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Framing Statement #7

Science- Knowledge and Application

Robin Kornfield

ED698 Master’s Portfolio

University of Alaska Southeast

Dr. Beth Hartley

March 17, 2024



Candidates demonstrate and apply understandings and integration of three

dimensions of science and engineering practices, cross-cutting concepts, and
major disciplinary core ideas, within the major content of science.

This framing statement on science is based upon a series of energy transfer

experiments my 4th grade class and I carried out during my service as a student

teacher. Artifacts associated to this lesson can be found here


The Alaska Content Standard for Science 4-PS3.B calls for students to learn that

energy can be transferred from object to object through collisions

( The Enduring Understanding for this lesson is that when

objects collide, energy can be transferred from one object to another, thereby changing

their motion. This series of three experiments tested ways that a variety of balls from

bouncy balls, tennis balls, a golf ball, playground balls and a marble transferred energy.

The students made predictions prior to conducting the experiments and carefully

recorded results in their science notebooks.

This lesson is a part of the Anchorage School District (ASD) Energy curriculum in

grade 4. The lessons took place over two weeks. Time for science is limited to a weekly

half hour in the Anchorage schools, so each activity was spread over two days. Most

materials were provided in grade 4 science kits, and we borrowed playground balls from

the school. Technology was used to play a video about collisions produced by and a document projector was used during the modeling of how

to record data in science notebooks.


Assessment in science teaching has changed according to Terry Constant et al.

(2018), who describe a procedure in which rather than assess to learn what students do

not know, today’s assessments should not be graded, and they should be designed to

find out what students already understand. “Diagnostic questions asked, and

observations made at the beginning of a lesson help you identify what students already

know about a topic, what misconceptions and alternative hypotheses they carry, and

what they are interested in learning” (Constant et al., 2018, p.144). My pre-assessment

quiz included questions such as, “A race car is zooming down a hill. What kind of

energy does it represent?” It would have been helpful to have also included questions

that told me what else the students were interested in learning about energy transfer. A

preassessment quiz revealed that there was little knowledge about the topic of energy

transfer before the lesson. One student did score 100 percent, but several refused to

complete the quiz because they didn’t think it was fair to test about a subject they had

not been taught. I have recorded in my artifacts (see Appendix) the results of the pre-

and post-assessments and only included the students who took both assessments. Out

of 21 students, all but three increased their knowledge over the course of these


Making predictions is an important science processing skill according to the

National Association for Research in Science Teaching. Prediction draws upon critical

thinking skills to link prior knowledge and observation to a question (

The three experiments began with a prediction of which type of ball when

dropped from 36” would bounce highest after colliding with the ground. Three types of

balls, a bouncy ball, a tennis ball, and a golf ball were provided. Students were placed

inn teams of two. Students graphed their results in their science notebooks.

The second experiment, conducted outside on pavement, used a rubber

playground ball and a tennis ball. The two were dropped together and positioned so the

tennis ball would hit the playground ball upon collision with the ground. Students

predicted which ball would bounce highest and most were quite surprised that the tennis

ball absorbed the energy from the rubber ball.

The third experiment used marbles and a ruler. Students were grouped in pairs

and the objective was to observe potential and kinetic energy when five marbles were

placed in the groove that runs down the ruler. Students predicted what would happen

when one marble hit the four marbles that were lined up in the groom. They also tested

the results with two marbles.

A key challenge in organizing these experiments had to do with classroom

management. According to Constant et al. (2018), managing the classroom is one of

the biggest challenges today’s teachers and the recommended practice is to spend time

teaching the students expectations and clear procedures. It is important to set

everything up in advance and to pre-teach the steps involved in the experiment.

“Surprisingly, having your students up, active, out of their seats, and doing science

won’t make your classroom more difficult” (Constant et al., 2018, p. 60). I was not as

explicit as I should have been about how the supplies should be handled, where we

would conduct the experiments and the procedure for moving from one activity to the

next. As a result, the atmosphere was a bit chaotic. Some of my students began to

bounce and chase the balls, especially during experiment #2, which we held outside on

the blacktop on a very windy day.

