Li didn’t respond. He saw tears welling up at the tightly closed corners
of Chang Xiaojia’s eyes. After a while, tears flowed down in the direction
of his temples.

At that moment, he almost had the impulse to flee. He lifted his hand to
cover his face, sat quietly by the bed for a long time, took a deep breath,
and put his hand down, regaining composure. He asked Chang Xiaojia,
“Xiaojia, do you want to eat something?”

Chang Xiaojia still didn’t answer, keeping his eyes closed. Tears continued
to slide down from the corners of his eyes.

Xie Li looked at him in a daze. After a while, he couldn’t help reaching out
to wipe away his tears.

As soon as his fingers touched his eyes, Chang Xiaojia turned his head and
bit Xie Li’s hand.

Xie Li grunted in pain but didn’t rush to pull his hand away. He let Chang
Xiaojia bite him. After a while, Chang Xiaojia let go on his own. Xie Li
looked at his fingertips in the dim light, finding several deep tooth marks.
Fortunately, the skin was not broken.

Chang Xiaojia looked at him with hatred.

Xie Li extended his fingers in front of him and said, “Almost bit through. If
it had bled, I would have had to get a rabies vaccine.”

Chang Xiaojia coldly said, “I’m not a dog.”

Xie Li smiled, “So you know you’re not a dog.”

Chang Xiaojia opened his mouth as if to bite Xie Li’s fingertips again. Xie
Li didn’t dodge this time. Chang Xiaojia took his fingertips into his mouth,
but instead of biting down hard, he gently sucked them with the tip of his

They say the ten fingers are connected to the heart. The warmth and tickling
sensation from that touch instantly surged into Xie Li’s heart. He thought,
Chang Xiaojia’s teeth are hard, but his tongue is soft, his body is cold, but
his lips are warm. Being held like this was the most comfortable feeling he
had ever experienced from anyone in his life.

Xie Li felt a slightly awkward impulse. He withdrew his fingers, lowered

his head, and wanted to kiss Chang Xiaojia’s lips.

However, Chang Xiaojia unexpectedly turned his head to avoid it.

Xie Li didn’t understand why he dodged and persistently chased after him,
pressing his lips against Chang Xiaojia’s soft ones.

Chang Xiaojia gasped, his thin body tensed lying on the hospital bed, and
his chest rose and fell continuously.

Xie Li thought, “I really owe him.” But he couldn’t help continuing this
deep kiss. He kissed him until his pale face had a hint of color, and his
breath seemed to be struggling to catch up before finally releasing him.

Chang Xiaojia slumped on the bed, looking at Xie Li with moist eyes.
Xie Li said to him, “How about eating something?”

Chang Xiaojia’s voice was no longer as hoarse, just extremely soft. He said,
“I won’t eat.”

Xie Li gently persuaded, “Just a little bit. I will feed you.”

Chang Xiaojia remained silent.

Xie Li stood up and found Shi Hongqiab still sitting outside. Without
saying much, he ordered a bowl of plain porridge.

Soon, the piping hot porridge was brought into the ward.

Xie Li placed the bowl on the bedside table and sat by the bed, helping
Chang Xiaojia sit up against him.

Chang Xiaojia tilted his face to look at him.

Xie Li lifted the bowl, and when he looked at Chang Xiaojia, he smiled and
kissed the corner of his mouth.

Chang Xiaojia lowered his head again, turning to press his face against Xie
Li’s chest.

Xie Li scooped a spoonful of porridge, blew on it, checked the temperature,

and fed it to his lips when he felt it wouldn’t burn.

Chang Xiaojia slowly opened his mouth, drank the porridge, and struggled
to swallow. His Adam’s apple was particularly prominent, moving with
difficulty with each gulp of porridge.

After feeding him half a bowl of porridge, he refused to eat more. Xie Li
tried to coax him to eat a little more, but when the spoon approached his
mouth, Chang Xiaojia struggled to leave Xie Li’s embrace, and Xie Li had
to give up.

After placing the bowl back on the bedside table, Xie Li helped him lie
down and said, “Go to sleep.”
Chang Xiaojia stared with open eyes without responding.

Xie Li said, “I won’t leave again.”

Chang Xiaojia looked at him sullenly for a while, then suddenly raised his
voice and shouted, “Shi Hongqian!”

Shi Hongqian quickly walked in from outside. “What’s wrong?”

Chang Xiaojia said, “Go find a pair of handcuffs.”

Shi Hongqian hesitated for a moment.

Chang Xiaojia said, “Hurry up, find a pair of handcuffs and shackle Xie Li
to my bedside.”

Shi Hongqian glanced at Xie Li. “I’ll go now.”

Xie Li looked helpless. “I won’t leave. Before, it was because of your

father, I—”

“I don’t want to hear your reasons. It won’t change the fact that you left
me!” Chang Xiaojia coldly interrupted him.

After more than ten minutes, Shi Hongqian returned with a pair of
handcuffs. He stood by the bedside and said to Xie Li, “Choose a
comfortable posture to sit in.”

Xie Li extended his hand, allowing Shi Hongqian to handcuff his right hand
to the bed railing.

After that, Chang Xiaojia said to Shi Hongqian, “Keep the key safe.
Without my consent, no one is allowed to unlock him.”

Shi Hongqian nodded, put the key in his pocket, and walked out.

Xie Li could only sit on the chair, leaning over the bedside, and said to
Chang Xiaojia, “Now you can sleep peacefully.”
Chang Xiaojia lay on his side facing Xie Li. After a while, he reached out
one hand toward him.

Xie Li held his hand with his left hand, leaned in to kiss his cheek, and said,
“Goodnight, Xiaojia.”
BLNDD chapter 33

Xie Li maintained the difficult position, lying by the bedside, and

eventually fell asleep. When he woke up, it was already bright outside.

Sitting up, he realized that his left hand was still held by Chang Xiaojia. His
right hand, after being in a fixed position for a long time, caused pain when
he tried to move it. Nevertheless, he made a small movement with his right
hand and gently pulled his left hand out of Chang Xiaojia’s grip.

Chang Xiaojia, with closed eyes, furrowed his brows uneasily.

At that moment, a nurse entered, removed the empty nutrient bottle, leaving
the indwelling needle still in Chang Xiaojia’s hand.

Lowering his voice, Xie Li said to the nurse, “Can you please call Shi
Hongqian for me?”

The nurse nodded and left the ward with the bottle.

After a while, Shi Hongqian walked in from outside. He looked like he had
spent the night on the sofa, his suit crumpled and the collar open. He
entered without saying a word, just looking at Xie Li.

In a low voice, Xie Li said, “Help me take off the handcuffs.”

Shi Hongqian calmly replied, “I don’t have the authority for that.”

Rubbing his forehead with his left hand, Xie Li said, “I need to use the

Shi Hongqian reiterated, “You wake Xiaojia up, and if he agrees, I’ll release
Xie Li glared at him, then turned to face Chang Xiaojia, softly calling,

Chang Xiaojia woke up. He turned towards Xie Li, slowly opened his eyes,
looked at Xie Li for a while, and then brought his head closer, nuzzling
against Xie Li’s neck.

Xie Li said, “Xiaojia, I need to use the bathroom. Let him release me.”

Chang Xiaojia moved away, saying, “No.”

Xie Li called out a bit sternly, “Xiaojia.”

Chang Xiaojia seemed to hesitate for a moment and then said, “I want to go

Xie Li used his left hand to pat his hair, “Alright, let’s go.”

Only then did Shi Hongqian open the handcuffs on Xie Li’s wrists.

Xie Li stood up beside the bed, first moving his stiff body and then bending
down to gently help Chang Xiaojia off the bed.

Shi Hongqian stood by and watched them.

Chang Xiaojia raised his hand, circled it around Xie Li’s neck, stared at his
face for a while, and then leaned in to kiss his chin.

Xie Li, supporting him, walked into the bathroom of the ward, locking the
door from the inside.

The bathroom was similar to a hotel bathroom, with a shower room and a
flushing toilet. Next to the sink hung two new towels.

Before releasing the arm holding Chang Xiaojia, Xie Li asked, “Can you
stand steady?”

Chang Xiaojia nodded.

Xie Li slowly placed him in front of the toilet, saying, “Go ahead, pee

Chang Xiaojia replied, “No, you go first.”

Xie Li looked at him and unzipped his pants, aiming at the toilet to pee.

Chang Xiaojia rested his head on Xie Li’s arm, staring straight at him.

After holding back for a long time, Xie Li couldn’t help but let out a sigh of
relief once he was done.

When he pulled up his pants and turned around, he saw Chang Xiaojia still
staring at him.

Xie Li felt his mind go blank. When he came to his senses, he had already
kissed Chang Xiaojia’s lips.

He didn’t know what he was doing. His hands uncontrollably pulled down
Chang Xiaojia’s pants.

Chang Xiaojia leaned over to embrace him, suddenly let out a soft moan,
probably hitting the indwelling needle on his hand. However, when Xie Li
asked about it, he didn’t say anything, just kissed Xie Li forcefully.

Xie Li lifted him and sat him on the sink, just as Shi Hongqian’s voice came
from outside, “Mr. Chang.”

Then came Chang Guanshan’s low “Hmm.”

So, Xie Li stopped, looking at Chang Xiaojia, and said, “Your dad is here.”

Chang Xiaojia instantly frowned.

After hesitating for a moment, Xie Li lifted Chang Xiaojia off the sink,
helping him put on his pants while saying, “Your dad wants to kill me.”

Chang Xiaojia didn’t seem very surprised. He just looked at Xie Li and,
after a while, his eyes turned red, his chest heaving with anger.
Xie Li washed his hands, touched his face, and said, “Don’t worry, I’ll be

With that, he turned and opened the bathroom door.

Chang Guanshan was sitting in a chair near the bed, wearing a soft knitted
sweater over his shirt and glasses. He looked polite and cultured.

Seeing Xie Li, he was neither surprised nor angry, he just nodded and said,
“You’re here.”

Xie Li didn’t question why Chang Guanshan wanted to kill him. He politely
greeted, “Mr. Chang, hello.”

Chang Xiaojia followed behind Xie Li, tightly holding onto the hem of his

Xie Li turned to look at him and supported him back on the bed.

As Chang Xiaojia leaned against the soft bed, he suddenly said to Chang
Guanshan, “I’ve decided to marry Xie Li.”

Xie Li glanced at him.

Chang Guanshan also looked at him, calmly saying, “Our country doesn’t
have same-sex marriage laws, Xiaojia.”

Chang Xiaojia said, “Then we’ll get married abroad.”

Chang Guanshan reached out to touch his head and asked, “Have you

Chang Xiaojia said, “I eat when Xie Li feeds me.”

Chang Guanshan said, “So, does that mean if Xie Li dies, you won’t eat

Although Chang Xiaojia’s tone and expression were naive, Xie Li could
sense the threat he directed at Chang Guanshan.
Chang Guanshan seemed to have noticed it too. He smiled and said to
Chang Xiaojia, “It’s not good to be like this, Xiaojia. People live for
themselves, and Xie Li can’t live for you.”

Chang Xiaojia stubbornly declared, “He has to live for me!”

Chang Guanshan didn’t argue further. He stood up and said to Xie Li,
“Come with me for a moment.”

Chang Xiaojia immediately objected, “No.”

Chang Guanshan turned to look at him, lowered his voice, and called,

Chang Xiaojia didn’t look at his dad.

Xie Li could see that Chang Xiaojia was afraid of Chang Guanshan, but at
this moment, for his sake, he refused to compromise with Chang Guanshan.
Seeing Chang Xiaojia’s face pale, his delicate fingers tightly clenching the
palms, the pajamas trembling with each breath, Xie Li couldn’t bear it any
longer. He said to Chang Guanshan, “Mr. Chang, let’s talk outside.”

Chang Guanshan hadn’t spoken yet, but Chang Xiaojia glared angrily at Xie

Xie Li reached out to touch his face. “I’ll be back soon.”

Chang Guanshan instructed Shi Hongqian, “Hongqian, watch Xiaojia.”

Shi Hongqian replied, “Okay.”

Chang Xiaojia sat on the bed, his face still angry, staring at the two as they
walked out one after another.

Xie Li wasn’t as nervous as Chang Xiaojia. He thought Chang Guanshan

probably wouldn’t go so far as to be lawless, attacking him in the hospital.
Moreover, even if Chang Guanshan did, Xie Li was confident he could
restrain him, preventing himself from getting hurt.
BLNDD chapter 34

It was still early, and the corridor on the VIP floor was mostly empty,
except for the occasional hurried nurse passing by.

Xie Li followed behind Chang Guanshan until they stopped in front of a

floor-to-ceiling window. He listened as Chang Guanshan spoke, “After you
left, Xiaojia searched everywhere for you. When he couldn’t find you, he
became difficult, refusing to eat, drink, or sleep until I brought you back.”

“Mr. Chang, were you planning to kill me all along?” Xie Li asked.

Chang Guanshan chuckled, leaning against the window glass as he looked

at him. “Do you really think I would kill you?”

Xie Li remained silent.

Chang Guanshan continued, “I had Uncle Chao test you. Honestly, I didn’t
think highly of you at first. I don’t admire any man who relies on selling his
face or body. You, however, exceeded my expectations.”

Seeing Chang Guanshan’s sincere expression, Xie Li thought, “I almost

believed you.”

Chang Guanshan patted his shoulder. “You might not understand. I

genuinely don’t want you and Xiaojia to continue this relationship.
Everything I’m doing now is for your own good, but unfortunately, Xiaojia
won’t understand.”

After a moment of silence, Xie Li said, “I really like Xiaojia.”

Chang Guanshan just smiled. “A man’s liking sometimes isn’t worth

Xie Li met his gaze, revealing no excess emotions in his eyes.

Chang Guanshan sighed. “These past few days, I’ve been thinking about
how to handle Xiaojia’s situation. His willfulness is something I indulged.
His mother passed away early, and I couldn’t bear to see him suffer too
much. He gets whatever he wants. He never studied properly, not interested
in the company of the gang. He does as he pleases, and I let him. As long as
I can afford to support him, even if I’m gone, his brother can support him.”

Xie Li listened quietly, but in his mind, he was thinking about when Chang
Xin locked Chang Xiaojia in the dark house, where was Chang Guanshan?
Did he know about these things or not?

Chang Guanshan continued at a steady pace, “Sometimes, I also wonder

when Xiaojia will shoulder his responsibilities like an adult, share some
burden for me and his brother. Over time, Xin often advises me to let him
be, let him be happy. But then came the matter with that woman; you
should know about it. Xiaojia brought her home and couldn’t control his
men, making things escalate. He couldn’t escape and ended up in jail at
such a young age.”

Taking a deep breath, Xie Li said, “Xiaojia isn’t a bad person.”

Chang Guanshan took off his glasses, rubbed his nose, making him look
like a laboring father. “Naturally, he’s not bad, but I fear he’ll make poor
decisions because of his naivety.”

Xie Li knew he shouldn’t and couldn’t pursue the matter of Chang

Guanshan sending someone to kill him. If he wanted to continue his
undercover mission, he had to accept Chang Guanshan’s unconvincing
explanation. So, he said, “Mr. Chang, let me stay by Xiaojia’s side and take
care of him. Even if he never understands, it’s okay as long as I’m there.”

Chang Guanshan silently looked at him for a while and asked, “For what
reason? Don’t tell me it’s because you love him?”

Xie Li realized he couldn’t guess what kind of answer Chang Guanshan

wanted to hear.
Chang Guanshan told him, “How about for money?”

Xie Li was slightly taken aback.

Chang Guanshan continued, “I’ll pay you to take care of and protect my
son. In the future, if anything happens to him, including something like a
hunger strike, you’re the one I’ll ask. But remember, I’m your boss. He’s
not. You report everything about him to me. You’re here to look after him.”

Turbulence surged within Xie Li, and he struggled to prevent any emotions
from showing on his face.

Chang Guanshan smiled and said, “about marrying Xiaojia abroad? Don’t
be naive, kid. If you really want to earn my money, listen to me and don’t
mess around with my son. Understand?”

Xie Li hesitated for a moment and then said after a long pause, “I feel sorry
for Xiaojia.”

Chang Guanshan found it amusing, “Xiaojia is my son, and I won’t harm

him. Take good care of him. He has poor health and a not-so-good mind. He
must be watched every step of the way. If it weren’t for him not being able
to leave you, I wouldn’t tolerate him behaving recklessly with you.”

Xie Li looked towards the distance outside the window, seemingly in inner

Chang Guanshan said, “I’ll only ask you this: Can you follow my orders
and take good care of Xiaojia?”

Xie Li turned back and, after a moment, said each word, “I can, Mr.

Chang Guanshan placed a hand on his shoulder, smiled gently, and said,
“Good. Three days from now, will be Du Shenglian’s seventieth birthday.
I’ll host a grand event at the Hongtu Hotel in the name of Hongfang.
Xiaojia has to appear properly then, understand?”

Xie Li said, “Understood.”

Chang Guanshan added, “And don’t mess around with him recklessly. Be
discreet in public. Remember that for the future.”

Xie Li nodded, “I’ll remember.”

They returned to the hospital room together. Chang Xiaojia sat on the bed,
staring blankly at the sheets, not lifting his head when they entered.

Chang Guanshan walked to the bedside, reached out to smoothen his hair,
and said, “It’s all good now. Xie Li is back. Be a good boy, eat your meal,
and no more starving yourself.”

Chang Xiaojia looked up at him.

Chang Guanshan said, “I’ve done what you asked. I’ll leave for now. I’ll
have some time to come and see you tonight. But if you eat well today, the
doctor said you can be discharged immediately and go home to rest. It’s up
to you.”

Chang Xiaojia didn’t respond, only turned his head to look at Xie Li.

Chang Guanshan wasn’t angry. He walked towards the door of the ward,
and Shi Hongqian followed him out.

Xie Li walked to the bedside and asked Chang Xiaojia, “Have you thought
about what you want for breakfast?”

Chang Xiaojia only asked, “What did he say to you?”

Sitting down beside the hospital bed, Xie Li said, “Your dad promised to let
me stay by your side and take care of you.”

Chang Xiaojia frowned, “Are there any conditions?”

Speaking softly, Xie Li said, “You’ve been on a hunger strike. What more
can he do? After all, he’s your dad.”

Chang Xiaojia’s face darkened, “He still wants to kill you.”

Xie Li held his hand, sighed, and said, “Maybe, but he still compromised
for your sake, right? Don’t worry, as long as I’m with you, no one can harm

Chang Xiaojia’s expression did not ease.

Xie Li said, “let’s leave that matter for now. I’ll go ask if you can eat
something other than congee for breakfast. First, tell me what you want to

Suddenly, Chang Xiaojia raised his hand and hugged Xie Li, calling out,
“Xie Li.”

Xie Li responded softly, “mmh.”

Chang Xiaojia pressed his face against his shoulder, holding him tightly,
and said, “You can’t betray me. If one day you betray me, I’ll really kill

At that moment, an image flashed in Xie Li’s mind—the image of his head
pierced by a bullet, and the person holding the gun was Chang Xiaojia.
Then, he whispered in Chang Xiaojia’s ear, “That day will never come.”
BLNDD chapter 35

Chang Xiaojia was discharged from the hospital. He didn’t eat much for
breakfast and lunch, and in the afternoon, he still lacked energy, lying in
bed in the bedroom, sleeping.

Chang Guanshan had someone return Xie Li’s phone and travel bag to him.
Leaning against the edge of the balcony, he made a call to Hu Minxin.

Hu Minxin, who had been worried about him all night, finally felt relieved
now and asked about his plans.

Xie Li glanced at Chang Xiaojia, who was sleeping peacefully on the bed,
and said, “Just like before.”

Hu Minxin cautiously asked, “Is Chang Guanshan no longer bothering


Xie Li told him, “let’s just say I’ve got that under control for now. Don’t
talk about this matter to anyone”

Hu Minxin quickly said, “I’d be crazy to provoke someone with the

surname Chang.”

After hanging up the phone, Xie Li continued to stand by the balcony,

looking into the distance. It had rained at noon, but it quickly stopped.
However, the ground was still moist. The winter in Harbor City was not
very cold, and even in autumn, many plants remained lush and green,
adorned with dewdrops, spreading to the distant clear waters of the lake.

When Chang Xiaojia returned from the hospital in the morning, Xie Li had
his first face-to-face encounter with Chang Guanshan’s wife, Ye Xinzhi –
the former rumored mistress who had given birth to his eldest son ahead of
his official wife.

Ye Xinzhi was very beautiful, nearing fifty but looking like a woman in her
forties, maintaining a graceful figure.

On the surface, she treated Chang Xiaojia very well. Upon hearing that
Chang Xiaojia was discharged, she greeted him with a cashmere shawl and
advised him to rest well.

However, Chang Xiaojia didn’t say a word to her, not even looking in her
direction, as if she didn’t exist.

Ye Xinzhi didn’t seem angry at all, maintaining a smile on her face. She
kept a pleasant demeanor until Chang Xiaojia walked towards the rear

Chang Xiaojia slept through the entire afternoon. The dinner was delivered
from the kitchen. Xie Li called him to wake up.

As Chang Xiaojia, just awakened, sat on the bed in a daze, he was still
wearing the wrinkled T-shirt he had on while sleeping. Only when Xie Li
put on a jacket for him did he regain his senses and say to Xie Li, “I had a

Xie Li asked, “What did you dream about?”

Chang Xiaojia said, “I dreamed that you set a dog on me.”

Xie Li chuckled, “Why would I set a dog on you?”

Chang Xiaojia looked confused, “I don’t know, then I ran into a pitch-black
house. I tried hard to find an exit and finally opened a sliding door, and I
saw…” He stopped abruptly.

“Saw what?” Xie Li asked.

Chang Xiaojia’s face turned pale, shook his head, and said, “Nothing.”
After that, Chang Xiaojia spent the next two days at home in a listless state,
and Xie Li was by his side all the time.

On the third day, Shi Hongqian brought them two sets of clothes. He told
them to change and attend the birthday dinner for Du Shenglian in the

Chang Xiaojia didn’t want to go.

Shi Hongqian said to him, “Your dad will be angry.”

He reluctantly perked up and sat up on the bed. Looking at the clothes

brought by Shi Hongqian, he said, “Xie Li, change into the clothes and let
me see.”

Xie Li looked at the impeccably tailored black suit. He hadn’t worn formal
attire for a long time. The last time he wore a suit was in the police uniform
during a department event. At that time, he was holding a hat, walking
briskly with black leather shoes, and was secretly photographed by two
young police women with their phones. That police uniform still hung in his
closet, neatly ironed, waiting for the chance to be worn again.

When Xie Li stood up to take off his clothes, Chang Xiaojia became
interested. No longer in a languid appearance, he sat cross-legged on the
bed, curiously leaning forward.

Xie Li first took off the denim jacket, revealing a black shirt inside.
Lowering his head, his slender fingers unbuttoned it one by one along the
chest, exposing his strong abdomen.

Shi Hongqian’s gaze fell on the scar on Xie Li’s waist.

Xie Li opened the package containing the new white shirt, put it on, left the
shirt unbuttoned, and didn’t rush to fasten it. Instead, he unbuttoned his
jeans, unzipped the zipper, and took off his pants.

Chang Xiaojia was attentively watching him.

Inside Xie Li’s jeans was a pair of dark-colored boxer briefs. His powerful
and straight legs were revealed when he pulled up the suit trousers. He
carefully buttoned up the shirt from bottom to top, tucked the hem neatly
into the waistband, instantly highlighting his perfect figure with broad
shoulders and a slim waist.

Finally, when he put on the suit jacket and buttoned it up, he handed the tie
to Chang Xiaojia, saying, “Can you help me tie it?” In fact, he knew how to
tie a tie, but he thought it was normal for this Xie Li not to know.

Chang Xiaojia bent his knees, straightened his back, and held the tie in his
hand. He circled it around Xie Li’s neck from behind and then pulled it
down forcefully, making Xie Li bend over.

Xie Li had to bend down in front of him.

Chang Xiaojia earnestly helped him tie the tie. When the knot was securely
tied, he raised his head, met Xie Li’s gaze for a moment, and then used
force to pull him closer, kissing his lips.

Shi Hongqian stood beside them, watching their kiss until their lips parted.
Chang Xiaojia was panting slightly, his mouth slightly open. He calmly
said, “It’s your turn to try on clothes, Young Master Jia.”

That night was Du Shenglian’s seventieth birthday, and the birthday

banquet was held at the Hongtu Hotel, a five-star hotel owned by the
Hongfang faction. Du Shenglian was still in good health, but his style was
very old-fashioned, likening the demeanor of the seniors in the Hongfang

This time, perhaps because his son Chang Xiaojia had offended him the last
time, Chang Ganshan gave Du Shenglian enough face, spending both
money and effort to organize the birthday celebration.

In the evening, Xie Li followed Chang Xiaojia and Shi Hongqian to the
hotel. Before entering the second-floor banquet hall, they heard lively
singing and recitation inside. Surprisingly, Chang Guanshan had set up a
stage for Du Shenglian in the banquet hall and invited performers.
Chang Xiaojia frowned and muttered quietly, “It’s better to invite Teng
Song to sing.”

Xie Li asked Shi Hongqian, “Who is Teng Song?”

Shi Hongqian replied quietly, “Probably a singer, I don’t know.”

Outside the banquet hall, Du Shenglian’s family was collecting gift money.
One of Du Shenglian’s nephews recognized Chang Xiaojia and called out
from a distance, “Young Master Jia!”

Chang Xiaojia, with a stern face, didn’t even look at him and walked
straight inside.

Shi Hongqian handed over the gift money.

Xie Li followed Chang Xiaojia into the lively banquet hall.

Du Shenglian’s birthday was arranged with a Chinese banquet. Dozens of

round tables could be seen at a glance, and there was a second floor in the
banquet hall, although the situation there was not clear. The main focus was
on the stage in front, where two people in theatrical costumes were engaged
in a performance, but Du Shenglian’s figure was not seen. Instead, Chang
Ganshan and his son, Chang Xin, were surrounded by many people.

Many guests had already arrived in the banquet hall. When Chang Xiaojia
and Xie Li appeared, they attracted the attention of many people.

Xie Li overheard whispers from nearby, saying, “This is Chang Guanshan’s

second son.”

Another person said, “Is he here to do business now?”

“I heard he was in jail not long ago, just released.”

Those discussions were drowned out by other voices, and Xie Li couldn’t
hear them clearly.
At this point, Chang Guanshan noticed them, waved to Chang Xiaojia, and
said, “Come over here, Xiaojia.”

Chang Xiaojia walked towards Chang Guanshan. When he reached him,

Chang Guanshan said, “Come and greet your uncles.”

Xie Li stood behind Chang Xiaojia and saw that beside Chang Guanshan
stood Ping Xiang, Song Zhengdao, and He Chuanyun.

Before Chang Xiaojia could speak, He Chuanyun laughed and said, “Uncle
is too much; just call me Brother Yun.”

Hearing this, Song Zhengdao added, “If Xiaojia calls you Brother Yun, then
I might have to take advantage of him.”

After saying that, everyone laughed. Chang Xiaojia hadn’t even called them
uncles, and the matter was set aside.

At this point, Ping Xiang said to Chang Guanshan, “Xiaojia is good at

planning; he’s a promising businessman.”

Chang Guanshan shook his head. “Engaging in some behind-the-scenes

activities, I have to thank you uncles for giving face to us father and son.
Don’t bother with him.”

Xie Li saw Chang Xiaojia’s mouth slightly droop, showing a displeased and
impatient look.

Chang Guanshan also noticed. He waved to Chang Xiaojia again, asked him
to come closer, and then reached out to touch his head, saying, “These
uncles are all like family. Don’t think about how to earn money from your
own people. Think about how to make money together with your own
people. Understand?”

Chang Xiaojia’s voice was very light as he responded, “Understood.”

Chang Guanshan ruffled his forehead hair, saying, “If you understand, be a
little happier. Don’t act so gloomy.”
As soon as he finished speaking, he suddenly heard He Chuanyun say,
“Huo Zhaoning, why is he here?”

In an instant, everyone looked towards the entrance of the banquet hall. Xie
Li and Chang Xiaojia also turned their heads and saw a young man in a suit,
tall and handsome, accompanied by two or three people, walking towards

That young man was none other than Huo Zhaoning, the leader of the
second-largest faction, Juyi, in Harbor City, second only to Hongfang.

However, what caught Xie Li’s attention more was the man next to Huo
Zhaoning, someone he and Chang Xiaojia knew well from Fish Island
Prison—Dai Hao.

After such a long time, Dai Hao’s leg was still slightly lame. Upon closer
inspection, it could be seen that his walk was uneven.

Dai Hao saw Xie Li and Chang Xiaojia. From a distance, he grinned,
revealing a fierce smile.
BLNDD chapter 36

Chang Xin saw Huo Zhaoning and his group appear, and said to Chang
Guanshan, “I’ll go check it out first.” So, he took two people with him and
walked towards Huo Zhaoning.

Xie Li whispered to Chang Xiaojia, “Dai Hao has been released from

Chang Xiaojia responded with a casual “Hmm,” showing little interest in

the news.

Xie Li saw Dai Hao whispering something to Huo Zhaoning. Huo Zhaoning
looked in their direction, but quickly shifted his gaze back to Chang Xin as
he approached, smiling at him.

Chang Xiaojia pulled Xie Li’s sleeve, “Xie Li, I don’t want to stay here.”

Upon hearing this, Xie Li looked towards the second floor and said to
Chang Xiaojia, “let’s go upstairs, there’s no one up there.”

Chang Xiaojia nodded.

With everyone’s attention drawn to Huo Zhaoning’s group, no one paid

attention to Chang Xiaojia and Xie Li as they walked towards a corner and
climbed the stairs to the second floor platform. The staircase was narrow,
allowing only one person to pass at a time. Xie Li walked ahead, extending
his hand behind him towards Chang Xiaojia.

Chang Xiaojia quickly grasped his hand, and they ascended the stairs
The tables on the second floor were still all empty. At this moment, there
was no one, and the platform faced the stage on the first floor. The two sat
in a position close to the edge, providing a clear view of the entire first

Chang Xin led Huo Zhaoning to Chang Guanshan. Chang Guanshan was
very polite to Huo Zhaoning, who reciprocated with respectful gestures. Xie
Li couldn’t hear their conversation, but they seemed to get along well,
contrary to the rumored rivalry between the two major factions.

Dai Hao stood beside Huo Zhaoning, scanning the surroundings. He located
Xie Li and Chang Xiaojia on the edge of the second-floor platform. He
raised his hand, making a throat-slitting gesture towards Xie Li.

Xie Li had no reaction, but suddenly, Chang Xiaojia stood up, walked to the
railing, lifted one foot, stomped down, and then made a twisting motion
with his fingers, imitating the sound of bones breaking, saying, “Crack!”

Dai Hao’s eyes instantly sprayed out sparks of anger.

Xie Li pulled the grinning Chang Xiaojia back and said, “Why bother with

Chang Xiaojia smiled and said, “I’m just having fun.”

As they chatted, the guest of honor finally arrived fashionably late at the
birthday banquet. When Du Shenglian entered the banquet hall, he was
accompanied by seven or eight people, including Wu Can. Walking beside
him, holding his arm, was a beautiful young woman, none other than Ruan
Qiuyuan, whom Xie Li and Chang Xiaojia had encountered at He Tang last

Upon seeing Ruan Qiuyuan, Xie Li slightly furrowed his brow. He stood up
from the table, leaned on the railing, and looked down.

Ruan Qiuyuan was wearing a tight cheongsam, draped in brown-gray fur on

her shoulders, with long curls falling down. She immediately attracted the
attention of many men.
Xie Li overheard discussions from the table below, saying that Ruan
Qiuyuan was Du Shenglian’s new adopted daughter, but in reality, just
another mistress.

Someone with a vulgar tone asked, “At his age, can Du Shenglian still

Others laughed without saying a word.

Suddenly, Xie Li’s line of sight was blocked by someone’s hand. He felt a
soft palm almost touching his eyelashes, completely obscuring everything
in front of him.

When he grabbed the hand and pulled it down, he heard Chang Xiaojia’s
cold voice in his ear, “If you look at her again, I’ll find someone to kill her.”

Turning around to face Chang Xiaojia, he pulled down the hand covering
his eyes, saying, “I’m looking at Du Shenglian and Wu Can.”

Chang Xiaojia’s lips tightened into an unhappy straight line.

Xie Li saw that everyone was looking towards Du Shenglian, and no one
would notice them. He held Chang Xiaojia’s hand, gave it a kiss, and only
then did Chang Xiaojia’s expression ease a bit.

At this moment, Xie Li saw Chang Guanshan leading his wife and eldest
son towards Du Shenglian. Although they hadn’t seen Ye Xinzhi until now,
she was now elegantly accompanying Chang Guanshan, holding onto his
arm. Naturally, their eldest son, Chang Xin, followed behind them.

Chang Guanshan warmly shook hands with Du Shenglian, exchanging

pleasantries. After his wife and son also offered their blessings to Du
Shenglian, Chang Guanshan began to look around. He spotted Chang
Xiaojia on the second floor and gestured for him to come down.

Despite his reluctance, Chang Xiaojia led Xie Li down to where Chang
Guanshan was.
Du Shenglian still remembered the previous offense from Chang Xiaojia. In
a sarcastic tone, he said, “Oh, isn’t Young Master Chang quite audacious!”

Chang Guanshan smiled and said, “The child doesn’t understand. Old Du,
don’t bother with him.” Then he turned to Chang Xiaojia and said, “Why
don’t you wish Mr. Du a long and healthy life?”

Chang Xiaojia softly voiced, “I wish you a long and healthy life.”

Du Shenglian sneered, “I’m useless now that I’m old. I can’t stand for long;
please help me to sit down.”

Ruan Qiuyuan assisted Du Shenglian and walked inside. Due to the

crowded space, people in front had to make way, creating a path for them.

Xie Li pulled Chang Xiaojia’s arm to the side. As Ruan Qiuyuan passed by,
she suddenly lightly bumped into him with the back of her hand. The touch
was too obvious, and Xie Li knew it was intentional.

After Du Shenglian left to sit at the main table near the stage, Chang
Guanshan said to Chang Xiaojia, “Don’t wander around.”

Chang Xiaojia responded, “Okay.”

During the banquet, Xie Li didn’t sit at the same table as Chang Xiaojia.

He sat next to Shi Hongqian. Shortly after sitting down, he noticed Ruan
Qiuyuan also taking a seat at their table, right next to Shi Hongqian.

Later, taking advantage of a toasting moment, Ruan Qiuyuan handed a note

to Xie Li.

Xie Li didn’t open the crumpled note until he went to the restroom, locking
himself in a cubicle. He read the room number written on it.

He took a deep breath and threw the crumpled note into the toilet, flushing
it away. When he returned to the banquet hall, he saw that it was still lively
inside. Chang Xiaojia was sitting next to Chang Guanshan, engaged in a
conversation with Huo Zhaoning. Whatever Huo Zhaoning said, Chang
Xiaojia was listening attentively.

Xie Li didn’t see Ruan Qiuyuan in her original seat.

He hesitated for a few seconds, then turned and walked towards the

Although the note only had a room number, Xie Li knew Ruan Qiuyuan
must be referring to this hotel. He took the elevator to the ninth floor, found
room 908 along the corridor, and pressed the doorbell.

Soon, Ruan Qiuyuan opened the door from the inside and let him in, then
closed the door.

This was a suite in the hotel, with a living room and a bedroom. The room
was filled with traces of daily life. Two dresses were casually thrown over
the back of a sofa, suggesting that Ruan Qiuyuan had been living here for a

Xie Li remained silent since entering.

Ruan Qiuyuan spoke first, “I’ve been living in this room for a long time.
There’s no eavesdropping or surveillance here, so you can relax.”

Xie Li turned to look at her, his expression revealing anger, and said, “Have
you lost your mind?”

Ruan Qiuyuan was still wearing the cheongsam, but now with a woolen
coat instead of a fur stole. Facing Xie Li while leaning against the sofa, she
asked, “What do you mean by ‘lost my mind’? Why did you come to the
harbor? Wasn’t it for the information disclosure operation?”

Xie Li said, “But you’re a woman!”

Ruan Qiuyuan asked, “Since when did the police force have gender
Through gritted teeth, Xie Li said, “You understand what I mean! How
much are you willing to sacrifice as an undercover? What if something
happens to you? Is it worth it?”

With her arms crossed in front of her chest, Ruan Qiuyuan suddenly asked,
“is Haiman worth it?”

Xie Li fell silent. After a while, he slowly sat down on the sofa beside her,
raised his hand to cover his face, and then spoke in a hoarse voice, “You’re
here for Haiman. But have you thought about how sad she would be with
you risking your life like this?”

Ruan Qiuyuan turned to face Xie Li. “Haiman sacrificed herself to

investigate the Chang family. We can’t let her sacrifice be in vain. Don’t
you understand, Xie Li?”

Xie Li lifted his face, saying, “I understand.”

The room fell silent for a while, and Xie Li’s emotions also calmed down.
He looked up at Ruan Qiuyuan and said, “Calling me here like this is too
risky. Aren’t you afraid Du Shenglian will come after you?”

Ruan Qiuyuan sat on the single sofa diagonally across from him. “Du
Shenglian won’t come after me at this time. Besides, if I’m alone in a room
with any man, it won’t arouse suspicion of the mission. People will only
think we’re having an affair.”

Xie Li was slightly stunned, suddenly feeling another kind of tension. He

raised his head and subconsciously looked towards the direction of the door.

Ruan Qiuyuan lit a cigarette and asked, “Why are you nervous?”

Shaking his head, Xie Li looked at Ruan Qiuyuan and said, “You didn’t
smoke before.”

Ruan Qiuyuan tucked the long hair falling beside her cheek behind her ear.
“Sometimes the pressure is too much, and smoking helps relieve stress.”
Xie Li completely understood Ruan Qiuyuan’s state. He often relied on
smoking to relieve stress as well, and he used not to smoke before.

Ruan Qiuyuan said, “I called you here because there’s something I want to
tell you.”

Xie Li looked at her.

Taking a puff of smoke, Ruan Qiuyuan said, “Wu Can is instigating Du

Shenglian to eliminate Chang Guanshan and his son, Chang Xin.”

Xie Li frowned.

Ruan Qiuyuan continued, “You know that the so-called Hongfang’s

industry is essentially equivalent to the Chang family’s industry. Chang
Guanshan and his son use the influence of Hongfang to do business, but
most of the money still goes into their own pockets. Wu Can has long
harbored resentment and wants to take the opportunity to eliminate Chang
Guanshan, letting Du Shenglian take over the position of the helm in

Xie Li said in a somewhat anxious tone, “This doesn’t make sense for us.”

They needed to eradicate the entire Hongfang syndicate, not just Chang
Guanshan. If Chang Guanshan died, Hongfang might gradually decline, but
it wouldn’t collapse. The harm to society would still be there, and their
mission wouldn’t be completed.

Ruan Qiuyuan nodded. “That’s why I’m telling you. I hope you can find a
way to stop them and, at the same time, gain Chang Guanshan’s trust.”

Xie Li clasped his hands against his lips. “Do you know their plan?”

Ruan Qiuyuan said, “I don’t know the specific plan yet, but I know they are
looking for someone named Han Yue. So I checked this Han Yue; he is
from the previous generation of Hongfang, even before Chang Guanshan.
Do you know who Han Yue is?”
Xie Li wasn’t originally from Harbor City, so he wasn’t familiar with
Hongfang’s history. Before taking on the task, he only familiarized himself
with the current leaders of Hongfang. Therefore, he looked at Ruan
Qiuyuan somewhat puzzled, not understanding why she asked this question.

Ruan Qiuyuan said to him, “Han Yue is Chang Guanshan’s father-in-law,

the father of Chang Guanshan’s deceased wife, and Chang Xiaojia’s

Xie Li’s expression turned grave, and after a while, he asked, “Is Han Yue
no longer alive? How did he die?”

Ruan Qiuyuan said, “He died of illness.”

Just then, Xie Li’s phone suddenly rang. As soon as he answered, he heard
Shi Hongqian’s voice coming through, “Xie Li, where are you? Young
Master Jia is looking for you, and he’s angry.”

Xie Li said, “I came out for a smoke. I’ll be back soon. Ask him to wait for
me in the banquet hall.”

Shi Hongqian said, “He has already gone out to look for you.”

As soon as the call ended, Xie Li heard a vigorous knocking on the door.

Ruan Qiuyuan exchanged a glance with him, raised her hand to take off her
woolen coat, and at the same time, she said to Xie Li, “Take off your

Xie Li clenched his lips, exerted force, but said, “No.”

BLNDD chapter 37

Ruan Qiuyuan looked at Xie Li in confusion. “What’s wrong? Who’s


Xie Li frowned tightly and said, “It might be Chang Xiaojia. We can’t let
him misunderstand.”

Ruan Qiuyuan didn’t understand his thoughts. “So, what should we do? Let
Chang Xiaojia suspect us? Or do you have a plan to deal with him?”

Xie Li smiled bitterly.

Ruan Qiuyuan’s expression became serious. “Xie Li, getting to this point
hasn’t been easy. I don’t know why you’re unwilling to act in front of
Chang Xiaojia, but I won’t allow you to expose both of us for your personal

Xie Li stood up and said, “I won’t. I’m just afraid that if Chang Xiaojia
misunderstands, it will bring more trouble.”

“What trouble?” Ruan Qiuyuan asked.

Xie Li didn’t answer. He ran his hand through his hair in frustration,
loosening his tie with the other hand, and said to Ruan Qiuyuan, “Hide
yourself; I’ll go talk to him.”

Ruan Qiuyuan hesitated. “Xie Li!”

But Xie Li had already walked to the door, ready to open it.

He had considered hiding and letting Ruan Qiuyuan handle Chang Xiaojia,
but he was worried that Chang Xiaojia wouldn’t easily let Ruan Qiuyuan
off. Deep down, he still believed that only he could handle Chang Xiaojia,
and others couldn’t.

The knocking on the door continued, carrying the anger of the person

As soon as Xie Li opened the door, he saw Chang Xiaojia standing there,
eyes red, breathing heavily.

Without saying a word, Chang Xiaojia grabbed the loosened tie and pulled
Xie Li forward, raising his other hand to slap him.

Xie Li grabbed his slapping hand and embraced his waist with the other,
saying, “Xiaojia, what are you doing?”

Chang Xiaojia pushed him away but couldn’t break free, so he struggled in
Xie Li’s arms.

Xie Li lifted him, pressed him against the wall in the hallway, and kissed
him forcefully to calm him down.

Chang Xiaojia struggled and turned his face, saying, “Don’t you dare kiss

Xie Li continued kissing him, and Chang Xiaojia bit Xie Li, leaving a
bloody mark on his lower lip.

Helpless, Xie Li released Chang Xiaojia’s lips but continued holding him.
He whispered in his ear, “Xiaojia, listen to me—”

Before he could finish, he noticed two shadows outside the door. Although
he couldn’t see the people, they were definitely standing in the corridor,
listening to their conversation.

Xie Li’s heart sank. He continued, “—I had a bit too much to drink. We
didn’t do anything.”

Chang Xiaojia coldly asked, “Did you do nothing, or didn’t have the chance
to do anything?”
Xie Li tightly held him, his lips near his ear, using a somewhat insincere
tone, he said, “We didn’t do anything. We were just talking.”

Chang Xiaojia’s breathing was heavy and fast, his whole body trembling

At that moment, someone standing in the corridor approached the door, and
Xie Li saw it was Chang Xin.

Chang Xin said to Chang Xiaojia, “Xiaojia, what are you doing? Let go

Chang Xiaojia didn’t listen.

Chang Xin raised his voice, “Chang Xiaojia!”

Only then did Chang Xiaojia slowly release his grip. His face was pale, and
he stopped struggling, leaning against the wall, completely devoid of

Chang Xin said, “Xie Li, take him away. Don’t let him cause a scene here.”

Xie Li, looking at Chang Xiaojia’s state, felt distressed. He held one of his
hands and said, “Xiaojia, shall we go back?”

Chang Xiaojia didn’t respond.

At that moment, another person from the corridor spoke, “Let Young
Master Jia rest in the room upstairs. I’ll arrange a room.”

Xie Li recognized the voice as Shi Hongqian.

Chang Xin said, “take him to 1607, the room the hotel reserved for me,
usually empty. Just call the front desk, Hongqian.”

Shi Hongqian replied, “Got it.”

Xie Li simply lifted Chang Xiaojia and carried him horizontally. As he

walked out, he said to Chang Xin, “Thank you.”
Chang Xin, with a seemingly mocking smile, patted Xie Li on the shoulder,
saying, “keep him under control.”

Carrying Chang Xiaojia, Xie Li went to the room on the 16th floor. The
hotel staff, receiving a call, opened the door for them and left the key card.

Once inside, Xie Li placed Chang Xiaojia on the large bed. He squatted
beside the bed, watching him, and asked, “Are you still angry?”

Chang Xiaojia lay there, staring blankly at the ceiling, not saying a word.

Xie Li sighed. At this point, he could only continue with what he had said
earlier. “Xiaojia, there really is nothing between her and me. Being in the
same room doesn’t mean something will happen just because it’s a man and
a woman.”

Chang Xiaojia turned his head to look at him, asking in a cold tone, “Then
why did you go to her room?”

Xie Li said, “Just to talk.”

This sounded like a ridiculous answer, and Xie Li knew that most people
wouldn’t believe such words.

Naturally, Chang Xiaojia didn’t believe it either. He coldly said, “I’m going
to kill her.”

Xie Li silently looked at him for a moment, then stood up and removed
Chang Xiaojia’s shoes and socks. Chang Xiaojia curled up his legs and
turned to lie on his side. Xie Li then helped him sit up, patiently loosening
his tie and removing his jacket.

Chang Xiaojia allowed him to do this.

Xie Li lowered his head and asked, “Should I take off your pants too? It
might be more comfortable to sleep that way.”

Chang Xiaojia said, “I’m not going to sleep.”

Xie Li said, “What do you plan to do at this late hour if you’re not going to

Chang Xiaojia didn’t answer. After a while, he asked, “What will you do if
I sleep? Go back to her room?”

Xie Li said, “Of course not, I’ll sleep here with you.” As he spoke, he took
off his clothes and pants, lifted the quilt, got on the bed, and embraced him.

The two lay quietly for a while, and Xie Li said, “If you want to kill Ruan
Qiuyuan, just do it.”

Chang Xiaojia looked at him.

He then asked, “Did you kiss her?”

Xie Li sounded somewhat helpless, “No, I didn’t.”

Chang Xiaojia returned to the previous question, “Then why did you go to
her room?”

Xie Li sighed slightly, “After I finished eating, I saw you still talking to
Huo Zhaoning. I didn’t want to disturb you, so I went out to smoke and ran
into her. We chatted for a while.”

Chang Xiaojia said, “She’s a prostitute, a high-end one.”

The words stung Xie Li’s heart a bit, but he maintained a calm expression,
even smiling slightly. “I know, so I wouldn’t have anything to do with her.”

Chang Xiaojia asked, “Is she interested in you?”

Xie Li lowered his head, gently rubbing his forehead against Chang
Xiaojia’s soft face. “Do you know how many women have been interested
in me from childhood to now? Not every one of them is someone I find

Chang Xiaojia raised his hand, using his fingers to grab a strand of Xie Li’s
hair. After being out of prison for so long, both of their hair had grown quite
long. He even wound that strand of hair around his finger before asking,
“Then have you ever been interested in anyone?”

