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Ares(2023)6431023 - 22/09/2023



Participant No.
* Participant organisation name Country
1 (Coordinator) Research Unfolded Sweden AB Sweden
2 Hendel & Widforss PM Consulting AB Sweden
3 Real Academia de Bellas Artes de San Fernando Spain
4 Istituto centrale per la grafica - Ministero della Cultura Italy
5 Infinitivity Design Labs France
6 XPECltek, LDA Portugal
Bibliotheque Royale De Belgique-Koninklijke Bibliotheek Van Belgie Belgium
8 Katholieke Universiteit LEUVEN Belgium
9 Panepistimio Dytikis Attikis Greece

B1.1 Objectives and ambition 2

B1.1.1 Motivation and Scope 2
B1.1.2 Targeted Results of GRAPHITEK 2
B.1.1.3 Relation to the work program 4
B1.1.4 Technology Readiness Level 4
B1.1.5 Interdisciplinary approach in GRAPHITEK: 5
B1.2 Methodology 5
B1.2.1 Overall Concept and Methodology 6
B1.2.1.1 Core Concepts, Models, and Assumptions 6
B1.2.2 Linked research and innovation activities 9
B1.2.3 Use cases 11
B1.2.3.1 Use Case: ICG Istituto centrale per la grafica - Roma 11
B1.2.3.2 Use Case: RABASF Academia del Bella Artes San Fernando - Madrid 11
B1.2.3.3 Use Case: Royal Library of Belgium (KBR) 12
B1.2.4 Compliance with 'Do No Significant Harm' Principle 13
B1.2.5 Technical Robustness of AI-based Systems 13
B1.2.6 Gender Dimension 13
B1.2.7 Open Science Practices Implementation 13
B1.2.8 General Data Management Strategy: 14
B2. Impact 15
B2.1 Overview 15
B2.1.1 Market Analysis 15
B2.1.1.1 The market 15
B2.1.1.2 Market risks and opportunities 16
B2.1.2 Expected Outcomes 16
B2.1.3 Strategic Impact and Innovation Capacity 16
B2.2.1 Steps to Maximise Impact 19
B2.2.1.2 Measures following successful completion of GRAPHITEK 19
B2.2.2 Communication activities 20
B2.2.3 GRAPHITEK Strategy for Innovation, Knowledge Management, and Protection 23
B2.2.3.1 General IPR principles 23
B2.2.4 Exploitation 24
B2.2.4.1 Exploitable of specific components (Exploitable Results) 25
B2.1.4 Summary 28
B3. Quality and efficiency of the implementation’ 29
B.3.1 Work plan and resources 29
B3.1.1 Overall strategy of the work plan 29
B3.1.2 Work package structure 30
B. List of work packages (table 3.1a) 33
3.2 Capacity of participants and consortium as a whole 48
B3.2.1 Complementarities of the partners 49
B3.3.2 Capabilities of the consortium 50

B1.1 Objectives and ambition

B1.1.1 Motivation and Scope

GRAPHITEK project aims to enhance our understanding of graphic plates and prints using advanced technologies
such as multimodal imaging techniques, machine learning and digital image processing. GRAPHITEK's primary
focus is cultural heritage preservation, with a mission to establish AI-driven solutions, including the development
of a prototype, for archiving and preserving research datasets related to prints and graphic plates. The project's
objectives include developing standardised and advanced digitization methods, improving 3D scanning efficiency,
and enhancing data post-processing (Digital Twin) using artificial intelligence computer vision methods that are
optimised for cloud infrastructure to be uploaded within the European Collaborative Cloud for Cultural Heritage
(ECCCH). This initiative will greatly benefit cultural heritage professionals and promote new modes of
collaboration across Europe and beyond. GRAPHITEK will demonstrate its impact through a series of
complementary case studies, each designed to address typical scenarios envisioned for the proposed framework,
including the use of the prototype for graphic plate preservation.
Mission: GRAPHITEK's mission is to create a methodology and a suite of integrated mechanisms, including the
development of a prototype, that significantly enhance automation in cultural heritage inventorisation, digitisation,
visualisation, archival and preservation practices worldwide. This enhancement will be achieved through three key
components: (1) Integrated 3D and Multispectral Imaging, (2) Cloud-based Post-processing, (3) AI Quality
Measurement and Enhancement, and (3) Smart Visualization for Collaboration. These improvements will boost
productivity and enable the continuous integration and delivery of reliable systems.

B1.1.2 Targeted Results of GRAPHITEK

Table 1.1 GRAPHITEK Objectives and KPIs

Obj. Description Key Performance Indicators (KPI)

1 Develop a standardised methodology for printing Published report
plates 2d digitisation
2 Develop a standardised methodology for print 2d Published report
digitisation, ensuring data from other collections is
3 Increase the robustness and efficiency of the 3D Acquisition times per sample to be less than 5 minutes
digitization process, specifically for large-scale Repeatability of a measurement to match more than
projects. 90%
4 Reduce large multidimensional data processing Processing time should be 300% faster than in a typical
time through cloud infrastructures. professional laptop
Max processing time per sample to be less than 30
5 Improve the precision and completeness of surface 10% Improvement in colour and spectral accuracy
appearance acquisition in the 3D models. compared to standard scanners
Achieve a minimum accuracy level of 100 micrometer
6 Enhance post-processing and cleaning techniques 90% agreement by end users
for 3D models, resulting in refined and visually
accurate digital representations.
7 Improve the acquisition, processing, and viewing 90% acceptance by end users
of 3D and enhanced 2D representations of cultural
heritage objects.
8 Enhance the quality, resolution, and accuracy of 10% Improvement in colour accuracy compared to
multispectral imaging and enhanced 2D standard scanners
representations, such as Multi-Light reflectance Achieve a minimum accuracy level of 100 micrometer
imaging and panoramic imaging.
9 Expand the capabilities of 3D models to encode Define the file type to include the 4D model
additional key attributes beyond geometric and Include metadata information regarding acquisition
colour data. properties.
10 Implement algorithms to estimate accuracy Achieve Mean Absolute Percentage Error (MAPE) to
boundaries algorithmically, ensuring reliable and be lower than 4%
quantifiable data for digital models.
11 Develop new forms of collaboration between An open network for professionals and researchers in
cultural heritage institutions and professionals the area will be established, based on recurring
meetings both online and face to face, within the
duration of the project to disseminate the project
results, promote, provide knowledge of and training for
the GRAPHITEK technology.

These objectives address the identified gaps and challenges in the digitization of graphic plates and prints, pushing
beyond the current state of the art. They are measurable, verifiable, and realistically achievable, providing clear
targets and indicators for evaluating the project's success. The successful achievement of these objectives will
contribute to the development of a common set of innovative tools and methods for digitization and visualisation
within the European Collaborative Cloud for Cultural Heritage (ECCCH). This will benefit cultural heritage
professionals and enable new forms of collaboration, fostering advancements in cultural heritage preservation and
access. The existing methods have a number of limitations that make it difficult to use them in the process as
explained in the ​Ambition ​section. Therefore, the table below shows the direct outcomes of the project -
Exploitable Results​. Those results are linked to the Objectives as well as their respective KPIs and will be traced
further in ​Work Package​descriptions and in ​Exploitation ​sections (B2.2).

Table 1.2 Exploitable Results

Exp Description Linked objectives

results and KPI
ER1 Develop techniques for seamless integration of 2D representations, enhanced 2D 05/a; 06; 07
and 3D models, ensuring accurate alignment and visualisation.
ER2 Develop tools and methods to measure and model chemical information in 3D 03/b
objects. 05/a
ER3 Develop tools and methods to calculate and encode local accuracy limits in 05/b
reconstructed 3D models. 10
ER4 Develop specific digitization solutions for capturing dynamic or hidden 05/a
characteristics of complex assemblies without the need for dismounting.
ER5 Design innovative 4D solutions that include 3D surface roughness techniques 05/a
together with the chemical characterization of the different surface products and the 05/b; 06; 07
fusion of their resulting data.
ER6 Create innovative digitization approaches that combine scanning and computer 05/a
tomography techniques to capture complex assembly characteristics. 05/b; 06; 07
B.1.1.3 Relation to the work program
As required in the call HORIZON-CL2-2023-HERITAGE-ECCCH-01-02 GRAPHITEK significantly contributes
to the advancement of digitization tools and methods for cultural heritage objects, aligning with the objectives set
out in this endeavour. It focuses on innovating the digitization process for tangible cultural heritage items,
particularly in the context of massive digitization efforts. This includes improving the efficiency and accuracy of
3D digitization, refining the acquisition of surface appearances, and developing better post-processing techniques
for 3D models. Additionally, GRAPHITEK enhances the integration of 2D and 3D representations, aiming to
provide a more comprehensive view of cultural heritage objects. It also strives to encode additional attributes in 3D
models, such as local accuracy limits, allowing for a deeper understanding of the physical object's characteristics.
Moreover, the project emphasises the importance of collaboration and knowledge sharing within the cultural
heritage community. It establishes a platform for professionals and researchers to exchange insights and expertise
in the field. By addressing these challenges, GRAPHITEK aims to contribute valuable tools and methods that
streamline digitization processes, improve data quality, and promote the accessibility and preservation of cultural
heritage objects. The tools will assist conservation and collection management. It aligns with the broader goals of
the European Collaborative Cloud for Cultural Heritage (ECCCH) initiative, ensuring the integration of its
innovations into this collaborative framework. The consortium is going to develop a streamlined system for
digitalization and cloud processing of artworks. However the next step in the process is long-term archiving and
making the artwork available to the participants in ECCCH. To achieve this, this project will closely collaborate
with grantees of the call HORIZON-CL2-2023-HERITAGE-ECCCH-01 who are developing the entity and digital
foundation of the cloud solution for sharing and preservation of digitised heritage. While the ECCCH readiness is a
constant requirement throughout the entire project, it will be specifically addressed during requirements
identification task (T1.1), architecture development (T1.4), and integration in WP5.

B1.1.4 Technology Readiness Level

GRAPHITEK´s advances can be illustrated by its projected outcomes. The development of a laboratory prototype
tested in a relevant environment for 4D imaging demonstrates the project's ambition to deliver tangible results.
Additionally, the project's contribution to advancing the Technological Readiness Level (TRL) from its starting
point of 2-3 to an expected level of 5-6 showcases its transformative potential. The AI-based processing and the
correlated cloud infrastructure for processing, storing, and visualising data are expected to be realised at the same
TRL 5-6. GRAPHITEK consortium has all the required knowhow and instrumentation to realise the prototype
solution and advance it to the TRL 5-6. Particularly, as it can also be seen in the following table, the consortium
has knowledge in the design and development of Multispectral imaging systems, RTI systems, Photogrammetric
systems, Light sources of both broadband and narrow LEDs, experimental setups, and Cloud based infrastructures,
repositories, processing, analytics and visualisation, to very high TRL 7-9. As a result it is ensured that this
experienced consortium will bring the aforementioned technologies to the design table at TRL 2-3, and realise a
novel state-of-the-art prototype that will grow from this level to a verified Prototype system at TRL 5-6.
GRAPHITEK consortium aims to test cultural heritage objects with the prototype system being produced and
demonstrated in a simulated environment.

Table 1.3 TRL

Name of Short description Current TRL in

equipment TRL GRAPHI
XpeCAM Multispectral Imaging systems (XpeCAM X01, XpeCAM X02) 9 2
LAMPA Light sources (LAMPA Broad band illumination system, monochromatic 9 2
Cloud Cloud Software Platforms (Cloud infrastructures including databases, CPU 7 2
Infrastructure and GPU machines, Machine Learning and AI algorithms)

Spectrometer Spectroscopic equipment (UV-VIS-NIR spectrometer) 9 2

Imaging Sensors Imaging (multiple CMOS image sensors) 9 2
Multispectral Phase One IQ260 digital monochrome camera, with 6 optical filters including 8 2
imaging fluorescence emission and UV reflectance images. Illumination includes two
equipment integrated panels with LEDs in 16 wavelengths in the range 365 nm- 940 nm

RTI equipment FUJI GFX100S system camera and lenses, flash light or continuous light, 7 2
RTI kit from CHI, RelightLab software .
3D Equipement - FUJI GFX100S camera, FUJI lenses with circular polariser, CAMBO 8 2
Photogrammetry RPM-GFX Helical Focussing, CAMB0 Digaron105 Macro, ring flash light
or continuous light Broncolor. Photogrammetry is based on Case850 from
Portable Light RTI Microdome (RICH project). An open source online analytical and 8 2
Dome system visualisation tool with a measurement tool with X, Y and Z axis.
Apollo Infrared Apollo is an infrared reflectography camera system, including macro lens and 9 2
Reflectography specific lighting system. It has an operational wavelength between 900 and
Camera 1700 nm.
3Pi viewer Visualisation and archiving of complex layered and annotated research 7 2
datasets. IIIF – Mirador 3 environment for mapping in layers with
annotations plotting the location of measure points.

B1.1.5 Interdisciplinary approach in GRAPHITEK:

Our consortium comprises of experts from a wide range of domains, each contributing their specialised knowledge
to drive innovation across the various project phases:

● Requirements Analysis and Data Collection (WP1): The collaborative efforts of CIG - Central Institute for
Graphics, San Fernando Royal Academy of Fine Arts, and Royal Library Belgium ensure accurate and
thorough data collection while addressing the requirements of cultural heritage preservation.
● Prototype Data Acquisition Devices (WP2): Collaborative contributions from Xpectraltek, Infinity Design
Labs (IDL), and University of West Attica encompass imaging technologies, optics, and hardware design,
resulting in advanced devices tailored for precise graphic plate digitization.
● AI-Based State Wear and Technique Detection (WP3): The University of West Attica, and Research
Unfolded pool their expertise in artificial intelligence, machine learning, and image processing to create
algorithms that determine the current state, wear, and historic aspects of the plates.
● Data Analysis and Visualization (WP4): The combined efforts of University of West Attika, Infinity
Design Labs (IDL), and VIEW KU Leuven (KUL) contribute data analysis and visualisation expertise to
process captured data and devise innovative techniques for presenting detected states and wear.
● Integration and Use Case Evaluation (WP5): KUL, Research Unfolded, collaborate to develop and
integrate AI tools seamlessly into the cloud platform. Their interdisciplinary teams then execute
evaluations across diverse cultural heritage scenarios.
● Dissemination and Exploitation (WP6 and WP7): The consortium's collective strengths, including Hendel
& Widforss and Research Unfolded, ensure effective communication, community building, legal
compliance, and business strategies to disseminate and exploit the project's outcomes.

B1.2 Methodology

In this section, we present an in-depth overview of the methodology that will guide the GRAPHITEK project.
B1.2.1 Overall Concept and Methodology

Figure 1.1 Overall concept of GRAPHITEK project

The overall aim of the GRAPHITEK project is to create a process for efficient high quality digitisation of artworks,
with primary focus on graphic printing plates. The high-level overview of this process is presented in Figure 1.1.
The process starts by selecting the artwork that will be digitised. This artwork is then imaged by means of
multispectral and topographic imaging. This data is then processed in the cloud, archived, and visualised for the

GRAPHITEK´s methodology integrates various imaging techniques, including Multi-Light reflectance imaging,
panoramic imaging, and photogrammetry. This comprehensive approach allows us to capture both 3D topography
and spectral data, creating a holistic representation of the graphic plates' morphology and composition. Once
collected, this data needs to be processed and integrated.

The collected data is processed using advanced data processing and analysis techniques. Computer vision, machine
learning algorithms and artificial intelligence (AI) play a crucial role in enhancing the accuracy and completeness
of the digitised representations, as well as extracting information from the raw data. We employ cloud-enabled data
processing to efficiently handle the substantial datasets generated during artefact characterization. Furthermore, by
employing cloud-to-cloud communication, we can quickly and efficiently transfer the data to other cloud
environments, such as European Collaborative Cloud for Cultural Heritage (ECCCH).

B1.2.1.1 Core Concepts, Models, and Assumptions

The GRAPHITEK methodology is founded upon several core concepts that drive our approach to cultural heritage
preservation which are described in the chapters below.

B1. Multi-Light Reflectance (MLR)

The physical nature of metal (and to a lesser extent for wood) matrices of engravings makes that the topographical
features are very fine, subtle and shallow (i.e. texturally rich). Raking light photography has therefore always been
a crucial necessary technique to document them. But this unfortunately still delivers only static images and data.
The same goes for the prints, the subtle variation in the surface orientations and heights of the applied inks is where
the technical information for researchers is hidden. Introducing the Multi-light Reflectance method provides
interactive data allowing to make primarily flat surfaces virtually appear as they would in real-time under any
lighting circumstance based on processing establishing detailed information (pixel-level) on the reflectance and
surface orientations. The potential of this technique for the visual documentation of engraved matrices and prints
has already been established.1 However, as the GRAPHITEK methodology aims to produce digital twins, this

technique, which delivers extreme detailed data on the local relief, still has issues in estimating the correct overall
curvature of a flat medium; the existing algorithms are still struggling with this,2 although adapted methodologies
have already been formulated,3 these will have to be implemented within GRAPHITEK. Within the consortium the
expertise on working with MRL techniques is present, even for the combined use with multi-spectral/multi-band
imaging and the challenges associated with it (achromatic optics, registration, varying normals, …) members have
been working on delivering solutions in the past.4
Current SOTA: All aspects of the MRL technology have been developed, hardware sample blueprints are
available and various algorithmic code are published as open source. Also the combination and implementation of
these MLR data processes in combination with multi-band datasets has already been established (f.ex by the KU
Leuven partner). Integrations of these results with photogrammetric methods has not yet been challenged.
Objectives Addressed (Table 1.1): 03; 05.

B1. Combination of 3D topography with spectral and reflectance data to create 4D and 5D models
The data models used for 3D topography are extensively tested and have a vast applications’ field. Similarly,
reflection spectroscopy is an established non-destructive technique that has also been developed and applied in
multiple applications with amazing results. Combining those two techniques enables the development of a 4D data
model which will include the 3D topographic profile of an object but at the same time at each voxel, a reflection
spectrum will be recorded. Taking in account that the GRAPHITEK project will be studying the evolution of
printing plates during their lifetime, time plays the role of a 5th dimension, resulting in a 5D model for an object.
Although such an approach is not completely novel, it has not been developed outside the protected environment of
a research laboratory. In this project we will focus on the detailed definition of such a model, adding all the
necessary features for the model generation from the acquired data, but also on the processing and analysis
algorithms to extract useful information.
Current SOTA: The targeted techniques are all established methods. The added value towards heritage artefacts of
their obtained data is known. The challenge mainly involves defining which facets of it can reinforce each other
and how all of it can be integrated into a convenient model that can be used by researchers.
Objectives Addressed (Table 1.1): 08; 09.

