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 Assignment 3: Do the tasks below.

1. Write the phonetic symbol for the first sound in each of the following words
according to the way you pronounce it.
Examples: ooze [u] psycho [s]

a. Judge [ ] f. Thought [ ]
b. Thomas [ ] g. Contact [ ]
c. Though [ ] h. Phone [ ]
d. Easy [ ] i. Civic [ ]
e. Pneumonia [ ] j. Usual [ ]

2. Write the phonetic symbol for the LAST sound in each of the following words.

a. Fleece [ ] f. Cow [ ]
b. Neigh [ ] g. Rough [ ]
c. Long [ ] h. Cheese [ ]
d. Health [ ] i. Bleached [ ]
e. Watch [ ] j. Rag [ ]

3. Write the following words in phonetic transcription, according to your

pronunciation. Some of you may pronounce some of these words the same.

a. Physics [ ]
b. Merry [ ]
c. Marry [ ]
d. Mary [ ]
e. Yellow [ ]
f. Sticky [ ]
g. Tease [ ]
h. Weather [ ]
i. Coat [ ]
j. Touch [ ]
k. Cough [ ]
l. Through [ ]
m. Beautiful [ ]
n. Honest [ ]
o. President [ ]

4. Write the symbol that corresponds to each of the following phonetic
descriptions, then give an English word that contains this sound.

5. Following is a phonetic transcription of a verse in the poem “The Walrus and the
Carpenter” by Lewis Carroll. The speaker who transcribed it may not have
exactly the same pronunciation as you; there are many correct versions.
However, there is ONE MAJOR ERROR in each line that is an impossible
pronunciation for any American English speaker. The error may consist of an
extra symbol, a missing symbol, or a wrong symbol in the word. Note that the
phonetic transcription that is given is a narrow transcription; aspiration is
marked, as is the nasalization of vowels. This is to illustrate a detailed
description. However, none of the errors involve aspiration or nasalization of
Write the word in which the error occurs in the correct phonetic transcription.

Warm-up Questions
1. Have you ever heard of Phonology? Do you have any idea what it is?
2. Have you ever experienced the so-called slip of the tongue?


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