Xie Li smiled, looking up at him. “Why ask about that?”

Chang Xiaojia let go of his hair and said, “so I can kill them.”

Xie Li still smiled, “Then, I can’t bear to.”

Chang Xiaojia’s expression darkened.

Xie Li buried his face in his chest, took a deep breath, and said, “There’s
only you left, Xiaojia.”
BLNDD chapter 38

Later, Chang Xiaojia quietly fell asleep.

Xie Li’s arm was pinned around him, and he dared not pull it out. He
lowered his head and looked at him with closed eyes, his breathing
becoming slow. Xie Li couldn’t sleep; he had too many things on his mind.
He had been cautious of Chang Xiaojia’s emotions just now, not daring to
act too much. Now, thinking back, Chang Xin was also present, and Xie Li
wondered how he would view the relationship between him and Ruan

If he thought he was fooling around with Ruan Qiuyuan behind Chang

Xiaojia’s back, that would be fine. The worry was that Chang Xin might
have other suspicions.

Xie Li felt some regret, but he wasn’t sure if he should regret it. He
wondered if it would have been better if he had followed Ruan Qiuyuan’s
advice and acted as if they were having an affair. At the same time, he was
grateful that Chang Xiaojia didn’t witness that scene. Otherwise, he
couldn’t imagine how Chang Xiaojia would feel.

The air became slightly cooler, and Xie Li wanted to pull up the blanket for
Chang Xiaojia. As he made a move, Chang Xiaojia woke up, looking at him
and asking, “Where are you going?”

Xie Li replied, “Nowhere, just covering you with the blanket.”

He pulled up the blanket, and Chang Xiaojia moved in his arms, pressing
even closer. He held Xie Li’s waist firmly with one hand.

Xie Li stroked his hair and said, “I won’t leave. Sleep peacefully.”
Not long after, Chang Xiaojia fell asleep again.

Xie Li looked up at the ceiling. There was a ceiling light with mirrors
around it, reflecting the two of them lying on the bed.

Staring at their reflections for a long time, Xie Li felt a bit lost, not sure
what he was doing. His thoughts seemed scattered, always involuntarily
drifting towards Chang Xiaojia. Did Chang Xiaojia really believe him?
Probably not. Xie Li couldn’t figure out what he was thinking most of the

Xie Li tried to focus his thoughts. He thought about Ruan Qiuyuan’s words,
how Du Shenglian and Wu Can colluded to eliminate Chang Guanshan and
his son and seize control of the Hongfang power. Killing them outright
wouldn’t be convincing, so they must have another plan. They were looking
for someone named Han Yue, a former helmsman at Hongfang and Chang
Guanshan’s father-in-law. Was Chang Guanshan’s ascension to the leader of
Hongfang illegitimate, and what did Du Shenglian know that made him
want to start from here?

Did Chang Xiaojia’s mother know?

Staring at Chang Xiaojia’s reflection in the mirror, who was so quiet and
obedient, for a moment, Xie Li wanted to just keep holding him and sleep.

If only he wasn’t surnamed Chang. Xie Li thought, but immediately

chuckled at his self-mockery. Even if he wasn’t surnamed Chang, perhaps
they would never have a chance to meet in their lifetimes. They might pass
each other on the streets of Harbor City without sparing a glance.

Lost in his thoughts for a long time, he eventually fell asleep. He didn’t
sleep until morning, waking up in the middle of the night due to the
discomfort in his arm. Unable to endure it, he shifted his shoulder, feeling a
sharp pain throughout his arm.

As soon as he moved, Chang Xiaojia woke up again, sitting up and looking

at him.
Chang Xiaojia still had a white shirt draped over him, wrinkled and half

Xie Li was left with only a pair of underwear. He rubbed the almost numb
arm, asking Chang Xiaojia, “What’s wrong?”

Chang Xiaojia looked at him but didn’t say anything.

Leaning against the head of the bed, Xie Li wrinkled his brow due to the
discomfort in his arm.

Chang Xiaojia kept looking at him, his gloomy expression as if not fully
awake. One eyelid was swollen, turning from double to single. After a
while, he lowered his head and took off his pants, then raised his leg and
straddled Xie Li.

“Xiaojia?” Xie Li’s left hand was still pressed against his right shoulder,
and he stopped moving.

Chang Xiaojia’s shirt hem covered his body, appearing hazy and
ambiguous, making it hard for Xie Li to look away. However, when Chang
Xiaojia leaned over to kiss him, Xie Li instinctively wanted to avoid, not
because he didn’t want to kiss him, but because he subconsciously wanted
to avoid what would happen next.

Chang Xiaojia, feeling rejected, had a change in expression. He raised his

hand and pinched Xie Li’s neck.

Xie Li felt that Chang Xiaojia was using force; in just a few seconds, he
began to feel suffocated.

Chang Xiaojia was never restrained when he laid hands on him, but since
the incident in the bathtub when he tried to bash Xie Li’s head, it had been a
long time since he had done this.

Xie Li knew that explaining was futile. He pulled away Chang Xiaojia’s
hand, not bothering with words, and directly grabbed his wrist, pulling him
into his arms and kissing his lips.
Chang Xiaojia, still harboring anger, bit his lip again, reopening the wound
from earlier. Xie Li groaned in pain, and fresh blood stained their lips and

Backing away, Xie Li, with his mouth open to catch his breath, felt that the
cool breeze could alleviate the pain on his lips. He looked at Chang Xiaojia,
and with somewhat unclear pronunciation, said, “You’re angry when I kiss
you and when I don’t. What do you want?”

Chang Xiaojia glared at him with swelling eyes. After a long time of
staring, with redness in the lower eyelids, he seemed to be reluctant in the
end. He approached and gently licked the wound on Xie Li’s lips.

Xie Li took a deep breath, his hands gripping Chang Xiaojia’s waist fiercely
through the thin shirt. Finally, he couldn’t care less about the pain on his
lips, stood up, and pushed him down, forcefully kissing him.
BLNDD chapter 39

Chang Xiaojia held onto Xie Li tightly, unwilling to let go, as if letting go
would mean Xie Li would leave him.

Xie Li heard Chang Xiaojia’s cry of pain from their forceful kiss, but the
more Chang Xiaojia cried, the more difficult it became for Xie Li to
suppress the excitement in his emotions. He thought to himself, “I want you
to feel even more pain, something you’ll remember for a lifetime.”
However, his actions involuntarily became gentler, stroking Chang
Xiaojia’s soft hair.

The next morning, Xie Li woke up shortly after dawn. Chang Xiaojia was
curled up in his arms, still asleep. Smooth skin pressed against him, with
scattered marks of kisses on his neck and chest.

However, Xie Li felt a slight pain when he moved. Chang Xiaojia had
scratched and bitten him last night, leaving more marks than he could
count. When he looked in the mirror in the bathroom, he noticed the wound
on his lips was particularly prominent and hadn’t subsided overnight.

As he came out of the bathroom, Chang Xiaojia maintained the same

posture in bed, only opening his eyes. His eyes seemed lifeless, and one eye
was still swollen, giving the impression of uneven eye sizes.

Xie Li approached the bed, crouched down, and reached out to him. It was
hard to describe his current feelings; it was more of a calm warmth than a
simple regret or lack thereof.

His fingers touched Chang Xiaojia’s face, and he softly called out,
Chang Xiaojia looked at him for a moment, then held his hand, closing his
eyes. He solemnly kissed the most sensitive part of Xie Li’s fingertip.

Xie Li could clearly feel the warmth and softness of Chang Xiaojia’s lips.
He stood up, half-knelt beside the bed, holding Chang Xiaojia’s hand and
pulling him into his arms, kissing his lips.

The two spent the morning in the room, skipping breakfast and engaging in
affectionate moments that neither of them seemed to tire of.

It was almost noon when Xie Li, holding the naked Chang Xiaojia, said,

Chang Xiaojia lowered his gaze, held Xie Li’s hand, and interlaced their
fingers, then replied after a while, “Hmm.”

Xie Li kissed his forehead. “Let’s go eat.”

They got dressed and went out for lunch. For dinner, Xie Li said he wanted
to make sandwiches for Chang Xiaojia. They bought some ingredients at
the supermarket and returned to Chang’s house. In the kitchen on the
ground floor, Xie Li cooked for Chang Xiaojia for the first time.

Actually, Xie Li didn’t know how to cook either. When he graduated from
the police academy and started working in the police force, living alone in
the sub-bureau dormitory, he had experimented with some fast food.

He placed the frying pan on the stove, ignited the fire, and fried bacon with
some oil.

This kind of simple operation was still quite familiar to him.

Chang Xiaojia lazily leaned on one side of the dining table, reaching into
the plate to take a clean lettuce leaf, tearing off a small piece and chewing
on it.

Xie Li looked at him. “Are you a rabbit?”

Chang Xiaojia said, “Didn’t you say I’m a dog?”

“Dogs probably don’t like lettuce leaves.”

“I eat everything,” Chang Xiaojia replied.

Xie Li sandwiched bacon, fried egg, lettuce leaf, cheese, and tuna between
slices of toast. Feeling that it was too thick to cut into two halves easily, he
suddenly remembered that some girl had taught him to wrap it in plastic
wrap before cutting.

He looked for plastic wrap in the cupboard, recalling that it was a girl he
had ambiguously been with before. She couldn’t even be called a girlfriend,
and he had almost forgotten what she looked like.

Xie Li realized that the days before he came to Harbor City seemed like
memories from a past life. Although his life was only twenty-six years
short, it had been forcibly divided into two segments, with the appearance
of Chang Xiaojia serving as the boundary.

The sandwich was brought to Chang Xiaojia’s mouth before he took a bite.

Xie Li, just playing around, smiled as he looked at Chang Xiaojia and
asked, “Is it delicious?”

Chang Xiaojia nodded.

Xie Li decided to sit on a high stool, watching Chang Xiaojia eat the

Melted cheese stuck to the corner of Chang Xiaojia’s mouth and Xie Li
used his fingers to wipe it away and then inserted his fingers into his mouth,
asking him to lick them clean.

After eating one and a half sandwiches, Chang Xiaojia was full. Xie Li
finished the remaining food. It wasn’t bad, but it wasn’t particularly good
either. He couldn’t recall the taste from his memories.

While eating, Chang Xiaojia remained clinging to him, resting his head on
his shoulder and humming a song.
Xie Li asked, “What song is that?”

Chang Xiaojia casually replied, “A song I wrote myself. It’s called ‘If Xie
Li betrays me, I’ll just go die.'”

Xie Li couldn’t help but laugh and after a while, he said, “Well, just go die
BLNDD chapter 40

Chang Xiaojia didn’t sleep much last night, but tonight he quickly fell

Xie Li got up to smoke on the balcony and saw that the lights were on in
Chang Xin’s room across the balcony. He didn’t even hear when Chang Xin
went upstairs.

Before long, Chang Xin, wearing pajamas, appeared on the balcony. He saw
Xie Li and asked, “Where’s Xiaojia?”

Xie Li turned to look at him and answered in a low voice, “Sleeping.”

Chang Xin nodded and said to Xie Li, “Come out for a drink.”

Xie Li stared at Chang Xiaojia, seeing him sleeping so soundly, so he

nodded at Chang Xin.

Chang Xin went to the liquor cabinet in the second-floor guest room and
took a bottle of red wine. Carrying it, he went downstairs, and the two sat at
the white kitchen table.

Xie Li continued smoking, and Chang Xin skillfully opened the wine,
pouring a glass for each of them.

The red liquid swayed slightly in the glass, shimmering.

Chang Xin took a sip of wine, smiled at Xie Li, and said, “Should I
commend you for enduring humiliation?”

Xie Li didn’t answer him. He raised his glass and took a sip, unable to
discern the quality of the red wine.
Chang Xin asked, “How is Ruan Qiuyuan?”

Xie Li said, “Young Master Xin, I really didn’t do anything with Miss

Chang Xin smirked, ran his fingers along the glass stem, and said, “It’s
okay. I’ve been to her room, and it’s quite enjoyable.”

Xie Li forcefully pressed his fingers on the glass, almost shattering it. He
had to put the glass down, concealing all emotions, and looked at Chang

Chang Xin said, “You can rest assured; I have nothing with her. Moreover,
she’s so casual; I don’t think there will be a next time.”

Xie Li heard the sound of his own heartbeat, slow and powerful, pumping
hatred-filled blood into his veins. He thought he must make Chang Xin pay,
but he said, “What—does she have any plans?”

Chang Xin looked at Xie Li and asked, “What do you mean?”

Xie Li said, “She clearly belongs to Du Shenglian, but she deliberately

seduces you—and me. It doesn’t seem like she has no ulterior motives.”

Chang Xin, still smiling, shook the wine glass, and his gaze slowly lifted to
Xie Li’s face. “If you were her, you probably wouldn’t want to be with an
old man with half a body into the coffin forever. It’s normal for her to plan
for herself.”

Xie Li noticed he was staring at his lips.

Suddenly, Chang Xin reached out and touched the wound on Xie Li’s lower
lip. Xie Li resisted the disgust and didn’t push him away. Then Chang Xin
continued, “My brother really bites hard.”

Xie Li remained silent.

Chang Xin withdrew his hand and said, “How did you satisfy my brother in
bed? Are you bisexual?”
Xie Li sat quietly for a while and said calmly, “Young Master Xin, I’ll
answer your question. Don’t take offense.”

Chang Xin still had a smile on his face. “Go on.”

Xie Li calmly said, “Your brother has a handsome face, fair and smooth
skin. In bed, he is quite feisty, legs entwined around my waist, much more
energetic and skilled than the women I’ve been with.”

Chang Xin laughed, “So, did you enjoy it?”

Xie Li replied, “At least seeing him, I get hard.”

At that moment, Chang Xin suddenly reached out, pressed Xie Li’s head
onto the dining table, and with the other hand, smashed a bottle, stabbing it
at his neck. There was no trace of laughter in his eyes. “His surname is
Chang, the most feared name.”

Xie Li stared, “You’re right, but you asked, and I answered truthfully.”
After two seconds, he continued, “Young Master Xin, next time you want to
lay hands on me, either finish it, don’t give me a chance to resist.”

After saying this, Chang Xin looked down and saw a gun in Xie Lie’s hand
pressed against his abdomen. Chang Xin had taken this gun with him before
going downstairs and tucked it into the waistband of his pajama pants.

He slowly released Xie Li, saying, “Dad said you’re exceptionally skilled.
Looks like he wasn’t wrong.”

Xie Li sat up, stretched his neck a bit, and handed the gun back to Chang

Chang Xin took the gun, loaded it, and aimed at him. “Aren’t you afraid I’ll
kill you now?”

Xie Li said, “Your dad initially wanted to kill me too, then for some reason
changed his mind.”
Chang Xin looked at him for a moment, placed the gun on the table, and
said, “That’s because Chang Xiaojia went on a hunger strike. But I can tell
Xiaojia about what you said today and let him decide if it’s worth it for
scum like you to remain alive.”

Xie Li said, “Of course, it’s not worth it. But you killing me isn’t worth it
either. As you said, I endure humiliation and hardship, taking off my pants
for your brother. I just came to find something to do in Harbor City, not to
oppose your Chang family. Instead of killing me, why not give me
something to do? It can also appease your brother. Doesn’t this sound like a
win win situation?”

Chang Xin didn’t say anything. He turned and took a cloth from the sink,
wiped the spilled red wine on the table, and finally sat down, looking at Xie

After a while, he took out a very small plastic bag from his pocket and
threw it in front of Xie Li. He said, “Xiaojia has been keeping a close eye
on his bars recently. Help me deliver something to a boss named He who’s
coming from the mainland. Tomorrow night at 8 p.m., in Fengling Bar,
Room 8.”

Xie Li took the plastic bag without looking inside and directly stuffed it into
his pocket. He said, “Okay.”

Before leaving the kitchen, Chang Xin said, “I’ll send you the pictures then.
Don’t mistake the person.”

Back in the room, Xie Li found Chang Xiaojia still sleeping in the same
position as when he left. It seemed he hadn’t woken up.

However, given Chang Xiaojia’s personality, if he woke up and found Xie

Li missing, he would definitely search for him everywhere. He wouldn’t
silently close his eyes and continue sleeping.

Xie Li entered the bathroom, took the bag that Chang Xin gave him under
the light to examine it. He saw two pills inside, but they looked different
from the drugs he had confiscated from the person involved in drug
trafficking at the bar earlier.

He didn’t delve into what exactly it was. Carelessly, he placed it in the

corner of the cabinet above the sink, a place Chang Xiaojia wouldn’t
usually open. Then he took a hot shower.

By the time he returned to the bed, Chang Xiaojia had awakened. Turning
around, he pulled Xie Li in his embrace and continued sleeping.
BLNDD chapter 41

Xie Li mentioned that Chang Xiaojia’s health had almost recovered, and it
wasn’t suitable for him to lie around at home every day. He suggested that
he should go out for a walk. So, the next afternoon, they went to the bar

Chang Xiaojia kept a close eye on several bars, not allowing anyone to
engage in illegal activities inside without his permission. However, he
wasn’t particularly concerned about the bars’ operation and profits. It
seemed like he intentionally made trouble for the people under his father,
explaining why Du Shenglian disliked him so much.

By shutting down some illegal activities, several bars visibly declined. Only
Fengling Bar maintained its previous lively atmosphere. It became a tourist
attraction in the harbor city. Visitors from all over couldn’t resist taking
photos when they came.

In the evening, Chang Xiaojia took the opportunity to have Shi Hongqian
gather several newly hired bar managers for a meeting at the Fengling Bar,
reporting the bar’s operational situation over the past month.

Xie Li stayed inside for a while, then left alone. Standing in the corridor, he
glanced at the photo Chang Xin had sent him. The photo depicted a slightly
chubby, ordinary middle-aged man.

It was almost eight o’clock.

He walked to the bar counter, sat down, and ordered a beer. In about ten
minutes, two young girls approached him for a chat. Typically, he would
smile, engage in a few conversations, and politely decline.
When eight o’clock arrived, he stood up with his beer, heading towards
Room 8 without knocking on the door. He had decided that if the man he
was supposed to meet wasn’t inside, he would use it as an excuse to leave.

Room 8 was a large private room. When Xie Li pushed the door, he saw at
least seven or eight men inside, along with many young women drinking.
Sitting in the middle was the middle-aged man from the photo Chang Xin
had sent him.

As he pushed the door, someone asked, “Who are you looking for?”

Xie Li’s gaze quickly swept over everyone’s faces. He recognized that the
man speaking had a Chongfeng City accent, but none of them were people
he had encountered before. So, he focused on the man in the center,
approached with his beer, and said, “Are you Mr. He? Young Master Xin
asked me to bring you a drink.”

The middle-aged man surnamed He stood up, examining Xie Li, “Chang
Xin sent you?”

Xie Li smiled and walked over, raising his beer towards the man. After a
moment’s hesitation, the middle-aged man also picked up his own glass
from the table and clinked it with Xie Li’s before taking a sip.

“He sends his regards,” Xie Li said, extending his hand for a handshake. He
also passed the small plastic bag of pills to He, adding, “Enjoy your time,

With that, he left the room.

Chang Xin’s request was definitely not that simple, and Xie Li understood
that. He came out of the private room, knowing that the meeting on Chang
Xiaojia’s side hadn’t ended yet. So, he returned to the bar counter, holding a

Not long after he sat down, a young girl in a short skirt approached him,
striking up a conversation and asking him to buy her a drink.
Glancing at the inside of the bar, Xie Li told the girl, “Someone is keeping a
close eye on me, and I dare not invite you for a drink, afraid of causing
trouble for you.”

The girl asked curiously, “Who is it? Did you break the law or get into

Leaning in closer to her ear, Xie Li whispered, “My wife.”

The girl chuckled, playfully hitting him. Instead of leaving, she said,
“Knowing that your wife is keeping a close eye on you, my sister said she
misses you but is afraid to come and see you. So, she asked me to pass on a

Xie Li looked at her, “What did your sister say?”

The girl replied, “My sister said she doesn’t want you to divorce your wife.
It’s her birthday on the 15th, and she wants to see you. She has already
booked a hotel room. She hopes you can make it.” After saying this, she
handed a slip of paper to Xie Li.

Taking the paper, Xie Li looked at it. It contained the hotel’s address and
room number. He raised his hand and rubbed his face, feeling genuinely
troubled. It wasn’t an act; he was sincerely distressed.

Lowering her voice, the girl said with genuine emotion, “Sister Ruan is
serious about you. It’s not easy for her to stay by Du Shenglian’s side. If
you like her, find a way to take her away.”

Xie Li lowered his gaze, saying, “I understand. You can go now.”

The girl stood up and left.

Turning around, Xie Li saw that Chang Xiaojia was already standing at the
exit of the corridor, looking towards him. He had probably seen and heard
their conversation earlier.

Chang Xiaojia walked towards Xie Li.

Xie Li crumpled the slip of paper in his hand, pretended to yawn, covered
his mouth, and casually tossed the crumpled paper into his mouth. Then, he
lifted his beer glass, took a sip, and swallowed the paper directly.

Chang Xiaojia’s expression was cold as he asked, “Who was that?”

Xie Li said, “Someone trying to strike up a conversation, asking me to buy

her a drink. I declined.”

Chang Xiaojia turned to look at the girl walking away.

Xie Li chuckled, “I’ve been sitting here for a while, and three girls came to
chat with me. If you want, you can take me back and tie me up.”

In the evening, Chang Xiaojia squatted barefoot on the bed, handcuffing

one of Xie Li’s hands to the bedpost. Unable to maintain a comfortable
position, Xie Li had to lie down, extending one hand towards the ceiling.

Crouching in front of him, Chang Xiaojia spoke with a cold tone, “I’ll keep
you like this, strip you, feed you every day, and won’t let you go

Xie Li, maintaining composure, asked him, “Then how do I go to the


Chang Xiaojia said, “I can help you.”

Xie Li looked at him, “Xiaojia, if you stay at home every day and don’t go
out, you don’t need me as your bodyguard. I don’t know if you remember,
but I mentioned that I want to find something to do in the harbor city, earn
money. I don’t want to be with you all my life, waiting for your father and
brother to throw you a bone and maybe give me a little share when they
feed you.”

Chang Xiaojia’s face looked unpleasant.

“Xiaojia,” Xie Li called his name in a gentle tone, “do you have any plans
for yourself?”
Chang Xiaojia asked, “What do you mean?”

Xie Li said, “You probably don’t just plan to get a few bars from your
father. With so many businesses in Hongfang, most are controlled by your
brother. Don’t you want to take them back?”

Chang Xiaojia looked at him coldly, “Do you want the businesses of our
Chang family?”

Xie Li extended his hand towards him, gesturing for him to come closer.

Chang Xiaojia stared at him for a long time before slowly approaching,
leaning against him and lying down.

Xie Li used his free hand to embrace him. He said, “I don’t just want to; I
want to take you away.”

Chang Xiaojia asked, “Where will you take me?”

Xie Li replied, “Anywhere is fine, as long as we can escape the control of

your father and brother.”

Chang Xiaojia fell silent.

Xie Li gently stroked his hair, thinking that what he said wasn’t entirely
false. When they eradicate Hongfang and expose all the shady deals, and
Chang Xiaojia had nowhere to go, he would take him with him, as long as
he was willing.

Chang Xiaojia spoke slowly, “My father has never trusted me.”

Xie Li reassured him, saying, “It’s okay. Give me a chance, and I’ll earn it
all back for you. But you must do as I say, okay?”

Chang Xiaojia remained silent.

But it was okay; Xie Li knew that his silence generally meant agreement.
He always only had two options: “no” or “silence.”
Xie Li kissed him, rolled over, and with his wrist pulled by the handcuffs,
produced a metallic sound.

Even though having one hand immobilized made his movements difficult,
Xie Li persisted in kissing Chang Xiaojia, slowly undressing him with one

He told himself that one day he would be able to take Chang Xiaojia away.
He had to repeat this thought and believe it continuously to keep going.
BLNDD chapter 42

Inside Fengling Bar, people were coming and going.

Xie Li sat in the driver’s seat, observing that it was almost eight o’clock.
Only then did he reach down to his feet, take out a travel bag, lock the car,
and walk into the bar through the back door.

Inside the bar, Chang Xiaojia was present, and the two had a little
disagreement before leaving.

That day, Xie Li didn’t want Chang Xiaojia to accompany him to the bar.
He thought he would comply, but Chang Xiaojia got angry, telling him not
to order him around.

After driving to the bar, Chang Xiaojia opened the car door and went in
ahead of Xie Li. Even when Xie Li tried to talk to him, he didn’t respond.

Later, Xie Li waited in the car. When the time Chang Xin had agreed upon
with Boss He was approaching, Xie Li finally took the things and went in.

In the bag were a total of eight bottles of medicine, all packaged as vitamin
tablets. Chang Xin didn’t say what it was, and Xie Li didn’t ask.

Xie Li had planned from the beginning that regardless of whether the
contents of this bag were drugs or not, he would follow Chang Xin’s
instructions and directly hand it over to Boss He.

Chang Xin could never trust him with just a few words, and Xie Li couldn’t
trust him either.

When Xie Li opened the door to the private room, it was exactly eight
o’clock. This time, it wasn’t as lively inside as before. There was only Boss
He and another man.

He walked in, placing the entire travel bag on the table.

“The stuff has arrived,” Xie Li said. “Boss He, check it.”

Boss He smiled amiably and said, “Thank you.” Then he gestured to the
man next to him to inspect the goods.

The man took out a medicine bottle from the travel bag, first checked the
outer packaging, then twisted the cap. However, before fully opening it, a
piercing whistle suddenly came from outside the private room.

All three inside raised their heads simultaneously, sensing an unusual


Following that, even the music, which the thick wooden door couldn’t
entirely block, abruptly stopped. Xie Li faintly heard someone yelling

Boss He and his subordinate reacted swiftly, throwing the medicine bottles
on the table and agilely slipping out of the private room.

Xie Li cursed under his breath. He realized that at this moment, his mind
was unusually calm. While putting the medicine bottles back into the travel
bag, zipping it up, and slinging it over his shoulder, he walked out. In his
mind, he thought, “What had to happen has indeed happened. How could it
be as simple as Chang Xin just asking him to deliver drugs?”

Exiting the private room, he glanced left and right, observing that the crowd
was still concentrated in the main hall outside. He walked directly toward
the corridor leading to the back door.

When he reached the corner, Chang Xiaojia suddenly appeared in front of

him, grabbing his wrist and pulling him to the right, saying, “Don’t go to
the back door; it’s blocked by people.”

Chang Xiaojia pulled him into the bar’s men’s restroom, entered the furthest
stall, closed the door, and then reached for Xie Li’s travel bag.
Xie Li took a step back, bumping into the wooden wall of the stall. He

Chang Xiaojia asked, “Do you want to die?”

Xie Li pursed his lips, threw the bag on the floor, took out a bottle of pills,
unscrewed the cap, and poured it into the toilet.

Chang Xiaojia joined him, and after a while, pressed the flush button,
sending the pills down.

Xie Li was thankful that the many pills didn’t clog the drain but smoothly
flushed away.

When there were two bottles of medicine left out of the eight, footsteps
accompanied by the police’s shouts reached them, “Everyone inside, come

Xie Li looked up, locked eyes with Chang Xiaojia, and both calmly
continued pouring the medicine into the toilet. By the time the two bottles
were completely emptied, the police had started knocking on the doors one
by one.

Chang Xiaojia flushed the toilet, and Xie Li put the bottles back into the
bag, slung it over his shoulder, and threw it out of the stall window.

The sound of the police knocking on the doors was quite loud, effectively
masking the noise of the travel bag falling outside.

However, this time, there were too many pills, and they didn’t all flush
down in one go.

Upon hearing the sound of water, the police immediately approached and
knocked on the door.

Chang Xiaojia looked at Xie Li, suddenly hugged him, and began kissing
him, tugging at his clothes.

The outside voice shouted, “Who’s inside? Open the door quickly!”
The person outside angrily said, “Open up! police inspection.”

The friction of clothes made a suggestive sound. Xie Li held Chang

Xiaojia’s face, passionately kissing his lips. He didn’t know what had come
over him; even though he was so nervous, as if he had just experienced a
life-or-death situation, he couldn’t suppress the agitation in his body. He
thought it must be the adrenaline, making him fall madly in love with
Chang Xiaojia at this moment, even wanting to strip off his pants and
forcefully fuck him right there.

Chang Xiaojia was pinned against the dirty wooden wall, and he reached
for the flush button, flushing away the remaining pills.

Xie Li still tightly held his face, turning to look at the toilet, then said, “I’m
opening the door.”

Chang Xiaojia’s cheeks and the corners of his eyes were red, and his lips
were swollen from the kisses. He nodded.

Xie Li reached out and opened the door.

The police outside seemed ready to break down the door, aiming their guns
at them with a tense expression. After seeing that they didn’t have weapons,
they put down their guns, sternly inspecting them from head to toe. “What
are you doing?”

Xie Li breathed a little heavily, his Adam’s apple sliding. He said, “Officer,
can’t you see?”

The floor of the stall was higher than outside, and when Chang Xiaojia
came out, his legs suddenly went weak, almost kneeling on the ground.

Xie Li quickly reached out to hold him, lowered his head to look at his face,
unable to distinguish whether he was genuinely affected or just acting.

Facing them was a young police officer. Xie Li could tell that his
experience was not sufficient. He sternly questioned, “What were you
flushing just now?”
Xie Li raised an eyebrow, looking at the police officer as if he were
knowingly asking.

Chang Xiaojia, however, spoke in a cold tone, “cum.”

The young police officer’s face instantly turned red, accompanied by a

surge of anger. He raised his gun, pointing it at both of them, “Turn around,
hands on your heads.”

They both obediently complied.

As the officer frisked them, another policeman entered the restroom, asking,
“Whose bag is this? Did someone throw it from the restroom?”

He was holding the travel bag that Xie Li had thrown outside.

The police officer took out empty bottles from inside, “What was inside
this? Speak up!”

Both Xie Li and Chang Xiaojia shook their heads.

The two were summoned to the police station.

Although Xie Li was quite familiar with the police station, it was the first
time he sat in a chair waiting to be questioned in this manner.

They were brought in separate cars. Xie Li didn’t know where Chang
Xiaojia was now, only aware that they were likely held in separate rooms
awaiting interrogation.

After a while, two policemen entered, one of them recording in a notebook.

They first asked for some personal information and then questioned Xie Li
about what he was doing at the Fengling Bar tonight.

Xie Li, with a clear mind, answered, “Just accompanying the boss.”

The police asked, “Who is the boss?”

Xie Li said, “The owner of Fengling Bar, Chang Xiaojia. I am an employee
he hired.”

The police said, “Tell us, during the police inspection, what were you and
your boss doing in the men’s restroom?”

Xie Li calmly responded, “Using the restroom.”

“Both of you using one stall together?”

Xie Li countered, “Is it illegal?”

The police snorted, “Do you think you can explain this? Moreover, weren’t
you saying something different to my colleague at that time?”

Xie Li asked, “What did I say?”

“Is that black travel bag yours?”


“You better think carefully. Let me tell you, we are retrieving the bar’s
surveillance footage, and we are analyzing the residue powder in the
medicine bottles. Don’t think denying it will save you! When it comes to
court, the sentence will only be heavier!”

“Officer, are you trying to force a confession or entice one?”

After a while, the police left, leaving Xie Li alone in the room.

After waiting for nearly two hours, the police came in and told him he could

Xie Li stood up, adjusted his coat, and walked outside.

Following the police officer into the corridor, rows of fluorescent lights
extended forward overhead, with closed doors on both sides.
A man in casual clothes was talking to a police officer, and upon hearing
footsteps, he turned to look at Xie Li. It was Yu Zhengkun.

Xie Li looked at Yu Zhengkun, walking slowly forward.

Suddenly, Chang Xiaojia walked out of the room behind Yu Zhengkun. His
face was a bit pale, and behind him was a man in a suit and tie, looking like
a lawyer hired by the Chang family.

Xie Li’s gaze shifted away from Yu Zhengkun’s face, landing on Chang
Xiaojia. He walked past Yu Zhengkun, stopping next to Chang Xiaojia, and
asked, “Are you okay?”

Chang Xiaojia nodded, his voice soft, “Xie Li, I want to go back.”

Xie Li said, “Let’s go then.”

An impulsive young police officer shouted at them, “People like you will
get what’s coming to you sooner or later!”

Chang Xiaojia’s lawyer spoke up, “Officer, isn’t this considered


However, Chang Xiaojia apparently didn’t want to engage. He walked

directly outside, and Xie Li resisted the urge to turn around and look at Yu
Zhengkun. He focused solely on Chang Xiaojia’s retreating figure.

The lawyer followed up and said to them, “The police couldn’t retrieve the
surveillance, the bar’s cameras malfunctioned and stopped working before
eight o’clock.”

Neither Xie Li nor Chang Xiaojia reacted. They certainly knew the
surveillance couldn’t be retrieved. Outside the bar, before Chang Xiaojia
got out of the car, the last thing Xie Li said to him was, “Go in and turn off
all the surveillance.”
BLNDD chapter 43

Coming out of the police station, it was already late at night. The streets
were deserted, not a single person in sight. Xie Li saw Shi Hongqian
standing by the side of a car, waiting for them.

The lawyer, perhaps noticing that Chang Xiaojia was not responding much,
approached Shi Hongqian for a conversation.

Chang Xiaojia didn’t spare them a glance, walking straight along the road’s

Xie Li glanced at Shi Hongqian, seeing him looking towards Chang

Xiaojia. However, Shi Hongqian didn’t stop talking to the lawyer, so Xie Li
walked over to Chang Xiaojia by himself.

“Xiaojia,” Xie Li called out to him, reaching his side.

Chang Xiaojia had his hands in the pockets of his coat, eyes devoid of
expression, gazing into the distance. His footsteps were dragging,
continually rubbing against the square stone floor. He said, “The lawyer
told me that the bottle tested negative for any drug components; it’s just

Xie Li wasn’t surprised; he had been skeptical from the beginning. Whether
it was Chan Xin asking him to contact a drug dealer or handing him those
medications directly, it all felt abnormal. Either it was a test of his sincerity,
or it was simply a plot against him.

Chang Xiaojia stopped walking, looking at Xie Li. “Did you know?”

Xie Li said, “I didn’t know,” but he didn’t mention his suspicions. If the
substances Chang Xin gave him were truly drugs, the quantity would be
valuable, and Chang Xin wouldn’t risk his life just to kill him. Besides,
Fengling Bar was a property of the Hong Group, and implicating them
would make no sense.

Chang Xiaojia said, “I want to kill Chang Xin.”

Xie Li saw Shi Hongqian driving not far behind them. He reached out,
embracing Chang Xiaojia, stroking his soft hair, and softly said, “Don’t act

Chang Xiaojia raised both hands, grabbing Xie Li’s sleeve. He said, “It was
him and his mother who killed my mother.”

Xie Li was slightly taken aback. “They killed your mother?”

Chang Xiaojia’s voice was ice-cold. “If it weren’t for that woman giving
birth to Chang Xin, my mother wouldn’t have gotten sick from anger.”

Xie Li sighed, pressing his head against his shoulder. He said, “It’ll be
okay; they will face consequences.”

“Consequences?” Chang Xiaojia repeated softly.

“In this world, those who do wrong will face consequences,” Xie Li said.

Suddenly, Chang Xiaojia lifted his head. “Will we face consequences?”

“Why would we face consequences?” Xie Li asked.

Chang Xiaojia seemed to be thinking seriously. He asked Xie Li, “Why

were you in jail? I don’t remember.”

Xie Li said, “I got involved in a business deal with someone who betrayed
me, so I hospitalized him.” After saying that, he grabbed Chang Xiaojia’s
hand and asked, “Why are you in jail? You never mentioned it.”

“I brought that woman home,” Chang Xiaojia said.

Xie Li inquired, “What did you bring her home? You said you don’t like

Chang Xiaojia seemed lost in memory. “That day, I went to the bar to drink.
I was in a bad mood, and that woman was a hostess who sold drinks. She
took the initiative to approach me.”

Xie Li thought that Chen Haiman might have received information about
drug trafficking at Fengling Bar, perhaps related to the new type of drugs
she encountered before. Then, undercover, she went to the bar to investigate
the source of the drugs. There, she encountered Chang Xiaojia, maybe
recognizing his identity, and initiated a conversation to gather information.

He asked Chang Xiaojia, “What happened next?”

Chang Xiaojia said, “Then she got drunk, very drunk. She said she wanted
to go home with me. So, I took her home.”

Xie Li found it strange. “How much did she drink to get so drunk?”

Chang Xiaojia shook his head. “I don’t remember.”

Normally, Chen Haiman, as someone on a mission, wouldn’t let herself get

so drunk. Perhaps she pretended to be drunk to take the opportunity to
infiltrate the Chang home and investigate.

“Why did you take her home again?” Xie Li asked with a stern tone.

Chang Xiaojia continued shaking his head. “I drank a lot and only
remember feeling excited at the time, saying I’d take her home to continue

Xie Li pressed further, “What happened afterward?”

“I took her to my room. I passed out on the bed, and the next morning, I
woke up to find her still in my bed. Then Chang Xin knocked on the door,
saying my father was looking for me. I got up, went to see my father, had
breakfast with him, and when I came back, the woman was gone. I asked
Chang Xin, and he said she had already left. I never saw her again until the
police found me, and I learned she was dead. Her body was taken out of my

Xie Li’s eyes reddened, but in the dim night, it wasn’t clear. “So, your
brother killed her?”

Chang Xiaojia looked at him. “I don’t know. But the person who came to
the police and confessed was my father’s arranged bodyguard. No one
explained to me what exactly happened. The lawyer told me to tell the truth
in court, and I did, but the judge still sentenced me for illegal detention.”

Xie Li asked, “So, you never tried to investigate the truth of what

Chang Xiaojia replied, “When my father came to visit me in prison, he said

I was already an adult and shouldn’t be idle. He discussed it with my
brother. When I got out, he would hand over all the bars in Hongfang to me
and told me not to idly meddle in affairs. Essentially, he told me not to
pursue this matter any further. It’s settled. I wonder who he’d speak to me
on behalf of. The only person capable of making my father negotiate
conditions with me, is Chang Xin.”

Xie Li looked serious.

Chang Xiaojia tilted his head, looking closely at Xie Li, and after a while,
said, “Xie Li, did you know that policewoman?”

Xie Li was suddenly shocked, then looked at him with a calm expression.
“Why do you say that?”

Chang Xiaojia said, “Every question you asked was about her. You don’t
even care if I’ll face consequences.”

Xie Li spoke with determination, “You haven’t done anything wrong,


Xie Li hugged him. “I know you are not capable of killing anyone, despite
your threats.” Xie Li smiled as he ruffled his hair.
Chang Xiaojia said, “but I brought her home, and she likely died in my
building. I find it hard sleeping every night just scared of the thought of
what might have happened to her as I was passed out drunk. That house
scares me since”

In that moment, Xie Li felt a discomfort that almost made him blurt out,
“Then let’s move out.” But he couldn’t; he had to stay in that building to
continue investigating the father and son, Chang Xin and Chang Guanshan.
So, he could only say, “No, with me around, you’ll be fine.”
BLNDD chapter 44

Chang Xin was very dissatisfied with Xie Li’s handling of the matter.

“You clearly didn’t have to throw them away.”

Xie Li lifted his wine glass and took a sip. “The bar belongs to Xiaojia. I
couldn’t risk them being discovered in the bar.”

Chang Xin looked at him. “Are you unwilling to involve Xiaojia?”

Xie Li replied calmly, “It’s not just Xiaojia who would be involved.”

Chang Xin smiled, one arm leaning on the dining table, and one leg raised.
“Anyway, you’ve disappointed me.”

Xie Li remained silent.

Suddenly, the kitchen door was pushed open, and a petite and pretty girl
with slightly curled long hair appeared at the door, wearing a long shirt that
might belong to Chang Xin. It almost covered her thighs, giving the
impression that she was wearing nothing underneath.

“Chang Xin!” The girl cheerfully exclaimed, only noticing there was
someone else in the kitchen after she spoke.

Chang Xin said coldly, “Go back and wait for me inside the room.”

The girl hesitated for a moment, then put away her smile and said, “Oh.”
She stole a glance at Xie Li, turned around, and left the kitchen.

After a while, Xie Li heard voices coming from the stairs. He stood up from
the high stool and said, “I’m going upstairs too.”
Chang Xin didn’t say anything, just drank his wine.

Xie Li came out of the kitchen and walked towards the second floor. As
expected, he saw Chang Xiaojia standing on the edge of the stairs,
seemingly talking to the girl.

Xie Li didn’t know what Chang Xiaojia had said, but he only heard the girl
laughing and saying, “Then I’ll go back inside the room.”

Xie Li saw the girl entering Chang Xin’s room on the second floor. He then
approached Chang Xiaojia and asked him, “What did you say to her?”

Chang Xiaojia said, “I told her that my brother is scum.”

Xie Li couldn’t help but find it amusing. He smirked and asked, “And what
did she say?”

Chang Xiaojia said, “She said she thinks my brother is good.” After a short
pause, he added, “Maybe she doesn’t care whether Chang Xin is scum or

Xie Li slowly approached him. “Where were you off to?”

Chang Xiaojia looked at him. “To find you.”

Xie Li already knew the answer to that, so he kissed his forehead, held his
hand and said, “Let’s go back inside.”

Before entering the room, Chang Xiaojia said, “I also asked her to help me
get Teng Song’s autograph.”

Xie Li entered the room first, pulling him inside and locking the door.
While carrying him toward the bathroom, he asked, “Who is Teng Song?”
He felt like he had heard this name somewhere.

Chang Xiaojia raised his hand around Xie Li’s neck. “A celebrity.”

Xie Li said, “Oh. How will she manage to get a celebrity’s autograph?” He
placed Chang Xiaojia down, suddenly curious as he looked at him. “What
does Teng Song look like?”

Chang Xiaojia reached into his pocket, took out his phone, and, with a
focused expression, found a photo. He turned it around to show Xie Li.

After looking at it, Xie Li said, “Not bad.” After a moment, he asked, “Am
I more good-looking than him?”

Chang Xiaojia, began undressing and got into the bathtub, sat down with
arms hugging his knees, looked at Xie Li and said, “You’re more good-

Xie Li smiled.

Chang Xiaojia’s hand slipped into the hem of Xie Li’s shirt, touching his
firm abdominal muscles. “The best-looking and attractive person I’ve met.”

Xie Li boldly took off his shirt, revealing his attractive body to Chang
Xiaojia. He then bent down to kiss his lips.

Chang Xiaojia was dizzy from the kiss, and his toes tensed.

Xie Li said, “I’m going to visit Hu Minxin tonight.”

Chang Xiaojia, with a dreamy look in his eyes, asked, “Who?”

Knowing that Chang Xiaojia might not pay much attention to what he said
at the moment, Xie Li said, “Don’t worry about it. He just needs some help
with something, and I’ll bring you dinner when I come back. What do you
want to eat?”

Chang Xiaojia held onto Xie Li’s arm tightly, breathless, and said, “I want
to eat you. Come back soon.”

Xie Li chuckled, “Sure.”

Even though he knew the risk of being discovered by Chang Xiaojia was
significant, Xie Li still went to the hotel room agreed upon with Ruan
Qiuyuan on the evening of the 15th.
On the way, Xie Li even had the taxi driver stop to buy a bouquet of flowers
for her.

Somewhat absent-minded, he walked to the door of the agreed hotel room,

knocking and waiting for Ruan Qiuyuan to open the door.

After just a few seconds, Ruan Qiuyuan opened the door for him from the

“Thank you for the flowers,” Ruan Qiuyuan walked ahead, showing little
interest in the flowers, casually placing them by the window.

Xie Li closed the door, locked it from the inside, and then sat down on the
bed, unbuttoning his coat as he looked at Ruan Qiuyuan. “Is there
something important you want to tell me?”

Ruan Qiuyuan drew the curtains, leaving only a dim yellow floor lamp in
the room. She sat on the sofa by the bed and said to Xie Li, “Du Shenglian
found Han Yue.”

Xie Li asked, “You mean Han Yue from the older generation of Hongfang?
Does he have some leverage over Chang Guanshan?”

Ruan Qiuyuan shook her head, “Du Shenglian didn’t want to reveal too
much to me. I overheard him and Wu Can talking privately. On the 13th of
the lunar calendar, during the traditional Hongfang single-sword meeting,
they plan to have Han Yue take action to bring down Chang Guanshan.”

Xie Li frowned, “Such a big matter, how did Du Shenglian dare to let you

Ruan Qiuyuan said, “I have my ways, and Du Shenglian’s intention is only

to bring down Chang Guanshan. But Wu Can is different; he wants to take
advantage of the chaos and directly kill Chang Guanshan and his son.”

After a moment of silence, Xie Li asked, “Where is Han Yue?”

Ruan Qiuyuan shook her head, “I don’t know. I can’t find out at the
After a while, Xie Li nodded and stood up. “Thanks for letting me know.”

Ruan Qiuyuan looked at him, seemingly struggling, “What will you do?.”

Xie Li said, “I’ll figure something out.”

Ruan Qiuyuan still frowned slightly, not fully reassured.

Suddenly Xie Li, Seeing Ruan Qiuyuan, a woman, navigating around Du

Shenglian and Wu Can, he felt upset. He asked, “Is today really your

Ruan Qiuyuan looked at him with some surprise, “Yes, why do you
suddenly ask?”

Xie Li walked slowly to the window, picked up the bouquet, and handed it
to her with a serious expression. “Happy birthday.”

Ruan Qiuyuan smiled as she accepted it, “Thank you.”

Seeing her holding the flowers and looking down, after a while, Xie Li
couldn’t help but ask, “Tell me, are you willing to sacrifice so much for

Ruan Qiuyuan’s smile gradually faded, and she looked up at Xie Li. “Yes,
for Haiman, and for the mission.” Then she asked, “And you? Is it for

Xie Li replied with the same answer, “For Haiman, and for the mission.”

Ruan Qiuyuan stood up, holding the flowers, “What about Chang Xiaojia?”

Xie Li avoided her gaze, his voice low, “He’s different from Chang
Guanshan and the others. He’s not like them.”

Ruan Qiuyuan said, “I don’t know what kind of person Chang Xiaojia is,
and I won’t judge. I just hope you remember how Chen Haiman died.”

Xie Li remained silent.

Ruan Qiuyuan continued, “Haiman liked you, do you know that?”

Xie Li tightened his lips, swallowed, and took a deep breath. “I know. She
confessed to me, but I turned her down.”

Tears suddenly fell from Ruan Qiuyuan’s eyes, and she said, “So that’s how
it is.”

Unable to see her cry, Xie Li couldn’t help but hug her. The bouquet
between them was pressed out of shape. Xie Li said, “I swear I won’t let the
real culprit who killed Haiman go, no matter who it is!”

Xie Li told her, “Everyone will get what they deserve.”

BLNDD chapter 45

When Xie Li returned to the Chang residence, it was already late. He went
upstairs, glanced at the tightly closed door of Chang Xiaojia’s room, and
headed towards the opposite room where Chang Xin was staying.

Chang Xin had been sharing his room with the girl for several nights.

Xie Li stood at the door and knocked. After a while, Chang Xin, wearing a
robe, opened the door, looking impatient and staring coldly at him. “You
better have something important.”

The layout of Chang Xin’s room was the same as Chang Xiaojia’s. He
could see a figure wrapped in blankets on the large bed in the center of the

Although he interrupted something good, he didn’t feel guilty. His matter

should be crucial to the Chang father and son. “Do you know Han Yue?”

