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Sculptures and architectures Architectures

A. Grotto
Sculptures B. Moorisch pavilion with sculptures:
1. Stone plate dedicated to Francesco Melzi D’Eril, about 1830 Ferdinand I of Hasburg and MariaAnna of Savoy
2. Grotesque mask century),
3. Sphinx Lodovico Melzi D’Eril (Sculpt. G.B. Villa, 1866),
4. Triton Joséphine Barbò (scuplt. G. Oldofreddi Tadini, second half G R
5. The “Infamous Column” of the XIXth century)
6. Statue of ancient Egyptian dignitary C. Terrace and lake landing, arch. G. Arbertolli
7. Monument to Dante and Beatrice, sculpt. G.B. Comolli 1810 D. Villa (not open to the public), arch. G. Albertolli 19 E
E. Oratory (Family chapel) with monuments, arch. G. Albertolli, F
8. Egyptian statue of the Goddess Pakhet or Sekhmet 23
9. Modern benches, arch. A. Costa, 2005 sculptors G.B. Benzoni, G.B. Comolli, V. Nesti, G. Oldofredi Tadini, V.Vela) 18 17
10. Statue of Apollo, attributed to sculptor F. Greenhouses
G. Della Porta. XVI th century G. Milan “Lazzaretto” (no accessible)
11. Water-lily basin and fountain H. Rustic porch, terrace and rocaille grotto, arch. L. Canonica 22
I. Museum, former orangerie, arch. L. Canoniva 16
12. Lions in the Egyptian style, sculpt. G.B. Comolli, about 1810
13. Statue of Meleangro, attributed to sculptor J. Hut in mid garden H 20 15
K. Neo-gothic sham ruin, arch. L. Canonica wc 14
G. Della Porta. XV th century D
14. Herm of Athena (replica from the ancient, XIXth century) I 21 13
16. Herm of the GoddessRoma 12
(replica from the anciet, XIXth century)
17. Bronze bell, founder Zerbino Alexandrinus, 1860
18. Carved frieze with symbols of the Four Evangelists, XIIthcentury C
19. Portal of the ancient Melzi residence in Milan,
XV th - XVI th centuries J
20. Medalions portraying Francesco Melzi D’Eril and
Giocondo Albertolli, sculpt. V. Nesti, about 1830 24
21. Pedestal of the “Infamous Column”
22. Bust of duchess Maria Durazzo, sculpt. G.B. Comolli, about 1825
23. Bust of Giocondo Albertolli, sculpt. G.B. Comolli, about 1811
24. Ancient sculpted heads 9

WC Toilette
R Restaurant K
Sculptures and Architectures
AP Apartments A 4 6
3 5


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Bell ’-Q

trj h I di Villa Melzi - La b(Ii

Villa Melzi nacquc come residenzaestivaa Bellagio di FrancescoMelzi D’eril

vicepresidente della Repubblica Italiana a1tempo d Napoleone ( 1802-] 805 ). It progetto, afTidato
all’illustre architetto (;iocondo Albertoll fu cseguito dal 1808 al ]813
La cosuuzione, perfetta espressione dello stile neoclassico, a circondata da incantevoli giardini dove
campeggrano statue classicheggianti e piante secolari ed esotiche. La passeggiataa lago lungo il viale
dei platani, la cappella afTacciaLa sul ponicciolo di Lol)pia, il padiglione museonella aranceraadiacente
alla villa, si ispirano anch’essiai canoni eleganti uilibrati, rigorosi dell’arte neoclassica,Autentico
spirito romantico emanainvece dai gruppi di rododendri giganti e di azaleesparsi sui prati e lungo i
pendii, verso l’idillico laghetto allagiapponese. Non a caso qui si ispirarono il musicista Franz Liszt e lo
scrittore Stendhal, ospiti della villa come altri celebri personaggi del mondo dellacultura e dellapolitica.
La dimora ed il giardino - oggi monumento nazionale nell’insieme - sono tuttora di proprieti privata.