Student reflection following the experiment process can unfortunately be left out

when the time allowance for science is only a half hour per week, but cross-cutting with

writing can provide an allocation of more time so that students can not only conduct the

experiments, but also do a thorough job reflecting and recording in depth about all they

discovered throughout the project. James McDonald and Lynn Dominguez (2009)

recommend team journaling when students work in a group, followed by individually

assigned papers guided by a list of questions that encourage critical thinking (McDonald

& Dominguez, 2009). This reflective approach helps meet the following National

Science Education Standard A (NRC 1996): Teachers of science plan an inquiry-based

science program for their students (p.30). Several students were surprised at their

misconceptions, especially on experiment #2 in which two balls were dropped on top of

one another. The top ball received energy from the lower ball and went flying, while the

lower ball simply dropped to the ground. They were surprised to have predicted that

both balls would bounce equally. My students recorded their predictions and findings in

their science notebook, and they did a great job, but more time as a separate exercise

might have resulted in more thoughtful reflection.

The students worked in pairs throughout this experiment series, and in several

cases more advanced students were intentionally matched to students who would

benefit from scaffolding. All students conducted each of the experiments. Formative

assessment in a large classroom in my experience is more easily conducted when the

students are working in small groups. Hattie et al., in Great Teaching by Design, (2021)

recommend what they call “noticing”, which is when the teacher pays close attention by

walking throughout the classroom, asking questions, and scanning student work to

make sure students are understanding the material (Hattie et .al, 2021). The science

notebook is a good place to look for misconceptions and to track progress on reaching

deeper understanding during science experiments. Debbie Miller in Teaching with

Intention (2008) recommends pulling up a chair, listening in and observing as on-going

formative observation during the teaching process (Miller, 2008). The observations are

not only helpful during the delivery of the lesson, but assuming the lesson will be

repeatedly taught over the years, provides an opportunity for the teacher to take notes

and make improvements the next time the lesson is taught (Miller, 2008.)

The students in my 4th grade student teacher classroom, and in the class where I

teach now, enjoy learning about science when the learning is hands on, a learning

method that education psychologist John Dewey believed helped students develop

problem solving skills (1938, as cited in Williams, 2017). The series of energy transfer

lessons required active engagement from all students who made predictions, handled

the balls, made measurement, and recorded results. The experiments were fun and

effective, requiring easily accessible materials, and a reasonable amount of time.

Several ability levels were represented in this in this class, and the students were able

to work together, scaffolding those who needed help. The recorded results in the

science notebooks provided tangible evidence of the depth of understanding achieved

by the students. This was reinforced when one student shared his experience of

conducting two-ball energy transfer experiment using a soccer ball and a basketball on

the playground.

The lessons I have developed throughout my Master’s in Teaching program

typically align with both Alaska Standards and Alaska Cultural standards. This science

lesson was part of the fourth-grade resource kit, and I did not explore or discuss

potential cultural applications of the topic of energy transfer through collisions. Alaska

Cultural Standard D encourages students to engage effectively in learning activities that

are based on traditional ways of knowing and learning. While not identical to the

collisions of balls, traditional activities such as manufacturing arrowheads, spears and

bows, and utilizing them in hunting also involve energy transfer. Exploring how Alaska

Native practices incorporate energy transfer could provide an intriguing avenue for

deepening understanding of the application of traditional skills to scientific principles.



Constant, T.L., Bass, J., Tweed, A. & Carin, A.A. (2018). Teaching science through

inquiry-based instruction. (13th ed). Pearson.

Hattie, J., Bustamante, V., Almarode, J., Fisher, D. & Frey, N. (2021). Great teaching by

design: From intervention to implementation in the Visible Learning classroom.


Miller, D. (2008). Teaching with intention: Defining beliefs, aligning practice, taking

action. Stenhouse Publishers.

McDonald, J., Dominguez, L. (2009). Reflective writing. The Science Teacher. 76(3)

p. 46-49. National Science Teaching Association.

National Research Council (NRC). (1996). National science education standards.

National Academy Press.