Chang Xin’s expression remained unchanged as he asked, “Who?”

Xie Li repeated the name, “Han Yue.”

Chang Xin walked out of the room, closing the door. He said to Xie Li,
“Let’s talk downstairs.”

Guessing that he didn’t want the person in his room to hear, Xie Li followed
him downstairs to the kitchen without wasting words. “I heard that Du
Shenglian recently brought someone to harbor city. The person is called
Han Yue, an old member of Hongfang.”

Chang Xin remained composed, calmly asking, “What about him?”

Xie Li sighed. His coat was open, and the shirt inside was a bit wrinkled
from a day of wear. He leaned against the kitchen counter and said to Chang
Xin, “Young Master Xin, I know you don’t believe me. The best way for
me to handle this is to find Han Yue, bring him in front of you, so you
won’t doubt me anymore. But I can’t find Han Yue on my own. So, I came
back to tell you first. Han Yue under Du Shenglian influence is capable of
affecting your father and you as well.”

Chang Xin remained silent, watching him.

Xie Li continued, “If I didn’t mean well, I would have remained silent.”

Chang Xin asked in a low voice, “What else do you know?”

Xie Li shook his head, “I’ve told you everything I know. To be precise, all I
know is that Du Shenglian found someone named Han Yue, and his purpose
is to deal with Mr. Chang.”

Chang Xin nodded, turned around, and opened the door to leave the

Xie Li followed behind, seeing Chang Xin in a robe walking out of the
building. He thought that Chang Xin was probably going to find Chang

So, Xie Li returned upstairs alone and opened the door to Chang Xiaojia’s

Chang Xiaojia was lying on the bed, wearing pajamas, with earphones in
his ears, closing his eyes and listening to music.

Trying not to disturb his good time, Xie Li took off his coat, threw it aside,
and started unbuttoning his pajamas. While heading towards the bathroom,
he smiled and said, “I’ll take a shower first.”

Chang Xiaojia pulled down his earphones and approached him as he clung
to him.

“I won’t take long I promise.” Xie Li continued.

Chang Xiaojia didn’t let go and buried his head in Xie Li’s neck.

Xie Li said, “Xiaojia.”

Chang Xiaoji didn’t respond.

After a while he mumbled, “Why do I like you so much?”

Xie Li couldn’t help but smile slightly. He let him lie on his back, walked to
the sink, and attempted to squeeze toothpaste with one hand. After a while,
he felt Chang Xiaojia lifting his head from his neck. Xie Li also looked up
through the mirror, only to see Chang Xiaojia’s face pale and cold.

His eyes were red, and through the mirror, he locked eyes with Xie Li. In a
cold tone, he said, “You smell like perfume.”

In that instant, Xie Li resisted the urge to sniff himself, calmly responding,
“That’s impossible. I don’t have any perfume on me.” He had checked. He
only hugged Ruan Qiuyuan briefly, and there was no lipstick mark or
perfume scent. Any lingering floral fragrance had long dissipated, and there
were only some faint marks on the white shirt.

Chang Xiaojia’s eyes gradually turned sinister. “Yes, you do. Where did you
go tonight?”

Xie Li grabbed his arm and looked at him. “I went to see Hu Minxin.”

Chang Xiaojia said, “You’re lying to me.”

Xie Li loosened his grip, slowly straightening up. He looked at him

earnestly not knowing what to say.

Chang Xiaojia relentlessly stared at him as he said. “I had someone follow

Hu Minxin all night. You didn’t go to see him at all.”

Xie Li let go and said. “I’m sorry.”

Chang Xiaojia raised his hand and gave Xie Li a harsh slap. “You said you
were doing things for me. But you go behind my back to see women.”
This time, Xie Li didn’t dodge and took the full force of his slap. Chang
Xiaojia indeed showed no mercy, and Xie Li felt a fiery pain on half of his
face. It seemed that the corner of his mouth was also bruised.

He took a deep breath and lifted his hand to embrace Chang Xiaojia.
“Xiaojia, it’s not what you think.”

Chang Xiaojia struggled forcefully in his arms. “If it weren’t for me, what
would you do? My dad and my brother never cared about you. Without me,
you would have suffered in this city. Xie Li, am I not good enough for you?
You are just like Chang Xin, playing me together, treating me like a fool,

Hearing Chang Xiaojia cry, gasping for breath and stumbling through his
words, Xie Li, despite Chang Xiaojia’s resistance, tightly held him and
lowered his voice, saying, “Xiaojia, it’s not like that. Can you please listen
to me?”

Suddenly, Chang Xiaojia bit down on his neck. This bite was fiercer than
before, and Xie Li even heard the sound of teeth breaking through flesh. It
was as if he could see his own artery being bitten open, fresh blood rushing

In intense pain, Xie Li instinctively pushed him to the side.

Chang Xiaojia, who was no match for Xie Li’s strength, fell backward,
hitting the door of the bathroom with a dull “bang.” His side hit the
doorknob, and the pain caused him to slide down to the floor.

At this moment, Chang Xin suddenly knocked on the door from outside and
shouted, “Xie Li.”

Xie Li touched the blood on his neck, closed his eyes, and intended to go
help Chang Xiaojia up from the floor.

Meanwhile, Chang Xin said from outside, “My dad is looking for you,
come out.”
Xie Li walked to the bathroom door, glanced at Chang Xiaojia, then turned
around, and opened the door and walked out.

Author’s note:

A few days ago, someone asked me if the story would be very

heartbreaking, as the synopsis mentions it will be heartbreaking.
BLNDD chapter 46

At first glance, Chang Xin saw Chang Xiaojia sitting in front of the
bathroom door. There had been quite a commotion inside just now, and his
expression darkened instantly. He asked Xie Li, “Did you lay hands on

Xie Li raised the hand covering his neck revealing the bloody wound.

Chang Xin frowned, assessing the situation, and eventually prioritized,

saying, “You go see my dad first. I’ll have Shi Hongqian come up and
check on him.”

Xie Li glanced back at Chang Xiaojia for a while then decisively grabbed
his coat and followed Chang Xin outside.

The Chang family had two villas. Chang Guanshan and his wife, Ye Xinzhi,
lived in the front main building. Chang Xin sometimes stayed in the
upstairs of the front building, while Chang Xiaojia usually avoided going

Most of the time, Xie Li accompanied Chang Xiaojia and rarely entered the
main building. He had never been to the second floor either.

Entering the living room on the first floor this time, it was already late at
night, and the room was illuminated. Chang Guanshan, wearing a robe over
his pajamas, sat on the sofa. Ye Xinzhi was originally sitting beside him.
Upon seeing Xie Li come in, she stood up and said to Chang Guanshan,
“I’ll go back to the room first.”

Chang Guanshan nodded, and Ye Xinzhi walked upstairs alone.

“Mr. Chang,” Xie Li called.

Chang Guanshan still maintained a gentle attitude as if nothing had
happened to Xie Li’s neck and face. He simply gestured for Xie Li and
Chang Xin to sit down and asked what had happened between him and
Chang Xiaojia.

Xie Li didn’t tell Chang Guanshan much more than he had told Chang Xin.
He remained calm, and when it came to the person named Han Yue, he
didn’t hide anything, as if he had known nothing about him originally.

Chang Guanshan didn’t inquire about where Xie Li got the information. He
listened quietly, raised his head, and calmly said, “May 13th.”

Xie Li didn’t react.

Chang Xin continued, “The Single Sword Society meeting?”

Chang Guanshan nodded.

Chang Xin said, “Less than a week.”

Chang Guanshan, sitting on the sofa, showed no signs of nervousness.

When Chang Xin mentioned it would be less than a week, he just smiled
faintly. However, from Xie Li’s perspective, he felt a hint of madness
beneath Chang Guanshan’s cultured demeanor. Xie Li couldn’t forget how
Chang Guanshan had sweet-talked him, only to later plan an ambush to kill

Chang Guanshan patted the sofa armrest twice and asked Xie Li, “If I
arrange men for you, can you get Han Yue from Du Shenglian’s hands
within a week?”

Knowing he couldn’t hesitate, Xie Li responded, “Yes.”

Chang Xin gave him a glance.

Chang Guanshan smiled, asking, “Where does your confidence come

Xie Li replied, “If you are the one to entrust this task to me, naturally, I
have confidence.”

Chang Guanshan laughed, “Is it with this face and mouth that you charmed

Xie Li remained silent.

Chang Guanshan turned to Chang Xin, saying, “Go arrange people for him.
By October 13th, I must not see Han Yue out there. Remember that.”

Chang Xin acknowledged, “I understand, Dad.”

Chang Guanshan touched his finger, where a wedding ring rested. He said,
“Xie Li, you can go now. Your time is limited.”

Xie Li stood up, just about to speak when he heard Shi Hongqian’s voice
outside, calling “Young Master Jia.”

Since the door was not locked, the first to push it open was Chang Xiaojia.
Shi Hongqian followed him, looking like he intended to stop him.

Chang Xiaojia was still in his pajamas, his face devoid of color. His slender
wrists extended from the empty sleeves, looking frail and weak.

Chang Guanshan asked gently, “Why isn’t Xiaojia asleep yet?”

Chang Xiaojia didn’t answer. He just glared fiercely at Xie Li, saying
coldly, “Xie Li, come back with me.”

Chang Xin stood up from the sofa. He said to Chang Xiaojia, “Xie Li has
important matters to attend to. You go back and rest.”

Chang Xiaojia’s breathing was heavy, and he said, “No one is allowed to let
him leave.”

Chang Guanshan looked at Xie Li and gestured with his chin, indicating he
should go and appease Chang Xiaojia.
Xie Li approached Chang Xiaojia. In the bright light of the living room, the
redness and swelling on one side of his face were clearly visible, and the
blood on his neck was shocking. Xie Li reached Chang Xiaojia and spoke
in a soft voice, “Xiaojia, go back and rest. I’ll come back as soon as I
handle the matter.”

Chang Xiaojia said, “No.”

Xie Li reached out to grasp his arm, “It’s really something important.”

Chang Xiaojia shook off Xie Li’s hand, fiercely saying, “I said no!”

At this moment, Chang Xin strode forward and firmly grabbed Chang
Xiaojia’s wrist, angrily saying, “Haven’t you caused enough trouble?” After
speaking, he pulled him inside.

Chang Xiaojia was a head shorter than Chang Xin, and he was frail.
Dragged by Chang Xin, he stumbled along. He looked suddenly panicked,
screaming, “Let go of me!” while reaching out to grab Xie Li.

Xie Li’s fingers twitched slightly but didn’t reciprocate Chang Xiaojia’s

Chang Xin, still holding Chang Xiaojia, continued to pull him inside until
Chang Xiaojia couldn’t grab onto Xie Li anymore, and he released his hand
to struggle against Chang Xin.

Xie Li’s arm dropped, hanging at his side.

Chang Xiaojia’s slippers fell off, and his body scraped and struggled on the
floor, but Chang Xin still didn’t let go. He dragged him until they reached
the first small door near the corridor close to the living room. Chang Xin
opened the door and pushed Chang Xiaojia inside.

Chang Xiaojia’s voice became increasingly sharp and panicked. He said,

“Brother, I was wrong. Please don’t lock me up.”

From Xie Li’s perspective, he couldn’t see what was in the room. He only
knew it was dark, pitch black.
Chang Xiaojia kept saying, “I’m sorry. Don’t lock me up.”

Chang Xin coldly raised his hand and closed the door. He said, “Reflect on
yourself in there!” Immediately after, he forcefully shut the door, and then,
holding the doorknob, said to Shi Hongqian, “Go get the keys.”

Chang Xiaojia banged on the door from inside, his voice full of panic, “No,
I was wrong! I won’t make trouble! Let me out!”

Shi Hongqian turned and walked toward the other side of the living room.

Xie Li’s shirt gently swayed with his breath as he reached into his pocket,
absentmindedly not knowing what he was doing. Eventually, he found a
crumpled pack of cigarettes and took one out, putting it in his mouth. He
heard Chang Xiaojia crying, a heart-wrenching cry.

Throughout this process, Chang Guanshan sat on the sofa, coldly watching.
At this moment, he stood up and sighed as if he felt sorry and didn’t know
what to do. He said to Xie Li, “You can go first. Tell Shi Hongqian to stay
here and watch him. If he behaves, let him go back to sleep.”

Chang Xin nodded, waiting for Shi Hongqian to come back with the keys to
lock the door. He then returned to Xie Li’s side, and they left together.

As they walked out of the living room door, Xie Li heard Chang Xiaojia
crying and calling his name. After that, there was no more sound from
BLNDD chapter 47

Darkness surged from all directions like icy seawater, completely

submerging Xie Li. He couldn’t hear any sounds, see a trace of light, only
feeling the heavy pressure on his body, slowly descending, making even
breathing difficult. He began to struggle desperately, wanting to escape
from this darkness, but in an instant, countless hands reached out from the
darkness, grabbing him fiercely, even choking his neck, aiming to keep him
forever immersed in this darkness.

Just as he was about to suffocate, he woke up suddenly. He found himself

curled up in the back seat of a car, one foot raised, stepping on the front
seat. In the narrow space, his thighs were almost pressed against his chest,
making it difficult to breathe.

He took out his phone to check the time—it was still early morning, and
outside was pitch black.

The two young men in the front responsible for surveillance heard his
movement, turned around, and handed him a cigarette. “Li Ge, awake?”

Xie Li responded with a sound of acknowledgment, took the cigarette, and

leaned closer to the person who offered it, lighting it. He asked, “Any

The person replied, “None.”

Xie Li hadn’t returned home for two or three days. He was currently
keeping an eye on one of Wu Can’s subordinates. Aside from here, there
were also people watching Wu Can and Du Shenglian. Xie Li felt that
before October 13th, Du Shenglian and Wu Can would definitely meet with
Han Yue.
The weather was getting colder day by day, especially in the deep night. Xie
Li felt a slight chill constantly seeping in through the gaps in the car door.

He changed his posture, leaning against the car window, pulled his coat
tighter, and remembered the dream he had just had. He didn’t know what
the oppressive darkness foretold, but he thought perhaps that was the
oppressive darkness Chang Xiaojia always felt .

Xie Li used to not fear the dark, but now he began to feel that darkness was
a terrifying mouth that would devour Chang Xiaojia in front of him, and he
chose to stand still and watch.

He rested his head against the glass, his gaze falling on his phone for a
while. He found and looked at Chang Xiaojia’s phone number, but he didn’t
dial. Since that night he left, Chang Xiaojia’s phone had been off, and he
hadn’t called.

The Single Sword Society’s event was the significant day for Hongfang’s
annual ancestral worship and induction of new members. On that day, a
meeting would be held, and all brothers of Hongfang had to gather,
kneeling and offering incense.

On the day of the Single Sword Society event, around four in the morning,
Xie Li led his men to break into the house where Du Shenglian had
arranged for Han Yue.

Naturally, Du Shenglian had arranged for his men to protect Han Yue.

Xie Li had a gun, but he wouldn’t shoot unless absolutely necessary. Even
if he did, he wouldn’t shoot to kill. Leaving the men fighting downstairs, he
entered the room on the second floor alone.

By then, Han Yue had already opened the window but hadn’t jumped out
because he saw people waiting outside.

Han Yue, older than Chang Guanshan but younger than Du Shenglian,
looked at least sixty years old. His hair was thin and gray, wearing an old
padded jacket, appearing somewhat forlorn.
Seeing someone intrude, he didn’t show panic, just smiled helplessly, shook
his head, and came back to sit by the bed.

Xie Li, holding a gun, aimed it at him and said, “Get up, come with me.”

Han Yue was slightly surprised. “You’re not going to kill me?”

Xie Li said, “I won’t kill you here. You’re not someone who should be in
Harbor City, not even your corpse. Get up and come with me.”

The skirmish outside the room had subsided. Xie Li had someone bind Han
Yue’s hands behind his back, then threw him into the car. He instructed
someone to clean up the place, and he himself got into the car, sitting next
to Han Yue.

Inside the car, besides them, there was a driver and another henchman of
Chang Xin.

Xie Li pressed the car window and said to the people outside, “Go inform
Young Master Xin. Han Yue won’t show up at the Single Sword Society

The person outside nodded in acknowledgment and then asked, “Li Ge,
how are we handling Han Yue?”

Xie Li, with an expressionless face, said, “Sink him in the sea.” Afterward,
he closed the car window and told the driver to start driving.

Han Yue remained very quiet, his broad shoulders slightly drooping, his
gaze fixed straight ahead.

Xie Li said, “Originally, in another three hours, Du Shenglian would have

sent a car to pick you up. Unfortunately, he won’t see you again in the

Han Yue still didn’t answer. He just chuckled, tilted his head back, and
closed his eyes.
The driver kept driving until they reached an abandoned and desolate pier.
A narrow boat was parked at the dock. It was the time when day and night
transitioned, with the sky faintly turning white, but darkness hadn’t
completely dissipated. Moisture filled the air over the sea, and the sea
breeze was cold and briny.

Xie Li got out of the car and took a burlap bag from the trunk to cover Han
Yue entirely. Then, he had the driver and Chang Xin’s henchman help move
Han Yue onto the small boat.

Seeing Xie Li board the boat, Chang Xin’s henchman spoke, “Li Ge, I’ll go
with you.”

Xie Li knew this person was sent by Chang Xin to assist him but also to
monitor him. He didn’t object and simply stood at the stern of the boat. He
fired two shots into the bag that contained Han Yue.

After those shots, there was no movement from the bag. Subsequently,
blood started seeping out.

The space on the boat was small. In the middle lay Han Yue’s corpse,
leaving little room for anyone else. Xie Li had mentioned before that he
must witness Han Yue’s death with his own eyes, so he wouldn’t let others
do it.

By now, Chang Xin’s henchman was staring at the fresh blood gathering in
the depression of the boat and said, “We’ll wait for you here.”

Xie Li sat down, steering the boat into the open sea.

As he moved farther from the shore, fog thickened on the sea surface.
Gradually, Xie Li couldn’t see the people standing on the shore anymore.
He leaned forward to open the burlap bag, exposing Han Yue’s head.

Han Yue, with wide-open eyes, was breathing heavily. Obviously, he hadn’t
died. He looked at Xie Li with a suspicious gaze.
When they were in the car earlier, Xie Li had lightly tapped on his back
with his fingers, producing a distinct and rhythmic pattern. Even if Han Yue
didn’t understand the meaning, he guessed it was a kind of code.

Later, when Xie Li covered him with the burlap bag, he felt something like
a blood bag inside it. So, when he heard the gunshot, he pretended to be
shot. In that instant, Han Yue did feel pain, but it wasn’t a bullet entering his
body; it was something else hitting the burlap bag, followed by liquid
seeping out from the blood bag inside. Holding his breath, he remained
motionless, enduring until the boat was far away from the shore.

Now, Xie Li just untied the bag to expose his head, without freeing his
hands. Then, he returned to the stern of the boat to sit down.

Han Yue waited until he could breathe freely again before asking Xie Li,
“Who exactly are you?”

Xie Li didn’t answer. He asked, “if you made it to the Single Sword Society
today, what did you originally intend to say?”

Han Yue ignored his question and insisted, “Who are you?”

Xie Li looked at the sea for a moment and said, “Lu Yiren has a daughter
who married Chang Guanshan and gave birth to a son, Chang Xiaojia. You
should know this, right?”

Han Yue said, “Of course, I know.”

Xie Li continued, “These questions are from Chang Xiaojia, he would want
to know the truth.”

After a moment of silence, Han Yue said, “Why didn’t you just take me to
the Single Sword Society and expose Chang Guanshan in front of

Xie Li replied, “Do you think you can walk into the Society alive at this
point? I’m just asking you on behalf of Xiaojia: Was Lu Yiren killed by
Chang Guanshan?”
Han Yue looked up at the gray-white sky, quietly lying down for a while
before saying, “I didn’t know originally. Brother Lu was ill at that time, and
a nurse was hired to take care of him. When I first visited, his condition was
stable. It was when Chang Guanshan had become the acting boss of
Hongfang, and I sat by Brother Lu’s bed chatting with him. He told me he
felt Chang Guanshan was inconsistent, fearing he had ill intentions. He
intended to remove Chang Guanshan from his position at Hongfang.
However, that night, news came that Brother Lu had a severe illness and
passed away. He hadn’t even been taken to the hospital and had already
stopped breathing at home.”

“Did Chang Guanshan do it?” Xie Li asked.

Han Yue said, “Chang Guanshan and Liying went out to attend a banquet
that night and weren’t at home. Even if I suspected, I couldn’t find any

Xie Li knew that the Liying mentioned by Han Yue was Lu Liying, Lu
Yiren’s daughter, Chang Guanshan’s original wife, and also Chang
Xiaojia’s biological mother.

“Moreover, Liying had deep feelings for Chang Guanshan. She had just lost
her father and was relying on her husband. I couldn’t bring up my
suspicions to her, and I was afraid she would reveal it to Chang Guanshan.”
Han Yue’s low voice echoed on the desolate sea with the sound of waves.
“After Chang Guanshan took power, he became more distrustful of us old
folks. So, I chose to leave Harbor City. But I’ve always been troubled by
this matter. I had people investigate the whereabouts of the nurse at that
time. She left Harbor City shortly after Brother Lu’s death and disappeared.
Unexpectedly, after eight years, someone under me accidentally found out
about the nurse’s whereabouts. She died unexpectedly less than a year after
Brother Lu’s death, but she had returned to her hometown, and it was said
she brought back a large sum of money.”

Xie Li listened silently.

“I didn’t have much hope, but I went to her hometown, inquired about her
several relatives, and learned that she died repenting in a local temple. She
had donated a Buddha statue to the temple after returning, and the monk
said she confessed voluntarily, claiming that she had harmed an employer
and felt guilty, unable to find peace day and night.”

“She was bribed by Chang Guanshan to kill Lu Yiren?” Xie Li asked.

Han Yue nodded. “That’s what I believe. So, I told Liying about this.”

Xie Li was momentarily stunned, then asked, “You told Lu Liying?”

Han Yue sighed deeply. “Actually, I shouldn’t have told her directly. I
should have come back to Harbor City myself to investigate the matter

Xie Li roughly estimated the time, instantly feeling a chill. “Then Lu Liying
suddenly died of illness?”

Han Yue closed his eyes, nodded slowly, and said, “I was reckless. I might
have caused the death of Brother Lu’s daughter. I’ve felt guilty all these
years. I watched as Chang Guanshan’s influence in Hongfang grew, but I
stayed away and didn’t dare to come back. I knew I couldn’t shake him.
Even if I came back, the ultimate result would be death.”

But Xie Li didn’t pay much attention to Han Yue’s final words. He was only
thinking about the sensitive and fragile Chang Xiaojia, who lost his mother
from an early age. His beloved mother might have been killed by his own
father’s hands.
BLNDD chapter 48

Xie Li steered the speedboat forward. After about ten minutes, another
small boat emerged from the sea mist. Yu Zhengkun crouched at the stern,
waving towards Xie Li.

Han Yue exerted force to lift his head and looked over.

Xie Li pulled him out of the sack, untied the ropes on his hands, and said,
“Don’t let Chang Guanshan know you’re still alive.”

Han Yue, puzzled, asked, “Who are you really?”

Xie Li didn’t answer. He gestured for Han Yue to board Yu Zhengkun’s

small boat. The sack was thrown into the sea. Xie Li stood up, nodded to Yu
Zhengkun, and then steered the speedboat back to the shore.

The driver and Chang Xin’s subordinates were still waiting at the beach.
Xie Li didn’t waste words, cleaned the blood off his hands, and had the
driver take him to the Hetang where the Single Sword event was being held.

Outside Hetang, all the people were arranged by Chang Guanshan.

When Xie Li opened the car door to get out, he keenly felt that at least ten
people had their attention on him, even though he had no idea where some
of them were hiding.

Chang Guanshan didn’t entirely rely on Xie Li. He held his own fate, and
even if Xie Li hadn’t found Han Yue, as long as Han Yue appeared outside
the Hetang today, he wouldn’t be able to enter alive.

Xie Li adjusted his coat, and although he should have worn something more
formal, it didn’t matter. He could still smell the faint scent of blood on his
hands, and he believed Chang Guanshan could smell it too.

At noon that day in the Hetang, Xie Li knelt in front of the Guan Gong
statue, received incense from Chang Guanshan, and formally became a
brother in the Hongfang.

Du Shenglian and Wu Can failed to capture Han Yue, and the original plan
was canceled. The turmoil in the Single Sword Society subsided.

Du Shenglian left early, and Wu Can had a car accident on the way back
that night, unable to survive despite hospital efforts.

At that time, Xie Li sat in the passenger seat of Chang Guanshan’s car,
listening as Chang Xin answered a call in the backseat. After Chang Xin
informed Chang Guanshan about Wu Can’s accident, Xie Li saw Chang
Guanshan lean back against the seat, closing his eyes with a calm
expression, gently making a sound.

The car drove smoothly along the road next to Qingshui Lake. The car
interior was warm and quiet. After a while, Chang Guanshan asked,
“Where’s Xiaojia?”

Xie Li listened to Chang Xin saying, “I had Shi Hongqian watch over him.
He can move freely only after the Single Sword Society event is over.”

Chang Guanshan raised his hand, took off his glasses, pinched his nose, and
helplessly said, “Xiaojia, never understands.”

Chang Xin advised him, “Xiaojia is still young; don’t be angry with him.”

Chang Guanshan shook his head, put his glasses back on, and then called,
“Xie Li.”

Xie Li responded, “Mr. Chang.”

Chang Guanshan said, “Go back and look after him.”

Xie Li said, “I understand, Mr. Chang.”

Chang Guanshan continued, “If he doesn’t know the severity, you should. If
he dares to hit you, just stop him. But don’t hit him.”

After a moment of silence, Xie Li said, “I didn’t hit him, Mr. Chang. I
wouldn’t dare.”

Chang Guanshan said slowly, “As long as you understand.”

Late at night, Xie Li returned to the Chang family.

Chang Xin accompanied Chang Guanshan to the main building in front, and
Xie Li walked towards the back alone. He saw that Xiaojia’s room on the
second floor had the lights off.

Xie Li had a bad feeling. Xiaojia would never turn off the lights if he was at

Before reaching the hall on the first floor, Xie Li saw Shi Hongqian hastily
walking out, talking on the phone. He stopped when he saw Xie Li and
finished the call before saying, “Young Master Jia went out alone tonight.”

Xie Li frowned and asked, “Where did he go?”

Shi Hongqian said, “I sent someone to look for him. Just got a report that he
is on Qifeng Mountain, planning to race with Dai Hao.”

Xie Li, upon hearing this, turned and walked away.

Shi Hongqian told him, “Let’s go together. I’ll drive.”

Xie Li, with a stern expression, said, “I’ll drive.”

Shi Hongqian said, “I’m more familiar with the road. Don’t worry; I’ve
heard that He Chuanyun is also on Qifeng Mountain now. I’ve asked him to
help persuade Young Master Jia, and we can catch up.”

After getting in the car, Xie Li seemed unable to hide his fatigue. He looked
at himself in the mirror, eyes swollen and skin dull. He hadn’t slept for
more than five hours each day for several consecutive days.
However, his emotions remained tense. He worried about Xiaojia, and the
thought of him being around Dai Hao alone made it hard for him to breathe.
He didn’t dare to imagine what might happen to Xiaojia.

Shi Hongqian drove steadily and swiftly.

Xie Li asked him, “When did you release Xiaojia that day?”

Shi Hongqian answered, “He was locked up for over three hours.”

Xie Li raised his hands, covering his face, and rubbed it forcefully. “Was he

Shi Hongqian said, “Yeah, he had a fever and kept trembling.” After a
moment of silence, he added, “He kept talking nonsense.”

Xie Li, in a hoarse voice, asked, “What was he saying?”

Shi Hongqian seemed to be recalling. “Stuff like ‘Xie Li, save me,’ ‘I was
wrong,’ ‘Don’t blame Xie Li.'”

Xie Li listened silently, and after a long pause, he shifted his position,
sniffed, and then remained silent.

After that, Shi Hongqian didn’t speak again, and Xie Li didn’t ask. He just
sat in his seat, staring blankly out of the car window.

After more than half an hour, Shi Hongqian had already driven the car onto
the mountain road of Qifeng Mountain.

Before getting close, Xie Li saw a bright spot on the mountain road above,
accompanied by intense and piercing music. When they approached the
open space, Shi Hongqian suddenly turned the steering wheel, and after the
wheels scraped against the ground violently, the car stopped steadily in a
corner of the open space.

Xie Li opened the car door and got out. He saw cars and people
everywhere. These cars had their headlights on, illuminating the originally
pitch-black mountainside as bright as day. Some people had set up fires,
and next to the bonfires, speakers were playing music. Many young people
held beers, embracing young girls in cool clothes, laughing and playing as
if they were at a grand party.

Shi Hongqian locked the car door, walked through the car, and went ahead
with the crowd. Xie Li followed him, and the gaze of many young girls fell
on him. Some bolder ones even directly reached out to touch his chest.

At this moment, Xie Li didn’t even have the mood to be perfunctory. He

walked forward without looking sideways.

Until they reached the large open space with a bonfire in the middle, Xie Li
saw Chang Xiaojia sitting cross-legged on the hood of his racing car. He
held an open beer can in one hand, pouring it into his mouth.

There were many people around him. One girl in a short skirt had been
whispering in his ear, but Chang Xiaojia’s gaze was fixed on the bonfire,
his expression cold. He didn’t respond to her words.

Across from Chang Xiaojia, Dai Hao stood next to a modified car, smoking.
There were also many young men and women around him, and a group of
people were chatting and laughing.

At this time, He Chuanyun walked towards Shi Hongqian and Xie Li

through the crowd.

Today at the Single Sword Society, Xie Li had only met He Chuanyun
briefly. He Chuanyun knew that Xie Li was now working with Chang
Guanshan, and seeing that Chang Guanshan valued Xie Li, his attitude was
very polite. He greeted Xie Li, “You’re here.”

Shi Hongqian greeted him as well, “Brother Yun.”

Xie Li also said, “Brother Yun, what is going to happen now?”

He Chuanyun turned to look and said, “Xiaojia couldn’t be stopped. He

insists on having a race with Dai Hao tonight. I’ve managed to delay the
time.” He glanced at his watch and added, “The race officially starts in
fifteen minutes.”

Shi Hongqian looked at Xie Li, and Xie Li took two steps forward. “I’ll
BLNDD chapter 49

Chang Xiaojia was originally sitting cross-legged on the car hood, but he
suddenly stood up and forcefully threw the unfinished beer bottle into the
bonfire along with the bottle. With his action, the bonfire suddenly leaped
high, making crackling sounds and immediately causing cheers and
whistles from the surrounding young people.

Xie Li walked to the side of the car, and just as Chang Xiaojia was getting
off the car, Xie Li subconsciously took a big step forward, reaching out to
catch him and holding him on the ground.

But Chang Xiaojia didn’t even look at him. He pushed him away, turned
around, and asked a young man next to him for a cigarette.

Most of the young people surrounding him were Hongfang’s little brothers.
They had all seen Xie Li at the single-sword meeting that day. When they
saw Xie Li approaching, they greeted, “Brother Li.” Some were whispering
and probably discussing him.

Xie Li didn’t care about this. He shouted, “Xiaojia.”

Chang Xiaojia seemed oblivious to his presence. He approached the fire of

another person nearby, lit the cigarette in his mouth, and ignited it.

The girl didn’t know Xie Li. She just looked him up and down, then hugged
Chang Xiaojia’s arm and asked in a sweet voice, “Xiaojia, who is he?”

Only then did Chang Xiaojia turn his gaze to Xie Li.

Xie Li looked a bit tired, wearing the same clothes for several days, hastily
changing into a jacket, messy hair, a wound on his chin from accidentally
cutting himself while shaving, and the bite marks on his neck still visible.
Chang Xiaojia didn’t look good either. Not seeing Xie Li for a few days
made him seem thinner. The loose hoodie on him looked even looser,
probably because his legs were too thin, and the jeans were not fitting well.

“Why are you here?” Chang Xiaojia asked Xie Li in a cold tone.

Xie Li glanced at the girl hugging Chang Xiaojia’s arm, and calmly said,
“Xiaojia, come back with me.”

Fingers pinching the cigarette, Chang Xiaojia frowned and said, “Are you
crazy?” He turned away to leave.

Xie Li reached out and grabbed his wrist.

Chang Xiaojia immediately pressed the burning cigarette against the back
of Xie Li’s hand. In that moment, even in the noisy environment, the
sizzling sound could be heard, accompanied by the scent of burnt flesh
spreading in the air.

The girl was startled, withdrew her hand from hugging Chang Xiaojia, and
stood frozen in place.

Xie Li only frowned fiercely, pursed his lips, but didn’t let go of Chang
Xiaojia’s hand. He said, “Xiaojia, please, come back with me.”

At this moment, Dai Hao, accompanied by three or four of his men, walked
towards them. Before getting close, he shouted loudly, “Hey, another
familiar face?!”

Xie Li released his grip on Chang Xiaojia’s hand, stepped in front of him,
and smiled at Dai Hao, saying, “Brother Hao, long time no see.”

Their conversation immediately attracted the attention of most people in the

open space. Even the music was deliberately lowered, and everyone looked
over, some even jumped on top of cars to watch the excitement.

Chang Xiaojia didn’t speak, just looked at Dai Hao with a gloomy
Dai Hao, with a half-smile, said, “Don’t call me brother. You’re just a dog
for Chang Xiaojia. There’s a clear distinction between us.”

After saying this, a group of his men behind him all laughed.

Xie Li heard a lot of low discussions, but he didn’t care and wasn’t angry.
He just said, “It seems your leg is completely healed?”

When Dai Hao heard Xie Li mention his leg, his smile became somewhat
fierce. “My leg is fine. Today, I’ll take care of you guys.”

Xie Li said, “Chang Xiaojia won’t race against you.”

Chang Xiaojia looked at Xie Li with cold eyes.

Xie Li didn’t want to get entangled with Dai Hao and didn’t want to
provoke him. Right now, he just wanted to take Chang Xiaojia home
immediately, comfort him, and let him sleep peacefully.

Dai Hao, upon hearing this, sarcastically said, “Why, scared? Chang
Xiaojia, are you in a hurry to go back and sleep with your dog?”

Chang Xiaojia coldly replied, “You don’t need to care who i go back to
sleep with. Anyway, I’m going to break your other leg first.”

Dai Hao’s men immediately got angry. “What did you say?”

Dai Hao stopped them, sneered, and said, “What’s the use of being
arrogant? We’ll see who breaks whose leg later!”

After that, Dai Hao walked away with his people, and the crowd naturally

Xie Li had no intention of letting Chang Xiaojia race against Dai Hao. If
Chang Xiaojia didn’t listen, he planned to just carry him away. Just as he
was about to turn around and grab Chang Xiaojia, he suddenly noticed a
young man in the crowd.
Even in the late night, the young man still wore a baseball cap, mingling in
the noisy crowd, receiving money from someone. He was the person Xie Li
had seen before, selling the new type of drugs at Fengling Bar. Since being
driven away by Xie Li and the others that time, he had not appeared in the
bar again.

Xie Li had always been bothered by the new type of drugs he was selling. It
was something he had never seen in the market before, and there had been
no large-scale sales of it. Not only in the Harbor City, but when Yu
Zhengkun confirmed with him, this kind of drug had not appeared in other
areas of the country or even abroad. Xie Li wanted to know the source of
his drugs and also suspected that the drug trafficking lead Chen Haiman had
been investigating was related to the new type of drugs being sold.

That young man had already taken the money and disappeared into the

Subconsciously, Xie Li walked in his direction, trying not to be too obvious

to avoid startling him.

“Xie Li,” Shi Hongqian walked through the crowd to him, “the race is about
to start.”

Xie Li said, “Wait a moment,” and continued walking forward, pushing

aside the people blocking his way. However, he found that the young man
with the hat was nowhere to be seen.

Perhaps he had taken off the hat, or perhaps he had slipped into a car. In any
case, he suddenly disappeared from Xie Li’s view. At this moment, Xie Li
heard everyone around cheering loudly, whistling, and the sound of
breaking glass from all directions.

Turning back, he saw that Chang Xiaojia had already sat in the car, and the
girl was opening the door on the passenger side to get in.

The firelight through the car window tinted Chang Xiaojia’s face red, no
longer pale but even more gloomy.
Xie Li walked back with big strides, standing in front of Chang Xiaojia’s
car, hands pressing heavily on the hood. The burn on the back of his hand
was intensely painful, and he shouted loudly, “Get out of the car!”

Chang Xiaojia slowly rolled down the window, leaned out, and softly
uttered a word to Xie Li, “Scram.”

Xie Li blocked the front of the car, saying, “Either get out of the car, or run
me over!”

At this point, Shi Hongqian and He Chuanyun had already come over. He
Chuanyun frowned slightly, still worried about Chang Xiaojia causing
trouble right under his nose. He asked Shi Hongqian, “Should we inform
his brother?”

Shi Hongqian seemed hesitant, but finally said, “Let Xie Li handle it. I’m
afraid it won’t be easy to deal with if Young master Xin comes.”

The race was about to start. Dai Hao’s car was already in position, but
Chang Xiaojia was still in a standoff with Xie Li. There were quite a few
people around, hissing at him.

Chang Xiaojia leaned out of the car window, saying to Xie Li, “Do you
think I can’t run you over?”

Xie Li stepped back a few steps, raised both hands, and beckoned him, “Do
it then.”

Chang Xiaojia retracted his head, expressionless, shifted gears, then

slammed the accelerator. The high-performance sports car rushed towards
Xie Li, causing several girls nearby to scream in terror.

Xie Li didn’t dodge.

The front of the sports car almost pressed against Xie Li’s legs and came to
a dead stop. The girl in the passenger seat closed her eyes in fear, while
Chang Xiaojia shouted in anger, “I made a bet with Dai Hao, and the stake
is a leg. Do you want to help him break one of my legs directly?”
Xie Li was breathing heavily. Biting his lip almost to the point of bleeding,
he took big steps to the side of the car door, opened it, and reached in to pull
Chang Xiaojia out of the car.

Chang Xiaojia struggled forcefully, “Let go of me!”

Xie Li said, “Sit in the passenger seat; I’ll drive.”

Chang Xiaojia cursed, “Get lost! What qualifications do you have to help
me drive?” He remained in the driver’s seat, grabbing the steering wheel
tightly to prevent Xie Li from pulling him out. With the other hand, he
raised it to slap Xie Li.

The sports car had a low chassis to begin with. Xie Li was almost kneeling
next to the car door. He stopped Chang Xiaojia’s incoming slap, leaned into
the car compartment, and forcefully kissed Chang Xiaojia’s lips.

The girl sitting in the passenger seat had not expected this scene at all. She
was completely stunned, staring blankly with her mouth open at the two of

Xie Li didn’t care how many people were watching. He was bitten bloody
by the fiercely resisting Chang Xiaojia. He lifted his head, gazing at the girl
in the passenger seat with a fierce look, and said, “Get out of the car.”
BLNDD chapter 50

The girl in the passenger seat reacted quickly and hurriedly opened the car
door to get out.

Xie Li simply picked up Chang Xiaojia, threw him onto the passenger seat,
and took the driver’s seat himself.

Worried, Shi Hongqian asked from outside the car window, “Xie Li?”

Xie Li gestured an OK sign to him and then stepped on the accelerator,

driving the car out and stopping next to Dai Hao’s car.

Dai Hao lowered the car window, looked at them, and shouted, “Chang
Xiaojia, why are you hesitating? You don’t dare to drive yourself, so you
called your dog to help you?”

The long-haired woman sitting in his passenger seat smirked.

Chang Xiaojia leaned out and said coldly, “Should I also call your master,
Huo Zhaoning? I think you’re not even a dog, at best, you’re a pig raised by
Huo Zhaoning.”

Dai Hao’s face immediately darkened.

Xie Li reached out, closed the car window, not allowing Chang Xiaojia to
continue arguing with Dai Hao.

Chang Xiaojia said expressionlessly, “Let me drive.”

Xie Li wiped away some blood from his mouth, then smeared the
bloodstains on the genuine leather steering wheel. He said, “No.”
Staring ahead, Xie Li saw the person giving orders standing on the side of
the road, belly protruding, holding a gun and slowly raising it. He said to
Chang Xiaojia, “You’ve been drinking.”

Chang Xiaojia paused, then said coldly, “You’re insane.”

At this moment, Xie Li thought that Chang Xiaojia had been drinking, and
he himself was almost driving under the influence of fatigue. Xie Li shook
his head, trying to concentrate his mind and thoughts, looking at the dark
mountain road ahead.

The person giving orders smiled and fired a shot into the air.

At the sound of the gunshot, Xie Li stepped on the accelerator as hard as he

could, and the car sped away, leaving all the noise behind.

Dai Hao left even faster than them. His car surged ahead, and the engine
roared loudly as he raced towards the top of the mountain.

Xie Li followed closely behind Dai Hao. Although he seemed tense, he still
asked Chang Xiaojia, “What’s the route?”

Chang Xiaojia, leaning against the seat, feeling the intense thrust when the
car accelerated, said, “You don’t even know the route? Are you crazy?”

Xie Li said, “It’s okay, we’ll follow him.”

Chang Xiaojia angrily said, “We can’t lose! Overtake him! The route is
from here to the mountaintop, get the underwear at the platform and come

“What underwear?” Xie Li asked, puzzled, not immediately attempting to

overtake. He was curious.

Chang Xiaojia said, “You’ll know when we get there.”

Xie Li remained silent. He didn’t plan to attempt an overtake before

reaching the mountaintop. He was not familiar with the mountain road at
all. The road was pitch-black, without any streetlights, and one side was a
mountain wall while the other had guardrails. A slight mistake could lead to
a dangerous descent down the slope. He closely followed Dai Hao, not
letting him pull away, and used the car’s headlights to judge the twists and
turns of the mountain road.

Chang Xiaojia stopped talking.

In fact, Dai Hao’s driving skills were definitely not bad. Xie Li had to be
fully focused to keep up with the car in front of him. The mountain road
was winding and bumpy, with one sharp turn after another. Sometimes the
car’s body almost scraped against the guardrail. Dai Hao seemed to have a
reckless determination not to care about his life. The car was driven almost
to the point of taking flight. Fortunately, there were almost no oncoming
vehicles in the opposite lane at this late hour; otherwise, accidents would
likely have occurred already.

Xie Li’s last time racing with someone was during a chase for a fugitive.
The car in front was also rushing recklessly like this, but he could keep
biting on, not letting the other party pull away. At that time, his colleague
sitting in the passenger seat was pale, gripping the handle above the car
door tightly, saying that Xie Li was willing to risk his life to catch
criminals. This time, Xie Li thought that he was risking his life for Chang

A journey that normally took almost an hour at regular speed was

completed in twenty minutes.

Xie Li saw from a distance a broad flat ground at the mountaintop, enough
for the cars to turn around. Several people stood at the edge of the flat
ground, and two young women held their own underwear.

Chang Xiaojia had already rolled down the car window.

Xie Li caught up with Dai Hao, almost turning around at the same time as
him. Chang Xiaojia reached out and forcefully snatched the underwear from
one of the women. The other one had naturally been taken by Dai Hao.
Chang Xiaojia casually threw the underwear aside and said to Xie Li, “Wait
for the right moment to overtake.”

Naturally, Xie Li didn’t need Chang Xiaojia to tell him. He didn’t even have
time to mock the low taste of these spoiled rich kids. He concentrated,
chasing Dai Hao, and began trying to overtake.

The mountain road was narrow single-lane, and in order to prevent Xie Li
from overtaking, Dai Hao kept the car occupying the middle of both lanes.
Xie Li couldn’t overtake on either side and could only end up hitting the
rear of his car.

At high speed, outside the car, the dark and rugged mountain walls seemed
like monstrous creatures constantly rushing towards them, appearing from
the front and disappearing from the top of the car window. Occasionally,
around a bend, they could see roaring bonfires burning on the platform
halfway down the mountain. But as they turned another corner, it
disappeared again.

Chang Xiaojia’s sports car had excellent insulation, and in the quiet
compartment, they could hear each other’s breathing.

“Xie Li,” Chang Xiaojia suddenly called out to him without warning.

Xie Li replied, “I know.”

Up ahead was a bend in the road with an old tree in the middle. During road
construction, the road was divided into two, left and right, to preserve the
old tree. They would circle around the tree and then merge back.

Xie Li knew they were approaching that tree.

Just as the fork in the road appeared before them, Chang Xiaojia tightened
his grip on the handle, and Xie Li slammed the accelerator to the floor. The
car shot out from the left side of Dai Hao’s car.

After passing the fork, there was a steep bend. Xie Li pursed his lips,
aggressively turning the steering wheel as the car’s left side scraped against
the metal guardrail, producing a piercing sound. However, he smoothly
pulled ahead of Dai Hao on the right side and then leaned to the right,
blocking Dai Hao’s attempt to overtake.

Chang Xiaojia’s face turned pale. He tilted his head slightly, expressionless
but with rapid breaths, his gaze sweeping over Xie Li’s face.

Xie Li overtook Dai Hao and began to press him, not giving him a chance
to overtake. It seemed like they could catch a breather, and he said,

Chang Xiaojia didn’t answer.

Xie Li’s tone became more forceful, “Don’t be scared; I’m here.”

Chang Xiaojia remained silent for a moment, then sneered and looked out
the car window.

Until they approached the halfway platform on the mountain, Dai Hao still
couldn’t overtake successfully. He became increasingly impatient, bumping
the front of his car against Xie Li’s several times.

With less than a kilometer to the finish line, the road ahead widened a bit.
Dai Hao suddenly accelerated to overtake from the left. Xie Li glanced at
the rearview mirror and said sternly, “Hold on, Xiaojia.” Then, the car
swerved ahead of Dai Hao, but he didn’t slow down. Coming at almost full
speed, Dai Hao’s car tried to overtake on the left, but the speed was too
high. The front of his car, squeezed between the car on the right and the
mountain wall on the left, was lifted off the ground, flipping twice in the air
before landing in front of their car.

Xie Li watched Dai Hao’s car flip in the air and then land in front of them.
He immediately slammed on the brakes.

The wheels rubbed against the ground, screeching loudly. Despite Xie Li’s
best efforts, the car couldn’t avoid colliding with the overturned car in front.
He could only turn the steering wheel to the right to shield Chang Xiaojia.
With a loud “bang,” the car collided with the front of Dai Hao’s car. The
airbags deployed, squeezing Chang Xiaojia between the airbag and the
seatback. Dizzy, he reached out to find Xie Li.

His hand was grabbed by Xie Li, who reassured him, “I’m fine.”

Chang Xiaojia got out of the car, but Xie Li’s car door was deformed and
couldn’t be opened. Xie Li crawled from the middle to the right side, exited
through the passenger’s door, with his left arm cut and bleeding. With the
wounds on his lips and neck, he looked extremely battered.

He saw Chang Xiaojia squatting on the ground, catching his breath.

Walking over, he touched his hair, then went to Dai Hao’s car, bending
down to look inside through the overturned window, and shouted, “Dai

All the window glass was shattered. Dai Hao was completely turned
around, trapped in the driver’s seat. The girl in the passenger seat had blood
on her head, tears streaming down her face in panic. She shouted to Xie Li,
“Save me.”

Xie Li said, “It’s okay, don’t be afraid.” He knelt down and reached in to
rescue her.
BLNDD chapter 51

Xie Li rescued Dai Hao and the girl sitting in the front passenger seat from
the car, taking them to a place as far away from the vehicle as possible. He
sat on the ground, panting for breath.

