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Clinical practice cations.

This evidence suggests that cur-

rent diabetes care should be directed at
earlier diagnosis of this condition and
more effective control of the postprandi-
al glucose excursions that may influence
Glycation as the glucose link to the development of long-term complica-
diabetic complications tions. To meet the first goal, in 1998, the
American Diabetes Association lowered
the cutoff point for the diagnosis of dia-
ALEJANDRO GUGLIUCCI, MD, PhD betes from 140 mg/dL to 126 mg/dL.10
These efforts are likely to delay the
Hyperglycemia is considered a key causal factor in the development of diabetic appearance and early progression of dia-
vascular complications and can mediate its adverse effects through multiple path- betic retinopathy, nephropathy, and neu-
ways. This was confirmed for microangiopathy in the Diabetes Control and ropathy. However, findings of recent epi-
Complications Trial study for type 1 diabetes and corroborated for type 2 diabetes demiologic studies revealed that diabetic
by the United Kingdom Prospective Diabetes Study published in 1998. Preven- patients with poorly controlled glucose
tion of diabetic complications requires at least control of glycemia. This article levels have a higher risk of cardiovascu-
briefly summarizes the evidence that strongly supports the role of hyperglycemia lar disease (CVD) than those patients
in vascular complications. After outlining the role of the polyol pathway, protein with well-controlled glucose levels.12
kinase C, and oxidative stress, the author focuses on one of the key biochemical Some findings suggest that glycemia
mechanisms for this pathologic process: the direct deleterious action of glucose appears to be a continuous risk factor
and other sugars on proteins, known as glycation or nonenzymatic glycosylation. for CVD and that this association is not
Results of animal studies and phase III clinical trials reveal that the inhibition of restricted to the diabetic range.13-15 Those
this process attenuates the development of a range of these complications. authors believe glycemia represents a con-
(Key words: diabetes, glycation, glomerulopathy, retinopathy, atherosclerosis, tinuous risk factor for CVD comparable
neuropathy, aminoguanidine) to that of dyslipidemia, smoking, or blood
pressure. For instance, subjects with
impaired glucose tolerance had a relative

D iabetes mellitus, a condition char-

acterized mainly by a quantitative
deficiency in insulin secretion or a resis-
and are frequently present at the time of
The precise mechanisms by which dia-
risk (RR) of death 30% higher than those
with normal glucose; subjects with undi-
agnosed diabetes had an RR 80% high-
tance to insulin action, is estimated to betic microangiopathy develops are not er and those with diagnosed diabetes had
afflict 5% to 7% of the population. This fully understood, but a consensus is an RR 280% higher than those with nor-
creates a huge economic burden related emerging that points to a terrain of genet- mal glucose. A similar gradient in risks
for the most part to the management of ic influences onto which metabolic and was found for CVD-specific mortality.
its complications, which are micro- and hemodynamic derangements are super-
macroangiopathic.1-5 Microangiopathy, imposed.6,7 The anatomic hallmark of Evidence for a link between
the microvessel disease in diabetes, diabetic microangiopathy is the thicken- hyperglycemia and vascular
includes retinopathy, nephropathy, and ing of capillary basement membranes, complications in diabetes
neuropathy, and in patients with type 1 which subsequently induces occlusive A working knowledge of the intrinsic
diabetes the first signs of these compli- angiopathy, tissue hypoxia, and dam- biochemical mechanisms, subjacent to
cations may develop in adolescence, par- age.8,9 The evolution of the numerous diabetic long-term complications, should
ticularly if insulin treatment has been long-term complications of diabetes mel- facilitate understanding of the basis for
inadequate. Similar complications occur litus correlates well, in most cases, with the current treatment guidelines, as well
later in life in patients with type 2 diabetes the severity and duration of hyper- as the therapeutic agents under scrutiny
glycemia. It is known that postprandial that may become available soon. The
glucose levels greater than 200 mg/dL rapid pace of research in the field makes
Dr Gugliucci is an associate professor of bio- (11 mmol) are more frequently associat- any review outdated before publishing,
chemistry in the Division of Basic Medical Sci- ed with renal, retinal, and neurologic but an attempt is made here to briefly
ences, Touro University College of Osteo-
pathic Medicine, Vallejo, Calif.
complications that can commence 5 to summarize the evidence that strongly
Correspondence to Alejandro Gugliucci, 10 years after the onset of the disease.2,4,5 supports the role of hyperglycemia in
MD, PhD, Division of Basic Medical Sciences, At the time of initial diagnosis of type 2 vascular complications, the main focus
Touro University College of Osteopathic diabetes, many patients have postpran- being on one of the key biochemical
Medicine, 832 Walnut Ave, Quarters C, Valle-
jo, CA 94592. dial glucose levels greater than 200 mg/dL mechanisms underlying this pathologic
E-mail: and already have some diabetic compli- process: the direct effect of glucose and

