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Any person or entity engaged in trade,
It is the primary law in the Philippines industry, and commerce in the
enacted to promote and protect market Philippines. Also applies to international
competition. The law defines, prohibits, and trade that may impact trade, industry, and
penalizes, with the aim of enhancing commerce in the country. It does not apply
economic efficiency and promoting free and to collective bargaining agreements or
fair competition in trade, industry, and all arrangements between workers and
commercial economic activities. Its key employers and activities to facilitate
prohibitions include entering into anti- collective bargaining agreements in respect
competitive agreements, abusing a dominant of conditions of employment.
market position, and forming anti-competitive
mergers and acquisitions.
Anti-competitive agreements include
arrangements between or among
competitors that substantially prevent,
Is an independent quasi-judicial agency restrict, or lessen competition.
mandated to implement the national
competition body and enforce the PCA. (a
quasi-judicial body can interpret law and has PER SE VIOLATIONS
been given powers and procedures
resembling those of a court of law or judge) These are anti-competitive agreements that
are inherently illegal and require no further
The OFC under the Department of Justice inquiry into their actual effect on the market
(DOJ-OFC) shall only conduct preliminary or the intentions of the parties who engaged
investigation and undertake prosecution of in the illegal act or agreement. Example,
all criminal offenses arising under the PCA price fixing, bid rigging.
and other competition-related laws.


Are other anti-competitive agreements
• Conduct inquiry, investigate, and prohibited by the law which have the object
hear and decide on cases involving or effect of substantially preventing,
any violation of this Act and other restricting, or lessening competition. PCC
existing competition laws: needs to inquire whether they restrict
a. Motu proprio competition since they are not per se illegal.
b. Upon receipt of a verified
complaint from an interested Example is supply restriction
c. Upon referral by the concerned
regulatory agency, and institute
the appropriate civil or criminal
Refers to the joining of two or more entities ACQUISITIONS
into an existing entity or to form a new entity
Parties to a merger or acquisition agreement
where the size of transaction and size of
ACQUISITION person/party exceed the threshold set
annually by the PCC are required to notify
Refers to the purchase of securities or the Commission of such agreement before
assets, through contract or other means, for consummating the transaction.
the purpose of obtaining control.
7 billion based on the size of the party
2.9 billion based on the size of
Control is presumed to exist when the parent
owns directly or indirectly, through THE NOTIFYING ENTITY/ENTITIES
subsidiaries, more than ½ of the voting The acquiring and acquired parties to the
power of an entity, unless exceptional
notifiable M&A and their ultimate parent
circumstances, it can be clearly
demonstrated that such ownership does not
constitute control. In the formation of a joint venture (other than
in connection with a merger or
consolidation), the contributing entities shall
WHAT IS A DOMINANT POSITION? be deemed the acquiring entities, and the
joint venture shall be deemed as the
A dominant position refers to a position of acquired entities.
economic strength that an entity or entities
hold which make sit capable of controlling the CAN THE PCC REVIEW A TRANSACTION
relevant market independently from any or a NOT SUBJECT TO COMPUSLORY
combination of the following: competitors, NOTIFICATION?
customers, suppliers, or consumers.
The PCC has the authority to review or
investigate, moto proprio or on its own
initiative, any transaction that may result in
PROHIBITED MERGERS AND substantial lessening or restriction of
ACQUISITIONS competition in a market. Moto proprio means
Anti-competitive mergers and acquisitions that, even without notification, the PCC may
(M&As) refer to transactions that commence a review of the proposed
substantially lessen, restrict, or prevent transaction. A violation equals to a fine of 1%
competition in the relevant market as to 5% of the value of the transaction.
determined by the PCC in the exercise of its
power to review such transactions.
The PCC can prohibit the transaction or
impose conditions before the transaction can
be consummated. Alternatively, the merging HOW DOES PCC DETERMINE IF A
parties can propose voluntary commitments BUSINESS CONDUCT IS ANTI-
meant to curtail the anti-competitive effects COMPETITIVE?
of the transaction. If the PCC accepts, the
transaction can proceed. • As defined by the law
• There is actual or potential adverse
impact on competition caused by the
alleged agreement or conduct
• Adopt a broad perspective,
recognizing future market, overriding
Joint ventures or private entities and need to make the goods and services
unsolicited public-private partnership available to customers while also
(PPP) projects may be exempted. The PCC taking into account the past behavior
however can modify or rescind, among of the parties involved.
others, the transaction value threshold and • Balance the need to ensure that
other criteria subject to compulsory competition is not prevented, or
notification and the exceptions or restricted.
exemptions from the notification • Assess the totality of evidence
requirement. whether or not the entity has engaged
an anti-competitive agreement or
It refers to the market in which particular
goods or services is sold and which
comprises two dimensions: the relevant
product market and the relevant geographic