The girl’s face was covered in blood, but her thoughts were clear. On the
other hand, Dai Hao seemed more seriously injured, and his consciousness
was becoming blurry.

At this moment, Chang Xiaojia picked up a large stone from the roadside,
hugged it in his arms, and walked unsteadily towards Dai Hao. He raised
the stone, ready to strike it down on his leg.

Xie Li stood up, snatched the stone from him, tossed it aside, and then held
him to pull him back.

Chang Xiaojia struggled, “Let go of me! He lost, and he owes me!”

Xie Li said, “He’s already hurt. I’m afraid if you hit him with a stone, you
might kill him.”

Chang Xiaojia said angrily, “That’s his bad luck!”

Xie Li repeated, “Alright, alright. If his luck is bad, spare him a life.
Consider this leg as something he owes you.”

As the two struggled, two cars swiftly approached from the front and back,
stopping on the side of the road.

Xie Li looked up and saw Shi Hongqian and He Chuanyun getting out of
the front car, and the door of the rear car opening with a long-legged figure,
who turned out to be Huo Zhaoning.
“Ah Hao!” Huo Zhaoning hurriedly ran towards Dai Hao.

Xie Li held Chang Xiaojia in his arms, pressing his waist and the back of
his neck tightly to prevent him from breaking free. He said, “It’s better to
call an ambulance. I don’t think he’s in good condition.”

Huo Zhaoning squatted beside Dai Hao, glanced at him, said nothing, and
quickly made a phone call.

Shi Hongqian and He Chuanyun walked towards them.

He Chuanyun loudly asked, “Are you two okay?”

Xie Li nodded.

Shi Hongqian said, “We heard the commotion and rushed over.” He glanced
at the car in the distance that Dai Hao had overturned. “As long as you’re
both okay.”

Xie Li lowered his head and looked at Chang Xiaojia. Chang Xiaojia
seemed exhausted from struggling, his face buried in his neck without
saying a word. He then said to Shi Hongqian, “I want to take Xiaojia back

He Chuanyun spoke, “You go back first. I’ll take care of things here.”

Xie Li looked at him, “Thanks, Brother Yun.”

He Chuanyun smiled, “We’re brothers. No need to be polite.”

Xie Li slowly let go of Chang Xiaojia, only holding one of his hands,
leading him towards the car that Shi Hongqian had parked on the side of the
road. Chang Xiaojia didn’t speak, but at least he didn’t try to break free
from Xie Li.

Shi Hongqian drove them home. Xie Li and Chang Xiaojia sat side by side
in the back seat.
Chang Xiaojia put both feet on the seat, curled up, arms hugging his legs,
and his head resting on his knees, looking out of the car window.

Xie Li looked at the window on the other side of the car. As their car passed
by the platform halfway up the mountain, the bonfire had not been
extinguished, and the crowd was still gathered. However, it seemed that
someone had informed them of the racing results, and everyone appeared
somewhat disinterested, preparing to leave in groups.

He searched the crowd for the young man who sold drugs, but the car
passed by too quickly, and he couldn’t find him.

“Hongqian,” Xie Li called.

Shi Hongqian looked at him through the rearview mirror.

Xie Li asked, “Whose territory is this in Qifeng Mountain?” There should

be someone organizing the nightly races.

Shi Hongqian answered, “This area of Qifeng Mountain should belong to Ju


Ju Yi? Xie Li recalled seeing Huo Zhaoning just now and found it strange.
He asked, “Are He Chuanyun and Huo Zhaoning close?”

Shi Hongqian shrugged, indicating that he didn’t know.

The car continued along the winding mountain road. Xie Li didn’t ask Shi
Hongqian any more questions, and Shi Hongqian also didn’t say anything.
The car fell quiet.

Xie Li occasionally turned his head to look at Chang Xiaojia. Seeing that he
had maintained the curled-up posture for a long time, he raised his hand to
gently touch his hair, leaning back against the seat.

He was thinking about the drug dealer. After being driven out of the bar by
Chang Xiaojia, did he opt to come here every night to sell drugs instead?
Where did he get his drugs, he had to find a way to get the information from
him. At the same time, he wondered if Xiaojia was still angry. Xaojia was
scared of the dark, and that night must have been terrifying for him. He
didn’t know if he was scared again tonight.

Xie Li’s thoughts gradually became chaotic. He was too exhausted, with too
many things waiting for him to ponder. He couldn’t think anymore, so he
kept the posture of leaning back, falling into a deep sleep.

After a while, Chang Xiaojia heard Xie Li’s low breathing. He turned his
head slowly, and noticed that Xie Li’s left sleeve was completely soaked in

He stared blankly for a while, then raised his head to tell Shi Hongqian,
“Go to the hospital.”

In the corridor outside the emergency room, Chang Xiaojia sat alone against
the wall. Xie Li was inside dealing with his wounds, and Shi Hongqian was
queuing to get medication for him.

After about ten minutes, Xie Li came out. His left arm was wrapped in
gauze, and the back of his hand, burned by Chang Xiaojia’s cigarette, had
also been treated. He draped his clothes over his shoulders, not putting his
left arm through the sleeve, and sat down next to Chang Xiaojia, looking

Chang Xiaojia stared ahead at the light brown wooden door of the
emergency room.

After sitting for a while, Xie Li leaned his head against Chang Xiaojia’s
shoulder and said, “I’m sorry.”

Chang Xiaojia didn’t answer.

Xie Li closed his eyes. He felt like he was going to die, unable to lift even a
finger. He continued to repeat, “I’m sorry Xiaojia.”

Chang Xiaojia blinked, and tears flowed from his eyes.

At this moment, a family member of a patient hurried past them with a

payment slip, not even glancing at them.
Although the emergency department was still bustling at this late hour,
everyone was in a hurry and anxious, living in their own pain or injury.

Xie Li murmured softly in his ear, as if he were drunk, “I don’t really have
the ability, and I can’t protect you. But you have to believe me; I really
didn’t mess around with anyone behind your back.”

Chang Xiaojia shed tears while speaking in a cold tone, “I don’t believe

Xie Li fell silent for a moment and said, “Ruan Qiuyuan wanted to leave Du
Shenglian and I wanted to gain your father’s trust. We were just making a

Chang Xiaojia retorted, “why didn’t you tell me the truth then.”

This time, Xie Li remained silent for a long time. He reached out, clasping
Chang Xiaojia’s hand and placing it on his chest near his heart. “Xiaojia, I
can’t tell you everything right now, but the only thing I can guarantee to
you is: this, It’s yours alone.”
BLNDD chapter 52

When Shi Hongqian drove them home later, Chang Xiaojia sat in the car
without saying a word. It was already past four in the morning when they
arrived home, and daylight was approaching.

Xie Li was probably extremely exhausted. When Chang Xiaojia went to

take a shower, he leaned against the wall and sat on the floor. After a short
while, he tilted his head, closed his eyes, and fell asleep.

Later, he vaguely felt someone touching him, but he had no energy left to
open his eyes. He just raised his hand and grabbed the person’s hand in
front of him, murmuring, “Xiaojia.” In his half-asleep state, he thought that
he didn’t have the strength to be intimate with Chang Xiaojia anymore and
asked him to rest early.

Chang Xiaojia squatted in front of him and said, “Take off your clothes.”

Xie Li didn’t react.

So, Chang Xiaojia reached out to help him undress.

The process was actually quite difficult. Initially, Xie Li didn’t cooperate
and instead grabbed his hand, saying, “Go to sleep, Xiaojia.”

However, Chang Xiaojia was persistent. He had to take off Xie Li’s clothes,
wet a towel with hot water to wipe his body, and finally helped him lie
down on the bed.

As soon as he touched the bed, he fell into a deep sleep. Chang Xiaojia
couldn’t even push him towards the center of the bed.
Later, Chang Xiaojia got into bed himself, leaving a bedside lamp on.
Carefully avoiding Xie Li’s injured left arm, he lifted Xie Li’s hand and
hugged himself, then closed his eyes to sleep.

Xie Li slept from early morning until the afternoon. He was awakened by
the ringing of his phone. Still groggy, he groped in the direction of the
ringing sound for quite a while before finding his phone.

But when he saw the incoming call displaying Chang Guanshan’s name, he
suddenly became alert. He lowered his head and glanced at the sleeping
Chang Xiaojia, then answered the phone, “Mr. Chang.”

Chang Xiaojia was also awakened from his deep sleep, frowning

Chang Guanshan asked him, “Are you at home?”

Xie Li said, “Yes, Mr. Chang.”

Chang Guanshan asked, “Is Xiaojia there too?”

Xie Li raised his hand to touch Chang Xiaojia’s hair, inadvertently pulling
on the wound on his left arm, causing a slight frown. He replied, “Yes.”

Chang Guanshan said, “Come over for dinner with Xiaojia in the evening.
We have guests, so tidy up a bit.”

Xie Li responded, “Okay.”

After hanging up the phone, he lowered his head and saw that Chang
Xiaojia still had a displeased expression. He reached out, pinching his nose,
and called softly, “Xiaojia.”

Chang Xiaojia, breathing somewhat uncomfortably, turned his head away.

Xie Li didn’t use too much force, but his fingers continued to play with his
nose. Later, when Chang Xiaojia opened his eyes and pushed him away,
annoyed by being awakened, Xie Li hugged him from behind, gently
rubbing his nose against Chang Xiaojia’s face, repeatedly calling out,
“Xiaojia, Xiaojia…”

Chang Xiaojia struggled for a while but then stopped moving.

Looking into his eyes, Xie Li slowly approached and kissed his lips.

It had been a long time since they kissed properly. Xie Li almost couldn’t
remember when was the last time they kissed passionately. The last
memory he had of Chang Xiaojia was their argument before parting ways.

Chang Xiaojia’s lips were slightly cooler than his, giving a somewhat chilly
feeling, but as long as this mouth wasn’t biting, it was obedient and soft.

Xie Li liked kissing him, holding his slender body tightly, and his palms
caressing the smooth skin. Xie Li felt the surge of desire in his body,
exerting more force, holding onto Chang Xiaojia even tighter.

Chang Xiaojia raised his hands, embracing Xie Li’s shoulders, responding
to him with his body.

After their intimacy, Xie Li lay flat on the bed, allowing Chang Xiaojia to
lie on top of him. Their breaths were not completely calm, and the skin
pressed against each other rubbed gently.

Xie Li stroked Chang Xiaojia’s slightly sweaty hair and said, “Your father
wants us to join him for dinner.”

Chang Xiaojia leaned his face on Xie Li’s shoulder, not saying anything.

Xie Li continued, “Xiaojia, can we not provoke your father and brother for

Chang Xiaojia raised his head to look at him, his face expressionless.

Xie Li sighed deeply, “It’s not the right time; we don’t have a way.”

Chang Xiaojia asked him, “Then when will there be a way?”

Xie Li could only tell him, “Just wait a bit longer.”

Chang Xiaojia sneered and turned his head again, speaking in a cold tone,
“What plan do you have?”

Xie Li couldn’t tell him the truth. He remained silent for a long time and
asked, “If one day I take you away from here, would you come with me?”

Chang Xiaojia didn’t answer immediately. After a long while, he said,

“Let’s talk about that when the day comes.”

Xie Li knew that Chang Xiaojia didn’t believe him, but he was helpless. He
couldn’t tell him everything about the true circumstances of his biological
mother being killed by Chang Guanshan, he didn’t have the confidence to
let Chang Xiaojia know his identity as an undercover cop. He couldn’t bear
the potential consequences.

Moreover, even when the day came for him to complete the mission and
when both Chang Guanshan and Chang Xin received punishment, he didn’t
dare to expect that Chang Xiaojia would forgive him. At that time, what
would be Chang Xiaojia’s reaction? Xie Li didn’t dare to think about it.

At dinner in the evening, Xie Li learned that the guest Chang Guanshan had
invited was a high-ranking official from a government department in the
harbor city, named Meng Zhitao, along with his wife and daughter.

Meng Zhitao’s daughter was named Meng Haili, just returned from
studying abroad, and she was said to be young and beautiful.

Xie Li went to the main building with Chang Xiaojia and Shi Hongqian.
When they arrived, the guests had just arrived as well. Xie Li saw Chang
Xin personally opening the car door, extending a courteous hand to help
Meng Haili out of the car.

Meng Haili revealed a gentle smile, her eyes shining when looking at
Chang Xin.
Xie Li hadn’t forgotten that just a week ago, Chang Xin was living with a
young girl at home.

However, Chang Xin’s attitude toward Meng Haili was completely

different. He appeared polite and gentle, behaving suavely and decently.
When Meng Haili spoke, he always listened attentively with a patient gaze.

Unlike Chang Xin’s suit and tie, Chang Xiaojia wore a loose round-neck
sweater, and his hair, not caring about it, softly fell on his forehead. He
looked like a university student who had entered the wrong event.

When Chang Xiaojia arrived, Chang Guanshan gave him a stern look, and
even the formally dressed Xie Li suffered from the consequences.

Xie Li was well-dressed, but his lips and neck were covered with wounds,
and the back of his hand was wrapped in gauze. He looked handsome and
rogue, especially prominent when standing next to Chang Xiaojia. Even
when Meng Haili spoke with Chang Xin, her attention was occasionally
drawn towards him.

That night, in addition to inviting Meng Zhitao’s family, Chang Guanshan

also invited his wife Ye Xinzhi’s younger brother, Ye Shaoyin.

Ye Shaoyin was not from Hong Fang, but he helped Chang Guanshan and
his son manage their business. This was the first time Xie Li had seen him.
He was in his thirties, somewhat resembling his sister Ye Xinzhi in facial
features. It was said that family resemblance could be seen between the
nephew and uncle, and some similarities with Chang Xin could be
discerned from his face.

When Chang Xiaojia arrived, Ye Shaoyin waved from afar, teasing, “Isn’t
this Second Young Master?”

Chang Xin came over to introduce Xie Li to Ye Shaoyin. When he

mentioned Ye Shaoyin, he said that he was currently the deputy general
manager of Hongji Pharmaceuticals.

Xie Li shook hands with Ye Shaoyin.

Ye Shaoyin looked at the scars on Xie Li’s lips and neck, smiling and
saying, “These look like bite marks? Not bad.”

Xie Li also smiled, “Bitten by a stray cat.”

Ye Shaoyin teased, “You dare to grab a wild cat; impressive. No wonder my

brother-in-law and Xin both value you.”

Xie Li glanced at Chang Xiaojia, who was looking displeased, and

ultimately just smiled without saying anything.

Chang Xiaojia: Meow—
BLNDD chapter 53

Before dinner, Chang Guanshan had been discussing the demolition plan
for an old district in Harbor City with Meng Zhitao. When it was time to
eat, the two families began to chat.

Xie Li noticed that Chang Guanshan was holding hands with his wife, Ye
Xinzhi, at the dinner table, appearing very intimate. This reminded him of
what Han Yue had mentioned about Chang Xiaojia’s birth mother. Xie Li
wondered if Chang Guanshan had treated Lu Liying the same way when
she was alive.

In all likelihood, he thought, yes. Otherwise, Lu Liying wouldn’t have

insisted on giving birth to a son for him despite knowing about Chang
Guanshan’s affair and illegitimate child.

It was just unfortunate that she couldn’t be with her son as he grew up,
leaving Chang Xiaojia alone in this household to endure so much suffering.

Xie Li felt a bit uneasy. He turned to look at Chang Xiaojia, who was
absentmindedly sipping soup with a spoon.

The dinner was sumptuous, but Chang Xiaojia had no appetite. He sat
quietly, eating very little. It seemed that he noticed Xie Li’s gaze, and when
their eyes met, Chang Xiaojia looked back at him with a puzzled
expression, as if wondering why Xie Li was staring at him.

Xie Li smiled at him.

Chang Xiaojia’s gaze lingered on him for a while before dropping to the
plate in front of him. His hand reached under the table and touched Xie Li’s
leg, waiting for Xie Li to hold his hand.
At that moment, Meng Haili was listening to Ye Xinzhi talking about Chang
Xiaojia, who was only twenty one years old but had stopped attending
school. Curious, Meng Haili looked at Chang Xiaojia and saw him looking
down at his plate with a docile expression. She didn’t know that under the
table, Xie Li was holding Chang Xiaojia’s hand, gently rubbing his thumb
over the back of it. Meng Haili then asked Chang Xiaojia, “Why didn’t you
go to college, Xiaojia?”

Chang Xiaojia suddenly looked up at her, his eyes cold and somewhat

Meng Haili was taken aback, thinking she might have said something

Before Chang Xiaojia could speak, Ye Shaoyin smiled and said, “Miss
Meng has been abroad and might not know. Xiaojia is innocent; he was
framed and imprisoned.”

Meng Zhitao, sitting next to Chang Guanshan, gave his daughter a

meaningful look.

Meng Haili quickly said, “Oh, I see. It’s my fault for not knowing anything.
I’m really sorry.” She looked apologetic, as if feeling very guilty.

Chang Xiaojia smiled gently at her. “It’s okay.”

Ye Xinzhi immediately changed the topic.

As soon as the meal was over, Chang Xiaojia put down his chopsticks and
stood up. He pushed his chair back with a loud scraping sound, drawing
everyone’s attention.

He walked towards Chang Guanshan until he stood in front of him and said,
“Dad, can I go back now?”

Chang Guanshan smiled at him, reaching out to hold his hand. “No,
Xiaojia, be good. The guests haven’t left yet, so you can’t leave either.”
Then, he looked at Xie Li. “Xie Li.”
Xie Li stood up and walked over to Chang Guanshan.

Chang Guanshan said to him, “Take care of Xiaojia.”

Xie Li nodded, grabbing onto Chang Xiaojia’s wrist. He knew that

everyone in the dining room was paying attention to them. If Chang
Xiaojia’s temper caused any displeasure to Chang Guanshan, he would be
the one to suffer in the end. So, he leaned close to Chang Xiaojia’s ear and
whispered, “Behave.”

Chang Xiaojia finally gave in.

After dinner, everyone sat in the living room, drinking tea and chatting.

Chang Xiaojia sat in the corner of the sofa, right next to Xie Li. Before
long, he started to feel drowsy and eventually slumped onto Xie Li’s leg.

Chang Guanshan, who was initially talking to Meng Zhitao, stopped and
looked at Chang Xiaojia.

The couple Meng Zhitao and his wife seemed experienced and didn’t show
any curiosity. They advised Chang Guanshan, “If Xiaojia is tired, let him go
and rest.”

Meng Haili couldn’t help but be surprised. She looked at Chang Xiaojia,
then at Xie Li, her eyes carrying a hint of inquiry.

Xie Li gently pushed Chang Xiaojia. “Xiaojia.”

Chang Xiaojia didn’t move, keeping his eyes closed.

Ye Xinzhi, sitting next to Chang Guanshan, reached out to hold her

husband’s arm. She said, “Xiaojia is still young. If he’s tired, let him rest.
Don’t force him to stay because of the guests.”

Chang Guanshan didn’t say anything more.

After a while, Xie Li saw Ye Shaoyin get up and walk to Chang Xin. He
bent down and whispered something in his ear. Chang Xin then stood up
and left the living room with Ye Shaoyin, heading to the courtyard outside.

From Xie Li’s perspective, he could see the two talking in the courtyard.

Ye Shaoyin said something, and Chang Xin furrowed his brows. After a
while, Chang Xin exchanged a few more words with Ye Shaoyin, and Ye
Shaoyin nodded.


Xie Li suddenly heard Chang Xiaojia say softly. He lowered his head and
saw that Chang Xiaojia had opened his eyes. Following his gaze outside,
Xie Li was a bit puzzled. He asked Chang Xiaojia, “What did you say?”

Chang Xiaojia shook his head, turned over on the sofa, and found a more
comfortable position.

When the Meng Zhitao family left, Chang Guanshan, with his wife and two
sons, saw them off and watched the car slowly drive away.

Chang Xiaojia stood beside Xie Li, grabbing the sleeve of his shirt.

Ye Shaoyin turned around and suddenly walked towards Xie Li. He saw
Chang Xiaojia holding Xie Li’s hand, smiled, and said to Xie Li, “Can we
go to your place and chat for a bit?”

Before Xie Li could respond, Chang Xiaojia coldly said, “No.”

Chang Guanshan spoke at this moment, “Chang Xiaojia.”

Xie Li felt Chang Xiaojia tremble slightly. Then he saw him let go of his
hand and walk to Chang Guanshan. He stood in front of him, hands behind
his back, head lowered.

Chang Guanshan spoke calmly, “You didn’t behave today.”

Chang Xiaojia said, “Dad, I’m sorry.”

Chang Xin stood on the side, hands in his pockets, and said with a smirk,
“You know you’re wrong now?”

Chang Xiaojia reached out and grabbed Chang Guanshan’s hand, pleading,
“Dad, please don’t lock me up again.”

Xie Li stood still, tapping his toes.

Chang Guanshan reached out and touched his head. “Did I say I would lock
you up? Since you know you’re wrong, why don’t you listen?”

Chang Xiaojia remained silent.

Chang Guanshan continued, “If Haili and your brother get closer and start
coming to our house often, if you don’t behave, I won’t forgive you so

Chang Xiaojia nodded.

Chang Guanshan finally said, “Go and rest.”

Chang Xiaojia immediately turned around and walked towards Xie Li. He
reached for Xie Li’s arm and said, “Xie Li, let’s go back.”

Relieved that Chang Guanshan didn’t punish him, Xie Li held Chang
Xiaojia’s hand and asked Ye Shaoyin, “What did you want to talk about?”

Chang Xiaojia urged, “Let’s go.”

Ye Shaoyin smiled at them and said, “The Second Young Master is not in a
good mood. How about you leave me your phone number? I’ll call you
later, and we can talk.”

Xie Li held onto Chang Xiaojia and nodded, “Alright.”

BLNDD chapter 54

In the evening, while Chang Xiaojia was taking a shower, Xie Li squatted
on the balcony, smoking and searching for news about Hongji on his phone.

He remembered that when he first came to Harbor City, Hongji had made
headlines due to the side effects of psychiatric medication. Now, searching
online, he could only find information from that time, mainly about patients
with depression experiencing hallucinations and committing suicide after
using Hongji Pharmaceutical’s antidepressant.

The news was concentrated in that one or two months, and there were no
relevant reports afterward. Xie Li wondered if Hongji had managed to
suppress the matter by spending money.

Xie Li held the cigarette between his fingers, sliding his other hand on the
phone screen. He scrolled down to the bottom of the article to check the
name of the journalist who wrote the news, silently noting it in his mind.

At that moment, the phone screen suddenly switched, and it was a call from
Ye Shaoyin.

Xie Li stood up slowly, walked to the railing, and answered the call, saying,
“Hello? Brother Shaoyin?”

Ye Shaoyin smiled and said, “It’s me. Are you available to talk now?”

Xie Li replied, “yes.”

Ye Shaoyin continued, “I’m afraid Second Young Master will bother you to
do something. Is it inconvenient for you?”

Xie Li dryly chuckled with a cold tone.

Ye Shaoyin’s voice came through, “Enough with the jokes. Let’s talk
business. I heard that you had a race with Dai Hao on Qifeng Mountain last
night, and you overturned Dai Hao’s car. Is that true?”

Xie Li responded, “It was an accident;”

Ye Shaoyin said, “Not bad, Xin told me earlier that you’re skilled, but I
didn’t expect you to be into racing. How about it? Do you want to help me
in a race? If we win, we’ll split the money.”

Before Xie Li could answer Ye Shaoyin, he heard Chang Xiaojia coming

out of the bathroom.

Chang Xiaojia, in clean pajamas, with wet hair and a mist of water on his
body, walked from the bathroom to the balcony and hugged Xie Li’s waist.

Xie Li stubbed out the cigarette on the railing, lowered his head to look at
him. When he was about to speak, he used his index finger to press against
Chang Xiaojia’s lips, shaking his head.

Ye Shaoyin didn’t hear a response and asked again, “So what do you say?”

Xie Li said, “Brother Shaoyin, you need to understand that this is a life-and-
death situation.”

Ye Shaoyin chuckled, “You mean I’m not worth risking your life for, but
Xiaojia is?”

Chang Xiaojia’s lips were soft, and Xie Li couldn’t help but use his fingers
to pinch them. At the same time, he laughed, “Brother Shaoyin, isn’t that
obvious? How much has Chang Xiaojia given me? How much can you give
me? I think it’s not worth risking my life for that little money.”

Ye Shaoyin said, “What if I split a million with you when we win?”

Xie Li replied to Ye Shaoyin, “Do you know how much money I can make
just by working for Young Master Jia? “
Ye Shaoyin smiled and said, “Don’t be foolish. If you really want to make
money, you should work for me and Xin. Xiaojia has no influence in the
Chang family? In the end, he might not get anything from his father.”

Chang Xiaojia was too close to Xie Li. He could hear what Ye Shaoyin was
saying on the phone, and his face darkened.

Xie Li patted his back to comfort him, and remained silent for a while
before saying, “They are both sons of Mr. Chang. I don’t think it will come
to that.”

Ye Shaoyin sneered, “Think about it carefully. The race will be held the day
after tomorrow. I’ll give you a few days to consider. Call me when you’ve
made up your mind.” After speaking, he hung up the phone.

Xie Li moved the phone away from his ear, watching the screen gradually
dim. He put the phone back into his pocket, held Chang Xiaojia’s arm, and
said, “Don’t worry; I will take care of him for you.”

Chang Xiaojia’s face remained dark, and after a while, he said, “He’s right.
You’d be better off with him than with me. Go join them.”

Xie Li looked at him, lowered his head, and kissed his lips.

Chang Xiaojia looked up at him.

Xie Li kissed him again.

By the third time Xie Li kissed him, Chang Xiaojia hugged Xie Li tightly,
tilted his head up, and kissed him back. Xie Li was pushed back several
steps until his back hit the wall. After holding him and kissing for a while,
Xie Li stopped and asked, “Xiaojia, why did you suddenly mention Hongji

Chang Xiaojia was stunned. He said, “I saw them talking about it.”

Xie Li wondered, “Can you understand what they’re saying by just reading
their lips?”
Chang Xiaojia shook his head, “I just recognized the words ‘Hongji.'”

Xie Li didn’t say anything else, just ruffled his hair.

The next day in the morning, when Chang Xiaojia was taking a shower, Xie
Li contacted Yu Zhengkun to inquire about the journalist who wrote the
news. He wanted to check the specific situation of the depressed patient
who jumped off the building. Since the person fell from the third floor to
the rain shed on the first floor, they only broke their legs and didn’t lose
their life. In the evening, Yu Zhengkun informed Xie Li that the person’s
reaction to the side effects of medication was similar to the hallucinogenic
reaction of the new drug Xie Li handed over to him last time.

During the phone call, Yu Zhengkun asked Xie Li, “Do you suspect that the
source of this batch of new drugs is related to Hongji Pharmaceuticals?”

Xie Li said, “I’m starting to suspect that Hongji Pharmaceuticals is the base
used by Mr. Chang and his son to research and produce drugs.”

Yu Zhengkun was silent for a moment, “It is possible, but we must

investigate thoroughly; otherwise, it will be troublesome if we alert them.”

Xie Li said, “Ye Shaoyin is a breakthrough.” After that, he asked Yu

Zhengkun, “Can you get the batch of antidepressants from Hongji and
check the ingredients?”

Yu Zhengkun said to him, “Hongji has already recalled all those drugs.
Even the patients who experienced side effects and sought compensation
from them, after a substantial settlement, Hongji also took back the original
drugs. I can only try.”

Xie Li estimated that Chang Xiaojia should be almost done with his shower.
He hung up the phone, swiftly took out the SIM card from his phone,
tucked it into the corner of Chang Xiaojia’s wardrobe, and replaced it with
another SIM card.

When Chang Xiaojia came out of the bathroom, Xie Li sat on the edge of
the bed, looked up at him, and said, “I promised Ye Shaoyin. I’ll go help
him in the race tomorrow.”

Chang Xiaojia looked at him for a moment and simply said, “I’ll go with
BLNDD chapter 55

Qifeng Mountain was as lively as it was two days ago.

Xie Li deliberately arrived more than half an hour earlier than the time
agreed with Ye Shaoyin. Even before getting out of the car, he could hear
the lively music and the continuous roar of car engines.

When he got out of the car, many people on the Qifeng Mountain half-
platform looked in his direction. Whistles and cheers could be heard.

These people had recognized him after the race against Dai Hao a few
nights ago. Dai Hao was well-known among the racing enthusiasts on
Qifeng Mountain, but that night he had suffered a devastating defeat at the
hands of Xie Li. Therefore, Xie Li had gained some fame among these

When Xie Li got out of the car, many people in the crowd looked at him.
He heard whistles and cheers directed his way.

These sounds were all in celebration of him winning against Dai Hao that

After Xie Li got out of the car, he tried to find the young man selling drugs
in the crowd. However, by this time, there were already quite a few people
on Qifeng Mountain, and cars were constantly arriving at the platform.
Considering it was late at night, it was difficult for Xie Li to spot that
person’s shadow among the crowd.

Chang Xiaojia got out of the passenger seat, wearing a clean set of pajamas,
a baseball cap on his head, and his hands in the pockets of his jacket. He
walked slowly to Xie Li’s side.
Xie Li adjusted the cap on his head, saying, “Wait here for me.”

Without thinking, Chang Xiaojia said, “No.”

Xie Li was about to say something when he saw Huo Zhaoning appearing
in his line of sight, walking towards them. So, he stopped and looked at
Huo Zhaoning.

When Huo Zhaoning walked up to them, Xie Li said, “Mr. Huo.”

Huo Zhaoning smiled at them, seemingly not minding the incident with Dai
Hao a few days ago.

However, Xie Li took the initiative to ask, “How is Hao-ge doing?”

Huo Zhaoning said, “Still in the hospital. The doctor said there’s some
intracranial bleeding, but it’s not life-threatening.”

Xie Li didn’t know what to say for a moment, raised his hand to touch his
nose, and said, “That’s good.”

At this moment, Chang Xiaojia, standing coldly beside Xie Li, remarked,
“Why isn’t he dead yet?”

Xie Li immediately tightened his grip on Chang Xiaojia’s hand, turned his
head to look at him.

Fortunately, Huo Zhaoning didn’t seem angry. He said to Chang Xiaojia,

“I’m sorry to disappoint you.”

Chang Xiaojia replied, “It’s okay. There will be another chance next time.”

Xie Li opened his mouth to say something, but Chang Xiaojia, with an
indifferent face, turned his head away.

Huo Zhaoning smiled and looked at Xie Li for a moment, saying, “I didn’t
expect to see you here today.”

Xie Li said, “Made plans with a friend.”

Huo Zhaoning looked at him silently for a moment and said, “Don’t tell me
your friend is Ye Shaoyin?”

Xie Li neither confirmed nor denied it, just asking, “you know him?”

Huo Zhaoning’s face showed no smile. “Tonight, I have a bet with him.”

While they were talking, people constantly came over to greet them.
Although Qifeng Mountain was the territory of the K Club, the entire racing
community in Harbor city mingled here, and no one cared about their
identities. Apart from these club members, there were quite a few rich
young masters around, and the place was filled with luxury cars and
beautiful women.

Every place had its rules, and no one cared if you were a club leader.
Everyone had to rely on their skills, and the way to provoke someone was
to have a car race.

Someone lit a bonfire, and the flames reddened the faces of everyone
nearby. Another person opened a beer can and poured it into the fire,
causing excited cheers as the flames leaped.

Xie Li still hadn’t seen the person selling drugs, but he spotted He

He Chuanyun seemed a bit surprised when he saw them. His steps hesitated
slightly, but he still walked over and greeted them, saying, “Chang Xiaojia,
Xie Li.”

Xie Li smiled and shook hands with him.

He Chuanyun asked, “How come you guys are here?”

Before Xie Li could answer, Huo Zhaoning spoke first, saying, “Tonight, Ye
Shaoyin asked Xie Li to help him with the car race.”

At the mention of Ye Shaoyin’s name, Xie Li saw a flash of disgust in He

Chuanyun’s eyes, but he quickly concealed it, smiling and saying,
Xie Li thought that there might be some conflict between He Chuanyun and
Ye Shaoyin.

After a brief pause, He Chuanyun said to Xie Li, “I advise you not to get
too close to him.”

Xie Li was somewhat surprised, but he didn’t show it on his face. Once He
Chuanyun and Huo Zhaoning left, he jokingly looked at Chang Xiaojia and
asked, “What kind of person is Ye Shaoyin?”

Chang Xiaojia, with a poker face, told him, “Scum.”

As soon as these words fell, Xie Li heard a deafening roar of car engines,
attracting many people to look up the mountain road. Soon, he saw a
modified red racing car speeding towards them, heading straight for the
half-platform. It almost reached the edge of the platform, violently swung
its tail, causing a screeching sound as it scraped against the ground, and
came to a stable stop beside the mountain cliff on the half-platform.

Then, the car door opened, and Ye Shaoyin, in a domineering manner, came
out from inside, striding towards them. However, shortly after, Xie Li saw
the passenger door of the car also opening, and a familiar figure coming out
from inside.

Ye Shaoyin opened his arms and walked towards them, saying, “I got
something new from Du Shenglian!” After saying that, he laughed wildly.

In the early winter in Harbor city, Ruan Qiuyuan was only wearing a tight
tank top and denim shorts, her long hair scattered, lifted by the mountain
wind at night. She followed behind Ye Shaoyin, approaching them.

Ye Shaoyin, wearing a pair of leather gloves, bit the fingertips with his teeth
to take off the gloves. He walked up to Xie Li and the others, his eyes
carrying a smile, sweeping past the faces of the crowd. He said, “Du
Shenglian suspected that his little beauty betrayed him, so he sold her to
Xie Li saw Ruan Qiuyuan slowly approaching, her bare arms showing red
marks, as if she had been bound by a rope.

He Chuanyun’s eyes had subtly cooled down since he saw Ye Shaoyin, and
Huo Zhaoning stood beside him without saying a word, slightly furrowing
his brows in apparent displeasure.

Chang Xiaojia glanced at Xie Li.

Xie Li took a deep breath, his gaze focused on Ruan Qiuyuan.

Chang Xiaojia raised his hand, grabbing Xie Li’s sleeve.

At this moment, a cold wind blew over, causing Ruan Qiuyuan’s body to
shiver uncontrollably.

Xie Li silently reached out to unzip his jacket and, in front of everyone,
tossed it to Ruan Qiuyuan, saying, “Put it on.”

No one spoke.

Ruan Qiuyuan instinctively raised her hand to catch Xie Li’s shirt but didn’t
look up at him.

Xie Li repeated, “Put it on.”

Ye Shaoyin looked around at them, full of excitement and smiling, then

turned to look at the cold-faced Chang Xiaojia. Finally, he said, “It seems
like this little girl really betrayed Du Shenglian.” After saying that, he burst
into laughter.

Author’s note

A couple of notes: When I mentioned there might be a twist, it

doesn’t mean Chang Xiaojia is a bad person; otherwise, he and Xie Li
wouldn’t end up together. Secondly, judging by the synopsis, the
story has a happy ending.
BLNDD chapter 56

The wind on the mountain seemed to be getting stronger. Nearby bonfires

flickered, leaping high, and the firewood crackled.

However, the surrounding environment had quieted down a bit. Many

people were looking towards them, then gathered together to discuss in
hushed tones.

Ruan Qiuyuan finally put on Xie Li’s coat. She glanced at Xie Li, her gaze

Chang Xiaojia’s face was pale. He took a step forward, and Xie Li, reaching
from the side, wrapped his arms around him, then asked Ye Shaoyin and
Huo Zhaoning, “When does the race start?”

Huo Zhaoning turned away to make a phone call.

Chang Xiaojia slightly struggled in Xie Li’s embrace. Xie Li took his hand,
and walked with him towards a corner, placing him in front of a large stone.

Xie Li, with both hands on the stone, trapped Chang Xiaojia in his arms,
whispering, “Xiaojia, don’t cause trouble today.”

Chang Xiaojia, unable to break free, stopped his movements, only breathing
rapidly, saying, “Why do you care about her so much?”

Xie Li, feeling a bit uneasy, whispered in his ear, “I can’t let Ruan Qiuyuan
follow Ye Shaoyin. She has helped me.”

Chang Xiaojia, with red eyes, gritted his teeth, “She looks at you like she
likes you!”
Xie Li knew that Ruan Qiuyuan deliberately looked at him with that
expression just now. There needed to be an explanation between them so as
not to arouse Ye Shaoyin’s suspicion. He could only say, “So what? I like
you, that’s enough. I can’t let her suffer under Ye Shaoyin just because of
this reason!”

Chang Xiaojia said, “But what does she have to do with you?”

Xie Li said in a deep voice, “Ye Shaoyin is not entirely wrong. Half the
reason she betrayed Du Shenglian is because of me. I can’t ignore her.”

Chang Xiaojia looked at him.

Xie Li knew that many people were secretly watching them with curious
eyes. He knew that every step he took was difficult. The path ahead was
like a precarious bridge hanging over a bottomless abyss. A wrong step
would lead to a dead end, but he still wanted to hold Chang Xiaojia tightly
with one hand while firmly holding onto Ruan Qiuyuan with the other,
unwilling to let her fall.

Perhaps he was being greedy. He held onto Ruan Qiuyuan because she was
his companion, his comrade. He couldn’t watch her sacrifice her life. On
the other hand, holding onto Chang Xiaojia was his selfish desire. He knew
he loved Chang Xiaojia. He wanted to hold Chang Xiaojia’s hand forever,
never letting go for a lifetime.

Just then, Xie Li heard the roar of an engine. A modified sports car came
from the foot of the mountain, swung its tail, and steadily stopped on the
half-platform near the road.

When the car door opened, a short man with a scar on his forehead came
out from the driver’s seat. Huo Zhaoning walked over to him and talked,
pointing towards Xie Li’s direction.

Xie Li heard the commotion from the entire half-platform crowd starting
again. Then Ye Shaoyin shouted at Xie Li, “Your opponent is here. Get
Ruan Qiuyuan was still standing next to Ye Shaoyin, wearing Xie Li’s coat,
looking exhausted.

Xie Li grabbed one of Chang Xiaojia’s hands and said to Ye Shaoyin, “I

don’t want your money. If I win this race, you give her to me.” He pointed
at Ruan Qiuyuan.

Chang Xiaojia suddenly pinched Xie Li’s hand.

Xie Li, enduring the pain, held him even tighter and pulled him behind him.

Ye Shaoyin wasn’t angry. He just laughed at Xie Li and said, “You’re really
interesting, huh? You want her. Why when you have him?” After saying
that, he looked at Chang Xiaojia and asked, “What do you think, Young
Master Jia?”

Chang Xiaojia said coldly, “It’s none of your business.” But his nails dug
into Xie Li’s flesh even harder.

Ye Shaoyin laughed loudly. It seemed like he wanted to attract everyone’s

attention. As he wished, many members of the racing party on the half-
platform looked over at them, gradually approaching and surrounding them.

Xie Li saw Huo Zhaoning and the scarred man also walking towards them.
He Chuanyun stood on the side, looking at Ye Shaoyin with an obscure

Ye Shaoyin grabbed Ruan Qiuyuan’s long hair and pulled her to his side,
asking, “What do you think?”

Ruan Qiuyuan frowned, obviously in pain from her hair being pulled. But
she quickly raised her head, looked at Xie Li, remained silent for a moment,
and her eyes gradually became moist. She said, “Xie Li, if you’re willing to
let go of Xiaojia’s hand, I’ll go with you.”

The entire half-mountain fell silent. Everyone was watching them. Upon
hearing Ruan Qiuyuan’s words, there was an uproar. Those who originally
saw ambiguity between Xie Li and Chang Xiaojia now looked at them with
more mockery and lewdness.

Xie Li, however, reflexively tightened his grip on Chang Xiaojia.

Chang Xiaojia suddenly said to Ruan Qiuyuan, “Don’t get ahead of

yourself, only in your dreams.”

Xie Li whispered, “Xiaojia.” Trying to stop him from speaking.

Ye Shaoyin laughed heartily on the side.

Ruan Qiuyuan smiled bitterly, and tears finally fell. “I don’t want your

At this moment, Ye Shaoyin spread his hands towards Xie Li. “How about
this? If you can really handle both of them, I’ll give her to you. I promise!
Of course, the condition is that you have to win today’s race.”

Xie Li exhaled deeply. He suddenly turned around, holding Chang Xiaojia’s

hand and walked towards He Chuanyun’s direction.

Chang Xiaojia followed as he quietly muttered in a voice only Xie Li could

hear, “Xie Li, believe it or not, I’ll kill you!”

Xie Li naturally didn’t believe him. He hugged his waist, dragging him to
the side, and finally handed him over to He Chuanyun, saying, “Brother
Yun, could you please take care of Xiaojia for me.”

He Chuanyun hesitated for a moment, sighing, “as long as he doesn’t make

it difficult for me.”

Then, Xie Li turned to Ruan Qiuyuan, saying, “Would you come with me in
the car? Please?”

Ruan Qiuyuan looked at him but remained silent.

Xie Li didn’t dare to be too explicit, but he almost wanted to plead with
Ruan Qiuyuan.
At this moment, Chang Xiaojia suddenly turned to them, and glared fiercely
at both of them.

Xie Li saw his expression and said to him, “Xiaojia, I’ll be back.”

Chang Xiaojia slowly stepped back two steps, then turned around and
walked away.
BLNDD chapter 57

Xie Li watched as Chang Xiaojia walked towards the parking area.

He then walked towards Ye Shaoyin and said, “I’m ready.”

Ye Shaoyin turned to look in Chang Xiaojia’s direction and then smiled at

Xie Li. “Are you sure?”

Xie Li couldn’t help but look over. Seeing that Chang Xiaojia had already
gotten into the car, He Chuanyun was standing by the car door talking to
him. Xie Li then said to Ye Shaoyin, “I’m sure.”

Ye Shaoyin reached into his jacket pocket, took out the car keys with two
fingers, raised them, and waited for Xie Li to reach out before letting go
and dropping the keys into Xie Li’s hand. “Good luck.”

Xie Li held the keys and reached out, grabbing Ruan Qiuyuan’s wrist,
pulling her towards the parking spot where Ye Shaoyin’s car was.

Ruan Qiuyuan didn’t resist, stumbling along as Xie Li pulled her.

The parking spot where Ye Shaoyin’s car was parked was not far from
Chang Xiaojia’s car. Chang Xiaojia sat in the driver’s seat, looking over at
them through the lowered car window.

Xie Li’s footsteps paused for a moment, then continued walking forward.

When he and Ruan Qiuyuan got into the car, Xie Li saw He Chuanyun
sitting in the passenger seat of Chang Xiaojia’s car. Chang Xiaojia no
longer looked at him, turned the car around, left the half-mountain platform,
and headed down the mountain.
“He’s gone,” Ruan Qiuyuan suddenly said.

Xie Li frowned slightly, looking cautious. He started the car and drove it
next to Ye Shaoyin, pressing down the window.

Ye Shaoyin had a cigarette in his mouth, bent down with hands pressed on
the window sill, glanced at Ruan Qiuyuan, then said to Xie Li, “Familiarize
yourself with the car first.”

Xie Li nodded, waited for Ye Shaoyin to step back, and drove the car onto
the mountain road.

Both of them remained silent. When they were far away from that platform,
Ruan Qiuyuan agilely flipped to the back seat, fingers searching inch by
inch under the seat. Meanwhile, Xie Li slowed down and carefully checked
the front.

Neither of them found any eavesdropping devices.

Ruan Qiuyuan flipped back to the co-pilot seat, tightened her coat, and said,
“There should be no problem. It’s a modified racing car borrowed by Ye
Shaoyin. He took me to get the car just before coming up the mountain.”

Xie Li let out a deep breath.

Ruan Qiuyuan said, “You don’t have to do this.”

Xie Li didn’t waste words with her; he just said, “I will win the race, and
then I’ll ask Ye Shaoyin to give you to me. Du Shenglian has no more
utility, and your mission can end. I’ll contact my superior to get you out of

Ruan Qiuyuan said, “I’m not leaving. I’ve given you a way out. You go
back to Chang Xiaojia, and I’ll go back to Ye Shaoyin. The mission still

Xie Li gripped the steering wheel tightly. “Do you understand what kind of
person Ye Shaoyin is? Have you considered the consequences you might
have to bear?”
Ruan Qiuyuan calmly said, “Of course, I have considered it. From the
beginning of the plan, I’ve been thinking about how to continue the mission
once Du Shenglian loses power, and it was Ye Shaoyin who appeared on his

“Ye Shaoyin is a pervert,” Xie Li said.

Ruan Qiuyuan remarked, “Ye Shaoyin is a pervert, so does the death of

Chen Haiman have anything to do with him?”

Chen Haiman had suffered cruel abuse before her death.

Xie Li’s entire body’s hair stood on end in an instant.

Ruan Qiuyuan continued, “I speculated that once Du Shenglian lost power, i

would need to find someone else in this group, that’s when Ye Shaoyin
showed up.”

“Ye Shaoyin handles the affairs of Hongji Pharmaceuticals on behalf of

Chang Guanshan,” she said.

Xie Li said, “I know.”

“Ye Shaoyin majored in computer science in college, completely unrelated

to pharmaceuticals. Hongji Pharmaceuticals has a professional deputy
general manager. What do you think he is responsible for in there?”

“The illegal part, perhaps drug manufacturing.”

Both remained silent for a moment.

Ruan Qiuyuan said, “You’re in the Chang family, and I’m investigating Ye
Shaoyin. If I compile the clues, maybe we can get the information we

Xie Li looked pained. “If Ye Shaoyin is really related to Chen Haiman’s

case, I’m afraid you’ll become the next Chen Haiman. I can’t bear that.”

Ruan Qiuyuan stared ahead blankly, “I couldn’t bear it a long time ago.”
Xie Li drove around the mountain road for about ten minutes and returned
to the half-mountain platform. He saw drones flying in the sky, and a white
curtain was set up not far from the bonfire on the platform. It seemed they
planned to broadcast the race using drones.

He parked the car next to Ye Shaoyin. Ye Shaoyin bent down to look at

them. Seeing Ruan Qiuyuan with red eyes, as if she had cried, he chuckled
first, then warned Xie Li, “I don’t care about any private affairs between
you and her, but you must win this race for me today.”

Xie Li took a deep breath. “Rest assured, and remember to keep your
word.” He turned the car around and stopped it in front of the starting point.

The crowd gathered in front of the white curtain. Several drones had
already taken off and were hovering in the sky at designated positions.

The emotional conflicts between Xie Li, Ruan Qiuyuan, and Chang Xiaojia
just now increased the excitement of these young people. Even before the
race officially began, emotions were already high, and cheers filled the air.
Someone opened a bottle of champagne, and sparkling wine soared into the
air, turning into droplets raining down on the lively crowd.

Xie Li didn’t speak to Ruan Qiuyuan again. He focused on the road ahead,
wiped the sweat from his palms on his clothes, and then tightly gripped the
steering wheel.

At around three in the morning, the crowd gathered on the half-mountain of

Mount Qifeng finally dispersed. Xie Li sat alone by the dying bonfire,
hands clasped, head hanging low.

He won the race. To win this race, he had risked his life. At one point, the
car’s rear tire almost slid off the mountain road, the engine making a
deafening noise, and in the end, it swung back.

