AI2 WP03 ABSRTF Outcomes With Att

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International Civil Aviation Organization

The Fourth Meeting of the APANPIRG ATM Sub-Group
(ATM /SG/4)
Bangkok, Thailand, 04-08 July 2016

Agenda Item 2: Review of Related High Level Meetings


(Presented by the Secretariat)

This paper presents the outcomes of the Second Meeting of the APANPIRG Contributory
Bodies Structure Review Task Force (ABSRTF/2).


1.1 The Second Meeting of the APANPIRG Contributory Bodies Structure Review Task
Force (ABSRTF/2) was held in Bangkok, Thailand from 24 to 25 June 2015 at the ICAO Asia and
Pacific Office.

1.2 The Terms of Reference (TOR) of the ABSRTF included the deliverable of a new
recommended structure and TOT for APANPIRG and its contributory bodies. This required a review
of the existing APANPIRG structure which had become effective since 2013, and consideration of:
a) planning and implementation of air navigation systems/services accorded as priority
elements for the Asia Pacific Region (established regional priorities and associated
targets according to AN-Conf/12 Recommendation 6/1); and
b) monitoring and reporting of the seamless ATM elements for the Asia Pacific

1.3 The Task Force was composed of members consisting of Chairpersons/Vice

Chairpersons of APANPIRG Contributory Bodies (Sub-Groups, Working Groups and Task Forces)
and voluntary members nominated by States.


2.1 The meeting reviewed the APANPIRG structure and recommended the establishment
of five Sub Groups namely – Air Traffic Management Sub Group (ATMSG), Communications,
Navigation and Surveillance Sub Group (CNSSG), Meteorology Sub Group (METSG), Aerodromes
Operations and Planning Sub Group (AOPSG) and Regional Airspace Safety Monitoring Advisory
Group (RASMAG).

2.2 The ABSRTF considered that the MET SG was well organized and should continue
as a separate sub group reporting directly to APANPIRG.

2.3 The ABSRTF considered that AOPWG had matured to be a sub group reporting
directly to APANPIRG to discuss implementation of Annex 14 provisions, AOP subjects of the Asia
Pacific Regional Air Navigation Plan and the Asia Pacific Seamless ATM Plan.

2.4 The ABSRTF considered that RASMAG monitors air space safety, coordinates all
the activities of the Region’s designated monitoring agencies including undertaking aircraft height-
keeping monitoring for RVSM, and submits recommendations to APANPIRG for improving ATM
operations. It was agreed that RASMAG should keep the subgroup status as it was reporting directly

2.5 The meeting reviewed the option of APANPIRG Coordination Committee (ACC)
proposed in the paper and noted that establishment of an ACC would be an additional layer in
between the APANPIRG and Sub Groups, which would require additional resources from
States/Administrations and ICAO. In conclusion the meeting agreed not to create an ACC but to
retain the current APANPIRG structure except for upgrading the current AOPWG to AOPSG.

2.6 The meeting agreed that Sub Groups should review their own structure of bodies that
report to them (Attachment A).

2.7 The transitional structure from 2016 to 2017 is illustrated in Figure 1:

Figure 1: Transitional APANPIRG Structure (2016-2017, changes in grey)

2.8 The meeting agreed that the Sub Groups should have the ability to adopt, without
further APANPIRG endorsement, any Conclusion or Decision (especially those concerning guidance
to States in the implementation of ICAO SARPs, GANP, RANP, Seamless ATM Plan) that does not
have significant additional economic, environmental or political effects, which should be considered
at a higher level at APANPIRG.

2.9 The meeting also agreed that Sub Groups should be empowered to adopt draft
Conclusions/Decisions on behalf of APANPIRG, developed by their respective Working Groups and
Task Forces. The meeting noted that the Secretariat in consultation with the ABSRTF members,
should develop principles and guidelines of the process by the Sub Groups to be included in the
APANPIRG Procedural Handbook, and the updated version submitted to APANPIRG/27 for

