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APRIL, 2024


First of all, I would like to praise of love and peace to the Almighty GOD who always let me to
complete the bulks of all unfinished work at a moment. Next, I would like to provide my sincere
thanks to. I’m also indebted to my faculty, and the University for being the one among the best
institutions of higher learning offering the quality education in Ethiopia imparting both
theoretical and practical skills.

I also wish to express my heartfelt thanks to the manager, Mr. Mesifun And all the staff works
of, who accept my letter and responded to my numerous questions with patience. My special
thanks and heart full gratitude extend to my family and uncle for their affection, unreserved
encouragement, inspiration and support. I’m also grateful for my best friend and all people who
assisted me in one or another ways during my work period.

Executive summery
Lack of access to credit is considered to be one of the major constraints the poor are confronted
with when they are planning to make an investment. Hence, microfinance institutions intended to
provide credit to those poor who are striving to improve their living situation but they have no
access to credit services. Thus they are tried to address such problems with different lending
mechanisms. They not only give credit service but also they saving and other allied activities
have given. They play a vital role in poverty reduction programs. So, studying the effectiveness
of such organizations is crucial. The main objective of this practical attachment report was to
assessing the saving institution’s Abyssinia Bank of Ethiopia in Wolaita Sodo Town working

KEY WORDS: Practical Attachment, Abyssinia Bank of Ethiopia, Clients.

ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS .................................................................................................................... I
Executive summery .................................................................................................................................. II
TABLE OF CONTENTS ...................................................................................................................... III
CHAPTER ONE ......................................................................................................................................... 1
INTRODUCTION....................................................................................................................................... 1
1.1 Background of the field attachment program ................................................................................ 1
1.1.1 Concept of practical attachment ............................................................................................... 1
1.1.2 Objectives of the field attachment program ............................................................................ 1
1.1.3 Significance of practical attachment Abyssinia Bank............................................................. 2
1.2 Background of the organization attached to Abyssinia Bank ....................................................... 2
1.2.1 Description of the organization ................................................................................................. 2
1.2.5 Objectives.................................................................................................................................... 4
1.2.6 Structure and Organization of the District .............................................................................. 4
1.2.8 Strategic and Operational Plans of Abyssinia Bank ............................................................... 5
1.3 Major Activities and Focus of the Department .............................................................................. 5
1.4 SWOT Analysis ................................................................................................................................. 7
CHAPTER TWO .................................................................................................................................... 9
OVERVIEW OF THE ORGANIZATION ........................................................................................... 9
2.1 Duties and Responsibilities............................................................................................................... 9
2.1.1 Assigned duties and responsibilities ......................................................................................... 9
2.1.2 New knowledge and skills gained in each of duties and responsibilities ............................. 10
2.1. Level of Accomplishment of Duties/Responsibilities Assigned ............................................. 11
2.2 Relationship with other Staff ......................................................................................................... 11
2.3 Things enjoyed most and least ....................................................................................................... 11
CHAPTER THREE .............................................................................................................................. 12
WHAT I HAVE LEARNED ................................................................................................................ 12
3.1 Practical Work done ....................................................................................................................... 12
3.2 Problems Experienced and How Handled .................................................................................... 13
3.3 Benefit of the Field Attachment ..................................................................................................... 14
3.3.1 Benefit of the students.............................................................................................................. 14

3.3.2 Benefit of the Organization ..................................................................................................... 15
3.3.3 Benefits of University ............................................................................................................... 15
CHAPTER FOUR................................................................................................................................. 16
ANALYSES ........................................................................................................................................... 16
 Weakness of the organization .................................................................................................. 16
CHAPTER FIVE .................................................................................................................................. 17
CONCLUSION AND RECOMMENDATIONS ................................................................................ 17
5.1 Conclusion ................................................................................................................................. 18
5.2 Recommendations ..................................................................................................................... 18
REFERENCES .......................................................................................................................................... 19



1.1 Background of the field attachment program

1.1.1 Concept of practical attachment

Field attachment is a field based practical training experience that prepares the trainees for the
tasks they are expected to perform on completion of their training. National Association of
College and Employers, 2011 once defined practical attachment as “a form of experiential
learning that integrates knowledge and theory learned in the classroom with practical application
and skills development in a professional hook. It gives students the opportunity to gain valuable
applied experience and make connection in professional fields they are considering fir career
paths, and give employers the opportunity to guide and evacuate talent."