Relevant product market comprises all QUESTIONS:

those goods and/or services which are WHAT IS RA 9160 KNOWN AS?
regarded as interchangeable or substitutable
by the consumer or the customer, by reason RA 9160: An act defining the crime of money
of the goods and/or services’ characteristics, laundering, providing penalties therefor and
their prices and their intended use. for other purposes.

Relevant geographic market comprises the Section 1: This Act shall be known as Anti-
area in which the entity concerned is involved money Laundering Act of 2001.
in the supply and demand of goods and
services, in which the conditions of
competition are sufficiently homogenous and WHAT IS RA 9160 ALL ABOUT AND ITS
which can be distinguished from neighboring POLICY
areas because the conditions of
competitions are different in those areas. It is hereby declared the policy of the state to
protect and preserve the integrity and
confidentiality of bank accounts and to
ensure that the Philippines shall not be used
as a money laundering site for the proceeds
of any unlawful activity. Consistent with its
foreign policy, the Sate shall extend 2. A transaction with or involving jewelry
cooperation in transnational investigations dealers, dealers in precious metals
and prosecutions of person involved in and dealers in precious stones in
money laundering activities. cash or other equivalent money
instrument exceeding 1,000,000.
3. A casino cash transaction exceeding
WHY DO YOU THINK MONEY 5,000,000 or its equivalent in other
4. A cash transaction with or involving
Basically the source of the money is illegal in real estate developers or brokers
nature and that makes this subject a global exceeding 7,500,000 or its equivalent
problem. Money laundering also undermines in other currency.
the integrity of financial institutions and it
makes it easier for criminals to move illicit
funds across borders, making it a more WHAT ARE THE UNLAWFUL ACTIVITIES
complex problem. LISTED BY THE LAW?

Unlawful activity” refers to any act or

omission or series or combination thereof
involving or having relation to the following:
Refers to: (1) Kidnapping for ransom under Article
267 of Act No. 3815, otherwise known as the
• Banks, non-banks, quasi-banks, trust Revised Penal Code, as amended;
entities, and all other institutions and
their subsidiaries and affiliates
supervised by the BSP. (2) Sections 3, 4, 5, 7, 8 and 9 of Article Two
• Insurance companies and all other of Republic Act No. 6425, as amended,
institutions supervised by the otherwise known as the Dangerous Drugs
Insurance Commission Act of 1972;
• Securities dealers, brokers,
(3) Section 3 paragraphs B, C, E, G, H and I
salesmen, investment houses.
of Republic Act No. 3019, as amended;
WHAT ENTITIES SUPERVISE THESE otherwise known as the Anti-Graft and
INSTITUTIONS? Corrupt Practices Act;

• Bangko Sental ng Pilipinas (BSP) (4) Plunder under Republic Act No. 7080, as
• Insurance Commission amended;
• Securities and Exchange
Commission (5) Robbery and extortion under Articles
• Anti Money Laundering Council 294, 295, 296, 299, 300, 301 and 302 of the
Revised Penal Code, as amended;

WHAT ARE THE COVERED (6) Jueteng and Masiao punished as illegal
TRANSACTIONS? gambling under Presidential Decree No.
1. Any transaction in cash or other
equivalent monetary instrument
exceeding 500,000 pesos.
(7) Piracy on the high seas under the (b) Any person knowing that any monetary
Revised Penal Code, as amended and instrument or property involves the proceeds
Presidential Decree No. 532; of any unlawful activity, performs or fails to
perform any act as a result of which he
(8) Qualified theft under Article 310 of the facilitates the offense of money laundering
Revised Penal Code, as amended; referred to in paragraph (a) above.

