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ham dam Sam jam

Pam ram

a jam in a jar a ham for Sam Pam

and Sam

Sam has a jam.

The jam is in the jar.
Pam is in the dam.
The ham is for Pam.

Pam’s Ham
Ram has a ham. She puts a jam on the ham. The
ham is in the jar. Pam gives the ham with a jam
to Sam.

bar car far jar war

a far bar
jar in a car
man in the bar
The jar is in the car.
I have a car.
The man is in war.
The bar is far.
A Jar in the Car
Dar has a car. He has a jar in the car. The jar is
for the man in war. The name of the man is Lar.
dad lad bad mad
fad pad had sad

the sad lad had a pad

a mad dad dad and lad
It is bad to be mad.
The lad is sad.
Dad had a pad for the lad.
The lad had a pad.

The Sad Lad

The lad is sad. He has no pad. Dad will get pad
for the lad. It is bad not to have a pad.
Blas was
gas has

was a man
has a gas
has a pan

He has a gas.
She has to pass.
They put on a gas mask.
The cap is as big as the bag.

The Gas
Blas has a car. His car has no gas. Blas will get
the gas, but there is a mass. After the mass, he
got the gas.

cap nap gap rap
lap sap map tap

a cap on his lap gap in his nap

tap the map

The cap is on his lap.

Tap the map on his cap.
There is a gap on his cap.
The plant has a sap.
The man in the van can rap.
Cap on a Lap
The man has a cap. The cap has a sap. It is on
his lap. The man naps with the cap on his lap.

bit fit hit lit pit
sit wit kit knit

sit in a pit
fit for a pit
bit the apple

The man will sit.

The man was hit.
This is fit for a pit.
The girl can knit.

In the Pit
Mit has a pit. The pit is lit. Mit sists in the pit
when not fit. A bit of sitting in the pit makes him

lip rip whip dip nip
skip hip Pip
tip slip nip

have a dip on the lip

sip and hip give a tip

The man will give a tip.

She sips it with her lips.
The boy will dip and sip.

A Tip for Pip

Pip wanted a tip. The man told Pip there was no
tip. Pip, did not just zip his lips. He ran after
the man who did not give the tip.

pig big fig pig dig rig
Mig gig

in a rig has a gig a pig with a wig

The pig will dig a rig.

It has a wig for Mig.
The fig is for the pig.
The man has a gig.
Mig’s Pig
Mig has a pig. He gives a fig to his pig everyday.
Mig put on a wig on the pig. He will bring the
pig in his pen.

pin bin fin kin tin
win thin sin

a tin can
a tin ban
kin of Lin
spin to win
It is a big win.
Lin has a pin.
The tin pin is in.
The thin man can spin.

A Big Pin
Linda has a pin. The pin is big. It is made of tin.
Linda will put the pin in the bin. She will give
the pin to her kin.

rid bid hid did
kid lid slid

a big kid hid the lid get rid

David is a big kid.
Sid hid under the bed.
The kid can open the lid.

A Kid’s Fish
David is a kid. He has a fish. He hid the fish.
Another kid whose name is Sid, wanted to get
rid of the fish. So Sid opened the lid that hid the
fish of David.

dim Tim rim Kim him
like him Kim and Tim in the dim
Kim and Tim are in.
A glass has a rim.
It is so dim.
Nimfa will be with him.

Tim and Kim

Tim and Kim are in the dim room. They are
holding a glass. Tim told Kim not to hold the
glass on its rim. Kim told him that she has to
hpld the glass on its rim because the room is

led bed led Ned red fed
Jed Ted wed
in the bed a red bed wed Ted

The bed is red.

He led Ted to the bed.
Jed fed Ted.
Ned and Edna are newly-wed.

Ned’s Bed
Ned has a bed. His bed is red. Jed and Ted want
a red bed like Ned’s.

egg peg Meg beg leg
a big egg on his leg a peg
egg of Meg
The big egg
is in the nest.
The hen has ten eggs.
Meg will get the peg.
Neg has big legs.

An Egg for Meg

Mother has ten red eggs. The were given by Ted.
Meg wanted a red egg for dinner. Mother gave
Meg a one red egg.

hen ten Ben pen den
Jen men yen Ken
ten hens in the pen
has a den has a yen
Ben and Jen

Jen has a hen.

Ben is in the den.
The hen is in the pen.
Ken and Jen have a yen.

Ben’s Hen
Ben has a hen. His hen is Jen. Jen has ten
chicks. Jen and her ten chicks are in the pen.
Jen and her ten chicks play with Ben.

bet wet net met jet pet
yet get let set

get wet in the jet pet in the net

The pets will get wet.

Get the wet net.
Let the vet get in the jet.

My pet
I have a pet. My pet is cat. It sat in net. It
rained and it got wet. My pet got sick, so I took
my pet to have vet.

ill ell
hell well hill fill sell
tell will kill yell
bell till mill fell shell
Jill bill

well on a hill a bell and a well

tell him to sell

Bill will sell his bell.

The bell fell in the well.
Jill is well.
The farmer will till.

Jill’s Bell
Jill has a bell. He went to the hill with his bell.
There was a well on the hill. His bell fell into the
well. Jill wanted to save the bell but he also fell
into the well.