It is a full-time work experience, closely allied with the student's specialization and arranged
with an employer who believes it is desirable to aid and help the university in training and
education of the students. (Chebwe, 2012).

Simply, it is of a short period duration, typically of one to four months or one semester, practical
training or teaching which make the trainee to apply a theory ,learned in the classroom, to the
work place or field and get an experience for job finding.

1.1.2 Objectives of the field attachment program

The main objective of the field attachment is to produce practically oriented graduates that meet
the required job related competences of their future employers.

The specific objectives of field attachment are as follow:

 To enable students to get hands on real life experience they are expected to work in when
they graduate.
 To provide an opportunity for students to apply the principles and techniques theoretically
learned into real life problem solving situations.

 To provide an opportunity for students and academic staff to interact with the stack holders
and potential employers.
 To develop students understanding of work ethics, employment demands, responsibilities and
duties, and opportunities.
 To provide students with the opportunity to test their interest in a particular career before
permanent commitment are made.
 To expand students’ awareness of the world beyond the classroom by exposure to a variety
of careers, cultures, disciplines lifestyles and environments.
 To enhance and strengthen linkage between the colleges /universities and various stack
1.1.3 Significance of practical attachment Abyssinia Bank
Theories learned in classroom are not enough to make you more competitive, unless one has had
enough of their time to seek for application of theories learned into practical setting. Many
organizations tend to employ only individuals who are skilled and knowledgeable to help curtail
the cost of training new recruits. (Golong, 2018)

Practical attachment enable students who are preparing themselves to compete with the outside
world after campus with equitable knowledge on how to execute the tasks allocated to them in
most heuristic and fashionable manner. This is why practical attachment has required for
fulfillment of four years program leading to the award of Bachelors of Degree programs in
Business and Economics Wolaita Sodo Town University.

1.2 Background of the organization attached to Abyssinia Bank

1.2.1 Description of the organization

Financial institutions means any institution engaged in the business of providing financial
services to customers who maintain a credit, deposit, trust, or any other financial account or
relationship with the institution. Microfinance institutions are among these financial institutions
which provide such services for the people.

Microfinance has emerged as a feasible financial alternative for poor with no access to credit
from formal financial institutions. Its objective includes poverty alleviation by fostering small
scale entrepreneurship through simple access to credit. It distinguish itself from formal credit by

disbursing small loan to the poor, using various alternative non-traditional loan configuration
such as loan without collateral, group lending, progressive loan structure, immediate repayment
arrangements, regular repayment schedules and collateral substitutes (Quayes, 2012).

MFIs in Ethiopia as an institutionalized form evolved after the Ethiopian government issued
proclamation no.40/96 in 1996.As of June 2007, there are about 27 microfinance institutions
registered under (www. Abyssinia, 2008/2009).

The Wolaita Sodo Town state is one of the regions in Ethiopia where the rate of poverty is high.
Wolaita Sodo Town credit and saving institution (ACSI) is one of the licensed deposits taking
microfinance institution in the region. It is one of the largest MFIs of the Sahara Africa.

The operation of ACSI is traced back to 1995 when it was initially initiated by the Organization
for the Rehabilitation and Development in Wolaita Sodo Town (ORDA), an indigenous NGO
engaged in development activities in the region. It undertakes its pilot activities in 1996, and was
licensed as a microfinance share company in April 1997 (Yelewumwosen, 2004).

ACSI currently provides microfinance services such as savings, loans, micro-insurances, money
transfer and fund management and other services. Its overall objective is poverty alleviation and
its mission and vision are the reflection of achieving this objective with greater contribution to
the local economy through delivery of efficient financial services to the community. It also play
greater role in creating employment opportunities to the society.

Since its capital has risen, ACSI has planned to operate as a bank, namely Abyssinia Bank in the
beginning of September 2014 E.C. Their strategies, i.e. product diversification strategy, client
diversification strategy, methodological strategy helped them to develop it from microfinance
institutions to the bank. It wishes to expand more easy, fast and favorable service to its estimated
and valuable customers.