The stitches on his left arm wound had burst open, bleeding continuously
during the competition, soaking his left sleeve, appearing thick and dark at
If these were nothing to him, the most miserable situation for him was that
Chang Xiaojia left. He received a call from He Chuanyun saying that Chang
Xiaojia had already arrived home, but Chang Xiaojia did not answer his

He had put in so much effort, and in the end, he couldn’t keep Ruan
Qiuyuan. Ruan Qiuyuan even took off his coat and threw it on the ground,
leaving with Ye Shaoyin.

Ruan Qiuyuan’s words echoed in Xie Li’s mind: “Ye Shaoyin is a pervert,
so does the death of Chen Haiman have anything to do with him?“ He was
worried something might happen to her.

He didn’t know. When he came to his senses, he found tears had fallen onto
the muddy ground in front of him.

“Are you okay?” someone walked over.

Xie Li raised his hand and wiped his face forcefully, as if wiping away
exhaustion. He raised his head and saw Huo Zhaoning standing in front of

Huo Zhaoning looked at him. “Do you want me to arrange a car to take you
down the mountain?”

Xie Li stood up and said to Huo Zhaoning, “Thank you.”

BLNDD chapter 58

Xie Li patted the dust off his pants with his hand, and the wound on his arm
immediately started bleeding more.

Huo Zhaoning looked at his arm and asked, “Do you want me to take you to
the hospital first?”

“No need,” Xie Li said without hesitation, “it’ll stop bleeding in a while.”

Huo Zhaoning didn’t insist, turning around to instruct his remaining

subordinates to arrange a car.

At this moment, both of them heard a person singing and making a

commotion hysterically.

There were not many people left on the half-mountain, and this person’s
voice was particularly loud. Xie Li and Huo Zhaoning turned their heads
simultaneously, seeing that the person had walked to the edge of the half-
mountain platform, leaning out to look down.

For some reason, at that moment, Xie Li had a bad premonition. He took a
step forward subconsciously and then saw the person jump down.

There were still a dozen or so people who hadn’t left the half-mountain, all
exclaiming in panic, and some rushed to the edge of the platform to look

Xie Li and Huo Zhaoning also immediately approached. In the darkness,

almost nothing could be seen clearly, but it was apparent that the slope
where the person jumped was steep, and below were cold, hard rocks. It
would be difficult to survive the fall.
Some people, fearing they would be implicated, had already hurriedly left
in their cars.

Amidst the rising and falling sound of car engines, Xie Li looked up at Huo
Zhaoning, who turned around and instructed his subordinates to call for

Then Huo Zhaoning asked Xie Li, “Do you need me to arrange for someone
to take you away first?”

Xie Li hesitated for a moment and then said, “okay.”

Huo Zhaoning arranged for a car to take Xie Li back to the Chang family.

Xie Li entered the gate alone, walked along the driveway in front of the
garden, took out his phone from his pants pocket, and hadn’t seen any news
about someone falling off the cliff on Mount Qifeng in the local news. Then
he stuffed the phone back into his pocket, and when he raised his hand, he
noticed that the blood on his sleeve had already dried.

Chang Xiaojia’s room was still lit.

Feeling somewhat exhausted, Xie Li walked up to the second floor. He

stopped in front of Chang Xiaojia’s room, reached out to open the door.

The door was locked from the inside, and Xie Li couldn’t open it.

He sighed heavily, leaned his body against the door, pressed his forehead
against the wooden door, raised his hand to knock on the door, and called
softly, “Xiaojia.”

There was no response from inside the room.

Xie Li was extremely tired. He closed his eyes, knocked on the door again
with a bit more force, and called, “Xiaojia.”

Still no response.
At that moment, Xie Li felt that Xiaojia probably wouldn’t open the door
for him. He kept his forehead against the wooden door, knocked on the door
repeatedly, and his head was a bit confused. He didn’t know what result he
wanted. But he couldn’t bring himself to turn away.

Later on, Xie Li felt that he couldn’t hold on any longer. He turned around,
leaned against the door, and sat down. He lowered his head, and
unknowingly, he fell asleep.

He didn’t sleep for too long. Someone seemed to have kicked his leg. He
woke up from a deep sleep, raised his head, and opened his eyes.

Standing in front of him was not Chang Xiaojia but Chang Xin.

Chang Xin seemed to have just returned from outside, covered in dust. A
coat was draped over his shoulders as he looked at Xie Li and asked,
“Didn’t Xiaojia open the door for you?”

Xie Li’s exhaustion hadn’t completely dissipated. He just made a soft

“Hmm” sound and said, “I’m too tired.”

Chang Xin said, “Get up. I’ll have someone take care of the wound on your

Xie Li slowly stood up. He pulled his sleeve, finding that the fabric had
stuck to the wound. It seemed that with a little force, the fabric might tear
the wound open.

He went into Chang Xin’s room. Chang Xin called a doctor to help treat his
wounds. Xie Li felt quite drained, and as soon as the wound was taken care
of, he collapsed onto the sofa in Chang Xin’s room and fell asleep.

When he woke up again, the room was empty, and Xie Li, looking
bewildered, opened his eyes. He lay on the sofa for quite a while before
reaching for his phone to check the time, only to find that his phone had run
out of battery.
Surveying Chang Xin’s room, he slowly walked to the bed and bent down
to check the bedside table.

At that moment, Chang Xin suddenly pushed the door open and entered. He
stood at the door and asked Xie Li, “What are you looking for?”

Xie Li calmly raised his phone and said, “Charger.”

Chang Xin walked to the bedside, opened a drawer, and handed him a

Xie Li plugged the charger into the bedside power source, crouched down,
and waited for the phone to turn on.

Chang Xin asked, “What’s so urgent to check?”

Without lifting his head, Xie Li replied, “I don’t feel at ease without my

When the phone finally turned on, he saw that it was already past noon. He
looked up and asked Chang Xin, “Where’s Chang Xiaojia?”

Chang Xin didn’t answer, only asking, “Did you two fight again?”

Xie Li remained silent.

Chang Xin said, “He’s been in his room all day, hasn’t eaten anything.
Maybe he’s going to start fasting again.”

Xie Li stood up, stretched his neck a bit, placed the phone on the bedside
table, and walked outside. He reached Chang Xiaojia’s room door, knocked
on it, and called, “Xiaojia.”

Still, no response.

Chang Xin picked up Xie Li’s phone, casually unlocked it, saw that the
screen was locked again, and placed it back on the bedside table. He walked
out and said to Xie Li, “Wake him up for lunch.”
After knocking on the door for a long time without getting a response, Xie
Li walked to the living room window. He looked inside, then climbed out of
the window, held onto the windowsill, stood up, and used his long legs to
step over. He jumped onto the balcony of Chang Xiaojia’s room.

The balcony’s glass sliding door was open. He walked to the door and saw
Chang Xiaojia wrapped in a blanket, lying in bed. A table lamp on the
bedside was still on.

Xie Li walked to the bedside, squatted down, and gently called him,

Chang Xiaojia’s pale face had his eyes tightly shut, and he hadn’t opened

Xie Li reached out and touched Chang Xiaojia’s face. Feeling his cheek
slightly cool, he softly said again, “Xiaojia, get up; it’s time to eat.”

Chang Xiaojia remained motionless.

Xie Li looked at him and said, “Xiaojia, what can I do to be forgiven?”

This time, Chang Xiaojia slowly opened his eyes and said, “Xie Li, just
BLNDD chapter 59

The afternoon sun illuminated a corner of the balcony, and when the wind
blew in, the light curtains would sway gently.

Xie Li maintained his posture crouched by the bedside, reaching out to

adjust the soft hair on Chang Xiaojia’s forehead, saying, “Where should I

Chang Xiaojia’s eyes looked slightly swollen, he rarely appeared calm, and
said in a flat tone, “Go wherever you want, just don’t appear in front of

Xie Li withdrew his hand from his forehead, his arm leaning on the bedside.
“What will you do if I leave?”

Chang Xiaojia said, “It will be fine in the future, just like you never
appeared. I’ll gradually not need you.”

“But I can’t bear to leave you,” Xie Li said, feeling his throat tighten as he

Chang Xiaojia curled his legs even tighter, almost hugging them to his
chest. He said, “I feel annoyed, don’t want to continue, don’t need you

Xie Li didn’t say anything. In fact, he wanted to speak, but when he opened
his mouth, he felt his throat as if it were blocked, unable to produce any

Chang Xiaojia’s face remained pale as usual, with no other expression.

Even though he was facing Xie Li, his gaze seemed to drift somewhere else.
He said, “You don’t want me, you just wanted to use the opportunity to get
close to me and enter Hongfang, right? You’ve already succeeded; I don’t
need you anymore.”

Xie Li’s voice was a bit hoarse. “Do you really see me that way?”

Chang Xiaojia blinked his eyes slowly. At that moment, a tear rolled down
from the corner of his eye, but he quickly turned away from Xie Li. “How I
see you is no longer important.”

He pulled the quilt on the bed, revealing a corner of a wooden frame from
the edge. Xie Li reached over and took out a photo frame that Chang
Xiaojia had placed on the bedside table, a picture of him and his mother.

While Xie Li was staring at the photo in a daze, Chang Xiaojia said, “Go
work for my dad or Chang Xin, go wherever you want. Just don’t let me see

“Xiaojia,” Xie Li called him, using his finger to touch the baby Chang
Xiaojia in the photo.

Chang Xiaojia remained silent.

Xie Li took a deep breath, set the photo aside, and said, “Let’s get up and
have lunch, okay? We can talk about other things later.”

Chang Xiaojia said, “You go, I’ll get up and eat later.”

Suddenly, Xie Li heard a firm tone in Chang Xiaojia’s voice. For the first
time, he truly felt at a loss. He didn’t expect it to be like this. Chang Xiaojia
was always angry, no matter what he did, but as long as he sincerely
comforted him, Chang Xiaojia would quickly forgive him. Chang Xiaojia
couldn’t do without him.

But this time seemed different from before.

“Xiaojia,” Xie Li called out. He stood up, kneeling on the bed with one leg,
reaching out to support Chang Xiaojia’s shoulder, trying to make him turn
around and look at him.
But Chang Xiaojia was unwilling. He stubbornly lay on his side, refusing to
turn around.

At this moment, Chang Xin knocked on the door from outside and called,
“Xie Li?”

Xie Li originally wanted to hug Chang Xiaojia, but he had to stop his
actions temporarily and walked over to open the door for Chang Xin.

Chang Xin stood at the door, glanced at Chang Xiaojia lying on the bed,
and asked Xie Li, “How is he?”

Before Xie Li could speak, Chang Xiaojia spoke first, “Tell Xie Li to get

Chang Xin looked at Xie Li, then smirked. He gestured for Xie Li to step
aside, walked in, and sat down at the bedside, reaching out to touch Chang
Xiaojia’s hair.

Chang Xiaojia remained wrapped in the quilt, unmoving.

Chang Xin, as if caressing a pet, gently touched him. After a while, he said,
“You haven’t eaten all day. Aren’t you hungry?”

Chang Xiaojia didn’t speak.

Chang Xin reached out and lifted the duvet that Chang Xiaojia had with
him, still wrapped around him. It was just like what Xie Li had wanted to
do a moment ago.

Xie Li saw tears streaming down Chang Xiaojia’s face.

Chang Xin looked up at Xie Li, seeming a bit displeased. Then he used his
fingers to wipe away the tears from Chang Xiaojia’s face and said, “Come
with me to eat.”

Chang Xiaojia raised his arm to shield his face, still saying, “Make Xie Li
As if coaxing him, Chang Xin said, “Okay, I’ll make Xie Li leave. But you
have to make it clear first. If he leaves this time, will you still insist on
having him come back next time?”

Chang Xiaojia’s throat was hoarse, saying, “No.”

Chang Xin nodded, saying, “Alright, then let him pack up and leave.”

In Chang Xiaojia’s room, only Xie Li was left. Chang Xin accompanied
Chang Xiaojia downstairs to eat, while he stayed behind to pack his
belongings that were left in Chang Xiaojia’s room.

Xie Li retrieved his phone from Chang Xin’s room and, after changing the
SIM card, called Yu Zhengkun to update him on Ruan Qiuyuan’s situation.
He requested Yu Zhengkun to contact Ruan Qiuyuan and instruct her to
withdraw from the operation.

After that, Xie Li took out the SIM card and tucked it into his pants pocket,
then stared blankly at the open wardrobe.

In reality, he didn’t have much stuff. He never considered this place as his
home, so he never bothered to acquire unnecessary items.

If there was anything he absolutely had to take from this room, it would be
Chang Xiaojia, but Chang Xiaojia refused to go with him. From accepting
this mission until now, this moment was the most bewildering and helpless
for Xie Li. He felt like he couldn’t protect anyone, couldn’t save anyone.

In the afternoon, Chang Guanshan called Xie Li and asked him to

accompany him on a trip to Southeast Asia.

“I heard about you and Xiaojia,” Chang Guanshan said to Xie Li.

Xie Li remained silent.

Chang Guanshan calmly stated, “As long as he doesn’t cause trouble and
stays alive, I won’t interfere. Handle the matter yourself.”

Xie Li responded, “I understand.”

Regarding the incident of someone falling off the cliff on Qifeng Mountain,
Xie Li only saw a brief report in the media that evening, stating that the
person had fallen off after drinking too much. There was no mention of the
Qifeng Mountain racing gang. It seemed like Huo Zhaoning had managed
to suppress the matter.

Xie Li wanted to find an opportunity to talk to Huo Zhaoning. However,

before that, he accompanied Chang Guanshan on a journey through several
countries in Southeast Asia. It lasted for more than half a month, and before
leaving, he didn’t even have a chance to say goodbye to Chang Xiaojia.

Chang Guanshan’s trip was for business negotiations, and Xie Li played the
role of his personal bodyguard throughout. Although Chang Guanshan
didn’t inform Xie Li about the specifics of the business, Xie Li
accompanied him to visit several local factories, gaining some
understanding that Chang Guanshan was looking for contract manufacturers
in Southeast Asia. During the trip, they also visited some pharmaceutical

After over half a month, on the plane back to Harbor City, Chang
Guanshan, leaning against the seat back with his eyes closed, said to Xie Li,
“When we get back, go and check on Xiaojia.”

After such a long time without any contact between Xie Li and Chang
Xiaojia, he replied, “Okay.”

Chang Guanshan continued, “If Xiaojia still refuses to see you, find another
place to live.”

Xie Li said, “I understand.”

BLNDD chapter 60

However, after sitting on the plane for several hours and arriving in Harbor
City, Xie Li didn’t immediately go to see Chang Xiaojia. Instead, he
accompanied Chang Guanshan to attend an opening ceremony for another

In the car, Xie Li changed into a suit, highlighting his well-proportioned

figure with broad shoulders and a narrow waist.

Chang Guanshan glanced at him and said, “You’re quite suitable to be a

bodyguard—skillful and good-looking.”

Xie Li remained silent.

Chang Guanshan continued, “Just a bit of a waste. What do you think you
can still do?”

Xie Li adjusted his tie. “As long as Mr. Chang trusts me, I can do anything,
following your orders.”

“Anything?” Chang Guanshan chuckled. He leaned back, saying, “Let me

think about it.”

That day was the opening ceremony of a development zone, and Chang
Guanshan was there for the ribbon-cutting. He only brought Xie Li and
another person with him, while the rest were on-site security personnel.

Chang Guanshan spoke on the stage.

Xie Li stood below the stage, scanning everyone in the audience. He

noticed a middle-aged man sitting in the front row, staring fixedly at Chang
Guanshan on the stage. One hand nervously fumbled at his waist, and sweat
formed on his forehead.

After Chang Guanshan finished his speech, many reporters rushed forward
to take pictures. Xie Li saw the middle-aged man stand up and follow the
group of reporters to the front.

Without showing any emotion, Xie Li circled around to approach him from
the side. When he saw the man reach the front and one hand tremblingly
reaching into his pocket, Xie Li took a step forward. He tapped the man’s
shoulder from behind just as he was about to take something out. Startled,
the man turned around, and Xie Li pulled him to the side, reaching over his
body to grab the spring-loaded knife from his bag.

The man tried to snatch the knife back, but he couldn’t free himself from
Xie Li’s grip. In panic, he shouted, “Chang Guanshan—”

Xie Li didn’t know what he was going to shout, but he immediately covered
the man’s mouth from behind, controlling him entirely.

However, many people at the scene heard his shout. They all turned to look
in their direction.

Xie Li then held the man’s hand with the knife, pulled it out of the bag, and
raised it high, signaling to the security personnel, “This man has a knife!”

Several on-site security personnel immediately ran over.

Xie Li kept the man’s mouth covered until he was brought to the security
room away from the venue. When handed over to the security personnel,
the man cursed through gritted teeth, “Chang Guanshan, you won’t have a
good ending!”

“This person is still aggressive. Please call the police,” Xie Li suggested to
the security personnel. After handing him over, he stretched and flexed the
wrist that had been twisted during the struggle, then walked outside.

Later, Chang Guanshan said to Xie Li, “You did well.”

Xie Li responded, “Thank you, Mr. Chang.” However, his mind was
somewhat absent because they were about to return to the Chang family,
and he had to face Chang Xiaojia.

Standing downstairs in front of the two-story building, Xie Li hadn’t

changed out of his suit yet. However, his meticulously styled hair fell down,
the buttons on his shirt collar were open, and his tie hung loosely, crookedly
around his neck.

Chang Xiaojia’s room was lit.

However, Xie Li didn’t dare to go up. He squatted by the flowerbed, lit a

cigarette for himself.

He thought about having Yu Zhengkun find the person who wanted to

attack Chang Guanshan today, asking him what his motive was, and
whether it was related to the batch of problematic antidepressants from
Hongji Pharmaceutical. He also wondered how Ruan Qiuyuan was doing
now, whether he should contact Ye Shaoyin or leave that lead to Ruan

His mind kept racing, all about the mission. He didn’t dare to stop because
once he stopped, he would think about Chang Xiaojia.

After finishing a cigarette, he sighed and stood up. He put the cigarette butt
into the soil of the flowerbed, burying it halfway, and then walked towards
the small building.

All of his belongings had been packed up from Chang Xiaojia’s room. At
that time, he had packed a suitcase. When he accompanied Chang
Guanshan out, he only brought a travel bag. The remaining suitcase was
still in the living room on the second floor, leaning against the corner,
seemingly untouched.

Chang Xiaojia’s room door was tightly closed. Xie Li stood at the door,
took a deep breath, then knocked on the door.

The door didn’t open.

When Xie Li was about to knock again, he heard voices from inside. The
sound was unclear through the thick door, but it was obvious that there were
male voices.

Without much thought, Xie Li raised his hand and knocked heavily on the

The room fell silent. After a while, the door opened, and Shi Hongqian
stood at the door, looking at Xie Li. He said, “You’re back?”

Xie Li was stunned for a moment. His gaze passed Shi Hongqian and saw
Chang Xiaojia sitting on the bed, holding a glass of water half full.

Shi Hongqian turned back to Chang Xiaojia and said, “Remember to take
your medicine. I’ll go down first.” After that, he nodded at Xie Li and
walked past him towards the stairs.

Waiting until Shi Hongqian’s footsteps went down to the first floor, Xie Li
entered the room. He closed the door, walked to the bed, and looked down
at Chang Xiaojia, asking him, “What medicine are you taking?”

Chang Xiaojia didn’t answer. He curled one leg up, the sole of his foot
pressing against the edge of the bed. The glass of water was still in his
hand. His complexion looked slightly gloomy, and he spoke in a cold tone,
“why are you back?”

Xie Li saw a bottle of medicine on the bedside table. He reached out and
picked it up, seeing that it was a sedative. He asked Chang Xiaojia, “Are
you taking a sedative?”

Chang Xiaojia said, “What does it have to do with you?”

Xie Li looked at him for a while, then squatted in front of him. “Xiaojia,
what more do you want me to do?”

Chang Xiaojia’s eyes were dark and swollen, his face pale. He reached out a
hand and said, “Give me the medicine.”

Xie Li refused, “I won’t give it to you.”

Chang Xiaojia seemed a bit impatient, “It’s none of your business what I
take. Give me the medicine, and then you can leave. I want to sleep.”

Xie Li said, “You don’t need to take the medicine.”

Suddenly, Chang Xiaojia reached out to grab the medicine from his hand.
Xie Li intended to stop him, but as soon as they struggled, the water cup in
Chang Xiaojia’s hand overturned. The water spilled on Chang Xiaojia and
the bedsheet.

Xie Li had no choice but to let go.

However, Chang Xiaojia still threw the empty cup towards Xie Li.

Xie Li sidestepped, and the cup fell to the ground without breaking, rolling
a few times before coming to a stop.

When Xie Li turned around, Chang Xiaojia had already poured out a
sleeping pill from the bottle and swallowed it directly. He said to Xie Li,
“Please leave. I want to sleep.”

Xie Li asked him, “Xiaojia, you don’t need me anymore, do you?”

Chang Xiaojia said, “No, I don’t.”

BLNDD chapter 61

Xie Li moved out of the Chang family. Initially, he considered staying with
Hu Minxin, but then he worried about causing trouble for Hu Minxin. So,
he found another place to stay.

Although he was not willing, breaking free from Chang Xiaojia’s almost
obsessive control gave him more time to work for Chang Guanshan and
Chang Xin. Chang Xin assigned some people to work under Xie Li.

He didn’t completely trust these people, but he treated them well.

Regardless of the difficulties, he tried to help them. In just a couple of
months, he gained a group of brothers who, at least on the surface, were
loyal to him.

Among them, the one Xie Li trusted the most was a 19-year-old young man
named Yao Wei. He joined Hongfang around the same time as Xie Li.
Once, while collecting debts from a mahjong parlor, he was nearly beaten to
death on the street. Xie Li saved him and brought him along. Since then,
Yao Wei had been loyal to Xie Li, admiring him wholeheartedly. Once, he
even got into a fight for Xie Li when someone claimed that Xie Li relied on
sleeping with Chang Xiaojia and was living off him.

During this time, Yu Zhengkun investigated the middle-aged man who

attempted to assassinate Chang Guanshan. He found Hongji
Pharmaceutical’s antidepressant drugs that hadn’t been recalled from the
man’s home. Analysis confirmed that they contained the same ingredients
as a new type of drug circulating in the market.

When Xie Li met Yu Zhengkun, he said, “Hongji Pharmaceutical might be

their drug production base.”
“Why would they mix drug ingredients into antidepressants?” Xie Li
squatted in a corner, tiredly covering the lower half of his face with both
hands, leaving only his eyes visible. “Could it be contamination on the
production line?”

Yu Zhengkun said, “It’s a possibility. Try to find a way to infiltrate the

pharmaceutical factory.”

Xie Li remained silent for a long time. He said, “I’ll give it a try.”

After a while, Yu Zhengkun asked again, “How is Ruan Qiuyuan doing?”

Xie Li shook his head in confusion.

Yu Zhengkun lit a cigarette and tossed one to Xie Li. “She refuses to
contact me.”

Xie Li held the cigarette but didn’t ask Yu Zhengkun to light it. He stood
up, ruffled his slightly long hair, and absentmindedly played with the
cigarette in his hand. After a while, he said to Yu Zhengkun, “I have an
idea. If needed, I’ll contact you.”

In the blink of an eye, it was the Lunar New Year. Following Hongfang
tradition, on the fifth day of the new year, the gang leaders hosted a feast for
their subordinates. On that day, Chang Guanshan would book a restaurant,
treating all the brothers from morning till night.

After moving out of the Chang family, Xie Li occasionally visited Chang
Guanshan and Chang Xin. However, he had not seen Chang Xiaojia once
during this period.

He knew that even if Chang Xiaojia was at home, he would be locked in his
room and wouldn’t come out to see visitors voluntarily.

Xie Li’s feelings were conflicting and urgent. He wanted to see Chang
Xiaojia, but often wondered if his current state was normal. He had to
follow his plan step by step, bring down Chang Guanshan as soon as
possible, and then confess everything to Chang Xiaojia.
But once he confessed, would there still be a future between him and Chang
Xiaojia? Xie Li didn’t know.

During the New Year’s holidays, even the mahjong parlor was closed. The
brothers all went home for the holidays, leaving Xie Li alone in a strange
city without daring to return home.

Until the fifth day of the new year, Yao Wei came to pick him up early in
the morning, and they went together to the restaurant booked by Chang
Guanshan for breakfast.

Apart from the previous one-on-one fight, Yao Wei was attending such an
event for the first time and seemed a bit excited. As soon as they sat down,
he kept waving to call the waiters to bring dishes.

Xie Li, however, absentmindedly took a sip of freshly brewed tea and
looked around. He saw Chang Guanshan appear with his wife and two sons.

Chang Xiaojia’s hair had grown longer since the last time they met. It
seemed like he hadn’t cut it, and his bangs almost covered his eyes, making
him look rather lifeless.

Chang Guanshan briefly spoke the opening words and then let everyone
enjoy themselves. He sat down at a round table near the front.

Ye Xinzhi and Chang Xin sat beside Chang Guanshan. However, Chang
Xiaojia left Chang Guanshan and walked towards Xie Li.

Xie Li looked up at him.

But Chang Xiaojia didn’t look at Xie Li; he just walked in that direction.
Passing by Xie Li without looking at him, he continued forward until he
stopped next to He Chuanyun.

Xie Li watched as Chang Xiaojia bent down, whispered something in He

Chuanyun’s ear, and received a nod in response.

After that, Chang Xiaojia sat down next to He Chuanyun, reaching for a cup
of tea personally poured by He Chuanyun. Holding the cup with both
hands, he brought it to his mouth, sipping it slowly.

Xie Li did not retract his gaze for a long time. Yao Wei placed a basket of
shrimp dumplings in front of Xie Li and couldn’t help but call out, “Brother
Li?” Only then did Xie Li come to his senses. He picked up a shrimp
dumpling with his chopsticks and placed it in Yao Wei’s bowl, saying, “You

When the Hongfang brothers gathered for breakfast, Ye Shaoyin appeared

with Ruan Qiuyuan.

In theory, Ye Shaoyin shouldn’t be present at such an event because he

wasn’t a member of Hongfang. However, as Chang Guanshan’s wife’s
younger brother, his sudden appearance wasn’t considered strange.

However, many people looked towards Ruan Qiuyuan, who came with him.

The last time Ruan Qiuyuan appeared in front of the Hongfang brothers, she
was with Du Shenglian. Now, although Du Shenglian was still the second in
command of Hongfang, he had claimed to be sick and stayed home for
recovery after Wu Can’s accident. He hadn’t shown up in public since.

Most of the people in Hongfang knew the inside story. Now, seeing Ruan
Qiuyuan with Ye Shaoyin, they only whispered to each other, not feeling
too surprised.

Xie Li also glanced at Ruan Qiuyuan. He noticed that her complexion was
slightly better than he had imagined. At least, her face, adorned with
makeup, didn’t appear as weary as he thought.

Ye Shaoyin walked over to Chang Guanshan’s table and directly sat down
next to Ye Xinzhi.

Ruan Qiuyuan stood behind Ye Shaoyin and dared not sit. Ye Xinzhi
glanced up at Ruan Qiuyuan, then said something to Ye Shaoyin. Ye
Shaoyin waved his hand towards Ruan Qiuyuan.

Xie Li saw Ruan Qiuyuan glance in his direction.

Ye Shaoyin also noticed this. His face darkened, and he said something to
Ruan Qiuyuan. Ruan Qiuyuan moved to the side on her own and sat alone
at a table near the entrance of the banquet hall, where no one else was

Xie Li lost his appetite. He lifted his tea cup, took a sip, and couldn’t help
but turn around to glance at Chang Xiaojia again.

Chang Xiaojia was slowly nibbling on a custard bun shaped like a rabbit,
showing no expression on his face.

However, He Chuanyun, who sat beside him, cast a quick glance in Ye

Shaoyin’s direction. Soon, he lowered his gaze, but couldn’t conceal the
resentment in his eyes.

Xie Li was sure he hadn’t seen it wrong. This wasn’t the first time He
Chuanyun had displayed a different emotion towards Ye Shaoyin. With a
thought, Xie Li picked up his tea cup, stood up, and walked slowly to He
Chuanyun’s side, greeting, “Brother Yun.”

He Chuanyun looked up at him, and the previous emotions had disappeared

from his face. He smiled slightly and said, “Xie Li.”

The young brother sitting on the other side of He Chuanyun promptly stood
up to give his seat to Xie Li. After sitting down, Xie Li asked, “I hope I’m
not interrupting your conversation?”

He Chuanyun said, “No interruption.” After that, he glanced towards Chang


Chang Xiaojia didn’t react, and he didn’t look at Xie Li either. He bit off
one ear of the rabbit-shaped bun with chopsticks, chewing indifferently.

He Chuanyun asked Xie Li, “Do you have something to say to Xiaojia? The
last time you had a conflict with him, I remember it clearly. After that, I
heard you moved out of the Chang family. The relationship between you
two hasn’t improved.”
Xie Li originally wanted to say no, but after looking at Chang Xiaojia, he
changed his mind and said, “Yeah, Xiaojia, how have you been lately?”

Chang Xiaojia remained silent.

He Chuanyun didn’t know how to mediate between the two, so he said,

“Why don’t you two sit down and talk it out?”

Chang Xiaojia said coldly, “I have nothing to say to him.”

Xie Li forced a wry smile. He grabbed He Chuanyun and said, “No need. If
Xiaojia doesn’t want to talk to me, then forget it.”

He Chuanyun could only smile and stood up. He signaled for a clean set of
bowl and chopsticks to be brought to Xie Li. “Have something to eat.”

Xie Li picked up a piece of pastry casually. He asked He Chuanyun, “Has

Mount Qifeng’s racing team disbanded?”

He Chuanyun nodded. “It stopped after the last incident.”

Xie Li asked him, “So where are you racing these days? Can you take me to

He Chuanyun smiled, looking at him, “Are you really interested in racing?”

Xie Li said, “Just miss the feeling.”

He Chuanyun said, “There’s a racing event which will start after the
fifteenth day of the Lunar New Year. If you’re interested, I’ll take you to

Xie Li lifted his tea cup. “Thanks, Brother Yun.”

BLNDD chapter 62

As it was the New Year’s banquet, after finishing the morning tea,
according to the tradition, all the brothers had to offer New Year’s greetings
to Chang Guanshan, who had prepared red envelopes for everyone,
regardless of their seniority.

When Xie Li went to offer New Year’s greetings to Chang Guanshan and
received his red envelope, he stayed by Chang Guanshan’s side to help
distribute the red envelopes.

The younger brothers usually gathered in groups to offer New Year’s

greetings. Chang Guanshan might not remember all their names, but he
always wore a gentle smile on his face, presenting a red envelope to each

People like He Chuanyun, Ping Xiang, and Song Daozheng, who were in
charge of matters, arrived later. After offering New Year’s greetings and
receiving red envelopes, they sat down to chat with Chang Guanshan.

“Is Mr. Du’s business now temporarily under your management?” Chang
Guanshan, with one leg crossed over the other, asked Song Daozheng in a
gentle tone.

Song Daozheng replied, “Yes.”

Chang Guanshan continued, “You can hand over some of it to Xie Li and let
him help you oversee it.”

As he said this, everyone turned their gaze to Xie Li, who was standing
behind Chang Guanshan.

Xie Li remained silent, simply bowing respectfully.

Du Shenglian originally held a significant portion of Hongfang’s adult
industry and also had a small entertainment company registered under Wu
Can’s name, engaging in the escort business with young and attractive men
and women.

At this moment, Ping Xiang stood up, patted Xie Li on the shoulder, and
jokingly said, “Brother Xie, it seems like you have a promising future.”

Chang Guanshan added, “Xie Li is a capable person. Working as a

bodyguard for Xiaojia has obscured his talents.” After saying that, he
suddenly raised his voice and shouted, “Chang Xiaojia!”

Chang Xiaojia was still sitting at a round table in the back, eating rice
noodle rolls. He had been eating for a long time, and Xie Li noticed that he
had been dragging his food without eating much. However, he never put
down his chopsticks.

Hearing Chang Guanshan calling him, Chang Xiaojia straightened his body
and glanced in this direction. Slowly putting down his chopsticks, he stood
up and walked over.

Chang Guanshan’s tone softened again, “Have you eaten enough?”

Chang Xiaojia replied, “Yes.”

Chang Guanshan waved his hand, “Come over.”

Chang Xiaojia was already standing in front of Chang Guanshan, not

knowing how else to come over. He could only bend down a little more to
get closer.

Chang Guanshan reached out and pulled a piece of napkin from the table,
carefully wiping off the soy sauce at the corner of his mouth. While wiping,
he said, “Why are you behaving like a child?”

He Chuanyun interjected, “Young Master Xiaojia is still quite young.”

Chang Guanshan handed the used napkin to Xie Li.

Turning around, Xie Li walked towards the trash can in the corner. His gaze
swept over Chang Xiaojia’s face, noticing a faint redness around his mouth.

Chang Guanshan sighed and said, “He’s not that young; he’s in his early
twenties. At his age, his brother had already started helping me manage the

Chang Xiaojia lowered his gaze, letting his hands rest on his legs. His fair
fingers curled slightly, and he remained silent.

Chang Guanshan asked him to sit beside him. “Keep the uncles company
and chat.”

When Xie Li returned, Chang Guanshan said to him, “You sit too.”

Xie Li sat next to Chang Xiaojia, his gaze fixed on the soft profile of Chang
Xiaojia’s face, falling into a brief daze.

In the afternoon, Chang Guanshan played mahjong with his wife Ye Xinzhi,
and at the same table were Ye Shaoyin and Ping Xiang.

Constantly feeling cold, Chang Xiaojia’s complaints led Chang Guanshan

to instruct Shi Hongqian to ask the restaurant staff to turn up the heating.

Ruan Qiuyuan also sat next to Ye Shaoyin.

Ye Shaoyin happened to be sitting opposite Chang Guanshan, and Chang

Xiaojia’s gaze turned cold, drifting lightly to Ruan Qiuyuan’s face.

Ruan Qiuyuan initially paid no attention and didn’t look at Chang Xiaojia.
However, after being stared at for a while, even though the hall was heated,
an eerie chill seemed to pervade, prompting her to look at Chang Xiaojia
and move her chair behind Ye Shaoyin.

Ye Shaoyin noticed and, while shuffling the cards, said to Chang Xiaojia,
“Why are you staring at my woman? Interested? If you are, take her home
and try.”

Chang Xiaojia’s expression remained unchanged as he replied, “Sure.”

Then, Ye Shaoyin said to Ruan Qiuyuan, “Come here.”

Ruan Qiuyuan approached Ye Shaoyin, whispering softly, “Mr. Ye.”

Ye Shaoyin didn’t speak, just turned his head to look at Ruan Qiuyuan, as if
waiting for her to decide.

However, Ye Xinzhi couldn’t bear it anymore. Frowning tightly, she said to

Chang Xiaojia, “Xiaojia, don’t mess around with your uncle. What’s the use
of bringing a prostitute home?”

Chang Xiaojia remained silent.

Ye Xinzhi once again said to Ye Shaoyin, “Take care of yourself! Even if

you’re playing around, you should have some boundaries!” She neither
looked at nor spoke to Ruan Qiuyuan, evidently not regarding her with any

Ye Shaoyin, not wanting to anger his sister, explained, “I was just joking
with Xiaojia. How can I let such a woman get close to him? Xiaojia should
find a refined lady in the future.” After saying that, he turned to Ruan
Qiuyuan and said, “Get lost, don’t stay here bothering my sister.”

Upon hearing this, Ruan Qiuyuan stood up and left the grand banquet hall.

Xie Li chatted with Song Daozheng for a while and then made an excuse to
go to the restroom and left.

When he exited the banquet hall, he felt someone following him. Without
looking back, he continued walking forward. As he passed a corridor, he
saw Ruan Qiuyuan sitting on a recliner on the restaurant terrace, so he
walked towards her.

Ruan Qiuyuan looked up at him. He shook his head, made a simple warning
gesture, and then asked her, “Are you okay?”

“I’m fine,” Ruan Qiuyuan replied.

Xie Li asked, “Did he hit you?”

Ruan Qiuyuan shook her head.

Xie Li leaned closer to her, lifted her hair from her cheek, and said, “If he
dares to hit you, I will make him pay.”

Ruan Qiuyuan looked at Xie Li, and her lips moved slightly.

Xie Li leaned close to her ear and whispered, “Stay in touch.”

Ruan Qiuyuan nodded very lightly.

After that, Xie Li stood up and left. When he left the terrace, he heard
footsteps receding into the distance. In the instant he stepped into the
corridor, he heard someone continuously apologizing to another person.
Looking up, he saw a young man bowing and apologizing to Chang

Chang Xiaojia raised an arm, holding an empty bowl, his gaze gloomy, and
his clothes in front wet.

Seeing Chang Xiaojia lifting the bowl, ready to smash it onto the young
man’s head, Xie Li hurriedly shouted, “Xiaojia!”

He quickly walked over, snatched the bowl from Chang Xiaojia’s hand, and
embraced his waist with one hand, saying to the young man, “You can go

The young man quickly expressed his thanks, “Thank you, Brother Li.”
Then, nervously looking at Chang Xiaojia, he headed towards the banquet

Chang Xiaojia struggled forcefully, pushing Xie Li away and hitting the
wall with his back.

Holding the empty bowl, Xie Li smelled a faint milky fragrance, probably
the sweet soup that Chang Guanshan asked the kitchen to make for him.

“Where do you want to go?” Xie Li asked.

Chang Xiaojia didn’t answer. He stared at the ground, lips tightly pressed
together, breathing rapidly in intervals, his chest heaving intensely, clearly

Worried that he might explode, Xie Li quickly said, “Alright, I won’t ask.
How about I take you to change into a different set of clothes?”

“I want to go home,” Chang Xiaojia said.

Xie Li asked, “Where is Shi Hongqian? I can ask him to take you home.”

Chang Xiaojia glanced in the direction of the banquet hall, then glared at
Xie Li with resentment.

Xie Li said, “Or how about I take you home.”

Chang Xiaojia didn’t say anything, and Xie Li took it as his agreement.
BLNDD chapter 63

Xie Li drove Chang Xiaojia home. Chang Xiaojia sat in the passenger seat,
his clothes still damp from the sugar water, creating a lingering sweet milky
fragrance throughout the car.

Chang Xiaojia stared expressionlessly ahead.

As Xie Li drove, he couldn’t help but sneak glances at him. Eventually, he

asked, “Today, when you said you wanted to take Ruan Qiuyuan away….?”
He certainly didn’t believe Chang Xiaojia genuinely liked Ruan Qiuyuan;
he knew Chang Xiaojia wanted to retaliate against him.

Chang Xiaojia didn’t answer, his eyes fixed ahead. It took a long time, and
just when Xie Li thought he wouldn’t get a response, Chang Xiaojia slowly
spoke, “Do you think Ruan Qiuyuan would suffer more in my hands or in
Ye Shaoyin’s hands?”

Xie Li slowed down the car. Suddenly, he remembered He Chuanyun. He

wanted to know the conflict between He Chuanyun and Ye Shaoyin. He had
a gut feeling that Chang Xiaojia knew.

So, Xie Li casually asked, “What kind of person is Ye Shaoyin?”

Chang Xiaojia said, “I’ve told you, he’s scum.”

Xie Li asked, “Has he harmed anyone before?” Even if Chang Xiaojia

didn’t answer, Xie Li planned to investigate the conflict between Ye
Shaoyin and He Chuanyun.

Chang Xiaojia glanced at him. “Concerned about Ruan Qiuyuan?” he

Xie Li didn’t answer.

Chang Xiaojia suddenly laughed maliciously. “Let me tell you, he’ll beat
her, rape her, abuse her. The more she resists, the more excited he gets. He
also likes gambling—racing, sports betting, poker, he loves it all. If he
wins, he’s happy. If he loses, he drinks. And one day, he might get drunk,
beat her to death, and then have someone throw her into the sea or bury her
in the mountains, ensuring you never find her.”

Xie Li’s arm hairs stood on end. At this moment, he thought not of Ruan
Qiuyuan but of Chen Haiman, who he still didn’t know died at whose

But Chang Xiaojia continued, “He Chuanyun’s sister is the one who went
missing like this.”

Xie Li gripped the steering wheel tightly.

Then Chang Xiaojia revealed a happy and innocent smile. “You see, one
day, Ruan Qiuyuan might suddenly disappear too. You can have people
search the sea or dig up the soil in the mountains. Or for a simpler and safer
option, you can station someone outside Ye Shaoyin’s villa. If you see a car
leaving late at night, follow it. Maybe you’ll witness his men disposing of
the body.”

Xie Li asked, “He Chuanyun didn’’t investigate?”

Chang Xiaojia propped his elbow on the window, supporting his face with
his hand. “He has no evidence and can’t find anyone. Unless one day a set
of bones is dug up, confirming it’s his sister.”

Xie Li fell silent.

When the car arrived at Chang’s villa near Qing Shui Lake, Chang Xiaojia
opened the car door to get out. Xie Li instinctively reached out and grabbed
his hand.

Chang Xiaojia turned around to look at him.

Xie Li felt like he had many words at the tip of his tongue but couldn’t say
any of them.

Chang Xiaojia shook off his hand and said coldly, “Xie Li, you won’t end
up well.”

Xie Li clearly saw his eyes reddening after saying these words. Chang
Xiaojia then turned and left without looking back.


In the blink of an eye, the new year passed. Even though winters in the
south were cold, they were mild and brief. Xie Li, wearing a short padded
jacket, went to the new gathering point for the racing enthusiasts.

The racetrack this time was a coastal road. Xie Li went there with Yao Wei,
who drove for him. When they reached the vicinity of the beach where the
gathering was, Xie Li had already gotten out of the car, stepping on the
sandy ground in his black outdoor boots and walking forward.

He saw He Chuanyun from a distance, who came over to greet him.

Xie Li noticed many familiar faces, including Huo Zhaoning. He always

knew there was some private relationship between He Chuanyun and Huo
Zhaoning, but he had never asked. Now, he just raised his hand to greet him
and then asked He Chuanyun, “Is it here?”

He Chuanyun handed a cigarette to Xie Li and said, “Right here. Want to

have a race?”

Xie Li asked, “Are there cars?”

He Chuanyun smiled, “I’ll provide one for you. Come.”

That night, Xie Li raced with others. Due to unfamiliarity with the track and
the car, he didn’t give it his all. In the end, he came in third. Yao Wei, who
was on the sidelines, was excitedly jumping up, cheering for him.
After it was over, Xie Li was in a great mood. He invited He Chuanyun and
Huo Zhaoning to have a couple of drinks.

He Chuanyun, seemingly mild-mannered on the surface, told Xie Li that, in

his opinion, maintaining a harmonious atmosphere while making money
was crucial. Currently, Hongfang and Ju Yi were each minding their own
business. As long as there were no major conflicts, everything would be
fine. Privately, there was also a fair amount of business dealings between
He Chuanyun and Huo Zhaoning.

Xie Li always had a good impression of Huo Zhaoning. Holding a glass of

wine, he said, “If you and Boss Huo have any good business, don’t forget
about me.”

He Chuanyun said to him, “I’m sure you’re quite busy with the business
you’ve taken over now.” He was referring to the part of Hongfang’s
business that Song Daozheng handed over to Xie Li under Chang
Guanshan’s orders.

Xie Li leaned back in his chair, staring at the dim ceiling, and said, “Yeah,
taking it one step at a time.”

He had to stay calm and take it one step at a time.

Although it was Chang Guanshan’s intention, taking over Du Shenglian’s

business was not an easy task for Xie Li. His experience with Hongfang
was too shallow, and he didn’t have enough people under him. Therefore,
he had to rely on the old contacts from Du Shenglian’s side, including the
personnel planted by Song Daozheng.

Various forces were vying for power, and Xie Li found himself caught in
the middle at the beginning, facing continuous challenges. He chose to
show weakness initially, then privately pulled some people to his side.
When their internal conflicts intensified, he intervened to mediate.

Finally, he temporarily took control of Du Shenglian’s former forces.

Xie Li was so busy that he hardly had time to sleep. He continued to engage
with He Chuanyun and Huo Zhaoning.

One night, after drinking too much, Xie Li staggered to He Chuanyun and
mumbled incoherently into his ear, “I want Ye Shaoyin dead.”

He Chuanyun remained composed.

Xie Li lay down on the sofa, using a woman’s legs he didn’t recognize as a
pillow, and fell asleep.

When he woke up, only half an hour had passed. He stood up, and as the
woman on the sofa tried to pull him back, he impatiently pushed her away
and walked into the bathroom.

When he came out of the private room, only He Chuanyun was left inside.

He Chuanyun waited for him to sit down, approached to help him light a
cigarette, and when moving away, he asked, “Why do you want Ye Shaoyin

Xie Li glanced at him.

He Chuanyun smiled and asked, “Sober now? Don’t remember?”

Xie Li wiped his face with his hand, leaned back, and with a cigarette in his
mouth, looked at He Chuanyun. He thought He Chuanyun was playing
along, so he said, “I remember.”

He Chuanyun asked, “Why do you want him dead?”

Xie Li said expressionlessly, “For Ruan Qiuyuan.”

He Chuanyun looked at him. “Why tell me? I can pretend I didn’t hear.”

Xie Li replied, “I thought you disliked him.”

He Chuanyun said, “Why would I dislike him?”

Xie Li didn’t bother hiding anything. He said, “I heard Xiaojia mention
your sister.”

Emotions in He Chuanyun’s eyes instantly became difficult to conceal.

Xie Li continued, “We have a common enemy, Brother Yun.”

He Chuanyun sighed. “You know Ye Shaoyin is Ye XinZhi’s younger


Xie Li sat up straight, leaned in close to He Chuanyun, and said, “That’s

why we need to plan carefully and not act recklessly.”

He Chuanyun asked him, “What’s your plan?”

Xie Li smiled and said, “I have someone close to Ye Shaoyin.”

He Chuanyun asked, “Ruan Qiuyuan?”

Xie Li nodded.

Suddenly, He Chuanyun said, “I have a question. In your heart, who is more

important, Chang Xiaojia or Ruan Qiuyuan?”

Xie Li lowered his gaze. He knew the answer to this question was and will
always be Chang Xiaojia. Still, he could only say, “Men and women are

He Chuanyun asked, “Is it appropriate to use Chang Xiaojia like this?”

A surge of pain accompanied by alcohol rushed up, and Xie Li instinctively

covered his mouth. He felt like he was about to vomit, and the alcohol
flowing backward made his eyes red. After enduring for a while, he said,
“Yes, I’m sorry for him.”

He Chuanyun remained silent.

BLNDD chapter 64

Ye Shaoyin returned home late at night. His house was located in the city
center of Harbor city, occupying a large apartment. As he entered, a cold
atmosphere greeted him.

Having not been home for several days and having consumed a
considerable amount of alcohol, Ye Shaoyin staggered through the door,
carelessly dropping his coat on the floor and stepping on it with his
expensive shoes.

Thirsty, he headed to the dining room, opening the refrigerator to grab a

bottle of mineral water. Tilting his head back, he drank almost half of it in
one go, then closed the bottle, leaving the remaining half on the dining

Recently, he had befriended a group of people he met during gambling,

most of whom were wealthy sons of officials and businessmen from other
provinces. Ye Shaoyin spent his days with this group, gambling, drinking,
and indulging in women. He hadn’t returned home for almost half a month.

Walking towards his room, which was dark with the door slightly open, he
found someone lying on the large bed in the middle of the room, covered
tightly with a quilt.

Approaching the bed, he reached out, grabbed a handful of soft long hair
scattered on the pillow, and pulled the person up, delivering a slap to their

Ruan Qiuyuan gasped for air, instinctively raising her hand to shield her
Ye Shaoyin said, “I’m back. Didn’t you hear? Why pretend to be dead lying
on the bed?”

