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Lesson content (vocabulary, sentence structure, song, etc)

MTC 13.i: Learners can deduce the meaning of words through the context while rea


Title: Warm-up
Time: 3 mins
Teacher introduces
+ Classroom Rules: Focus on "Finish your work" rule.
+ Introduce the Learning Objective: Sts will be able to recognize familiar words/ sh
+ Introduce Learning Stations and Demo Activities
Title: Learning Stations
Time: 20 minutes
Teacher divides students into some targeted groups
- Low-level students: Kiều Ly, Minh Trí, Minh Quang, Trí Long
- Intermediate-level students: (The rest of students)
- Advance-level students: Đức Minh, Khánh Vi
Station 1: Missing phoneme:
Teacher prepares CVC words with missing phoneme(s). Let students guess the wor
This activity is aimed at low-level students. They should practice at this station firs
Station 2: CVC puzzles
The teacher prepares sets of puzzles for the students to solve and read words. This
then read them aloud.
Station 3: CVC Peg Cards
Teacher prepares some sets of CVC words/sentences with pictures. The students lo
move on to the next one.
Differentiation for activity at station 3:
- Low-level students: Students practice with CVC cards (each word per card). Practice
- Intermediate-level students; Students practice with short phrases. Practice segmenti
- Advanced-level students: Students practice with long sentences with words in phase
Assessment: Teacher listens to Ss' answer, teacher observes students when they a
Differientiation: Teacher may ask more common questions.

Title: Wrap-up
Time: 5 mins
Teacher gives feedback to ss. Students clean up and settle down.



Trương Xuâ n Thi

Alvin A2

Language Arts

Language Arts

ent (vocabulary, sentence structure, song, etc)

arners can deduce the meaning of words through the context while reading short, simple tex


MTB 13.4.c: Learners will be able to recognize familiar words/ short phrases learnt


Rules: Focus on "Finish your work" rule.
he Learning Objective: Sts will be able to recognize familiar words/ short phrases learnt in
earning Stations and Demo Activities
ng Stations

es students into some targeted groups

udents: Kiều Ly, Minh Trí, Minh Quang, Trí Long
e-level students: (The rest of students)
el students: Đức Minh, Khánh Vi
ssing phoneme:
ares CVC words with missing phoneme(s). Let students guess the words and fill the missing
s aimed at low-level students. They should practice at this station first and then move to th
VC puzzles
prepares sets of puzzles for the students to solve and read words. This activity is aimed at in
m aloud.
VC Peg Cards
ares some sets of CVC words/sentences with pictures. The students look at the image, read
he next one.
on for activity at station 3:
udents: Students practice with CVC cards (each word per card). Practice segmenting and blen
e-level students; Students practice with short phrases. Practice segmenting and blending or re
vel students: Students practice with long sentences with words in phase 2 and 3.
Teacher listens to Ss' answer, teacher observes students when they are working. If they ne
ion: Teacher may ask more common questions.


s feedback to ss. Students clean up and settle down.


bus, boat, car, jet, taxi, bus, road,

shop, bus stop, bank, park, hotel, zoo,
sun, wind, rain, fog, wet, cold,
frog, hen, fish

Missing sounds --> Pic -- words

Puzzles --> Match picture with card
Sentence/ phrase:

Missing sounds
School: MTP

Date: 22/4/2024

Review CVC/CCVC words and common sight

How do you segment/blend the word?
Song: CVC words phonics blending song
Activity 1: Transports cut and stick
Activity 2: Reading comprehension

Success criteria

Learners can match the pictures with correct

words by segmenting/blending simple words
with T's support
Targeted LO(s) Resources
LO1 Materials for each station
Lesson content (vocabulary, sentence structure, song, etc)


MTC 13.f: Learners can write very basic descriptive words – such as how many, colour, size or
MTC 13.j: Learners can spell some very simple words correctly