1.2.5 Objectives

 Productivity objective-promote agricultural and non-agricultural economic activities

 Outreach objective-poverty alleviation and stimulating the region’s economic growth,
giving priority to rural and remote communities, particularly women’s.
 Impact objective- significantly increases clients’ income and asset position.
 Institution sustainability-promoting sustainable financial services, both operational and
1.2.6 Structure and Organization of the District
There are three main sectors in the economy; primary, secondary and tertiary sectors. Service
sector is one of the tertiary economic sectors that, unlike agriculture and industry, produce no
goods and services, but provide a service that satisfies a need of the customers. is one of the large
size firms in Ethiopia, which provide a financial service for small and medium scale enterprises.

Abyssinia Bank of Ethiopia in Wolaita Sodo Town has three major departments to implement its
programs, namely: Finance and Logistics, Planning and Operation as well as three services:
Audit, Administration and Promotion. has a three layered organizational structure: head offer,
branch and sub branch, Where as the head office and the branch offices mainly do the
administrative tasks, the sub branch conducts the main marketing operation, with staff directly
contacting credit and saving clients: loan delivery, monitoring and recollection and saving
mobilization. While are decentralized subject to strict implementation of policies and procedures,
strategic decision making is centralized at the head office.

The District Manager mainly control, supervise and manage the activities of the branch and the
district. In addition, it coordinates and facilitates the team work of the employees in the working
environment. It also receives the commands and duties from the head office and implements
them in appropriate time and place.

The Customer relation officer is mainly responsible for new clients and assisting them in
application applying process. They are collecting and reporting client’s detail information. In
addition, they are participating in evaluating and interpreting client’s financial condition and
characteristics as to ensure borrower’s repayment capacity.

The credit and risk analysis officer are responsible for analyzing the creditworthiness of
individuals and business. They look at factors such as income, assets, debts, and other financial
obligations to determine whether someone is likely to repay a loan on time or if a business will
be able to fulfill its contractual obligations.

1.2.8 Strategic and Operational Plans of Abyssinia Bank

As an organization, Abyssinia Bank of Ethiopia in Wolaita Sodo Town has its own strategic and
operational plan, which it follows to attain its objectives or end goal.

 Making the society fully accessible for loans and/or savings.

 Making the poor section of the society the beneficiaries of loans and savings with specific
 Accelerating the transformation from traditional to modern by connecting saving with credit.
 Giving special attention to increasing the participation of women and youth.
 Creating close relationship with partners to provide customers with support for skills and
business development services.
 Increasing production and productivity and savings by providing loans for various
 Confirming that the poor society is reliable foundation and a continuous source of savings
through attitude and practice.
1.3 Major Activities and Focus of the Department
Abyssinia Bank of Ethiopia currently provides or delivers many products; however, credit,
saving, money transfer and pension fund management are among the major services that it
deliver to its clients.
Abyssinia Bank of Ethiopia previous, has been providing only for income generating installment
and end term), as well as asset loan. Credit for income generating activities was apparently the
dominant activity so far. Within this, the installment loan product, mainly for petty trades,
manufacturing and handicrafts, etc. involves lesser risk for the institution as well as for the
clients as loans are settled in small amounts more frequently. The institution encourages such
products. But an agricultural loan, with payments coming only at the end of the term, dominates.

Group loans and individual loans constitute the two major loan categories of the bank. These
credits allow the poor to access a loan without material collateral.


Abyssinia Bank of Ethiopia provides saving service with the aim of instilling the culture of
modern saving, reducing the high propensity to spend economic surplus on social and religious
activities in pursuit of more efficient utilization for income expansion and poverty reduction
activities. It provides saving services for loan clients as well as for the public at large. There are
two kinds of saving products: Compulsory savings (exclusive for loan clients) and voluntary
The voluntary savings is composed mainly of saving deposit/ pass book saving and time
deposit. With pass book saving account, clients receive a record book where their deposits and
withdrawals are entered, whereas time deposit is the ones that allow clients to lock in to an
interest rate for a specific period of time.
The compulsory savings an obligatory savings fund, from loan clients, to which all members
contribute regularly throughout their membership, are intended to encourage savings at personal
level and at the same time to create investment reserve fund for on-lending.
Pension Fund Management:
Abyssinia Bank of Ethiopia in Wolaita Sodo Town serves as local agent of the pension and
social security Authority to disburse pension in areas where the bank has sub branches.
Money Transfer:

ACSI is also involved the business of local money transfer, whereas the demand for money
transfer at individual level is also growing, particularly the conventional banks is non-existent.
However, it has planned to expand its money transferring activities in its growth as tsedey bank.
These are the major products which the organization delivers dominantly meaning, they are the
major activities and focus of the organization in its service delivering activities.