Gugliucci • Clinical practice JAOA • Vol 100 • No 10 • October 2000 • 621

other sugars on proteins (known as gly- extent, to the methods employed to levels result in reduced macro- and
cation or nonenzymatic glycosylation) achieve that control. All categories of microvascular complications and whether
and its deleterious effect on the organism. patients benefited from intensive therapy, use of different sulfonylurea drugs, met-
Apart from the key hemodynamic irrespective of age, sex, or duration of formin, or insulin have distinct advan-
changes intervening in many tissue targets diabetes. The DCCT confirmed and tages or disadvantages. In the subgroup
of diabetic complications, sound clini- expanded results from the analogously of overweight subjects, metformin as
cal and epidemiologic evidence exists designed but smaller Stockholm Diabetes monotherapy was compared with the
that links hyperglycemia to vascular com- Intervention Study. These studies showed control group and to the other three
plications. Two controlled clinical trials unequivocally that in type 1 diabetes, pharmacologic agents. The researchers
stand out: (1) Diabetes Control and lowering the blood glucose delayed the soon became aware that high blood pres-
Complications Trial (DCCT), and (2) onset and slowed the progression of sure may be an even stronger risk factor,
United Kingdom Prospective Diabetes microvascular complications. Secondary and blood pressure treatment was
Study (UKPDS). analyses in these studies showed strong accordingly included in the study.13-15
relationships between the risks of devel- Even though it began as a randomized
Diabetes Control and oping these complications and glycemic clinical trial, the UKPDS involved a con-
Complications Trial exposure. Moreover, there was no clear- siderable crossover among the subjects
The DCCT was designed to answer the cut glucose threshold, but a continuous along the study period. The original
question of the association between reduction in complications as glycemic design assigned patients to intensive ther-
hyperglycemia and vascular complica- levels approached the reference range. apy using one of four approaches—
tions in a cohort large enough to permit The obvious major problems encoun- insulin, chlorpropamide, glyburide, or
incontestable conclusions.2 The DCCT tered in intensive treatment are the risks diet. Metformin was later added and
evaluated intensive insulin replacement of hypoglycemia and weight gain, which compared with other modes of therapy.
and self-monitoring of blood glucose and must be taken into consideration; how- Nevertheless, monotherapy alone failed
used glycated hemoglobin assays to mea- ever, the benefits largely outweigh the to achieve the glycemic goal. Initially,
sure glycemic control over long peri- risks. Patients should aim for the level of the diet group was intended to be the
ods.11 It was conducted in subjects who glucose control that can be achieved control for the intervention groups, but
had type 1 diabetes for a known duration without undue risk for hypoglycemia. 80% of the diet group had to be moved
and used well-established end-point cri- Any improved blood glucose control has to combination modes of therapy to pre-
teria to address the glycemic hypothesis been to slow the development and pro- vent high blood glucose levels. These
(retinopathy, nephropathy, and neu- gression of microvascular complications. modes involved combining insulin or
ropathy). It can be argued that this constitutes an metformin with sulfonylurea drugs,
Two groups of patients were fol- expensive treatment, but the cost-bene- which makes it more difficult to analyze
lowed-up for an average of 7 years— fit ratio for intensive therapy is in a range the effect of each of the original inter-
one treated conventionally with the goal comparable to other customarily accept- ventions. These problems should not dis-
of clinical well-being (standard treatment ed treatments in the United States. credit the meaningful conclusions regard-
group) and another treated intensively ing the effect of tight control of
to normalize blood glucose (intensive United Kingdom Prospective complications.
treatment group). The methods used to Diabetes Study The UKPDS provided answers to
accomplish tight control in type 1 dia- The United Kingdom Prospective Dia- questions that plagued diabetes
betes included three or more daily injec- betes Study (UKPDS) is a randomized researchers and physicians for decades.
tions of insulin (66%) or use of pro- trial of intensive treatment of patients Tightly controlling blood glucose con-
grammable insulin-infusion pumps with type 2 diabetes who were followed- centration reduced the risk of complica-
(34%). Data published in 1993 indicat- up for an average of 10 years. The study tions in type 2 diabetes, and the overall
ed that there was a 60% reduction in recruited over 5000 patients with newly microvascular complications rate was
risk between the intensive treatment diagnosed type 2 diabetes in 23 centers decreased by 25% in patients receiving
group and the standard treatment group in the United Kingdom between 1977 intensive therapy versus conventional
in diabetic nephropathy, retinopathy, and 1991. The UKPDS started by ana- therapy.13-15 Confirming the DCCT data,
and neuropathy. The outcome showed lyzing the value of various strategies (diet the UKPDS showed a continuous rela-
that reduction of glycosylated hemo- and several orally administered hypo- tionship between the risk of microvas-
globin (Hb A1c) from levels of approxi- glycemic agents) to achieve tight blood cular complications and glycemia. For
mately 9% to approximately 7% reduced glucose control compared with looser every percentage point decrease in Hb
the progression and/or development of all control. A1c, there was a 35% reduction in the
microvascular complications. This change Patients were followed-up to deter- risk of microvascular complications.
was due for the most part to the effect of mine whether intensive use of pharma- Sulphonylurea drugs and insulin pro-
therapy on glycemic control and, to some cologic therapy to lower blood glucose duced equally good results in terms of

