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Level : 1st Year Literary stream Teacher : Belouad Maroua

Unit 02 : Once Upon a Time

Theme : Famous People

Sequence 02 : Reading and Writing

Objectives : By the end of the lesson, PPs will be able to

1- Discuss the importance of a blurb.

2- Read and interpret a literary portrait

Competencies : Interaction, Interpretation, Production

Materials Used : WB, Pictures,

Lesson Plan

Stage Objectives Timing Procedures Observation

Teacher’s role Learners role
To introduce  Do you usually read pdf books or
the topic hard books?
 What do you usually read before
Warm choosing a book to read?
Up 5mns
 What does the blurb contain?

T guides Ls to Look at the picture and  I usually really hard

answer the question books because they
Pre- 15mns are more interesting.
reading To define 1- The picture represents:  Before choosing a
and discuss a- A book cover b- A blurb c- A book, I usually read
the book review the blurb first.
importance 2-A blurb is used to give information about:  The blurb contains
of a blurb. a- A short description of the book for information about
promotional purposes. the author’s
b- Famous readers’ opinions. biography, an
c- A biography of the author. overview about the
novel and readers’
3-What makes the blurb important ? reviews.

PPs expected answers


Readin -T divides Ls into groups and invites them
g to read the text silently
20mns -T encourages Ls to highlight difficult
terms to be elicited. 3-What makes the blurb
-T directs Ls to fill in the table according to important is that it gives you
To fill in the text very important information
the table Task 1: Fill in the table with information about the book before buying
with according to the text / reading it.
Titl Setti Charact C. C.
from the
e ng ers D L/
text DI
Title: Things Fall Apart
Setting: Past / Umofia
T guides Ls to read the statements and Characters: Okonkwo /
To scan the respond by true or false Unoka
text for Task 2: State whether the following Characters’ Description:
specific statements are true or false Okonkwo was tall and huge,
information 1- Amalinze was called the Cat with a wide nose and bushy
because he jumps. False eyebrows. He was a brave,
2- Okonkwo was lazy and he usually hard worker person.
woke up late. False Unoka was a thin, handsome
3- Unoka spent most of his time on man with a gentle look. He
the flute. True was lazy and improvident.
4- Okonkwo and Unoka were Characters’ likes and
different. True
Okonkwo liked hard work
-T invites Ls to answer the comprehension and action / Unoka liked
Qs according to the text playing the flute
Task 3: Answer the following questions
according to the text
To read the
text for 1- How does Okonkwo look like?
specific  Okonkwo was tall and huge, with a
information wide nose and bushy eyebrows.
2- What made Okonkwo famous in his
village at the age of 18?
3- Was Unoka the same as his son? Why? PPs expected answers
 Okonkwo was tall
and huge, with a
wide nose and bushy

 At the age of 18,

Okonkwo became
famous I his village
because he threw
Amalinze the cat to
the ground.
 No, he wasn’t. He
-T guides Ls to find the word references / was a thin, handsome
synonyms man. He was lazy
and liked to play the
To scan the Task 4: Who or what do the words refer to in flute.
text for the text
specific Which (§1) = Him (§3) =
PPs expected answesrs
Which (§1) = bushy
eyebrows / Him (§3) =
Task 5: Find in the text words or Okonkwo
expressions closest in meaning to
Famous (§1) = well-known
Famous (§1) = / Very rich (§1) =
/ Very rich (§1) = wealthy

reading To produce
a coherent 20mns
summary of -T invites Ls to summarize the text in their
PPs expected answers
the te own words Things Fall Apart
Okonkwo was a tall, huge
person with a wide nose and
bushy eyebrows. He wrestled
Amalinze in his village
Umofia and became famous
for his bravery and
hardwork. Unoka is
Okonkwo’s father, he is a
thin, handsome man. He is
lazy and coward and he liked
spending most of his time
playing the flute and talking
about music

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