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The experiments demonstrate the performance of current underwater image enhancement and

state-of-the-art object detection algorithms, show their limitations, and show that there is no strict
positive relationship between underwater image enhancement and improved object detection
accuracy. The domain change caused by underwater image enhancement
cannot be ignored.[1]

[1] Shubo Xu, Minghua Zhang, Wei Song, Haibin Mei, Qi He, Antonio Liotta, A systematic review
and analysis of deep learning-based underwater object detection, Neurocomputing, Volume 527, 2023,
Pages 204-232, ISSN 0925-2312,

This paper investigated vision-based object recognition algorithms in underwater environments using
multiple datasets. We presented a complete algorithmic pipeline for underwater object detection and
pose estimation, and in particular, a new multi-functional object detection algorithm for finding man-
made objects. The proposed method works under fairly general hypotheses, which are the apparent
color uniformity and sharp shape of the target object, and has been effectively used to search for
different objects in different underwater scenarios.[2]

[2] Rizzini DL, Kallasi F, Oleari F, Caselli S. Investigation of Vision-Based Underwater Object
Detection with Multiple Datasets. International Journal of Advanced Robotic Systems. 2015;12(6).

To get a clearer picture of underwater object detection algorithms and their

advantages and disadvantages, we provide an updated overview of the
various computer vision-based approaches developed so far. In addition, a
comparison of various state-of-the-art systems was made based on various
objective indices, and future research directions in the field of underwater
object detection were also proposed. [3]
[3] Fayaz, S., Parah, S.A. & Qureshi, G.J. Underwater object detection: architectures and algorithms
– a comprehensive review. Multimed Tools Appl 81, 20871–20916 (2022).

The analytical approaches are classified by observation and the features and
deep learning architectures used are highlighted. It is concluded that the
analysis of digital seabed images using deep neural networks has a lot of
automation potential, especially for seagrass detection and monitoring.[4]
[4] Moniruzzaman, M., Islam, S.M.S., Bennamoun, M., Lavery, P. (2017). Deep Learning on
Underwater Marine Object Detection: A Survey. In: Blanc-Talon, J., Penne, R., Philips, W., Popescu,
D., Scheunders, P. (eds) Advanced Concepts for Intelligent Vision Systems. ACIVS 2017. Lecture
Notes in Computer Science(), vol 10617. Springer, Cham.
a lightweight deep-sea object detection network is planned. Most importantly,
we present a deep model that jointly learns color changes and object
detection for underwater images. The purpose of the image color conversion
module is to convert color images into corresponding grayscale images to
solve the problem of underwater color absorption and improve target detection
performance with less computational effort.[5]
[5] C. -H. Yeh et al., "Lightweight Deep Neural Network for Joint Learning of Underwater Object
Detection and Color Conversion," in IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning Systems,
vol. 33, no. 11, pp. 6129-6143, Nov. 2022, doi: 10.1109/TNNLS.2021.3072414.

To address these issues, in our work we explore augmentation methods that

simulate overlapping, occluded, and ambiguous objects and create a model
that can achieve better generalization. We propose an enhancement method
called RoIMix, which describes the interaction between images. Hints taken
from different images are mixed together. Previous data augmentation
methods work on a single image, while we apply RoIMix to multiple images to
generate enhanced samples as training data.
[6] W. -H. Lin, J. -X. Zhong, S. Liu, T. Li and G. Li, "ROIMIX: Proposal-Fusion Among Multiple Images
for Underwater Object Detection," ICASSP 2020 - 2020 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics,
Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP), Barcelona, Spain, 2020, pp. 2588-2592, doi:

Vision-based object recognition and tracking techniques for underwater robots have
been extensively studied. Several approaches have been tried to overcome
the limitations of cameras and exploit the full benefits of
image data. Topics include color restoration algorithm for degraded
underwater images, underwater target detection and tracking methods.[7]
[7] Donghwa Lee, Gonyop Kim, Donghoon Kim, Hyun Myung, Hyun-Taek
Choi, Vision-based object detection and tracking for autonomous
navigation of underwater robots, Ocean Engineering, Volume 48, 2012,
Pages 59-68, ISSN 0029-8018,

We first introduce a new real UOD dataset called RUOD, which places UOD in the context of general
scene understanding. Second, we conduct comprehensive and systematic RUOD experiments to
evaluate the development of general underwater scene detection from the perspectives of algorithms,
complex marine objects, and environmental issues. Finally, UOD in practice usually uses an
underwater image to improve image quality during preprocessing. [8]
[8] Chenping Fu, Risheng Liu, Xin Fan, Puyang Chen, Hao Fu, Wanqi Yuan, Ming Zhu, Zhongxuan
Luo, Rethinking general underwater object detection: Datasets, challenges, and solutions,
Neurocomputing, Volume 517, 2023, Pages 243-256, ISSN 0925-2312,

we offer an underwater sensing frame with features and anchor enhancements. It has a composite
connectivity framework that improves feature representation and includes a responsive field
augmentation module to use various contextual features. [9]
[9] Fan, B., Chen, W., Cong, Y., Tian, J. (2020). Dual Refinement Underwater Object Detection
Network. In: Vedaldi, A., Bischof, H., Brox, T., Frahm, JM. (eds) Computer Vision – ECCV 2020.
ECCV 2020. Lecture Notes in Computer Science(), vol 12365. Springer, Cham.

