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CBCSfB.A.lProgramme/6th Sem.


Time Allotted: 2 Hours Full Marks: 50

The figures in the margin indicate full marks. ~~rr~~~~~<pCf:f1

Candidates should answer in their own words ~ ~ ~ <Mf ~ ~4(Ift)!/!1 rrw
and adhere to the word limit as practicable. m~1

1. Answer any five questions from the following: (within 30 words each) 2x5 = 10
~Ql-~ ~ ~~~~ (~~o ~~~)
(a) Define globalization.
~~l~Cii~ ~~ lft'8 I

(b) What is sustainable development?

(c) What is Agenda 21?
Agenda 21 ~~?
(d) What is Right to Information?
(e) Mention the names of two non-governmental organizations that work on
environmental issues.
~~\~~ ~ ~~ C<l)j~<plm ~\$~~~~I
(f) What do you mean by Green Governance?
(g) What is Human Development Index?
(h) What is corporate social responsibility?
~~ )jl~If@r<p >f1~<I~\!)1 ~ ~ ?
(i) What is the significance of the Public Service Guarantee Act?
~ ~ ~ \5If~Cii~~~9f<f~ ?

2. Answer any two questions from the following: (within 100 words each) 5x2 = 10
PI~M~Ql-~ ~ ~m~~ (~~oo ~~~)
(a) Give a brief outline of the role of the state in the era of globalization.
~~mCii~ ~ ~ ~fil<pl~ I.!l<r$ ~~ ~ ~ I

6381 1
CBCS/B.A./Programme/6th Sem./PLSGGEC02T 12023

(b) Write a short note on Millennium Development Goals.

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(c) Explain briefly the idea of e-governance.
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(d) What do you understand by carbon-footprint?


3. Answer any three questions taking one question from each module: IOx3 = 30
(within 350 words each)
~ ~f\5@a<J~ 11l<fiW ~ ~ m~ ~ ~ ~ ~g
(a) Write a note on state-civil society relationshipin the era of globalization.
<,IC'it ~-OWilffi<p "1~ltiSi~ ~ fu l!l~ ut<Pl ~ I

(b) Discuss whether 'governance' is essentially dependent on neo-liberal ideology.

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(c) Analyse the significance of green governance.
~ ~1"1t~~ ~9f( ~ta<Jlb-'lt ~ I

(d) Can a balance be achieved between developmental needs and ecological needs?
@~~-'l~~<P ~ l!l<f\~~ bt~l~ ~ ~ 181~"1I~J~"<Pm ~ ? <m~ ~ I

(e) Discuss the challenges and prospects of Citizen's Charter in India.
I8t~@1~ "f1t~ ~ ~@ '€ "1'&t<1~tfu Gt1ta<Jtb~t~ I

(f) Discuss the types and purposes of Corporate Social Responsibility.

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6381 2

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