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To whom it may concern,

I hope this message finds you well. I am wri ng to request permission to print a permit for POS
installa on. Unfortunately, my user account is currently locked, preven ng me from accessing the
prin ng services directly.

The permit is essen al for POS installa on. Despite the inconvenience posed by the account lock, this
permit is crucial for proceeding on our POS installa on.

I understand that security measures are in place to safeguard our systems and data, and I fully support
these efforts. However, the current situa on necessitates an excep on to allow for the prin ng of this

I kindly request your assistance in facilita ng the prin ng process despite the temporary lock on my user
account. If there are any alterna ve methods or protocols that can be employed to grant access for this
specific task, I would greatly appreciate your guidance.

I assure you that the permit will be used responsibly and in accordance with all applicable regula ons
and guidelines. Addi onally, I am willing to provide any necessary verifica on or documenta on to
support this request.

Your prompt a en on to this ma er would be greatly appreciated. Thank you for your understanding
and coopera on.


Kimberly Villegas - Malapascua

Finance Officer

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