Padilla Bu

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Republic of the Philippines)

City of Legazpi ) S.c.


I, ARNOLD A. PADILLA, of legal age, married, Filipino citizen and a resident

of Barangay Cabangan, Camalig, Albay, after having been duly sworn to in
accordance with law, hereby depose and state that:

1. I am a licensed electrician presently employed at the Bicol University,

Legazpi City as school electrician;

2. On 09 December 2007 at about 3:30 in the afternoon, while I was

working on the Christmas tree near the administration building of Bicol University
with an approved overtime work together with the employees in the maintenance
department, I noticed Mr. Enrique Viray, a driver-employee of Bicol University and a
resident of Bicol University compound, approaching the vicinity while on board his

3. Thereafter, Enrique Viray stopped infront of the Christmas tree near

the administration building and uttered the words “Hinahanap nyo ako, di nyo ako
kaya”. Then he left the area and strolled around the administration building and the
parking area while continuously uttering various words which I hardly understood;

4. Upon reaching the Guard house, he stopped and made a stroking

motion of his tummy and waist insinuating that he is armed with a gun;

5. After a while, Enrique Viray rode his motorcycle, strolled around again,
stopped near the BUREPC building and alighted from his vehicle. Then he pulled up
his pants as if he was fixing his gun at his waist;

6. I decided to report the incident to the nearest Philippine National Police

at Camp Simeon A. Ola and caused to put into record the aforesaid incident. Machine
copy of the Police Blotter dated 09 December 2007 prepared by PO3 Rustom De La
Torre and noted by PI Jose Sta. Cruz is attached and marked as Annex “A”; and

7. I am executing this affidavit for the purpose of affirming the truth of

the foregoing statements and for any legal purpose this may serve.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand this _____ December

2007 at Legazpi City, Philippines.


SUBSCRIBED AND SWORN to before me, in Legazpi City, Philippines, this

_____ day of December 2007, by Arnold A. Padilla, who has satisfactorily proven his
identity to me through his ___________________________ that he is the same
person who personally signed before me the foregoing instrument and acknowledged
that he executed the same.

Doc. No. ____

Page No.____
Book No.____
Series of 2007.
Republic of the Philippines)
City of Legazpi ) S.c.


We, FLORANTE ALAMA, a resident of Brgy. 1 EM’s Barrio, Legazpi City,

ALBERTO OLAQUER, a resident of Cabangan, Camalig, Albay, and ANTONIO
LANUZA, a resident of Bañag, Daraga, Albay, all of legal age, married, and Filipino
citizens, after having been duly sworn to in accordance with law, hereby depose and state

1. We are presently employed at the Bicol University, Legazpi City assigned

in the Maintenance department thereof;

2. On 09 December 2007 at about 3:30 in the afternoon, while we were

working on the Christmas tree near the administration building of Bicol University with
an approved overtime work together with the school electrician ARNOLD A. PADILLA,
we noticed Mr. Enrique Viray, a driver-employee of Bicol University and a resident of
Bicol University compound, approaching the vicinity while on board his motorcycle;

3. Thereafter, Enrique Viray stopped infront of the Christmas tree near the
administration building and uttered the words “Hinahanap nyo ako, di nyo ako kaya”.
Then he left the area and strolled around the administration building and the parking area
while continuously uttering various words which we hardly understood;

4. Upon reaching the Guard house, he stopped and made a stroking motion
of his tummy and waist insinuating that he is armed with a gun;

5. After a while, Enrique Viray rode his motorcycle, strolled around again,
stopped near the BUREPC building and alighted from his vehicle. Then he pulled up his
pants as if he was fixing his gun at his waist;

6. Our companion Arnold A. Padilla decided to report the incident to the

nearest Philippine National Police at Camp Simeon A. Ola and caused to put into record
the aforesaid incident. Upon seeing that Arnold A. Padilla was on his way to the Police,
Enrique Viray rode his vehicle again and headed towards BU College of Science
building; and

7. We are executing this affidavit for the purpose of affirming the truth of the
foregoing statements and for any legal purpose this may serve.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, we have hereunto set our hands this _____ December
2007 at Legazpi City, Philippines.


Affiant Affiant Affiant

SUBSCRIBED AND SWORN to before me, in Legazpi City, Philippines, this

_____ day of December 2007, by Florante Alama, Alberto Olaquer, and Antonio Lanuza,
with ________________________, _____________________, and
_____________________ respectively, known to me to be the same persons who
personally signed before me the foregoing instrument and acknowledged that they
executed the same.

Doc. No. ____

Page No.____
Book No.____
Series of 2007.

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