622 • JAOA • Vol 100 • No 10 • October 2000 Gugliucci • Clinical practice

reducing the risk of microvascular com- sible and should become the standard of integrity, and other functions. This is
plications. care. The combination of pharmaco- one possible biochemical mechanism by
The UKPDS showed that tight blood logic agents used should be based on which hyperglycemia could impair the
pressure control reduced the risk of dia- the individual evaluation of each patient. function and structure of the cells affect-
betic complications. This study also Notwithstanding the failure of diet ther- ed by diabetic complications.17 It has
showed a 16% reduction (not statisti- apy alone, diet remains an adjunct to been proposed that increased sorbitol
cally significant) in the risk of myocar- pharmacologic therapy. The ability to concentrations in certain tissues could
dial infarction and sudden death in the prevent or at least slow down these com- result in osmotic changes promoting cell
intensively treated group. In the main plications may be made easier by the dysfunction. This mechanism seems to
trial, there were no significant differ- recently approved hypoglycemic agents participate in cataract formation and
ences with regard to diabetic complica- that were not available to the UKPDS. nerve conduction impairment. Further-
tions or adverse cardiovascular events more, the aldose reductase reaction uses
between therapy with insulin and with Hyperglycemia’s role in diabetic NADPH, possibly shifting this coenzyme
sulfonylurea drugs. Insulin should not be complications (Figure 1) from other pathways (Figure 2). The
seen as the cause of atherosclerotic No consensual framework has been recycling of the powerful antioxidant
episodes, and sulfonylurea drugs should found which encompasses all that is glutathione depends on NADPH sup-
not be blamed for cardiovascular toxi- known about the link between hyper- plies. In this way, an increase in the flow
city as previously was the case. Patients glycemia and complications. There are of metabolites through the sorbitol path-
initially assigned to intensive therapy several equally defensible hypotheses on way may tilt the delicate balance of oxi-
with metformin had decreased risks of the roots of complications, including, dants/antioxidants to the oxidative side.
combined diabetes-related end points, but not limited to, the aldose reductase Another reaction that uses NADPH is
diabetes-related deaths, all-cause deaths, hypothesis,17 oxidative stress,18,19 the the synthesis of nitric oxide from argi-
and myocardial infarction compared Maillard, or advanced glycation end nine. Nitric oxide is the key vasodilator
with the conventionally treated patients. product (AGE) hypothesis,20-23 modi- in the microcirculation; therefore, a shift
In obese patients, no significant decrease fied protein kinase C activity,24 pseudo- in coenzyme availability might decrease
in microvascular complications was hypoxia, carbonyl stress, 25 altered nitric oxide synthesis and promote vaso-
observed with intensive metformin ther- lipoprotein metabolism,26 and altered constriction and poor blood supply.17,28
apy or with combined insulin/sulfony- cytokine activities.27 Sorbitol can be further metabolized by
lurea intensive therapy. The UKPDS Of the aforementioned hypotheses, sorbitol dehydrogenase, in which case
results confirm and extend previous evi- three of the favored pathways that are the final products are fructose and the
dence supporting the hypothesis that being investigated and that potentially reduced form of nicotinamide adenine
hyperglycemia and its sequelae are a explain the mechanisms by which high dinucleotide (NADH). Accumulation of
major cause of the microvascular com- glucose levels can result in vascular dam- NADH can be sensed as hypoxia by
plications of diabetes. age require further attention: (1) the sor- many cell pathways; the term pseudo-
bitol theory, (2) modification of protein hypoxia has been coined for this situa-
Implications in clinical practice kinase C activity, and (3) the glycation tion. Further, high levels of NADH can
In its position statement, the American hypothesis. It cannot be overemphasized keep pyruvate out of the mitochondrion
Diabetes Association expresses agree- that oxidative stress is generated in all by transforming it to lactate, and this is
ment with the design, protocols, and these three pathways as well as in several also a sign of pseudo-hypoxia.24,29 Based
randomization of patients in this study. others. on these putative mechanisms, aldose
Clinical and laboratory tests were per- Sorbitol theory—The sorbitol hypothe- reductase inhibitors (ARIs) such as tol-
formed by recognized methodologies, sis was proposed almost 3 decades ago.17 restat and others30 have been used exper-
and all end points were adequately doc- As shown in Figure 2, high glucose con- imentally and in clinical trials for nearly
umented. Moreover, the committee is centrations in non–insulin-dependent 2 decades to treat hyperglycemia-related
confident that the results should apply to tissues may follow the pathway of aldose complications such as neuropathy. It is
the US population of men and women reductase. As this is a low-affinity believed that ARIs most likely have a
with type 2 diabetes. enzyme, its activity is low when glucose beneficial effect in the management of
Thus, the hypothesis that it is glu- concentrations are normal. Sorbitol is diabetic distal symmetrical polyneu-
cose itself that is toxic in type 2 diabetes the product of this reaction, and nicoti- ropathy and autonomic neuropathy, but
is confirmed, in line with the findings namide adenine dinucleotide phosphate the clinical role of ARIs is to slow the
of the DCCT for type 1 diabetes: the (NADPH) is used as a cofactor. In exper- progression of diabetic neuropathy rather
mechanisms of this effect must be deter- imentally induced hyperglycemia in ani- than to reverse it. However, definitive
mined to better approach it therapeuti- mals, increases in sorbitol formed evidence that ARIs prevent the develop-
cally. The achievement of tight blood through this reaction lead to altered cel- ment or progression of such complica-
glucose control in type 2 diabetes is fea- lular-energy metabolism, cell-membrane tions is lacking, and none of the drugs is