Bob job mob knob rob

a man’s job on the knob

with a sob rob a man
This is my job.
He is the son of Bob.
The mob got knob.
Bob’s Job
Bob is a janitor. His job is to mop. He does not
rob. He does not want others to cry and sob.
a hot pot not a lot got a cot

The pot is hot.

She got a lot of mop.
She will not jot a dot.
The baby is in the cot.

A Hot Pot
The cat wants to get the pot. The pot is very hot.
It has water very hot.

bow cow how now vow
a bow a big cow
tell her now her vow

The man has a cow.

Ana will show you how to bow.
The boy and the girl have a vow.
A cow runs fast now.

A Cow
A cow runs fast but it cannot bow. The man told
the cow, “Bow now!”. The cow did not bow. So
the man showed the cow how to bow.

sun run fun gun nun

fun in the sun bun of the nun

man in the gun

The nun had fun.

I was given a bun.
The bad man has a gun.
Jim will run just for fun.

Fun Under The Sun

Oh! How fun it is to play under the sun. We will
run and run with the nuns. We will have fun
under the sun. We will eat buns after playing
under the sun.
bug hug jug dug
mug rug

want to hug in the jug

rug and bug jug and mug

I saw a big bug in the cup.

Mig has a mug and a jug.
I will give him a big hug.

Tug’s Jug
Tug has a big jug. The jug fell in the mud. He
got a rug to wipe the mud. The jug is full of big
bugs. The big bugs are for the big ducks.

back deck pick lock duck
pack heck tick dock suck
lack neck lick rock buck
hack peck kick mock luck
Jack wreck sick cock tuck

pick a pack
kick the rock
tick of the clock

Jack is sick.
The pack of sticks is on the deck.
Nick and Jack are back.
The sick duck is in the hut.

Nick’s Duck
Nick has a duck. The duck is black. Its neck was
cut by a rock. It got sick. Nick felt bad.

bail paid vain hair
hail raid drain lair
jail laid brain pair
mail maid train dairy
pail gain grain fairy
rail lain sprainchair
sail main paint stair
tail pain faint
wail rain saint

oil coin
boil join
foil point
soil joint

hay lay bay say pay
day ray gay may way
May and Gay has to say
lay all day I may say

May has a wonderful day.

He will be away today.
Gay is on her way to bay.

It was May’s day. It was her birthday. Kay
came to say, “Happy birthday May!” Happy
and gay , May and Kay went to the park and
played all day.

long a
cane name lake sale
Jane tame bake tale
sane came cake male

bake a cake name of the game

on the window pane tale of lake

Jake can tame a wild dog.

Jane will bake a cake for Jen.
The cake is on sale.

A Cake for Jake

Jane went to the bakeshop. She cannot bake a
cake for Jake. She saw that the cake she wanted
for Jake was on sale. So Jane bought the cake.
She told the baker to put the name of Jake on
the cake. The cake was her gift to Jake.
sea leaf beans dear
bead sheaf dean gear
read beam jeans hear
lead ream lean smear
seam mean near

bee beep seed
fee jeep need
see deep weeds
knee keep reed
been sleep creed
keen sheep wheel
sheen weep peel
seen feet kneel

boat load
coat toad
road soap
mouth pouth house
sound about mouse
around stout couch
loud sour hour

has a mail with an oil

has a pail with a foil
has a paint with a coin
of the dean keep a beeper
in her jeans need a seed
near the beam feed a sheep
of the coat count the noun
of the boat about the south
of the loan around the mouth

The mailman came.

The girl will feed the sheep.
She has a pair of jeans.
He has a coat for his trip to Spain.
I need a green wheel.
She can shout very loud.
He has a coin to buy a foil or oil.
clap black glue plan clown blue
glad place clip bless glass
plant clock blocks gland please
climb blonde glow clear
blend floor
dragon from crab grand
dress frog crawl grape
draw fry crown grace
drink freeze crow green
drip friend crib grow
front cross grow cruel
grass cream

grip a crab
a black dress
a green grape
friend of a king
crawl over the crib
on the green grass
draw a dress

She puts on a green dress.

The cruel dragon can growl.
Brenda can draw a crib.
I climb trees when the sun is up.
The soldiers crawl on the green grass.
Grandmother drank a glass of grape juice.
Children grow fast when they drink milk.

Easy words:
and jump black had big
not on has can red ran
ask well him I up went
just in am will stop
Is but with let
it did yes jump get
an at must his

a away blue come

down find pretty for
little look saw make
me my say one
you play she said
see the so yellow
three to soon

am an all after
at ask are again
black had ate any
but has be as
did him brown by
get his came could
must just do every
on let four fly
ran no good from
well now have give
will our into giving
with out like her
yes stop new how
that they

after they back them

know this block then
live too flag think
may under rock kiss
of walk gum hum
old want run slip
once was sled deep
open were some pain
over what take glass
put when thank seed

about leaf shape

afternoon mango talking
baby map taste
bake nails teacher
cake near thick
calf off tonight
daily other upon
dance page vowel
first partner warm
five queen wood
hands question welcome
hard rabbit woman
if rain while
jeep school write
kite last

air garden numbers

add globe noise
answer grow people
birds green physical
body head question
bone health quiet
circle heavy rectangle
clock jump rainbow
different limbs short
direction leaves space
energy matter sound
eight minutes torso
each weather zoo
fifth form following

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