B1. Cloud-enabled data processing and storage

Cloud systems are networks of servers co-located with a third-party provider offering a large capacity of compute
and data storage. By being able to on-demand purchase compute and data storage from the cloud provider,
GRAPHITEK can dynamically scale the hardware necessary for operations5. This enables GRAPHITEK users to
use common off-the-shelf computing hardware and overall keep the costs low. The advantage of a cloud
infrastructure is also that it is possible to replicate it on-premises and thus for institutions that have a need and
resources to run cloud on-premises to easily integrate GRAPHITEK solutions. Besides enabling high usability and
being cost-effective for the users, cloud-based software also enables a high degree of integration with the ECCCH.
By enabling data transfers from one cloud storage to another we support users who have limited access to very high
speed internet connections.
Current SOTA: Cloud is considered a mature technology at the present time with multiple potential means of
implementing the processing features required within GRAPHITEK. Technologies that we are going to base our
solution on are open source (e.g. OpenStack) and are available for a variety of hardware configurations. While
there are many technologies for managing deployment and scalability in the cloud, different technologies offer
various advantages and disadvantages.
Objectives Addressed (Table 1.1): 04

B1. AI-based system for state and wear detection and historical reconstruction
Over the years, several AI-based models have been applied to the outputs of each of the two MSI and Multi-Light

V. Vanweddingen et al. . (2020). Pixel+: integrating and standardizing of various interactive single-camera, multi-light imagery. In:
Proceedings SPIE Photonics Europe - Optics, Photonics and Digital Technologies for Imaging Applications VI: vol. 11353, (Paper No.
Kaya et al. 2021: Uncalibrated Neural Inverse Rendering for Photometric Stereo of General Surfaces, in: Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF
Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR), 3804-3814.
B. Vandermeulen et al. (2018) Bridging multi-light & multi-spectral images to study, preserve and disseminate archival documents.
Archiving 2018:64-69.
J. M. Haut, S. Moreno-Álvarez, E. Moreno-Ávila, V. A. Ayma, R. Pastor-Vargas and M. E. Paoletti, "Cloud Implementation of Extreme
Learning Machine for Hyperspectral Image Classification," in IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters, vol. 20, pp. 1-5, 2023, Art no.
5506905, doi: 10.1109/LGRS.2023.3295742.
reflectance techniques in the conservation and restoration environment of cultural heritage works of art. AI-based
MSI models have been widely used in identifying pigments, dyes and binders 6 7 8, detecting damage in paint
layers9 and authenticating works of art10. Traditional models have been applied to Multi-Light Reflectance for
visualisation, data analysis, surface characterization and change detection. However, AI techniques are not yet
widely applied. Recently, AI-based models have appeared for detecting surface changes11, crack detection12, for
estimating the topography of the surface13 and for fingerprint identification14.However, we are aware of only one
study15 that takes advantage of the combination of the two techniques to better estimate surface normal. The
combination of these techniques has high potential as they are techniques that extract complementary features,
since Multi-Light Reflectance explores the directionality of light and its relation with the reflectance behaviour and
the MSI focuses on the spectral response of the materialsThe multispectral Multi-Light Reflectance technique is an
open field and has a strong potential for characterization, detection and mapping of surface damages and changes
as well as in the materials identification and mapping.To respond to these challenges, deep learning techniques that
enable machine learning by absorbing large amounts of unstructured data will be the considered. The model or
models chosen to respond to any of these challenges will have a high degree of complexity, allowing branching or
sharing of layers. Connecting layers to more than just the previous and next layers and connecting layers to any
other layers makes the model robust to provide the desired result. The model will receive the two different inputs,
the MLR input in 2D form and the MSI input in 3D form, will extract the dominant characteristics of each
technique and then group them and work on them to obtain the final result.
Current SOTA: Some initial techniques for combining multispectral Multi-Light Reflectance technique and AI
are available, however they are not yet widely used and there is large potential for refinement and improved
implementation. The multispectral Multi-Light Reflectance technique shows promise in characterising, detecting,
and mapping surface damages and changes, as well as identifying and mapping materials.
Objectives Addressed (Table 1.1): 06;10

B1. Digital reconstruction of cultural heritage - Digital Twins

Digital twins are the new concept for describing the interaction of the virtual and physical entity. The physical
entity provides data for creation and updates of the virtual entity, while the virtual entity provides the support
regarding decision making for the physical entity. In the art and heritage context1617 this brings new opportunities
for conservation of artefacts by limiting the exposure of the physical artefacts when they need to be studied and
allowing the digital representations to be sent instead. This data can also be used to develop prediction models for
deterioration of the physical integrity of the object itself, conservation treatment assessment18 and provide a
multi-modal view (integrated dataset) on the object when combined with advanced imaging techniques such as
Multi-Light Reflectance or Multi-Spectral imaging and/or combined with more analytical data on the chemical
composition. The latter two methods will also play an important role in the major challenge to establishing the
means to set the best methodology to achieve ground truth data. With the digital twins of the artwork it is necessary
S. Baronti, A. Casini, F. Lotti and S. Porcinai, "Multispectral imaging system for the mapping of pigments," Applied optics, vol. 37, pp.
1299-1309, 1998.
K. Dooley, S. Lomax, J. Zeibel, C. Miliani, P. Ricciardi, A. Hoenigswald, M. Loew and J. Delaney, "Mapping of egg yolk and animal skin
glue paint binders in EarlyRenaissance paintings using near infrared reflectance imaging spectroscopy," Analyst, vol. 138, p. 4838–4848,
Papadakis, V.M., Machado, M., dos Santos, J. XpeCAM: The Complete Solution for Artwork Documentation and Analysis. In: The Future
of Heritage Sci. and Tech. Florence Heri-Tech 2022. Springer, Cham.
H. Deborah, N. Richard and J. Y. Hardeberg, "Hyperspectral crack detection in paintings," in Colour and Visual Computing Symposium
(CVCS), Gjovik, Norway, 2015.
O. E. David and N. S. Netanyahu, "DeepPainter: Painter Classification Using Deep Convolutional Autoencoders," in Artificial Neural
Networks and Machine Learning – ICANN 2016, 2016.
Saha, S., Siatou, A., Mansouri, A. et al. Supervised segmentation of RTI appearance attributes for change detection on cultural heritage
surfaces. Herit Sci 10, 173 (2022).
Dulecha, Tinsae Gebrechristos et al. “Crack Detection in Single- and Multi-Light Images of Painted Surfaces using Convolutional Neural
Networks.” Eurographics Workshop on Graphics and Cultural Heritage (2019).
Khawaja, Muhammad Arsalan, et al. "Can Surface Topography give us Best Light Positions for Reflectance Transformation Imaging?."
Archiving Conference. Vol. 20. Society for Imaging Science and Technology, 2023.
Mohamed Abdul Cader, A.J.; Banks, J.; Chandran, V. Fingerprint Systems: Sensors, Image Acquisition, Interoperability and Challenges.
Sensors 2023, 23, 6591.
Nam G, Kim MH. 2014. Multispectral Photometric Stereo for Acquiring High-Fidelity Surface Normals. IEEE Comput Graph Appl.
Niccolucci F, Markhoff B, Theodoridou M et al. The Heritage Digital Twin: a bicycle made for two. The integration of digital
methodologies into cultural heritage research [version 1; peer review: 2 approved with reservations]. Open Res Europe 2023, 3:64
Marijana Ćosović, Mirjana Maksimović 2022: Application of the digital twin concept in cultural heritage, in: Proceedings of the 1st
International Virtual Conference on Visual Pattern Extraction and Recognition for Cultural Heritage Understanding.
Jouan, Pierre, and Pierre Hallot. 2020. "Digital Twin: Research Framework to Support Preventive Conservation Policies" ISPRS
International Journal of Geo-Information 9, no. 4: 228. (
to have the distribution network that would long-term preserve them and make them continuously available for use,
even in cases where the original works are not available anymore. In GRAPHITEK, we plan to work with ECCCH
project to enable the upload of the processed digital twins to the long-term storage supported by ECCCH.
Current SOTA: The concept of digital twins has been previously applied in cultural heritage context. However
digital twins have yet to be applied in the context of the Multi-Light Reflectance and Multi-Spectral imaging with
AI-based wear and detection and historical reconstruction.
Objectives Addressed (Table 1.1): 01; 02; 07

B1. Expanding Applicability to Different Heritage Objects

Digital imaging techniques can help the intensive research on plates of any material. The techniques developed
within GRAPHITEK can also be applied to woodcut blocks and other print techniques, as well as to the study of
"multiples" (a series of identical objects in limited numbers). So far the research has been based on digital editing
techniques, which, through the comparison of overlays of different print editions with the corresponding plate has
allowed to highlight changes, additions, and corrections occurred to the plate. The multispectral MLR technique
can also help in the study of plates, as well as their enhancement. It records changes in reflectance of objects
subjected to different light conditions. But there are limits for its use on works on paper. One of the challenges of
digitising copper and metal plates is their specularity, or reflectiveness. GRAPHITEK is developing techniques to
overcome this challenge and to produce high-quality digital representations of these objects. The techniques and
algorithms developed by GRAPHITEK can also be applied to other types of metal objects, such as metal stamps
and seals, as well as metal archeological findings, such as buckles, plaques, spearheads. This will allow for the
visualisation of the materiality of these objects in minute detail. GRAPHITEK has the potential to make a
significant contribution to the field of art conservation and research. By developing new imaging techniques, the
project will make it possible to digitise, image and study a wider range of objects. This will benefit research and
understanding of artefacts on individual level and on collection as a whole.
Current SOTA: The applied imaging and processing techniques in GRAPHITEK (Multi-band, MLR,
Photogrammetry, AI) have no limitations towards unique or only specific types of heritage objects or materials.
Literature describes their use on a very wide range. The main challenge is found in the typical dimensions of the
targeted type of heritage in GRAPHITEK (thin and flat). The better it is understood where the limits are found to
achieve true Digital Twins via the digital reconstruction approach developed by GRAPHITEK, the better it will be
understood how the model can be transferred to other (similar) types of heritage.
Objectives Addressed (Table 1.1): 11

B1.2.2 Linked research and innovation activities

In order to achieve success in reaching its goals and objectives, GRAPHITEK considers the results and outcomes
of a number of previous research and innovation projects in the EU-scope. Whenever possible and useful, the
already available technologies will be leveraged into the GRAPHITEK technology stack. The table below
summarises the relevant research projects and outlines their possible contribution to the GRAPHITEK goals.

Activities Short description Application and improvement in

or projects GRAPHITEK
Fingerpr The Fingerprint project examines the drawings of Pieter This approach is useful for GRAPHITEK in
int Breugel the Elder whereby the different phases of the mapping the creation and printing phases of
Project genesis of a drawing or a print are mapped and graphic plates and prints, assisting in wear and
analysed by means of digital imaging, statistical image historic analysis.
processing and laboratory analysis.
XpeCA XpeCAM, SME Instrument (phase 2), EIC, (2018 – XpeCAM solution that was developed under
M 2020) the EIC framework, solely by XPEClTEK.
Hardware, software and cloud prototyping
technology will be available to GRAPHITEK
project to ensure reliable completion of the
prototypes, and the software developments.
RICH The RICH project (Reflectance Imaging for Cultural The PLD system for visualising heritage
project Heritage) develops hard- and software (Portable Light objects and investigating their material
Dome system) for the interactive visualisation of characteristics can be applied to examine the
heritage objects in order to investigate their material graphic plates and prints in GRAPHITEK.
characteristics (2012-2019) This technology provides insights into the
material properties of the plates, helping with
their preservation and analysis.
3PI - The scope of 3Pi Project is focusing on The interdisciplinary research and imaging
Diagnos interdisciplinary research on fragile historic methods used in the 3PI Project to characterise
is of documentary heritage as manuscripts on papyrus, materials in historic manuscripts can be
Papyrus parchment and paper, involving scientific imaging, beneficial in GRAPHITEK. These methods
-Parchm analytical data, conservation science and dissemination can aid in the analysis of the graphic plates
ent-Pap on a performant platform in order to establish the origin and prints, especially in understanding the
er and creation of documentary heritage artefacts. The 3Pi materials used in their creation and how they
manuscr Data creation will allow characterization of materials have aged over time.
ipts between micro and full object level from the oldest
through documents written on papyrus, to medieval and early
Imaging modern parchment and paper manuscripts.
Leuven The core of this collection, recognized as UNESCO The digitization and preservation efforts
Charter documentary heritage since 2013, consists of a series of undertaken in the Leuven Charter Project can
Project magnificent privileges issued by popes and worldly serve as a model for preserving and digitising
rulers for the university, from its foundation in 1425 up graphic plates and prints in GRAPHITEK.
to its abolition in 1797. Between 2018 and 2021 the Lessons learned in terms of digitization
charters were restored, digitised, described and housed techniques and preservation can be applied to
in a new charter room to guarantee optimal GRAPHITEK.
preservation, access and consultation.
Pixel+ The pixel+ viewer is an open source tool to visually The Pixel+ Viewer's ability to visually analyse
Viewer analyse the surface of artefacts. It provides a realistic the surface of artefacts and manipulate
view of the interaction between material and light. It lighting for enhanced characteristics can be
goes beyond traditional photography as it allows the useful in the GRAPHITEK project. It can
user to virtually interact with the surface of the object assist in the visualisation and analysis of the
by manipulating the light and enhancing specific graphic plates and prints, especially when
characteristics of the surface. trying to highlight specific details or wear
SYDDA “SYstem for Digitization and Diagnosis in ART SYDDARTA, focused on digitization and
RTA Applications (SYDDARTA)”, FP7-ENV, EU, 2010, diagnosis in art applications, incorporating
FORTH - IESL spectral imaging and 3D surface profiling with
photogrammetric methods, in digitising and
diagnosing artistic materials. The techniques
and methods developed in this project can be
adapted for the graphic plates and prints in the
GRAPHITEK project, ensuring high-quality
digital representations.
NESTA “Networking European Spectrometric diagnosis The Networking European Spectrometric
RT Techniques for ART assets (NESTART)”, COST diagnosis Techniques for ART assets
Action, EU, 2010, FORTH - IESL (NESTART) project can support spectroscopic
diagnostic techniques. These can be employed
in GRAPHITEK to analyse the materials used
in graphic plates and prints, providing insights
into their condition.
ICONIC “Imaging and Control in Chemistry (ICONIC)”, Marie The ICONIC project, deals with imaging and
Curie Initial Training Network, Grant, EU, 2009, control in chemistry, can offer expertise in
FORTH - IESL imaging techniques and control systems. This
knowledge can be applied to enhance the high
quality surface imaging and data collection
processes within GRAPHITEK, improving the
accuracy and quality of results.
LASER “Laser Multitask non-destructive technology in The LASERACT project, focused
ACT conservation diagnostic procedures (LASERACT)”, non-destructive technology using broadband
Energy Environment and sustainable development, EU, and monochromatic light sources and lasers.
2003, FORTH - IESL The developed methods will be beneficial for
GRAPHITEK project to assess the condition
of graphic plates and prints.

B1.2.3 Use cases

B1.2.3.1 Use Case: ICG Istituto centrale per la grafica - Roma

The Istituto centrale per la grafica, under the Ministry of Culture in Rome, is responsible for preserving a diverse
range of paper artworks, drawings, prints, and plates, including photographs. Their collections encompass
approximately 125,000 prints, nearly 60,000 drawings, and over 24,000 metal plates made of copper, zinc, lead, as
well as woodcuts, leather, and cardboard plates. These collections span from the early 16th century to
contemporary works, featuring masterpieces by renowned artists like Leonardo, Michelangelo, and Bernini, among
others. They also hold prints from artists such as Durer, Goya, and Rembrandt, alongside contemporary works.
Notably, they do not pull the ancient plates, considering them cultural heritage to be protected. Instead, they
possess modern clone matrices created using epoxy resins for printing purposes. Preservation, restoration, and
accessibility to scholars and students are among their key institutional goals. Currently, the institute employs macro
photography and photographic shooting techniques while using devices to mitigate metal reflectance issues for
digitising graphic plates. However, they face challenges, particularly in achieving detailed visibility due to
reflectance problems. Their primary objective for enhancing the digitization process is the development of rapid
and massive image recognition systems. They seek tools capable of providing high-quality digitizations that can
detect different engraving lines and cuts on the plate surface while rendering the matrix object in 3D. This would
greatly aid in comparing plates and different editions of prints derived from the same plate for study and research
purposes. The specific use case scenarios for these tools revolve around precise digitization and comparison
between plates and print samples derived from the same plate, enabling comparisons for research and preservation.
The ideal outcome would be to establish a network among public print collections that can provide examples of
different print states for plates they possess. This network would be accessible to scholars for research purposes.
The anticipated benefits of these tools for graphic plate digitization include the ability to conduct rapid, accurate,
and extensive image recognition, facilitating research and comparisons. This would enhance access to the institute's
collections and streamline preservation efforts.
In terms of technical considerations, they require highly precise digitization systems and technologies capable of
detecting engraving lines and rendering objects in 3D. The institute has a Research Department with experienced
staff, which could support the implementation of these tools. However, they suggest allocating a portion of the
budget for training individuals with specific profiles. One potential challenge during implementation is the need for
establishing a common language and understanding of technical aspects, particularly when collaborating with other
institutions. In the ICG collections, significant examples are preserved involving different states of prints and
replicas, presenting intriguing research opportunities. Our collection includes three states of Stefano Della Bella's
"Campo Vaccino" print and its corresponding copper plate, along with a specular reverse replica. Through
GRAPHITEK We aim to use advanced imaging to uncover the connection between the replica and the original, as
the original plate is missing. Furthermore, by examining Salvator Rosa's "Differenti Figure" frontispiece, featuring
the plate, replica plate, ante litteram print, and different state specimens, we can analyse how the plate changed
over time. Innovative imaging techniques like multispectral imaging will help us explore these artefacts, revealing
relationships between states and replicas and enhancing our understanding of historical printmaking techniques.

B1.2.3.2 Use Case: RABASF Academia del Bella Artes San Fernando - Madrid
The Real Academia de Bellas Artes de San Fernando holds a significant collection of engravings and copper plates,
totaling around 70,000 engravings and 9,000 copper plates. This collection has historical significance, with some
items originating from the Royal printing press and the academy as far back as 1752. Notably, valuable additions,
such as the Imperial Monastery of Valparaiso and the collection of Goya's plates, have been incorporated.
Currently, the institution employs various methods and equipment for digitising these graphic plates. They use two
Fuji scanners and a Metis team equipped with a CANON 5DS camera. On occasion, external contracts with
companies have been used for specific projects, such as the reproduction of 5000 plans by architect Muguruza in
2020. The digitization process for paper sheets also includes the addition of watermarks using a flat light placed
behind the sheets. While these methods have been effective, they face challenges due to the sheer number of
engravings that need to be digitised. New technologies offer solutions for incorporating images and additional data,
but this can extend the digitization process. One critical need is to find automated ways of identifying images to
expedite the time-consuming cataloguing process.
To enhance the digitization process, the academy sees automatic image recognition proposed by GRAPHITEK as
essential. This technology can significantly accelerate processes and reduce errors. Moreover, the plates and prints
that will be catalogued in the future will provide valuable information for previously unexplored research. This
collaborative project aims to develop the means and expertise required to achieve this. The key requirements and
objectives for developing tools to digitise graphic plates include a focus on understanding working techniques,
especially for the plates, an area often overlooked. The tools should incorporate image recognition powered by
artificial intelligence (AI), streamlining processes, reducing errors, and unlocking a wealth of information for
scientific research. In terms of technical considerations, the academy has a Research Department with experienced
staff dating back to 2014 when they initiated their digital humanities efforts. To address the evolving landscape of
new technologies, they recommend allocating a portion of the budget for training individuals with specific profiles.
Overall, the implementation of this project will require initial face-to-face meetings to establish a common
language and understanding of technical aspects, despite the similarities in the techniques used. As an example, we
present the print "Apollo and Marsyas" by the Master of the Die, whose matrix is preserved at the Istituto Centrale
per la Grafica (Rome). In the Valparaíso collection of the Royal Academy of Fine Arts of San Fernando, a copy of
the first state and another of the fourth state are preserved. The Panizzi Library holds a copy of the second state,
and the British Museum holds a copy of the third state. By overlaying the images of the first and fourth states,
various variations between the states have been detected in different areas of the plate, especially in shading and
highlighting, in addition to the variations perceptible to the naked eye. This clearly demonstrates the potential
offered by this resource when adequately developed.

