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First Author:

1. Mahmood Moosazadeh
2. Carsten Carlberg
3. Rodica Paureanu
4. Shiori Takahashi
5. Weronika Galus

Article Title:
1. Vitamin D status and disability among patients with multiple sclerosis: a systematic
review and meta-analysis
2. Linking Mechanisms of Vitamin D signaling with multiple sclerosis
3. Oxidative Stress and Vitamin D as predictors in Multiple Sclerosis
4. Active form of vitamin d
5. Vitamin D supplementation practices among

Journal Title:
1. AIMS Neuroscience
2. Cells
3. Current health and Sciences Journal
4. Clinical and experimental neuroimmunology
5. Journal of Clinical Medicine

Year of Publication:
1. 2021
2. 2023
3. 2020
4. 2017
5. 2022

1. Literature Review
2. Literature Review
3. Original Research
4. Original research
5. Original research
For one author:
Last name, first name. “Article title.” Journal Title, vol. #, no.#, year, pp. ###-###. Database
name, doi #.

For two authors:

Last name, first name, and first name last name. “Article title.” Journal Title, vol. #, no.#, year,
pp. ###-###. Database name, doi #.

Last name and Last name #

Nelson and Chang have argued….(398)

One sudy found that…. (Nelson and Chang 398)

For many authors :

Last name, first name, et al. “Article title.” Journal Title, vol. #, no.#, year, pp. ###-###. Database
name, doi #.

Last name, et al. #

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