Williams, M.K. (2017). John Dewey in the 21st Century. Journal of Inquiry & Action in

Education, 9(1), 91-102.


Lesson Design Template: MAT/Certification Elementary

Candidate Name: Robin Kornfield Host Teacher Name: Trena Rose

School: Bayshore School Grade Level: 4 # of Students: 26
Date & Time of Lesson: October 6, 2022 Length of Lesson: 2.5 hours
Topic of Lesson: Energy Transfer Content Area: Science

Materials: Include all materials including types of technology used:

36 inch ruler, tennis ball, bouncy ball, golf ball, playground ball, marbles, 12 rulers with groove, tape, science


PS3.B Conservation of Energy and Energy Transfer
Energy is present whenever there are moving objects, sound, light, or heat. When objects collide,
energy can be transferred from one object to another, thereby changing their motion. In such
collisions, some energy is typically also transferred to the surrounding air; as a result, the air gets
heated, and sound is produced.
Alaska Cultural Standard for Educators
Culturally-responsive educators recognize the full educational potential of each student and provide the
challenges necessary for them to achieve that potential.

TRANSFER GOAL(S) (transferability)

Students can identify energy transfers and apply that knowledge in daily life, study, and work.

STAGE ONE – Essential Questions and Enduring Understandings (meaning)

Enduring Understanding(s): What Essential Questions will be Considered?
Students will understand that…. How is energy transferred between objects?

When objects collide, energy can be transferred

from on object to another, thereby changing their

STAGE ONE: Objectives STAGE TWO: Assessments

Evidence of Learning/Accountability -
Students will construct a definition of Energy Transfer.
Pre-assessment: Potential and kinetic energy quiz.
Learn that energy can be transferred in various ways and
between objects.

Knowledge - What students should know….

Formative assessment: Students will work in pairs to make
Definition of potential energy. predictions, conduct experiments, and to discuss outcomes.
Definition of kinetic energy. Instructor will observe and guide the activities.
How to use a ruler to make measurements.
Performance assessment: Students will record results of
three experiments in their science notebooks.

Performance assessment: Students will write a narrative

about their observations and definition of Energy Transfer.
Skills - What students should be able to do……. Assessment(s)/Other Evidence:

Conduct an experiment, record outcome, and draw

conclusions based on observations. Post-assessment: Students will re-test with potential and
kinetic energy quiz.
Work in small groups.

STAGE THREE: Opportunities to Learn (Acquisition)

Students will be presented with a Newton's cradle. They will discuss how and why it works. They will
be introduced to three experiments about energy transfer and they will make predictions about what
will happen in each.

Processes and products for Learning Strategies for Differentiation/

Opportunities Multimodal Instruction/Universal
Design for Learning

1. Three Ball Drop

Students will work in pairs, offering the
This activity demonstrates how potential energy opportunity to explore and to learn from one
is impacted when a ball has a collision with the another. Stronger students may be paired with
ground. Energy is lost when the ball fall to other students who need scaffolding.
towards the ground with kinetic energy. The ball

hits the ground and does not return to the original The instructor will use an overhead projector to
height due to energy transformation to other model how to measure data and record the results
types of energy—sound energy, thermal energy of the experiments. Students will paste data-
and elastic potential energy. Students will record collection pages into their science notebooks.
how high three types of balls, a tennis ball, a
bouncy ball and a golf ball, bounce when they are Students will learn through hands-on engagement.
positioned at 36 inches, 30 inches and 18 inches.
Instructor will match some students who require
2. Two Ball Drop support with stronger students. Students will work
together to discuss and record findings.
A large playground ball will be stacked with a
tennis ball. The experiment will be conducted Results for all experiments will be documented in
outdoors on pavement. The two balls will be science notebooks.
released at the same time. Students will observe
what happens. Students will define Energy Transfer and
participate in a class discussion about predictions,
Students will discuss their observations and experiment results and new understandings.
construct an explanation about the energy each
ball has and the transfer of energy from one to Post-Assessment:
Students will re-take the original quiz to assess
3. Marble Collision their learning about Energy Transfer.