In addition to these services, the Bank Abyssinia also provides other related services. For
instance it provides different electronic devices for the customers. Among these materials solar is
the dominant material that the bank deliver to its customers, particularly people who live in local
areas where there is no wiring service, with a minimum of one year guarantee.

1.4 SWOT Analysis
This section tries to explain the major strength, weakness, opportunities and threats that the
organization faces in its operation.
Product Development the bank has been able to replicate products in a way that adapts and
designs products to fit in to the existing environment and community structures, and making
optimal use of what is already in place. Their attentions on poor in service delivering activities
are also the major strength of the bank.
Staff Commitment Faced with a challenging and physically demanding work environment, staff
workers are committed to what they are doing, and by and large share the institutions vision and
Portfolio quality Portfolio quality is good, reflecting the community involvement and
customized products. The peer group pressure is still effective and plays a key role in ensuring
that all loans are repaid. In addition, clients are encouraged to settle their debts whenever they
have the money, and staff provides close follow-up and group monitoring.
Relationship with Government The close relationship which the bank made with the
government plays the vital role for their success in achieving its end goal. Hence, it is also
considered as the major strength of the bank.
Employment opportunity provides employment opportunities to young professionals who can
serve the poor and the needy by joining the organization.
High repayment structure- the interest rate, which is the cost of borrowing, that the
organization proves is high. At the end of the month, this high interest rate including the
principal may make the repayment cost high. This threats the borrower to pay its debt properly.
Lack of field supervision- There is lack of the supervision of the borrower’s field or project to
check operational feasibility of the lending. So there need to supervise the field to observe at
what level the project reaches.
Extension of services can try to expand its services to other regions and/or states where there is
a demand of institutionalized borrowings.

Banking license the banking license, which get to operate as a bank, will essentially help them
to improve their operation and business and enables them to expand their services or products
they deliver to its clients.
Large number of people there is large number of people in Ethiopia, of which majority of this
leave in rural areas. Since ACSI operates many branches in rural areas, it can get an opportunity
of diversification of customers.
Product diversification the organization can increase the range of services from financial to
non-financial and others.
High competition- This is a series threat for. As it high transaction cost, entrant of new players
further aggravate this transaction cost making it worse. Also Banks trying to expand their
business in the rural areas create threats for the survival of the organization.
Client’s distrust- Some customers may give wrong information about their assets, particularly
to get loan from the bank. Hence, loans being provided for unproductive or unfeasible projects.
This may threat the organization if the borrower may be unable to repay its debt.
Infrastructure- Some of the branches of operates in an environment that is characterized by low
level of infrastructure. This poses many operational challenges.



2.1 Duties and Responsibilities

2.1.1 Assigned duties and responsibilities

In operation of any business, the first step is determining what tasks are necessary to put your
product or service into customers’ hand. Also, consider how those tasks are more logically
grouped for individual employees' undertakings. This process is started by analyzing the
employee's tasks. These are tasks that any single employee is responsible for to achieve
organizations end goal.

Abyssinia Bank of Ethiopia in Wolaita Sodo Town Bank, as an organization, assigned the major
duties and responsibilities of the employees or workers to achieve its end goal or objectives i.e.
the service of the customers. Among these duties and responsibilities, some of them are
discussed below.

Assigned duties

 Respecting the rule and regulations of the organization.

 Accepting the order from the manager or the center.
 Respecting the staff workers and customers of an organization.
 Maintain positive and smooth relationship with customers and staffs.
 Understand the business and team objectives.
 Attend customers at counter properly with due respect.
 Comply for the regulatory standards, policies procedures and code of conducts.
 Perform each task with the organization's standards and time scale.
Assigned responsibilities

 Accepting the customer’s request and giving appropriate response.

