EQUIPMENT (Automatikusan Helyreállítva)

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Technical Level: Bronze age (TL1).

Power Level: 200 character points. You may receive up to 80 more points by taking disadvantages.

Mana Level: Player characters can’t take magical skills.

Skill Attribute Difficulty Defaults
Acrobatics IQ H DX-6
Acting IQ A IQ-5, Performance-2, Public Speaking-5
Animal Handling IQ A IQ-5
Architecture IQ A IQ-5, Engineer (Civil)-4
Area Knowledge IQ E IQ-4
Artist IQ H IQ-6
Camouflage IQ E IQ-4, Survival-2
Carpentry IQ E IQ-4
Climbing DX A DX-5
Cooking IQ A IQ-5
Detect Lies Per H Per-6
Diagnosis IQ H IQ-6, First Aid-8, Physician-4
Disguise IQ A IQ-5
Engineer IQ H Special
Enthrallment Will H None
Escape DX H DX-6
Farming IQ A IQ-5
Fast Draw DX E None
Filch DX A DX-5, Pickpocket-4, Sleight of Hand-4
First Aid IQ E IQ-4
Fishing Per E Per-4
Forced Entry DX E None
Games IQ E IQ-4
Group Performance IQ A IQ-5
Heraldry IQ A IQ-5, Savoir Faire (High Society)-3
Hiking HT A HT-5
Holdout IQ A IQ-5, Sleight of Hand-3
Interrogation IQ A IQ-5, Intimidation-3
Jeweler IQ H IQ-6
Jumping DX E None
Knot Tying DX E DX-4, Climbing-4, Seamanship-4
Law IQ H IQ-6
Leatherworking DX E DX-4
Lifting HT A None
Lockpicking IQ A IQ-5
Masonry IQ E IQ-4
Merchant IQ A IQ-5
Meteorology IQ A IQ-5
Mimicry IQ H IQ-6
Mount DX A DX-5
Naturalist IQ H IQ-6
Navigation IQ A Special
Observation Per A Per-5, Shadowing-5
Packing IQ A IQ-5, Animal Handling (Equines)-5
Performance IQ A IQ-5, Acting-2, Public Speaking-2
Philosophy IQ H IQ-6
Physician IQ VH IQ-7, First Aid-11
Pickpocket DX H DX-6, Filch-5, Sleight of Hand-4
Poetry IQ A IQ-5
Poisons IQ H IQ-6, Physician-3
Politics IQ A IQ-5, Diplomacy-5
Push DX H None
Religious Ritual IQ H None
Riding DX A DX-5, Animal Handling-3
Skill Attribute Difficulty Defaults
Running HT A HT-5
Savoir-Faire IQ E IQ-4
Seamanship IQ E IQ-4
Search Per A Per-5
Sewing DX E DX-4
Shadowing IQ A IQ-5, Observation-5, Stealth-4
Shiphandling IQ H IQ-6
Singing HT E HT-4
Sleight of Hand DX H DX-6, Filch-5
Smith IQ A IQ-5
Stealth DX A DX-5, IQ-5
Strategy IQ H IQ-6, Tactics-6
Survival Per A Per-5, Naturalist-3
Swimming HT E HT-4
Tactics IQ H IQ-6, Strategy-6
Teaching IQ A IQ-5
Teamster IQ A IQ-5, Animal Handling-4, Riding-2
Theology IQ H IQ-6, Religious Ritual-4
Throwing DX A DX-3
Tracking Per A Per-5, Naturalist-5
Traps IQ A IQ-5, Lockpicking-3
Weather Sense IQ A IQ-5

Skill Attribute Difficulty Defaults
Axe/mace DX A DX-5, Two-handed axe/mace-3
Bolas DX A None
Bow DX A DX-5
Boxing DX A None
Brawling DX E None
Broadsword DX A DX-5, Shortsword-2, Two-handed sword-4
Garrote DX E DX-4
Knife DX E DX-4, Shortsword-3
Parry Missile Weapons DX H None
Polearm DX A DX-5, Spear-4, Staff-4, Two-handed axe/mace-4
Shield DX E DX-4
Shortsword DX A DX-5, Broadsword-2, Knife-4
Sling DX H DX-6
Spear DX A DX-5, Polearm-4, Staff-2
Staff DX A DX-5, Polearm-4, Spear-2
Thrown Weapon DX E DX-4
Two-handed axe/mace DX A DX-5, Axe/mace-3, Polearm-4
Two-handed sword DX A DX-5, Broadsword-4
Wrestling DX A None