A combination of max-RGB method and gray-scale method is used to improve underwater vision, and
then a convolutional neural network (CNN) method is proposed to solve the dark problem of
underwater images to train the resulting mapping ratio. light map. [10]
[10] Fenglei Han, Jingzheng Yao, Haitao Zhu, Chunhui Wang, "Underwater Image Processing and Object
Detection Based on Deep CNN Method", Journal of Sensors, vol. 2020, Article ID 6707328, 20 pages,

This research proposes a revolutionary monocular vision-based underwater item detection technique.
A two-phase framework is created with segmentation in the final phase and ROI detection in the first.
It is shown that the framework is resilient in submerged settings. The transmission information of our
approach is introduced, which boosts the accuracy of underwater object detection, in addition to the
widely utilized color and intensity information.
Nevertheless, the dark channel-based model is no longer accurate in some circumstances, particularly
when artificial illumination is applied and the underwater optical environments are greatly
contaminated. In certain situations, our technique can become unstable due to the mistakes in the
transmission estimation.

[11] Chen, Z.; Zhang, Z.; Dai, F.; Bu, Y.; Wang, H. Monocular Vision-Based Underwater Object
Detection. Sensors 2017, 17, 1784.

In controlled contexts, object detection techniques based on deep learning have demonstrated
promising performance. However, because of the following difficulties, these approaches are not
powerful enough to handle underwater object detection: Real applications' objects are typically small,
and (1) the underwater datasets' and real applications' images are fuzzy with loud noise that confuses
the detectors. To tackle these two issues simultaneously, we provide in this study a new training
paradigm called Curriculum Multi-Class Adaboost (CMA) and a Sample-WeIghted HyPEr Network
(SWIPENET).First off, several high resolution and semantically rich Hyper Feature Maps are
generated by SWIPENET's core, greatly enhancing small item detection. Second, we provide the
noise-robust CMA training paradigm, which learns the clean data first and then moves on to learning
the heterogeneous noisy data. This approach is inspired by the human education process, which drives
the learning from easy to challenging concepts.

[12] Long Chen, Feixiang Zhou, Shengke Wang, Junyu Dong, Ning Li, Haiping Ma, Xin Wang, Huiyu Zhou,
SWIPENET: Object detection in noisy underwater scenes, Pattern Recognition, Volume 132, 2022, 108926,
ISSN 0031-3203,

Reliable underwater item identification techniques must be created in order to effectively use
and safeguard marine life. Underwater object detection is a challenging field with many
obstacles arising from complex and dynamic underwater settings. Thus, to detect holothurian,
echinus, scallop, starfish, and waterweeds, this paper enhances a two-stage Faster RCNN
(Regions with Convolutional Neural Network Feature) algorithm. When it comes to
underwater object detection, the enhanced algorithm performs better.

[13] Wang, H.; Xiao, N. Underwater Object Detection Method Based on Improved Faster
RCNN. Appl. Sci. 2023, 13, 2746.

By using integral-image representations and a cascaded design, the whole algorithm is made
incredibly fast. Consequently, the technique opens the possibility of real-time object
recognition in streaming sonar data acquired by an autonomous underwater vehicle (AUV).
Since the suggested method adapts adaptively to the environmental features of the sensed
data that is gathered in situ, no training data is needed. The adaptable but strict method also
tackles and gets beyond five significant drawbacks that the most widely used detection
algorithms have.

[14] D. P. Williams, "On adaptive underwater object detection," 2011 IEEE/RSJ International
Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems, San Francisco, CA, USA, 2011, pp. 4741-4748, doi:

The apparatus can autonomously identify a pipeline positioned on the ocean floor as well as
various items, such as anodes and trestles, positioned nearby. To lessen issues related to light
attenuation in the water, a color correction process has been implemented. Subsequently,
artificial neural networks are utilized to categorize the input image's pixels in real-time into
several classes, which may correlate to distinct things in the observed scene. By using
geometric reasoning, erroneous object detection is reduced and genuine object detection
accuracy is increased.