(9) Swindling under Article 315 of the (c) Any person knowing that any monetary
Revised Penal Code, as amended; instrument or property is required under this
Act to be disclosed and filed with the Anti-
(10) Smuggling under Republic Act Nos. Money Laundering Council (AMLC), fails to
455 and 1937; do so.

(11) Violations under Republic Act No.

8792, otherwise known as the Electronic
Commerce Act of 2000;
(12) Hijacking and other violations under The AMLA provides exceptions to the Bank
Republic Act No. 6235; destructive arson Secrecy Act. Under Section 11, the AMLC
and murder, as defined under the Revised may inquire into a bank account upon order
Penal Code, as amended, including those of any competent court in cases of violation
perpetrated by terrorists against non-
of the AMLA, it having been established that
combatant persons and similar targets;
there is probable cause that the deposits or
investments are related to unlawful activities
(13) Fraudulent practices and other
violations under Republic Act No. 8799, as defined in Section 3(i) of the law, or a
otherwise known as the Securities money laundering offense under Section 4
Regulation Code of 2000; thereof. Further, in instances where there is
probable cause that the deposits or
(14) Felonies or offenses of a similar investments are related to kidnapping for
nature that are punishable under the penal ransom, certain violations of the
laws of other countries Comprehensive Dangerous Drugs Act of
2002, hijacking and other violations under
R.A. No. 6235, destructive arson and
murder, then there is no need for the AMLC
to obtain a court order before it could inquire
into such accounts.’
Money laundering is a crime whereby the
proceeds of an unlawful activity are
transacted, thereby making them appear to WHAT ARE THE GOVERNING
have originated from legitimate sources. It is PRINCIPLES OF AMLA?
committed by the following:
The anti-money laundering/counter-terrorism
financing (AML/CTF) regime of the
(a) Any person knowing that any monetary
instrument or property represents, involves, Philippines shall be governed by the
or relates to, the proceeds of any unlawful following principles:
activity, transacts or attempts to transact said (a) The AMLC, as the country’s financial
monetary instrument or property.
intelligence unit, is vested by law with
independence to perform its mandate. It COVERED TRANSACTIONS BEING
upholds the continuous development of a REFERRED TO
team of highly ethical and professional
Any transaction involving the movement of
personnel and implements efficient
funds exceeding 500,000 within a single
processes in the delivery of its mandate.
banking day.
(b) The AML/CTF laws, rules and regulations
and other relevant issuances are
implemented using a risk-based approach in THE TYPES OF TRANSACTIONS
a way that responds to the need to bring the
financially excluded into the regulated • Cash transactions that exceeds
financial sector, while at the same time 500,000 within a single banking day
maintaining effective safeguards and whether conducted in a single
effective controls against money operation or several operation.
laundering/terrorism financing risks. • Casino transaction that exceeds
(c) A strong compliance culture, good • Transactions with dealers that
governance and observance of high ethical exceeds 1,000,000
standards in the conduct of business are • Electronic Transfers
good foundations for an effective AML/CTF
• Investment-Related Transactions
regime. It will be developed and sustained
through capacity building and deterrence of
violations through imposition of appropriate,
proportionate and dissuasive sanctions. WHAT IS CUSTOMER DUE DILIGENCE?

