+1 Kite Class 36 Excretion

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KITE VICTERS Plus One Zoology Class 36

(First Bell- ഫസ്റ്റ് ബെല്‍) 11/04/2020

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Types of nephron
• Based on the length of Loop of Henle two types of nephrons are
1. Cortical nephrons
• In majority of nephrons, the loop of Henle is too short and extends
only very little into the medulla. Such nephrons are called cortical
2. Juxta medullary nephrons
• In some nephrons Loop of Henle is very long and runs deep into the
medulla .
• These nephrons are called Juxta medullary nephrons .
• Urine is formed in the nephrons .
• It involves 3 steps
1. Glomerular filtration
2. Tubular reabsorption
3. Tubular secretion
Glomerular Filtration
• It occurs in the malpighian corpuscles.
• When blood flows under high pressure through the glomerular
capillaries , water and dissolved substances of blood filter out into
the lumen of the bowman’s capsule .
• The glomerular capillary blood pressure causes filtration of blood
through 3 layers –

• the endothelium of glomerular blood vessel ,

• the epithelium of bowman’s capsule and
• a basement membrane between these two layers.

• The epithelial cells of bowman’s capsule called podocytes are

arranged in an intricate manner so as to leave some minute spaces
called filtration slits or slit pores.

• This fluid is known as glomerular filtrate.

• The glomerular filtrate contains all the constituents of blood except
blood corpuscles and plasma proteins .
• It contains glucose , urea , creatinine , mineral salts etc. .
• Therefore it is known as ultra filtration.
• The volume of glomerular filtrate formed in bowman’s capsule per
unit time is called glomerular filtration rate (GFR).
• In man GFR rate is 125ml/ minute or about 180L/ day

2.Tubular reabsorption

• Out of 180L of glomerular filtrate formed , only 1.5 L of urine is

released .
• So 99% of the filtrate is reabsorbed .
• Proximal and distal convoluted tubules , the loop of henle and
collecting duct are involved in reabsorption.
• Sugar , vitamins , organic nutrients and water are reabsorbed.
3.Tubular secretion

• It is the final step in urine formation and it involves the active

secretion of some substances from the blood into the filtrate.
• Proximal and distal convoluted tubules are the main parts of
tubular secretion.
• It helps in the maintenance of acid – base balance of the body.

1.Proximal Convoluted Tubules (PCT)

• PCT is lined by simple cuboidal brush border epithelium which
increases the surface area for reabsorption.
• Nearly all of the essential nutrients,
• 70-80 per cent of electrolytes and water are reabsorbed by this
• PCT also helps to maintain the pH and ionic balance of the body
fluids by selective secretion of hydrogen ions, ammonia and

potassium ions into the filtrate and by absorption of HCO3 from it.
2. Descending limb of loop of henle
• The descending limb of loop of Henle is permeable to water but
almost impermeable to electrolytes.
• This concentrates the filtrate as it moves down.
3. Ascending limb of loop of henle
• The ascending limb is impermeable to water but allows transport of
electrolytes actively or passively.
• Therefore, as the concentrated filtrate pass upward, it gets diluted
due to the passage of electrolytes to the medullary fluid.
4.Distal convoluted tubule

• Conditional reabsorption of Na+ and water takes place in this


• DCT is also capable of reabsorption of HCO3 and selective
secretion of hydrogen and potassium ions and NH3 to maintain the
pH and sodium-potassium balance in blood.
5. Collecting Duct
• This long duct extends from the cortex of the kidney to the inner
parts of the medulla.
• Large amounts of water could be reabsorbed from this region to
produce a concentrated urine.
• This segment allows passage of small amounts of urea into the
medullary interstitium to keep up the osmolarity.
• It also plays a role in the maintenance of pH and ionic balance of
+ +
blood by the selective secretion of H and K ions
Prepared by
Biju TL, GTHSS Poomala, Idukki

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