Skill Attribute Difficulty Defaults
Carousing HT E HT-4
Diplomacy IQ H IQ-6
Fast Talk IQ A IQ-5, Acting-5
Intimidation Will A Will-5, Acting-3
Leadership IQ A IQ-5
Panhandling IQ E IQ-4, Fast Talk-2, Public Speaking-3
Persuade Will H None
Public Speaking IQ A IQ-5, Acting-5, Performance-2, Politics-5
Streetwise IQ A IQ-5
Advantage Mental/Physical/Social Supernatural Cost
Absolute Senses P - 2/level
Allies S - Variable
Ambidexterity P - 5
Animal Empathy M - 5
Animal Friend M - 5/level
Appearance P - Variable
Blessed M S 10+
Charisma M - 5/level
Clairsentience M S 50
Clerical Investment S - 5
Combat Reflexes M - 15
Common Sense M - 10
Contact Group S - Variable
Contacts S - Variable
Danger Sense M - 15
Daredevil M - 15
Destiny M S Variable
Double Jointed P - 15
Empathy M - 15
Enhanced Defenses P - Variable
Extra Attack P - 25/attack
Fearlessness M - 2/level
Fit P - 5
Flexibility P - 5
Hard to Kill P - 2/level
Hard to Subdue M - 2/level
High Manual Dexterity P - 5/level
High Pain Threshold P - 10
High TL M - 5
Higher Purpose M S 5
Indomitable M - 15
Intuition M - 15
Language Talent M - 10
Less Sleep P - 2/level
Luck M - Variable
Night Vision P - 1/level
Patron S - Variable
Perfect Balance P - 15
Power Investiture M S 10/level
Rapid Healing P - 5 or 15
Reduced Consumption P - 2/level
Resistant P - Variable
Signature Gear S - Variable
Single Minded M - 5
Social Chameleon M - 5
Social Regard S - 5/+1 reaction
Status S - 5/level
Talent M - Variable
Temperature Tolerance P - 1/level
Unfazeable M - 15
Unusual Background M - Variable
Versatile M - 5
Voice P - 10
Wealth S - Variable
Disadvantage Mental/Physical/Social Supernatural Cost
Absent-Mindedness M - -15
Appearance P - Variable
Bad Grip P - -5/level
Bad Sight P - -25
Callous M - -5
Cannot Learn M - -30
Chronic Pain P - Variable
Chummy M - -5 or -10
Clueless M - -10
Code of Honor M - -5 or -10
Combat Paralysis M - -15
Cursed M S -75
Destiny M S Variable
Divine Curse M S Variable
Duty S - Variable
Easy to Kill P - -2/level
Easy to Read M - -10
Enemies S - Variable
Extra Sleep P - -2/level
Fearfulness M - -2/level
Guilt Complex M - -5
Ham-Fisted P - -5 or -10
Hard of Hearing P - -10
Hemophilia P - -30
Hidebound M - -5
Increased Consumption P - -10/level
Insomniac P - -10 or -15
Intolerance M - Variable
Jealousy M - -10
Laziness M - -10
Light Sleeper P - -5
Low Empathy M - -20
Low Pain Threshold P - -10
Low Self-Image M - -10
Low TL M - -5
Lunacy M - -10
Manic-Depressive M - -20
Megalomania M - -10
Night Blindness P - -10
No Sense of Humor M - -10
Noisy P - -2/level
One Arm P - -20
One Eye P - -15
One Hand P - -15
Pacifism M - Variable
Paranoia M - -10
Secret S - -5 to -30
Sense of Duty M - -2 to -20
Slave Mentality M - -40
Slow Healing P - -5/level
