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Poor Ensuring the Engaging in 14/6/2022 Students nurse The area of

environmental surrounding cleaning the and staff work seen to

sanitation area is clean toilet of staff member be conductive.

and friendly and patient. The

for work Involving or environment

activities maintain the sanitation

whole done

dispensary is


especially in

the work area

Shortage of Availability Communicate 16/6/2022 Staff Clinical

equipment of enough with in charge committee equipment are

like PPE equipment to order ministry of available and

and PPE. equipment. health used

Lack of drug Ensure To 18/6/2022 In charge and Presence of

availability of communicate students nurse drug

enough drug with in charge

to order drug

from MSD.



Use of unsafe water ,23 family [99]% people living in tallo hamlet use unsafe water for the

domestic uses like drinking ,cooking while the water sources are not well built and covered thus

making animals waste products , and other waste product , and other wastes in the sources of

water and water become polluted but those community member they drink that water without

boiling .Improper environment sanitation , people living in this village do not maintain

environmental sanitation as evidenced by poor waste disposal , tall grasses around home,

improper handling of manures, and poor sewage disposal. Measures taken are the health

education on how to keep the environment clean, improving housing ventilation to avoid insect

like mosquito and and flies, they should improve toilet hygiene also they should use mosquito


Shortage of teacher 85% of teacher is missing at nyambiti primary schools; this is caused by

shortage of infrastructure system like staff house. Shortage of staff especially nurse, 90% of staff

are lacking at nyambiti health centre. shortage of drug, 70% of drugs are not available at

nyambiti health centre thus can be caused by poor financial support, leading to increase in

referral that are caused due to lack of drug and it may also increase of unexpected death .

Use of unsafe water, the community member should stop bad believe like taking boiled water

may caused abdominal pain and its tasteless, the community government should improve in

infrastructure system like fencing water sources and we provided health education on the

importance of using safe water .

Improved environment sanitation, health education should be given to the community member

on how to keep the environment clean all the time, the community should improve in housing

ventilation to avoid hiding of insect like mosquito and flies, they should improve the toilet

hygiene, and they should use mosquito net.

Shortage of staff especially nurse, the health facility incharge of nyambiti to request from

DED/DMO office to be given priority on adding new staff whenever they available.

Shortage of drug, the government should provide many drugs in order to promote easy

accessibility of drug.

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