(d) A sound risk management system to This refers to the procedure of identifying and
identify, assess, mitigate, monitor, and verifying the true identity of customers, and
control risks associated with money their agents and beneficial owners, including
laundering/terrorism financing is essential. understanding and monitoring their
transactions and activities.
(e) Timely and effective domestic and
international cooperation and established CDD is required when:
coordination mechanism are critical in the a. Establishing business or professional
investigation and prosecution of money relationship
laundering/terrorism financing and b. Carrying out occasional transactions
associated unlawful activities. above 100,000 or any other threshold
(f) The implementation of AML laws, rules as may be determined by the SA
and regulations shall conform to international (supervising authority).
AML/CTF standards and best practices. c. Carrying out occasional wire
transfers under the rule 19, section 6
(j) The observance of the constitutional hereof.
requirements on due process, and injunction d. There is suspicion of ML/TF,
against ex post facto laws and bills of regardless of any exemptions or
attainder. thresholds that are referred to
elsewhere under this IRR.
e. The covered person has doubts
about the veracity or adequacy of
previously obtained identification from the profile of the client and/or the client’s
information and/or data. past transactions with the covered person;
(6) the transaction is in any way related
THE MONETARY INSTRUMENTS BEING to ML/TF or related unlawful activity that
REFERRED TO is about to be committed, is being or has
been committed; or
• Coins or currency of legal tender of
the Philippines, or any other country (7) any transaction that is similar,
• Drafts, checks, and notes analogous or identical to any of the
• Securities or negotiable instruments, foregoing, such as the relevant transactions
bonds, commercial papers, deposit in related and materially linked accounts, as
certificates, trust certificates, herein defined.
custodial receipts or deposit
Any unsuccessful attempt to transact
substitute instruments, trading
with a covered person, the denial of
orders, transaction tickets and
which is based on any of the foregoing
confirmations of sale or investments
circumstances, shall likewise be considered
and money market instruments
as suspicious transaction.
• Other similar instruments where title
thereto passes to another by
endorsement, assignment or
delivery; and
• Contracts or policies of insurance, life Refers to a transaction, regardless of
or non-life, and contracts of amount, where any of the suspicious
suretyship. circumstances, as herein defined, is
determined, based on suspicion or, if
available, reasonable grounds to be existing.
Refers to any of the following circumstances,
the existence of which makes a transaction WHAT’S TERRORISM FINANCING?
Sec. 2 of RA 10168: It is the policy of the
(1) there is no underlying legal or trade
State to protect life, liberty, and property from
obligation, purpose or economic justification; acts of terrorism and to condemn terrorism
(2) the client is not properly identified; and those who support and finance it and to
recognize it as inimical and dangerous to
(3) the amount involved is not commensurate national security and the welfare of the
with the business or financial capacity of the people, and to make the financing of
client; terrorism a crime against the Filipino people,
against humanity, and against the law of
(4) taking into account all known nations.
circumstances, it may be perceived that
the client’s transaction is structured in The State, likewise, recognizes and adheres
order to avoid being the subject of to international commitments to combat the
reporting requirements under the AMLA; financing of terrorism, specifically to the
International Convention for the Suppression
(5) any circumstance relating to the of the Financing of Terrorism, as well as
transaction which is observed to deviate other binding terrorism-related resolutions of
the United Nations Security Council pursuant correspondence, shall be preserved and
to Chapter 7 of the Charter of the United safely stored for at least 5 years from the
Nations (UN). date they were closed.

Toward this end, the State shall reinforce its

fight against terrorism by criminalizing the
financing of terrorism and related offenses,
and by preventing and suppressing the
commission of said offenses through TRANSACTION
freezing and forfeiture of properties or funds Covered institutions shall report to AMLC all
while protecting human rights. covered transactions within 5 working days
from occurrence thereof, unless the
Supervising Authority concerned prescribes
WHAT’S ASSET FORFEITURE? a longer period not exceeding 10 working
Asset forfeiture is a form of confiscation of
assets by the authorities.
Section 1. General Rules on Asset BENEFICIAL OWNER
Beneficial Owner refers to any natural person
The following rules shall be observed in who:
asset forfeiture proceedings:
(1) Ultimately owns or controls the customer
(a) No prior criminal charge, pendency of and/or on whose behalf a transaction or
a case, or conviction for an unlawful activity is being conducted;
activity or ML offense is necessary for the
(2) Has ultimate effective control over a
commencement or the resolution of a petition
juridical person or legal arrangement; or
for civil forfeiture.
(3) Owns, at least, twenty percent (20%)
(b) No asset shall be attached or forfeited to
shares, contributions or equity interest in a
the prejudice of a candidate for an electoral
juridical person or legal arrangement.
office during an election period.
(c) No court shall issue a temporary
restraining order or a writ of injunction LEGAL OWNER
against any provisional asset preservation
order or asset preservation order, except the
Court of Appeals or the Supreme Court.


All records of all transactions of covered
institutions shall be maintained and safely
stored for 5 years from the dates of
transactions. With respect to closed
accounts, the records of customer
identification, account files and business

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