2.10 The meeting following ABSRTF Decisions were adopted by APANPIRG/26:

APANPIRG Decision 26/65 — Revised APANPIRG Structure, Terms of Reference

and APANPIRG Sub Group Empowerment

That, in accordance with APANPIRG Decision 25/50, and to promote a more project-
management-driven approach to regional air navigation planning and
implementation which is guided by and aligned with regional priorities and the
Global Air Navigation Plan/ASBU Strategy:
a) the new structure of the APANPIRG and its Sub Groups is adopted as
presented in Appendix B to the Report on Agenda Item 5;

b) the revised Terms of Reference of APANPIRG Sub Groups placed at Appendix

C to the Report on Agenda Item 5 is adopted;

c) to enhance the efficiency of APANPIRG approval process, the Sub Groups are
empowered to adopt Conclusions and Decisions on technical matters
(especially those concerning guidance to States in the implementation of ICAO
SARPs, GANP, RANP, Seamless ATM Plan) that do not have additional
economic, environmental or political effects, which should be considered at a
higher level at APANPIRG; and

d) the APANPIRG Procedural Handbook be amended in accordance with the new

APANPIRG Structure, Terms of Reference, project management principles
[Appendix D to the Report on Agenda Item 5] and procedures to be followed
for the processing of Sub Group- endorsed Conclusions and Decisions.

Note: (1) the new structure of APANPIRG Sub Groups, revised Terms of Reference
and empowerment shall become effective from 2017 meeting year with 2016 being
used for transitional arrangement; the empowerment would be subject to further
review in 2018 based on the experience gained in 2017; and (2) the amendment to the
APANPIRG Procedural Handbook shall be submitted to APANPIRG/27 for

APANPIRG Decision 26/66 – Review Terms of Reference of Contributory Bodies

under the APANPIRG Sub Groups
That, the Secretariat, in consultation with Chairs of the existing Task Forces and
Working Groups under the APANPIRG Sub Groups, reviews the TOR as necessary,
and submits to the respective Sub Groups and APANPIRG/27 for further review and

APANPIRG Decision 26/67 — Dissolution of ABSRTF

That, the ABSRTF having completed its task as set out in its Terms of
Reference, is dissolved.

2.11 The meeting reviewed the Terms of Reference (TOR) of the following APANPIRG
Sub Groups and formulated revised proposals, which were agreed by APANPIRG/26:
a) AOP Sub Group
b) ATM Sub Group
c) CNS Sub Group
d) MET Sub Group

2.12 The new TOR for the ATM Sub Group is at Appendix 1 and the old TOR is at
Appendix 2 (other contributory body TORs are at Appendix 3-7).

2.13 Due to the special nature of the Sub Group, the RASMAG TOR was not amended.


3.1 The meeting is invited to:

a) review the new ATM/SG TOR;
b) review the structure of the contributing bodies to APANPIRG;
c) note the empowerment of APANPIRG Sub Groups; and
d) discuss any relevant matters as appropriate.

ATM/SG/4−WP03 Appendix
Appendix 1: New ATM/SG TOR

Terms of Reference of Air Traffic Management Sub-Group of APANPIRG (ATMSG)

The Objectives of the ATM/SG are to:

1) ensure the continuous and coherent development of the ATM/AIM/SAR parts of the
Asia/Pacific Regional Air Navigation Plan (APAC ANP) in a manner that is harmonized with
adjacent regions, consistent with ICAO SARPs, the Global Air Navigation Plan and the
Global Aviation Safety Plan;

2) facilitate the implementation of ATM systems, procedures and services identified in the APAC
ANP, Aviation System Block Upgrade (ASBU) priority modules and Asia/Pacific Seamless
ATM Plan elements using the project management principles where appropriate;

3) review, identify and address deficiencies that impede the implementation or provision of
efficient ATM services in the Asia and Pacific Regions.

