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Content Warnings Include: Body Horror, Graphic Gore/Description of
Wounds, Cannibalism, Endangerment of Children, Self-Harm, Family
Death, Animal Death. Written by Ripley Caldwell. FIST was created by B.
Everett Dutton. The cover was drawn by Val Hal.

PRELIMINARIES: The scenario begins when the characters receive a

distressing call. The caller could be a friendly NPC from a previous
session or someone entirely new, whichever works for your group. Just
make sure at least one of the characters has an emotional attachment
to the Bait.

The call quality is choppy (even for the time period) and the sound of
crashing waves in the background occasionally drowns out the words.
The Bait imparts the following information:
They have been instructed to read this message.
They have been kidnapped. By who, they do not know.
They will die if the characters do not bring [a large amount of
money] to a set of coordinates in a “timely manner.” The
coordinates are provided at the end of the call.
The amount of money is up to you, but it should make the
characters antsy, not despairing. The money isn’t what The
Sixteen is after.
If the characters try to procure any more information from the Bait or
the Bait goes off script, Revenant (who is monitoring the call being
made) cuts the line.

Shortly after the call, Revenant crushes the Bait’s head into paste with a
sledgehammer. This is a smart move for three reasons:
He doesn’t want the characters to actually be able to rescue the
Bait, nor does he care about the money.
He’s aware the characters have supernatural abilities and might be
able to contact the Bait via telepathy or similar.
If the characters learn of the Bait’s death somehow, it’s likely they’ll
come to Gruama for revenge regardless.

However, be aware that this is what’s known as a “bullshit GM move”.

The players are unlikely to be able to interfere in the death of their
friend. This scenario takes FIST into the realm of tragic horror, meaning
that there are some things that are simply out of the character’s
control. Be sure your players are comfortable in this genre. Use safety
tools. Play mean, but play within the bounds of the rules.
PRELIMINARIES: The coordinates lead to a remote isle off the coast of
Scotland; a nondescript and uninhabited patch of craggy rock known as
Gruama. There was a lighthouse built there in the forties, but records
indicate it has never been staffed. A submarine or helicopter approach
would be optimal, but it’s more likely that the characters arrive on a

WHAT’S HAPPENING HERE?: A group of deranged ex-CYCLOPS

agents that refer to themselves as “The Sixteen” want to attract the
FIST operatives to the isle to murder them as payback for the
disastrous Operation Bottle. The characters will have to be cautious
and clever if they want to survive.

In addition, the characters will be surprised to learn that there are (or
were) two civilian families living on the isle, the Bishops and the
Mulloys. They know each other and sometimes take vacations on
Gruama as a shared secret. The Sixteen was surprised as well, but only
momentarily. Then they were excited.

Peepshow watches the island from the lighthouse and
communicates locations and instructions to the rest of the Sixteen.
He’ll take occasional potshots at the characters, but shoots to kill if
any of them try to leave the island. According to Revenant’s
instructions, Peepshow is only allowed to kill one of them.
The Sixteen work together very well, utilizing careful military
strategy. They try not to get into fights alone and make tactical
retreats if necessary. They won’t underestimate the characters.
The Sixteen have their flaws, one of which is not liking each other
very much. Let these flaws crop up during roleplay, and let the
players exploit them.
The Sixteen can and will show up anywhere, directed by Peepshow.
Feel free to move them from their listed locations.
THE PLACE: White waves crash against the bleak isle of Gruama like
desperate hands yearning to pull it down into the depths. Cutting wind
stings your face and numbs your fingers, and the overcast clouds have
yet to break into rain. Two small, darkened cabins huddle against jagged
crags of rock. Standing close to a ramshackle wooden dock, the unlit
lighthouse presides over all, a corpse-gray finger pointed towards the
inauspicious sky.

A haphazardly built dock with an overhang that looks like it’s about
to be blown in by the storm, clearly not built by professionals. Three
boats are lashed to an anchoring pole; the Mulloy’s, the Bishop’s,
and the Sixteen’s. The characters can find some discarded, odd-
tasting jerky (Butcher’s) and a porn mag (Peepshow) if they
investigate the Sixteen’s boat.


