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1) The primary purpose of configuration status reporting is to:

b. make sure that change information is communicated to all affected parties
2) A specification or product that
b. Baseline
3) Choose all correct statements:
b. Procedures are applied to all units in organization
c. procedure should conform to national and international standards
d. work instruction is supplement and details of procedure
4) The higher software quality cost, better quality of the software
 False
5) Which configuration objects would not typically be found in the project database?
e. Marketing data
6) The activity in software configuration management that is the management of versions
intended to coexist
d. Variant management
7) Each of team member should conduct their tasks by sing their own knowledge and experience
 False
8) Redundant metrics is related to the this requirement
e. Mutually exclusive
9) Immunity to biased interventions is archieved by choice of metrics and adequate procedures
 True
10) The following are the objective of quality measurement, except
e. To facilitate tester to detect failures
11) Costs of re-programming of correcting programs in response to test findings can be classified as
b. Internal failure cost
12) The followings are the class of cost of software quality assurance in the classic model, except
c. Managerial failure cost
13) Software configuration management is a set of activities in software engineering to be
conducted after the software delivered.
 False
14) Procedures and work instructions increase the number of communication path
 False
15) The followings are the reason of configuration management, except
a. Software cannot be changed when it has been released
16) The cost for the following activities are covered by Appraisal cost, except
b. Insurance against customer’s claim
17) The followings are the motivation to update existing procedures, except
e. New staff member
18) A(n) ….. is a different collection of objects at the same revision level
c. Variant
19) The check-in and check-out process helps with which element of change control?
d. Synchronization control
20) Software quality metric should produces similar results when applied under similar condition.
This requirement is known as
e. Reliable


1. One of the software configuration management tasks is change control. Explain the systematic
change control process and how it can control the access and synchronization control.
Systematic of Change Control Process
• Permintaan perubahan diajukan dan dievaluasi
– untuk menilai manfaat teknis, potensi efek samping, dampak keseluruhan pada objek
konfigurasi dan fungsi sistem lainnya, dan biaya perubahan yang diproyeksikan.
• Hasil evaluasi disajikan sebagai laporan perubahan,
– yang digunakan oleh change control authority (CCA)—seseorang atau kelompok yang
membuat keputusan akhir tentang status dan prioritas perubahan.
• Perintah perubahan teknik (ECO) dibuat untuk setiap perubahan yang disetujui.
• ECO menjelaskan perubahan yang akan dilakukan, kendala yang harus dihormati, dan
kriteria untuk review dan audit.
• Objek yang akan diubah "diperiksa" dari database proyek, perubahan dilakukan, dan
aktivitas SQA yang sesuai diterapkan.
• Objek kemudian "check in" ke database dan mekanisme kontrol versi yang sesuai
digunakan untuk membuat versi berikutnya dari perangkat lunak.

Access and Synchronization Control

 Proses "check-in" dan "check-out" mengimplementasikan dua elemen penting dari kontrol
perubahan—kontrol akses dan kontrol sinkronisasi.
• Kontrol akses mengatur perekayasa perangkat lunak mana yang memiliki wewenang untuk
mengakses dan memodifikasi objek konfigurasi tertentu.
• Kontrol sinkronisasi membantu memastikan bahwa perubahan paralel, yang dilakukan oleh
dua orang berbeda, tidak menimpa satu sama lain
• Berdasarkan permintaan perubahan yang disetujui dan ECO, seorang insinyur perangkat
lunak memeriksa objek konfigurasi.
• Fungsi kontrol akses memastikan bahwa perekayasa perangkat lunak memiliki wewenang
untuk memeriksa objek, dan kontrol sinkronisasi mengunci objek dalam database proyek
sehingga tidak ada pembaruan yang dapat dilakukan hingga versi yang saat ini diperiksa
telah diganti.
• Perhatikan bahwa salinan lain dapat di-check-out, tetapi pembaruan lainnya tidak dapat
dilakukan. Salinan dari objek dasar, yang disebut versi yang diekstraksi, dimodifikasi oleh
insinyur perangkat lunak. Setelah SQA dan pengujian yang sesuai, versi objek yang
dimodifikasi diperiksa dan objek garis dasar yang baru dibuka kuncinya