Deliverables to meet the Objectives:

1) Progress report to be submitted to APANPIRG addressing the ATM SG deliverables (listed in

2 to 9 below);

2) ATM parts of the ASIA/PAC ANP to be reviewed and, as necessary, amendment proposals
prepared to update the APAC ANP to reflect changes in the operational and global

3) Level of implementation of ATM services to be monitored and, as necessary, facilitated to

support the effective implementation of ASBU priority modules and the Asia/Pacific Seamless
ATM Plan elements;

4) Air navigation deficiencies in the field of ATM to be identified (which may require any
necessary systems performance monitoring to be facilitated) and, where necessary,
appropriate corrective action proposed and the development and implementation of action
plans by States to resolve identified deficiencies facilitated;

5) Air navigation deficiencies in the field of ATM (as listed in the APANPIRG database) to be
reviewed and, as necessary, updated to reflect the current situation;

6) Research and development, trials and demonstrations in the field of ATM and other relevant
areas to be monitored and, as necessary, the transfer of this information and expertise
between States facilitated;

7) Specific recommendations to be made, and guidance materials developed, aimed at

improving aeronautical meteorological services by the use of existing and/or new procedures,
facilities and technologies;

8) Inter-regional and intra-regional co-ordination issues in the field of ATM to be reviewed and
identified and, as necessary, actions recommended addressing those issues;

9) ATS environmental initiatives are consistently identified and progressed; and report
outcomes from ATM environmental initiatives;

10) Draft Conclusions and Decisions to be formulated relating to matters in the field of ATM that
come within the scope of the APANPIRG work plan.

ATM/SG/3−WP03 Appendix
Appendix 2: Old ATM/SG TOR


1. Ensure continuous and coherent development of the ASIA/PAC Regional Air Navigation Plan
in the ATM/AIM/SAR/AOP fields in accordance with the Global Air Navigation Plan and the Global
Aviation Safety Plan;

2. Review, identify and address deficiencies that impede the implementation or provision of
efficient ATM/AIM/SAR/AOP in the Asia/Pacific region;

3. Monitor CNS/ATM systems research and development, trials and demonstrations in the fields
of ATM/AIM/SAR/AOP and facilitate the transfer of this information and expertise between States;

4. Make specific recommendations aimed at improving ATM/AIM/SAR/AOP by the use of

existing procedures and facilities and/or through the evolutionary implementation of CNS/ATM

5. Review and identify inter-regional co-ordination issues in the fields of ATM/AIM/SAR/AOP

and recommend actions to address those issues; and

6. Ensure ATS and AOP environmental initiatives are consistently identified and progressed,
and report outcomes from ATM /AOP environmental initiatives.

ATM/SG/3−WP03 Appendix
Appendix 3: Current AAITF TOR

Terms of Reference of the AIS-AIM Implementation Task Force (AAITF)

The objectives of the Task Force are to:

a) study means of aeronautical data management by civil aviation

authorities and/or ATS providers in other regions including the
aeronautical information exchange model (AIXM) and the electronic AIP
(eAIP), and consider the feasibility in making use of these
methods/models in the Asia/Pacific Region;

b) examine the means of aeronautical data exchange used in other regions

and application in the Asia/Pacific Region;

c) assist States to implement Quality Management Systems for aeronautical

information in an expeditious manner;

d) develop training material and conduct workshops on the Guidance

Manual for AIS in the Asia/Pacific Region;

e) develop guidance material for Static Data Procedures and the AIS
Automation Plan;

f) review and update the Guidance Manual taking into account amendments
to ICAO SARPs, guidance material;

g) monitor and review technical and operating developments in the AIS

field especially in the area of automation and database management; and

h) monitor the transition from AIS to AIM, and in particular monitor

development of the replacement of Annexes 4 & 15 and guidance
documents under development by ICAO.

To achieve the above objectives, the Task Force shall consider:

a) results of the ICAO Aeronautical Information Services – Aeronautical

Information Management Study Group (AIS-AIMSG);

b) amendments to Annex 4, Annex 5, the AIS Manual (Doc 8126), and the
Aeronautical Chart Manual (Doc 8697); and

c) revisions to the EUROCONTROL Operating Procedures for AIS

Dynamic Data (OPADD); and

d) implementation of the regional performance framework performance

objectives contained in the Performance Framework Form (PFF).