Title: Warm-up
Time: 3 mins
Teacher introduces
+ Classroom Rules: Focus on "Finish your work" rule.
+ Introduce the Learning Objective: Sts will be able to recognize familiar words/ sh
+ Introduce Learning Stations and Demo Activities
Title: Learning Stations
Time: 20 minutes
Teacher divides students into some targeted groups
- Low-level students (Students are struggling with blending, segmenting and writing)
- Intermediate-level students: (The rest of students)
- Advance-level students: Đức Minh, Khánh Vi, Hiển Anh, Thủy Tiên, Thanh Tú
Station 1: Mini flashcards
Teacher prepares mini flashcards for each student.
For low-level students: Students segment and blend each word. Then, students write w
For intermediate-level students: Students describe the pictures (adj+N). Blend and seg
For advanced-levle students: Students describe the pictures in full sentences. Blend an
Station 2: CVC puzzles
The teacher prepares sets of puzzles for the students to solve and read words. This
the words, and then read them aloud.
Assessment: Teacher listens to Ss' answer, teacher observes students when they a
Differientiation: Teacher may ask more common questions.

Title: Wrap-up
Time: 5 mins
Teacher gives feedback to ss. Students clean up and settle down.


Extra practice: Learning stations (20-25 mins)

Teacher prepares 4 stations with different activities. Students are free to work in their favorite
Station 1: Play board game (board games with common things so that ss can give simple descri
Station 2: Draw and describe (ss draw their favorite animal, color and talk about it with friends
Station 3: Review with teacher (T prepares 5-6 flashcards to assess whether ss can achieve the
Station 4: Free play
Trương Xuâ n Thi
Alvin A2
Language Arts
Language Arts
ce structure, song, etc)



ic descriptive words – such as how many, colour, size or location
y simple words correctly

Learning objecti
MTB 13.5.a: Learners can make simple word cards, with support, to review their learnt vocabu


ish your work" rule.

ve: Sts will be able to recognize familiar words/ short phrases learnt in term II by linking th
d Demo Activities
e targeted groups
struggling with blending, segmenting and writing): Kiều Ly, Minh Trí, Minh Quang, Trí Long,
e rest of students)
h, Khánh Vi, Hiển Anh, Thủy Tiên, Thanh Tú

for each student.

gment and blend each word. Then, students write word on the writing lines
tudents describe the pictures (adj+N). Blend and segment the phrase. Students write the phras
ents describe the pictures in full sentences. Blend and segment each words (This is a red jacket

zles for the students to solve and read words. This activity is aimed at low and intermediate
s' answer, teacher observes students when they are working. If they need, teacher may give
sk more common questions.

dents clean up and settle down.

0-25 mins)
rent activities. Students are free to work in their favorite station.
mes with common things so that ss can give simple description about it)
their favorite animal, color and talk about it with friends)
pares 5-6 flashcards to assess whether ss can achieve the learning objective or not)
School: MTP

Date: 22/4/2024
Review vocabulary:
clothes (hat, pants, socks,
shorts, jacket, dress)
This is a dress.
These are socks.
Song: Put on your shoes.
Activity: My mini

Success criteria
Students can write letter
and words in a straight
line from left to right.
Students can form upper
and lower case letters.
Students can
Targete Resources
segment/blend the
d LO(s)
sounds to write the
LO1 Materials for
each station




Lesson content (vocabulary, sentence structure, song, etc)

MTC 13.h: Learners can read and understand some simple sentences, including questions


Title: Warm-up and lead in.

Time: 3 mins
Teacher welcomes Ss and asks them to dance and sing along to "In, On, Under". Teacher let students know that
themselves: They need to read the instructions and complete the worksheet. So as to do that, ss need to review
Title: Review vocabulary - Practice reading sight words and blend to read words/ instructions
Time: 15 mins
Description: Teacher helps ss review sight words such as: (5 mins)
+ Action verbs: match, draw, color.
+ Prepositions: in, on, under, between, in front of, behind
+ Colors: red, blue, yellow, green, pink, black.
Activity 1: Let's make an instruction (10 mins)
Teacher prepares individual words cards for instructions such as: Draw a big blue ball./ Color the ball red./... T
After some practice, teacher divides students into pairs or group of 3, give them word cards. Teacher says an in
Assessment: Teacher observes students' instructional sentences and their reading.
Differentiations: - Teacher pairs students based on their reading level: The star group (ss who are able to rea
read with teacher's help) will work directly with teacher.
- After the first few rounds, teacher can ask ss in the star group to take turns to say and model the instructions
Moreover, if the star group can complete task quickly and easily, teacher asks them to take turns, unscramble a