 Transferring the customer’s request, if it is not solved by each workers, to higher level.
 Mobilizing resources in the organization.
 Opening new saving book to new customers.

 Promoting the work or service of the organization and attracting new customers.
 Provide information and advice to customers.
 Receive shipping documents and sends to center.
 Maintain and handle all customer applications and documentations with due care.
 Check the completeness of customer applications and documents and advise customers to
complete as appropriate.

2.1.2 New knowledge and skills gained in each of duties and responsibilities
These duties and responsibilities contain the major tasks or activities and specific guidelines that
everyone had to undertake to perform the practical/field attachment. That is they are a set of
strategies or rules and regulations that helped everyone to aware of the position they had been

Since they had clearly defined, I could simple understood what is expected of me in the
organization. It enabled me to known how to operate, what I have expected to do and how I do
the specific tasks in a given time.

By the help of the trainer and these procedures, I had done the assigned tasks and the
responsibility that have expected from me in the practical/ field training properly. As we have
said earlier, the theories learned in the classroom are not sufficient to make us competitive,
unless they have supported by practical training. So, to support the theories with practical, these
duties and responsibilities are serves as an essential tool to perform the tasks that is expected
from the trainees. This is why I have said that duties and responsibilities are essential tools in
real world problem solving activities.

These duties and responsibilities enable me to become more confident, solve many problems,
and improve decision makings habits and create an opportunity to build a smooth and good
relationship within the organization.

With this practical attachment period I had understood that duties and responsibilities are better
instruments to solve complex problems in the real environment. I have contribute, as much as I
had possible, a lot to the organization with the help of these duties and responsibilities that has
assigned to me by: advertising the services of the organization and attracting new customers

2.1.Level of Accomplishment of Duties/Responsibilities Assigned

This sub-section mainly talks about mine contribution in terms of new knowledge and skills
provided for the organization. Meaning, it expresses the contributions that I had provided for the
organization during my one month duration in it. Some of them are discussed as follow:-
 I have promoted the products and services that the organization provides.
 I assisted the customer service facilitator by accepting the clients request and fill the deposit,
withdrawal and new book opening applications forms.
 I also helped in mobilizing resources and other documents.
 In addition, I checked the completeness of customer applications and documentations and
advise them to complete as appropriate.

2.2 Relationship with other Staff

Abyssinia Bank made strong, close relationship with different governmental and non-
governmental organizations and NGO’s. It has also a strong tie with other microfinance
institutions and both private and government banks. It meets different Abyssinia Bank of
Ethiopia and other manufacturing and service industries and performs different tasks with
collaboration. As noted earlier, I had attached to do the field attachment at Abyssinia Bank,
particularly in the customer service department. Though I attached in this staff, I have made a
close relationship with other staffs or departments of the organization.

2.3 Things enjoyed most and least

There are many things that I had enjoyed most and least at Abyssinia Bank, during the
practical/field attachment duration. The workers coordination or collaboration and their quality
of customers’ service and customers handling mechanism are among the things that enjoyed me
most. The employee’s working motivation is also another thing that led them to success.
Financial interdependence, communities’ involvement and their relationship with other
governmental and non-governmental organizations are also some of the things that I have
enjoyed most with them. However; lack of infrastructure, low saving habit of the society, high
transaction costs and lack of professional or skilled manpower are among the things that enjoyed
least and may made the organization to fail to reach or achieve its end goal or objectives.



3.1 Practical Work done

In one month duration of my field attachment program, I had observed and worked different
practical activities in, today's Abyssinia Bank. Some of the activities have discussed as follow:

Week 1: In the first day of week one, I asked the permission of the manager of Abyssinia Bank,
to work the practical attachment training within their organization. After I got the permission,
they appointed me to in the next day. In the second day, they introduced the overall services,
rules and regulations, and other information of their bank and they gave different modules and
documents which enable me to squire any information about the Abyssinia Bank. I had read
these documents carefully for three successive days and I take appropriate notes from them.
Then the manager permitted me to observe different works and working procedures for the
remaining days of the first week.

Week 2: In the second week, I got the permission to observe and practice different works in
three days per a week, particularly Monday, Wednesday and Saturday. In these days I observed
different works of employees with due regard by raising unclear ideas.