The Task Force will report to the ATM Sub-Group of APANPIRG

(Adopted by the 14th Meeting of the Asia/Pacific Air Navigation Planning and Implementation
Regional Group, 2003, and amended by the 20th and 21st Meetings of the ATM/AIS/SAR/SG)

ATM/SG/3−WP03 Appendix
Appendix 4: Current ATFM/SG TOR

Air Traffic Flow Management Steering Group (ATFMSG) Terms of Reference

1. Having considered relevant documents such as the Manual on Collaborative Air Traffic Flow
Management (Doc 9971), regional air traffic data and the Asia/Pacific Region city pairs and
associated airspace and ATS routes experiencing the most significant traffic demand, and
noting the Asia/Pacific Seamless ATM Plan provisions for structural airspace capacity
increasing measures, develop an Asia/Pacific Regional ATFM Framework which addresses
ATFM implementation and ATFM operational issues in the Asia/Pacific Region;

2. Identify, research and recommend appropriate guidance regarding:

a. capacity assessment and adjustment mechanisms;
b. regular review for all aerodromes and ATC sectors where traffic demand is expected to
reach capacity, or is resulting in traffic congestion;
c. mechanisms for ATFM data gathering, collation and sharing between States,
International Organizations and ICAO, which may include;
i. capacity assessments, including factors affecting capacity such as special use
airspace status, runway closures and weather information;
ii. traffic demand information which may include flight schedules, flight plan data,
repetitive flight plan data as well as associated surveillance updates of flight status;
iii. ATFM Daily Plan;
d. compliance by airspace users with ATFM measures; and
e. any other guidance relevant to the Regional ATFM Framework.

3. Maintain an overview of CDM/ATFM programs being conducted within the Region, with a
view to facilitating their coordination and alignment.

4. Review the effectiveness of existing and planned ATFM programs in the Asia and Pacific
Region, and make specific recommendations regarding ATFM, including any adjacent
airspace affecting the Asia and Pacific Regions, and research and recommend appropriate
mechanisms for the on-going review of such programs.

5. The Group has linkages to the Aerodromes Operations and Planning Working Group
(AOP/WG), Regional ATM Contingency Plan Task Force (RACP/TF) and the
Meteorological Requirements Task Force (MET/R TF).

6. The Group reports to the ATM Sub-Group.

Approved by APANPIRG/25, September 2014

ATM/SG/3−WP03 Appendix
Appendix 5: Current APSAR/WG TOR

Asia/Pacific Search and Rescue Workgroup (APSAR/WG) Terms of Reference


1 In collaboration with affected stakeholders and in close cooperation with the

International Maritime Organization (IMO), the objective of the Asia/Pacific Search and Rescue
Workgroup is to promote the enhancement and improvement of SAR facilities and services within the
Asia/Pacific Region and adjacent regions, in accordance with:
a) Annex 12 to the Convention on International Civil Aviation; and
b) the International Aeronautical and Maritime SAR Manual (IAMSAR).

2 The APSAR/WG will be expected to enhance SAR capability within the Asia/Pacific
Region by:
a) making recommendations for improvement to the Asia/Pacific SAR Plan; and
b) providing advice and information, including recommendations for effective
implementation of SAR improvements.


3 To meet its objectives, the APSAR/WG shall:

a) review the current status of SAR preparedness of Asia and Pacific Region States;
b) review State SAR Arrangements for commonality with those of neighbouring States
to facilitate SAR coordination and cooperation across regional boundaries;
c) monitor outcomes from APANPIRG ATM/SG, other ICAO Region SAR groups,
ICAO/IMO Joint Working Group (JWG) and related forums for issues that may
affect the APAC Region;
d) monitor sub-regional and/or regional SAREX as appropriate;
e) analyse procedures in use in other ICAO Regions, and cooperate with other groups
which are involved with similar work in adjacent airspaces, in order to achieve
harmonized inter-regional solutions;
f) identify areas where SAR planning and preparedness requires improvement in terms
of compliance with Annex 12, the IAMSAR Manual and accepted best practice; and
g) make recommendations for improvement and implementation of SAR systems.


4 The APSAR/WG reports to the ATM Sub-group of APANPIRG. A line of

communication will be provided to the IMO on APSAR/WG outcomes where necessary.