Gugliucci • Clinical practice JAOA • Vol 100 • No 10 • October 2000 • 623

available in the United States. While it is
clear that the activity of this pathway is
increased in humans with diabetes, evi-
dence to support a clinical role for these
effects is less definitive.18,19,30-32 It may be
that ARIs need to be used for longer
periods in better-defined populations
before their efficacy is proven.
Protein kinase C activity—Another role
of hyperglycemia appears to be the mod-
ification of protein kinase C (PKC) activ-
ity by hyperglycemia-induced increases in
diacylglycerol, partly due to de novo syn-
thesis. This chain of events should
increase PKC activity.8,33,34 However, in
tissues where aldose reductase levels are
high, the opposite seems to be true (Fig-
ure 3). Decreased levels of myoinositol,
probably shifted outside the cell when
sorbitol levels increase, result in modifi-
cation of phospho-inositol and diacyl-
glycerol metabolism, which in turn affect
Figure 1. Author’s illustration of three main pathways implicated in hyperglycemia- PKC function.24 Protein kinase C regu-
induced diabetic microvascular disease. lates various vascular functions by mod-
ulating enzymatic activities, such as
cytosolic phospholipase A2 and Na/K-
ATPase, or gene expressions of extra-
cellular matrix components and con-
tractile proteins. When PKC activity is
poorly regulated, some of the resulting
vascular abnormalities include changes in
retinal and renal blood flow, contractil-
ity, permeability, and cell proliferation.35
Protein kinase C hyperactivity sensitizes
vascular smooth muscle cells to vaso-
constrictors and growth factors and thus
promotes hypertension and atherogene-
sis. The first selective inhibitor of PKC
has been produced and was used in ani-
mals in 1999.36
Glycation hypothesis—The chemistry of
early and advanced glycation end prod-
ucts (AGEs) is shown in Figure 4. In the
glycation reaction, first discovered by
Maillard in 1912 while studying foods,
sugars react nonenzymatically with a
wide range of proteins to form early gly-
cation (Amadori or fructosamine) prod-
ucts.20,22 In humans, this process was
first demonstrated for hemoglobin, but
almost any protein can be affected.37
Figure 2. Author’s illustration of the sorbitol (or polyol) pathway. In tissues where Clinically, the measurement of the gly-
glucose uptake is nondependent on insulin, activation of this pathway may produce cated form of hemoglobin, Hb A1c, has
osmotic and metabolic changes implicated in the pathogenesis of cataracts and neu- revolutionized the monitoring and the
ropathy. study of patients with diabetes. Fruc-