B1.2.3.3 Use Case: Royal Library of Belgium (KBR)

The Royal Library of Belgium houses more than 9000 printing matrices from the 15th century to the present. The
collection includes important plates and blocks from the old Low Countries and present-day Belgium, but also
matrices from neighbouring countries, including the well-known Face of Christ by French engraver Claude Mellan,
famously engraved in a single spiral movement. The collection consists of copper and zinc plates (sometimes steel
faced), wood blocks and linocuts.For the digitisation of our collections, KBR prioritises works from Belgian
authors, published in Belgium and works related to the history of the districts that overlap with the territory of
modern-day Belgium.
Famous Belgian artists in the collection are for example: Wierix, Goltzius, James Ensor, Félicien Rops, Fernand
Khnopff, Edgard Tytgat, Frans Masereel. Special attention is paid to KBR’s masterpieces. A lot of different
engraving techniques are represented in the collection; burin engraving, etching, vernis-mou, dry point, mezzotint,
roulette for intaglio printing. Woodcut en lino engraving, Both monochrome and colour prints with different
printing plates. Digitization of copper engravings has so far been limited to publicity photos for exhibition
catalogues. The biggest challenge is to reproduce legible lines, eliminating the shiny surface of the plate while
maintaining the impression of a three-dimensional, metallic object. 2D reproductions were provided for this with
visible light, aiming for maximum information retention with high detail where both the gloss and gravure lines in
the metal plate are visible. The best results were recently obtained with 2D photographs with backdrop light. Tests
with coaxial/collimated lighting setup show that the results can still be improved. Much of the zinc and copper
plate collection at Chalcography KBR is larger than the A4 size. MLR/RTI file acquisition of the entire copper
plate in an automated manner could be further developed. Royal Library has a professional digitisation studio with
cutting-edge equipment and has access to several techniques, including Dynamically Controlled Synchro Light,
Raking Light, Highlight Transformation Imaging (H-RTI), 3D/Structure for Motion/Photogrammetry and Narrow
Band Multispectral Imaging (NBMSI). Under the impulse of DIGIT, Chalcography department, IT department and
experts of KU Leuven (ESAT) the pixel+ viewer is integrated into KBR’s online catalogue. The (dynamic)
imagery could be useful in the identification of the artistic evolution of a printing matrix (additions and corrections,
often relating to the edition history or "states" of a print); they could also be helpful in the identification of wear
and user marks, which is necessary for a better understanding of the object's history of use on the one hand and its
preservation-conservation on the other. An example could be to reveal the mystery on how the plate ‘La Sainte
Face’ by Claude Mellan was made. Many researchers think that the artist drew first a spiral line in varnish which
he etched, to use it later as a guide for his burin engraving. GRAPHITEK solution would show details on the
making process by multi-layered advanced imaging, inspect the grooves in depth to see if they were curved or
etched. The ability to dynamically scan in 3D would mean that the Royal Library would also need to have a digital
platform available where this data could be uploaded and consulted; ideally, this would be integrated into the
existing collection management software.

B1.2.4 Compliance with 'Do No Significant Harm' Principle

GRAPHITEK consortium recognizes the importance of the 'do no significant harm' principle outlined in Article 17
of Regulation (EU) No 2020/852 (EU Taxonomy Regulation). This principle underscores the need to ensure that
our methodology avoids causing significant harm to any of the six environmental objectives of the EU Taxonomy
Regulation. We have taken a proactive approach to align our methodology with this principle and minimise any
potential negative impacts. Our methodology centres on the digitization and preservation of historical graphic
plates, contributing to cultural heritage preservation. While our primary focus is on enhancing our understanding of
these artefacts, we acknowledge the potential environmental implications associated with technological processes
and imaging techniques. Measures include responsible resource usage, non-invasive imaging, waste reduction, and
partnerships with sustainable imaging technology providers. These steps ensure compliance with the principle
while advancing cultural heritage preservation through digitization

B1.2.5 Technical Robustness of AI-based Systems

GRAPHITEK acknowledges the significant role that AI-based systems and techniques play in advancing our
objectives. With the help of AI, we can perform tasks that are very difficult for humans to determine wear and
create historical reconstruction. We are dedicated to ensuring the technical robustness of these systems to achieve
accurate, reproducible, and reliable results. Our approach involves comprehensive strategies to develop, adapt, and
deploy AI-based systems that can handle failures, inaccuracies, and errors while minimising risks.
Technical Robustness Framework: In WP1, we will establish a comprehensive framework to assess and enhance
the technical robustness of GRAPHITEK's AI-based systems. This framework will encompass the entire
development lifecycle, from data collection and model training to deployment and maintenance.
Risk Assessment: In WP3, we will conduct a thorough risk assessment to identify potential vulnerabilities,
challenges, and points of failure in AI-based systems. This assessment will guide the design of strategies to address
these concerns effectively.Our AI-based systems will undergo rigorous testing to ensure accurate and reproducible
outcomes. We will validate these systems against ground truth data and benchmark them against established
standards to guarantee their reliability. We will implement human-in-the-loop mechanisms to detect and handle
inaccuracies, and errors in AI-based systems. These mechanisms will include error handling protocols, fail-safe
mechanisms, and automated alert systems to promptly address issues. Our risk mitigation strategies will be
proportionate to the assessed risks. Critical AI-based systems will undergo more extensive testing and validation,
while less critical systems will still adhere to robustness standards but with appropriate risk levels in mind.
Furthermore, We recognize the importance of AI systems operating within their intended context and environment.
Our systems will be designed to consider real-world conditions, potential sources of error, and contextual
limitations to ensure relevance and accuracy. Finally, to enhance technical robustness, our AI systems will be
designed with human oversight mechanisms. Humans will be involved in decision-making processes, and our
systems will be programmed to request human intervention when faced with uncertain scenarios.

B1.2.6 Gender Dimension

The GRAPHITEK project is committed to promoting gender equality and inclusivity across all phases of research,
development, and innovation. We recognize that the gender dimension (sex and/or gender analysis) is not only
relevant but essential in ensuring the integrity, fairness, and effectiveness of our cultural heritage preservation
efforts. GRAPHITEK aims to apply a gender sensitive approach throughout all its activities from the
conceptualization to the reporting and delivery of the results, in which gender will not be an isolated category of
identification, but intersected with the ones of ethnicity, class, age, and citizenship.The topic and subject of
research and development has anyhow very limited gender perspectives, since the focus is on imaging and storing
data from cultural objects. But the training and instructions for users of the developed equipment must take into
account different categories of people in the groups of professionals and researchers. This approach will include
introduction, in the research, of explicit facilitation rules to avoid behaviour that 51may result in the detriment of
the participation of categories and/or groups. We conduct a comprehensive gender analysis to evaluate how our
project's outcomes might differently impact individuals of different genders. This assessment informs the design of
interventions that address potential inequalities and ensure equitable benefits.

B1.2.7 Open Science Practices Implementation

Open science practices are crucial to achieving the highest standards of research integrity and impact. By sharing
data, methods, and findings openly, we contribute to the growth of knowledge, enable peer review, and facilitate
collaboration. Additionally, open science aligns with the ethical responsibility to ensure that research funded by the
public benefits society as a whole. Therefore, the consortium has carefully chosen appropriate open science
practices, which will be implemented as an integral part of the project methodology, adapting them to the nature of
the work that will be carried out to increase the chances of achieving the desired objectives as well as providing
opportunities for future collaborations. More specifically, the consortium will seek to promote open cooperative
work and systematic sharing of knowledge and tools both within itself and with the scientific and stakeholder
communities, starting with appropriate planning and setting up of relevant processes already in the first project
Pre-registration and data sharing: The adopted open science practices will include the following: Pre-registration of
the research protocol(s) and (statistical) analysis plan(s) (e.g. OSF, Figshare). Use of the open repositories for early
results (e.g.,, SSRN, Figshare, Dataverse, Zenodo) and code that can be reused (e.g., Github). This will
allow early, quick, rigorous and open sharing of the research results.
Open Access: In particular, the consortium commits to bringing scientific results closer to the public as means to
adhere to the Open Access guidelines set by the Horizon Europe Programme. Therefore, all produced scientific
publications and other research materials (e.g. datasets) will be available as Open Access through compliant
repositories and the Open Research Europe publishing platform (i.e., OpenAIRE). The project's open access
practices will impact accessibility on other scientific repositories such as DataCite, Datalib, Scopus and ORDA.
Furthermore, the project will make available its findings through the European Open Science Cloud in order to
support the openness, reusability, and discoverability of open science data. Besides that, all researchers will have
an ORCID-ID, so their research output will be easily findable. Finally, the EU data collection legislation will be
employed along with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) 2016/679 before making any data openly
available. Especially the European Collaborative Cloud for Cultural Heritage (ECCCH) will be the destination for
the tangible results from the project, open for researchers and the general public as well.
Engagement with Stakeholders: We will actively involve various stakeholders, including citizens, civil society, and
end users, in the co-creation of research agendas and contents. This participatory approach ensures that our
research is informed by diverse perspectives and societal needs.
The GRAPHITEK project places a significant emphasis on effective data management, following a well-defined
strategy that aligns with the FAIR principles (Findable, Accessible, Interoperable, Reusable). This comprehensive
approach encompasses various aspects of data collection, storage, sharing, and preservation, ensuring that the
project's research data and other outputs are managed in a manner that enhances their quality, transparency, and
long-term impact.

B1.2.8 General Data Management Strategy:

The GRAPHITEK consortium is committed to maximising the impact of its research outcomes by implementing a
robust data management strategy. This strategy is rooted in the FAIR principles, which serve as guiding principles
for data handling throughout the project. The aim is not only to generate valuable research data but also to make
this data readily available and usable by the broader community. One of the key components of this strategy is the
utilisation of the EU H EUROPE Guidelines on Data Management. These guidelines provide a structured approach
to data management, emphasising best practices and recommending the use of open data portals like
for storing data. By leveraging these guidelines, the project seeks to ensure that its data management practices are
in line with established European standards. Additionally, the strategy acknowledges the importance of intellectual
property rights (IPR) policies within the consortium. While striving for open data practices, it recognizes the need
to respect the IPR policies of consortium partners, ensuring that data sharing and dissemination align with these
Types of Data and Their Storage: The data generated within the GRAPHITEK project encompass various
components' performance metrics, particularly related to efficiency key performance indicators (KPIs).
Importantly, these data do not pose ethical or security concerns, simplifying the sharing process. To enhance
accessibility, the data will be made available in a user-friendly format, potentially using comma-separated values
(CSV), accompanied by detailed experiment descriptions. For the sake of repeatability and result stability, the
project intends to store comprehensive records of the experimental setups, including the specific software versions
used. Typically, experiments will be repeated ten times to ensure reliable results. Furthermore, documentation
describing the architecture of the project will be stored in machine-readable text formats for easy reference and
Curation and Preservation of Data: To maintain data quality and academic rigour, each participant responsible for
experimentation and measurements will adhere to an Exploitation Plan. This plan outlines the methods and policies
for gathering data in a statistically significant and academically sound manner. Moreover, the project is dedicated
to preserving the data effectively. Data preservation is achieved through various means, including hosting data on
the project's website, partners' websites, and suggested storage locations. Specifics regarding data curation and
preservation will be outlined in a forthcoming document, ensuring that data integrity is maintained over time.
Data Reuse and Publishing: The collected data will serve multiple purposes, including demonstration. It will be
made accessible for independent verification and reuse through both the project's and partners' websites. However,
it's important to note that certain types of data, such as background data and calculation results, cannot be shared.
Nevertheless, performance data will be openly shared with the community. The exact procedures for data use,
reuse, and publishing will be detailed in a comprehensive document, further emphasising transparency and
adherence to IPR rules provided within the proposal.

Research Data Management Plan (DMP); A fundamental component of the GRAPHITEK project is the
development and implementation of a Data Management Plan (DMP). This plan is designed to ensure that research
data and other project outputs are managed in a way that aligns with the FAIR principles, enhancing the quality,
transparency, and accessibility of the project's outcomes. The DMP serves as a strategic roadmap for managing
research data throughout the project's lifecycle. It facilitates effective data sharing, preservation, and accessibility.
As per Horizon Europe guidelines, all funded projects are required to develop a DMP by month 6 of the project,
with revisions made as necessary throughout the project's duration. The DMP development process involves
collaboration among key stakeholders responsible for generating, collecting, and managing project-related data. It
addresses critical aspects such as data types, persistent identifiers, data access provisions, interoperability
standards, data sharing licences, and curation and preservation costs. By adhering to the FAIR principles, the DMP
ensures that research data remains findable, accessible, interoperable, and reusable. This commitment to data
management excellence not only enhances the project's overall impact but also contributes to advancing open
science practices within the research community.

B2. Impact

B2.1 Overview
The GRAPHITEK's outcomes are expected to have a significant and lasting impact beyond its immediate scope
and duration, contributing to both the specified outcomes in the topic and wider impacts in the longer term.

B2.1.1 Market Analysis

B2.1.1.1 The market

The proposed technological advancement will be quite novel in the market, replacing time consuming and separate
processes. 3D modelling and spectral imaging techniques are individually considered as the most developing
technologies in the cultural heritage field due to their analytical capabilities and their non-destructive action.
According to the last bulletins and meetings from EU entities, all the analytical techniques must provide
non-destructively a plurality of information from European cultural assets in order to develop a digital twin model.
This digital preservation of Cultural Heritage in general and of libraries and archives in particular is a necessity that
GRAPHITEK aims to fulfil. This demand is expected to generate a large market in the EU and worldwide, since
cultural heritage assets are facing an increased risk and many of them are expected to be lost.

Furthermore, with the constant development of social media and the capabilities to share content and information
to any person in the world, digital assets will gain more and more interest to the world. The EBLIDA (European
Bureau of Library, Information and Documentation) is another key body as potential clients that we can consider
for public libraries and entities that are responsible for the digital management and preservation of critical
documents and other artworks. According to EGMUS, the European Group on Museum Statistics, in 2014 there
were around 25.000 museums in the 25 EU countries, and 70% of those were art museums. Today the number of
museums is much higher thanks to the investment that has been made in Culture Heritage associated with tourism,
a growing industry all over Europe. As a reference, and according to the IMLS (Institute of Museum and Library
Services), there are around 35.000 museums only in the US, 65% of them being of art. Looking at the data from
ECCO (European Confederation of Conservator-Restorers) the estimation of active Conservators-Restorers in
Europe, the individuals that are currently working in the field after acquiring an official degree, are around 15.100.
Those professionals are precisely the ones that have more probability of needing GRAPHITEK technology in their

Table. Total Addressable Market (TAM), Serviceable Available Market (SAM) & Serviceable Obtainable Market
(SOM) in Europe
Archives and Libraries Museums Art Conservators University depts related to Art

TAM 60.000 25.000 10.000 1000

SAM 12.000 10.000 2.000 200

SOM 3.000 2.000 500 50

SOM in Euro 90M 60M 15M 2M

As it is seen in the table, the market contains a significant amount of potential customers. From that we will aim to
obtain 5% of the total market, which responds to over 150M only in Europe. Our strategy is to, initially, focus our
marketing to the geographical countries that we expect to achieve most sales. The main criteria for this is the
maturity of the countries regarding the application of GRAPHITEK in Cultural Heritage and art preservation. For
this reason we aim to focus our marketing plan to the following countries: Portugal, Spain, Italy, Germany and
France. Keeping in our plan a reference cost of 30.000 € for GRAPHITEK solution, referring to the acquisition
scanning device and the cloud AI based state and wear detection system, the total SOM considered for the first
phase of our commercialization activities is expected to reach 167 M€. Luckily, competition is considered very low
for GRAPHITEK, due to the novelty of the solution. The combination of the aforementioned techniques will allow
for a more user friendly approach, increasing the potential sales. Taking in account that the end users most
probably will have already experience working with one of the individual techniques, will allow them to
understand better the value proposition resulting in faster penetration into the market.

B2.1.1.2 Market risks and opportunities

The commercialization of the GRAPHITEK solution might be affected by technical and commercial risks. Our
main technical risk is on achieving the development of a user friendly interface that will allow easy operation of
our solution. For this reason, the GRAPHITEK consortium has already involved potential stakeholders that will
minimise this risk. Our main commercial risk is on market acceptance due to our limited reputation as a new
technology. Using our prototypes we will organise demonstration events across our collaborators documenting any
comments and suggestions for optimization. What we aim to achieve is for GRAPHITEK to be included in the
routine work of art scientists. We will use the social networks to disseminate GRAPHITEK results and generate
communities with interdisciplinary professions, triggering discussions, increasing our public awareness, to result in
a faster selling cycle.

B2.1.2 Expected Outcomes

In terms of scale, the project's outcomes are anticipated to have a widespread reach across cultural heritage
institutions, researchers, art historians, conservationists, and the general public. The target group includes
institutions housing significant collections of graphic plates and prints, as well as professionals directly involved in
their study, preservation, and restoration. Considering the rich heritage and historical importance of these artefacts,
the project's potential audience is substantial.

B2.1.3 Strategic Impact and Innovation Capacity

GRAPHITEK will have its main strategic impact on the future of highly-efficient parallel systems and
infrastructures to allow the development of better tools for distributed systems to manage large sets of data,
increasing the velocity of access and processing. The GRAPHITEK project promises scientific advancements in
cultural heritage preservation through advanced imaging techniques. It also offers economic benefits by reducing
preservation costs and potentially creating commercial solutions. Societally, it enhances policy decisions and
historical insights, benefiting cultural professionals, institutions, and the general public.
Scientific Impact: The project's innovative approach to leveraging advanced imaging techniques, such as
multispectral imaging and reflectance transformation imaging, will result in specific scientific advances within the
field of cultural heritage preservation. By enhancing the digitization process and improving the accuracy and
completeness of capturing surface appearances in 3D models, the project will contribute to reinforcing scientific
equipment and instruments for digitization and analysis of cultural artifacts.
Economic/Technological Impact: The GRAPHITEK project's results have the potential to bring new products and
services to the cultural heritage sector. The development of AI-powered tools and methods for digitization and
visualization will increase the efficiency of capturing and processing data, ultimately reducing costs associated
with cultural heritage preservation efforts. These advancements could also lead to the creation of commercial
solutions for museums, archives, and institutions involved in heritage preservation.
Societal Impact: The project's outcomes have direct societal implications, particularly in terms of improving
policies, decision-making, and public awareness. By uncovering hidden transformations in prints' different states
and detecting variations not visible to the naked eye, the project can provide more accurate historical and artistic
insights. This knowledge can be used to inform policy decisions related to conservation and restoration efforts,
leading to more effective heritage management practices. Furthermore, GRAPHITEK will strengthen academic and
industry competitiveness and growth of the partners as follows:

RUAB is an SME providing database solutions for universities, institutes and other research organisations. The
computer science based competence of RUAB will contribute to the cultural heritage sector with new technology.
With GRAPHITEK RUAB will improve its competitiveness and break into a new market with more advanced
tools and solutions. RUAB also holds project management competence and will with GRAPHITEK get in touch
with new kinds of customers and collaborators.

