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In today’s dynamic business landscape, organizations are constantly influenced by factors

beyond their control. Understanding and analyzing the macro environment is important for
strategic decision-making and long-term success. This macro-environmental analysis aims to
explore the external forces shaping the operating environment of Woodienizer Corporation. By
examining political, economic, social, technological, legal, and environmental factors, we seek to
uncover opportunities, threats, and emerging trends that could impact the organization’s
performance and strategic direction. Through this analysis, we aim to equip Woodienizer
Corporation with actionable insights to navigate the difficulties of the external environment and
adapt effectively to future challenges and opportunities.

Political Factors. For example, business confidence and investment decisions are often
influenced by the stability of the government as well as changes in leadership. Policies governing
taxation, trade, employment and regulation are likely to have implications for business
operations. Stability in countries with economic ties to the Philippines is likely to have
implications for trade relations and foreign investment. Whether the government is perceived to
be riddled with corruption may influence the ease of doing business and perceptions of the
Philippines as a business partner. Political unrest, protests and conflicts may also have
implications for business operations and investment plans.

Economic Factors. This includes GDP growth, inflation and interest rates. The GDP growth in
the Philippines is 7.6% annually, which means that new opportunities for our company and also
for our beloved customers. The second factor that economically affects the businesses here in the
Philippines is the inflation rate, the full average inflation rate of the Philippines is at 6%.
Inflation impacts businesses from a supply side: costs of materials and products increase, and it
may influence costs associated with trade. The demand side is impacted too: employees might
seek higher wages, and these higher costs are transferred to consumers through higher prices.
Lastly, interest rate. Interest rates can affect our business because, Customers with debts have
less income to spend because they are paying more interest to lenders, such as their mortgage
company, and sales fall as a result.

Social Factors. This includes factors such as cultural trends, demographics, and lifestyle
changes that can greatly affect our company. Cultural trends play a very important role in the
buying decisions of customers. The second factor to consider is demographics because we can
determine our key customers or target market and create marketing materials. Demographics also
affect other business factors such as pricing, packaging, and service offers. When marketing
campaigns are aligned with the demographics of customers, sales will likely increase. Moreover,
customers’ lifestyle changes can greatly affect our company or the sales of our company, because
their needs will depend on their daily lifestyle.

Technological Factors. To compete with other companies and to deliver customer satisfaction,
our company will consider technological Factors such as technological advancements,
innovation and automation. In today’s business field customers seek futuristic and more
advanced products. These factors can help our company to be more relevant in competing with
others and technological advancement will not just help us improve our product but will also
increase the production rate of our product through new and advanced machinery. Additionally,
we will also prioritize automation that can increase our company’s product cost, efficiency and

Legal Factors. How business activities can be constrained by laws in force in society, and in
most cases those laws are made, amended, or repealed through the established political processes
of the country in question. Considering these laws can help our company to operate without
having any trouble. Obeying these laws will also make our company reliable it will help our
company to gain more customers. These laws include Compliance Requirements. Assessing the
requirements for businesses to adhere to various laws and regulations, which may vary by
industry and jurisdiction. The second law is Intellectual Property Protection. Understanding laws
concerning intellectual property rights, including patents, trademarks, and copyrights, which
influence innovation, competition, and market entry. Lastly, Regulatory Framework.
Understanding the legal framework within which businesses operate, encompassing regulations
on employment, environmental protection, taxation, and consumer protection.

Environmental Factors. Environmental factors are factors that have to do with the environment,
such as sustainability, and other environmental concerns. Since our product is made out of wood,
the sustainability of our product may decrease due to deforestation wildfires and illegal logging.
To ensure that we will consider these environmental factors our company promises that our
product doesn’t use any materials that can harm the environment. These factors can help our
product to be safe and worthy. Therefore, assessing these factors could potentially attract the
buyer to purchase our product.

 Affordable Prices
 Offers Innovative products
 Cooperative staffs
 Strong, decisive leadership.
 Great Customer service
 Lower cost than other similar products


 Lack of machinery and manpower

 Not well known, no exposure
 Small working space


 Fewer competitors
 Emerging needs for our product
 Underserve Markets that need our product
 Infomercial and promotions
 Growing interest in supporting local materials


 Emerging competitors
 Changing regulatory environment
 Rising cause of materials
 Uncertain economic environment

COMPANY: Our company is a corporation that offers woodcrafts. The strengths of our
company rely on cooperating within the workplace, to ensure the quality of our product to match
the value of what the customer pays. We also offer affordable and innovative products to deliver
customer satisfaction. Our company support local products so we ensure that the materials we
use are not imported. The company’s weaknesses are lack of manpower because there are only 8
workers, we also lack machinery that slows down our production. Our company is capable of
delivering good quality products, eco-friendly products and good customer service, we are also
capable of innovating our product to match the customers' expectations.

CUSTOMER: The target customers of our product are teachers and students, because this
product is perfect for them. This are suitable in any gender, age and ethnicity

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