DETECTION IN UNDERWATER IMAGES,2000, International Journal of Pattern Recognition
and Artificial Intelligence, 167-188, 14, 02, 10.1142/S021800140000012X,

While traditional underwater object detection methods prioritize accuracy

using large networks, they suffer from slow detection speeds and high
model sizes. In contrast, the proposed approach combines MobileNet v2,
YOLO v4, and attentional feature fusion to achieve lightweight, real-time
performance without compromising accuracy. By leveraging MobileNet v2
and depth-wise separable convolution, the model parameters and size are
significantly reduced. The Modified Attentional Feature Fusion (AFFM)
module enhances feature fusion, improving accuracy in detecting
underwater objects. Experimental results show promising mean average
precision (mAP) on both standard and brackish datasets, along with a
processing speed of 44.22 frames per second (FPS) on the latter.
Additionally, the method compresses model parameters and size to a
fraction of YOLO v4, striking an effective balance between speed and
accuracy for marine environments.

[16] Zhang, M.; Xu, S.; Song, W.; He, Q.; Wei, Q. Lightweight Underwater Object Detection
Based on YOLO v4 and Multi-Scale Attentional Feature Fusion. Remote Sens. 2021, 13,

Underwater image data suffers from issues such as color distortion, low contrast, and target
blur, despite the fact that underwater object detection is essential for ocean exploration. An
advanced approach based on Faster R-CNN is presented to address these problems. In order
to improve feature fusion, it incorporates a path aggregation network and uses the Swin
Transformer as the backbone network. Furthermore, the training process is streamlined by
online hard example mining, and detection accuracy is increased by using ROI align, which
eliminates quantization mistakes. Interestingly, the suggested algorithm successfully reduces
missing and incorrect detections of objects in complicated contexts with different sizes,
achieving an amazing 80.54% improvement on the URPC2018 dataset. This novel method
represents a major advancement in improving the resilience and accuracy of underwater
object detection.
[17] J. Liu, S. Liu, S. Xu and C. Zhou, "Two-Stage Underwater Object Detection Network Using Swin
Transformer," in IEEE Access, vol. 10, pp. 117235-117247, 2022, doi:

This research suggests a class-weighted YOLO network-based underwater target detection

technique. It improves accuracy by balancing a class-weighted loss function with sample
difficulty. Target box detection is improved using a dimensional clustering approach that is
adaptive. The method reduces noise in sonar images by filtering and segmenting them, and it
uses speckle detection to isolate putative target locations. Accuracy is increased via erroneous
target removal and target scale estimation. Performance is improved by moving object
detection using background and three-frame difference, and noise is removed using
morphological processes. Particularly in dense target detection tasks, validation across many
ROVs shows dramatically increased average accuracy and recall rates. This technique is a
significant step forward for practical ROV applications.

[18] Lanyong Zhang, Chengyu Li, Hongfang Sun, Object detection/tracking

toward underwater photographs by remotely operated vehicles (ROVs),
Future Generation Computer Systems, Volume 126, 2022, Pages 163-168,
ISSN 0167-739X,

Detecting objects underwater is more difficult than land-based object detection. While deep
learning works well for land detection, its underwater performance is still not ideal. We
suggest a YOLOv5 baseline designed especially for underwater object identification to close
this gap. With a choice of model sizes, YOLOv5 facilitates selection based on underwater
equipment by providing speed and precision. Based on experimental data, YOLOv5 is shown
to be a lightweight, quick, and accurate underwater algorithm. As a starting point for further
research in this field, we define our results as a YOLOv5 baseline for underwater object
detection. This baseline can be used by researchers who are interested in underwater item
detection to make future progress.

[19] H. Wang et al., "A YOLOv5 Baseline for Underwater Object Detection," OCEANS 2021: San
Diego – Porto, San Diego, CA, USA, 2021, pp. 1-4, doi: 10.23919/OCEANS44145.2021.9705896

A major difficulty in computer vision is underwater object detection. Prior to its use, marine
biologists' manual chores were laborious and prone to mistakes. Thanks to a variety of
algorithms and increased hardware capabilities, underwater autonomous vehicles, or UAVs,
are now able to record live films in order to detect objects. Underwater problems make
traditional computer vision technologies difficult to use. Robust, real-time, and precise
identification is provided via deep learning. This study discusses state-of-the-art methods for
underwater object detection with a focus on deep learning techniques. To determine how
effective they are, a thorough comparison analysis is carried out.
[20] author = {Gomes, Dipta and Saif, A. F. M. Saifuddin and Nandi, Dip},
title = {Robust Underwater Object Detection with Autonomous Underwater
Vehicle: A Comprehensive Study}, year = {2020}, isbn = {9781450377782},
publisher = {Association for Computing Machinery}, address = {New York,

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