HW HW's standing within the network is founded on technical competence, bolstered by strong project
management skills and artistic/cultural expertise. The ability to offer advanced technical solutions developed
through the GRAPHITEK project enhances HW's commercial and academic network. Disseminating the project's
results further amplifies this network. The GRAPHITEK experience facilitates opportunities for future projects and
business ventures within the sector, capitalising on HW's competence and extensive network. HW possesses a
substantial network encompassing cultural institutions, industrial, and academic engineering sectors, primed for
mobilisation towards new projects and commercial endeavours.

RABAFS Although RABASF is a non-profit institution, it is governed by a special statute and participates in
teaching and research programmes with several European universities. It develops its own collection management
and documentation programmes, which are used through partnership agreements. The GRAPHITEK project will
contribute to a broad strengthening of the RABASF's involvement in the field of cultural management. The
dissemination of the IT products developed by the Department of Studies of the Royal Academy of Fine Arts does
not follow commercial criteria. However, it is an area that is currently expanding through agreements with more
than 15 museums and universities. The main objectives are collaboration between institutions and the advanced
development of cultural heritage documentation techniques.

ICG The project will give the Istituto the opportunity to expand its knowledge and scientific studies on the works
conserved in its collections, plates and prints, and to add new scientific evidence to plates and prints history. The
project will give the opportunity to extend ICG cultural network, hiring at least two new external professional units
(phds), to train postgraduate students on graphic and engraving techniques history and methodology; to be
equipped with new technologically advanced detection and imaging instruments

IDL The GRAPHITEK project's collaboration with Infinitivity Design Labs (IDL) promises substantial benefits.
IDL will enhance its digitization and design platforms with GRAPHITEK's AI-driven digitization, expanding its
product suite for cultural heritage institutions and academic research centres. This positions IDL as a one-stop
solution for design and AI-driven digitization, attracting premium clients. Additionally, IDL's R&D wing will gain
exposure to cutting-edge AI tech, fostering innovation and academic collaborations. GRAPHITEK opens doors to a
broader market for IDL, increasing its market share and establishing it as a leader in AI-driven digitization
services. This growth will also lead to the expansion of IDL's team and research capabilities.

XPEC XPEC is an SME focused on the development of diagnostic solutions, with emphasis on spectroscopy.
GRAPHITEK will develop new products from acquisition devices to fast processing and analysis algorithms.
Together with new knowledge produced by the fusion of the different techniques, XPEC will be able to incorporate
GRAPHITEK project results into its product development. As a result, XPEC will become more competitive in the
diagnostic solutions, sustaining its leading position in multispectral imaging solutions. XPEC will involve its
existing experienced staff to the GRAPHITEK project. This will allow faster development of the novel prototypes,
and solutions. It is expected that new employees will also be hired to cover the needs of the project, as one optical
engineer, and a new mechanical engineer, and any other needs.

KBR With its cross-disciplinary approach, GRAPHITEK aims to become a benchmark, both in Belgium and
abroad, for further research into the analysis, preservation, history and use of printing matrices, which are kept in
countless heritage institutions, but which remain largely invisible to the public and research community. At the
same time, the project gives pride of place to KBR's collection of matrices, a little-known yet internationally
significant heritage collection in one of Belgium’s Federal Scientific Institutions for which in-depth research and
valorisation is long overdue. The project also responds to a need in Belgium to create expertise in and knowledge
exchange of the study, management and valorisation of matrix collections.

KUL's Core Facility VIEW is already equipped with qualitative imaging systems, some of which have been used
for documenting metal printing plates and prints. Joining this project will enhance their expertise in digitising
heritage items and expand their proficiency in multi-band imaging, strengthening their academic competitiveness.
As a university Core facility, they actively engage in methodological studies using visual documentation to address
innovative research questions. Contributing to the cross-disciplinary analysis of challenging heritage features will
provide valuable firsthand insights for future academic research. This partnership will position KUL and the VIEW
as experts in the field, creating opportunities for their researchers, new PhD students, and external collaborators. It
will also pave the way for expanding their research infrastructure toolkit, further advancing their capabilities in
innovative research projects.

UNIWA UNIWA has an established laboratory for the non destructive analysis of artworks. GRAPHITEK project
will allow the development of new and novel tools for the analysis of the object surface. It will generate new
knowledge, methods and applications, which will lead to scientific publications. Furthermore, it will allow the
expansion of our network with international partners for collaborations. Through the GRAPHITEK project
UNIWA will have the opportunity to involve existing experts in the field as also young researchers (PhD, and MSc
students), which in turn will develop our research and educational activity. The application of the GRAPHITEK
project will enable us to collaborate with the national museums and archives to study their collections.

With regards to the innovation introduced by GRAPHITEK in the company environment and business:

RUAB Research Unfolded, a specialist in AI solutions and dataset collection, will benefit from GRAPHITEK
solution by developing cutting-edge AI tools for cultural heritage preservation. This partnership will leverage
Research Unfolded's expertise to enhance the project's capabilities and contribute to the broader knowledge of art
analysis and conservation techniques. Furthermore the leadership of the project will improve RUAB management
expertise thanks to the support of HW. HW is a new start up, where the team is experienced since decades in the
academic area, as well as in the artistic domain and the practice of project management. GRAPHITEK will
increase HW network and capabilities in the management of cultural heritage projects.

RABAFS aim to the incorporation of a developed way of analysing aspects of the prints and their matrices, based
on multidisciplinary techniques. This will provide a wealth of new information for the study and correct
cataloguing of artistic works characterised by their partially mechanised production. The Royal Academy currently
has 6 people dedicated to the Study Centre, 2 of whom are academics and, therefore, not regulated by an
employment contract but by the statutes. The expected growth in the near future is the incorporation of two people
with qualifications in the digital management of collections.

ICG is non-profit, so it estimates an improvement in accessibility and an increase in the use of the new tools for a
wider audience of general public and scholars for a percentage of 20%. Furthermore with GRAPHITEK ICG will
develop a sustainable model for a better understanding of the physical properties of printing plates and prints and
their use in scientific research and historical scholarship

IDL The integration of AI-powered tools and advanced digitization methods modernizes their operations and
enhances cultural artifact preservation. Automation of tasks like data acquisition and analysis unlocks new insights.
GRAPHITEK fosters collaboration with heritage professionals, expanding IDL's services, including tailored
archival solutions and training programs. Emphasizing non-destructive testing and digital archiving aligns with
sustainability goals by reducing physical artifact handling.

XPEC XPEC is a leading company in multispectral solutions. GRAPHITEK project will enable us to incorporate
knowhow and technology regarding RTI and Photogrammetry into our products, expanding our innovative
solutions to our application fields (Cultural Heritage, Agriculture, Industry and Medicine). XPEC expects to
involve 3 people from existing staff, and to hire two more persons for the project needs.

KBR GRAPHITEK responds to the needs of an international community of curators, conservators and other
heritage professionals to advance the art-historical knowledge, technical study and professional care of printing
matrices from the middle ages to the present. The project will aid KBR in creating expertise in and knowledge
exchange of the study, management and valorisation of matrix collections. The project will create reference data
sets regarding digitalisation, technical imaging and preservation of printing matrices according to open-data and
open-science principles. These data sets can guide future research and policies in both KBR and elsewhere. The
unique and vital collaboration among three national chalcographies (Brussels, Rome, and Madrid) that this project
will facilitate will also serve as a benchmark for future curation, cataloging, and preservation practices.

KUL The pursuit of an all-in-one system that offers the possibility of obtaining a digital twin for a certain type of
heritage would be new to us. Understanding its complexity and being able to fully sort out the potential of this type
of datasets is an additional advantage. The VIEW Core Facility counts a staff of 6 member. They will all be
involved in the implementation of the project; all based on their proper expertise. To meet the projects' objectives,
1 or 2 extra collaborators will be attracted. Participating in the project also opens the potential to allow students in
an internship program to temporarily form part of the Core Facility.

UNIWA UNIWA will contribute on both the hardware and software development. All the innovation developed
through Graphite project including data fusion and algorithm development, will also be considered for future
projects and applications in cultural heritage but also in other fields of application like agriculture, materials
science, biology and medicine. During the development of GRAPHITEK project UNIWA expects to hire 2 young
researchers and to involve 2 existing experienced researchers

2.2 Measures to Maximise Impact

B2.2.1 Steps to Maximise Impact

This section looks at dissemination and exploitation for GRAPHITEK. Dissemination seeks to maximise the
impact of the project by communicating effectively with specific target audiences, whereas exploitation lays the
foundations for the commercialisation of project results. In order to maximise the Impacts (Section B2.1.5), the
project defines the strategy that foresees two categories of measures: the ones performed within the project
duration and the ones following the successful completion of the project.

B2.2.1.1 Measures within the GRAPHITEK duration

IPR management.The project defines IPR principles that have a twofold aim. Firstly, the principles that enable a
proper protection of all commercially-relevant results produced by the project. Secondly, the principles that
regulate the use of any background technologies that are needed to attain the GRAPHITEK goals. Both these goals
will be pursued by the Exploitation Manager who will ensure protection of the Results generated in the project.
This process will facilitate largely the uptake of the results into further product or service development when the
project is finished.

Efforts towards standardisation and collaboration. The project’s standardisation activities will be performed in
task T7.3, which is responsible for standardisation efforts and also collaboration between initiatives of similar
thematic. Collaboration with the community of the EU programme (present and future) and possible de-facto
standards, aiming to ensure a wide acceptance of solutions and an applicability of best-case practises, is an
important aspect of the project. This will facilitate further expansion of the pool of potential end-users and
stakeholders of the project.

Effective dissemination and appropriate communication strategy. The project defines a dissemination and
communication strategy, which aims to increase public awareness of the GRAPHITEK results. The strategy defines
the actions to enable efficient outreach through channels ranging from industrial and scientific outlets to relevant
electronic forums and social networking. The Exploitation Manager and his team will initiate and steer the
exchange of opinions, knowledge and possibly source code with existing communities, at relevant events. The
academic partners will inform of the project results and possibly use some of its results and during teaching and
B2.2.1.2 Measures following successful completion of GRAPHITEK
Exploitation and sustainability of results. The Consortium includes research institutions that act as large
stakeholders for the new technology and approaches to be developed by GRAPHITEK. After the project has
finished, there is potential of commercialisation of the solution based on the individual exploitation plans which is
described later in this section. At the same time, the tools will also be used by each organisation in its own
according to the GRAPHITEK licensing model. This means the Consortium will continue updating the results of
the project and ensure its sustainability.
B2.2.2 Communication activities
The dissemination efforts within the GRAPHITEK network have a dual focus: enhancing collaboration among
partners and improving cooperation with municipalities. This will be achieved through the utilisation of
cooperative tools provided by the GRAPHITEK web portal, including various repositories, and the Network
Office's infrastructure for document management and information sharing via mailing lists and event calendars. In
addition to virtual tools, face-to-face activities will play a pivotal role in fostering strong collaboration. These
activities will extend beyond coordination meetings and encompass training initiatives and joint gatherings. Two
dedicated strategies have been devised to promote partner interactions, with personnel exchanges serving as
concrete support for cooperation. The dissemination and communication strategies, outlined in Dissemination and
Exploitation RP1 and RP2, will be integral to tracking the impact of dissemination activities. These strategies will
target various outputs such as code, papers, and posters, while communication activities will facilitate feedback
loops for corrective actions. To reach a broader audience, social media platforms like LinkedIn, X (formerly
Twitter), and ResearchGate will serve as communication channels. An official project webpage will be established
for general awareness, and platforms like YouTube will be leveraged for the dissemination of project-related videos
and demos. Overall, the GRAPHITEK network is committed to effective dissemination and communication,
ensuring that its collaborative efforts and achievements reach their intended audiences and maximise their impact.

The efforts are split into a variety of tasks:

1. Communication and dissemination coordination: responsible for planning, coordinating and evaluating the
actions carried out by the consortium in order to channel the activities over time and achieve critical mass
and visibility.
2. Proactive Integrated Communication activity: responsible for developing all activities related to the
branding and presence of the project: the website, logo, flyers, fact sheet, templates, generic presentation,
social media, news and press releases. It will produce outputs of consistent form, language and message.
Deviations will be spotted and corrected. For this activity will have dedicated staff with non-technical
backgrounds in graphics, design and promotion.
3. This targets both academia and business users. It is particularly relevant to fellow researchers and potential
users and will result in research collaboration and market feedback. It also increases the profile of the
Horizon EUROPE programme and of the consortium members.
4. Knowledge transfer: responsible for transferring knowledge to the research and technical community
regarding the technical work of the project: for example: peer reviewed papers, scientific proceedings,
whitepapers, documentation, demonstration, invited presentations, and webinars.
5. This is predominantly focussed on fellow researchers and academia (but not exclusively). The project
places importance on liaising with the commercial community through events and whitepapers.
6. Scientific publication quality: GRAPHITEK aims for both quantity and quality in scientific publications.
This involves fostering collaboration between senior and junior researchers to enhance publication skills
and establish an exchange program. Additionally, publication experts will guide scientists in creating
accessible, multimedia-rich content for broader audiences, avoiding technical jargon and complex
7. Communication effectiveness: the dissemination outputs and targets are initially defined below, but will be
refined in T6.1 providing the first output in M5 with D6.1.The communication strategy and ways of
evaluation of these outputs will be provided in the same deliverable.

The proposed communication activities for promoting the GRAPHITEK can be classified in the following groups:
● Graphic identity and Branding: A logo and a symbol need to be designed. The logo reports the project’s
● Web Platform (the project website and social networks): GRAPHITEK website will have elements to cater
to both the ‘general audience’ and the ‘scientific audience’ sections. LinkedIn group and X (formerly
Twitter) accounts will be effectively used for profiling of the project and release of project news in addition
to the website.
● Press and campaigns - press releases launched by the projects, articles for specialised publications and
mentions in other media: Scientific presentations of the project results will take the form of journal papers,
and technology magazine articles. We will produce an online newsletter with an email subscription option,
press releases and summaries of project aims, progress and results, suitable for media and general use, and
brochures aimed at the general public.
● Podcasts - streaming based auditions, freely available, YouTube videos, describing the project’s idea,
outputs, benefits, challenges, partners, available openly with options for multiple languages and, as far as
possible, with subtitles to be more inclusive, shared via communication channels.
● Events - conferences, workshops, or meetings where the project will be promoted: The scientific results as
well as results of validation will be presented at seminars, as well as top conferences and workshops
related to cybersecurity.
● Collaborations with other R&D projects/ Platforms, Forums - specific collaborations to share knowledge
and look for synergies with other projects and platforms: The previous forms of communication will be
accompanied by specialist presentations at concertation meetings, focusing on project results and
opportunities for collaboration with projects. A key communication channel will involve presentations at
briefing events and demonstrations aimed at policy makers. The project will also contribute to EU
Commission publicity vehicles such as websites, research magazines and others, as specified by the
Commission. Here below is a presentation of the different types of user groups and areas related to
GRAPHITEK who will be targeted via all the dissemination actions and networking activities in order to
make an impact:

Table 2.2: GRAPHITEK Communication Target Audience

Targeted Audience Description

Academic and This group targets all research communities interested in the project’s developments
research particularly in the field of cultural heritage preservation and AI-driven data analysis,
community results and innovation which can be beneficial for their own research activities.

Industrial sector, A major objective is to address and trigger the active involvement of industrial and user
Professional communities. The project is of relevance for organisations in various industries as well as
Associations cultural heritage professionals in Europe, including curators, conservators and researchers
of cultural heritage. This implies the necessity to approach them individually in the
dissemination activities. At the end of the project we plan to elaborate the dissemination
impact analysis where we will evaluate the responses gained from the different industrial
segments. This will bring important information for further exploitation of the project’s
results by particular consortium partners on completion of the project.

International ISB should be aware of the scope and objectives. In a future potential advanced stage of
Standardisation the project, ISB could be involved and provide consultative advice on pre-standardisation
Bodies (ISB) procedures which may be carried out when the technology reaches a suitable readiness

Government This is a wide group encompassing innovation driven local and regional authorities,
bodies and policy representatives and associations, Ministries, parliaments and Public Administrations at the
makers national and international level. We aim to promote the goals and benefits of Graphitek
within this influential group, emphasizing its contributions to cultural heritage
preservation and innovation.

EU Projects This group refers to activities addressing external task forces that can be relevant and
working in similar which will offer a quite big and reusable knowledge base for disseminating the project.
domains Relevant European technology clusters have been identified.

Media The media remains an important channel for dissemination. This can go from regional to
international media.

The initial set of KPIs, to be elaborated in the dissemination strategy, is summarised in the following table.

Table 2.3: GRAPHITEK Communication Key Performance Indicators

KPI (Dissemination Outputs) Quantitative aim

Workshops at the specialised conferences 9

Scientific publications (and presentations) in 21

conference proceedings
Scientific papers in peer-reviewed journals 3

Whitepapers 1

Press-releases 3

Website visits 1000 (40% spending over 2 minutes)

Presence in Social Media Availability of groups in social networks (LinkedIn,

Facebook, X (formerly Twitter) with bi-weekly posts

The initial set of metrics to be elaborated for the communication strategy media uptakes per posting (15), forum
topics per week (1), Facebook external topics per month (2), LinkedIn-shares per post (10), invited speakers at the
events organised by the project (9). Also, the general perception of the project in external communities should be
generally positive (based on feedback tools like questionnaires etc.)

Proactive Integrated Communication. Within this activity we will initially set up a website, publish press
releases, develop a flyer and fact sheet and develop the project branding, logo, templates and generic dissemination
package. This work will be aligned to the dissemination and communication strategy deliverable. During the
remainder of the project, this task will update the marketing collaterals, carry out small and ad hoc presentations to
select groups (such BDVA collaboration event) and ensure the project’s presence online (through the website,
content seeding and in social media (LinkedIn, Google+, X (formerly Twitter), Facebook) and in relevant
Knowledge transfer. This activity will also take its lead from the dissemination strategy and ensure that results are
adequately described in the relevant scientific literature and presented to relevant events. Measuring the
Communication effectiveness is a hard task. We shall thus follow the classic rules at the start, with monitoring of
the media (compilation of press clippings, screenshots, Google Alerts, etc.) and performing physical observations
(e.g., how many flyers were taken, were they left on seats, physical surveys, relevant X (formerly Twitter) data
from the select period of time (e.g., when presenting GRAPHITEK at an event). These findings will be manually
evaluated and will steer the dissemination efforts and augment the communication type and form. As the project is
heavily invested in Open Source, all the Partners will provide their feedback from the specific forums, news
outlets, etc., guaranteeing to measure a pulse on the media views about the project.
Scientific conference attendance and journal dissemination. RABASF will provide the software for the
publication of a multimedial book about the project on the blueprint of the one realised ofr Piranesi for the project MINECO HAR2014-53170-P. For the scientific community the
following conferences and journal venues will be targeted: Cultural Heritage Journal (MDPI), Sensors (MDPI),
Humanities and Social Sciences Communications - Nature, Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ), (ESJ)
Europe scientific journal, SAGE journals, Taylor & Francis Online, Journal of Cultural Heritage (JCH) - Science
Direct, Annual Meeting & Journal of the American Institute for Conservation, Analytical Chemistry (ACS
publications), Understanding Science by The National Science Foundation, International Conference on Learning
Representations (ICLR), Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (PNAS), Science (AAAS), Frontiers,
ACM Conference on Computer and Communications Security, Wiley online library, Journal on Computing and
Cultural Heritage (JOCCH), Applied Physics A: Materials Science & Processing, SPIE Conference and
Proceedings on Optics, Photonics and Digital Technologies for Imaging Applications, SPIE Optics for Arts,
Architecture, and Archaeology (O3A), SPIE Optical Sensing and Detection, SPIE Optical Metrology,
Spectrochimica Acta Part A, Spectrochimica Acta Part B, Technart conference, Heri-Tech - Florence conference,
ICOM-CC conference, Lacona conference.