Social Stigma S - -5 to -20
Status S - -5/level
Stubbornness M - -5
Unfit P - -5 or -15
Vow M - -5 or -15
Wealth S - Variable
Controllable mental disadvantages (Self Controll-roll possible)
Disadvantage Mental/Physical/Social Supernatural Cost
Bad Temper M - -10
Berserk M - -10
Bloodlust M - -10
Bully M - -10
Charitable M - -15
Chronic Depression M - -15
Compulsive Behavior M - -5 or -15
Confused M - -10
Cowardice M - -10
Curious M - -5
Gluttony M - -5
Greed M - -15
Gullibility M - -10
Honesty M - -10
Impulsiveness M - -10
Incurious M - -5
Indecisive M - -10
Kleptomania M - -15
Lecherousness M - -15
Loner M - -5
Miserliness M - -10
Nightmares M - -5
Obsession M - -5 or -10
Ont he Edge M - -15
Overconfidence M - -5
Phobias M - Variable
Pyromania M - -5
Sadism M - -15
Selfish M - -5
Selfless M - -5
Short Attention Span M - -10
Split Personality M - -15
Squeamish M - -10
Trickster M - -15
Truthfulness M - -5
Xenophilia M - -10
Melee Weapons
AXE/MACE (DX-5, Two Handed Axe/Mace-3)
Weapon Damage Reach Parry Cost Weight ST Notes
Axe sw+2 cut 1 0U $50 4 11
Hatchet sw cut 1 0 $40 2 8 [1]
Knobbed Club sw+1 cr 1 0 $20 2 8
Weapon Damage Reach Parry Cost Weight ST Notes
Punching thr-1 cr C 0 - - - [2]
Myrmex thr cr C 0 $20 0.25 - [2, 3]
BROADSWORD (DX-5, Shortsword-2, Two Handed Sword-4)
Weapon Damage Reach Parry Cost Weight ST Notes
Light Club sw+1 cr 1 0 $5 3 10
or thr+1 cr 1 0 - - 10
KNIFE (DX-4, Shortsword-3)
Weapon Damage Reach Parry Cost Weight ST Notes
Large Knife sw-2 cut C, 1 -1 $40 1 6
or thr imp C -1 - - 6 [1]
Small Knife sw-3 cut C, 1 -1 $30 0,5 5
or thr-2 imp C -1 - - 5 [1]
Dagger thr-1 imp C -1 $20 0,25 5 [1]
Wooden Stake thr(0.5) imp C -1 $4 0,5 5 [1]
POLEARM (DX-5, Spear-4, Staff-4, Two Handed Axe/Mace-4)
Weapon Damage Reach Parry Cost Weight ST Notes
Glaive sw+3 cut 2, 3* 0U $100 8 11‡
or thr+3 imp 1-3* 0U - - 11‡
Weapon Damage Reach Parry Cost Weight ST Notes
Shield Bash thr cr 1 No var. var. -
SHORTSWORD (DX-5, Broadsword-2, Knife-4)
Weapon Damage Reach Parry Cost Weight ST Notes
Shortsword sw cut 1 0 $400 2 8
or thr+1 imp 1 0 - - 8
SPEAR (DX-5, Polearm-4, Staff-2)
Weapon Damage Reach Parry Cost Weight ST Notes
Spear thr+2 imp 1* 0 $40 4 10 [1]
two hands thr+3 imp 1, 2* 0 - - 9†
Javelin thr+1 imp 1 0 $30 2 6 [1]
STAFF (DX-5, Polearm-4, Spear-2)
Weapon Damage Reach Parry Cost Weight ST Notes
Quarterstaff sw+2 cr 1, 2 +2 $10 4 7†
or thr+2 cr 1, 2 +2 - - 7†
TWO HANDED AXE/MACE (DX-5, Axe/Mace-3, Polearm-4)
Weapon Damage Reach Parry Cost Weight ST Notes
Maul sw+4 cr 1, 2* 0U $80 12 13‡
Great Axe sw+3 cut 1, 2* 0U $100 8 12‡
TWO HANDED SWORD (DX-5, Broadsword-4)
Weapon Damage Reach Parry Cost Weight ST Notes
Quarterstaff sw+2 cr 1, 2 0 $10 4 9†
or thr+2 cr 2 0 - - 9†