Ruan Qiuyuan, sitting on the bed with her legs pulled up to her chest,
continuously scooted back. Her voice was hoarse as she said, “I didn’t hear
you come back.”

Ye Shaoyin raised his hand again.

Ruan Qiuyuan hurriedly buried her head in her arms, curling her entire
body, trembling slightly.

Instead of striking, Ye Shaoyin scolded, “Like a dead dog,” before walking

to the foot of the bed to start undressing.

Carefully getting out of bed after Ye Shaoyin finished undressing, Ruan

Qiuyuan said, “Let me prepare a bath for you.” She avoided looking at Ye
Shaoyin and headed to the bathroom.

Ye Shaoyin, shirtless, lying on the bed after the bath, heard Ruan Qiuyuan’s
weak breathing beside him. After a moment of silence, impatiently, he
reached over, grabbed her neck, and began choking her.

Ruan Qiuyuan grabbed his hand, desperately trying to get him to release
her. Lacking strength, she watched as she was about to suffocate. Only then
did Ye Shaoyin retract his hand. Ruan Qiuyuan started coughing violently.

Raising both arms, Ye Shaoyin stacked his hands behind his head. Thinking
of the young model named Xiao Ka, who followed him during gambling in
the past few days, he found her more youthful and active in bed compared
to Ruan Qiuyuan. He couldn’t understand why he kept Ruan Qiuyuan

Beside him, Ruan Qiuyuan coughed for a long time. Ye Shaoyin, eyes still
open, remained restless, finding it difficult to fall asleep. Suddenly, he heard
Ruan Qiuyuan approaching, softly calling, “Shaoyin.”

Ye Shaoyin opened his eyes, casting a cold look at her in the darkness.
The room was too dim to see her expression clearly, but her voice was
husky and gentle as she said, “Have you encountered something troubling?”

Ye Shaoyin did not answer. His frowning forehead became even more

Ruan Qiuyuan’s soft fingers pressed against his forehead. She said, “When
you’re anxious, you always get like this.”

Ye Shaoyin suddenly turned over, pulling the blanket up to his chin, closing
his eyes to sleep.

Ruan Qiuyuan touched his tense temples and said, “Go to sleep.”

The room fell silent, and suddenly Ye Shaoyin said, “I owe someone

Ruan Qiuyuan opened her eyes, her gaze clear. In a soft, muffled tone, she
asked, “Is it a significant amount?”

Ye Shaoyin sat up, letting the blanket slide down to his waist. He replied,
“More than you can imagine.”

Ruan Qiuyuan also sat up and asked, “What happened?”

Ye Shaoyin explained, “I met a group of wealthy people from another

province. They hold underground gambling sessions every night, and I
joined in. I lost a substantial amount of money.”

In reality, the situation was much more complex than Ye Shaoyin casually
described. He had been in contact with this group for a short time and knew
about their major gambling sessions. However, he didn’t dare to place
significant bets, just playing along. Later, he unintentionally discovered a
young businessman cheating in the gambling den. Unlike him, the other
gamblers, not regulars, didn’t notice the cheating methods.

Ye Shaoyin secretly obtained evidence to blackmail the businessman who

confessed to colluding with the house to cheat. Ye Shaoyin had been losing
small amounts for two or three days, planning to win big on the final day.
Motivated by this revelation, he decided to invest a large sum of money on
the last day. Lacking sufficient cash, he even borrowed a significant amount
at high interest, intending to repay immediately if he won.

Unexpectedly, on the final night, the cheating businessman betrayed him

and fled.

Ye Shaoyin found himself entangled in debt, pursued by loan sharks.

At this point, Ruan Qiuyuan asked, “Could it be that those people colluded
to deceive you out of your money?”

In fact, when the businessman disappeared, Ye Shaoyin suspected foul play.

He had already sent someone to investigate this group tonight but hadn’t
received any news. Hearing Ruan Qiuyuan’s question now, he erupted with
anger, his face sternly asking, “Do you think I’m a fool?”

Ruan Qiuyuan fell silent for a while and then asked, “To whom do you owe
the money?”

Ye Shaoyin tugged at the gold necklace around his neck, saying, “Loan

Ruan Qiuyuan seemed to breathe a sigh of relief. She said, “In Harbor city,
no one dares to defy Mr. Chang, right?”

It was the businessman who introduced Ye Shaoyin to the loan sharks.

When he faced the debt collectors, Ye Shaoyin learned about the significant
background of the loan sharks which was associated with Juyi. Although
Juyi was not as large as Hongfang, they were not hesitant when it came to
collecting debts from people associated with Hongfang.

Ye Shaoyin reached for a cigarette from the bedside table, lit it, and took a

Ruan Qiuyuan said to him, “Shaoyin, why not tell Mr. Chang about this?”

Ye Shaoyin looked at her with a tilted smile and asked, “Why do you insist
on me telling Chang Guanshan?”
Ruan Qiuyuan placed her hand on his arm. “I’m afraid you’ll get into

Ye Shaoyin sneered, “What trouble could I get into? Isn’t that what you
want? Don’t you want to take advantage of the opportunity to get close to
that old man Chang Guanshan?”

Ruan Qiuyuan said, “I don’t.”

Ye Shaoyin raised his hand and gave her a slap. “Whore.”

Ruan Qiuyuan’s head was knocked sideways, and her long hair covered half
of her face. It took her a while before she slowly raised her hand to cover
her face. She didn’t speak again.

Leaning against the bedhead, Ye Shaoyin lazily smoked, but the irritation in
his eyes remained. He coldly said, “If you don’t want to get close to Chang
Guanshan, then you must want to help Xie Li rise in front of Chang

Ruan Qiuyuan’s mouth seemed to be broken open. She licked a trace of a

salty taste with her tongue. She said, “No, since I chose to be with you, the
only person I care about is you.”

Ye Shaoyin said, “Don’t talk about this matter to anyone. I’ll naturally find
a way to solve it.”

Ruan Qiuyuan nodded. She lay down slowly, and after a while, she moved
closer to Ye Shaoyin, sticking to his bare skin.

Ye Shaoyin looked down at her, not pushing her away.

Before Ye Shaoyin finished smoking the cigarette, Ruan Qiuyuan suddenly

raised her hand, holding Ye Shaoyin’s arm. She looked at him hesitantly,
wanting to say something but stopping.

Ye Shaoyin extinguished the cigarette in the ashtray on the bedside table

and used his fingers to hook Ruan Qiuyuan’s jaw, rubbing it, and said, “Say
what you want to say.”
Ruan Qiuyuan struggled with her expression for a while. Finally, she spoke,
“You still have shares in Hongji Pharmaceutical…” She only said this
sentence and didn’t continue. She raised her hand to hug Ye Shaoyin’s
waist, resting her cheek on his leg. “Don’t get into trouble, Shaoyin.”

Ye Shaoyin felt her warm tears flow onto his leg, slightly stunned. He raised
his hand to touch her hair.
BLNDD chapter 65

Ye Shaoyin sat in the back seat, smoking.

In the early spring night, the temperature outside was still low. The car was
turned off, the lights were out, and it silently stood in the darkness. The car
had no heating, so Ye Shaoyin had to zip up his coat, subconsciously
crossing his arms over his chest.

He hadn’t told his sister and brother-in-law about the debt. He felt that
Chang Guanshan looked down on him a bit. He had been handling Hongji
Pharmaceutical because of his sister’s relationship. Even after such a long
time, he hadn’t been allowed to join Hongfang. In Chang Guanshan’s eyes,
he probably wasn’t as good as Xie Li.

So, he had to resolve this debt on his own. Although he was dealing with
Hongji Pharmaceutical’s items, he had worked for Hongji for so long, and a
small bonus was not unreasonable. Moreover, the profit from these items
was huge, and touching them wouldn’t affect the fundamental interests of

While waiting, Ye Shaoyin thought of Ruan Qiuyuan again.

When he decided to sell part of Hongji, it was Ruan Qiuyuan who used her
previous connections with Du Shenglian to contact buyers for him. Having
seen Ruan Qiuyuan’s weak appearance for a while, he forgot that she used
to be quite capable when she was with Du Shenglian. If she genuinely
wanted to be him, perhaps he could consider letting her help him in the

Ye Shaoyin was stunned. The cigarette ash fell on his fingers, and he hastily
flicked it away, realizing he was absurdly considering a future with Ruan
Qiuyuan. He chuckled ironically.

As time passed, it got later, and the sky grew darker.

In addition to his car, two other cars were hidden in the darkness, both
belonging to his subordinates. Fearing that the buyers might deceive them,
they were lying in ambush, ready to act at any moment.

Ruan Qiuyuan had advised Ye Shaoyin not to come in person tonight.

However, with so much merchandise, Ye Shaoyin couldn’t trust anyone else
and came himself. He didn’t have any particularly trustworthy subordinates.
He was hot-tempered and quick to use force. He didn’t trust anyone and
was afraid that his subordinates were secretly plotting.

Suddenly, the sound of a car came from a distance.

One of Ye Shaoyin’s men sitting in the front passenger seat turned to look at
him and whispered, “Boss?”

Ye Shaoyin raised his hand to wipe his face, threw the cigarette butt into the
ashtray on the car door, and got out of the car. Seeing the car approaching,
he had pre-arranged the license plate.

The car stopped next to them, and two people from another province came
down, briskly greeted him, and then opened the trunk, taking out two boxes
filled with cash.

Ye Shaoyin told his men to count the money.

His subordinates casually took out two stacks of money, ran their fingers
over the edges, and pulled out a banknote to check with a counterfeit

Ye Shaoyin also opened the trunk, took out a box of medicine, and someone
from the other side naturally came up to inspect the goods skillfully.

When everything was confirmed on both sides, the transaction was

completed. Ye Shaoyin put the two money-filled boxes into the car. As he
was about to sit in the back seat, he suddenly heard the sound of a
speedboat on the sea.

Ye Shaoyin paused, subconsciously looking towards the dark sea. In just

two seconds, he realized that something was wrong and quickly told the
driver to start the car.

However, before the car could leave, sirens sounded from all directions.
Many police cars surrounded the area, and Ye Shaoyin’s subordinates
lurking in the darkness had already been quietly captured by the police.

Police car doors opened, and many dark gun muzzles extended from the
windows and behind the car doors. Someone shouted loudly, “Don’t move,
you’re surrounded!”

One of Ye Shaoyin’s subordinates in the front seat was sweating profusely,

his face pale. He asked Ye Shaoyin, “Boss, what should we do?”

Looking at his subordinate’s face, Ye Shaoyin felt a moment of trance. He

thought that when he went out tonight, he told Ruan Qiuyuan to wait for
him to come back. Now it seemed that Ruan Qiuyuan wouldn’t be waiting.

The car door slowly opened. Ye Shaoyin threw the already drawn gun aside,
first extending one foot and then raising both empty hands to lean out. He
said, “Don’t shoot, I’m unarmed.”


Xie Li hadn’t slept yet. He sat by the window smoking, and until now, he
hadn’t received any news.

In the early morning, Yao Wei got up to use the bathroom. Passing through
the living room, he saw Xie Li sitting on the windowsill smoking, which
startled him. He walked over with half-closed eyes and asked hoarsely,
“Brother Li, can’t sleep?” He had moved in with Xie Li for a few days
because his old house was leaking.

Xie Li said, “yeah.”

Yao Wei furrowed his brows and asked, “What time is it?”

They both turned to look at the time; it was already half-past five in the

Yao Wei rubbed his head, continued to the bathroom, and when he came
out, he still seemed dazed. Seeing Xie Li still sitting on the windowsill
smoking, he asked, “Brother Li, not planning to sleep?”

Xie Li said, “I’ll wait a little longer.”

“The day is already brightening,” Yao Wei whispered.

As soon as he finished speaking, the phone that Xie Li had placed on the
coffee table in the living room suddenly rang. The ringtone gradually
increased with time, sounding somewhat eerie in the silent early morning.

Yao Wei looked at the phone and said, “Who calls at this hour?”

Xie Li’s Adam’s apple moved. He asked Yao Wei to hand him the phone
and stared at the screen’s number. Answering the call, he said, “Hello?”

Yao Wei watched him and noticed sweat beads slowly falling from his
forehead. Despite the cold weather and Xie Li wearing thin pajamas, why
was he sweating so profusely?

Xie Li remained calm, responded a few times to the person on the other
end, and finally said, “I understand,” before hanging up.

“Brother Li?” Yao Wei didn’t know why, but he started feeling nervous,
swallowing a lump in his throat.

Xie Li casually flicked the cigarette butt into the ashtray on the windowsill
and turned to Yao Wei. As he walked towards the room, he said, “Change
and get ready to go out.”

Yao Wei didn’t know what had happened, but seeing Xie Li’s expression, he
knew something significant had occurred.
Xie Li changed into a black tailored suit with a deep gray tie. He asked Yao
Wei to drive to the Harbor City Police Station. When they left, it was
already dawn. When they stopped the car in front of the police station, the
distant horizon was painted with orange hues.

The roadside in front of the police station was full of cars. A group of
police officers at the entrance were on high alert with loaded weapons.

Xie Li opened the car door and got out. He saw He Chuanyun and Song
Daozheng had already arrived. Not far ahead, the iconic vintage car of Ping
Xiang was parked on the side of the road. Through the lowered window,
Ping Xiang could be seen sitting in the back seat, looking out.

Upon seeing Xie Li, He Chuanyun approached him.

Both of them had calm expressions. Xie Li asked He Chuanyun, “What’s

going on?”

He Chuanyun said, “Mr. Chang and Mr. Xin are still inside undergoing

Xie Li handed a cigarette to He Chuanyun and asked, “What happened?”

He Chuanyun, biting the lit cigarette, looked up at the shiny police badge
above the police station building and said, “Ye Shaoyin was arrested for
drug trafficking early this morning. The police also brought Mr. Chang and
Mr. Xin in for questioning. Moreover, a large number of police forces are
currently searching Hongji’s pharmaceutical factory.”

Xie Li asked, “And the outcome?”

He Chuanyun shook his head, indicating he didn’t know.

At this moment, another car stopped by the roadside. The door opened, and
Chang Xiaojia, wearing a white shirt and black suit, got out. He had an
indifferent expression, walking straight towards the police station building.

Seeing him, Xie Li’s heart tightened instantly.

BLNDD chapter 66

As soon as Chang Xiaojia arrived, the group of club members naturally

crowded around at the entrance of the police station. Xie Li also walked
over, keeping a distance from Chang Xiaojia and standing not far away.

Xie Li heard Ping Xiang asking, “Has the lawyer arrived?”

Chang Xiaojia’s tone was calm as he replied, “Already here.”

Song Daozheng asked, “What’s the situation at the pharmaceutical factory


This time, it was Shi Hongqian, who was with Chang Xiaojia, responding,
“They are currently undergoing a search.”

After asking these questions, it was apparent that Chang Xiaojia didn’t
know more about the situation. Ping Xiang and Song Daozheng both looked
serious, huddling together to discuss quietly.

Xie Li saw He Chuanyun whispering something to Chang Xiaojia, but he

couldn’t hear it clearly. He only saw Chang Xiaojia nodding.

The debt that Ye Shaoyin owed was a scheme orchestrated by Xie Li and
He Chuanyun. The so-called outsiders were all brought in by He Chuanyun,
leveraging the influence of Huo Zhaoning’s power. The purpose was
simple: to use He Chuanyun’s and Ye Shaoyin’s personal grievances to trap
Ye Shaoyin and make some money on the side.

However, Ye Shaoyin, without involving the Chang father and son,

privately trafficked a new type of drug manufactured by Hongji
Pharmaceuticals. This was a trap set by Xie Li and Ruan Qiuyuan for Ye
Shaoyin, and He Chuanyun was unaware.
Perhaps He Chuanyun did not anticipate that the scam against Ye Shaoyin
would involve so much, implicating Hongji Pharmaceuticals and the Chang
father and son. Xie Li was somewhat worried that He Chuanyun might
suspect him.

Up until now, the best outcome would be for the police team conducting the
search at Hongji Pharmaceuticals to find evidence. This would prevent
Chang Guanshan and his son from leaving today. It could also be an
opportunity to thoroughly investigate Hongfang. Whether He Chuanyun
would suspect him or not didn’t seem very important.

But for some reason, Xie Li always had an unsettling feeling.

He wanted to smoke. He took out a cigarette box from his pocket, tapped
one out, placed it between his lips, and leaned against the car door with a
slanting posture.

Yao Wei took the initiative to come closer and helped him light the

After lighting the cigarette in his mouth, Xie Li, with smoke swirling in
front of his face, glanced in the direction of Chang Xiaojia.

Chang Xiaojia, rather than looking serious, seemed somewhat melancholic

due to the chill of early spring. The tip of his transparent nose glowed with
a faint red.

Shi Hongqian took a coat from the car and draped it over him. Chang
Xiaojia raised his hand, slid it into the coat sleeve, and wrapped himself up
tightly, concealing the slender waistline under the suit.

They waited until noon.

Chang Xiaojia received a phone call and then told Ping Xiang and the
others, “Dad is fine.”

Xie Li’s body stiffened suddenly; he felt a chill from head to toe. He wanted
to grab Chang Xiaojia’s arm to ask for details, but he couldn’t do anything.
He could only stand among the visibly relieved people, using smoking to
conceal his expression.

Someone helped Xie Li ask, “What happened?”

Chang Xiaojia slowly said, “The police didn’t find anything at the
pharmaceutical factory, and then, Ye Shaoyin confessed.”

After another ten minutes, Chang Guanshan and Chang Xin walked out of
the police station with the company of a lawyer.

Xie Li saw Chang Guanshan wearing a suit, draped in a long windbreaker.

The gold-rimmed glasses on his face were neatly placed, and his shiny
shoes made a steady sound as he walked. His entire demeanor seemed
unaffected by the early morning interrogation, maintaining composure.

Chang Xin’s face was slightly paler. It was said that he was taken away by
the police from a woman’s bed. Despite being given time to put on clothes,
he still looked somewhat disheveled. Moreover, the news was likely to
reach his girlfriend, Meng Haili.

Chang Guanshan, seeing many Hongfang brothers at the entrance of the

police station, smiled slightly as he approached and said, “It’s fine now;
everyone can disperse.” After that, he added, “You’ve all worked hard
today. Have a good lunch; it’s on me.”

As Chang Guanshan’s gaze swept over himself, Xie Li respectfully lowered

his head and said, “Mr. Chang.”

Chang Guanshan just nodded without saying anything. He then raised his
hand, embraced Chang Xiaojia, and patted his head, saying, “Look at
Xiaojia’s cold and red face. Let’s talk after we go back.”

Xie Li, Ping Xiang, Song Daozheng, and He Chuanyun went back to
Chang’s house with the Chang family, while others dispersed as needed.

Walking in front, Chang Guanshan entered the living room of the front
building. Ye Xinzhi, crying, welcomed him and hugged him.
She choked out, “Guanshan…”

Chang Guanshan patted her back, saying, “It’s okay. Go make some tea.
Ping Xiang and the others are here.”

Ye Xinzhi left his embrace, stood upright, and looked at him. She couldn’t
help but add, “my brother…”

Chang Guanshan’s face immediately darkened, and the corners of his mouth
drooped slightly.

Ye Xinzhi dared not say more and turned around to instruct the household
staff to prepare tea.

Taking off his windbreaker, Chang Guanshan sat down on the sofa and
invited others to do the same.

Xie Li didn’t sit on the sofa; instead, he habitually stood behind Chang

Chang Xin said to Chang Guanshan, “Dad, I’ll go change my clothes.”

Chang Guanshan nodded, “Go ahead.”

Before Chang Xin left, Ye Xinzhi walked to his side, held his hand, and
spoke softly. Chang Xin glanced back at Chang Guanshan, then pulled Ye
Xinzhi’s hand and left, saying, “Let’s talk outside.”

Chang Xiaojia still had a thick coat wrapped around him. He sat on the
armrest of the sofa where Chang Guanshan was sitting and soon bent over,
hands clasped in front of his stomach.

Chang Guanshan, with a very good temper, asked him, “Feeling unwell?”

Chang Xiaojia said, “I haven’t had breakfast.”

Chang Guanshan said, “I haven’t had breakfast either.”

Chang Xiaojia remained silent.

Chang Guanshan continued, “I guess everyone hasn’t had time for
breakfast. I’ll have the kitchen prepare some pastries and bring them over.”

The maid who was preparing tea heard this and quickly responded, “Okay,”
then hurriedly went to the kitchen.

Apart from Chang Guanshan, Ping Xiang was the oldest and had the most
experience. He asked, “Shan Ge, what’s the situation now?”

Chang Guanshan said, “This matter was originally caused by Ye Shaoyin

alone, unrelated to Hongji Pharmaceutical, and even less related to our

Song Daozheng said, “I heard that Ye Shaoyin sold the hottest new drugs on
the market this time. I don’t know where he got so much supply, and he
even dared to trade directly in Harbor City.”

Chang Guanshan shook his head with a look of resentment, “I’ve told him
many times not to touch drugs, not to touch drugs, but he just wouldn’t
listen. Now that something has happened, he almost implicated us.”

Xie Li listened quietly.

Song Daozheng asked again, “What trouble did Ye Shaoyin get into that he
urgently needed money?”

Xie Li subconsciously glanced at He Chuanyun, seeing He Chuanyun’s

calm expression, as if completely unrelated to this matter. He only looked at
Chang Guanshan with a concerned attitude, not lifting his gaze to Xie Li at

Chang Guanshan slowly said, “I also want to know the answer to this

Ping Xiang said, “Could someone be using Ye Shaoyin to cause trouble for
you, Shan Ge?”

At this moment, Chang Xiaojia suddenly lifted both legs, directly placing
his feet on the sofa, curling up his entire body.
Chang Guanshan seemed to be interrupted in his thoughts. He looked at
Chang Xiaojia and said in a deep voice, “What are you doing? This is a
sofa. You shouldn’t be wearing shoes when stepping on it.”

Chang Xiaojia then silently took off his shoes and tossed them to the
ground. He wasn’t wearing socks, and his toenails were round, clean, and

Chang Guanshan said nothing, just looked at him.

Chang Xiaojia spoke softly, “I’m hungry.”

Chang Guanshan raised his head and looked at Xie Li, saying, “Take him to

Chang Xiaojia immediately said, “I won’t go with him.”

Chang Guanshan coldly said, “Do you want me to take you personally?”

Chang Xiaojia fell silent.

Xie Li walked up to Chang Xiaojia, reaching out to him, “Xiaojia, let’s go.”

Chang Xiaojia lowered his head; he slid his feet into the shoes he was
wearing, leather shoes for which he hadn’t untied the laces, making it
difficult to put them on.

Everyone watched as he struggled to put on his shoes.

Chang Guanshan, impatient, waved his hand, “Hurry up and take him

Bending down, Xie Li picked up his pair of shoes, then lifted him off the
sofa, swiftly leaving the living room.
BLNDD chapter 67

Xie Li carried Chang Xiaojia to the dining room and placed him by the
rectangular dining table. Chang Xiaojia sat with his legs curled up, the soles
of his feet on the chair.

He didn’t look at Xie Li, just stared at the empty table.

Xie Li placed his shoes on the floor, stood up, one hand supporting himself
on the chair arm, and bent down to say, “I’ll go get you something to eat.”

Chang Xiaojia remained silent.

So, Xie Li walked towards the kitchen.

Chang Xiaojia lifted his hand to hug his knees, a childish movement that
looked mismatched with his suit.

After a while, Xie Li returned, holding a bowl of porridge and two steamed
buns with fresh milk. The maid followed him, brought a plate of side
dishes, placed it on the table, and immediately left.

Xie Li reached out to pull out a chair next to Chang Xiaojia, positioning it
towards him. He then sat down, moving the chair under Chang Xiaojia.

Chang Xiaojia turned his head away.

Xie Li reached for the bowl of porridge, lightly stirred it with a spoon,
touched a spoonful to his lips to check the temperature, and then placed it in
front of Chang Xiaojia.

Chang Xiaojia didn’t eat.

Xie Li said, “didn’t you say you were hungry?”

Chang Xiaojia still didn’t respond.

Xie Li continued to extend the spoon to his lips, almost touching them.
Suddenly, Chang Xiaojia raised his hand, swiftly knocking the spoon away.

The whole spoon flew from Xie Li’s hand and fell to the ground. Luckily, it
wasn’t porcelain, so the spoon didn’t break, but the porridge inside spilled
all over the floor.

Chang Xiaojia didn’t even look at him.

Xie Li stared blankly at the ground for a moment, then stood up to pick up
the spoon. He used tissues to clean the floor.

He went to the kitchen, exchanged the dirty spoon for a clean one, and
returned to sit across from Chang Xiaojia. He asked, “Do you still want the
porridge? Should I ask them to make something else for you in the

Finally, Chang Xiaojia looked at him. His fair face displayed a cold look as
he said, “I don’t need anything from you. You can leave.”

Xie Li looked into his eyes and said softly, “Xiaojia.”

Chang Xiaojia replied, “I can’t eat anything while looking at you.”

After a moment of silence, Xie Li finally stood up and said, “Then take
your time to eat. I’ll go out first.”

He left the dining room and returned to the living room. Not long after,
Chang Guanshan went to his room to rest. The others also left one by one.
Since Chang Guanshan didn’t assign any tasks to Xie Li, he stayed.

In the afternoon, he sat alone on a recliner in the courtyard, smoking. He

had many things to do – to check the situation at Hongji Pharmaceutical, to
confirm Ye Shaoyin’s situation, and to contact Ruan Qiuyuan. But he
couldn’t do anything.
Chang Guanshan was resting upstairs in his room, but Xie Li knew that he
wouldn’t just be peacefully sleeping today. Chang Guanshan wouldn’t need
to think much to suspect that someone was behind Ye Shaoyin. The next
step would be to investigate Ye Shaoyin’s situation. Whoever made a move
at this time would actively present themselves to Chang Guanshan.

Xie Li finished smoking a cigarette, forcefully pinched the burning cigarette

butt against his skin impulsively, as if intense pain could relieve his

Chang Guanshan slept for the entire afternoon and by the evening, he
looked physically and emotionally fine.

Xie Li asked him, “Mr. Chang, is there anything else you need me to do?”

Chang Guanshan shook his head and said, “Sit down and have dinner with

Xie Li had a bad feeling in his heart. During dinner, he had no appetite at
all, but to prevent Chang Guanshan from noticing, he still ate a lot. Later, he
couldn’t help feeling nauseous, so he put down his chopsticks, sat on the
chair, and started smoking.

Chang Guanshan also finished his meal. Gracefully wiping his mouth with
a napkin, he looked at Chang Xin and asked, “Why didn’t your younger
brother come for dinner?”

Chang Xin replied, “I called him, but he said he didn’t want to eat.”

Chang Guanshan just nodded. Then, he looked at Xie Li and said, “After
dinner, don’t rush to leave. Stay with me for a while.”

Xie Li, feeling anxious, nodded calmly. Leaning forward with his elbows
on the dining table, he asked, “Mr. Chang, about Ye Shaoyin…”

Before he could finish speaking, he saw Chang Guanshan shake his head.
Sitting across from him, Ye Xinzhi suddenly reddened her eyes, pushed the
bowl off the table, stood up, and left the dining room.
However, she didn’t go upstairs. Instead, she went outside.

Chang Xin said to Chang Guanshan, “I’ll go check on Mom.”

Chang Guanshan replied, “Go ahead, don’t let her do anything foolish for
her brother.”

Chang Xin said, “I understand.”

After dinner, Xie Li accompanied Chang Guanshan in the living room,

drinking tea until after ten o’clock. Ye Xinzhi and Chang Xin hadn’t
returned from outside.

Chang Guanshan sat quietly in the living room, holding a teacup in one
hand, closing his eyes to rest. After a while, his phone suddenly rang.

Xie Li saw him open his eyes suddenly but slowly put down the teacup. He
reached out, picked up the phone on the coffee table, and answered without

Faint voices could be heard from the other end of the phone.

Chang Guanshan listened silently for a while, hung up, and looked at Xie
Li. He said, “Let’s go.”

Xie Li’s heart skipped a beat. He nodded and stood up, waiting for Chang
Guanshan to get up. He watched as the servant helped him put on his coat,
and then followed him outside.

Chang Guanshan said to Xie Li, “You drive.”

Xie Li asked, “Mr. Chang, where are we going?”

Chang Guanshan said indifferently, “Yushui Wharf.”

Yushui Wharf was an abandoned dock. The last time Xie Li took Han Yue
away, he drove to Yushui Wharf, claiming to throw him into the sea but
secretly released him. It was desolate enough, conveniently suitable for
disposing of bodies.
Chang Guanshan didn’t explain why they were going to the dock. Xie Li
didn’t ask any more questions. He drove Chang Guanshan away from
Chang’s residence. Before getting into the car, he subconsciously glanced at
the small building where Chang Xiaojia lived on the second floor. He saw
Chang Xiaojia standing on the balcony, watching him.

The car drove along the lakeside road, heading towards darkness. Xie Li’s
heart became heavier and heavier. He looked at Chang Guanshan sitting in
the back seat through the rearview mirror.

The lenses of Chang Guanshan’s glasses reflected the light from the street
lamps, and his expression couldn’t be seen clearly.

Xie Li suddenly had the impulse to kill Chang Guanshan right there. Maybe
everything would be resolved. But he couldn’t. He hadn’t found the
evidence he needed yet. Even if this was a dead end, he had to grit his teeth
and drive the car to the end.
BLNDD chapter 68

The road to Yushui Wharf was old and narrow, with no streetlights on either
side. Pressing down the car window, one could feel the sea breeze mixed
with a damp, salty odor.

Silently driving the car, Xie Li suddenly thought he should leave a farewell
letter, handing it to Yu Zhengkun. If he died, he hoped Yu Zhengkun would
deliver his letter to Chang Xiaojia.

With no real family and nothing much to say to others, the only person he
couldn’t abandon in this world was Chang Xiaojia.

The car approached its destination.

Xie Li saw a parked car on the side of the road, someone smoking inside,
but they didn’t greet them. So, he continued driving forward until they
finally stopped at the open space of the old dock. There were no lights on
the dock, but several cars were already parked there. Illuminated by car
headlights, Xie Li saw Song Daozheng, He Chuanyun, and some other
people from the Hongfang group.

Xie Li got out of the car and helped Chang Guanshan open the car door.
Chang Guanshan adjusted the coat on his shoulders and walked slowly,
asking, “Where are they?”

Song Daozheng said, “They’ve been brought here.”

Then, Xie Li saw two people coming down from a car close to the shore.
He had seen both of them before; they were Ye Shaoyin’s subordinates.
They opened the back door of the car and pulled a woman out.

That woman was Ruan Qiuyuan.

In fact, Xie Li wasn’t surprised. He had even prepared his facial expression.
This time, they couldn’t bring down Chang Guanshan along with Ye
Shaoyin, and Ruan Qiuyuan would likely be the first to expose everything.
So, Xie Li had discussed with Ruan Qiuyuan. As soon as Ye Shaoyin was
caught, Ruan Qiuyuan would leave first, preferably picked up by someone
arranged by Yu Zhengkun, leaving the Harbor City.

But it seemed they were a step too late.

Ye Shaoyin’s two subordinates, one of them grabbing Ruan Qiuyuan’s hair,

walked in front of Chang Guanshan. One of them said, “Mr. Chang, as soon
as Ye Ge had trouble, this woman wanted to run.”

Chang Guanshan remained calm. He walked slowly to Ruan Qiuyuan and

asked, “Miss Ruan, why are you running?”

Ruan Qiuyuan lowered her head and said, “What’s the point of staying? I
wanted to leave Ye Shaoyin a long time ago.”

Chang Guanshan said, “I heard that Ye Shaoyin quite liked you. Why? Do
you dislike him so much? Or do you prefer someone like Du Shenglian, an
old man with one foot in the grave?”

Ruan Qiuyuan raised her head, looking at Chang Guanshan with a calm

The man holding her hair tightened his grip, almost forcing Ruan Qiuyuan
to kneel on the ground.

Chang Guanshan said, “The people who traded with Ye Shaoyin were
contacted through your previous connections with Du Shenglian. Du
Shenglian called me this afternoon, saying he didn’t know anything. He
thinks you are a big problem. Do you know what he means?”

Ruan Qiuyuan shook her head, “Mr. Chang, I really don’t know. When Ye
Shaoyin needed money, I found people for him to do business with, trying
to raise some funds for him.”
Chang Guanshan sighed. He turned to Xie Li and said, “Xie Li, what do
you think?”

Xie Li spoke calmly, “Mr. Chang, I have nothing to say about her matters. I
don’t know anything.”

Chang Guanshan took off his glasses, wiped them with a handkerchief from
his pocket, and put them back on, saying, “I heard there’s something
between you and her. My Xiaojia isn’t happy about it. What do you think,
Xie Li?”

Xie Li replied, “That’s in the past. We broke up when she chose Ye


Chang Guanshan glanced at Ruan Qiuyuan and then said to Xie Li, “It
seems she doesn’t even look at you now.”

Taking a deep breath, Xie Li, standing in front of Ruan Qiuyuan, asked with
a voice audible to everyone, “Did you betray Ye Shaoyin?”

Ruan Qiuyuan only looked at him when he spoke, shaking her head.

Chang Guanshan said, “You are asking the wrong question. Xie Li, you
should ask her if she’s an undercover agent for the police.”

Xie Li’s heartbeat slowed. He heard himself asking with an emotionless

voice, “Are you an undercover agent?”

Ruan Qiuyuan suddenly chuckled, saying, “If I were an undercover agent,

would I sacrifice myself to this extent?”

Before she could finish her words, Chang Guanshan also laughed and said,
“I think what she said makes sense. What do you think, Xie Li?”

Xie Li turned, looking at Chang Guanshan. Behind the lenses, Chang

Guanshan’s eyes became sharp, and he asked, “Do you have nothing to say
Xie Li’s tone was low, “Mr. Chang, I won’t betray you for a woman. But
since she’s a woman I once slept with, I indeed have nothing more to say

Chang Guanshan suddenly pulled out a gun and handed it directly to Xie Li,
saying, “Then don’t say anything. Just do it.”

Now there were two choices in front of Xie Li: kill Ruan Qiuyuan, continue
undercover next to Chang Guanshan, or choose to reveal his identity, die
together with Ruan Qiuyuan.

However, when Xie Li reached for the gun, he knew he had a third choice.
He could protect Ruan Qiuyuan and retreat by aiming the gun at Chang
Guanshan, using him as leverage to escape with Ruan Qiuyuan.

Yet, the moment he grasped the gun, he immediately abandoned this idea.
His peripheral vision noticed several guns aimed at him in the darkness, and
the weight of this particular gun felt wrong; there might not be real bullets

He took the gun, turned around, and aimed it at Ruan Qiuyuan.

Chang Guanshan slowly stepped back, and two tall subordinates stood in
front of him. It was only when Xie Li was almost about to pull the trigger,
that Chang Guanshan spoke, “Wait, change the gun.”

Someone handed another gun to Xie Li. This gun was noticeably heavier,
and Xie Li knew there were real bullets inside.

Just now, Chang Guanshan was clearly testing him. If he had taken the gun
and immediately used it to threaten Chang Guanshan, someone in the dark
would have shot and killed him and Ruan Qiuyuan on the spot. Why would
Chang Guanshan expose himself to danger like that?

Xie Li passed Chang Guanshan’s first test and was now facing the main
event. He had a gun. The choice was to sacrifice a comrade and continue
the mission or use the gun to break out of the encirclement with the
But they couldn’t break out. Many guns were aimed at Ruan Qiuyuan
behind Xie Li, ready to shoot at any moment.

Xie Li understood this, and how could Ruan Qiuyuan not? She suddenly
struggled to stand up and staggered backward.

At that moment, Xie Li heard the sounds of several bullets being loaded.

Ruan Qiuyuan backed up all the way to the seashore, with the seawall
behind her. If she fell backward, she would plunge straight into the sea.

“I don’t love Ye Shaoyin; he deserves it!” Ruan Qiuyuan suddenly shouted.

Xie Li’s face remained calm, but his chest heaved violently, and his fingers
gripping the gun turned pale.

Afterward, Ruan Qiuyuan laughed, a somewhat desolate laughter. She

looked at Xie Li with a firm gaze, almost about to ask Xie Li to shoot her.
However, in the end, she said, “I hate you!” After saying that, she raised her
hands and tilted backward.

Xie Li fired. He saw his bullet pierce through Ruan Qiuyuan’s left shoulder,
leaving a trail of blood in the air. Then, along with her body, the blood
plunged into the sea.

He fired a second shot, unsure if he hit her. Then, he chased after her, firing
a third shot toward the water.

Behind Xie Li, several people caught up, all staring at the dark sea. Some
aimed their guns at the water, ready to shoot, and waited breathlessly. After
several minutes passed, no one emerged from the water.

It wasn’t until over ten minutes later that Xie Li returned to Chang
Guanshan’s side. He bowed and said, “Mr. Chang, Ruan Qiuyuan should be
dead by now. Do you need someone to handle the scene?”

He Chuanyun was standing not far from Chang Guanshan and said, “I’ll do
it, Mr. Chang.”
Chang Guanshan nodded. He patted Xie Li on the shoulder and said, “You
did well.” After that, he added, “She’s just a woman; don’t let her be a

Xie Li said, “I understand.”

He drove Chang Guanshan back to his home along the same route, and by
then, it was already early morning.

Chang Guanshan got out of the car and went back to the building to sleep.
Xie Li parked the car in the garage, and the moment he got out of the car, he
almost knelt on one knee.

He stood up expressionlessly, hands shaking, and then he inserted his

trembling hands into the pockets of his pants, walking towards the direction
of the small building where Chang Xiaojia lived.
BLNDD chapter 69

Xie Li stood on the second floor in front of Chang Xiaojia’s door, gently

There was no response from inside.

However, he could see the light in the room from outside. Knowing that
Chang Xiaojia must be in, he didn’t give up. After waiting for a while, he
knocked again.

After about five minutes, the door finally opened from the inside.

Chang Xiaojia, wearing a soft pajama, stood at the doorway with a gloomy
expression, looking at him.

Without any words, Xie Li reached out and hugged him.

Chang Xiaojia struggled while moving backward.

However, Xie Li refused to let go. In a low voice, he said, “Xiaojia, I beg

Chang Xiaojia kept retreating until he reached the edge of the bed. Xie Li
pressed him down on the bed. Angrily, Chang Xiaojia tried to push Xie Li
away, but Xie Li held onto his waist, burying his face in his chest,
remaining still.

Xie Li had no strength left in his body. Even though he used no force, his
entire being felt particularly heavy when he didn’t exert any effort. Chang
Xiaojia’s attempts to push him away failed.
The window and curtains in the room were still open, allowing the cold
night breeze from Qingshui Lake to continuously flow in. A small night
light, which Chang Xiaojia turned on when he slept, illuminated the entire
room with a gentle glow.

Everything Xie Li perceived was soft, including Chang Xiaojia’s pajamas

and his body, making him want to hold onto it forever, never letting go,
never getting up.

He was too tired, physically and mentally; he couldn’t hold on anymore.

“I might not live much longer,” Xie Li suddenly said. He just had a feeling
that, even if he survived tonight after shooting Ruan Qiuyuan, he wouldn’t
be the same person as before.

When Chang Xiaojia heard this, his whole body stiffened suddenly, then
gradually relaxed. He stopped struggling and instead, hugged Xie Li.

“Xiaojia,” Xie Li whispered, “when I have time, I’ll take you on a trip.”

Chang Xiaojia asked, “Where to?”

Xie Li said, “Anywhere you want.”

Chang Xiaojia murmured, “You’re lying to me.”

Xie Li grabbed his hand, placing it on his chest. “I’m not lying. If you don’t
believe me then, kill me. My life is in your hands.”

Chang Xiaojia remained silent.

After that, Xie Li didn’t move anymore. He quietly buried his face in Chang
Xiaojia’s embrace, not making a sound for a long time.

After a long while, Chang Xiaojia touched his cheek with his fingertips and
felt that Xie Li had been crying. Chang Xiaojia’s fingers moved to his ear,
then into his hair.
“I have 300,000 yuan in savings at Chongfeng Bank. The card is in the
drawer under the bedside table in my current room. The password is
911611,” Xie Li said in a cold tone.

“I don’t need your money,” Chang Xiaojia said indifferently.

“I know you don’t need it, but I don’t know who to give it to. If I die—” He
didn’t finish the sentence.

Chang Xiaojia looked at the ceiling. “Why would you die?”

“People die,” Xie Li said.

Chang Xiaojia seemed a bit dazed. “Then why isn’t it me who dies?”

Xie Li nuzzled into his embrace, enjoying his softness. “You won’t die.”

Later, Xie Li fell asleep in Chang Xiaojia’s arms. He slept very deeply, not
even having a single dream. He woke up when it was just getting light.

Chang Xiaojia seemed to have slept well too. When embraced by Xie Li, it
was always when he slept the best.

In the dim light, Xie Li carefully observed his face for a long time. He
kissed him lightly on the lips and then got up to leave.

Chang Xiaojia unconsciously turned over, wrapped in the blanket, curled

up, and fell back into a deep sleep.


Ruan Qiuyuan felt herself floating in the sea, sometimes rising, sometimes
sinking. At first, it was all darkness, with immense pressure enveloping her,
making it difficult to breathe. Then, she sensed a faint light, swam towards
it with all her strength, struggled, and finally broke free from the darkness,
opening her eyes in the light.

The moment she opened her eyes, she felt immense pain. She opened her
mouth to breathe, only to realize there was an oxygen tube hanging on her
nose. She opened and closed her eyes, unable to adapt to the light for a
while. After a long time, she slowly opened them again.

Then she saw a person sitting on a chair by the bed.

A young, pretty, and somewhat pale face—Chang Xiaojia sat on the chair
beside the hospital bed, wearing a suit with a tie, but he was restlessly
rocking the chair beneath him.

Seeing Ruan Qiuyuan awake, Chang Xiaojia’s face remained expressionless

as he coldly stared at her.

Ruan Qiuyuan struggled to speak, but her chest hurt severely when she
opened her mouth.

Chang Xiaojia said, “If you can’t speak, don’t force yourself. Just listen.”

Ruan Qiuyuan looked at him with a pale face.

Chang Xiaojia stopped rocking the chair, sat up straight on the wooden
chair, and said, “This is a private clinic. You’re out of the danger zone, so
you won’t die for the time being.”

A weak cold sweat broke out on Ruan Qiuyuan’s forehead.

Chang Xiaojia continued, “Stay here, don’t leave, and don’t ask anything.
‘Won’t die for the time being’ means that if you dare to go out and cause
trouble for Xie Li, I’ll make sure you die immediately.”

Ruan Qiuyuan looked at him for a moment, nodded with difficulty.

Chang Xiaojia stood up from the bedside, walked to Ruan Qiuyuan,

lowered his head to look at her, and suddenly pulled out a small knife from
his jacket pocket. He aimed the blade at Ruan Qiuyuan’s face, pressing it
almost against her skin. In the end, he put the knife away, saying, “Forget it,
not interesting.”

Outside the ward, someone knocked on the door, then opened it and called,
“Young Master Jia.”
Ruan Qiuyuan saw that it was Shi Hongqian.

Chang Xiaojia nodded at Shi Hongqian, walked outside, and as he walked,

he said, “Keep an eye on her. Make sure nothing happens.”

Shi Hongqian responded, “Alright.”

Since that night when Xie Li slept in Chang Xiaojia’s room, the two hadn’t
seen each other for many days.

Ye Shaoyin confessed at the police station that he was selling the new type
of drugs but denied manufacturing them himself. He also denied any
connection with Hongji Pharmaceuticals and Hongfang.

He even revealed a supplier for the drugs, but the police couldn’t verify the
existence of this person.

In other words, Ye Shaoyin bore the entire responsibility for this matter.

Due to the large quantity of drugs involved, Ye Shaoyin would likely spend
the rest of his life in prison.

Because of this, Ye Xinzhi had a big argument with Chang Guanshan. Later,
Chang Guanshan arranged for her to go to a health resort outside the city,
advising her not to return home temporarily. When Ye Xinzhi left, Chang
Xin accompanied her. Chang Guanshan’s intention was for Chang Xin to
take a break outside as well. After all, as long as Ye Shaoyin’s case
remained unsolved, Hongji Pharmaceuticals could be implicated at any

Chang Guanshan had initially planned to relocate the entire pharmaceutical

factory to Southeast Asia. However, due to this incident, the plan was
temporarily put on hold. He handed over the management of Hongji
Pharmaceuticals to Xie Li temporarily.

Hongji Pharmaceuticals had stopped operations due to the investigation.

Standing in the spacious factory, Xie Li touched the clean metal workbench
on the assembly line. After a moment, he lifted his hand to sniff and
thought, why can’t they find anything here when it’s clearly a drug
manufacturing site?
BLNDD chapter 70

Recently, Xie Li had been frequently visiting the Chang family. With Ye
Shaoyin arrested and Chang Xin gone, many matters required him to report
directly to Chang Guanshan.

Chang Guanshan, who usually appeared indifferent, seemed a bit worn out
lately. He had even fallen ill a few days ago. When Xie Li visited him, he
was lying on the bed with a robe over his pajamas, wearing glasses and
reading a book.

After chatting with Xie Li for a while, he set the book aside, took off his
glasses, rubbed his nose bridge, closed his eyes, and said somewhat
impatiently, “You can leave now.”

Xie Li stood up. “Alright, I’ll leave.”

In fact, Xie Li was tired too. These past few days, he had gone through all
the records and ledgers of Hongji Pharmaceuticals, but there were no illegal
operations. Xie Li was well aware that either Chang Xin’s group was
extremely cautious, leaving no records at all, or Chang Guanshan didn’t
trust him, knowing he couldn’t obtain any evidence, which is why he
handed over Hongji Pharmaceuticals to him.

As he was about to leave, Chang Guanshan suddenly stopped him, saying,

“Help me call Xiaojia over.”

Xie Li paused, nodded, and replied, “Sure, Mr. Chang.”

When he came out of the main building, he could have made a call to Shi
Hongqian or informed the household staff to find Chang Xiaojia in the rear
villa. However, he chose to personally walk to the back.
He wanted to see Chang Xiaojia.

Climbing the stairs to the second floor of the villa, Xie Li heard music
coming from Chang Xiaojia’s room. Accompanied by a soft, clear female
voice, the music echoed in the somewhat empty building. The song was an
old one, at least twenty years old. Xie Li felt like he had heard it before, or
at least, it was from a time when Chang Xiaojia wasn’t born yet.

Originally, he intended to knock on the door, but his fingers touched the
doorknob first. He found that the door wasn’t locked, so he pushed it open

In the gentle music, Chang Xiaojia sat on the bed, clad in gray pants, an
open white shirt, and smoking. The ashtray was on the bedside table. After
a few puffs, he stretched his slender wrists, tapping the cigarette on the edge
of the ashtray, and then brought it back to his lips, continuing to hold the
slightly moist cigarette between them.

The balcony’s French windows were open, letting in the damp coolness of
early spring. Chang Xiaojia was gazing outside from his perspective, able to
see the tender green buds among the branches and leaves of the large tree in
front of the building.

Xie Li closed the door before slowly walking over.

Chang Xiaojia, as if unaware, didn’t even glance at him.

Sitting down by the bed, Xie Li reached his hands to the buttons on Chang
Xiaojia’s chest, fastening them one by one.