The publication and conference attending activities are not exclusively aimed at academia and fellow research
departments but rather will ensure that knowledge is sufficiently transferred to the commercial arena also through
the use of whitepapers and demonstrators, which will build upon interest generated by the awareness task. Such
events will be followed thoroughly, as these can change focus, topics, or simply die out and new plans will be laid
down each year. These will be used by the industrial partners, internally, but also by the consortium to the
commercial cloud arena in general. To kick-off this general-purpose dissemination strategy, GRAPHITEK will use
the first deliverable for Communication and Dissemination Strategy to gather the publication, design and event
marketing departments of all partners and lay down a partner specific, complementary Dissemination (and
Communication) plan.
B2.2.3 GRAPHITEK Strategy for Innovation, Knowledge Management, and Protection
B2.2.3.1 General IPR principles
The GRAPHITEK consortium will further define all matters related to confidentiality and IPR in the Consortium
Agreement (CA), signed prior to the execution of the project. With respect to IPR, the CA will further define and
formalise the IPR related management procedure, roles, clearly define ownership of Background and Results,
Results protection strategy, Confidentiality and Access Rights. However, the preliminary insight into the said IPR
related issues is provided here, in the proposal stage. These principles are concerned with providing a general idea
about the key aspects of the IPR: ownership, protection strategy, confidentiality, access rights, management
structure. Among others, the IPR-protected background technologies will be used, as listed in Table 2.4.

Table 2.4: IPR-protected technologies of the consortium partners

Technology owner Access Policy within Access Policy outside

the Consortium the Consortium

Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) Model IDL Public and available TBD

under CA

Multispectral imaging (MSI), Reflection XPEC Available under CA Commercial solution

Transformation Imaging (RTI), 3D Imaging available

Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) XPEC Available under CA Commercial service


Illumination Systems (broadband, and XPEC Available under CA Commercial solution

monochromatic) available

Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning XPEC Available under CA TBD

for Cultural Heritage

Cloud Infrastructures, Storage, Services XPEC Available under CA TBD

Raman, FTIR, XRF, 3D Scanning, 3D UNIWA Available under CA TBD


Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning UNIWA Available under CA TBD

for Cultural Heritage

Cloud Infrastructures, Storage, Services UNIWA Available under CA TBD

Ownership. The table of currently identified Exploitable Results (ER) is provided in Table 1.2. The table of the
background technologies for achieving these results is provided in Table 2.4. In further text we use the term Results
that denotes a full set of Results of the GRAPHITEK project. Ownership over the project’s Results will adhere to
the following rules:
● Results are owned by the partner who produces it. The obligation to protect the Results and define access
rights resides with the partner in question. The IPR Audit Committee may provide further suggestions
about the protection of the said Results, especially in cases of possible consequences over the project’s
overall IPR status, however, the final word is with the Results owner. The ownership of the Result will be
logged in the IPR Log by the IPR Manager and used from there on.
● Results shall be owned by the project partner carrying out the work leading to such Results. If any Results
are created jointly by at least two project partners and it is not possible to distinguish between the
contributions of each of the project partners, such work will be jointly owned by the contributing project
partners. The same shall apply if, in the course of carrying out work on the project, an invention is made
having two or more contributing parties contributing to it, and it is not possible to separate the individual
contributions. Such joint inventions and all related patent applications and patents shall be jointly owned
by the contributing parties. Details concerning jointly owned Results, joint inventions and joint patent
applications and access rights to those will be addressed in the Consortium Agreement.
● The EU may, with the consent of the beneficiary concerned, assume ownership of Results to protect them
if not already protected by the partners.

Protection Strategy. The results foreseen in the project are software and hardware components. The Consortium
has reached an agreement to offer the software components in FOSS fashion, preferably (but being subject for IPR
protection) under Apache (v.2.0) licence. Given these restrictive licences, the Protection strategy is rather clear.
Each file of the source code will contain the licensing header, stating the ownership and the licence. For each
closed component a Licence file will be enclosed, stating the ownership and the licence. The project’s web site will
host all of the so-licensed components, while the partner’s web sites will host their respective Results. In both
cases, the Licence will be clearly shown. The Results licensed in this way will be managed by the IPR Manager
and IP Audit Committee. These two roles will provide all the necessary legal consulting on the Consortium level,
thus drafting the said Licence files and other licensing related texts. However, ultimate responsibility for open
sourcing will remain with the individual partner publishing their code. Within the Consortium, the work breakdown
structure will provide the coarse ownership of the Results of the project. Finer details of the work will be tracked
through the source code management system, providing a clear way to trace the work done in the project. Finally,
for each finished component, an entry to the IPR Log through IPR Manager will be made.

Confidentiality. The project’s CA will address the following with respect to the Confidentiality requirements and
procedures within the Consortium:
● Any confidential information exchange with third parties is on need to know basis for the purpose of
implementation of the Project and is implemented through Communication Manager and bound by an
obligation of confidentiality. The Communication Manager (Lazaros Vrysis IDL) has the role of reviewing
the materials against the confidentiality requirements (stored in the IPR Log) expressed by partners. An
exception are cases, where there exists a pre-agreed agreement on what can be shared or when the
Consortium member is the sole owner of IP to be shared.
● Every partner has 30 days to give written notice that information the partner has disclosed in meetings,
calls or in writing with other partners of the Consortium should be treated as confidential. Exception to the
rule can be made if all partners sign their rights off for a particular meeting. Each request of this kind will
be stored in the IPR Log through a request towards IPR Manager. He will log the Confidentiality request or
waiver into the IPR Log.

Access rights. The access rights are defined with the following statements:
● The list of all relevant Background Technologies is provided in Table 2.4 and will be detailed as an Annex
to CA.
● In order to ensure a smooth execution of the project, the project partners agree to grant each other
royalty-free Access Rights to their Background and Results for the execution of the project according to
Table 2.4. The CA will define, in the Background and Results section, further details and conditions
concerning the Access Rights after the project is completed.
● Access rights are registered in writing, managed by IPR Manager and clearly logged in the IPR Log. •
Access to Background for the purpose of exploiting the Results must be given under fair and reasonable
conditions, or under royalty free conditions. These will be defined in the CA and further refined throughout
the lifetime of the project by the Project Management Board.
● All affiliated entities are granted access to the Background upon request in the CA.

IPR management structure. The IPR management will be the responsibility of the Exploitation manager (by
Anisha Anisha), who will take care of the IPR Log, where Results and used components for building the project,
will be logged. Using this registry, we will analyse licence conflicts and repercussions prior to integration in
GRAPHITEK. Licensing decisions made related to the Results of the project will also be registered, thus providing
a Consortium with a clear and well documented way of IPR status for a particular part of the project. The role of
the Exploitation Manager is described in section Implementation. Among others, the Exploitation Manager, in a
tight collaboration with the members of the Consortium each backed by their legal teams, and upon request of the
relevant parties, shall provide recommendations on concrete IPR problems and align them with the exploitation,
technical interests and the default software licensing policy of the project.

B2.2.4 Exploitation
GRAPHITEK has a dedicated task concerned with the Dissemination and Exploitation RP1 and Dissemination and
Exploitation RP2 Management (T6.4 and T7.4). Others explicitly deal with the overall Dissemination and
Communication of Results. The combination of activities in both tasks is natural and we feel it will bring the best
possible outcomes for the project. As the project progresses, dissemination and exploitation efforts become
essential. Partners develop a comprehensive plan to share project results, findings, and outcomes with relevant
stakeholders. Communication activities are strategically planned to engage different target groups, including the
scientific community, cultural heritage professionals, end-users, and the public at large. Dissemination activities are
designed to maximise the impact and visibility of the project's achievements. Additionally, the project's potential
for future exploitation and innovation is managed through effective strategies and collaboration.Having explained
the actual WP structure, we present each of the four activities in the following sections.
The GRAPHITEK exploitation plan relies on three implementation strategies: (1) exploitation by project partners
(individual exploitation plans) of the results ER1-ER6 defined in Targeted Results of GRAPHITEK, (2)
exploitation of the GRAPHITEK platform as a whole, (3) ad-hoc individual exploitation of the components. This
exploitation strategy will be supported by dissemination activities to ensure a broad take-up of the GRAPHITEK
technologies in the related user and developer communities.

B2.2.4.1 Exploitable of specific components (Exploitable Results)

The table below summarises the exploitation plans of each of the partners. The identified exploitable result lie in
focus of the plans. We assess the key for such exploitation lies in the clearly defined ownership rules and, most
importantly, IPR policies.

RUAB: ER1, ER2, ER3. Research Unfolded exploitation plan focuses on capitalising on the project's outcomes
and innovations from the GRAPHITEK project, specifically tailored for the field of cultural heritage preservation.
The plan aims to establish Research Unfolded as a leading provider of AI-driven solutions for the archival and
preservation of research datasets related to prints and graphic plates. Research Unfolded will offer tailored
AI-based archival solutions to cultural heritage institutions, starting with the success story of the University of
Malardalen in Sweden. These solutions will automate data acquisition, storage, and organisation of prints and
graphic plates, enabling institutions to efficiently manage their cultural assets. Research Unfolded aspires to
become a pivotal player in improving the archival and preservation practices of cultural heritage institutions

HW is an affiliated entity of Research Unfolded and would work on supporting the coordination of the project and
leading the communications and dissemination management. H&W will work closely with the consortium to assess
the potential impact of the project's results on cultural heritage preservation, academic research, and the broader
public. It will conduct a market analysis to understand the demand for AI-powered archival platforms and related
tools within the cultural heritage sector.

KBR: ER1, ER2, ER3, ER4. KBR aims to utilise the innovations of the GRAPHITEK project to further enhance
its position as a cultural heritage institution dedicated to research, knowledge dissemination, and accessibility,
while enhancing the protection and preservation of its heritage collection. The aim of KBR is to find the
innovative, analytical and imaging techniques that are able to shed new light on the material history of printing
plates from the KBR collection that are blended into a better understanding of the physical properties of printing
matrices and their use in scientific research and historical scholarship and a sustainable model for the use and
preservation of printing plates in the KBR Chalcography.

IDL: ER1, ER2, ER3, ER4. IDL aims to leverage the innovations and outcomes of the GRAPHITEK project to
position itself as a pioneer in integrating technology with cultural heritage preservation. This exploitation plan is
designed to harness IDL's strengths in design and technology, offering cutting-edge solutions for the digitization
and visualisation of tangible cultural heritage objects. IDL will adopt many solutions among cultural heritage
institutions like revenue streams from the SaaS model and other services. It can introduce design-centric AI
solutions tailored for the digitization of graphic plates and other cultural artefacts. By merging design principles
with technology, IDL aims to offer visually appealing and efficient digitization methods. Infinitivity Design Labs
envisions bridging the gap between technology and cultural heritage, becoming a global leader in the realm of
AI-driven digitization. By offering solutions that are not only technologically advanced but also design-centric,
IDL aims to redefine the way cultural artefacts are preserved, accessed, and appreciated in the digital age.

ICG: ER1, ER2, ER6. Istituto centrale per la grafica (ICG) aims to leverage the innovations and outcomes of the
GRAPHITEK project to take advantage of itself as a cultural public non-profit institution to broaden research,
knowledge and accessibility, and improve protection and preservation of its own cultural heritage and cultural
heritage. ICG aims to improve research, preservation of cultural heritage, broadening knowledge and accessibility
to its heritage through digitization. The exploitation of ICG would include a better reading and understanding of
the materials and techniques used to engrave a plate; the determination of the "states" and employed materials; the
possibility of comparing plates and prints for a clearer scientific study; the possibility of building networks of
relationships with nearby cultural institutions, to broaden research.

XPEC: ER1, ER2, ER3, ER4, ER5, ER6. XPEC is an SME with a leading role in the development of cultural
heritage solutions based in spectral imaging. The aim through the GRAPHITEK project is to develop further its
existing solutions for the cultural heritage market. XPEC will provide know-how for the development of the
multi-spectral imaging and 3D acquisition prototypes. With its experience in AI assisted solutions, XPEC aims to
offer answers on the way that all technologies will be integrated. XPEC has already developed two
Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) solutions. It can assist on the design of the cloud instrumentation to ensure
robustness and scalability.In this project, XPEC will focus on the protection of IPR deriving from the acquisition of
prototypes, user interfaces. XPEC envisions expanding the solutions that it provides in the cultural heritage
market, becoming a global leader in the realm of spectral imaging and AI solutions. XPEC aims to develop further
its solutions in cultural heritage by approaching the end user needs, providing useful tools for the daily practice of
art scientists.

UNIWA: ER4, ER5, ER6. UNIWA as an academic institution has a leading role in cultural heritage preservation.
The aim through the GRAPHITEK project is to develop further the existing technology and applications for
cultural heritage objects. Moreover, UNIWA also aims to include results in its educational activities. UNIWA can
introduce modelling of multidimensional spaces (4D, 5D) as also processing and analytics using advanced AI
algorithms. By combining this knowledge with experience working with cultural heritage objects UNIWA will
ensure fast and efficient algorithm development for the GRAPHITEK project. UNIWA envisions to lead the
development of AI based algorithms for cultural heritage diagnosis. By offering AI solutions that are fast and
efficient incorporating multiple different analytical techniques, UNIWA wants to expand the current digital twin
concept for the cultural artefacts.

KUL: ER2, ER3. Europe’s most innovative university hosts important heritage collections. VIEW Core Facility is
leading WP4 and assists in various tasks. Through GRAPHITEK, VIEW will have access to cutting edge
technology complementing the current toolset, set its first steps in advanced processing AI algorithms and
strengthen its position in the field of documentary heritage research. KU Leuven VIEW establishes, offers and
explores best-practice pathways for research questions and conservation tasks within heritage studies to
researchers, students and professionals. Since the demand for obtaining Digital Twins of heritage objects will
increase in the near future, the outcome of GRAPHITEK will certainly provide results that can also help us achieve
similar objectives within the context of other projects. As VIEW is a Core Facility structurally funded by KU
Leuven, it has the assignment to establish durable strategic alliances and partnerships. At the same time, it also
wants to continue to work permanently on the development of innovative research infrastructures and
methodologies. Participation in the GRAPHITEK project fits in seamlessly with this long-term vision.

RABASF. The Royal Academy of Fine Arts of San Fernando (RABASF) has been working since 2011 on the
development of innovative projects in the study of cultural heritage. In this line of research, the GRAPHITEK
project offers the possibility of exchanging and developing new techniques for the study of both plates and prints in
their different states. We hope to establish a before and after in the study of our collections with the help of the
multidisciplinary team involved in this project. The RABASF hopes to incorporate new analysis techniques into
the study of its plates and engravings. With the help of the digital tools that GRAPHITEK intends to develop,
comparison with other collections will provide new data for the study of execution techniques and the cataloguing
of collections. GRAPHITEK tools are expected to benefit the scientific community by providing access to a vast
amount of information that would otherwise take years to compile. They will also serve as valuable resources for
controlling collections and ensuring their preservation. The Royal Academy of Fine Arts of San Fernando has an
open database, facilitating access for researchers, with over 1,500,000 pages opened for consultation annually.
Additionally, collaborations and partnerships with similar institutions in the academic and museum sectors can be
facilitated through the provision of software and services within the framework of institutional collaborations
B2.1.4 Summary


AI-Enhanced Digitization Innovation: A scanning device prototype to acquire data Dissemination: Publications at OA journals and
Improved 2D/3D Integration from graphic plates in 4D and applicable to other types of repositories; Conferences to disseminate results;
Digitizing Complex Assemblies heritage Articles at environmental magazines; EU Key
Data science: 4D/5D data models from the scanned surfaces tools; Newsletters; Diffusion of project results to
Analysis of Non-visible Characteristics
Technology: A cloud based state and wear detection system associations where partners are members; Best
Comprehensive Multimodal Analysis with AI capabilities practices handbooks.
AI for Large Data Handling Education: Inform professionals and students on the new Exploitation: Dedicated business plan for potential
Practical Software Integration technologies and cultural heritage commercialisation, including an afterlife plan.
Case Studies & ECCCH Collaboration Awareness: To create awareness of GRAPHITEK outcomes Patenting of technological innovations. Research
to the community exploitation via publications, new skilled
professionals, and new grants.
Communication: Website, newsletter, posters,
leaflets/flyers, videos/podcasts, social media,
workshops, Forum, clustering with policymaking
Archive and Museum Professionals GRAPHITEK will bolster professionals in the cultural Scientific Impact: The project will employ
(Collections managers, Curators, and Museum heritage sector, enriching historical insights and advancing advanced imaging techniques to drive
professionals) preservation on object and collection level. Institutions, breakthroughs in cultural heritage preservation,
Art and Cultural Heritage Experts (Art researchers, conservationists, and the public, will improve enhancing the digitization process and the accuracy
Conservators, Restorers, Art historians, and their understanding of cultural heritage. AI tools will of 3D model captures.
Researchers in cultural heritage) uncover hidden print variations, enhancing artefact Economic/Technological Impact: The project
preservation and deepening historical comprehension. promises new products and services for the cultural
Trainers and Educators in the fields of art Insights from the project will refine restoration methods, heritage sector. AI-driven tools will streamline
conservation, restoration, and art history ensuring longevity of artefacts. Digitization will boost digitization, reducing costs and potentially leading
Cultural Institutions (encompassing Museums, public engagement through tools and exhibitions. to commercial solutions for heritage entities.
Archives, and other institutions with collections New digitization standards will be set, resonating across Societal Impact: The project will influence
of engravings and prints) institutions. Innovative techniques will spur new products policy-making and public awareness. By
Students, Scholars, and the Academic and services, driving economic and technological progress. uncovering hidden details in prints, deeper
Community interested in cultural heritage The project will deliver increased accuracy in digitization, historical insights will be provided, informing
General Public and Art Enthusiasts interested faster data processing, and cost-effective conservation. conservation decisions and promoting effective
in cultural heritage and its preservation. heritage management.
B3. Quality and efficiency of the implementation’

B.3.1 Work plan and resources

This section provides an overview of the GRAPHITEK work plan, from planning to the design and implementation
of the tools, as well as the milestones during the 36-month period timeline.

B3.1.1 Overall strategy of the work plan

An incremental strategy will be used, the project will be divided into more manageable stages, and improvement
will be carried out on a regular basis as the project progresses. The image below illustrates the project's stages,
which are further described as follows (Figure 3.1):

Figure 3.1: Timeline and Milestones for Official Release

Stage 1: Requirements and Prototyping. During the first phase, we will collect the requirements from
stakeholders regarding the digitisation of the artefacts (graphic plates and prints). Specific standards for the
analytical techniques that will be used (multispectral, RTI, Photogrammetry) for the data quality will be
established. During this stage, initial data from laboratory systems will be obtained. Analysis of the data and also
the ECCCH platform standards will ensure the correct specifications/requirements and cost balance of
GRAPHITEK solution. The acquired data will then be used to initiate development of the GRAPHITEK data
management, processing and analytics. Results will also be discussed with the use case partners and define the use
case scenarios that will serve as real-world validation. The use case provider will also provide the reference set that
will be used to test the imaging system prototype. The overall solution architecture will also be conceptualised in
laboratory conditions. This includes creating an initial prototype for the imaging system, discussing AI methods for
wear detection and visualisation, and envisioning the data processing cloud environment.

