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PowerPoints Lesson 4 Summary

Topic : Christ Folk

Key Reference : Acts 11 Vs 19 -30
Stephen had just been killed publicly for his faith and many believers scattered far and wide.

While they ran for their safety , the firmness of Stephens faith even in the face of death light a
spiritual fire in each of the believers and this light of faith spread to all the places they
went .They scattered to modern day Lebanon, Syria , Turkey , Greece and Northern Israel ,
coming fairly close to Africa via the Egyptian border

They were well received In Antioch (In modern day Turkey )

The news of the new converts soon spread up to Jerusalem and the disciples sent Barnabas to
go and minister to the new Church .

Among the new converts were some from the Hellenists (These were Greek speaking Jews and
other Diasporans who were Greek in everything but ancestry .)

Barnabas as filled with the Spirit and many more believed.

In Antioch the group that walked , talked and behaved like Jesus Christ were first called
Christians ( Christ Folk ) a form of Mchongoano but a tag which we should all accept and wear
with humility .

He was soon faced with heavy work and Sought newly converted Paul from his Tarsus base to
help with the Work.



Read and write the powertext ‘Ephesians 2 19 to 20

The Hellenists were considred visitors/ aliens but in Christ we are no longer strangers in the
family of God

The disciples spread the good news as they scattered due to persecution- Acts 11, 20 and 21


We should do things in the Lord that have appositive impact in the lives of others –Acts 11

What three things can we do today to be an Encourager like Barnabas ?


When we make ourselves available to be used by God , He facilitates us to accomplish his

mission just as Paul was facilitated by God through Barnabas


can we learn to save money to help those in need e.g flooding victims

Teach children about ADRA


When was the last time we received help from anyone

What do you do when you see someone in need ?

Revise Fundamental Beliefs 11, 12and 14

Tr Ben owili – Katani West SDA church

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