RPH - Two Faces

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Overview (ANNE)
The Cavite Mutiny is one of the most significant historical accounts in the Philippine History.
The mutiny was an aim of the natives to get rid of the Spanish government in the Philippines,
precipitated by the removal of long-standing personal benefits enjoyed by the laborers of the
Cavite arsenal at Fort San Felipe, such as exemption from the tribute and forced labor (polo y

Two Major Events in 1871 (ANNE)

1. The Cavite Mutiny
2. The Execution of the Three Martyr Priests in persons of Father Mariano Gomez, Jose
Burgos, and Jacinto Zamora (GOMBURZA)

Removal of the Privileges of the Filipino Laborers (RAIN)

a. Exemption from the Tribute
Tribute (tributo) is a taxation that the Filipinos were compelled to pay to impose a sign of loyalty
to the King of Spain
b. Exemption from Forced Labor
All male Filipinos from 18 to 60 years of age were required to give their free labor, called polo y
servicio, to the government. This labor was for 40 days a year, reduced to 15 days in 1884.
They were obligated to do construction of buildings, constructing of churches, and cutting trees
to make logs. The workers were called Polistas.
This then became as motivation of the Filipinos to make reforms to get back the privileges of the
Filipino workers.


by Jose Montero y Vidal -a profile Spanish Historian documented and highlighted an
attempt of the Indios to overthrow the Spanish government in the Philippines and install a
new “hari” in likes of Father Burgos and Zamora.
However, it is not clearly identified if Indios planned to inaugurate a monarchy or a republic
because they don't have a word in their own language to describe this different form of
government, whose leader in Filipino would be called "hari".

 Izquierdo reported to the king of Spain that native clergy attracted supporters by giving
them charismatic assurance that their fight would not fail because they have God’s
support, aside from the promises of lofty rewards, such as employment, wealth, and ranks
in the army.
He insisted that the mutiny is stimulated and prepared by the native clergy, mestizos and lawyers
as a signal of objection against the injustices of the government such as not paying provinces for
tobacco crops, pay tribute and rendering of forced labor.
 It as an attempt of the Indios to overthrow the Spanish government in the Philippines.
Gov. Gen. Rafael Izquierdo’s official report magnified the event and made use of it to
implicate the native clergy, which was then active in the call for secularization.
The two accounts complimented and corroborated with one another, only that the general’s
report was more spiteful.
Jose Montero y Vidal and Gov. Rafael de Izquierdo believed that…
 was planned earlier and was thought of it as a big conspiracy among educated
leaders, mestizos, abogadillos or native lawyers, residents of Manila and Cavite and
the native clergy.
 insinuated that the conspirators of Manila and Cavite planned to liquidate high-
ranking Spanish officers to be followed by the massacre of the friars.
 Izquierdo used the mutiny to implicate Gomburza and other notable Filipinos
known for their liberal leanings. Prominent Filipinos such as priests, professionals,
and businessmen were arrested on flimsy and trumped-up charges and sentenced to
prison, death, or exile. These include Joaquin Pardo de Tavera, Jose Basa, and
Antonio M. Regidor. It was said that the Cavite mutineers got their cue from Manila
when they saw and heard fireworks across the Manila Bay which was really a
celebration of the feast of the Lady of Loreto in Sampaloc.

According to the accounts of the two, on 20 January 1872, the district of Sampaloc
celebrated the feast of the Virgin of Loreto, unfortunately participants to the feast
celebrated the occasion with the usual fireworks displays. Allegedly, those in Cavite
mistook the fireworks as the sign for the attack, and just like what was agreed upon, the
200-men contingent headed by Sergeant Lamadrid launched an attack targeting Spanish
officers at sight and apprehended (detained) the arsenal.


by Dr. Trinidad Hermenigildo Pardo de Tavera -a Filipino scholar and researcher, wrote the
Filipino version of the bloody incident of Cavite Mutiny
 The incident was merely a mutiny (defiance) by the native Filipino soldiers and laborers
of the Cavite arsenal who turned out to be dissatisfied with the abolition of their

 Gov. Izquierdo’s cold-blooded policies such as the abolition of privileges of the workers
and native army members of the arsenal and the prohibition of the founding of school of
arts and trades for the Filipinos, which the general believed as a cover-up for the
organization of a political club.

 It is during the time that the Central Government in Madrid announced its intention to
deprive the friars of all the powers of intervention in matters of civil government and the
direction and management of educational institutions. This turnout of events was believed
by Tavera, prompted the friars to do something drastic in their dire to maintain power in
the Philippines. (Other slide)

Edmund Plauchut’s account

Confirmed that the event happened due to discontentment of the arsenal workers and soldiers in
Cavite fort.
• The event is just a simple mutiny since up to that time the Filipinos have no intention of
separation from Spain but only secure materials and education advancements in the country. •
Also, in this time, the central government deprived friars of the powers of involvement in civil
government and in governing and handling universities.
• This resulted in the friars afraid that their leverage in the Philippines would be a thing in the
past, took advantage of the mutiny and reported it to the Spanish government as a broad
conspiracy organized throughout the archipelago with the object of abolishing Spanish
Tavera sadly confirmed that the Madrid government came to believe that the scheme was true
without any attempt to investigate the real facts or extent of the alleged “revolution” reported by
Izquierdo and the friars. Sa madaling salita, friars just added fuel to the fire with their
conspiracies in fear of losing dominance over the Filipinos. And the Madrid government just
believed them without further investigation.

Father Mariano Gomez, Jose Burgos, and Jacinto Zamora (GOMBURZA) (put in one slide
and include pictures
-brief description of the three

Why GOMBURZA executed?

It was against this charged environment that GOMBURZA were accused and found guilty
of allegedly orchestrating the Cavite Mutiny of 1872 and charged with treason and sedition
by Spanish authorities. They were sentenced to public execution by garrote in the same

Considering the accounts of the 1872 Mutiny, there were some basic facts that remained to be
unvarying: UNRAVELING THE TRUTH (one slide)
First, “there was dissatisfaction among the workers of the arsenal as well as the members of the
native army after their privileges were drawn back by Gen. Izquierdo;”
Second, “Gen. Izquierdo introduced rigid and strict policies that made the Filipinos move and
turn away from Spanish government out of disgust;”
Third, “the Central Government failed to conduct an investigation on what truly transpired but
relied on reports of Izquierdo and the friars and the opinion of the public;”
Fourth “the happy days of the friars were already numbered in 1872 when the Central
Government in Spain decided to deprive them of the power to intervene in government affairs as
well as in the direction and management of schools prompting them to commit frantic moves to
extend their stay and power;”
Fifth, “the Filipino clergy members actively participated in the secularization movement in order
to allow Filipino priests to take hold of the parishes in the country making them prey to the rage
of the friars;”
Sixth, “Filipinos during the time were active participants, and responded to what they deemed as
injustices;” and
Lastly, “the execution of GOMBURZA was a mistake on the part of the Spanish government, for
the action severed the ill-feelings of the Filipinos and the event inspired Filipino patriots to call
for reforms and eventually independence.”


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