Stage 2: Consolidation and Integration. Consolidation: The prototype will be developed with the goal of
transforming it into a fully functional system (tech. stage 2). Approaches for AI wear analysis and data
preprocessing will be developed. The design of the data processing cloud resources will be created, with
consideration given to the ECCCH platform standards and to the building of data flow and communication
protocols between the components. Integration: The imaging system prototype and AI algorithms will be
integrated within the GRAPHITEK project framework, and preliminary validation will be performed using the
initial data. We will also incorporate data transport and processing algorithms to provide connectivity between the
imaging system and the cloud. Lastly, connection of GRAPHITEK solution to the ECCCH will be examined.

Stage 3: Validation and Finalization. We will validate the technical outcomes achieved in GRAPHITEK through
numerous use cases, leading in the delivery of the final results. Our technological development can be divided into
two main stages: In the first stage (tech. dev 1), we will investigate emerging multispectral imaging technologies
and advanced data processing and AI analysis techniques and construct a prototype. Improvements will be
implemented based on iterative interactions and initial testing. In the second stage (tech. dev 2), we will begin the
final stages of development and integrate all the components of our revised strategy. Lastly, the validation
procedure is likewise divided into two stages: First a preliminary evaluation will take place (Stage 1: Preliminary
Assessment). The prototype version is examined using preliminary data collected. Case study owners will also
evaluate the components inside their individual use cases. This includes conducting case studies to support
validation and testing the effectiveness and accuracy of the imaging system prototype, detection methods and
visualisation approaches to validate the system's performance and give a foundation for the final evaluation. In
final assessment (Phase 2: Final Assessment), the entire strategy is comprehensively evaluated. This assessment
includes real world use case scenarios and multidimensional data, as well as different cultural heritage artefacts to
examine the overall performance and usability of the created system. The system will be fully tuned for optimal
operation and effectiveness based on the results of the testing and final validation and experience reports, manuals
will be provided.

B3.1.2 Work package structure

Figure 3.2: Work package structure

Work Package 1: Requirements Elicitation and Data Collection
This initial work package lays the foundation for the entire project. The project partners collaboratively define the
requirements for digitising graphic plates and prints. They identify key challenges, technical specifications, and
user needs. This phase involves discussions, literature reviews, and consultations to ensure a comprehensive
understanding of the project's scope and objectives. Simultaneously, partners start curating a diverse dataset of
graphic plates and prints, ensuring that it encompasses a wide range of historical and artistic contexts.*
Work Package 2: Prototype of Data Acquisition Devices
With a clear understanding of the project's requirements, the focus shifts to the development of the prototype for
data acquisition. Partners research and evaluate various imaging and mapping technologies, such as multispectral
imaging, RTI, photogrammetry, and 3D digitization. They collaborate to define the specifications and design of the
optimal imaging system for capturing high-quality data from graphic plates and prints. The calibration and
reference methodologies will be developed and applied to ensure accurate and repeatable data capture. The
prototypes are designed and developed. Testing and initial data acquisition are conducted to refine the device's
Work Package 3: AI-Based State Wear and Historic Modeling Detection System
Building upon the captured raw data, this phase involves the research and initial development of AI algorithms for
detecting the various states of graphic plates and prints. Advanced processing pipelines are designed to preprocess
the raw data captured by the imaging methods for AI analysis. Research efforts focus on investigation and the
initial stage of implementation of AI techniques to recognize the variations introduced in different states, including
wear, technique changes, and other alterations. Partners collaborate to collect multidimensional datasets that serve
as training data for the AI models. Initial testing is performed using real cases scenarios to ensure the accuracy and
reliability of the detection system.
Work Package 4: Data Analysis and Visualization
The captured multidimensional data are then subjected to more advanced AI data analysis techniques. Partners
analyse the data using advanced processing models and algorithms developed in WP3 to gain insights into the
historical and artistic context of the graphic plates and prints. Visualisation techniques are developed to present the
detected states, wear patterns, and historic representations of the plates. These visualisations provide valuable tools
for art historians, conservators, and researchers to understand the evolution and characteristics of the prints' states.
Work Package 5: Integration and Use Case Evaluation
In this phase, the project transitions from individual components to an integrated solution. Partners design and
develop a computing cloud platform to host the AI methods developed in earlier phases. The cloud platform is
tailored to accommodate the specific needs of cultural heritage professionals, offering easy access to the AI
capabilities. Furthermore, the underlying ECCCH cloud platform enables long-term preservation of the produced
artefacts and makes them accessible to future art historians. Use case scenarios are incorporated, and evaluations
are conducted to assess the performance and applicability of the developed tools and methods in diverse cultural
heritage contexts. This phase establishes the practicality and usability of the project outcomes.
Work Package 6 and 7: Dissemination and Exploitation
As the project progresses, dissemination and exploitation efforts become essential. Partners develop a
comprehensive plan to share project results, findings, and outcomes with relevant stakeholders. Communication
activities are strategically planned to engage different target groups, including the scientific community, cultural
heritage professionals, end-users, and the public at large. Dissemination activities are designed to maximise the
impact and visibility of the project's achievements. Additionally, the project's potential for future exploitation and
innovation is managed through effective strategies and collaboration.
Work Package 8 and 9: Project Management
Throughout the project's lifecycle, effective management is crucial to ensure coordination, quality, and adherence
to timelines. Partners work together to oversee project activities, monitor progress, manage risks, and ensure
compliance with deliverables. This work package also involves regular reporting and communication among
partners to maintain transparency and accountability.
B. List of work packages (table 3.1a)

Work Lead
pack cipa Lead Perso
age nt Participant n-Mo Start End
No Work Package Title No Short Name nths Month month
WP1 Requirements Elicitation and Data Collection 1 RUAB 70 1 16
T1.1 Define requirements for graphic plate and prints digitization 8 KUL 16 1 6
T1.2 Identify use case scenarios for graphic plate analysis 7 KBR 23 1 8
T1.3 Collect and curate a diverse dataset 3 RABASF 19 4 12
T1.4 Develop the solution architecture 1 RUAB 12 6 16
WP2 Prototype of Data Acquisition Devices 6 XPEC 85 1 24
Research and evaluate imaging and mapping technologies
T2.1 (Digitization, multispectral, RTI, XRF, Raman, FT-IR) 6 XPEC 17 1 6
Define specifications and design of the optimal imaging system
T2.2 for graphic plate and prints digitization 8 KUL 8 3 9
Application of calibration and reference methodologies for the
T2.3 imaging system for accurate data capture 6 XPEC 18 6 12
T2.4 Prototypes design and development 6 XPEC 17 6 24
T2.5 Prototypes testing and first data acquisition 8 KUL 25 18 24
WP3 AI-Based State Wear and Historic Modeling Detection System 9 UNIWA 78 6 30
T3.1 Develop processing pipeline towards AI and data visualisation 1 RUAB 24 6 12
Research and develop AI algorithms for state, wear and historic
T3.2 modelling 9 UNIWA 16 6 14
T3.3 Collect multidimensional datasets for training the AI models 5 IDL 16 12 18
T3.4 Test the AI models with the acquisition devices in real cases 9 UNIWA 6 12 24
T3.5 Validate the performance and accuracy of the detection system 9 UNIWA 16 24 30
WP4 Data Analysis and Visualization 8 KUL 62 12 34
Analyse the captured data using advanced processing models and
T4.1 algorithms 8 KUL 18 12 21
Develop visualisation techniques to present the detected states,
T4.2 wear, and historic representation of the plates 5 IDL 8 12 24
Evaluate the effectiveness of the analysis and visualisation
T4.3 methods 8 KUL 21 20 33
Conduct case studies to support the validation and feedback
T4.4 analysis 3 RABASF 15 18 34
WP5 Integration and Use Case Evaluation 3 RABASF 75 6 30
T5.1 Cloud platform design and development 1 RUAB 7.5 6 18
T5.2 Integration of AI tools and methods to the cloud platform 1 RUAB 10.5 12 28
T5.3 Incorporate the use case scenarios and execute evaluations 9 UNIWA 19 20 30
Assess the performance and applicability of the developed tools
T5.4 and methods in different cultural heritage objects and challenges 8 KUL 21 22 36
T5.5 Full system optimization 6 XPEC 17 22 36
WP6 Dissemination and Exploitation RP1 5 IDL 47 1 18
T6.1 Plan for exploitation and dissemination of the project results 2 HW 17.5 1 18
T6.2 Standardisation 2 HW 5 1 18
T6.3 Dissemination 2 HW 14.5 1 18
T6.4 Exploitation and innovation management 5 IDL 10 1 18
WP7 Dissemination and Exploitation RP2 5 IDL 45 18 36
T7.1 Plan for exploitation and dissemination of the project results 2 HW 12.5 18 36
T7.2 Standardisation 2 HW 7 18 36
T7.3 Dissemination 2 HW 14.5 18 36
T7.4 Exploitation and innovation management 5 IDL 11 18 36
WP8 Project Management RP1 1 RUAB 40 1 18
T8.1 Project management 1 RUAB 12.5 1 18
T8.2 Quality assurance including risk management 2 HW 8 1 3
T8.3 IPR management 2 HW 5 1 6
T8.4 Data management plan 2 HW 5 1 6
T8.5 Periodic project reporting 1 RUAB 9.5 5 18
WP9 Project Management RP2 1 RUAB 37 18 36
T9.1 Project Management 1 RUAB 12.5 18 36
T9.2 Risk management 2 HW 7 18 36
T9.3 IPR management 2 HW 5 18 36
T9.4 Periodic project reporting 1 RUAB 12.5 18 36

Table 3.1b: Work package description

WP no. 1 WP title Requirements Elicitation and Data Collection

This work package focuses on laying the foundation for the project by defining the necessary requirements and
collecting relevant data for the digitization of graphic plates and prints. The tasks within this package contribute to
the overall understanding of project objectives and scope.
Distilled Objectives of WP1: Define Digitization Requirements: The main objective of this task is to outline the
essential criteria and technical requirements for the accurate digitization of graphic plates and prints. This includes
factors like resolution, color accuracy, and surface details. Scenario Identification: This task focuses on
identifying and formulating use case scenarios where the digitized data will be applied. By understanding the
practical applications of the project outcomes, the project gains direction and relevance. Diverse Dataset
Collection: The objective is to gather a wide-ranging and diverse dataset of graphic plates and prints. This dataset
will serve as the basis for algorithm training, testing, and validation, ensuring the project's results are
comprehensive and applicable across various contexts. Solution Architecture Design: This task involves the
development of the overarching solution architecture for the GRAPHITEK project. By planning how different
components will interact, this objective sets the technical roadmap for the entire project.
Description of work (where appropriate, broken down into tasks), lead partner and role of participants
T1.1 Define requirements for graphic plate and prints Lead: KUL M1 M6
This task involves specifying the essential criteria, features, and functionalities that need to be considered when
digitizing and imaging graphic plates and prints. The aim is to outline the technical and functional aspects
required for accurate digitization ensuring that the digitization process meets the standards for accuracy,
resolution, and fidelity necessary for preservation and analysis. KUL will lead this task, working with input from
all partners, especially Research Unfolded Sweden AB (RUAB), to define the requirements for graphic plate and
print digitization
T1.2 Identify use case scenarios for graphic plate analysis Lead: KBR M1 M8

In this task, various potential applications and scenarios for analyzing graphic plates are identified. These
scenarios help guide the project's efforts towards practical and relevant outcomes that cater to different user needs.
KBR will collaborate closely with ICG and RABASF to identify use case scenarios for graphic plate analysis.
T1.3: Collect and curate a diverse dataset Lead: RABASF M4 M12
Task T1.3 involves the collection of a diverse dataset of graphic plates and prints. This dataset will serve as the
foundation for the project's subsequent stages, including algorithm development and validation. It aims to
encompass a wide range of examples to ensure the project's outcomes are comprehensive. RABASF will take the
lead in collecting and curating a diverse dataset with contributions from all partners.
T1.4: Develop the solution architecture Lead: RUAB M6 M16
This task focuses on designing the overall architecture that will underpin the GRAPHITEK project. It involves
planning how different components and technologies will interact to achieve the project's objectives. The solution
architecture provides the blueprint for the project's technical implementation. RUAB will lead the development of
the solution architecture, with input from technical partners.

WP no. 2 WP title Prototype of Data Acquisition Devices

This work package involves the development of prototype data acquisition devices for capturing accurate and
detailed data from graphic plates and prints. The team will research and evaluate imaging technologies, design
optimal imaging systems, develop calibration methodologies, create prototypes, and test them. The objectives are:
- Research and evaluate imaging and mapping technologies suitable for capturing graphic plates and prints.
- Define specifications and design an imaging system tailored to the project's needs.
- Develop calibration and reference methodologies for accurate data capture.
- Design, develop, and test functional prototypes of data acquisition devices.
Description of work (where appropriate, broken down into tasks), lead partner and role of participants
T2.1 Research and evaluate imaging and mapping technologies Lead: XPEC M1 M6
(Digitization, multispectral, RTI, XRF, Raman, FT-IR)
In this task, the team conducts comprehensive research and evaluation of various imaging and mapping
technologies suitable for digitization. These technologies include digitization techniques like multispectral
imaging, Reflectance Transformation Imaging (RTI), X-ray Fluorescence (XRF), Raman spectroscopy, and FT-IR
(Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy). The goal is to determine the most appropriate technologies for
accurately capturing the diverse characteristics of graphic plates and prints. XPEC will lead this task, conducting
research and evaluations. Partners, particularly KUL, will collaborate to provide expertise and insights.
T2.2 Define specifications and design of the optimal imaging Lead: KUL M3 M9
system for graphic plate and prints digitization
This task involves specifying and designing the optimal imaging system for digitizing graphic plates and prints.
Based on the findings from Task 2.1, the team outlines the technical specifications and design requirements that
the imaging system must fulfill. This includes considerations for resolution, lighting, spectral range, and data
capture efficiency. KUL will be in charge of defining specifications and designing the optimal imaging system.
They will work closely with XPEC and other partners.
T2.3 Application of calibration and reference methodologies for Lead: XPEC M6 M12
the imaging system for accurate data capture
This task focuses on benchmarking and reference methodologies for the imaging system. Accurate data capture
requires precision to ensure consistent and reliable results. The team investigates methods for benchmarking the
system's parameters and reference standards to validate captured data against known values. XPEC will take the
lead on calibration and reference methodologies with support and input from KUL and other partners.
T2.4 Prototypes design and development Lead: XPEC M6 M24
In this task the prototypes of the data acquisition devices are designed and developed. The design process takes
into account the technical specifications, user-friendliness, and practicality of the devices. Prototypes are built
with the aim of being functional, efficient, and capable of capturing high-quality data from graphic plates and
prints. XPEC will lead the design and development of prototypes, with contributions and feedback from academic
partners (KUL, UNIWA).
T2.5 Prototypes testing and first data acquisition Lead: KUL M18 M24
Led by KUL, this task involves rigorous testing of the developed prototypes. The prototypes are put through
comprehensive testing scenarios to ensure their functionality, accuracy, and reliability. The team also performs the
first round of data acquisition using the prototypes to evaluate their performance and capture real-world data from
graphic plates and prints. KUL will focus on testing prototypes and performing the first data acquisition, with
expertise shared among partners and use cases to ensure successful testing and data capture.

WP no. 3 WP title AI-Based State Wear and Historic

Modeling Detection System
This work package focuses on developing an AI-driven detection system to identify states, wear, and historical
techniques present in graphic plates and prints. The team will develop AI algorithms, collect multidimensional
datasets for training, test AI models with real cases, and validate the performance and accuracy of the detection
Distilled Objectives for WP3:
- Create a processing pipeline that integrates AI and data visualization.
- Research and develop AI algorithms for detecting states, wear, and historical attributes.
- Collect comprehensive multidimensional datasets to train AI models effectively.
- Test and validate the performance and accuracy of the AI-driven detection system.
Description of work (where appropriate, broken down into tasks), lead partner and role of participants
T3.1 Develop processing pipeline towards AI and data Lead: RUAB M6 M12
This task involves designing and implementing a streamlined data processing pipeline that prepares acquired data
for AI analysis and visualization. The pipeline ensures data quality and compatibility with AI algorithms,
allowing for effective data processing and analysis. RUAB will lead the development of the processing pipeline
towards AI and data visualization, with inputs from all partners.
T3.2 Research and develop AI algorithms for state, wear and Lead: UNIWA M6 M14
historic modeling
In this task, advanced AI algorithms are researched and developed to analyze the data captured from cultural
heritage artifacts. These algorithms are tailored to detect various states, wear patterns, and historical features of
the artifacts, contributing to a comprehensive understanding of their characteristics. UNIWA will take the lead in
researching and developing AI algorithms for state, wear, and historic modeling, in collaboration with research
partners and technical partners.
T3.3 Collect multidimensional datasets for training the AI Lead: IDL M12 M18
Multidimensional datasets, encompassing a diverse range of prints and plates and their varying conditions, are
collected and compiled for training AI models. These datasets serve as the foundation for training the algorithms
to accurately analyze and detect different aspects of the artifacts. IDL will be responsible for collecting
multidimensional datasets for training the AI models, with input from use cases and support from technical
T3.4 Test the AI models with the acquisition devices in real Lead: UNIWA M12 M24
This task involves the practical testing of AI models developed in previous tasks. The models are subjected to
real-world scenarios using acquisition devices to validate their functionality, accuracy, and effectiveness in
identifying states, wear, and historic characteristics. UNIWA will lead the testing of AI models with the
acquisition devices in the use cases, with cooperation and data sharing among partners.
T3.5 Validate the performance and accuracy of the detection Lead: UNIWA M24 M30
The final task focuses on a comprehensive validation process to assess the performance and accuracy of the
developed AI-based detection system. The system's results are rigorously compared against established standards
and benchmarks to ensure its reliability and quality in identifying various artifact characteristics. UNIWA will
also be in charge of validating the performance and accuracy of the detection system, ensuring it meets the
project's objectives.

WP no. 4 WP title Data Analysis and Visualization

This work package involves the analysis of captured data using advanced processing models and algorithms. The
team will develop visualization techniques to present detected states, wear, and historic representations of graphic
plates and prints. The effectiveness of analysis and visualization methods will be evaluated through case studies.
Distilled Objectives for WP4:
- Analyze captured data using advanced processing models and algorithms.
- Develop visualization techniques that effectively present detected attributes.
- Evaluate the effectiveness of the analysis and visualization methods.
- Conduct case studies to validate the outcomes and gather feedback.
Description of work (where appropriate, broken down into tasks), lead partner and role of participants
T4.1 Analyze the captured data using advanced processing Lead: KUL M12 M21
models and algorithms
This task involves the thorough analysis of the data captured from cultural heritage artifacts using sophisticated
processing models and algorithms. The goal is to extract meaningful insights and patterns from the data to
contribute to the understanding of the artifacts' conditions and characteristics. KUL will lead the analysis of the
captured data using advanced processing models and algorithms, with input and collaboration from use cases and
academic partners.
T4.2 Develop visualization techniques to present the detected Lead: IDL M12 M24
states, wear, and historic representation of the plates
In this task, innovative visualization techniques are developed to effectively present the detected states, wear
patterns, and historic representations of the cultural heritage plates. These visualizations aim to enhance the
interpretation of the analyzed data and provide valuable insights to experts and stakeholders. IDL will lead the
development of visualization techniques to present the detected states, wear, and historic representation of the
plates. They will work closely with RABASF and use case partners.
T4.3 Evaluate the effectiveness of the analysis and Lead: KUL M20 M33
visualization methods
The task involves a rigorous evaluation of the analysis and visualization methods developed in previous tasks.
The effectiveness, accuracy, and usefulness of these methods are assessed through benchmarking and
comparisons with established standards, ensuring their reliability in conveying artifact information. KUL will be
responsible for evaluating the effectiveness of the analysis and visualization methods, with feedback and
contributions from all partners.
T4.4 Conduct case studies to support the validation and Lead: RABASF M18 M34
feedback analysis
In this task, comprehensive case studies are conducted to validate and refine the developed analysis and
visualization methods. These case studies involve the application of the methods to real-world cultural heritage
artifacts, providing valuable feedback and insights for further improvement and fine-tuning. RABASF will
conduct case studies to support the validation and feedback analysis, involving KBR and ICG to ensure
comprehensive evaluation.