624 • JAOA • Vol 100 • No 10 • October 2000 Gugliucci • Clinical practice

tosamine (to be chemically correct, fruc-
tosamino-protein adduct) is the name
given to any glycated plasma protein in
this first stage. Measurement of glycated
plasma proteins (usually called the “fruc-
tosamine assay”) is used as a tool for
monitoring glycemic control (Figure 4)
over a 3-week period.38,39
The aforementioned reactions are
considered “early glycation,” and they
are by no means the end of the reaction
cascade. In a second phase of the gly-
cation pathway, a complex series of rear-
rangements and oxidative reactions leads
to the formation of multiple, reactive
species, collectively named AGEs,21 some
of which are shown in Figure 4. Inci-
dentally, a similar reaction, though more
complete and produced by harsher con-
ditions, occurs between sugars and pro-
teins in foods—the final result being
what we see in bread or piecrusts, for
instance. The Maillard reaction also Figure 3. Author’s illustration of protein kinase C in diabetes. Protein kinase C is a
plays a part in the generation of brown- key component of an important cell-signaling pathway in tissues. High glucose may
ish pigments in beer and cola drinks. produce inadequate function of this enzyme that is involved in the pathogenesis of
As mentioned, the reactive dicarbonyl diabetic long-term complications.
intermediates, formed from Amadori
products or from sugars, react with pro-
tein amino groups to form a variety of
AGEs. Advanced glycation end prod-
ucts accumulate in vivo on vascular wall
collagen and basement membranes as a
function of age and levels of glycemia,
and they are capable of producing cross-
linking of proteins and have been shown
to display diverse biological activities.40-
44 Inherited differences in the ability to

detoxify AGE intermediates might be

one of the genetic factors responsible
for the clinically observed large vari-
ability that the impact of a given level of
glycemia has on diabetic complica-
Advanced glycation end product
molecules are found in plasma, cells, and
tissues and accumulate in the arterial
wall, the kidney mesangium, and
glomerular and other basement mem-
branes. Accumulation of AGEs in long-
lived proteins contributes to the age-
related increase in brown color, Figure 4. Author’s illustration of glycation or nonenzymatic glycosylation. Glucose
fluorescence, poor solubility of lens crys- attachment to proteins occurs without intervention of enzymes; it depends on glu-
tallins, and to the gradual cross-linking cose concentrations. Used as an index of glycemic control in the form of Hb A1c (gly-
and decrease in elasticity of connective tis- cated hemoglobin), this reaction is at the center of current theories proposed to
sue collagens with age. These processes explain diabetic complications.

Gugliucci • Clinical practice JAOA • Vol 100 • No 10 • October 2000 • 625

are enhanced in patients with diabetes.
Formation of AGEs increases at a greater
rate than the increase in blood glucose;
this suggests that even moderate eleva-
tions in diabetic blood glucose levels
result in substantial increases in AGE
As described, AGEs can be produced
not only through direct action of sugars
on proteins, but also via distinct oxida-
tive reactions. Some authors coined a
more general comprehensive term for
these reactions: carbonyl stress.25 The
increase in glycoxidation and lipoxidation
of tissue proteins in diabetes may accord-
ingly be perceived as the consequence of
enhanced carbonyl stress.47

Direct effects of AGEs on

Receptor-mediated effects
Figure 5. Author’s illustration of advanced glycation products in vascular patholo- Direct effects of AGEs on proteins—For-
gy. This diagram depicts some of the key points discussed in the text on the role of mation of AGEs modifies the functional
AGE products in microangiopathy as well as in macroangiopathy. properties of different key extracellular
matrix molecules. In collagen (the most
abundant protein in the body), AGEs
form covalent, intermolecular bonds.48,49
As shown in Figure 5, luminal narrow-
ing—a major feature in diabetic vessels—
may arise in part from accumulation in the
subendothelium of plasma proteins such
as albumin, low-density lipoprotein (LDL),
and immunoglobulin G (IgG). They may
get trapped in basement membranes by
covalently cross-linking to AGEs on col-
lagen.50,51 It is known that the main fea-
tures in diabetic glomerulopathy are pro-
teinuria, mesangial expansion, and focal
Formation of AGEs on laminin (a key
structural protein of the extracellular
matrix) causes reduction in polymer self-
assembly and decreased binding of the
other major components of the molecular
scaffolding of the basement membrane,
namely type IV collagen and heparan sul-
fate proteoglycan.54,55 Heparan sulfate
proteoglycan, which provides the negative
charge of glomerular basement mem-
brane, is the key factor impairing the leak-
age of plasma proteins and the resultant
proteinuria.56 As shown in Figure 6, dia-
Figure 6. Author’s illustration of advanced glycation products in nephropathy. This betes-induced loss of matrix-bound hep-
diagram outlines some of the main issues with regard to the role of AGE products aran sulfate proteoglycan, secondary to
in nephropathy. AGE modification of glomerular base-