FrancescoMelzi D’F:ril, Vice-President ofthe Napoleonic Italian Republic ( 1802- 1805) commissioned
the construction of Villa Melzi ashis summer residence in Bellagio. The project, which was assignedto
the illustrious architect (;iocondo Albertolli, was executedin the yearsfrom 1808 to 1813
This perfect example of neoclassical architecture is set in an enchanting garden with classical statues
- ccatuiV-old Ltiafr: The lakegl wini-i)F£rFtms:
the chapel looking onto the little port ofLoppia, the museum pavilion in the orangerie next to the villa
havealso been inspired by the elegant, harmonious and austererules of neoclassicalart. In contrast, an
authentically romantic spirit emanatesfrom the clusters of giant rhododendrons and azaleasrandomly
distributed on the lawnsand alongthe slopes,in the direction of an idyllic Japanesepond. It is no wonder
that this place provided inspiration to Franz Liszt and Stendhal, who stayed here asguests of the villa,
along with other outstanding figures of the cultural and political milieus of their times: The stately home
and its garden – now a national monument – are still privately owned

de Francesco Melzi d’Eril, Vice-PrCsident de laR6publique

tHit#1805). Le projet, confi6 i l’illustre architecte (;iocondo
Albertolli, a CtCr6alis6 entre 1808 et 1813: la demeure, expression parfaite du style n6oclassique
est entour6e de jardins enchanteurs oil tr6nent statues classiques et arbres exotiques centenaires
Tout ici s’inspire des canons 61Cgants,Cquilibr6s et rigoureux de 1’art n6oclassique : la promenade
dI du 1 :hapelll lb
Francesco Mclzi D’Eril, Vizcprasidcnt (lcr Italicnischcn Rcpul)I ik ( 1802- 1805) untcr NapoIcon , I)cauhraglc
(lcn bcrtihmtcstcn Architckt jcncl' Zcit. (;iocondo All)crtoIII, mit (lcnr Ball v011Villa Mclzi. Dic Villa wurdc
in dcn Jahrcn 1808-1813 als SommcrwohnsiLZcrb,rut. Sic licgt in der Niihc von Bcllagio, glcich ncl)cn demI
klcincn Hafcn von Lol)pia. Das Cebliu(lc, vollkommcner Ausdruck dcs neoklassizistischellSLils,ist von
prachtvollcn (;arLen umgeben, wo man seltene Excmplarcn von cxotischcn Pflanzen und klassizistischcn
Bhstcn und SLatuenbewundern Icann.Sclbsl dic Sccpromenadccntlang der PlaLancna11cc,
dic Kapcllc
und das Mus;cuminI Orangcn£prtcnsin(I nachden clcguntcn,harnronischcnund SLrcngcnRcgcln (Icr
ncoklassizistischcn Kun>it gcsLaltct. Ricsigc R.hodo(lcn(Ironstniuchcr un(I Azalccn auf(len Wicscn un(I (lcn
sanft abf'allcndcn Abhangcn zulu klcincn japanischcn Tcich hin sin(I Ausdruck der romantischcn Stinrnlung
Nicht umsonst fan(len hier ncbcn viclcn andcrcn bcrilhmten Pcrs6nlichkcitcn aus Kultur und Politik
Franz Liszt und Stendhal als Caste dcr Villahicr vicle Inspirdtioncn. Die Villa und der GarLcnbildcn heute
gcmcinsam ein naLionalesDenkmal und belinden sich noch imnler in Privatl)csitz

Villa Mclzi, cn Bella}{gio,nacccomo rcsidcnciadc vcranodc FranccscoMclzi D’cril, viccprcsidcnLCdc

la Rcphblica ILalianacn la Cpocanapolc6nica( 1802– 1805). El proyccto, cncar}{adoal ilusLrc ar(juitccLO
(;iocondo All)crLolli. sc rcaliz6 cntrc ] 808 v 18 ] 3
La consLrucci6n, cxponcnLCpcrlbcto del cstilo ncocl£sico, esti rodcada dc cncanLadorcsjardincs
cn los que, adcmis dc I)lantas sccularcs y cx6Licas, pucdcn admirarsc cstatuas clasicistas. El scndcro
dc I)l£Lanosquc bordca cI lago, la capilla con vistasal I)cquc60pucrto dc Lol)pia y cl invcrnadcro dc
naranjos dcvcnido nlusco adyaccnLC a la villa tanll)iCn sc insl)iran cn Ic)srigurosos canoncs clcgunLcsy
ililrral (reId';ica.-DJ A (i

rom£ntico c1 que protagoniza cl paisajc, con pradcras y pcndicntcs salpicadasdc sctos dc trzalcasy
rododendros glgantes. No es casual quc aqui enconnaran inspiraci(’)n cI mas;icoFranz Liszt y cl cscriLor
Stcndhal, huCsl)cdcs de la villa, cntrc OLros I)crsonajcs cClcl)res dcI mun(Jo dc la cuILura y la poliLica. La
mansi6n y cl jardin , (luc hoy son monumcnLOnacional, si}{ucu sicndo a6n dc propicdad I)rivada

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