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ESSAY: Violent Video Games SAP ID: 70145471


Video games were introduced to society back in the 1970’s. A game called Pong
was developed in the year of 1972 gaining a lot of popularity. Back then video games
were played on arcades and people had to put in quarters to be able to play the
game. Now there are many different consoles that people can play video games on
without having to pay each time they want to play a certain game. There are more
than one million video games that vary in genres.

They go from innocent games to ones that are not so innocent

in another's point of view. These not so “innocent” video games are ones that are
violent. Ones that involve shooting and killing that a lot of people find so entertaining.
Games that contain violent content affect those who play it because of the graphic
actions they partake in. Showing images that should not be shown to young children
whose brains are still developing, even though they are cartoon-like they still
represent the same things that unfortunately can happen in real life. People can
experience a change in behaviour, thoughts, and even the way they feel about

These games, which feature violent

behavior, such as shooting, fighting, and killing, as a central gameplay mechanic,
have a negative impact on individuals, particularly children and adolescents. The
debate surrounding violent video games has sparked intense discussion among
parents, policymakers, researchers, and the gaming industry, with some arguing that
they promote aggression, desensitize players to violence, and have a range of other
negative effects, while others claim that they have no such effects and are simply a
form of entertainment.

The "aggression hypothesis" suggests that exposure to violent video games can
increase aggressive thoughts, feelings, and behaviors in players. Research has
shown that players who engage with violent video games are more likely to exhibit
aggressive behavior, such as hitting, kicking, and punching, and are more likely to
engage in physical fights.
Furthermore, exposure to violent video games has been linked to an increase in
hostile thoughts and feelings, such as anger and hostility, and a decrease in
empathy and helping behavior.

The social development of a child can also be

affected negatively. Restrictions are a good way to prevent children from being
impacted by violence in video games at such an early age. Violent video games
mostly don’t show good things to young people. They show violence towards others
and show criminal-like actions. For example, Grand Theft Auto (GTA), is a game
where the character steals cars and tries to escape from the police. That could give
them the wrong idea of how the real world works, mixing virtual gaming with reality.

In conclusion,
the impact of violent video games on society is a complex issue. While concerns
about potential negative effects on aggression and behavior are valid, it's essential to
consider the broader context and acknowledge that not all individuals are affected in
the same way. Responsible gaming habits, parental guidance, and continued
research into the effects of video game content are necessary to ensure that gaming
remains a positive and enriching experience for players of all ages.

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