!!! - Peepshow (if he’s still alive and in position) can let Butcher know
the characters are coming via his radio. The players might catch the
crackly bark of the warning, though the specifics are lost to the wind.
EXTERIOR: Lights glow in the windows of a sizable cabin, a Nancy
Sinatra song (play it for the players) drifting out of a cracked-open
door accompanied by the smell of cooking meat. A nearby
barbecue grill has been knocked over, blackened briskets scattered
onto the sparse grass. The door to an outhouse about 40 feet away
from the back of the cabin bangs in the shrieking wind.
INTERIOR: The cabin has three rooms; a combination of a living
room/kitchen area and two bedrooms, one for the Bishop parents
and one for Ollie. A nude, dismembered corpse is displayed artfully
on the dining table and a section of human thigh is being cooked
with butter on the gas stove. A cassette player is perched on the
counter beside the sizzling pan, cranking out tunes at the highest
volume. If Butcher was warned, he might try to ambush the
characters by leaping out of the bedroom. If not, he tries to talk his
way around them, offering them a bite to eat. He loves to chat and
will stop fighting if the characters make it clear they’re willing to.
CORPSE: The body of April Bishop. Carefully cut into cattle-like
segments via cleaver. Garnishes have been placed in her hair,
which Butcher picks out and flicks into the pan when he needs
them. A plate has been positioned under her head to catch some of
the blood that flows from her cracked-egg skull, but it leaks out
onto the table anyway.
THIGH: Smells truly delicious. Not supernatural in any way; Butcher
is just a very good cook.

Leaned up against the toilet is the body of Travis Bishop. His
bloodied head hangs from a loose neck like a weight dropped into a
sock- the bones have been crushed by Revenant’s sledgehammer.


!!! - Revenant spotted Ollie and started chasing after him with the
hammer. Tab chose to stay behind at the cabin. A crack of lightning
reveals the stark shapes of a ragged man pursuing a teenager if
any of the characters are looking towards the beach. In addition,
Peepshow lets Tab and Revenant know that the characters are
approaching as long as he's alive and in position- it’s likely that
Revenant will turn and run towards the cabin, ignoring Ollie for now.
EXTERIOR: A dark, two-room cabin with an overturned rocking chair
on the porch. The body of a man is lying face down in the sand, the
back of his head blown open with a gunshot wound.
BODY: Mr. Hunter Mulloy, wearing only swimming trunks. If
turned over, his face is mostly gone; one remaining eyeball,
finally disturbed enough to be severed, detaches and rolls away.
The characters can see from the blood streaking his fingers
and the gouges on his face that he was trying to claw out his
INTERIOR: The Mulloys were considerably more cluttered than the
Bishops; framed pictures, dog toys, board games (including an in-
progress game of Monopoly between Tab and Revenant), and
cricketing gear litter the cabin. If warned, Tab could take cover
behind the couch and fill the cabin with her hallucinatory gas. Tab's
preference is to taunt characters that have been affected by the
gas for a while before killing them.
!!! - If the characters visit the Pike before the Vacationer’s Cabin
(II), Revenant can be found here, leaning intimidatingly against
the bloody wood.
The Bait (whoever they are) is strung up on a large wooden
pike, retrieved from building materials left over from the
lighthouse. Their head (or what remains of it) is covered by a
tied black bag. Their shirt has been removed and ‘FIST TRAITOR
FUCK’ has been carved cruelly into their flesh. If the characters
manage to get the Bait down, they discover what Revenant has
done to them. Untying the bag is like opening a package of

A picnic table and a handful of chairs that have been tossed
about by the storm. Soda bottles with a single bullet through
them surround the Mulloy dog (a Bolognese), shot and splayed
out in the sand like a forgotten toy. A bit of fun for Peepshow, to
pass the time.