626 • JAOA • Vol 100 • No 10 • October 2000 Gugliucci • Clinical practice

ment membrane proteins,54 could prompt
protein leaking and stimulate a compen-
satory overproduction of other matrix
components in the vessel wall. This pro-
vides a strong molecular support to dia-
betic Kimmelstiel-Wilson nephropathy.56
These AGE-induced abnormalities alter
the structure and function of microves-
sels other than the renal microcircula-
tion.57 Finally, AGEs produce a dose-
dependent quenching of nitric oxide (the
major vasodilator), and in animals with
diabetes, defects in the vasodilatory
response to nitric oxide (see Figure 5) cor-
relate well with the level of accumulated

Receptor-mediated effects62-68
(Figure 7)
Mononuclear cells—Monocytes and
macrophages were first shown to bear
specific receptors for AGEs. As shown Figure 7. Author’s illustration of the roles of receptors for advanced glycation prod-
on the right side of Figure 7, AGE proteins ucts. Many cells bear receptors that recognize AGE. This diagram delineates some
binding to these receptors69 stimulate of the effects of this interaction with regard to microangiopathy.
macrophage production of interleukin-1,
insulin-like growth factor I, tumor necro-
sis factor alfa, and granulocyte/ macro-
phage colony-stimulating factor at levels
that have been shown to increase glomeru-
lar synthesis of type IV collagen and to
stimulate proliferation of both arterial
smooth muscle cells and macrophages.60,61
Endothelium—As shown on the left side
in Figure 7, reactive oxygen species are
generated after AGE binding to endothe-
lial cells, where they activate the free rad-
ical-sensitive transcription factor NFkB, a
multifaceted coordinator of numerous
“response-to-injury” genes.66-67 These
AGE-induced changes are involved in the
modification of thrombomodulin and tis-
sue factor production, and these alter-
ations prompt two cumulative procoag-
ulant changes in the endothelial mem-
brane.70 Concurrently, these AGE-induced
alterations in endothelial cell function
favor thrombus formation at sites of
extracellular AGE accumulation.70 The
colocalization of receptors and AGEs at
the microvascular sites of injury suggests
that their interaction may play a signifi-
cant role in the pathogenesis of diabetic
vascular lesions.71-73 Figure 8. Author’s illustration of receptors for advanced glycation products in kid-
Mesangial cells in kidney glomeruli— ney. Mesangial cells carry receptors that recognize AGE. This diagram depicts cur-
AGE receptors have also been described rent knowledge on the effects of this interaction with regard to nephropathy.

Gugliucci • Clinical practice JAOA • Vol 100 • No 10 • October 2000 • 627

on glomerular mesangial cells (Figure 8).
AGE protein binding to their receptors
on mesangial cells stimulates platelet-
derived growth factor secretion, which in
turn mediates mesangial expansion.54,74,75
In vivo, chronic administration of AGEs
to otherwise healthy, euglycemic rats led
to focal glomerulosclerosis, mesangial
expansion, and proteinuria—the hall-
marks of diabetic microangiopathy.76
It has been demonstrated that AGEs
form on cell proteins in vivo42,43,77 and on
DNA in vitro.78-80 If AGEs also form on
DNA in vivo, deleterious effects on gene
expression may occur, and intracellular
AGE formation on cell proteins may thus
affect DNA function. The extremely
rapid rate of AGE formation on liver
histones points in this direction. The
author has shown that histones from the
livers of rats after 1 month of hyper-
glycemia showed AGE levels three times
greater than those of their age-matched
Figure 9. Author’s illustration of advanced glycation products metabolism to small controls. Accumulation of AGEs on his-
peptides. AGE peptides circulate and modify plasma and other proteins. This diagram tones increased with the duration of the
summarizes in a schematic fashion current hypotheses on their metabolism. disease.81 This suggests a possible role
for intracellular glycation in the increased
teratogenesis associated with diabetes
mellitus.81 Recently, increasing evidence
suggests that glycation and oxidative
stress may be linked to the sorbitol path-
way, contributing to the development of
diabetic complications. It must be remem-
bered that fructose produced by the sor-
bitol pathway is a better glycation agent
than glucose.82-85