Chang Xiaojia finally turned his head to look at him.

In a calm tone, Xie Li said, “You’ll catch a cold.”

Chang Xiaojia exhaled smoke on Xie Li’s face.

Unperturbed, Xie Li finished buttoning up his shirt, picked up the nearby

coat, and draped it over him. He said, “Your dad is looking for you.”
Chang Xiaojia’s eyelashes trembled slightly. He extinguished the cigarette
in the ashtray.

Xie Li said, “I’ll go with you.”

Chang Xiaojia put on his shoes, zipped up the coat, and tucked his hands
into the pockets of his jacket. In a cold tone, he said, “Do as you please.”

Xie Li lifted his hand to tidy up Chang Xiaojia’s messy hair.

Chang Xiaojia just glanced at him without avoiding it.

Suddenly, Xie Li asked, “Why are you listening to this song?”

Chang Xiaojia didn’t answer until they were about to leave the room. He
said, “It’s my mom’s favorite song.”

Accompanying Chang Xiaojia, they went to Chang Guanshan’s room

together. In reality, Xie Li didn’t need to follow him. He was just genuinely

Upon seeing Xie Li, Chang Guanshan didn’t say much. He only asked
Chang Xiaojia, “What have you been up to lately?”

Chang Xiaojia, with his hands behind his back, lowered his head without

Chang Guanshan leaned against the bedside, looking weary and serious.
“Why aren’t you answering when I ask you a question?”

Chang Xiaojia spoke softly, “Just hanging out at home.”

“Don’t you know I am sick?” Chang Guanshan’s tone turned icy.

Chang Xiaojia remained silent.

Chang Guanshan continued, “From when I got sick until now, have you
visited me even once?”
Xie Li’s lips slightly parted, intending to say a few words to help Chang
Xiaojia. However, Chang Xiaojia, who chose to stay in his room, listening
to music and not even bothering to look at the ailing Chang Guanshan, truly
couldn’t justify any excuses. So, Xie Li remained silent.

“Xiaojia,” Chang Guanshan asked him, “Are you dissatisfied with Dad?”

Chang Xiaojia moved his pale lips and said, “I’m not.”

Chang Guanshan sighed. “With so much going on recently, tell me, what
can you do to help me share the burden?”

Chang Xiaojia said, “I don’t know.”

Chang Guanshan took off his glasses, rubbed his nose bridge, lightly
pressed his temples with his fingers, and then said, “From now on, you stay
in this room with me and don’t go anywhere.”

Xie Li couldn’t help but look at Chang Xiaojia. He saw his face growing
paler, then heard him softly say a “no.”

This time, not to mention Chang Guanshan, even Xie Li was stunned for a

Sure enough, right after that, Chang Guanshan got angry. He raised his hand
and forcefully pushed the glass of water on the bedside table to the floor. “Is
this how indifferent you are to my condition? I am sick, and you won’t even
stay in the room with me for a day?”

Xie Li finally spoke, “Xiaojia—”

But Chang Xiaojia interrupted, saying, “I don’t want to.”

Chang Guanshan seemed frustrated. “Since you don’t want to, then you’d
rather be locked up. It seems you prefer being alone.”

Xie Li knew that Chang Xiaojia was afraid of being locked up, so he
immediately grabbed Chang Xiaojia’s wrist and said, “Stay here with your
father, okay?”
Chang Xiaojia still shook his head. He said, “I won’t.”

Xie Li felt somewhat helpless.

Chang Guanshan said to Xie Li, “Xie Li, take him to the downstairs room
and keep him there until dinner. Don’t let him out before that.”

Xie Li wanted to persuade, “Mr. Chang…”

Chang Guanshan closed his eyes and said coldly, “If you don’t do as I say,
I’ll have him locked up until tomorrow morning.”

In the end, Xie Li could only respond, “Okay, I understand.”

He went to grab Chang Xiaojia’s hand, thinking that Chang Xiaojia would
be afraid and struggle. Unexpectedly, this time Chang Xiaojia obediently
followed him out.

Until they went downstairs, Xie Li said to him, “Xiaojia, be good.

Otherwise, I won’t be able to explain to Mr. Chang.”

After saying this, he didn’t get a response from Chang Xiaojia. Unable to
help himself, he turned around to look at him, only to see Chang Xiaojia’s
pale face, vacant eyes, as if he hadn’t heard a word he said.

Xie Li stopped and used his warm palm to hold his hand.

Chang Xiaojia trembled slightly, and his eyes finally focused as he looked
at Xie Li’s face.

Xie Li said, “Don’t be afraid. Come with me.”

Chang Xiaojia didn’t resist and let Xie Li lead him downstairs.

When the household staff opened the door to the first-floor room with a key,
they whispered, “Did the Second Young Master upset the Old Master
Chang Xiaojia seemed to have just come to his senses at this moment. He
glanced at the empty room without windows, began to retreat, and said,
“Xie Li.”

Xie Li grabbed his hand and said, “Don’t be afraid. I am here.”

Chang Xiaojia looked at him, his eyes red, vigorously shaking his head.

Xie Li said to the staff, “I’ll stay here with him. Lock the door from the

The staff paused at his words.

Xie Li continued, “Mr. Chang said to let Xiaojia out before dinner. So let us
out before then.”

The staff then nodded somewhat bewilderedly and said, “Oh.”

Xie Li held Chang Xiaojia’s hand, half-dragging, half-carrying him into the

It wasn’t a completely empty room; there was a three-person sofa inside

where someone could lie down. However, there were no windows, so once
the door closed, the room would be completely devoid of light.

The room was not large, about the size of a small single bedroom.

After Xie Li pulled Chang Xiaojia into the room, the door closed from the
outside, and Xie Li heard the sound of the key locking.

The room plunged into complete darkness, making it impossible to see


Suddenly, Chang Xiaojia hugged Xie Li tightly, shaking all over, and cried
out, “Xie Li, Xie Li…”

Xie Li said, “I’m here.” He simply lifted Chang Xiaojia up, relying on his
memory, took a few steps forward, found the sofa, and sat down.
Chang Xiaojia sat on his lap, burying his face in his chest, with Xie Li’s
arms tightly wrapped around his waist.

Xie Li held him, stroking his hair, and said, “It’s okay, it’s okay. I’m here.”
BLNDD chapter 71

In the complete darkness, time seemed to freeze, and it was impossible to

know how long had passed.

In reality, Xie Li had his phone with him; he could check the time or even
use the flashlight. However, he didn’t do so because he wanted to
understand what Chang Xiaojia was afraid of.

Chang Xiaojia in his arms gradually became quiet. He stopped trembling

visibly, and there were no more panicked sounds, just holding onto Xie Li
tightly. Whenever Xie Li moved, he would immediately hold him even
tighter, calling him softly with a tender voice, “Xie Li…”

Xie Li would respond, “I’m here. Don’t be afraid.”

Eventually, Xie Li felt tired. He wanted to lie down while still holding him.

Chang Xiaojia reacted strongly, clinging tightly to his neck, saying, “Don’t

Xie Li said, “I won’t leave. Can we lie down?”

He wrapped one arm around Chang Xiaojia’s back, soothing his anxious
emotions, and they lay down on the sofa. It was a bit cramped, so he had
Chang Xiaojia lie on the inner side. The narrow space strangely made
Chang Xiaojia feel a bit safer in his arms.

Chang Xiaojia’s breathing was rapid and heavy.

After lying down, Xie Li gently kissed his lips.

At first, Chang Xiaojia was a bit sluggish, but he gradually responded
awkwardly. He hugged Xie Li tightly, gently rubbing against him. It seemed
that getting immersed in other emotions and desires could alleviate his fear.

However, shortly after, Xie Li ended the kiss. He leaned back, still feeling
Chang Xiaojia searching for his lips discontentedly. Slowly releasing his
grip on Chang Xiaojia’s back, Xie Li turned away from the sofa.

Chang Xiaojia suddenly snapped back to reality. He sat up abruptly,

widened his eyes, and, in the room where nothing could be seen, looked
around in confusion, trembling as he called out, “Xie Li?”

Xie Li’s throat moved slightly. He tried to muster the courage and calmly
asked, “Xiaojia, what did you see?”

Chang Xiaojia turned his head towards the direction of Xie Li’s voice and
said softly, “Xie Li, where are you?” He reached out to feel around.

The room wasn’t large, and Xie Li hadn’t moved far. Chang Xiaojia
grabbed hold of the hem of his clothes, and he didn’t speak.

Kneeling on the sofa, Chang Xiaojia leaned in to hug him.

Xie Li stood still.

After hugging him for a while without feeling any response, Chang Xiaojia
suddenly lifted his head in horror and called out, “Xie Li?”

Not wanting him to be too frightened, Xie Li spoke, “Yes.”

Chang Xiaojia said, “Xie Li, can you hug me?”

Xie Li said, “First, tell me, what did you see in the darkness?” He wanted to
know what Chang Xiaojia had experienced and why he was so scared.

Chang Xiaojia’s breathing was particularly audible in the silence. He

remained silent for a long time, then slowly loosened his grip on Xie Li’s
hands. He curled up in the corner of the sofa.
After waiting for a while, Xie Li had to take the initiative to approach him,
asking, “Did Chang Xin hit you?”

Chang Xiaojia didn’t answer.

One leg on the sofa, Xie Li, following Chang Xiaojia’s breathing, found
him. With one hand on the back of the sofa and the other on the sofa
armrest, Xie Li trapped Chang Xiaojia in front of him, asking, “Why can’t
you tell me? What are you afraid of?”

Chang Xiaojia still didn’t respond.

Xie Li was almost disappointed. He thought maybe it was better to hug him
and stop him from suffering too much.

Just as he was about to wrap Chang Xiaojia in his arms, he suddenly spoke
with a frightened tone, “There’s a door.”

Xie Li was startled, then immediately asked, “What door?”

Chang Xiaojia said, “There’s a crack in the door, and I looked outside
through that crack once.”

In an instant, Xie Li felt a tingling sensation on his scalp, as if a dreadful

truth awaited him. He subconsciously lowered his voice, as if afraid to
disturb Chang Xiaojia. In his softest tone, he asked, “So, what did you see?”

“Quarreling,” Chang Xiaojia said.

“Who was quarreling with whom?”

“Dad and Mom.”

Xie Li asked, “And then?”

“They fought. Dad stood in the way, so I couldn’t see.”

After a moment of thought, Xie Li asked, “How did you leave that dark
place later?”
“Dad left, and Mom lay on the bed. I pushed the door open and ran out.”

Xie Li moistened his dry lips and embraced him, letting him lean against
his chest. Suddenly, he hesitated to continue questioning.

But Chang Xiaojia continued on his own, saying, “When I went out, I saw
Mom’s eyes were open. I was confused. Why didn’t she look at me or call
out to me?”

Xie Li pressed his head against his chest.

Chang Xiaojia continued, “I thought Mom was angry, so I went to the yard
to pick some flowers for her. When I came back, someone stopped me.
They said Mom was dead, and I never saw her again.”

Xie Li suddenly remembered the room where Chang Guanshan was. There
was a wardrobe in the room, an old-fashioned one with wooden doors
instead of sliding doors.

It seems that was where Chang Xiaojia hid, witnessing his father killing his
mother. Perhaps, at that moment, he couldn’t comprehend it, but looking
back, he would understand that the last time he saw his mother was when
she lay on the bed with lifeless eyes wide open.

Chang Xiaojia’s fear of darkness wasn’t due to being locked up by Chang

Xin; it was the nightmare he witnessed hiding in the dark wardrobe that he
couldn’t verbalize, making him fear the darkness.

Chang Guanshan, on the other hand, discovered Chang Xiaojia’s fear of the
dark and subsequently used the method of locking him in a dark room as a
form of threat and punishment.

With Chang Guanshan falling ill, Chang Xiaojia refused to see him because
he was afraid to enter that room. He even preferred being locked up in the
dark room rather than staying in Chang Guanshan’s room.

Xie Li asked him, “Is it in the room where your dad is now?”
Chang Xiaojia didn’t answer, but suddenly began to tremble. He grabbed
Xie Li’s clothes tightly, and due to the intense shaking, his teeth produced a
faint clicking sound.

Feeling distressed, Xie Li hugged him tightly, saying, “Don’t be afraid,

don’t be afraid. I won’t ask anymore.”

Although he didn’t get an answer, Xie Li still knew. He began to sense

Chang Xiaojia’s fear. Chang Guanshan had killed his wife in his room, yet
he could live there for so many years without changing his expression. He
was probably the most cold-blooded and terrifying person Xie Li had ever
encountered. No, he wasn’t human at all, just a demon wearing a human

When Xie Li snapped out of that moment of fear, he realized that Chang
Xiaojia had already fallen asleep in his arms. He gently touched his face,
and his fingertips touched a trace of moisture—Chang Xiaojia’s tears.
Realizing this, he used his lips to touch Chang Xiaojia’s tears. The taste was
bitter and salty, but he reluctantly continued kissing his damp cheeks.
BLNDD chapter 72

The door of the room remained closed until dinner time when the household
help from the Chang family opened it from the outside.

By that time, Xiaojia had already woken up. He still lay in Xie Li’s arms,
reluctant to get up, only opening his moist eyes to look at Xie Li in the light
coming through the door.

Xie Li kissed his lips.

Xiaojia seemed a bit dazed, lifting his hand to hold Xie Li’s neck tightly,
calling out, “Xie Li.”

“I’m here,” Xie Li said.

At this moment, Shi Hongqian’s figure appeared at the door. He didn’t

come in, just softly called into the room, “Young Master Jia?”

Xiaojia didn’t answer him.

Xie Li asked, “What’s the matter?”

Shi Hongqian inquired, “Is everything okay?”

Xie Li glanced at Xiaojia, who seemed calmer now, and said, “It’s fine.”

He then walked with Xiaojia back to his room in the back villa.

Once inside the room, Xie Li held him as they sat together on the bed in
Suddenly, Xiaojia sensed Xie Li wanting to get up. He nervously asked,
“Are you leaving?”

Xie Li had initially intended to sit up, but halfway through, he stopped,
looking at him seriously, “Do you want me to stay?”

Xiaojia said, “Stay.”

So, Xie Li said, “Okay, I’ll stay with you.”

That night, Xie Li stayed in Xiaojia’s room.

The long-awaited intimacy and mutual longing kept them entwined until
late into the night. Xiaojia was covered in sweat, and Xie Li’s palm against
his back felt a bit slippery.

They didn’t bother with the window or curtains. The cold night breeze
continuously blew in, quickly cooling the sweat on their bodies.

Xie Li, fearing Xiaojia might catch a cold, suggested taking a shower.
Xiaojia’s legs were wrapped around his waist as he clung to his neck,
playfully nibbling at his ear like a child.

Since coming out of the confinement in the small dark room, Xiaojia had
never mentioned those childhood memories again, and Xie Li hadn’t asked.

Maybe it was because of his improved relationship with Xie Li, but Xiaojia
seemed exceptionally excited tonight. Despite the late hour, his spirits were
still high.

Xie Li reached out to pat him, making a clapping sound.

Xiaojia twisted his body and jumped down from Xie Li.

At this moment, car lights flashed through the window.

Xiaojia immediately turned to look and then ran to the balcony.

Xie Li grabbed a thin blanket from the bed, followed him to the balcony,
and wrapped both of them in it. His hand was against Xiaojia’s smooth
waist, asking, “What are you looking at?”

Xiaojia was focused on looking ahead.

Xie Li noticed a car parked in front of the villa.

Xiaojia was looking at that car.

Although the distance was a bit far, Xie Li could still see that it wasn’t the
Chang family’s car but a stranger’s car.

Suddenly, Xiaojia turned around and reached for something on the nearby
lounge chair.

Wrapped in a blanket together, Xie Li couldn’t help but bend over with him.
Then, Xiaojia handed him a pair of binoculars.

Xie Li took them and used the binoculars to look at the person getting out
of the car. The person was wearing a long coat and a hat, keeping their head
down while walking. From this angle, it was impossible to see who it was.

But he saw that the person entered Chang Guanshan’s villa alone.

Putting down the binoculars, Xie Li said, “Can’t see the face.” He asked
Xiaojia, “Do you know who it is?”

Xiaojia shook his head, only saying, “The license plate?”

Xie Li’s mind stirred, and he picked up the binoculars again to look at the
car’s license plate, silently repeating it twice and memorizing it.

Afterwards, he took Xiaojia for a shower.

They filled the bathtub with hot water, and both of them lay down together.
Xiaojia lazily rested on Xie Li, comfortably closing his eyes.
Xie Li raised his hand and gently stroked his head, his thoughts somewhat
complex. He had a feeling, but he didn’t dare to ask Xiaojia directly. He
anticipated yet feared.

In the end, Xie Li still didn’t ask.


The next day, Xie Li contacted Yu Zhengkun to find a channel to check the
license plate.

Yu Zhengkun informed Xie Li that the owner of the car was an ordinary
businessman, but he had a brother-in-law, a high-ranking official named Xu
in the General Administration of Customs.

Xie Li looked for information on this person and found that his height and
physique were quite similar to the person he had seen at Chang Guanshan’s
house last night.

Why would Chang Guanshan meet someone from Customs now?

The only thing Xie Li could think of was the relocation of the
pharmaceutical factory overseas. The factory’s machinery and raw materials
had already been separately packed and declared to the Customs, and Xie Li
had personally overseen the packing. Before the packing, the police had
conducted a thorough search, and there were no traces related to the new
type of drugs.

Why would Chang Guanshan still need to meet someone from Customs? It
could only be that there was something fishy about this batch of goods.

In the empty Hongji Pharmaceutical factory, Xie Li made a call and asked
Yao Wei to bring him the Customs inspection documents.

Yao Wei arrived in a car.

He drove directly through the open gate of the factory, parked the car next
to Xie Li, opened the car door, got out, and handed a folder to Xie Li.
When Xie Li took it, he said, “Thanks.”

Yao Wei wore a pair of black leather gloves. As he took off the gloves, he
asked Xie Li, “Brother Li, what are you doing with the inspection
documents at this time?”

Xie Li flipped through the folder and said, “Nothing, just double-checking
the quantity.”

Yao Wei followed Xie Li, seeming reluctant to leave. “Brother Li, are you
coming back tonight?”

Xie Li looked at him, smiled, and said, “Why? Missing me?”

Yao Wei smiled back, “The house feels empty when you’re not there.”

Xie Li took out a cigarette box from his pocket and threw it to him, telling
him to help himself. Yao Wei took one out and lit one for Xie Li.

After Xie Li took a deep drag, Yao Wei asked, “Brother Li, are you and
Young Master Jia back together?” He seemed hesitant to speak.

Xie Li glanced at him. “What’s the matter?”

Yao Wei said, “I’m just afraid that someone might talk behind your back.
You know.”

After hearing this, Xie Li patted Yao Wei on the back. “It doesn’t matter.”

Yao Wei, with his head down, smoked. After a while, he asked, “Is there
anything I can help with?”

Xie Li said to him, “No need. You’ve done well, go back and don’t wait for
me tonight.”

Only then did Yao Wei get into the car and leave.

Xie Li quietly watched him reverse the car out of the factory, perform a neat
drift in the open space, turn around, and leave the pharmaceutical factory.
He held the inspection document in his hand and walked slowly to the
corner of the factory, where there were still a few extra empty boxes left
from the relocation.

Xie Li lifted one foot and kicked one of the boxes with the toe of his leather
shoe. The box shook on the ground.

He squatted down, took the cigarette from his mouth, and ruthlessly crushed
it on the ground. He realized that something was wrong. The weight of the
goods was incorrect.

After the Customs inspection and sealing, the contents of the boxes were no
longer what he had packed. Someone had tampered with them in the
middle, and he was just used by Chang Guanshan as a diversion. Whether
Chang Guanshan knew his identity or not, Chang Guanshan never trusted
BLNDD chapter 73

Xie Li contacted Yu Zhengkun, asking him to bring people directly to the

customs to check the batch of goods that Hongji was about to transport to
Southeast Asia.

When Yu Zhengkun answered the call, he was originally in a meeting. He

asked Xie Li to wait for a moment, lowered his voice after leaving the
meeting venue, and said to Xie Li, “Is the information reliable?”

Xie Li said, “I’m sure there’s a problem with that batch of goods.”

Yu Zhengkun fell silent for a moment and said to Xie Li, “I’m under a lot of

Xie Li remained silent.

Yu Zhengkun continued, “There are people from Chang Guanshan at the

top. Last time, when we searched Hongji Pharmaceuticals, we faced a lot of
pressure. If there’s another problem this time, future operations will become
increasingly difficult.”

Taking a deep breath, Xie Li raised his hand and rubbed his eyes with his
palm. He said, “Chang Guanshan wants to move the entire drug
manufacturing plant to Southeast Asia. If we don’t stop him this time, we’ll
really be helpless.”

Yu Zhengkun’s breathing was heavy.

Xie Li’s eyes turned red. He said, “I’ll do my best to delay the time. You
must take action on your end, okay?”

Yu Zhengkun finally assured him, “Okay, I’ll get to it.”

After hanging up the phone, Xie Li sat in the car, smoked half a pack of
cigarettes, and drove back to the Chang family.

It was already late at night. Xie Li parked the car in the empty space in front
of the garage and walked towards the two-story building where Chang
Xiaojia lived.

Passing through the garden, Xie Li saw Chang Xiaojia standing under the
dim street lamp ahead, looking down at the ground as if waiting for him.

He subconsciously quickened his pace, a bit surprised, and said, “Xiaojia?”

Chang Xiaojia did not lift his head.

As Xie Li approached, a strange feeling suddenly surged in his heart.

Although the person’s figure, clothing, and posture were all the same as
Chang Xiaojia’s, he inexplicably felt that it wasn’t him.

He subconsciously stopped, then heard a fierce wind behind him. His body,
conditioned by rigorous training, lowered his head, dodging the steel pipe
that was swung at the back of his head, and then turned around to throw a
punch at the person attacking him from behind.

The person was pushed back several steps by the punch, and the steel pipe
in his hand made a harsh sound as it dragged on the stone slab on the
ground. When he steadied his steps, Xie Li, illuminated by the light, finally
saw that the person was unexpectedly Yao Wei.

However, right after that, a gun was pressed against the back of Xie Li’s
head. He heard the sound of a bullet being loaded, and Shi Hongqian’s cold
voice sounded at the same time, “Don’t move.”

The person under the streetlamp just now was indeed not Chang Xiaojia but
Shi Hongqian. He deliberately wore clothes similar to what Chang Xiaojia
liked and imitated his posture to divert Xie Li’s attention.

With a swollen cheek from Xie Li’s punch, Yao Wei, angry, dragged the
steel pipe, wanting to smash it against Xie Li’s head again.
However, Shi Hongqian stopped him with his indifferent voice, “Did Mr.
Chang ask you to kill him?”

Yao Wei turned his head and spat out a mouthful of blood on the ground,
then pointed the steel pipe at Xie Li’s face. “A traitor like you is not worthy
of being my brother!”

Shi Hongqian suddenly became a little impatient, using the gun to lightly
hit Xie Li’s head, “Walk. Mr. Chang wants to see you.”

Xie Li cooperated, turning around and heading towards the villa where
Chang Guanshan lived. As he walked, he asked Shi Hongqian, “Does
Xiaojia know you’re treating me like this?”

Shi Hongqian didn’t answer.

Xie Li continued, “Were you adopted by Xiaojia’s mother?”

Shi Hongqian remained silent.

Sighing, Xie Li said, “She must be very disappointed.”

Shi Hongqian calmly replied, “You don’t need to think too much. Young
Master Jia will know soon.”

Chang Guanshan was still lying on his bed in his room. When the wind was
strong by the Lake in the evening, he would have someone close all the
doors and windows. Upon entering the room, there was a stuffy atmosphere,
not very pleasant.

Yao Wei walked in front. After knocking on the door, he waited for a while
before hearing Chang Guanshan’s voice from inside, “Come in.”

After Yao Wei opened the door, Shi Hongqian used the gun to prompt Xie
Li to walk in front into Chang Guanshan’s room.

A young female nurse stood by Chang Guanshan’s bedside. Her hair was
messy, and her clothes were disheveled. She was currently bending over to
help Chang Guanshan fasten the belt of his robe.
As for Chang Guanshan, he lit a cigarette, lazily put on his glasses, glanced
at Xie Li, and slightly raised his head, saying, “What’s the matter? Couldn’t
hold back?”

Xie Li said, “Mr. Chang, I don’t understand what you mean.”

When Chang Guanshan exhaled a puff of smoke, it sounded like a sigh. He

said, “At this point, whether you’re a traitor or not doesn’t matter. You
know me. I’d rather kill the wrong person than let anyone go. Whether
you’re investigating Hongji Pharmaceutical, betraying Ye Shaoyin, or being
an accomplice of Ruan Qiuyuan, it doesn’t matter. As long as you die.”

“Mr. Chang,” Yao Wei said, “he may have leaked information about the
Customs shipment.”

Chang Guanshan chuckled. Looking at Yao Wei, he spoke gently, “You’re

talking nonsense. There was originally no problem with the Hongji
shipment. It was handled by Xie Li himself, officially inspected by Customs
before being packed. There’s nothing to worry about, and no one will
believe him.”

Xie Li looked into Chang Guanshan’s eyes, knowing that he had already
bought off the higher-ups in the Harbor City Police. If Yu Zhengkun’s
faction couldn’t compete with Chang Guanshan’s people, then no matter
how much effort he put in, it would be in vain. In the end, he, Ruan
Qiuyuan, and Chen Haiman would all be sacrificed in vain.

However, at this moment, Xie Li found himself unusually calm. He recalled

his determination when he received the task, and that determination hadn’t
changed. If he were to die here today, he thought he had at least informed
Yu Zhengkun about the whereabouts of the drugs, and he had left all his
meager inheritance to Xiaojia. He wouldn’t have any regrets.

Chang Guanshan didn’t rush to speak. It seemed like he wanted to slowly

torment Xie Li. He leisurely finished a whole cigarette, handed the cigarette
butt to the nurse next to him, patted her ass, and said, “You can go out
The female nurse tidied up the things on the bedside, leaving the room.

Chang Guanshan said to Shi Hongqian, “Bring Xiaojia over.”

Shi Hongqian nodded.

As Shi Hongqian was about to leave, he handed the gun over to Yao Wei,
who continued to press it against Xie Li’s head.

Yao Wei’s grip on the gun wasn’t as steady as Shi Hongqian’s. His whole
being seemed restless, as if the gun in his hand might go off at any moment.

Xie Li told himself to try not to pay attention to the gun. His gaze fell on
the wardrobe in Chang Guanshan’s room. The wardrobe was made of solid
wood with double doors. Xiaojia had hidden inside that wardrobe initially,
witnessing his father killing his mother through the crack between the

Apart from fear, Xiaojia must also harbor hatred towards Chang Guanshan.
If he found out Xie Li was a policeman, would he hate him too?

Xie Li didn’t know.

After about ten minutes of Shi Hongqian’s departure, Xiaojia gently pushed
open the door of the room. He stood outside, unwilling to come in, softly
calling, “Dad?”

Chang Guanshan leaned against the head of the bed and said, “Come in.”

Xiaojia slowly walked into the room. He didn’t look at Chang Guanshan
but kept his eyes on Xie Li. He asked, “Dad, what are you doing?”

Chang Guanshan said, “What kind of person did you bring home?”

Xiaojia walked to Xie Li’s side. His gaze shifted to the gun behind Xie Li’s
head. Suddenly, he reached out, wedged his hand into the trigger of the gun,
and fiercely slapped Yao Wei, scolding, “Get lost! How dare you point a
gun at him!” With a swift motion, he took the gun away.
BLNDD chapter 74

When Chang Xiaojia slapped him, Yao Wei was stunned. He didn’t say
anything, but like the other people in Hongfang, he had always looked
down on Chang Xiaojia. He didn’t expect him to be so fast and so painful
when he hit someone.

When he reacted, the place on his face that had just been slapped by Chang
Xiaojia suddenly swelled even more. In that instant, he felt embarrassed and
angry. His right fist clenched, but he remembered that this was the Chang
home. Chang Xiaojia was Chang Guanshan’s son, so he put his hand down,
turned his head and looked at Chang Guanshan.

Chang Guanshan remained calm. He just waved his hand to Yao Wei and
said, “You can go out first.”

Yao Wei was somewhat unwilling. He raised his voice, “Mr. Chang!”

Chang Guanshan’s face suddenly sank, and he said coldly, “Get out!”

Yao Wei had to walk out reluctantly.

Chang Xiaojia held the gun with one hand and looked at Xie Li with red

Xie Li subconsciously looked at the gun in his hand. Chang Xiaojia

immediately pointed the gun at Xie Li’s forehead, and said fiercely, “What?
Do you want to grab the gun?”

Chang Guanshan, who was leaning against the head of the bed, suddenly
laughed. As he laughed, his trachea itched so much that he covered his lips
and coughed low. He seemed to be laughing and coughing at the same time.
Shi Hongqian walked to the bedside and gave him a cup of warm water.

Chang Guanshan took it and drank, taking a breath before saying, “Xiaojia,
have you figured out what kind of person he is?”

Chang Xiaojia looked at Xie Li and said, “I don’t understand.”

Chang Guanshan pointed at Xie Li with his finger, “The person you brought
back, in all likelihood, is an undercover police officer. He started getting
close to you in prison. Do you think he genuinely likes you? He used you to
infiltrate Hongfang. Once he gets what he wants, he’ll kick you out without

Chang Xiaojia’s eyes were red. He slowly bit his lips and said, “I don’t
believe it.”

Chang Guanshan chuckled and said, “Ask him yourself.”

Xie Li spoke in a deep voice, “Xiaojia, I….”

Chang Xiaojia looked at him.

Chang Guanshan said, “He deceived us. If you shoot him, I won’t blame
you for it.”

Chang Xiaojia did not make a move.

Suddenly, Xie Li reached out to Xiaojia. Seeing that Xiaojia didn’t avoid it,
he gently held his hand, aimed at his own forehead, and looked at Xiaojia,
saying, “If you believe I don’t love you, shoot.”

Xiaojia still did not shoot.

Chang Guanshan looked gentle but with a cold gaze as he silently waited
for Xiaojia’s decision.

In the end, Xiaojia put down the gun. He turned to Chang Guanshan and
said, “I want evidence.”
Chang Guanshan said, “Evidence? Do you think this is a courtroom? You’re
actually asking me for evidence?!”

Xiaojia stood in front of Xie Li, resolute in his attitude. “Otherwise, I won’t
kill him, and I won’t let others kill him either.”

Chang Guanshan sighed lightly. He said, “Xiaojia, you’ve disappointed


Xiaojia’s face, under the room’s light, had a peculiar paleness. Xie Li stood
next to him and could even see the faint purple veins under his transparent
skin. He lifted his head, and the sharp curve of his jaw showed a
stubbornness. He said to Chang Guanshan, “I can’t be without Xie Li. If he
dies, I die too.”

Chang Guanshan’s face was dark and unclear. He lowered his eyelids and
remained silent for a long time before asking Xiaojia, “If he’s a police
officer and got close to you to infiltrate our family, you wouldn’t mind? You
would keep him by your side until he harms all of us?”

Xiaojia said, “I would break his legs and lock him up, not letting him go
anywhere or do anything, as long as he stays alive.”

Chang Guanshan, who had a gloomy expression, suddenly showed a

strange smile on his face. He said, “Quite like my son.” He waved his hand
at last. “Take him back, but remember, Xie Li is dead from now on. If he
appears in front of me again, he can only be a dead man.”

Xiaojia said, “I understand.”

Xie Li was taken back to the small building where Xiaojia lived. He did
have some room for resistance, but he knew that even if he escaped from
Xiaojia, there was no way he could leave this house alive. He sensed a strict
vigilance in the air. It was the scent of gunpowder hidden in the gun barrels,
ready to be unleashed. In the dark corners, countless guns might already be
aimed at his head.
He was handcuffed to the bathtub in Xiaojia’s room. Because the handcuffs
were too low, he had to kneel inside the bathtub to prevent his hands from
being pulled.

Since Chang Xiaojia left Chang Guanshan’s room, he had remained silent.
He asked Shi Hongqian to leave first and then squatted at the edge of the
bathtub, staring straight at Xie Li.

Xie Li didn’t feel pain in his knees against the hard bathtub. He was
distressed about Chang Xiaojia. He said, “Xiaojia, I love you.” There were
many things he needed to tell him, so even if he died, Chang Xiaojia
wouldn’t think it was deception from beginning to end.

He thought Chang Xiaojia would continue to question whether he was an

undercover cop, but Xiaojia didn’t say anything. He looked at him with
lifeless eyes, as if waiting for some kind of result.

Xie Li always felt that Chang Guanshan wouldn’t just let him go like this.
He even thought that he would be angry with Chang Xiaojia because of
him. He said, “Don’t worry about me; leave this house.”

Chang Xiaojia blinked his eyes and suddenly asked Xie Li, “Want to

Xie Li looked at him without answering.

Barefoot, Chang Xiaojia moved carefully along the edge of the bathtub,
crouching down closer to Xie Li. He lit a cigarette, took a puff himself, and
then pressed his lips against Xie Li’s, passing on the uninhaled smoke to

Xie Li said, “Your dad is the most terrible bastard in the world. Xiaojia,
leave this place.”

Chang Xiaojia asked, “and where would I go?” After asking, he passed the
smoke to him again.
Xie Li let the smoke circulate in his lungs before exhaling. Originally, he
wanted to suggest that Xiaojia go to the police, but the words couldn’t come
out. Instead, he said, “Go somewhere far away, where he can’t find you.”

Chang Xiaojia asked again, “What about you?”

Xie Li said, “Don’t worry about me.” Chang Xiaojia could leave the Chang
family alone, but it would be too difficult to take him along. Moreover,
even though Chang Guanshan temporarily let him go, once there was action
from Yu Zhengkun tonight, Chang Guanshan would undoubtedly be the
first one he’d want to kill.

With a cigarette in one hand, Chang Xiaojia leaned his head on Xie Li’s
shoulder, his soft hair rubbing against his neck. He said, “I will die.”

Xie Li, with both hands immobilized, could only turn his head to kiss the
top of his head and said, “I won’t let you die.”

Chang Xiaojia’s voice was soft and gentle. “If you die, I will die too.”

Xie Li’s heart suddenly twisted with pain. It took him a while to recover
and reassure him, “No, you won’t. You’re still so young. Even if I die you
will meet someone who treats you well. I’m not good for you, I can’t take
care of you, I only made you suffer.”

Chang Xiaojia remained silent and motionless.

They stayed together quietly for a long time. Suddenly, Xiaojia got up,
jumped down from the edge of the bathtub, and walked barefoot back into
the room.

Xie Li couldn’t see what he was doing, but he could hear the sound of
searching for something.

After a while, he returned. He stepped into the bathtub, knelt in front of Xie
Li, and reached out to start unbuckling Xie Li’s belt.

“Xiaojia?” Xie Li didn’t understand what he was doing.

Chang Xiaojia kept his head down without looking at him. After undoing
the belt, he also unfastened the button of Xie Li’s jeans and pulled down the
BLNDD chapter 75

Chang Xiaojia took out a thin booklet from his pocket and tucked it into
Xie Li’s waistband. Then he pulled up his pants and buttoned them.

Xie Li asked, “What is that?”

Chang Xiaojia didn’t say anything. He just shook his head and then
forcefully bit Xie Li’s lips.

The kiss lasted for a long time. Later, Chang Xiaojia just held Xie Li’s face
and kept looking at him.

Time passed, and Chang Xiaojia’s phone, placed on the bed, rang. He
stepped out of the bathtub and rushed to answer the call.

Xie Li didn’t know who was calling, but he heard Chang Xiaojia respond
with two consecutive “yes” and then say, “Find a way to come back.”

After hanging up the phone, he began pacing around the room.

Xie Li sensed a restlessness in the air, something he couldn’t understand. It

was the intuition of someone who had been on the edge of life and death for
a long time.

Chang Xiaojia was evidently caught up in this restlessness too.

After a while, someone used a key to open the door from outside.

Xie Li couldn’t see who it was, but he soon heard the voice of Shi

Chang Xiaojia asked Shi Hongqian, “What is my dad planning?”

Shi Hongqian said, “He’s still on the phone, probably trying to find
someone to suppress the situation. Unless it’s absolutely necessary, he
won’t leave Harbor city.”

After a brief silence, Chang Xiaojia said to Shi Hongqian, “Find a way to
get him out.”

Shi Hongqian said, “It’s too difficult at this time.”

Chang Xiaojia said, “There’s a way; I’ll go out first. Pay attention to any
movement in front and seize the opportunity. Do you remember how we
used to sneak out of the house when we were kids?”

Shi Hongqian said, “What if he harms you?”

Chang Xiaojia told him, “I am his son.”

Xie Li had a very bad premonition. He shouted from the bathtub to the
outside, “Xiaojia, Don’t you dare!”

Chang Xiaojia didn’t respond.

After a while, Xie Li saw him standing at the bathroom door. He was
wearing a coat and silently glanced at him before turning to leave.

Xie Li shouted, “Come back!”

The door opened and closed quickly.

Shi Hongqian entered the bathroom. He didn’t seem in a hurry. Sitting on

the edge of the bathtub, he looked at Xie Li.

Xie Li said, “Release me, I need to find Xiaojia.”

Shi Hongqian asked him in a deep voice, “nothing will happen to Xiaojia. If
you rush out there you’ll just be going to your death.”

Xie Li took a deep breath.

Shi Hongqian took out handcuff keys from his pocket. Before unlocking
Xie Li’s handcuffs, he whispered, “Xie Li, I’ll help you out. You must not
act recklessly, do you understand?”

Xie Li looked at him.

Shi Hongqian said, “Think about Xiaojia.”

Xie Li’s eyes were red. He nodded, “I understand.”

Shi Hongqian unlocked the handcuffs for him. Xie Li stepped out of the
bathtub, walked to the balcony in quick steps, and looked forward. He
didn’t see any movement at the door, but soon heard the quiet sound of a
car starting in the tranquil courtyard.

After a while, Chang Xiaojia’s car drove out towards the main gate of the
Chang family.

Shi Hongqian patted Xie Li on the shoulder. “Let’s go.”

On the way downstairs, Xie Li asked Shi Hongqian, “Xiao Jia gave me a
booklet. What is it?”

Shi Hongqian turned to look at him, “He gave it to you?”

Xie Li nodded.

Shi Hongqian didn’t answer. Leading Xie Li downstairs, instead of going

out directly, they entered the kitchen on the first floor. Opening the kitchen
window, they both climbed out one after the other.

“The entire house is under surveillance,” Shi Hongqian said, “but there is
none in this villa where Young master Jia and Mr Xin stay because Young
master Xin didn’t like it.”

They walked along the wall.

Behind the small building, there was a parking garage and a large garden.
The garden seemed like a childhood playground for Xiaojia and Chang Xin,
with a basketball hoop and a swing on the open ground, both of which had
not been used for a long time.

Leading the way, Shi Hongqian didn’t stick to the wall but entered the
somewhat desolate garden, walking straight ahead. After a while, he
stopped about fifteen meters from the wall.

Xie Li followed him through the plants, cutting his hand on the resilient

Shi Hongqian stopped him from continuing and turned around, taking out a
silenced gun from his pocket, handing it to Xie Li.

“All the walls ahead are under surveillance. Don’t go over there until you
hear my gunshot,” Shi Hongqian took another gun from his waist, pointing
it to their left rear, “The direction of that gunshot.”

Xie Li said, “You’ll be exposed.”

Shi Hongqian said to Xie Li, “Just go; I’m not important.”

Xie Li ran his rough fingertips over the gun handle in his hand, “No one’s
life is unimportant.”

Shi Hongqian tilted his head, looking at him, “I am Young master Jia’s
shadow, you are his fate.” His tone was so indifferent that it bordered on
coldness. After that, he walked forward, took a couple of steps, then
stopped, turning back to Xie Li, “The booklet you mentioned is probably a
list of contacts between Mr. Chang and the police and government officials.
Young master Jia secretly collected it. Although it’s not complete,
investigating based on this list will surely yield many results.”

Xie Li’s breathing became rapid. In this cold and quiet early spring night,
even the sound of his breath seemed particularly distinct. He asked, “When
did you know about my identity?”

Shi Hongqian shook his head, “I don’t know. What identity are you talking
Xie Li looked at him.

Then, Shi Hongqian turned around and walked away without looking back.

Xie Li stood still.

The cool night breeze rustled the surrounding grass, as if many people were
moving through the undergrowth, never stopping.

He slowly crouched down, trying to distinguish other sounds from the wind.
Then he heard footsteps and two people talking.

Suddenly, there was a loud noise from the direction of the front yard.

Xie Li tensed all over. He didn’t move, and the two approaching voices
quieted down; they had also heard the noise. After a brief silence, they
turned and ran toward the front yard.

It wasn’t gunshots; Xie Li could tell. It sounded more like an explosion. He

thought of Chang Xiaojia, who had left in the car from the front. His heart
tightened instantly.

For a moment, he wanted to get up and go see, but even a slight movement
would remind him of the booklet that Chang Xiaojia had stuffed in his
waist. The thin booklet pressed heavily on him, making his rationality and
emotions tug at each other, immobilizing him.

Then he heard gunshots, coming from the place where he and Shi Hongqian
had agreed upon.

Xie Li’s body responded faster than his brain. He got up and ran towards
the gunshot, covering over a dozen meters, agilely climbing a large tree at
the front of the wall, stepping on the branches to jump forward, leaping
over the high wall.

He didn’t look back; he couldn’t see the situation in the front yard from
here. He jumped down from the wall, rolled upon landing to dissipate the
impact, stood up, and walked into the dense woods in front.
Xie Li walked in the woods for a long time. He wasn’t sure of his direction,
but the general direction was unlikely to be wrong. In this dark and dense
forest, he felt safer than on a bright road. He didn’t know if Chang
Guanshan had sent people to chase him, but at least he hadn’t encountered
anyone in the woods. And just like that, he circled around more than half of
Qing Shui Lake along the mountain slope.

By dawn, Xie Li emerged from the woods and walked to the side of a road
bustling with traffic. He hailed a taxi and, upon getting in, asked the driver
to take him to the police station.

Sitting in the back seat, Xie Li took out the small booklet that Xiaojia had
personally stuffed into his waistband, flipping it open. He saw that the
booklet was not a list, and the main part had only the first two pages with
something written on them. Xiaojia had written: “The real list is with He
Chuanyun. When you meet him, he will give it to you.” On the second page
of the booklet was a drawing of a person in a police uniform, and next to it,
an arrow pointing at Xiaojia’s handwriting: “Brother Xie Li.”

Xie Li closed the booklet.

He borrowed the driver’s phone and called Yu Zhengkun.

As soon as Yu Zhengkun heard his voice, he became excited, “Last night, I

led people to investigate the goods that Chang Guanshan had at the customs
and found a large number of tools and new drugs.”

Xie Li asked, “Will there be any problems? Will it be suppressed from

above?” He remembered Yu Zhengkun mentioning power struggles.

Yu Zhengkun said, “I didn’t get a search warrant, so I’m conducting an

illegal investigation, but I live-streamed the entire process.”

“What?” Xie Li was taken aback.

With a sneer, Yu Zhengkun said, “Even if they dismiss me, I won’t let
Chang Guanshan continue to evade the law. So, although we are conducting
an illegal investigation, the process of seizing drugs was live-streamed on
the internet, witnessed by countless people. Chang Guanshan can’t escape
this time.”

Xie Li took a deep breath. He then asked urgently, “Was Chang Guanshan

Yu Zhengkun said, “Chang Guanshan escaped with his son. We are now
concentrating our efforts to capture them.”

Xie Li rubbed his face with his hand, “I’ll return to the team immediately!”
BLNDD chapter 76

He Chuanyun didn’t meet Xie Li; the booklet was sent to Xie Li on He
Chuanyun’s orders.

Now the entire Hongfang force in the port city was on the verge of collapse.
Chang Guanshan fled with Chang Xiaojia. That night, simultaneously
missing was Shi Hongqian. Ye Xinzhi and Chang Xin, the mother and son,
had already been arrested, while other members of Hongfang were
summoned by the police, restricting them from leaving the port city.

The police had blocked all ports, rigorously checked the coastline,
completely cutting off the route for Chang Guanshan to escape by sea.
However, Chang Guanshan was likely to escape through the inland

For Xie Li, capturing Chang Guanshan was important, but finding Chang
Xiaojia’s whereabouts was even more urgent.

Xie Li saw the entire process of questioning Chang Xin from the
surveillance footage. No matter what the police asked, he claimed not to
know anything, leaving no useful information.

Later, wearing a police uniform, Xie Li walked in.

As soon as Chang Xin saw him, a cold smile appeared on his face, and he
leaned backward.

Xie Li asked him, “Where is Chang Guanshan?”

Chang Xin said, “I really don’t know. You know my father. Since he left me
and my mom and fled, do you think he would leave any clues behind to tell
us where he went?”
In the end, Chang Xin didn’t say anything.

Originally, it should have been a complete victory, but due to Yu

Zhengkun’s shortage of manpower at the critical moment, he couldn’t send
people to arrest Chang Guanshan while searching the customs goods, giving
him time to escape.

It was still a case of snatching defeat from the jaws of victory, leaving
everyone feeling frustrated.

When Xie Li left the police station, he saw a van parked at the entrance.
The back door of the van opened, and two police officers lifted a wheelchair

Seated in the wheelchair was Ruan Qiuyuan.

Ruan Qiuyuan still looked haggard, wrapped in thick clothes, and her pale
face was partly covered by a fluffy scarf.

Xie Li stopped in his tracks.

Ruan Qiuyuan nodded at him.

Xie Li pushed her towards Chen Haiman’s grave to visit her.

In front of the tombstone, fresh flowers had already been laid out. It seemed
that Chen Haiman’s colleagues from the Port Police had come to pay their
respects before them.

Xie Li also placed his own bouquet of flowers.

Ruan Qiuyuan sat in the wheelchair, quietly looking at the photo on the
tombstone, saying, “He Chuanyun pulled me out of the sea and handed me
over to Chang Xiaojia. Chang Xiaojia saved my life.”

Xie Li remained silent.

Ruan Qiuyuan continued, “Chang Xiaojia probably knew our identities a

while back, but I don’t know when it started. I don’t understand why he
didn’t expose us and even secretly helped us.”

Xie Li lowered his gaze, and his hands went into the pockets of his trousers.
The tip of his shoe lightly tapped on the stone floor, “His mother was killed
by Chang Guanshan.”

Ruan Qiuyuan was stunned for a moment and said, “So that’s it. I thought
he was only -“

Xie Li didn’t know. In the past, he thought he understood Chang Xiaojia,

but now he discovered that there was much about him that he didn’t know.

Ruan Qiuyuan said, “I heard that Chang Xiaojia left with Chang

“Yeah,” Xie Li nodded.

Ruan Qiuyuan asked, “What are you going to do?”

Xie Li said, “Continue to search for Chang Guanshan.”

Ruan Qiuyuan said, “Okay.”


However, Xie Li was unable to capture Chang Guanshan. After the initial
occasional clues about Chang Guanshan in some cities, which local police
cooperated with the port city police to pursue but yielded no results, there
was no further news about Chang Guanshan.

Xie Li didn’t leave the port city immediately. He continued to assist in

pursuing the remnants of Chang Guanshan’s forces, and the entire
Hongfang suffered a severe blow. The once top gang in the port harbor city
was now faltering, replaced by another force.