Title: Reading practice - Complete the worksheets

Time: 10 mins
Description: Teacher divides ss to work in 3 stations based on their reading level:
- Station 1 (for heart group - ss with low ability in reading - are not familiar with blending words): Teacher firs
- Station 2 (for circle group - ss with middle ability - can read most sight words and can blend to read basic wo
- Station 3 (for star group - ss who are able to read words and complete tasks by themselves): Give them work
- Station 4 (back up for ss who finished tasks quickly):
+ Opt 1: Unscramble the sentences: Teacher gives them the cards in activity 1 to practice again.
+ Opt 2: Read books: Teacher gives ss some Reading Az books to practice reading.
Assessment: Teacher observes students' reading and completed worksheets.
Differentiations: Ss are given worksheets with questions (number of questions, number of words in one instr

Title: Wrap-up
Time: 2 mins
Teacher gives feedback to ss after cleaning up.
- Teacher give ss instructions clearly during Activity 1 so as to promote S-S work. Teacher arranges pairs of ss
- Teacher signals the time allowed for each activity before it ends.
- During Activity 2 (stations), teacher reminds ss about the rule: Using voice level number 1 while doing their w

Truong Xuâ n Thi

Alvin A2

Language Arts

Language Arts

ontent (vocabulary, sentence structure, song, etc)

h: Learners can read and understand some simple sentences, including questions

MTB 13.4.b: Learners will be able to follow written instructions with illustrations to complete a task.

arm-up and lead in.

welcomes Ss and asks them to dance and sing along to "In, On, Under". Teacher let students know that they will review w
es: They need to read the instructions and complete the worksheet. So as to do that, ss need to review the sight words, so
view vocabulary - Practice reading sight words and blend to read words/ instructions
ion: Teacher helps ss review sight words such as: (5 mins)
verbs: match, draw, color.
itions: in, on, under, between, in front of, behind
red, blue, yellow, green, pink, black.
1: Let's make an instruction (10 mins)
prepares individual words cards for instructions such as: Draw a big blue ball./ Color the ball red./... Teacher together wi
me practice, teacher divides students into pairs or group of 3, give them word cards. Teacher says an instructions for ss to
ent: Teacher observes students' instructional sentences and their reading.
tiations: - Teacher pairs students based on their reading level: The star group (ss who are able to read - Minh Anh, Bao L
h teacher's help) will work directly with teacher.
e first few rounds, teacher can ask ss in the star group to take turns to say and model the instructions.
r, if the star group can complete task quickly and easily, teacher asks them to take turns, unscramble an instruction by the

ading practice - Complete the worksheets

ion: Teacher divides ss to work in 3 stations based on their reading level:
1 (for heart group - ss with low ability in reading - are not familiar with blending words): Teacher first review with them
2 (for circle group - ss with middle ability - can read most sight words and can blend to read basic words): Give them wor
3 (for star group - ss who are able to read words and complete tasks by themselves): Give them worksheets according to
4 (back up for ss who finished tasks quickly):
Unscramble the sentences: Teacher gives them the cards in activity 1 to practice again.
Read books: Teacher gives ss some Reading Az books to practice reading.
ent: Teacher observes students' reading and completed worksheets.
tiations: Ss are given worksheets with questions (number of questions, number of words in one instruction,..) based on t

gives feedback to ss after cleaning up.
r give ss instructions clearly during Activity 1 so as to promote S-S work. Teacher arranges pairs of ss who have low abilit
r signals the time allowed for each activity before it ends.
Activity 2 (stations), teacher reminds ss about the rule: Using voice level number 1 while doing their work.; For heart gro

School: MTP

Date: 4/23/2024

Review CVC/CCVC words and common sight words

How do you segment/blend the word?
Song: In, On, Under
Activity: Draw it!