!!! - If the characters begin approaching, Peepshow tells
everyone on the island to get to him and defend him, including
Baker on the lighthouse’s first level. He may try to take out one
of the characters, using up his single kill.
EXTERIOR: The lighthouse seems to grow even taller as the
characters approach, the wet, half painted stones reflecting
flashes of lightning. A blackened skeleton surrounded by
chunks of charred flesh is collapsed beside it, still sizzling in
the rain.
SKELETON: Ms. Jessica Mulloy, who managed to escape
her cabin but died in an inferno of Baker’s creation.
Crumbles into ash if disturbed.
INTERIOR: A bare, unornamented lighthouse filled with dust
and damp. Baker waits nervously on the stairs, gun trained on
the entrance. She unleashes a burst of flame and a couple
bullets before escaping up the stairs, hoping the other members
of the Sixteen will get there in time to help. Peepshow is
perched at the top, sniper rifle usually trained on the characters.
If they manage to get to him, he's completely pathetic and begs
for his life.
OPERATION BOTTLE: A year or two before the events of this scenario,
a creature from another dimension known as the Most Beautiful Body
was released into the world after a CYCLOPS op failed to stop a ritual
massacre committed by a flesh cult. CYCLOPS determined that facing
the threat alone would be impossible and reached out to FIST for help.
Now begrudging (if temporary) allies, FIST sent their operatives and
CYCLOPS sent The Sixteen to put the genie back in the bottle.
Though the mission objective was successful, the death of the Most
Beautiful Body set off a chain reaction. A rapidly expanding zone of
supernatural radiation spread from the corpse, consuming everything it
touched. FIST was aware that there were CYCLOPS agents alive within
the zone, but they gave the order to recall their operatives, and that was
that. Lying in a field of screaming flesh and baking skin, one of the last
things Drake saw that day was a helicopter carrying away his supposed
Seven of The Sixteen survived, the meatwarping nightmare
modifying their bodies into something perfect. Five of them want


British special forces agent, dishonorable discharge, occultist,
mercenary for hire, then, finally, CYCLOPS. Recruited from the site of a
disastrous raid on a top-secret compound experimenting with occult
rituals. Drake quickly rose through the ranks and was chosen to lead his
own unit; the Sixteen. It was a tight-knit group. They meant a lot to each
other, the sort of meaning only people who have shed blood together can
understand. Until Operation Bottle, anyway.
52, tall, he/him, covered in tattoos, unkempt red hair, stained tank
top, suspenders, jeans, rubber boots.
Perfectly clear, almost waxen skin.
Confident, intelligent, determined, and deeply angry.
Prefers melee weaponry.
Occasional smoker.
Staunch anti-Communist.
Sledgehammer (3 DAMAGE, can break limbs)
Pack of smokes, lighter
Shortwave radio
Amulet of the Pit (A trinket Revenant picked up on an old CYCLOPS
op that allows him to move through shadows)
PERFECTED: When Revenant takes damage, his flesh rearranges itself
and heals in moments. Get into the visceral descriptions of this sort of
healing; splintered bone chunks sliding against each other as they snap
back into place, torn flesh smacking like wet lips before bubbling and
closing up, severed limbs hanging on by pumping veins and quivering
strips of muscle. If he takes more than 4 damage in one attack, he’ll be
stunned for a moment. More than 6, and he’ll need a few seconds to
recover. There’s probably some way to kill him permanently. But it isn’t
written down anywhere.


33, she/her, looks younger than she is, very chapped lips, black
fireproof jumpsuit dripping with flame retardant gel, red goggles.
Weeping, glowing sores on the neck the size of baseballs.
Uncomfortable with the behavior of the other members with a
particular disdain for Butcher.
Tired, nervous, quick.
Energy drink habit.
Thinks fire is beautiful.