Until everything settled down, it was time for Xie Li to leave the port city.

Before leaving, Xie Li finally met He Chuanyun.

He Chuanyun said he was also investigating the whereabouts of Chang
Guanshan and Chang Xiaojia but had not found any clues.

“Do you know,” He Chuanyun said, “as long as Chang Guanshan is out
there, we will always live in fear.”

Xie Li’s voice was somewhat hoarse, “I’m only worried about Xiaojia.”

He Chuanyun looked at him, “Xiaojia is stronger than you think. You only
see Chang Guanshan as crazy, but you forget that they are father and son.”

Xie Li remained silent.

He Chuanyun asked him, “Are you leaving Harbor city?”

Xie Li nodded, “The higher-ups in the police department think it’s

dangerous for me to stay here.”

He Chuanyun chuckled at his words, “Now your name, Xie Li, is known by
every underground faction in the city. Chang Guanshan still has some
influence that hasn’t been completely eradicated. If my information is
correct, someone has paid to have you killed. Leaving here is the right
choice. I will continue to investigate their whereabouts, and if I get any
information, I will inform you first.”

Xie Li said, “Thank you.”

Before leaving He Chuanyun, Xie Li encountered Huo Zhaoning.

Huo Zhaoning still had that polite appearance, took off his sunglasses, and
shook hands with him, “Officer Xie.”

Xie Li knew that He Chuanyun had long been colluding with Huo Zhaoning
privately. When he shook hands with Huo Zhaoning, he suddenly said,
“Don’t become the next Chang Guanshan, or there will be another Xie Li in
Harbor city.”

Huo Zhaoning smiled and said, “There won’t be another Chang Guanshan
in this city. Officer Xie, please rest assured. I am a human, not a beast.”
Transferred as an undercover to participate in the Port Police’s “flood
discharge” operation, successfully completing the mission, Xie Li was
rewarded and promoted in rank. He returned to his hometown, Chongfeng

By now, Xie Li was twenty-seven years old, and almost half a year had
passed since Chang Guanshan fled the city with Xiaojia.

In these six months, Xie Li had no news about Xiaojia. Chang Guanshan’s
name remained on the police wanted list.

Xie Li’s life seemed to be back on track, but he couldn’t find out where the
so-called track was. He became more and more accustomed to spending all
his time and energy on work because it was the only way to keep himself
from thinking too much about Xiaojia whenever he had a moment of quiet.

In the eyes of the police leadership, this seemed to be a psychological

problem caused by his undercover work, therefore Xie Li received
counseling from a psychologist, but it had no effect because Xie Li never
talked about Xiaojia.

In the blink of an eye, summer had passed, and autumn had arrived. The
head of the Criminal Investigation Division insisted on introducing
someone to Xie Li.

Xie Li, out of politeness, took the time to meet a girl named Su Yun. She
was quite young, having just graduated from college, and she looked quite

He originally intended to meet her once and then find an excuse to politely
decline. However, Su Yun turned out to be more persistent than Xie Li
imagined. She claimed to have fallen in love with Xie Li at first sight, and
as long as he didn’t have a girlfriend, she could openly pursue him. She
handled things very well, often making Xie Li think she had given up, only
to suddenly appear in front of him, generously inviting him to have dinner

This situation continued for more than three months.

One day, after a light rain in the afternoon that caused a sudden drop in
temperature, with autumn already on its way, Xie Li, in casual clothes with
a cigarette in his mouth, saw Su Yun waiting for him in front of the police
station, wrapped in a coat and scarf.

He walked over, and Su Yun, with her hands tucked into her sleeves, said to
him, “How can you smoke in a public place?”

Xie Li took out the cigarette and extinguished it, throwing it into the trash
can, and said, “Sorry.”

Su Yun said, “Let’s have a meal together.”

Xie Li, who usually found excuses to refuse, suddenly had the idea of
clarifying things with Su Yun. He wanted to be a bit more serious and firm,
so he nodded and said, “I’ll treat you.”

Su Yun was pleasantly surprised, “What happened today? Did you suddenly
become interested in me?”

Xie Li smiled and, with his hands in the pockets of his jacket, walked

Su Yun followed him, jogging a bit, and said, “It’s okay; we can start as
friends. I’m still very young and don’t plan to get married now.”

Xie Li didn’t say anything.

As the weather was too cold, Su Yun suggested that Xie Li treat her to hot
pot. So they entered a hot pot restaurant and sat down by the window.

Xie Li looked at the menu and placed an order.

While watching him, Su Yun asked, “You’re so handsome; why don’t you
want to have a girlfriend?”

Xie Li handed the menu to the waiter and, while unwrapping the
chopsticks, said, “I’ve told you that I have someone I like, and I’m waiting
for them.”
“Where is she?” Su Yun asked.

Xie Li fell silent for a moment and said, “I don’t know.”

This conversation had repeated several times between them. Su Yun held
her face in her hands and said, “Ah, here we go again. You’re always
evading the topic.”

Xie Li said, “I’m not evading; I just don’t want to share the story between
me and him. He’s a real person.”

Su Yun thought for a moment and said, “Do you think we’re like Yang Guo
and Guo Xiang?”

“What?” Xie Li was puzzled.

Su Yun said, “You’re waiting for your man, and I can only look from afar at
my big brother.”

Xie Li suddenly burst into laughter, “No, not at all.”

Su Yun had been focusing on Xie Li, and for the first time, she saw a gentle
smile in his eyes. She suddenly realized that Xie Li might not be brushing
her off after all.
BLNDD chapter 77

The red soup bubbled in the pot in front of them, steam rising.

Xie Li hadn’t eaten much; most of the time, he played with a lighter.

He said to Su Yun, “You really shouldn’t come looking for me. We’re not
suitable, don’t waste your time.”

Su Yun asked him, “Will your special one come back to find you then?”

Xie Li asked, “special one?”

“Another way to put it? Goddess?”

Xie Li sighed, “No, he’s my treasure, okay?”

Su Yun stirred her chopsticks in the bowl, “You saying that doesn’t make
me happy.”

Xie Li said, “Whether he comes to find me or not doesn’t matter; I will find

Su Yun was puzzled, “But you don’t even know where he is.”

Xie Li remained silent.

Su Yun looked at him for a while and whispered, “I heard you had a big
mission before?” She quickly added, “My uncle told me. I asked him about
the mission, but he wouldn’t tell me.”

Her uncle was the captain of their criminal investigation team.

Xie Li said, “Yeah, even if you ask me, I won’t tell you.”

“Fine, forget it,” Su Yun pretended not to care, “I thought you had some
complicated and mysterious story with him.”

Xie Li chuckled, leaned against the window, and didn’t say anything.

Su Yun raised her head, looked outside, and said, “If the person you like
really comes back, I won’t come looking for you again.”

Xie Li asked her, “Are you serious?”

“Of course, I’m serious,” Su Yun said, “I am a principled person.”

After saying this, she paused for a long time, gazing out the window. After
a while, she said to Xie Li, “Xie Li, there’s someone across the street who
seems to have been watching us.”

Xie Li turned his head to look.

By now, it was already dark. Under the streetlamp on the opposite side,
there was a person, not too tall, with a slim and somewhat youthful figure.
Because the distance was a bit far, his face couldn’t be clearly seen, but it
was evident that he had been looking in their direction.

Xie Li suddenly stood up.

Su Yun didn’t react to what was happening. By the time she realized, Xie Li
had already turned and rushed towards the outside. Su Yun’s first reaction
was to catch up. She hadn’t forgotten to grab her bag, but when she reached
the entrance of the hot pot restaurant, the staff stopped her, saying they
hadn’t paid the bill.

Looking up, she saw that Xie Li had quickly crossed the railing, traversed
the oncoming traffic, and ran to the other side of the street.

When Xie Li reached the opposite side of the street, the person standing
under the streetlamp had disappeared.
His heart was pounding, unable to resist opening his mouth and taking a
deep breath of the cold air. He looked left and right, and saw the figure
appearing again on the street, running towards the front.

Xie Li didn’t hesitate; he ran after him.

At this moment, it was already dark. The person in front of him was
undoubtedly Xiaojia, but at this moment, his running posture was limping
and irregular. It was clear that he was making a great effort but still couldn’t
distance himself from Xie Li.

Xie Li shouted loudly, “Xiaojia!”

The person in front did not stop.

Xie Li kept chasing until he caught up with him. He grabbed his thin
shoulders, forcefully turned him around and slammed him against the wall
on the side of the street. By the light, he could see his face, but it wasn’t
Xiaojia; it was Shi Hongqian.

Shi Hongqian looked at Xie Li expressionlessly.

Xie Li, with audible and emphasized breathing, didn’t let go of Shi
Hongqian’s hand. Instead, he said, “Where’s Xiaojia? Have you both come
back? Is Xiaojia with you?”

Shi Hongqian didn’t say anything.

Xie Li lowered his head and glanced at his feet. “What happened to your

Shi Hongqian said, “Mr. Chang crippled it.”

Xie Li urgently wanted to inquire about Xiaojia’s whereabouts, but he

couldn’t hold back and asked, “Because you helped me escape that night?”

Shi Hongqian nodded.

Xie Li asked, “Where is Chang Guanshan?” He had too many questions he
wanted to ask, and each one was crucial.

But Shi Hongqian calmly said, “Do you want to know where Mr. Chang is,
or do you want to know where Young master Jia is?”

“Xiaojia,” Xie Li didn’t hesitate, choosing the answer most important to


Shi Hongqian said, “he was with me originally, but just now, he asked me to
lead you away.”

Xie Li looked at him intensely for a moment, then turned and ran back
towards the direction of the hot pot restaurant.

Inside the hot pot restaurant at that moment, Su Yun stared at the person
sitting across from her with a bewildered expression.

It was a young man, probably around her age, very fair and thin, with
droopy eyelids suggesting fatigue but undeniably handsome.

The young man had walked over and sat down on his own, asking her if she
was on a date with Xie Li.

Su Yun was momentarily stunned and answered, “Yes.”

Then the young man kept staring at her with a cold look. After a while, he
asked, “What’s your relationship with Xie Li?”

Su Yun hesitated and said, “Friends…”

“What kind of friends? Romantic?”

“Not yet.”

“Not yet?”

Su Yun found him somewhat frightening and subconsciously reached for

her phone in her bag. “Maybe in the future.”
“Impossible,” the person opposite her said with an expressionless face.

Su Yun suddenly felt angry. “Why is it impossible?”

“When I say it’s impossible, it’s impossible. Stay away from him, or I’ll kill

Su Yun was instantly stunned, and after a while, she recovered, “Are you
crazy? Who are you? Nonsense! Believe it or not, I’ll call the police right

Then, the person opposite suddenly stood up, hands on the table, and said
coldly, “I’m giving you a chance. Leave now, or before the police arrive, I
can’t guarantee you’ll still be alive.”

Su Yun took a deep breath, preparing to scream for help.

At this moment, Xie Li rushed in from outside, almost colliding with a

waiter carrying the hot pot base.

Su Yun quickly stood up and waved at Xie Li, shouting, “Xie Li!”

However, Xie Li didn’t react; he just ran over and embraced the person
standing across from Su Yun, lowering his head and burying his face in his

Su Yun looked at him in surprise and listened to Xie Li repeatedly calling

out a name, “Xiaojia, Xiaojia!”

The fierce and wicked young man on the opposite side also softened. He
lifted his hand to touch Xie Li’s forehead, leaning back to look at Su Yun.

Su Yun stood there, unsure of what to do. When Xie Li raised his head
again, she noticed tears on his face and subconsciously whispered, “your

Until he lay down on the big bed at home with Chang Xiaojia, Xie Li felt
like he was still dreaming.
Chang Xiaojia clung to him tightly, unwilling to separate even briefly, and
even during a bath, he insisted on staying close, his soft body entwined with
Xie Li’s, demanding incessantly.

However, Xie Li noticed that he had become even thinner, and there were
various small and large scars on his body.

Xie Li had bought this house through a mortgage, located in the suburbs of
Chongfeng City. He was still paying off the loan every month. The house
wasn’t large, but when he renovated it, he insisted on installing a bathtub so
that he could soak in hot water after a hard day’s work.

Now he could lie in the bathtub with Chang Xiaojia, caressing his thin
shoulders and back.

“Where did Chang Guanshan take you?” Xie Li asked.

Chang Xiaojia lazily replied, “He originally wanted to take a boat out to sea
but was a step too late. He could only escape from harbor city by car and
hide inland. Along the way, he kept changing cars, trying to cross the
border from the southwest. But when he was about to reach the border,
someone under him betrayed him, took a sum of money, and ran away.”

Xie Li listened quietly, holding him even tighter.

Chang Xiaojia continued, “There was a dispute among his subordinates

because they were about to escape. Some thought it was unnecessary to
chase after the money. But my dad insisted on bringing the person back at
the last moment.”

Xie Li asked, “What happened later?”

“Later, we entered the rainforest. Someone shot my dad from behind, and I
don’t know if he’s alive or dead. During the chaos, I and Shi Hongqian
escaped, and no one came after us.”

After talking for a while, Chang Xiaojia fell asleep in Xie Li’s arms.
Xie Li carried him back to the room, covered him with a blanket, changed
into dry clothes, and came out of the room. He saw Shi Hongqian sleeping
on the living room sofa, covered with a blanket.

“There’s a guest room in the house,” Xie Li said to him. “Go in and sleep.”

But Shi Hongqian didn’t move.

Xie Li sat down on the sofa, lit a cigarette.

Shi Hongqian reached out for a cigarette, so Xie Li handed one over. Xie Li
asked him, “You must have gone through a lot on this journey, right?”

“When Young Master Jia was just brought out by Mr. Chang, he was kept
alone in the trunk all the time,” Shi Hongqian lit his cigarette, slowly

Xie Li’s smoking motion came to a halt.

Shi Hongqian said, “You know he’s afraid of the dark, and Mr. Chang
deliberately punished with that.”

Xie Li’s eyes gradually turned red.

Shi Hongqian continued, “But he had to survive so he could come back to

find you.”

Xie Li nodded and asked, “Is Chang Guanshan really dead?”

Shi Hongqian told him, “I’m not sure, but in that environment, it’s hard to

Xie Li asked again, “Who fired the shot?”

Shi Hongqian remained silent for a while, staring straight at the coffee table
in front of him. Finally, he looked at Xie Li and said, “I don’t know.”

“I—” Xie Li paused for a moment, “will notify the harbor police. They
might arrange for you to make a statement. Is that okay?”
Shi Hongqian said, “Is Young Master Jia and I not on the wanted list?”

Xie Li said, “You’re not. There’s no evidence linking you to the drug
manufacturing and trafficking of Hongji Pharmaceuticals.”

Shi Hongqian replied, “Okay, then I’ll make a statement.”

Xie Li stood up. “You’ve worked hard. Get some rest.” When he saw Shi
Hongqian getting up, he asked, “Do you need to see a doctor for your

Shi Hongqian said, “The doctor said that the deformity requires corrective
surgery, but I haven’t had time for it yet.”

Xie Li said, “If you need help, feel free to ask.”

Shi Hongqian nodded. “Thank you.”

Back in the room, Xie Li hugged the sleeping Chang Xiaojia and lay down
beside him, falling asleep.
BLNDD chapter 78

The harbor police sent personnel to Chongfeng City, where they took
statements from Chang Xiaojia and Shi Hongqian at the city bureau. At the
same time, they contacted the police station near the southwest border and
jointly dispatched personnel to delve into the rainforest area. Following the
approximate directions provided by Chang Xiaojia, they investigated and
found the body of Chang Guanshan.

The scene where the body was found was quite gruesome, resembling a
fierce gun battle. Besides Chang Guanshan, there were four other bodies, all
from Harbor City, Chang Guanshan’s subordinates.

Chang Guanshan was indeed dead, and he died a gruesome death. The body
had been partially eaten by wild animals. If the police hadn’t found it, the
remains might have vanished.

Across from the Chongfeng City bureau, there was a small square. With the
weather cooling down, there were almost no people on the square, except
for a few middle-aged women persistently dancing square dance.

After completing the statements, Chang Xiaojia and Shi Hongqian sat on
the steps of the small square, eagerly watching the door of the police
bureau, waiting for Xie Li to finish work.

Shi Hongqian, having left Harbor City, was no longer wearing a black suit.
He and Chang Xiaojia wore similar loose jackets, jeans, and sneakers. As
Chang Xiaojia stared at the police bureau’s door, Shi Hongqian looked at
him expressionlessly.

Chang Xiaojia later said, “Stop staring at me.”

Shi Hongqian turned his head and looked at the dancing women.
Having sat for a long time, Chang Xiaojia straightened his back, stretched
lazily, crossed his arms in front of his chest, and hunched over. He said, “I
first saw Xie Li here.”

Shi Hongqian looked at him again.

Chang Xiaojia, gazing ahead, said, “Do you remember the year I ran away
from home?”

“I remember,” Shi Hongqian said. “We looked for you for a long time, and I
was even punished by Mr. Chang.”

Chang Xiaojia said, “I came to this city alone. I was only thirteen years old
at that time.”

Shi Hongqian said, “I know, but I didn’t know you had seen Xie Li back

Chang Xiaojia raised his hand to support his face. “I had money on me, but
it got stolen. I walked around here, saw the police station sign, and thought
about whether I should go in and report the theft. That’s when I bumped
into Xie Li.”

“How old was he then?” Shi Hongqian asked.

Chang Xiaojia smiled and kept his gaze forward. “Eighteen. He had just
graduated from high school and got into the police academy. He said he was
a cop and asked if I needed help. I told him my money was stolen, and he
took me to look for the thief. We walked around the streets but didn’t find

Shi Hongqian asked, “What happened next?”

“After that, his grandma called him to come home for dinner. He gave me
twenty bucks from his pocket and left.”

“He doesn’t remember you?”

“I was only thirteen at that time.”

“But you still remember him.”

“Because at that time, he was already eighteen.”

Shi Hongqian remained silent.

Chang Xiaojia continued, “Since then, I thought, the police brother is so

handsome. I want to be a police officer too. I want to personally arrest my
dad and stand in court and make him pay for killing my mom.”

But he couldn’t do it. He couldn’t escape Chang Guanshan’s control.

Moreover, as he grew older, he found out that not all police officers were
good people. With so many corrupt police officers in Harbor City, he didn’t
know whom he could trust.

So, he first brought Chen Haiman back home and then brought Xie Li back

Chang Xiaojia suddenly sat up straight.

Shi Hongqian saw Xie Li walking out of the opposite police station gate.

Chang Xiaojia raised his right hand, index finger against his lips, and said
to Shi Hongqian, “Shh, don’t tell Xie Li.”

Shi Hongqian said, “okay.”

Chang Xiaojia ran towards Xie Li.

Xie Li hugged him, gently patting his back, and asked, “have you been
waiting long?”

Chang Xiaojia said, “not too long.”


Since Chang Guanshan was dead, In Xie Li’s eyes, everything had settled.
However, he was slightly regretful. He would have preferred to bring Chang
Guanshan to justice, accusing him in court of the crimes he committed,
making him face legal consequences, rather than dying in the rainforest at
the southwest border due to internal strife among his subordinates.

Nevertheless, it was still a relief. After all, the evidence of Chang

Guanshan’s drug manufacturing had been confirmed, and Chang Xiaojia
had safely escaped Chang Guanshan’s control and returned to him. Xie Li
didn’t know what else he could be dissatisfied with.

As they left, Shi Hongqian said, “I’m going back to Harbor City.”

Xie Li was somewhat surprised. “Why do you want to go back?” He

thought Shi Hongqian, like Chang Xiaojia, would never want to return to
that city.

Shi Hongqian said, “Now that Xiaojia has you to take care of him, he won’t
need me in the future. I don’t know what meaning it holds for me to stay

Xie Li didn’t say anything. After all, his relationship with Shi Hongqian
was too shallow. He just lowered his head and looked at Chang Xiaojia.

Chang Xiaojia looked calm. He said to Shi Hongqian, “If you want to go
back, I won’t stop you. Please visit my mom often for me.”

Shi Hongqian nodded. “I will, Xiaojia.”

The next day, Shi Hongqian packed his things and left Chongfeng City. In
their journey, he and Chang Xiaojia had almost no luggage. When leaving,
they only brought a small backpack.

Xie Li and Chang Xiaojia drove him to the airport.

When parting, Chang Xiaojia hugged him for a long time, and Xie Li
watched from a distance without going over.

They were both of average height, embracing each other with their heads
together, and their emotions seemed very calm.
Chang Xiaojia used his hand to stroke Shi Hongqian’s hair and whispered,
“When you go back, let He Chuanyun transfer my money directly to you.”

Shi Hongqian agreed, “Okay. I’ll wait for you, Xiaojia.”

Chang Xiaojia said, “I might not come back. If I don’t return, that money
will be yours in the future.”

Shi Hongqian softly replied, “Perhaps you and Xie Li need the money

Chang Xiaojia said, “No, we don’t need it. What we have is enough for

Still, Shi Hongqian continued, “I will keep waiting for you. You can come
back anytime.”

Chang Xiaojia turned his head, stood on tiptoe to kiss Shi Hongqian’s
forehead, then released him and waved at him, saying, “Be safe.”

Shi Hongqian waved goodbye to both him and Xie Li and turned to walk
toward the security checkpoint.

Now, only Xie Li and Chang Xiaojia remained in the airport departure hall.

Chang Xiaojia held onto Xie Li’s hand.

Xie Li glanced down, curled his fingers to grip Xiaojia’s hand tightly, and
asked, “shall we go home?”

Chang Xiaojia nodded, “Let’s go home.”

The end.


Author’s Note:

And with this, the story concludes. It took quite a long time, initially
starting with a simple idea for a short story. I didn’t plan the
development thoroughly, and as I wrote, I felt it wasn’t wrapping up
well. Consequently, the story grew longer than expected. I
acknowledge that some plot points might be a bit stretched, so feel
free to enjoy it without being too critical.

The sweet moments will be in the extras. I haven’t decided what to

write for the extras yet, but there won’t be too many.
BLNDD chapter 79

In the afternoon before leaving work, Xie Li called Chang Xiaojia to say he
would be home late that day.

Chang Xiaojia was outside, slightly coughing from the cold air. He asked,

Xie Li stood outside the office, holding the phone, and said, “A colleague
who just transferred from another city is an old classmate from the police
academy. We agreed to have dinner together tonight.”

Chang Xiaojia asked, “Is it a man or a woman?”

Xie Li said, “A man.”

Chang Xiaojia didn’t seem pleased. He said, “Oh.”

Xie Li saw a colleague approaching in the corridor, lowered his voice

slightly, and said, “Remember to have dinner. If I come back late, go to bed

Chang Xiaojia softly responded with an “Hmm.”

Xie Li continued, “See you later. I’ll hang up now.”

He hung up the phone, saw Xu Hao already coming out of the office, went
back to get his coat, and said, “Let’s go, have dinner.”

Xu Hao was Xie Li’s classmate from the police academy, a native of Harbor
City. Last year, when Xie Li was undercover in Harbor city Xu Hao was
participating in training at the Hangfeng base. When he returned to Harbor
city after completing his training, Xie Li had already finished his mission
and returned to Chongfeng.

This job transfer was Xu Hao actively participating in the internal selection
of the police force due to emotional problems. When he returned to Harbor
City after six months of training, his girlfriend had moved on and broke up
with him. Disheartened, Xu Hao decided to start a new life in a different

He had just arrived today, dragging a suitcase directly to the police station
to report, and then came to find Xie Li. They chatted in Xie Li’s office all
afternoon, and when it was time to leave work, Xie Li drove him to dinner.

Xie Li bought a car, primarily for picking up Chang Xiaojia. The car wasn’t
expensive, but it consumed almost half of his savings, making life suddenly
feel tight.

During dinner, Xie Li accompanied Xu Hao in drinking. Xu Hao was very

interested in Xie Li’s experience undercover with Chang Guanshan. For
people in Harbor city, Chang Guanshan was almost a legend. Xu Hao
couldn’t imagine that Chang Guanshan would eventually fall into Xie Li’s

“Amazing,” Xu Hao raised his glass and clinked it with Xie Li. “I thank
you on behalf of the people of Harbor city!” He sighed, regretting that he
missed the spectacular experience of toppling Chang Guanshan while he
was away.

Xie Li just smiled and clinked glasses with him.

After drinking too much, Xu Hao began to talk about his relationship
problems, and the more he talked, the more uncomfortable he felt. In the
end, Xie Li couldn’t stop him, and he ended up drinking three or two shots
of white wine, along with seven or eight bottles of beer, successfully
drinking himself unconscious.

Since Xu Hao had just reported today, his accommodation in the police
dormitory was not arranged yet. Xie Li was afraid that he might have
trouble if left alone in a hotel, so he had to call a designated driver and take
Xu Hao back to his own home with Xiaojia.

By the time they arrived home, it was already past midnight. Xie Li put Xu
Hao on the guest room bed, took off his shoes, covered him with a blanket,
and even helped him lie on his side before he could breathe a sigh of relief
and leave the guest room, closing the door.

Xie Li walked to the entrance of the master bedroom, twisted the doorknob
slightly open, saw the room darkened, and could barely make out someone
lying on the bed through the sliver of light coming through the door. He
guessed Chang Xiaojia should be asleep already, so he gently entered and
quietly closed the door, not wanting to wake him up.

When Xie Li reached the bedroom, he still had some lingering coolness
from the shower.

It was the end of December, and now was probably the coldest time of the
year in Chongfeng City. Although it was also a southern city, Chongfeng’s
winter was much colder than Harbor City. Every night, Chang Xiaojia had
to turn on the air conditioner to sleep comfortably.

So, the room was warm, and the slight chill on Xie Li’s body was
particularly noticeable.

Not wanting to disturb Chang Xiaojia, Xie Li climbed into bed with gentle
movements. However, as soon as he touched the bed, Chang Xiaojia sat up
in the darkness, turned over, and sat on Xie Li’s lap, burying his head near
Xie Li’s neck and face. He sniffed and said somewhat displeased, “You’ve
been drinking.”

Xie Li hugged him, felt the smooth and soft back, pulled up the blanket to
cover both of them, and said, “I told you, I had dinner with a classmate.”

Chang Xiaojia was still not very happy. He opened his mouth and bit Xie
Li’s shoulder.
Xie Li pretended to cry out in pain, “Ouch,” and waited until Chang Xiaojia
let go before saying, “My classmate got drunk, so I brought him back.”

Chang Xiaojia, looked at him. His eyes seemed to flicker in the darkness,
reflecting a trace of light. Unable to resist, Xie Li raised his head, kissed his
eyes, and said, “You don’t have to worry about him. He’ll leave when he
wakes up tomorrow.”

“Tomorrow is Saturday,” Chang Xiaojia said.

“Yeah,” Xie Li replied.

Chang Xiaojia asked again, “Are you on duty tomorrow?”

“No, I’m not,” Xie Li said. “What do you want to eat? I’ll make it for you
tomorrow.” He didn’t know how to cook, but since Chang Xiaojia came, he
had been trying to learn.

Chang Xiaojia lay on Xie Li’s body, quietly thought for a moment, and said,
“Spare ribs.”

Xie Li agreed, “Okay, tomorrow, I’ll go to the market to buy spare ribs.”

Chang Xiaojia yawned, rolled off Xie Li, lay down beside him, pressed
against his shoulder, and said, “I’m going to sleep.”

Xie Li also turned to face him, hugged his waist, kissed his forehead, and
said, “Go to sleep.”

Xu Hao slept soundly in the guest room all night, not waking up until the
next morning, awakened by the urgent need to pee.

It was already bright outside, but the winter light was dim. The room’s
curtains were drawn, making it still gloomy inside. He was a bit confused
about the time, let alone where he was.

Xu Hao was still immersed in the pain of a hangover. He raised his hand,
held his head, and almost let the unfulfilled sleep pull him back into a
dream. However, he couldn’t resist the strong urge to pee. In the end, he got
up, pulled back the blanket, and got out of bed.

He couldn’t find slippers by the bed, so he reluctantly put on his own

sneakers. Seeing that he had only taken off his coat and was still wearing a
sweater and long pants, he ruffled his messy hair, walked toward the door in
the direction of the restroom.

As soon as he opened the door, Xu Hao saw someone squatting on the sofa
in the living room. He squinted, suspecting that he was dreaming. He took a
few steps forward, and when the person on the sofa turned around, he
looked at him with a cold gaze.

In that instant, Xu Hao was completely awake. Subconsciously, he reached

for the nonexistent gun at his waist.
BLNDD chapter 80

Xu Hao didn’t touch the gun, but he remained calm and collected. Using
professionally trained gestures, he pointed towards Chang Xiaojia and
sternly commanded, “Don’t move!” Then, gritting his teeth, he uttered the
words, “Chang, Xiaojia.”

Chang Xiaojia, unlike his brother Chang Xin, who often appeared in the
media, was a name known to most in the harbor city, although they hadn’t
seen him in person.

However, Xu Hao had not only seen him but had also been involved in the
operation to apprehend Chang Xiaojia. Back then, Chen Haiman met a
tragic end, and Chang Xiaojia, as the prime suspect, couldn’t be convicted
due to insufficient evidence. This was a regret shared by many colleagues,
including Xu Hao.

After all these twists and turns, Chang Guanshan was now dead. Xu Hao
hadn’t expected to encounter Chang Xiaojia in such a manner on this early

The living room, like the bedroom, was air-conditioned. Chang Xiaojia
wore black pants and a soft light gray turtleneck sweater that tightly
wrapped around his neck, revealing only a small, nearly transparent face
and dark, moist eyes.

There was no emotion in his eyes, just like when Xu Hao had arrested him
at Chang’s home years ago, radiating a cold indifference while observing

Suddenly, Xu Hao felt a nervousness he couldn’t express. He asked, “Why

are you here?”
Chang Xiaojia glanced at him, and with his naturally gentle voice, asked,
“Why are you here?”

Xu Hao, abruptly awakened from a state of confusion and hangover, felt a

throbbing pain in his forehead. Glancing around, he could recall the last
scene of drinking with Xie Li. Worried about Xie Li, he asked, “Where’s
Xie Li? Is he okay?”

Chang Xiaojia blinked slowly and said, “Went to buy breakfast.”

“What did you say?” Xu Hao shouted at him, sensing a trick.

Chang Xiaojia, displeased, looked at him coldly.

Xu Hao quickly assessed the environment, listening carefully for any signs
of a third person. He was torn between deciding whether to directly subdue
Chang Xiaojia or if Chang Xiaojia had an accomplice or weapon,
deliberately prolonging the conversation. Nervously swallowing, he tried to
stay calm and distract Chang Xiaojia, “What did you do to Xie Li?”

Chang Xiaojia remained silent.

Xu Hao continued, “Chang Guanshan is dead, and Chang Xin is in prison in

the harbor city.”

Chang Xiaojia asked, “So what?”

Xu Hao said, “You have no backing now.”

Chang Xiaojia twitched the corners of his mouth, laughing emotionlessly.

Xu Hao cautiously moved his feet, changing his angle facing Chang
Xiaojia, trying to find an opportunity to act. “So, you better think carefully.
And this isn’t the harbor city; it’s Chongfeng.”

As he finished speaking, he heard the sound of someone unlocking the door

from outside.
Chang Xiaojia suddenly extended his feet, stood up from the sofa wearing
slippers, and walked straight towards the door. At the moment the door
opened, he called out, “Xie Li.”

To avoid being attacked from both sides, Xu Hao pressed against the wall.
When he saw the person outside was indeed Xie Li, who carried two plastic
bags and had a bit of chill on his down jacket, he felt relieved. Xie Li
entered without noticing Xu Hao and greeted Chang Xiaojia with a hug,
saying excitedly, “It’s snowing.”

Chang Xiaojia widened his eyes.

Xie Li walked into the room, closed the door, placed the plastic bags on the
table, and hung his coat on the rack. Noticing Xu Hao’s expression, he
asked, “Are you still hungover? Go wash your face; the bathroom is over
there.” He pointed in the direction of the bathroom.

Xu Hao, still in a daze, looked towards the bathroom. The urgency to pee
from the morning returned, and he hesitated, glancing at Chang Xiaojia by
the window. Unable to hold back, he rushed towards the direction of the

Harbor City rarely experienced snow, and Chongfeng wasn’t a place where
snowfall was an annual occurrence.

Although Chang Xiaojia had seen snow before, people from the south,
regardless of age, always felt excited when seeing snow. He opened the
curtains and saw tiny snowflakes falling from the grayish-white sky,
disappearing quickly upon reaching the ground.

Smiling, Xie Li walked over to him, placed the breakfast on the table, and
brought out bowls and plates from the kitchen, putting the steamed buns
from the plastic bags onto a plate.

He asked Chang Xiaojia, “Milk or soy milk?”

Approaching Xie Li, Chang Xiaojia rested his forehead on Xie Li’s
shoulder and said, “Soy milk.”
Xie Li handed him the bought soy milk with a straw and used an empty
bowl to pick a steamed bun for him, telling him to sit down and eat first.

Meanwhile, Xu Hao, having finished relieving himself in the bathroom,

took a deep breath and turned to look at himself in the mirror.

His eyes were still red at the corners, his hair disheveled, and his once
handsome face looked disheveled due to the hangover. Aside from that, his
eyes still showed a strong sense of confusion.

Turning on the tap without caring if the water was cold, he splashed it on
his face. The water wet his forehead and the front of his clothes. He didn’t
bother with the bathroom towels, tore off a few pieces of tissue to dry his
face and neck, discarded the paper crumbs sticking to his skin into the trash
bin, and walked out of the room.

This was Xie Li’s small two-bedroom apartment, and the bathroom was
next to the dining room. Xu Hao saw Xie Li and Chang Xiaojia sitting face
to face at the dining table, having breakfast when he came out.

As soon as Xie Li saw Xu Hao, he raised his hand to greet him. “Come,
have breakfast.”

Xu Hao stared at the top of Chang Xiaojia’s head, walked over to Xie Li’s
side, and during this time, Chang Xiaojia didn’t even look at him. He didn’t
raise his head, concentrating solely on eating the buns in his bowl.
BLNDD chapter 81

Xu Hao sat down next to Xie Li.

Xie Li handed him soy milk, inviting him to have breakfast. Suddenly
remembering he hadn’t introduced Chang Xiaojia yet, he hesitated for a
moment and said, “This is Chang Xiaojia.”

With soy milk in hand, Xu Hao looked towards Chang Xiaojia.

Chang Xiaojia didn’t lift his head.

Xie Li continued, “This is my classmate Xu Hao, he also comes from

Harbor City.”

Only then did Chang Xiaojia lazily lift his eyelids and said, “I know.”

Unable to resist, Xu Hao grabbed Xie Li’s arm and said, “Can we talk for a

Setting down his chopsticks, Xie Li looked at him puzzled, “Of course,
what do you want to say?”

Xu Hao pulled Xie Li, “Come with me.”

Chang Xiaojia lifted his head to look at Xu Hao.

Xu Hao had already stood up, still holding onto Xie Li’s arm, attempting to
pull him up aside.

Xie Li stood up, reaching out to pat Chang Xiaojia’s head soothingly, “You
eat first; I’ll be back soon.”
Chang Xiaojia lightly replied with a “Hmm.”

Following Xu Hao, Xie Li entered the guest room, closing the door.
Immediately, Xu Hao asked, “Why is Chang Xiaojia here?”

“Uumh,” Xie Li didn’t know how to answer Xu Hao’s question.

Xu Hao said, “Did you take him in?” He quickly thought that Xie Li had
infiltrated Hongfang by getting close to the incarcerated Chang Xiaojia.
Now that Chang Guanshan was dead, Xie Li was still harboring Chang
Xiaojia. “Do you feel guilty towards Chang Xiaojia? Have you developed
feelings for him? Wake up, he’s Chang Guanshan’s son, and do you
remember Haiman? She died because of him!”

“He didn’t do it,” Xie Li said. “He’s Chang Guanshan’s son, but he’s not
like him. He has never condoned cruelty, and Haiman’s death was not
caused by him.”

Unable to hold back, Xu Hao questioned, “How can you be so sure?”

“Because I handled the case. I spent a long time in the Chang family; what
don’t I know?” He glanced at the closed door, lowering his voice.
“Xiaojia’s mother was killed by Chang Guanshan.”

Xu Hao was momentarily stunned.

Xie Li continued, “I handed the notebook containing the personnel

exchanges between the Harbor Government Police and Chang Guanshan to
Yu Zhengkun, and it was Chang Xiaojia who gave it to me.”

Xu Hao wore an expression of disbelief.

Xie Li patted his shoulder, “As for Haiman, Chang Xin already confessed
that he ordered his subordinates to do it, and it has nothing to do with
Chang Xiaojia.”

Xu Hao hesitated, asking, “Is it true?”

“If you don’t believe it, you can ask your colleagues in Harbor.” After
saying this, he lowered his voice and leaned towards Xu Hao’s ear, “There’s
one more thing I have to tell you. Chang Xiaojia and I are together now.”

For a moment, Xu Hao couldn’t react. “Together? What do you mean?”

“Living together, sleeping together, basically that kind of meaning.”

Xu Hao stood there as if struck by lightning, staring at Xie Li with wide

eyes, unable to speak for a while.

Xie Li patted his shoulder, “let’s go have breakfast first.” Then he opened
the door and walked out.

After breakfast, Xie Li called Chang Xiaojia to put on a coat and go out to
see the snow together.

At this point, Xu Hao should have left, but he suddenly didn’t want to go.
The words Xie Li just said had stirred up a mess in his head, and he was
curious about this current Chang Xiaojia.

There were many children and parents in the courtyard coming out to see
the snow. At this time, the snow was even bigger than when Xie Li went out
in the morning. Chang Xiaojia, wearing a down jacket and a hat, stood in
the open space in front of the building, looking up at the sky.

Xie Li was not far from him. A child running around accidentally bumped
into Xie Li’s leg and fell to the ground. Xie Li was helping the parents lift
the child.

Xu Hao squatted on the side of the flower bed, looking at Chang Xiaojia.
He wasn’t sure how old Chang Xiaojia was now, twenty-one or twenty-
two? But Chang Xiaojia seemed to have hardly changed from the time he
saw him. His figure was still slender and thin like a youth. Chang Xiaojia
tilted his head, and his whole face was slightly red from the cold. When
viewed from the side, his nose was pointed, and his eyes were clear and
bright. His thin lips were slightly open, exhaling pure white breath with
each breath.
A snowflake drifted in the air, landing precisely on his nose. Maintaining
his tilted head, he turned around to find Xie Li.

At this moment, Xie Li had already helped the fallen child and stood
straight. He reached out, holding Chang Xiaojia’s arm, and lowered his
head to look at the snowflake on his nose.

Xu Hao didn’t know what Xie Li said to Chang Xiaojia, but Chang Xiaojia
leaned closer, pressing his nose against Xie Li’s neck. Xie Li shivered for a
moment but didn’t avoid it, instead, he smiled and hugged him.

When Chang Xiaojia lifted his head again, a gleam of light gathered in his
clear eyes, forming the reflection of a person.

Xu Hao didn’t know how, but his head suddenly came up with an artistic
phrase: “This is the look of love.”

He stood up from the flower bed, shaking off the goosebumps all over his
body. He was about to say to Xie Li that he was leaving.

Facing them, he saw Chang Xiaojia standing next to Xie Li, sticking out his
tongue to catch a snowflake. He was momentarily stunned, unable to say
what he wanted to say.

Chang Xiaojia closed his mouth expressionlessly, giving Xu Hao a cold


Xu Hao looked at Xie Li, smiled, and said, “no need to see me off. I’m
leaving.” After speaking, he waved his hand and walked away, planning to
take the subway.

He walked slowly, hearing Chang Xiaojia saying to Xie Li behind him, “Do
you know what snow tastes like?”

Xie Li was obviously teasing him, “I don’t know.”

Chang Xiaojia said, “I have some in my mouth. Do you want to taste it?”
Unable to resist, Xu Hao turned his head and saw Xie Li quickly kissing
Chang Xiaojia on the lips. He felt nervous for no reason, turned his head to
look around, and saw that no one was paying attention to this side.

Then he heard Xie Li saying, “Sweet.”

By this time, he had walked a bit further away. Chang Xiaojia said
something else, but he couldn’t hear it. Unable to help it, he sighed softly,
put his icy hands into his coat pockets, and began to consider what kind of
hotel to stay in that night.
BLNDD chapter 82

Xie Li had been feeling a bit anxious lately because, at the age of twenty-
seven, he started to feel that his money was not enough.

Initially, Chang Xiaojia wanted to find a job, and when Xie Li asked him
what he wanted to do, he suggested working as a real estate agent. After
some serious consideration, Xie Li felt that this job might not be suitable
for him, so he persuaded him and asked if he wanted to go to back to

“What should I study?” Chang Xiaojia asked Xie Li.

Xie Li said, “Study whatever you want to work in.” After saying that, he
added, “But not as a real estate agent.”

Chang Xiaojia thought for a long time and said, “How about opening a pet
clinic in the future?”

Xie Li asked him, “As a veterinarian?”

Chang Xiaojia nodded.

Imagining Chang Xiaojia in a white coat in the future, Xie Li suddenly felt
a bit moved and said, “I think it’s a good idea.”

But Chang Xiaojia’s foundation was not good, and if he wanted to prepare
for school, he needed to attend a cram school first. Xie Li spent money to
enroll him in a cram school, bought a car to pick him up and drop him off
for classes, and his own savings suddenly seemed meager.

Working overtime at the police station at night had become the norm. There
was a major drug-related case recently, and Xie Li’s team was investigating
it. Overtime had become a regular occurrence.

After Xu Hao joined, he became colleagues with Xie Li in the same special
investigation team, and they worked overtime together every day. One
evening, seeing Xie Li standing alone by the window at the end of the
corridor, smoking, Xu Hao walked over and patted his shoulder.

Xie Li turned to look at him and then glanced outside the window.

Xu Hao said, “It’s been tough lately.”

Xie Li shook his head, “It’s okay.” For him, the work wasn’t too strenuous,
but he was worried about Chang Xiaojia’s several years of study ahead. It
might require lowering the living standards for both of them, making him
feel a bit restless and anxious.

Plus, where could he get enough money to open a pet clinic for Chang
Xiaojia? If Chang Xiaojia worked in another pet hospital, how could he
enjoy the scenario of having Chang Xiaojia, in a white coat, pinned to the
desk in his office… Xie Li shook his head to dispel the wandering thoughts.

Xu Hao couldn’t quite understand Xie Li’s anxiety.

After a while, Xie Li said, “The main worry is that it’s tough for my

Xu Hao was stunned and suddenly realized that when Xie Li mentioned his
boyfriend, he was referring to Chang Xiaojia. He felt a strange and
indescribable sensation, raised his hand to pretend to cough lightly, and
asked, “Isn’t Chang Xiaojia going to work?”

Xie Li said, “I want him to go back to school.”

Xu Hao didn’t know what to say and silently returned to the interrogation
room to continue working.

When Xie Li returned home, it was already late at night. As he opened the
door and walked into the living room, he heard someone ask him, “Back
He was startled and quickly turned on the living room light, only to see Shi
Hongqian sleeping on the sofa in the dark.

Shi Hongqian was still covered with a blanket, and he sat up, putting his
index finger to his lips, “Shh,” then said to Xie Li, “Young Master Jia has
already gone to sleep. Don’t wake him.”

Xie Li looked confused, “When did you come back?”

Shi Hongqian said, “Today.”

Xie Li felt like he should have many questions to ask him, but for a
moment, he couldn’t remember what they were. So, he just pointed to the
guest room, “why don’t you go rest on the bed.”

Shi Hongqian didn’t get up, only saying, “No need, I’ll sleep on the sofa.”

After a whole day of work, Xie Li was exhausted and didn’t say anything
more. He quickly took a shower, climbed into bed, and slept while hugging
Chang Xiaojia.

After about a week, Xie Li finished the busy cases at work and finally had
time to sit down and talk with Shi Hongqian.

Shi Hongqian said he wouldn’t go back to Harbor City. His foot had
undergone surgery, and although it looked much better than the initial
limping appearance, a careful look revealed a slight tilt while walking.

Xie Li didn’t say anything, just looked at Chang Xiaojia.

The three of them were eating at a restaurant, with Chang Xiaojia sitting
beside Xie Li, casually saying, “If he doesn’t want to go back, then let him
stay with us. Staying here is also good.”

Actually, Xie Li didn’t mind if Shi Hongqian stayed. He was just thinking
that having three people living in his small two-bedroom apartment was a
bit crowded. If Shi Hongqian was going to stay with them in the future, he
would need to find a larger house.
The anxiety of not having enough money surfaced again, and Xie Li
couldn’t help but run his hand through his hair. Then he picked up a cup and
poured himself a glass of cold water.

Suddenly, Shi Hongqian said, “I bought a house.”

Water almost sprayed out of Xie Li’s mouth.

Both Chang Xiaojia and Shi Hongqian looked at him.

Xie Li wiped his mouth with a tissue and asked Shi Hongqian, “Where did
you get the money?”

Shi Hongqian glanced at Chang Xiaojia, lowered his head to use chopsticks
to pick up food and put it into his mouth, seemingly casually saying, “Sold
one of Young Master Jia’s bar in Harbor City and dealt with some other

Chang Xiaojia didn’t say anything.

Shi Hongqian continued, “I bought a house in Chongfeng, and the

remaining money has all been transferred to Young Master Jia’s account.”

Chang Xiaojia then said, somewhat surprised, “Really?”

Shi Hongqian nodded.

Chang Xiaojia asked him, “Is there enough money for me to open a pet

After thinking for a moment, Shi Hongqian said, “Should be enough.”

Chang Xiaojia said without much expression, “That’s good.”

Xie Li felt that his emotions were a bit complicated, so he could only pick
up the cup and take another sip of cold water.

Indeed, Shi Hongqian accompanied Chang Xiaojia to open a pet clinic not
far from Xie Li’s home. Since Chang Xiaojia still had to study, Shi
Hongqian usually manned the clinic, and they also hired a veterinarian to
provide medical services. Chang Xiaojia would only help out when he
wasn’t in class.

Xie Li passed by that pet clinic every day while driving.

One day, he parked the car on the roadside, waiting for Chang Xiaojia. He
saw Shi Hongqian standing in front of the clinic in a white coat, talking to a
young man holding a Golden Retriever. The young man was a head taller
than Shi Hongqian, wearing a hoodie and sports pants, with a warm smile.

After that, Xie Li often saw him at the pet clinic.

One evening, Chang Xiaojia realized that he had left a textbook at the clinic
and asked Xie Li to help him retrieve it.

Xie Li walked down the street to the clinic, opened the glass door with the
key, and didn’t turn on the lights. He walked inside by the faint light
coming in from outside.

After taking two steps, he heard Shi Hongqian’s soft hum coming from the
consultation room. He didn’t react immediately, but when he reached the
doorway, he saw Shi Hongqian being pressed against the table by someone.
He still had his upper body covered with a white coat.

Xie Li cursed in his mind, quickly retreated, and didn’t know if the people
inside noticed him or not.

It wasn’t until he stood on the street that he reacted. Someone had beaten
him to what he wanted to do. He hastily locked the door, forgot about
Chang Xiaojia’s textbook, and walked home in big strides.

Chang Xiaojia as someone already beat him to this one 😅😅

looks like Xie Li will have to plan another exciting scenario with
Anyway this is finally it THE END!. I hope you enjoyed it as much
as I did translating. So if you did, please consider buying me a coffee
on Ko-fi through this link .Any amount
will be appreciated.

Also you can find my other completed projects there.

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