Success criteria
Learners can sound Phase 2 phonemes
Learners can segment or blend words to read the
short instructions.
Learners can complete the worksheet with/ without
T's support.

Targeted LO(s) Resources

LO1 ppt, word cards

LO1 2 types of worksheets, instructions,

ppt, white boards and markers.
m to read before using the boards.
Lesson content (vocabulary, sentence structure, song, etc)

MTC 13.j: Learners can spell some very simple words correctly

Title: Warm-up
Time: 3 mins
Teacher introduces
+ Classroom Rules: Focus on "Finish your work" rule.
+ Introduce the Learning Objective: Sts will be able to recognize familiar words/ sh
+ Introduce Learning Stations and Demo Activities
Title: Learning Stations
Time: 20 minutes
Teacher divides students into some targeted groups
- Low-level students: Kiều Ly, Minh Trí, Minh Quang, Trí Long
- Intermediate-level students: (The rest of students)
- Advance-level students: Đức Minh, Khánh Vi
Station 1: Word Search - Days of the week
Teacher prepares word search about days of the week. Each student has a workshe
Differentiation: This activity is aimed at low-level and intermediate-level students.
search is fewer. The other type of worksheet is for stronger students. The number o
Station 2: Word Search - Daily activities
This station is aimed at Advance-level students. Students at low and intermediate-l
Teacher creates worksheet: It has picture of daily activities (walk, run, swim, comb
Station 3 (back-up): Days of the week - Read and Sequence
Teacher prepares some sets of days of the week cards. Then, let them try to read th
Station 4: Ss write short sentences about what they do on different days of the we
[Monday], I go to the [zoo]." Lower level ss can scramble words to make the senten

Station 4: CVC Domino

Teacher creates CVC Domino cards. Students match picture with corresponding wo
Assessment: Teacher listens to Ss' answer, teacher observes students when they a
Differientiation: Teacher may ask more common questions.

Title: Wrap-up
Time: 5 mins
Teacher gives feedback to ss. Students clean up and settle down.

Trương Xuâ n Thi
Alvin A2
Language Arts
Language Arts
content (vocabulary, sentence structure, song, etc)

.j: Learners can spell some very simple words correctly

MTB 13.4.d: Learners will be able to recognize familiar words of their learnt topic while doing

3 mins
er introduces
room Rules: Focus on "Finish your work" rule.
duce the Learning Objective: Sts will be able to recognize familiar words/ short phrases lea
duce Learning Stations and Demo Activities
Learning Stations
20 minutes
r divides students into some targeted groups
evel students: Kiều Ly, Minh Trí, Minh Quang, Trí Long
mediate-level students: (The rest of students)
nce-level students: Đức Minh, Khánh Vi
n 1: Word Search - Days of the week
er prepares word search about days of the week. Each student has a worksheet.
ntiation: This activity is aimed at low-level and intermediate-level students. There are two
is fewer. The other type of worksheet is for stronger students. The number of letters is gre
n 2: Word Search - Daily activities
ation is aimed at Advance-level students. Students at low and intermediate-level may join w
er creates worksheet: It has picture of daily activities (walk, run, swim, comb, brush, sleep...
n 3 (back-up): Days of the week - Read and Sequence
er prepares some sets of days of the week cards. Then, let them try to read them with phoni
n 4: Ss write short sentences about what they do on different days of the week under T's gu
ay], I go to the [zoo]." Lower level ss can scramble words to make the sentence, and copy it

n 4: CVC Domino
er creates CVC Domino cards. Students match picture with corresponding word.
ment: Teacher listens to Ss' answer, teacher observes students when they are working. If t
entiation: Teacher may ask more common questions.

5 mins
er gives feedback to ss. Students clean up and settle down.

School: MTP

Date: 24/4/2024
Review: days of the week, activities
On [Monday], I go to the [zoo].
Song: Days of the week
Activity 1: Word search
Activity 2: Writing simple sentences

Success criteria
Learners can recognize the words about days
of the word in the "word search" activity by
finding the first sound/letter of the word.
Learners can write a short sentence with
repeated wordsResources
and model structure under
T's support.
LO1 Materials for each station

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