Week 3: In the third week I had taken the responsibility to assist the customer service
facilitators. In three days of this week I tried to help them by doing as follow:-

Week 4: In the last week of the practical attachment period, I observed and practice many
technical and other related services of the bank. For instance; I had observed that how the
information of new customers, including its photographs is transformed or attached into their
profile in the system. In this week I tried to observe many systematic and technical works in the

Finally, I asked them to write a reply letter which confirms my training of the practical
attachment in their organization. Then, I gave my sincere and heartfelt thanks and gratitude to
the manager and all the staff workers for their willingness and kind help and left the

3.2 Problems Experienced and How Handled
There were many problems which I had faced to finish the field attachment properly. Some of
them are discussed as follow:-

Financial problems: - Even though the department/faculty or the University invested and/or
sponsored us with some money, it wasn't cover all the costs which we incurred in doing the
practical attachment. For instance: costs that incurred to buy foods, to pay for rent of dormitory
and other miscellaneous expense are high. This made some problems in the attachment work.

Lack of Personal Computers (PCs):- The guideline required us to prepare the practical
attachment report in softcopy to make it easily accessible for future works. Therefore, to prepare
the report in softcopies, we had to write it on personal computers (PCs) and smartphone. They
not only used to write the report, but also help to access references which support us to know
how the field attachment has performed. However; I had not personal computer and active
smartphone. This made my practical attachment difficult to finish properly.

Lack of sample report: The practical attachment in department of economics of Wolaita sodo
University was taken for the first time. Due to this reason, there wasn’t any sample in the
university. This makes my practical attachment more complex and difficult to achieve and finish
the attachment at the planned time.

Lack of infrastructure: There is not full infrastructure in bank particularly; Abyssinia Bank i.e.
there is no any additional computers and other facilities, which enable me to attend the practice.
This makes the practical attachment more difficult.

Possible remedies to problems: Even though these problems were severe to conduct the
attachment period, I have tried to solve these problems with different mechanisms. I am tried to
solve the problem of lack of finance by borrowing from friends and others who have willingness
to aid me. I also borrowed personal computers and smartphones of my best friends to tackle the
problems. With the help of these PCs and smartphones, I had able to get different guidelines and
information which enabled me to know how an attachment report was written. These and other
solutions enabled me to finish the practical training properly. In addition to this, we asked the
facility or the department to give us some time to finish the remaining tasks.

3.3 Benefit of the Field Attachment
The field/ practical attachment have various advantages/ benefits to the students, the organization
which let us to make our training in the organization and to the campus or to the university.
Some of its benefits are discussed as follow.

3.3.1 Benefit of the students

The practical attachment has different benefits to the students who take the field train.

Some of the benefits that students have got from the practical training are the following:

 We have gained the opportunity to develop social relationship and skills.

 Enables us to develop positive attitude towards the courses as a result of seeing its
usefulness in the job.
 Contribute to have a greater sense of responsibility or to develop one's own effort and
greater dependence on one's own judgment.
 Provide greater chance for better understanding of theories through its actual application
in practice.
 Enable us to see application and relevance of what has been squired in class.
 Enable students to know workplace expectations.
 Offer the opportunity for meeting industrial or organizational professionals.
 Gain deeper understanding of the future profession.
 Enhance student's preparedness for career.
 They develop work-based skills.
 Helping to get or squire self-reliance skills.
 Exposing the students to demand and challenge of the workplace.
 Enable them to establish industrial networks and contact different people in their future
career path.
In general, we have gained an experience on expectations for employment, role of duties and
responsibilities in practice, and enable us to know how theories we learned in the classroom have
applied in the real world problem solving activities. It makes us to prepare themselves for the
career we wish to recruit or they find for future employment.

3.3.2 Benefit of the Organization
The organization, who give a permission to train the trainees in its staff have also get some
benefit from the practical work done. Some of the benefits that the students, who made practical
training in a certain organization, give during its training are discussed below:-

 Students offer new ideas and perspectives in the work place since they tends to be more
aware of current trends.
 They help ease workload on hired staff.
 They attract new customers by advertising the products and/or services of the
 Employers or the organization develop positive relationship with colleges and
 They assist to push work backlogs.
 Students assist the workers of the organization in resource mobilization activities. This
facilitates the works of the organization.
Generally, as we have discussed earlier, the main objectives of the field training is to make the
students aware of the practical work done and to prepare them for the job. Hence, in the long run,
it reduces the cost of training new recruiting employees and the organization get an experienced
workers or employees, who has knowledgeable both in theoretical and practical skills.