“Second generation” glycating

agents (Figure 9)
Glycation by glucose is slow when com-
pared with many other monosaccha-
rides. The emergence of glucose as the
main circulating monosaccharide has
indeed been proposed as an evolutionary
advantage of higher forms of life, that is,
we have the least toxic sugar in our cir-
culation.86 In the past few years, it has
been shown that there are other reactive
molecules in our bloodstream. Low-
molecular-weight peptides that contain
AGE circulate at increased levels in plas-
ma from diabetic and kidney failure
patients.87,88 These catabolic fractions of
Figure 10. Author’s illustration of advanced glycation peptides metabolism by the kid- AGE-modified proteins bear dicarbonyl
ney. AGE peptides circulate and are filtered in the glomeruli. Maillard reaction intermediates, which

628 • JAOA • Vol 100 • No 10 • October 2000 Gugliucci • Clinical practice

are a more aggressive menace to plas-
ma and tissue proteins than the role for-
merly attributed to glucose.89 Therefore,
plasma proteins can become glycated by
glucose itself or by the more potent “sec-
ond generation” agents. For instance,
AGE-peptides modified IgG in a rat with
diabetes.90 This change in IgG could lead
to functional impairment of antibody
molecules, and be linked to the well-
known increase in susceptibility to infec-
tion seen in diabetic rats and humans.
Further studies are needed to ascertain
the correctness of this hypothesis.
It is believed that circulating AGE
peptides are probably the result of incom-
plete catabolism of AGE proteins by
macrophages and other cells that are on
their way to be excreted by the kidneys
(Figure 9). The author has shown that
AGE peptides are filtered by the glomeru-
lus and catabolized in part by the
endolysosomal system of the proximal
convoluted tubule, as shown in Figure Figure 11. Author’s illustration of glycation and macroangiopathy. Schematic view
10. Reabsorption could represent an of the main pathways through which glycation of lipoproteins may enhance atheroscle-
AGE-receptor-mediated mechanism trig- rosis.
gering several cell responses, including
cytokine secretion and oxidation reac-
tions.81 It may be hypothesized that in
diabetes, an increase in these processes
could participate in the interstitial fibro-
sis reaction accompanying the charac-
teristic glomerulosclerosis of end-stage
renal disease.92-96 The increased tubular
load of AGE peptides due to diabetes
may overwhelm the whole process and
lead to tubular disorders.91 AGE pep-
tides increase in diabetes (excess of pro-
duction) and in kidney failure (decreased
Finally, AGE peptides also bind cova-
lently to phospholipids97-99 and react
with membrane phospholipids if present
in high local concentrations (such as
shown in lysosomes) and if sufficient
time is allowed. An accumulation of these
adducts in tubular lysosomes might prove
to be one further aggression to mem-
branes and yet another process con-
tributing to overall toxicity.
In addition to glucose-derived AGEs,
the endogenously produced degradation
products, AGE peptides, can amplify tis- Figure 12. Author’s illustration of how advanced glycation can be inhibited by
sue damage and thus act as distinct tox- aminoguanidine. This diagram illustrates the action of aminoguanidine as an effec-
ins. The effects may particularly accel- tive agent preventing cross-linking of proteins by AGE.