5 The membership of the APSAR/WG is open to States and administrations that have the
responsibility for the provision of SAR services and facilities within the Asia/Pacific, related
international organizations, IMO and ICAO. The membership is also open to participants from
outside the Asia/Pacific or organisations that can contribute to APSAR/WG by invitation from
APSAR/WG (such as Cospas-Sarsat and military organizations that can facilitate SAR operations).
Approved by APANPIRG/26, September 2015

ATM/SG/3−WP03 Appendix
Appendix 6: Current SAIOACG TOR

South Asia/Indian Ocean ATM Coordination Group (SAIOACG) Terms of Reference

1) The scope and objective of the SAIOACG is to identify, plan and implement Air Traffic
Management improvements within airspace serving the Asian Regional Major Traffic Flows:

• AR- 2 (Europe – Southeast Asia);

• AR- 4 (Africa – Southeast Asia/Australia);
• AR- 5 (Middle East – Southeast Asia/Australia).

2) To meet this objective the Group shall:

a. review and recommend improvements to relevant airspace and ATS route structures,
in order to optimize the safety and efficiency of ATC operations;

b. review and recommend improvements to ATS facilities such as communication and

surveillance capability in support of flight operations;

c. research and plan airspace and facility requirements based on future technologies,
Performance Based Navigation and other capabilities that enhance flight operations;

d. coordinate with other bodies to establish appropriate navigation specifications;

e. identify ATM deficiencies with respect to ICAO Standards and Recommended

Practices (SARPs), and make recommendations to achieve compliance;

f. cooperate with other bodies as required, to facilitate Seamless ATM;

g. create working groups as required to manage specific ATM-related projects; and

h. research and recommend appropriate means of minimizing the environmental

consequences of flight operations.

3) The SAIOACG reports to the ATM Subgroup of APANPIRG.

The membership of the SAIOACG is open to States that provide ATS within the scope of airspace of
SAIOACG, International Organizations and ICAO. The membership is also open to participants from
outside the airspace or organizations that can contribute to SAIOACG by invitation from SAIOACG
(such as military organizations that can facilitate civil/military cooperation).
Approved by APANPIRG/22, September 2011

ATM/SG/3−WP03 Appendix
Appendix 7: Current SEACG TOR

South-East Asia ATM Co-ordination Group (SEACG) Terms of Reference

1. Terms of Reference of SEACG:

A. Identify current problems or deficiencies in ATM being experienced in the Southeast Asia

B. Develop solutions to resolve noted problems or deficiencies that do not require long-
range planning in the Southeast Asia area;

C. Prepare a co-ordinated action plan with time lines for implementation of the agreed
actions in a manner that is harmonized with adjacent regions, consistent with ICAO
SARPs and Global Air Navigation Plan (Doc 9750);

D. Make specific recommendations to the APANPIRG through the ATM/AIS/SAR Sub-

Group, aimed at improving ATM/AIS/SAR services within the South East Asia Region
and the adjacent Regions.

E. Report to the ATM/AIS/SAR Sub-Group of the APANPIRG

2. The SEACG comprises representatives from the following, but not limited to:

Australia, Brunei Darussalam, Cambodia, China, Hong Kong China, Indonesia, Japan, Lao PDR,
Malaysia, Papua New Guinea, Philippines, Singapore, Thailand, Viet Nam, IATA, IFALPA,
Approved by ATM/AIS/SAR SG/20, Decision SG 20/11, July 2010

Ref.: AN 3/3- AP-AGAOOOS/16 11 January 2016

To: Chairs-ATM/SG, CNS/SG, MET/SG,


E-mail: kuah kong;

lo weng;;
kevinlam@aacm. gov .mo;

From: Regional Director

ICAO Asia and Pacific Office

Subject: Review Terms of Reference of Contributory Bodies

under the APANPIRG Sub Groups

I invite reference to the Report ofthe Twenty Sixth Meeting of APANPIRG (Bangkok, 7 to 10 September
2015). APANPIRG/26 noted that following the re-organization of APANPIRG structure and the revised
Terms of Reference of the Sub Groups, it is necessary for the Sub Groups to review the structure of its
Working Groups and Task Forces and their Terms of Reference. APANPIRG/26 adopted Decision
26/66; the text of the Decision is reproduced below for easy reference:

Decision AP ANPIRG/26/66 -Review Terms of Reference of Contributory Bodies

under the AP ANPIRG Sub Groups
That, the Secretariat, in consultation with Chairs of the existing Task Forces and
Working Groups under the APANPIRG Sub Groups, reviews the TOR as necessary,
and submits to the respective Sub Groups and APANPIRG/27 for further review and
adoption. ·


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