3.3.3 Benefits of University

The University, particularly the faculty is also the beneficiary of the practical attachment that the
students undertake in variety ways. For instance:-

 It provides an opportunity for enhanced relationship with variety communities.

 It helps them to attract corporate support.
 More importantly, it enables them to achieve its mission, i.e. it can produce competent
graduates with skill, attitude and discipline by giving both theoretical and practical
training to its students. This makes the university to be popular in the county and outside
the county.


 Strength of the organization.
 Employees have good relation within each other.
 Most employees are willingness to serve customers.
 The bank provides favorable service for its employees.
 Good motivation of managers and supervision to their work
 Respecting the law of the organization.
 All employee are punctual( being on time)
 Good efficiency and ethical conduct of staffs
 It’s give training for its employees to improve their profession.
 It gives excellence service for its customer which most of its customers get satisfaction in
proper manner.
 They respect each other and also they give priority for their work
 Weakness of the organization
 Performance gap between staffs

 Weak information and file management of some
 There is some inefficiency material like chair tables and computers for trailing staffs
 unable to motivate employees of the branch
 Lack of recent written document.
 Absence of well-organized information desk.
 Lack of sitting documents in the right place. .
 Lack of giving short and long term Professional skill training to employees.
 Absence of written document regarding the organizations.
 Opportunities
 Attitudinal change generally in the public
 Steady and fast growth of population is good opportunity for increase bank customer.
 Availability of informal group in area ikub and idir in the town.
 Co-operation among developmental partners.
 There is some chances of get agent to digitalized the bank
 Sustained peace of the country is favorable to meet their objectives.
 Positive response of the population to developmental issues.
 Presence of profusely resources.



This chapter mainly contains the conclusion and recommendation part of the practical attachment
report. It tries to explain the major strengths and weaknesses of the field attachment. It also tries
to recommend the concerned bodies to strengthening the field attachment program as part of the
teaching curriculum.

5.1 Conclusion
As I have noted earlier, field attachment training have various advantages. It allow students to
apply, evaluate, test and integrate academic knowledge and theoretical in the working
environment. It also improves and expands student's knowledge about themselves and their
abilities, goals and career interests. In addition to this, it allows students to gain an access of
resources, equipment and knowledge, which is not available in the University environment.

Credit and saving plays a great role in the economy of a country. Financial institutions are
feasible alternative of poor with access to credit from formal institutions. These organizations
play a vital role in providing credit and saving service for their clients. Saving institution, todays
Abyssinia Bank, is one of the financial institutions in Ethiopia which play an endless service for
the poor. The main objective of these institutions is poverty alleviation by fostering credit access
to poor and small scale enterprise. During the one month duration of my field attachment
program I observed that helping, strengthening and modernizing these institutions is important
and may reduce poverty for poverty in every country’s development. This is why I decided to
made my field training in ACSI today’s Abyssinia Bank, one the financial institutions in

5.2 Recommendations
Recommendations to the Organization

The management of the organization should buy more facilities such as computers, vehicles and
other so as to enable smooth running of activities of the organization and respond to the dynamic
competitive environment. The organization should continue giving practical training as many
students as they can because some students miss this experience which is important requirement
of due to the fact that they failed to get placement. Series supervision of the workers and

students- meaning the organization should increase and ensures more supervision over the
employees and students in order to work effectively and also eliminate works who work lazily.
Constant supervision of students- I also recommend the university to carry out constant
supervision and monitoring of students during the training period so as to encourage them to
perform their duties and responsibilities fully and accurately. In addition, there should also be
close link between the academic supervisor and field supervisors so as to foster appropriate
assessment of what the students are doing in the field.

(2008/2009). Retrieved August 2022, from

Chebwe, A. (2012). Field Attachment Report.

Golong, T. P. (2018). A Report for Field Work Placement.

Quayes, S. (2012). Depth of Outhreach and Financial Sustainability of Microfinance Institutions.

Yelewumwosen, M. (2004). Institutional Profile, Current Status and Future Stratgy.


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