WP no. 5 WP title Integration and Use Case Evaluation

This work package focuses on integrating AI tools and methods into a cloud platform and evaluating their
applicability in different cultural heritage contexts. The team will design and develop the cloud platform,
incorporate use case scenarios, execute evaluations, and assess the performance of developed tools.
Distilled Objectives for WP5:
- Design and develop a cloud platform to integrate AI tools and methods.
- Incorporate use case scenarios and execute evaluations to assess tool performance.
- Evaluate the applicability of developed tools in various cultural heritage contexts.
Description of work (where appropriate, broken down into tasks), lead partner and role of participants
T5.1 Cloud platform design and development Lead: RUAB M6 M18
This task involves the design and development of a cloud-based platform that will serve as the central hub for
integrating various AI tools and methods developed in the project. The platform will provide a collaborative
environment for researchers and experts to share and access data, analysis results, and visualization techniques.
RUAB leads this task, with technical and scientific contributions from IDL, XPEC and UNIWA
T5.2 Integration of AI tools and methods to the cloud platform Lead: RUAB M12 M28
In this task, the AI tools and methods developed in earlier work packages are integrated into the cloud platform.
This integration ensures seamless access and utilization of these tools by users, enabling efficient data analysis,
visualization, and collaboration among project partners. RUAB leads this task, with technical and scientific
contributions from XPEC and UNIWA
T5.3 Incorporate the use case scenarios and execute evaluations Lead: UNIWA M20 M30
Participants : RABASF, ICG, KBR, KUL, UNIWA
This task involves the incorporation of the defined use case scenarios into the cloud platform. The use cases are
executed to evaluate the effectiveness and functionality of the developed tools and methods within real-world
scenarios. Feedback and insights from these evaluations contribute to refining and optimizing the platform's
performance.UNIWA leads this task and the cultural institutions RABASF, ICG, KBR, KUL evaluate the results
T5.4 Assess the performance and applicability of the developed Lead: KUL M22 M36
tools and methods in different cultural heritage objects and
In this task, a comprehensive assessment is carried out to evaluate the performance and applicability of the
developed tools and methods across a range of cultural heritage objects and challenges. The goal is to ensure that
the solutions are versatile and effective in addressing diverse artifacts and preservation needs. In this task KUL
leads the task and especially the cultural institutions RABASF, ICG, KB, KUL evaluate the tools managed by
XPEC and monitored by UNIWA.
T5.5 Full system optimization Lead: XPEC M22 M36
The approach to optimization is built on the results of testing and the implementation of real-world scenarios. The
task includes a thorough system optimization with the purpose of enhancing overall performance. It involves
fine-tuning the imaging system to capture high-quality plate images, improving machine learning models to boost
wear detection accuracy and historical modeling, and optimizing cloud platform integration to enable security,
and real-time data processing. In this task yhe technical beneficiaries callibrates the tools, under leadership of

WP 6 WP title Dissemination and Exploitation

no. RP1
WP6 aims to increase the project impact by implementing four main tasks such as dissemination and
communication, standardization, exploitation, and collaboration with other projects with proper means. The main
work is maximising the project impact by dissemination and communication, exploitation, standardisation.
This work package involves disseminating project
outcomes and promoting the exploitation of project results. The team will develop dissemination and exploitation
plans, communicate through various channels, engage in community building, address standardization efforts,
and manage innovation strategies.
Distilled Objectives for WP6:
- Develop effective dissemination and exploitation plans.
- Communicate project updates and outcomes through various channels.
- Contribute to standardization efforts related to project outcomes.
- Manage innovation strategies to ensure successful exploitation of results.
Description of work (where appropriate, broken down into tasks), lead partner and role of participants
T6.1 Plan for exploitation and dissemination of the project results Lead: HW M1 M18

The objective of this task is to setting up and maintain the project website, and social media channels to
effectively communicate with the target audiences. This website will be the main presence point for
project-related materials. There will be dedicated web pages for project introduction, events, documents, use
cases, news, etc. The social media channels contribute to building the community at large through posts and
tagging stakeholders. The relevant dissemination materials include flyers, brochures, and project slides will be
created as well. The task will start from initial stage of the project and go through the whole project lifespan. HW
leads the task and RABASF, IDL, XPEC, KUL, UNIWA collaborate and contribute with input from their
T6.2 Standardization Lead: HW M1 M18
This task will be responsible for the necessary two-ways technology transfer between the world of standards and
GRAPHITEK so as to safe-guard the market-potential of the developed solutions. The task will coordinate the
standardization activities of the project aimed to facilitate the acceptance and adoption of the GRAPHITEK
approach. Identification of related applicable existing standards on European and international levels will provide
useful information for the development of the project and its work packages. As an example. Potential gaps from
all WPs in the applicable standards will be communicated to the Standard Development Organizations (SDO) and
will be tried amended by active participation.
The effort of mapping relevant standards to the use case requirements will form the foundation for developing the
GRAPHITEK tools. HW will lead the task and IDL, XPEC, UNIWA will contribute with expertise from their
T6.3 Dissemination Lead: HW M1 M18
Research and industrial partners participate in conferences, summer schools, workshops, industry fairs, and demo
days to maximize the impact of the GRAPHITEK project. This task will manage the dissemination activities of
all partners. The task leader will collect information from partners and take the corresponding propagation actions
to ensure timely and effective dissemination of the project. Several KPIs will set up to assess the obtained impact.
HW will lead the task and RABASF, ICG, IDL, KBR, KUL, UNIWA will contribute with content and activities
in form of scientific papers, events and meetings.
T6.4 Exploitation and innovation management Lead: IDL M1 M18
The main task includes the analysis of the exploitable outputs for each partner and the definition of IPRs (patents,
licensing properties, etc.). This analysis will focus on the market requirements by identifying the competitors and
value chain to give a holistic view of the application of the exploitable assets towards the target markets. The
SWOT and possible business models will be introduced to deepen the understanding of the market. The
Exploitation Manager Anisha Anisha will coordinate and manage the process of preparing and collating the
exploitation plans of the partners. Each partner will produce detailed plans explaining how they will benefit from
the project and its results and how they will contribute to the exploitation of the project.IDL will lead the task
with support from XPEC and UNIWA

WP no. 7 WP title Dissemination and Exploitation RP2

The objectives of this WP equalizes WP6.
Description of work (where appropriate, broken down into tasks), lead partner and role of participants
The description of this WP equalizes WP6.
T7.1 Plan for exploitation and dissemination of the project Lead: HW M18 M36
The description of this task equalizes T6.1.
T7.2 Standardization Lead: HW M18 M36
The description of this task equalizes T6.2
T7.3 Dissemination Lead: HW M18 M36
The description of this task equalizes T6.3
T7.4 Exploitation and innovation management Lead: IDL M18 M36
The description of this task equalizes T6.4

WP no. 8 WP title Project Management RP1

• to establish an effective project management structure;
• to encourage good interaction within the project and towards the EC;
• to ensure compliance with project plans and that the project activities meet the appropriate quality levels;
• to check and validate the correct scheduling of tasks;
• to manage risks;
• to perform overall legal, contractual, ethical, financial and administrative management of the consortium;
• to coordinate Intellectual Property Right (IPR) and other innovation-related activities at the consortium level;
• to manage science and society issues, related to the research activities conducted within the project.
Description of work (where appropriate, broken down into tasks), lead partner and role of participants
In this work package, the tasks consist of different tools to monitor the project and ensure its good development.
The project management will enable GRAPHITEK to achieve its objectives.
The organizational structure comprises the Project Coordinator (PC), Quality Manager (QM), Technical &
Scientific Manager (TSM), Workpackage Leaders (WPL), and Task Leaders (TL) as described in the following:
- Project Coordinator (PC): The Project Coordinator chairs the Executive Board and is responsible for the
day-to-day management and operation of GRAPHITEK. The main responsibility of the PC is to ensure the timely
and effective overall progress of the project according to the contract. It is also the interface between the
consortium and the EC; t The Project Coordinator will deal with contractual, administrative and financial
matters.The Project Coordinator is Olga Hendel from RUAB.
-Quality Manager (QM): The QM will be responsible for all the results and the quality assurance activities and is
the main point of contact for all issues regarding the implementation of the quality policy and of all quality aspects
in research & development. The QM shall also contribute to the Project and Quality Assurance Handbook.
Furthermore, the QM will support the development of the Project Management Plan (PMP). This role is assigned
to Leo Hatvani from RUAB.
- Technical & Scientific Manager (TSM). The main responsibility of the TSC is to coordinate all technical
activities outlined in the project’s work plan and is responsible for the day-to-day liaison between consortium
partners to consolidate inputs into project planning, progress monitoring, and technical milestone reporting. The
TSM will be Vasilios Papadakis from UNIWA.
- Work Package Leaders (WPL). Each work package consists of a project team with a Work Package Leader. The
Work Package Leader is a member of the Executive Board. The WPL will be responsible for the following
● Coordinating and ensuring suitable progress of technical activities involved in a particular WP group by defining
detailed objectives, tasks and milestones for the work package;
● Coordination of the work package, task meetings and activities, planning and control, and reporting progress and
costs to the Executive Board for further consideration;
● Being responsible for the results and the quality assurance of the work package;
● Managing risks related to their work package.
Each work package has deliverables with an assigned participant in charge. The Work Package Leader will call the
project team of the work package to meetings as often as necessary.
- Task Leaders (TL) have been appointed. Progress will be reported in periodical technical meetings .
Decision bodies: - General Assembly (GA) The GA is the highest instance for decision making and the
conciliation body of the project. The GA consists of one senior representative per Beneficiary (Partner
representatives – PR) plus the PC chairing the GA meetings.
- Executive Board (EB): The Executive Board is the operations steering body of GRAPHITEK. The role of the EB
is to make decisions concerning any important top-level management issues arising. This function is chaired by the
PC and will include all WPL. The EB will meet regularly at least once every month.
- Project Management Team (PMT) is composed by the Project Manager, Technical & Scientific Manager, Quality
Manager. The PMT will meet regularly at least once every week. Meetings may be conducted physically or
electronically. Its principal responsibilities are to support the PC and perform day to day management and
T8.1 Project management Lead: RU M1 M18
In the task the day to day project management is performed, monitoring the performance, coordination of the
project activities at all levels (work-package, project and external events) and handling financial and legal matters
towards EC and the individual partners; RU leads the task and all beneficiaries contribute in meetings and
T8.2 Quality assurance including risk management Lead: HW M1 M3
In the task a Project Quality (PQ) Plan will be produced to ensure its application. The PQ plan will give
information and settle procedures defining:
• routines for progress reporting, quality control including peer reviewing of deliverables prior to their submission
to the EC, documentation and decision-making;
• routines for coordinating the project activities at all levels (work-package, project and external events);
• routines and procedures for handling financial and legal matters towards EC and the individual partners;
• procedures ensuring that innovation related activities and IPR issues are professionally handled.
Risk management includes identifying project risks, assessing their probability and the nature of the consequences
should the problem occur and the design of effective countermeasures. If the risk level is judged to be high,
changes in project planning may be necessary.HW leads the task and all WPL contribute
T8.3 IPR management Lead: HW M1 M6
Management of Intellectual Property Rights (IPR) will be performed according to the agreements in the
compulsory Consortium Agreement of the project.HW leads the task and XPEC, KUL, UNIWA contribute with
expertise from their sectors
T8.4 Data management plan Lead: HW M1 M6
The Data management plan is produced. HW leads the task and XPEC, KUL, UNIWA contribute with expertise
from their sectors
T8.5 Periodic project reporting Lead: RUAB M5 M18
The interim reports will be coordinated and prepared in this task reflecting technical progress towards the
objectives and KPI targets, major deviations, risks and mitigation actions as well as resource consumption. RUAB
leads the task and all beneficiaries contribute with content. RUAB leads the task and all beneficiaries contribute
with content.

WP no. 9 WP title Project Management RP2

The objectives of this WP equalizes WP8.
Description of work (where appropriate, broken down into tasks), lead partner and role of participants
The description of this WP equalizes WP8.
T9.1 Project management Lead: RUAB M18 M36
The description of this task equalizes T8.1 RUAB leads the task and all beneficiaries contribute

T9.2 Risk management Lead: HW M18 M36

Risk management includes identifying project risks, assessing their probability and the nature of the consequences
should the problem occur and the design of effective countermeasures. If the risk level is judged to be high,
changes in project planning may be necessary. HW leads the task and all WPL contribute

T9.3 IPR management Lead: HW M18 M36

Management of Intellectual Property Rights (IPR) will be performed according to the agreements in the
compulsory Consortium Agreement of the project. HW leads the task and XPEC, KUL, UNIWA contribute with
expertise from their sectors
T9.4 Periodic project reporting Lead: RUAB M18 M36
The interim reports will be coordinated and prepared in this task as well as the periodic report and the final
report.RUAB coordinates this task and all beneficiaries contribute.

Table 3.1c:List of Deliverables

Deliverable name Short description Disse Del.

Del WP Lea Typ min. dat
no. no. d e level e
D1.1: Requirements for This deliverable outlines the specific technical
graphic plate and prints requirements for digitising graphic plates and prints,
digitization and use and presents a detailed analysis of various use case
case scenarios for scenarios for analysing graphic plates.
D1. graphic plate analysis WP KB
1 1 R R PU 8
D1.2: Curated dataset This deliverable involves the collection, curation, and
for analysis documentation of a diverse dataset of graphic plates
D1. and prints, encompassing various states, techniques, WP DAT
2 and historical periods. 1 ICG A SEN 12
D1.3: Solution This deliverable provides an architectural overview of
architecture for the the project's solution, outlining the interactions between
D1. project different components, technologies, and workflows to WP RU
3 achieve the project's goals. 1 AB R PU 16
D2.1: Evaluation report This deliverable presents a comprehensive evaluation
of imaging and of various imaging and mapping technologies relevant
D2. mapping technologies to digitising graphic plates and prints, including their WP XP
1 strengths, limitations, and applicability. 2 EC R PU 6
D2.2: Specifications This deliverable outlines the detailed specifications and
and design of the design of the imaging system to be used for capturing
D2. imaging system data from graphic plates and prints, considering factors WP KU
2 such as hardware, software, and calibration. 2 L R PU 9
D2.3: Calibration and This deliverable provides a detailed description of the
reference methodologies and procedures for calibrating the
D2. methodologies for imaging system to ensure accurate and consistent data WP XP
3 accurate data capture capture. 2 EC R PU 10
D2.4: Prototypes This deliverable involves the design and development
design and of prototypes for the data acquisition devices,
D2. development integrating the chosen imaging and mapping WP
4 framework technologies. 2 IDL R PU 18
D2.5: Prototypes This deliverable includes the testing of the developed
testing and initial data prototypes and the initial acquisition of data from
D2. acquisition report graphic plates and prints to assess the performance and WP KU
5 functionality of the devices. 2 L R PU 24
D3.1: Processing This deliverable presents the processing pipeline that
pipeline for AI and data integrates AI algorithms and data visualisation
visualisation report and techniques for detecting states, wear, and historic
AI algorithms for state, details in the captured data and describes the AI
D3. wear, and historic algorithms developed to analyse the captured data and WP UNI
1 modelling identify variations in states, wear patterns, and historic 3 WA R PU 14
details of the graphic plates.
D3.2: This deliverable includes the collection and preparation
Multidimensional of multidimensional datasets that will be used to train
D3. datasets for training AI and validate the AI models developed for state, wear, WP DAT
2 models and technique detection. 3 IDL A SEN 24
D3.3: AI models tested This deliverable reports the testing of the AI models
with real acquisition with the actual data acquired using the developed
D3. devices report imaging system to ensure their accuracy and reliability WP UNI
3 in real-world scenarios. 3 WA R PU 27
D3.4: Performance and This deliverable assesses the performance and accuracy
accuracy validation of of the complete AI-based detection system by
D3. the detection system evaluating its ability to identify and differentiate WP UNI
4 evaluation report various states, wear patterns, and historic elements. 3 WA R PU 30
D4.1: Visualisation This deliverable focuses on the development of
techniques for detected visualisation techniques that effectively present the
D4. states, wear, and detected states, wear patterns, and historic details of the WP
1 historic representation graphic plates in a visually understandable manner. 4 IDL R PU 18
D4.2: Data analysis This deliverable describes the application of advanced
using advanced processing models and algorithms to the captured data
D4. processing models and in order to extract valuable insights, identify variations, WP KU
2 algorithms and generate informative representations 4 L R PU 24
D4.3: Case study Detailed reports of case studies conducted to validate
reports for validation the analysis, visualisation, and AI-based detection
and feedback analysis methods, along with feedback analysis from experts
and and users and
evaluation of the assessment of the effectiveness of the developed
effectiveness of analysis and visualisation methods, including their RA
D4. analysis and ability to accurately depict variations and historic WP BA
3 visualisation methods changes in the graphic plates. 4 SF R PU 24
D5.2: Integrated cloud This deliverable is the cloud platform integrated with
platform AI algorithms, tools, and methods developed in earlier
D5. work packages into the cloud platform, ensuring their WP RU DAT
1 accessibility and compatibility. 5 AB A PU 18
D5.3: Use case This deliverable involves a report that details the
incorporation and incorporation of use case scenarios into the cloud
execution evaluation platform and the subsequent execution of evaluations. It
D5. report assesses how effectively the developed tools perform in WP UNI
2 real cultural heritage contexts. 5 WA R PU 25
D5.4: Assessment This deliverable provides an assessment of the overall
report on the performance and applicability of the developed tools
performance and and methods when applied to different cultural heritage
applicability of objects and challenges.
D5. developed tools and WP XP
3 methods 5 EC R PU 30
Dissemination and This deliverable will provide the guideline for the
D6. Communication Plan scientific dissemination and communication work at the
1 initial stage of the project. 5 HW R PU 3
Commercialization This plan will provide a preliminary assessment of the
roadmap and business market opportunity. The roadmap and business plan
plan will be reviewed and updated with the progress of the
project. The deep analysis will implement the
D6. corresponding exploitation and standardisation XP
2 deliverables of the initial, intermediate and final 5 EC R SEN 6
Dissemination and This document contains the activities carried out in
Communication Report dissemination and communication at month 12. This
- initial version document will encompass the assessment of the impact
D6. through the review of KPI of the midterm of the
3 project. 5 HW R PU 12
Exploitation and This document contains the activities carried out in the
standardisation exploitation and standardisation. The regularly updated
D6. Report-initial status for Innovation Management and IPR within the XP
4 project will be reported in this document, too. 5 EC R SEN 16
Dissemination and This document will present all the outcome of
Communication Report dissemination and communication work from month 12
D7. - intermediate version to month 24. It also give the summary and evaluation
1 according the KPI be set in the proposal and D5.1 5 HW R PU 24
Exploitation and This document will present all the outcome of
standardisation Report- exploitation and standardisation work from month 12 to
D7. intermediate version month 24. It also give the summary and evaluation XP
2 according the KPI be set in the proposal and D5.1 5 EC R SEN 24
Dissemination and This document will present all the outcome of
Communication Report dissemination and communication work from month 24
D7. - final version to month 36. It also give the summary and evaluation
3 according the KPI be set in the proposal and D5.1 5 HW R PU 36
Exploitation and This document will present all the outcome of
standardisation exploitation and standardisation work from month 24 to
Report-final month 36. It also gives the summary and evaluation
according to the KPI be set in the proposal and D5.1.
D7. XP
4 5 EC R SEN 36
Data management plan The DMP will be a living document and will present
(DPM) the status of the project's reflections on data
management. This task will lead the development of a
data management plan through the following activities;
D8. RU
1 5 AB R SEN 5
D8. Project Management This deliverable describes the quality assurance RU
2 Guide and Quality Plan strategy and procedures in the project. 6 AB R SEN 6
Interim Project A periodic report will be submitted to present the
D8. Management Report progress of the project during M1-M6; RU
3 M6 6 AB R SEN 7
Interim Project A periodic report will be submitted to present the
D8. Management Report progress of the project during M7-M12; RU
4 M12 6 AB R SEN 13
Interim Project A periodic report will be submitted to present the
D9. Management Report progress of the project during M18 - M24; RU
1 M24 6 AB R SEN 25
Interim Project A periodic report will be submitted to present the
D9. Management Report progress of the project during M24 - M30 RU
2 M30 6 AB R SEN 31