Students will be grouped in pairs and will use the

groove in a ruler to observe potential and kinetic

They will place five marbles on a track and

predict what happens when one marble hits four

They will make predictions and then observe

actual results with one marble and two marbles.

Video: Students can view a science video about

energy transfer (
Collisions) to provide additional examples and
understanding about how energy transfer works.
The video very effectively demonstrates
experiments and real-world application of energy

Once science notebook documentation was complete, we held a mini-repeat of the three experiments
from a table at the head of the classroom. The three types of balls and a ruler were used to review
experiment #1 results, a small bouncy ball and tennis ball were used to review what happens in
experiment #2, and the marble collision was re-enacted. Students discussed their predicted results
compared to the results. It was agreed among students that the three experiments effectively expanded
their understanding of energy transfer.

This lesson is a part of the Energy curriculum in grade 4. The lessons took place
over two weeks. Time for science is limited to less than a half hour in the Anchorage
schools, so each activity was spread over two days. The materials were provided in
the Anchorage School District's grade 4 science kits. Technology was used to play a
video about collisions produced by and a document projector
was used during the modeling of how to teaching record data in science notebooks.
The main challenge in organizing these experiments had to do with classroom
management. It is important to set everything up in advance and to establish clear
procedures. Some students began to bounce and chase the balls, especially during
experiment #2, which we held outside on the blacktop on a very windy day. The
time to conduct the experiments and to also record and reflect on results was not
enough, requiring additional time the following day. It would be best for students
to reflect on their recorded results immediately following the experiments.
These energy transfer lessons were very effective, requiring easily accessible
materials, and a reasonable amount of time. We have all levels of students in this
class, and they were able to work together, assist those who needed help, and to use
the science notebooks to record results.
The pre-assessment quiz revealed that there was little knowledge about the topic
before the lesson. Only one student received 100 percent, and several refused to
complete the quiz because they didn’t think it was fair to test about a subject they
had not been taught. I have listed only the students who took both assessments.
The learning gains for the whole class average 25.19.

Pre and Post Assessments and Learning Gains Scores


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Student Pre: Raw Post: Raw Pre- Post- Actual Potential Learning
#/name score/total score/total assessment assessment Gain Gain Gain
possible possible score score score score score
11 points 11 points % correct % Correct (AGS) (PGS) %
% %
1. DB 7 11 73 100 27 73 37
2. AC 11 11 100 100 0 0 0
3. JD 3 1 27 9 -18 73 -24
4. LG 5 6 45 55 10 55 18
5. TG 1 1 9 9 0 91 0
6. PJ 1 9 9 82 73 91 80
7. LK 9 11 82 100 18 18 1
8. RL 1 9 9 82 73 91 80
9. OM 7 6 64 55 -9 36 -25
10. AM 7 9 36 82 46 64 71
11. WM 5 11 55 100 45 45 1
12. TO 5 9 45 82 37 55 67
13. AO 7 11 64 100 36 36 1
14. AP 3 11 27 100 73 73 1
15. TR 2 7 18 64 46 82 56
16. LR 1 7 9 64 55 91 60
17. TS 6 7 55 64 9 45 20
18. ES 5 7 45 64 19 55 35
19. KT 6 8 55 73 18 45 40
20. SV 3 2 27 18 -9 73 -12
21. JW 7 7 45 64 19 55 35
Average this column
Class Learning Gains Score: 25.19

Experiment #1

Experiment #2

Experiment #3


Harvey, S., Goudvis, A. (2017). Strategies that work (3rd ed). Stenhouse.

iReady classroom mathematics. Teacher learner’s notebook (2022). Curriculum


Mymath (2016). McGraw-Hill Education

National Council of Teachers of Mathematics Principles and Standards for School

Mathematics. (

Taylor, C.S., Bobbitt Nolan, S. (Classroom assessment. Supporting teaching and

learning in real classrooms (2nd ed). Pearson.

Van De Walle, J.A., Karp, K.S., & Bay-Williams, J.M. (2015). Elementary and middle

school mathematics teaching developmentally (9thed). Pearson.


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