9mm pistol (1D6 DAMAGE)
Energy drink
Chapstick tubes x3
Shortwave radio
FLAME SACS: Can breathe fire from her mouth in a large cone, dealing
D6+2 DAMAGE. Needs 30 seconds or so to recover between blasts. If
her neck bulbs are shot, everyone around her takes 2D6 damage as she
detonates. The smoke smells like blood.
38, he/him, shaggy hair, always smiling, heavy scarring around
mouth and neck, big stupid 70’s sunglasses, Hawaiian t-shirt,
Genuinely pleasant.
Disarming, relaxed, a real sadist.
Overly familiar with the other members of the Sixteen.
Thinks Gruama and its weather patterns are a “bummer.”
Loves Nancy Sinatra.
Strong preference for human flesh over any other meal.

Cleaver (3 DAMAGE, hexed blade can cleanly separate limbs for
easy eating)
9mm (1D6 DAMAGE, hates using it)
Body armor (1 ARMOR)
Cassettes x2
Shortwave radio
HUNGER: Can split his mouth open into four pink, quivering segments
lined with teeth. A bite from this flanged maw deals 1D6 DAMAGE.
Eating most of a human body heals Butcher to full and imparts some of
their memories. If he eats a character, he makes sure to use any
memories he gets to full effect.


46, she/her, curly hair, round features, “chutes” of oozing bone
emerging from wrists and upper back, black clothing with lots of
Smooth voice.
Controlled, amused, hateful.
Tries to leave hurting people to others.
Likes singing. Star of karaoke nights.
TAB (4 HP):
9mm (1D6 DAMAGE)
Body armor (1 ARMOR)
Bowie knife (2 DAMAGE)
Journal (Notes about her interactions with and feelings about the
Sixteen, song ideas)
Shortwave radio
VISIONS: The bone chutes can spray a nearly-invisible hallucinogenic
gas. Reality warps around affected characters, environments change,
people become monsters. She is immune to her own gas, but the other
members of the Sixteen are not. Roll a d6 for a visionscape or make
one up:
1. A 60’s style suburban house that repeats itself, plain and
indistinguishable doors leading from living room, to kitchen, to
bedroom, to living room once again. Chittering insectoid people
wearing human clothes perform inane tasks for an audience
consisting only of you.
2. A field of corpse flesh stretches out underneath you. Buildings
composed of bone struts and stretched skin stare with glassy,
vacant-eyed windows. It’s a dead place, cold and unmoving, and
bulbous mosquitoes try unsuccessfully to suck sustenance out of
any still-wet pores.
3. A fancy restaurant, the ceilings extending forever into darkness. An
immense, many-legged creature that does not speak your language
descends from above and tries to serve you something black and
4. Hell. Whichever version frightens you the most.
5. Wet, shivering creatures scattered across a concrete complex
mutilate themselves, tossing their bodies onto guardrails, jabbing
themselves with sharp stones, tearing out their eyes by hand. Their
blood is milky white. You can never reach them in time to save
them, and their phlegmy screams pierce your ears.
6. Twisted nightmare versions of the other characters hunt you
through a forest of marching trees. Their roots trip and catch, and
you can never find proper cover.
35, he/him, small and skinny, stained pajamas, sandals, black
motorcycle helmet with stickers pasted onto it.
Underneath the helmet, his head is completely covered in throbbing,
panicked eyes that have forced their way up through scabby skin.
Whiny, excitable, a total creep.
Would be disastrous if he had access to the modern day internet.
Gets off to watching the Sixteen do their thing.
Once let Butcher eat one of his eyes.
Incredibly talented sniper.

Mosin-Nagant M1891 (1D6+2 DAMAGE)
Eye drops
Magazine snippets
Shortwave radio
ALL-SEEING: Can see everything within about 5 square miles of himself
(encompassing the entirety of Gruama). Inside buildings, in the water,
inside someone’s mouth, if he wanted. He can only focus on about
three things at once within that area.

16, brown curly hair, sweaty, terrified, broken arm, gray t-shirt and
Has been able to evade capture since Peepshow, Tab, and Baker
don’t feel comfortable with killing a child. Butcher and Revenant
have no such reservations, but they need the cooperation of the
others to find him, especially Peepshow.
Stabbed Revenant in the head.

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