Table 3.1d:List of milestones

Milestone Milestone Related Due date Means of
number name work (in month) verification
MS1 Project Initiation WP1 M1 The project officially starts, and the kick-off meeting is
and held to establish project goals, roles, and initial planning.
MS2 Prototype WP1; M12 Completion of WP1 (T1.1,T1.2, T1.3) and partly WP2
Development WP2 (T2.1, T2.2, T2.3)
Deliverables: D1.1; D1.2; D1.3; D2.1; D2.2; D2.3;
MS3 AI-Based WP3, M18 Completion of WP1, WP2 and partly WP3 (T3.1, T3.2,
Detection WP2, T3.3) design and development of the Cloud platform
System WP3 (T5.1)
Deliverables: D1.4; D2.4; D2.5; D3.2; D3.3;
MS4 Data Analysis WP4, M24 Completion of initial validation in use cases in WP3
and WP3 (T3.4) and initial analysis of data WP4 (T4.1, T4.2,)
Visualization Deliverables: D3.4; D4,1; D4,2
MS5 Cloud Platform WP5, M30 Completion of WP3 (T3.4) with evaluation on
Integration WP3 performance and accuracy of detention systems
developed. Integration in the cloud platform and initial
validation of the system (T5.1; T5.2; T5.3)
Deliverables: D3.4; D5.1; D5.2; D 5.3
MS6 Final Testing WP4, M36 Final testing and validation of the developed tools and
and Validation WP5 methods (T4.3; T4.4; T5.3)
Deliverables: D4.3; D4.4; D 5.3

Table 3.1e: Critical risks for implementation

Description of risk. level of (i) likelihood, WP Proposed risk-mitigation measures
and (ii) severity: Low (L) Medium (M) high involv
(H) ed
Incomplete or inaccurate requirements (L) | WP1 Regular communication and feedback sessions with
(L) stakeholders to ensure accurate requirement gathering.

Misunderstanding user needs (M) | (M) WP1 Collaborative workshops and discussions to clarify use
cases and requirements.
Difficulty in accessing representative datasets WP1 Collaborate with partners and institutions to pool diverse
(M) | (M) datasets.
Poorly designed architecture (M) | (M) WP1 Regular architectural reviews and consultations with
Technologies not performing as expected (M) | WP2 Extensive testing and piloting before full-scale
(M) implementation.
Inaccurate specifications (M) | (M) WP2 Collaboration with domain experts to ensure accurate
system specifications.
Incorrect calibration methods (L) | (M) WP2 Cross-validation of calibration methods using multiple
reference points.
Delays in development process (M) | (M) WP2 Agile development approach with frequent progress
Technical issues during testing (M) | (M) WP2 Thorough testing and debugging phases, with
contingency plans for critical issues.
Technical challenges in pipeline development WP3 Close collaboration between software developers and
(M) | (M) data scientists.
Algorithmic complexity leading to delays (M) WP3 Breakdown complex tasks into smaller achievable
| (M) milestones.
Difficulty in obtaining diverse datasets (M) | WP3 Collaboration with partners and institutions to access
(M) relevant datasets.
Incompatibility issues with real-world data WP3 Extensive testing using both synthetic and real data.
(M) | (M)
Inaccurate AI model performance (M) | (M) WP3 Rigorous validation against ground truth and expert
Complex data analysis leading to delays. (M) | WP4 Employ experienced data analysts and implement robust
(M) data processing pipelines.
Technical challenges in visualisation WP4 Collaboration between visualisation experts and domain
development (M) | (M) specialists.

Artefacts are damaged using imaging WP4 Develop advanced imaging protocols that combine
techniques (M) (H) techniques such as photogrammetry and multispectral
imaging. These protocols ensure accurate representation
while minimising physical contact with the artefacts.

Inaccurate evaluation metrics (L) | (M) WP4 Establish clear evaluation criteria and involve experts in
Inadequate case study results due to WP4 Thoroughly plan and document case study
unforeseen issues (M) | (M) methodologies and protocols.
Technical difficulties in platform development WP5 Regular code reviews, continuous integration, and
(M) | (M) testing.
Integration challenges leading to system WP5 Gradual integration and thorough testing of each
instability (M) | (M) component.
Use case execution deviations affecting WP5 Define clear use case protocols and ensure consistent
evaluations (M) | (M) execution.
Inaccurate assessment of tool performance WP5 Implement comprehensive testing scenarios and involve
(M) | (M) experts in evaluation.
Incomplete or ineffective dissemination plan WP6-7 Engage communication experts to develop a
(L) | (M) comprehensive plan.
Limited engagement and interaction (L) | (L) WP6-7 Consistent and targeted communication strategies across
various channels.
Compatibility issues with existing standards WP6-7 Ensure alignment with relevant standards organisations
(M) | (M) and experts
Limited dissemination reach (L) | (M) WP6-7 Collaborate with cultural heritage networks and
institutions for wider reach.
Ineffective exploitation of project results (M) | WP6-7 Establish clear exploitation strategies and engage with
(M) potential stakeholders.
The coordination of the project fails. (L - H) WP8-9 The core team has a long experience in participating in
and coordinating European projects. All the partners
have previous collaboration experience with at least one
other member of the consortium.

Table 3.1f: Summary of staff effort

Please indicate the number of person/months over the whole duration of the planned work, for each work package,
for each participant. Identify the work-package leader for each WP by showing the relevant person-month figure in
Total Person-
Months per
WP1 WP2 WP3 WP4 WP5 WP6 WP7 WP8 WP9 Participant
RUAB 6.0 0.0 2.0 0.0 13.0 10 10 41.0
H&W 13.0 12.0 7.0 5.0 37.0
RABASF 6.0 4.0 3.0 3.0 6.0 6.0 0.0 0.5 0.5 29.0
ICG 11.0 9.0 8.0 10.0 9.0 7.0 0.0 3.0 3.0 60.0
IDL 4.0 2.0 6.0 6.0 2.0 11.0 11.0 1.0 1.0 44.0
XPEC 12.0 42.0 15.0 9.0 18.0 4.0 5.0 5.0 5.0 115.0
KBR 13.0 3.0 6.0 2.0 6.0 6.0 0.0 0.5 0.5 37.0
KUL 10.0 10.0 5.0 18.0 8.0 5.0 6.0 5.0 5.0 72.0
UNIWA 8.0 15.0 33.0 12.0 13.0 5.0 4.0 6.0 6.0 102.0
Total 70.0 85.0 78.0 60.0 75.0 57 38 38 36 451

Table 3.1h: ‘Purchase costs’ items (travel and subsistence, equipment and other goods, works and services)

Please complete the table below for each participant if the purchase costs (i.e. the sum of the costs for ’travel and
subsistence’, ‘equipment’, and ‘other goods, works and services’) exceeds 15% of the personnel costs for that
participant (according to the budget table in proposal part A). The record must list cost items in order of costs and
starting with the largest cost item, up to the level that the remaining costs are below 15% of personnel costs.

Cost (€) Justification
Travel and subsistence 18000 Travels (project meetings, scientific conferences and events)
Equipment 23000 Costs for 2 laptops needed for external units, and 2 additional laptops for
exploitation. Multispectral camera should be acquired to be able perform
the initial WP for collection of datasets
Other goods, works 32000 Multimedia Publication software fees (costs of multimedia edition and
and services copyright fees of other institutions)
Remaining purchase 18525
costs (<15% of pers.
Total 91525

Cost (€) Justification
Travel and subsistence 34611,25 Travels needed to collect data on artifacts from other cultural
Other goods, works
and services
Remaining purchase 33288,75
costs (<15% of pers.
Total 67900

Cost (€) Justification
Travel and subsistence 45500 Travels to the cultural institutions to install equipment and perform data
acquisition, project meetings, industrial events and other dissemination
Equipment 59000 Components and materials to develop the data acquisition prototypes,
and development laptops
Other goods, works 36740 Consumables
and services
Remaining purchase 53760 Publication and Patent costs.
costs (<15% of pers.
Total 195000

Cost (€) Justification
Travel and subsistence 12702,55 Travels to the cultural institutions to perform data acquisition, project
meetings, industrial events and other dissemination events.
Other goods, works
and services
Remaining purchase 41397,45
costs (<15% of pers.
Total 54100,00

Cost (€) Justification
Travel and subsistence 40500 Travels to the cultural institutions to install equipment and perform data
acquisition, project meetings, industrial events and other dissemination
Equipment 15772,50 Machine Learning workstations, laptops.
Other goods, works
and services
Remaining purchase 75727,50 Local cloud Infrastructure for the deployment of all developments.
costs (<15% of pers. Publication costs.
Total 132000
3.2 Capacity of participants and consortium as a whole

GRAPHITEK has followed a purposeful, multidisciplinary approach in establishing the consortium. It has been
established in order to conform to key criteria such as adequate level of manageability, balanced consortium
between academia, cultural institutions, end users, and small enterprises technical partners, and a trans-national
approach visible in the figure below.
Figure 3.2 GRAPHITEK Consortium

The adequate level of manageability has been achieved by choosing a coordinator, RUAB, supported by a
co-coordinator HW with comprehensive experience in managing large research projects, by defining a suitable
management strategy, and by bringing together partners that know each other and have already collaborated in the
past. The GRAPHITEK consortium managed to gather a strong group of organisations, each organisation being an
expert in its own field. Below, table 3.5, clarifies the role of each partner in the overall architecture of the project.
On the left side of the figure, each participating organisation is depicted together with the input they bring into the
project (as well as the project(s) from which results are reused) and on the right side the expected results of
corresponding organisations are shown. The middle part of the figure emphasises the actual focus and contribution
areas of each partner in relation to the main components of the project. The staffing of the project mirrors the
gender composition of the staffing of the beneficiaries. In general there is a slight bias towards male researchers
(about 60%) but a strong bias towards female “other” workers (perhaps 70%). Most project members will be
researchers and just few from other categories, meaning that we expect the composition to be quite even in the end.
The complementarities of the partners in the project and the capabilities of the consortium are detailed in the
following subsections.

B3.2.1 Complementarities of the partners

GRAPHITEK requires a consortium consisting of companies and individuals having complementary skills,
technology know-how and expertise. Scientific skills are required in order to develop theory innovations, a new
imaging acquisition device, AI—based system, testing and execution as well as cloud testing. Technological skills
are essential when developing the proposed technologies and prototypes. Knowledge about end-user needs will
enable the identification of adequate usage scenarios to derive reference requirements for the GRAPHITEK
framework. The GRAPHITEK consortium consists of a well-balanced combination of Research partners and
Technology partners Providing knowledge and tools in (1) Integrated 3D and Multispectral Imaging, (2)
Cloud-based Post-processing, (3) AI Quality Measurement and Enhancement, and (3) Smart Visualization for
Collaboration. End-user partners: Providing knowledge of both end-users needs and use cases. Roles and
complementarities are described in the sections below (Table 3.2.1) and section 3.3.2.
Table 3.2.1: Partners roles
Partner Role Contribution area in GRAPHITEK
RUAB Project management/ Project coordinator, RUAB focuses on defining project requirements and
Research / Technology/ developing the project's solution architecture in WP1, designing and developing
Exploitation the cloud platform in WP5, and overall project management and reporting in
WP8 and WP9.
HW Project management/ HW plays a central role in the dissemination and exploitation aspects of the
Research/ Technology/ project in WP6 and WP7. They are also responsible for quality assurance, risk
Exploitation management, IPR management, and data management in WP8,
Research/ Technology/ RABASF one of the largest calchographies in Europe, as end user will provide
RABAS End-User the use case​. Initially, will define the overall requirements to properly address the
F integration of GRAPHITEK technology into its use case (WP1). It will also help
in evaluating these tools, for example,. RABASF's key tasks involve collecting
diverse datasets in WP1 and assessing the applicability of tools and optimising
the system in WP5. It will disseminate and exploit project results (WP6-7).
ICG Research / Technology/ ICG one of the largest calchographies in Europe, as the end user will provide the
End-User use case ICG is responsible for researching and evaluating imaging technologies
and designing the optimal imaging system in WP2. It will also help in evaluating
the Graphiek solution.
IDL Research / Technology/ IDL is involved in developing visualisation techniques in WP4 and takes a lead
/Exploitation role in dissemination, standardisation, and innovation management in WP6 and
management WP7.
XPECT Research / Technology/ XPEC takes charge of the technical management of the project, contributes to
Technical management WP2 by researching imaging technologies, designing and developing the
prototype in WP2 and optimising the system in WP5.
KBR Research / Technology/ KBR is a national library with a large chalcography and a competent digitization
End-User / department that has access to cutting-edge technologies. This expertise will be
instrumental in our research, and KBR will also serve as a use case for our
project. KBR will take the lead in identifying use case scenarios in WP1, testing
prototypes, and acquiring data in WP2.
KUL Research / Technology/ KU Leuven (VIEW Core Facility for Heritage Science and Digitisation
Technologies) is WP4 leader and coordinates several tasks and deliverables in the
technical work packages including developing the solution architecture in WP1,
analysing data and developing visualisation techniques in WP4, and assessing the
applicability of tools in WP5.
UNIWA Research / Technology/ UNIWA focuses on developing the AI-based detection system, collecting
datasets, testing AI models, and validating system performance in WP3. They
also incorporate use cases and evaluate performance in WP5.

B3.3.2 Capabilities of the consortium

The GRAPHITEK project will be executed by a very strong consortium that is capable of achieving the stated
project objectives. GRAPHITEK includes the complementary set of partners needed to successfully establish a
technology for

Finally, the consortium includes end-users that will be able to exploit the technical results from the project and
widely spread the best practices in the community. The complementary capabilities are detailed more below.

● RUAB has been actively involved in the development of research and education support solutions for the
past six years. Currently, RUAB is collaborating with industrial and academic partners on a joint project to
develop a smart next-generation education support solution. In this project, RUAB will contribute to
defining the architecture and quality measurement for the AI models. Additionally, RUAB will provide
expertise in architecture and implementation for the necessary cloud-based data processing pipelines and
the integration of the entire process. Moreover, RUAB will contribute to project management efforts,
ensuring the successful execution of the project.
● HW is a consulting firm specializing in the management and coordination of large-scale European
projects. Although relatively new, the team at HW brings extensive experience, collectively amassing over
20 years of expertise in effectively overseeing and coordinating publicly funded projects. HW's
collaborative portfolio extends across various sectors, including computer science, the automotive industry,
and cultural industries, having worked alongside prominent organizations such as ABB, Volvo, Tekne,
Philips, and Ericsson. Their proficiency in project management ensures the successful execution of
● RABASF The Royal Academy of Fine Arts of San Fernando is a non-profit institution and the artistic
institution of longest track record and greatest cultural vigor in Spain. The Academy houses in its building
the Museum, the Archive-Library and the National Chalcography, which brings together an extraordinary
series of plates engraved by the most important Spanish artists, including copper plates etched by
Francisco de Goya, or old engravings of the Valparaiso collection, masterpieces of the universal history of
engraving. RABASF will act as a Use Case and is also expected to contribute to the project by granting
access to its extensive collection of cultural artifacts, including graphic plates and prints. This access is
fundamental in facilitating the digitization efforts and will ensure a diverse range of materials for study,
leading to a more comprehensive understanding of the domain. In addition, RABASF will disseminate the
results of the project via publications and presentations in top-level conferences and journals.
● ICG is a cultural institution of the Italian Ministry of Culture encompassing the largest public print,
drawings and metallic plates collection with preservation and research laboratories, specialised on research
on the constituent materials of prints and drawings as well as plates, and on techniques and materials for
preservation. The Institute has a multi-annual tradition in research and study as well as promotion of
graphic heritage, especially with regard to its collections and to the technical execution of the works and
methods of conservation
● IDL is a small enterprise. IDL's experience in human-computer interaction (HCI) and user experience
(UX) design is relevant to GRAPHITEK, especially if the project involves user interfaces. They can
provide design guidelines, interaction components, and emphasize a human-centered design approach for
inclusiveness and accessibility, enhancing the usability of the project's platforms and tools. Their UX and
content expertise aids in crafting informative plate visualizations. Furthermore, IDL's proficiency in
usability testing ensures that project interfaces and tools are refined, intuitive, and impactful. This
contributes to the overall usability and user satisfaction of the project's outcomes. IDL will strategically
share project results with educational and research sectors, ensuring wide impact and potential commercial
● XPECT is an SME company that focuses on the development of imaging systems with specialisation in
the spectroscopy and computer vision field as also on the development of novel algorithms for image
analysis. The mission of this company is to provide customers with novel diagnostic and analysis tools on
various applications that require advanced monitoring and quality control. Xpectraltek’s goal is to extend
the use of spectral imaging technology on solutions in many areas and markets, becoming a valuable
partner to companies and professionals. XpectralTEK has a patent on its XpeCAM platform, which
incorporates state of the art spectral imaging instrumentation together with all the necessary processing
software to perform advanced data processing for applications in cultural heritage assets. Website:
● KBR is the Royal Library of Belgium. As a national library, it collects all Belgian publications and
preserves, manages and studies an extensive cultural and historical heritage. KBR provides the public with
access to information, facilitates research and offers a broad cultural experience.
● KUL (KU Leuven) is an international community where innovative research forms the basis of all our
academic programmes. Across the university, driven researchers and curious students continually gain new
insights and use their knowledge to tackle the foremost challenges of our time. As a university it is
dedicated to education and research in nearly all fields. Its fifteen faculties offer classes and
degree-granting academic programmes, whilst research activities are organised and supported by
departments, research groups and its libraries. Via its Core Facility VIEW, it drives a wide network,
activities and projects within heritage studies based on the use of innovative research infrastructure.
● UNIWA as a large academic partner has large experience in running European and national projects
especially regarding cultural heritage. The NDT lab has experience in imaging, spectroscopic techniques
(Spectral Imaging, Raman, FTIR, XRF) and 3D scanning and printing. The university has educational and
research activities in all engineering and scientific fields. From its activities it has a vast network in both
academia and industry

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