2. Explain the objectives of procedures and work instruction

Bertujuan untuk:
– Kinerja tugas, proses atau kegiatan dengan cara yang paling efektif dan efisien tanpa
menyimpang dari persyaratan kualitas.
– Komunikasi yang efektif dan efisien antara staf terpisah yang terlibat dalam pengembangan
dan pemeliharaan sistem perangkat lunak.
– Keseragaman dalam kinerja, dicapai dengan kesesuaian dengan prosedur dan instruksi
kerja, mengurangi kesalahpahaman yang menyebabkan kesalahan perangkat lunak.
– Koordinasi yang disederhanakan antara tugas dan aktivitas yang dilakukan oleh berbagai
badan organisasi. Koordinasi yang lebih baik berarti lebih sedikit kesalahan.

3. The following table presents the calculation of code and design errors

The relative weights for low, medium, and high severity and respectively 1,3, 9.
Calculate the following metrics if the KLOC (thousands of lines of code) is 40.

KLOC = 40
Number of Code Errors:
Low Severity = 42
Medium Severity = 17
High Severity = 11
Number of Design Errors:
Low Severity = 8
Medium Severity = 3
High Severity = 9
Relative Weights:
Low Severity = 1
Medium Severity = 3
High Severity = 9

Let's calculate the metrics:

Code Error Density = Total number of code errors / KLOC Code Error Density = (42
+ 17 + 11) / 40

Code Error Density = 70 / 40 Code Error Density = 1.75 errors per KLOC
Development Error Density = (Total number of code errors + Total number of design
errors) / KLOC

Development Error Density = (42 + 17 + 11 + 8 + 3 + 9) / 40 Development Error

Density = 90 / 40

Development Error Density = 2.25 errors per KLOC

Weighted Code Error Density = (Number of low severity code errors * weight of low
severity) + (Number of medium severity code errors * weight of medium severity) +
(Number of high severity code errors * weight of high severity) / KLOC Weighted
Code Error Density = (42 * 1 + 17 * 3 + 11 * 9) / 40

Weighted Code Error Density = (42 + 51 + 99) / 40

Weighted Code Error Density = 192 / 40

Weighted Code Error Density = 4.8 errors per KLOC

Weighted Development Error Density = (Number of low severity code errors +

Number of low severity design errors) * weight of low severity + (Number of
medium severity code errors + Number of medium severity design errors) * weight
of medium severity + (Number of high severity code errors + Number of high
severity design errors) * weight of high severity / KLOC

Weighted Development Error Density = ((42 + 8) * 1 + (17 + 3) * 3 + (11 + 9) * 9) /


Weighted Development Error Density = (50 * 1 + 20 * 3 + 20 * 9) / 40

Weighted Development Error Density = (50 + 60 + 180) / 40

Weighted Development Error Density = 290 / 40 Weighted Development Error

Density = 7.25 errors per KLOC

Therefore, the calculated metrics are:

a) Code Error Density = 1.75 errors per KLOC

b) Development Error Density = 2.25 errors per KLOC

c) Weighted Code Error Density = 4.8 errors per KLOC

d) Weighted Development Error Density = 7.25 errors per KLOC

4. Indicate the subclass of cost of software quality to which each of the following expenditures
belongs: prevention cost, appraisal cost, managerial preparation and control costs, internal
failure cost, external failure cost, managerial failure cost.
a) Costs paid to customers as compensation for late completion of the project, a result of the
unrealistic schedule in the proposal.
 Managerial Failure Costs
b) Costs of integration testing process
 Appraisal Costs
c) Costs of periodic updating of procedures and work instructions.
 managerial preparation and control costs
d) Cost of updating procedures and work instructions
 prevention cost
e) Costs of correction of software bugs detected during operation.
 external failure cost

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