[1] Can be thrown

[2] Attack receives damage bonuses for whichever of Boxing (p. B182), Brawling (p. B182), or Karate (p. B203) is used to deliver
it – exactly as if it were an unarmed strike.
[3] Gives the hand (only) DR. A myrmex offers DR 1 and a cestus affords DR 4; both are gloves of a sort, and mutually exclusive
with other gloves. For other weapons, this indicates a metal hilt that provides DR 4, cumulative with glove DR – although the hilt
is too cramped to accommodate metal gauntlets. DR applies only on a roll of 1-3 on 1d.
Ranged Weapons
BOLAS (No default)
Weapon Damage Accuracy Range Weight Shots Cost ST Bulk Notes
Bola thr-1 cr 0 x6/x10 1 T(1) $20 7 -2 [1]
Weapon Damage Accuracy Range Weight Shots Cost ST Bulk Notes
Regular bow thr+1 imp 2 x15/x20 2/0,1 1(2) $100 10† -7
Shortbow thr imp 1 x10/x15 2/0,1 1(2) $50 9† -6
Weapon Damage Accuracy Range Weight Shots Cost ST Bulk Notes
Sling sw pi 0 x6/x10 0,5/0,05 1(2) $20 6 -4 [2,3]
Staff Sling sw+1 pi 1 x10/x15 2/0,05 1(2) $120 7† -6 [3]
Weapon Damage Accuracy Range Weight Shots Cost ST Bulk Notes
Hatchet sw cut 1 x1,5/x2,5 2 T(1) $40 8 -2
THROWN WEAPON (DISC) (DX-4, Throwing-2)
Weapon Damage Accuracy Range Weight Shots Cost ST Bulk Notes
Discus thr+2 cr 2 x4/x6 2 T(1) $40 6 -3
Weapon Damage Accuracy Range Weight Shots Cost ST Bulk Notes
Large Knife thr imp 0 x0,8/x1,5 1 T(1) $40 6 -2
Small Knife thr-1 imp 0 x0,5/x1 0,5 T(1) $30 5 -1
Dagger thr-1 imp 0 x0,5/x1 0,25 T(1) $20 5 -1
Wooden Stake thr(0,5) imp 0 x0,5/x1 0,5 T(1) $4 5 -2
Weapon Damage Accuracy Range Weight Shots Cost ST Bulk Notes
Spear thr+3 imp 2 x1/x1,5 4 T(1) $40 9 -6
Javelin thr+1 imp 3 x1,5/x2,5 2 T(1) $30 6 -4

[1] May entangle or ensnare the target; see Special Ranged Weapons (pp. B410-411) and Cloaks (p. B404)
[2] Requires two hands to ready, but one hand to attack
[3] Can fire stones and lead bullets. Lead bullets add +1 to damage and double range

Armor Locations DR Cost Weight Donning Notes
Leather Cap skull 1* $20 2 2
Pot Helm skull 4 $100 5 2
Cheap helmet skull, face, neck 4 $160 7,5 9 [1,2]
Expensive helmet skull, face, neck 5 $1350 5 9 [1,2,3]
Armor Locations DR Cost Weight Donning Notes
Layeled Cloth Armor torso, groin 2* $150 12 20
Light Hide Armor torso, groin 2* $100 12 30 [4]
Heavy Hide Armor torso, groin 3* $200 20 30 [4]
Leather Armor torso, groin 2* $120 15 20
Studded Leather Armor torso, groin 3 $220 26 30
Heavy Leather Armor torso, groin 4 $525 35 30
Bronze Corselet torso, groin 4 $2000 9 34
Bronze Fauld abdomen (front) 3 $75 2 6
Armor Locations DR Cost Weight Donning Notes
Bronze Greaves shins 4 $500 2 12 [5]
Leather Sandals legs 1 $25 0,5 10

[1] Adds Hard of Hearing disadvantage while worn

[2] Protects the face on roll 1-3 on 1d
[3] +1 to Intimidation
[4] -1 DR vs Impaling damage
[5] Protects legs on roll 1-3 on 1d
Shield DB Cost Weight DR/HP Notes
Small Buckler 1 $50 8 4/16 [1]
Wooden Shield 1 $30 3 2/12
Large wooden Shield 3 $68 10 2/18
Mycenean Shield 3 $58 9 2/17
Medium Buckler 2 $100 16 4/21
Heavy Buckler 3 $150 20 4/22
Argive Shield 2 $120 15 4/20 [2]

[1] +1 to block
[2] +1 to DB if used in a shield wall

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