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# of
Objectives/Content Comprehension items/
Knowledge Application
area/Topics % of test

Applying First Aid

10 10 15 40%

Role of the First 20%

Aider 5 5 10

The Use of Safe

Manual and 20%
5 5 10
Effective First Aid
2 3 5 10%
Important things to
3 2 5 10%
follow on basic First
Aid Steps
TOTAL 100%


1-10 Identification

Instruction: Identify the First Aid equipment’s below. Write your answer on
the space provided.

1. 6.

2. 7.

3. 8.

4. 9.

5. 10.

11-15 fill in the blank

Instruction: Fill the correct answer in the blank. Choose your answer inside
the box. Write your answer on the space provided.

First Aider First Aid Kit offering reassurance

First Aid Frightened

11. As a ______________your role and responsibilities will depend on

the accident scene, the available resources and any relevant workplace
policies and procedures.
12. ______________is the first and immediate assistance given to any
person with either a minor or serious illness or injury, with care provided
to preserve life, prevent the condition from worsening, or to promote
recovery until medical service arrive.
13. ______________is the process of providing information that is
comforting and instils trust and confidence in your abilities to provide
first aid care.
14. ______________a set of materials and tools used for giving
emergency treatment to a sick or injured person.
15. Feeling __________ will increase the casualty’s blood pressure and
pulse causing more pain and more bleeding.

16- 20 True or False

Instruction: Write TRUE if the statement is correct and FALSE if the

statement is wrong.

16. Not only is it important to reassure the casualty to make them feel
better this also lowers the blood pressure and pulse rate and therefore
lowers the amount of bleeding and pain.
17. When offering any assistance to a casualty who is conscious, it is
important to seek their permission for you to provide first aid
18. Do not move the casualty unless it is absolutely necessary
19. It is important that the whole process of responding to the casualty
occurs quickly so that assessment and management of the situation may
be carried out effectively.
20. First aiders should not administer first aid management beyond
their level of training and should weigh the risks involved in treating a
person against their own capabilities to provide safe and effective first
21-25 Matching Type

Direction: Match column A with the correct answer on column B, write only
the letter of your answer on the space provided before the number.

Column A Column B

A. First Aid Manual

____________ 21.

_____________ 22. B. Roller Bandage

_____________23. C. Wipes

_____________24. D. Facemask

_____________25. E. Gloves
26-33 Enumeration

Direction: Give what is ask for in the following statement

What are the roles of the first aider?

26. ______________

27. ______________

28. ______________

29. ______________

30. ______________

31. ______________

32. ______________

33. ______________

33-38 Enumeration

Direction: Give what is ask for in the following statement

What are the procedures to be followed for a person who has fallen on the floor
or who is found sitting or lying on the floor?

33. __________________
34. __________________
35. __________________
36. __________________
37. __________________
38. __________________

39-50 Multiple Choice

Direction: Read the statement carefully and choose the letter with the best
answer. Write your answer on the space provided before the number.

39. The first and immediate assistance given to any person with either a minor
or serious illness or injury, with care provided to preserve life, prevent the
condition from worsening?

A. First Aid Procedure

B. Reassurance of casualty
C. First Aid
D. Handling Casualty

40. Imagine you are

hurt in a car accident. You can see blood on your leg and you think
you’ve broken your arm. You’ve twisted your ankle and you’re also in
considerable pain and feeling a bit dizzy. What would you feel?

A. Nervous
B. Panic
C. Anxious
D. Frightened

41. Imagine yourself

driving a motorcycle, along the way you see a man lying on the road he is
in pain and he is asking for help. What will be the first thing you do?

A. Call for an ambulance; try to keep still the casualty. Ensure that
someone is directing traffic and maintaining safety. Support their
head and neck, keep them warm and dry and wait for the emergency
B. Do not pay attention to the person asking for your help
C. Let other people call for help
D. Give him water and leave the victim

42. How should you open the airway of an unconscious casualty?

A. Head tilt and chin lift.
B. Jaw thrust.
C. Head tilt and jaw thrust.
D. Lift the chin.

43. What should you do when someone suffers swelling from a head injury?
A. Use a cold compress
B. Use a hot compress
C. Medication
D. Leave it alone

44. What is the first step in providing first aid?

A. Assess the scene for safety
B. Apply direct pressure to the wound
C. Perform rescue breaths
D. elevate the injured limb

45. What is the correct method to control severe bleeding?

A. Apply a tourniquet above the bleeding site
B. Apply pressure directly to the wound with a clean cloth or your hand
C. Elevate the injured limb above the level of the heart
D. Apply ice to the bleeding area

46. What is the primary purpose of the recovery position?

A. Maintain an open airway
B. Stop bleeding from a wound
C. Prevent further injury to the spine
D. Control severe bleeding

47. How do you treat a sprained ankle?

A. Apply heat to the affected area
B. Elevate the injured limb and apply ice wrapped in a cloth
C. Massage the area to reduce swelling
D. Continue to use the injured limb as normal

48. What is the recommended treatment for a dislocated joint?

A. Manipulate the joint to try to put it back into place
B. Apply a hot compress to relax the muscles around the joint
C. Immobilize the joint and seek medical attention
D. Stretch the joint to loosen the surrounding ligaments

49. How should you care for a broken bone or fracture before medical help
A. Attempt to realign the bone or fracture
B. Apply a cold compress and immobilize the injured limb with a splint
or makeshift materials
C. Massage the injured area to increase blood circulation
D. Encourage the individual to walk or move the injured limb

50. How should you care for a person with a suspected neck or spinal


A. Move them to a more comfortable position to alleviate pain

B. Keep their head and neck immobilized and call for medical help


C. Gently massages their neck and shoulders to relieve tension

D. Apply heat to the affected area to reduce muscle spasms



1. First Aid Kit 11. First Aider
2. Plaster 12. First Aid
3. Surgical Dressing 13. Offering Reassurance
4. Tweezer 14. First Aid Kit
5. CPR Mask 15. Frightened
6. Alcohol
7. Povidone Iodine
8. Blanket
9. Scissors
10. Cotton


16. True 21. B

17. True 22. A

18. True 23. C

19. True 24. E

20. True 25. D

26. Assess the scene

27. Call for and assist Emergency Services

28. Provide first aid management of injuries and illnesses

29. Direct bystanders

30. Provide shelter, warmth, food and fluids, if appropriate

31. Provide reassurance and emotional support

32. Report to a supervisor and complete injury/illness forms

33. Maintain first aid supplies and equipment


34. Lay the person down on the floor and make them comfortable.
35. Assess the person for possible complications, bleeding and
36. Call for assistance.
37. Place a pillow or towel under the person’s head.
38. Ring for an ambulance if serious injury is suspected


39. C
40. D
41. A
42. A
43. A
44. A
45. B
46. A
47. B
48. C
49. B
50. B

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