Gugliucci • Clinical practice JAOA • Vol 100 • No 10 • October 2000 • 629

erate the deleterious effect of glucose in gen and elastin) would trigger the afore- in diabetic patients with acute myocardial
certain individuals who are genetically mentioned sequence of cytokine-medi- infarction improved long-term survival
susceptible to diabetic complications. ated inflammatory reactions. with an absolute reduction in mortality
Vascular diabetic complications may of 11%.117 More so, mortality in dia-
Macrovascular complications be due in part to chronic endothelial cell betic patients with acute myocardial
and hyperglycemia activation.102,104 The picture is incom- infarction is predicted by age, previous
Numerous questions remain unanswered plete as yet, for some mechanisms of heart failure, and severity of the gly-
with regard to the role of hyperglycemia endothelial cell activation have been cometabolic state (Hb A1c) at admission
in macrovascular complications seen in observed only in vitro or in animals. but not by conventional risk factors or
patients with types 1 and 2 diabetes and Extensive literature points to a role for gender.
how treatment of hyperglycemia may the glycation of lipoproteins in athero- The UKPDS showed that the impact
affect these complications. With the abil- genesis (Figure 11).105-107 Early glycation of intensive pharmacotherapy in reduc-
ity to measure Hb A1c levels, the DCCT of apo B, apo A, and apo E has been ing cardiovascular complications remains
found a 41% reduction in the risk for described,108 and abnormal metabolism unclear. Other factors that may predis-
macrovascular events, which was not of glycated forms of LDL and high-den- pose patients to cardiovascular compli-
statistically significant because of the low sity lipoprotein (HDL) have been report- cations, such as dyslipidemia, homocys-
frequency of these events in that popu- ed.105,107 Enhanced glycation may have teinemia, or hypertension, should also
lation.11,12 Nevertheless, these data sug- direct effects and may also amplify the be contemplated in future studies. Aggres-
gest a possible role for hyperglycemia in effects of oxidative stress on lipopro- sive treatment of blood pressure pro-
accelerating the atherosclerotic process in teins. 63,97,109-111 Glycation has been duces tangible benefits irrespective of the
patients with type 1 diabetes. Epidemi- shown not only to increase the suscepti- type of anthypertensive therapy.
ologic analyses of UKPDS data have bility of LDL to oxidation, but also to
shown strong associations between blood enhance the propensity of vessel wall Pharmacologic action against
glucose control and the risk of cardio- structural proteins to bind plasma pro- AGE?
vascular disease and all-cause mortali- teins, including LDL, and thus to con- Therapeutic agents that inhibit AGE for-
ty. There was a 16% reduction (not sta- tribute to a more marked oxidative mod- mation have made it possible to investi-
tistically significant) in the risk of ification of LDL. Glycated and oxidized gate the role of AGEs in the develop-
myocardial infarction and sudden death lipoproteins induce cholesteryl ester accu- ment of diabetic complications in
in the intensively treated group. Nonethe- mulation in human macrophages and animals.118 The main AGE inhibitor is
less, these studies did not prove that high may promote platelet and endothelial aminoguanidine, which has been studied
blood glucose causes these complications cell dysfunction.112,113 in considerable detail. Aminoguanidine
or that intensive treatment to lower glu- With regard to HDLs, in vitro acti- reacts mainly with dicarbonyl interme-
cose would reduce the risk.13-15 In the vation of lecithin-cholesterol acyltrans- diates such as 3-deoxyglucosone, rather
UKPDS, metformin decreased the risks of ferase by glycated apolipoprotein A-I than with fructosamine products, on pro-
diabetes-related deaths and myocardial (apo A-I is the major apoprotein in HDL) teins (Figure 12).119 In addition to inhibit-
infarction when compared with other was lower than the activation by native ing AGE formation, aminoguanidine
conventional treatments. apolipoprotein A-I.114 These data were inhibits the inducible form of nitric oxide
confirmed by others in patients with dia- synthase in vitro. In vivo, however, con-
Proposed mechanisms betes.115,116 Because lecithin-cholesterol centrations ten times greater than those
linking hyperglycemia and acyltransferase affords a driving force in used to inhibit AGEs are needed to
atherosclerosis reverse cholesterol transport, this abnor- change nitric oxide concentrations sig-
Many of the pathways shown in Figure mal activation may be associated with a nificantly.119
5 also apply to macroangiopathy. Arte- reduction in reverse cholesterol trans- The effects of aminoguanidine on the
rial wall collagen bearing AGEs can trap port and accelerated atherosclerosis in pathologic process of diabetes have been
LDL and IgG particles, which can accu- diabetic patients. investigated in animals. The prevention
mulate in the intima. In this way, LDL Even if it is too early to conclude that of AGE formation by aminoguanidine
particles would be prone to local oxida- reduction of hyperglycemia has as great treatment delays the evolution of the
tion and uptake by monocyte- an impact on lowering macrovascular- microvascular lesions in diabetic animals
macrophages. At the same time, endothe- disease risk as it has on microvascular- either in the retina or the glomeruli.120,121
lial cell activation may mediate the disease risk, these studies afford further Primary and secondary prevention with
deposition of atheroma, since oxidized stimulus to explore this issue. The Dia- aminoguanidine has been successfully
low-density lipoprotein causes endothe- betes Mellitus, Insulin Glucose Infusion employed to ameliorate diabetic retinopa-
lial cell activation.100-103 Moreover, acti- in Acute Myocardial Infarction study thy in rats.122,123 In some studies, amino-
vation of monocyte receptors by AGEs showed that insulin-glucose infusion fol- guanidine reduced endothelial prolifera-
on vascular wall proteins (such as colla- lowed by intensive subcutaneous insulin tion and completely arrested pericyte

630 • JAOA • Vol 100 • No 10 • October 2000 Gugliucci • Clinical practice

dropout, but it did not completely atten- opment of diabetic vascular complica- 6. Cudworth AG, Bodansky HJ, West KM.
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pretation of the results of trials of aldose
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of inhibitors of AGE cross-linking. That The author thanks Mary Mazzotta, PhD, control with sulphonylureas or insulin com-
is, longer trials in better-defined popu- and Andre Stahl, DPh, PhD, for their pared with conventional treatment and risk of
lations are needed before the effectiveness help in preparing the final version of this complications in patients with type 2 diabetes
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