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Egoc, Jahara O.


Situation 1:

Teachers can bridge the gap by integrating bilingual resources and instructional strategies. This includes
using bilingual books or materials that present content in both Spanish and English, providing vocabulary
support in both languages, and encouraging the student to make connections between their existing
literacy skills in Spanish and English language acquisition.

Resources and strategies to support access to reading materials and cultural connections in the
student's mother tongue while promoting English language learning may include providing access to
Spanish-language books and digital resources, creating bilingual literacy centers or reading corners in
the classroom, and involving the student's family or community members who speak Spanish in literacy
activities or cultural events.

Situation 2:

The teacher can leverage students' existing language skills by incorporating multilingual resources and
activities into the curriculum. This may involve using bilingual books, encouraging peer collaboration and
language exchange, and providing opportunities for students to share stories or cultural traditions in
their mother tongues.

Strategies to foster a positive and inclusive learning environment include celebrating diversity through
multicultural literature and classroom decorations, promoting peer support and collaboration among
students from different language backgrounds, and encouraging students to share and celebrate their
cultural identities and traditions.

Situation 3:

The student's literacy skills in French can be used to support their development of reading strategies in
English by drawing parallels between the two languages. Teachers can encourage the student to use
their knowledge of phonics, vocabulary, and reading comprehension strategies in French to transfer
skills and make connections to English.

Techniques for comparing and contrasting text structures and vocabulary across the two languages may
include bilingual reading activities, side-by-side text comparisons, and explicit instruction on cognates
and language similarities to help bridge the gap and improve reading comprehension in English.

Situation 4:
Schools and teachers can involve parents from diverse language backgrounds by offering translation
services, hosting bilingual workshops or family literacy nights, and providing culturally responsive
communication materials in multiple languages. They can also encourage parent participation in school
events and activities and provide opportunities for parents to share their language and cultural expertise
with the school community.

Resources and strategies to bridge the language gap and support parents in their children's literacy
development may include providing bilingual literacy materials and resources, offering language classes
or workshops for parents, and facilitating parent-child reading programs or language exchange

Situation 5:

The author can use content and themes that are universal and relatable across different cultures while
incorporating elements of diverse cultures and languages. This may include storytelling techniques that
emphasize emotions, experiences, and values that resonate with children from diverse backgrounds, as
well as incorporating multilingual elements such as phrases or words from different languages.

Strategies to promote intercultural understanding through the content and illustrations of the book
include incorporating diverse characters and settings, representing cultural traditions and practices
authentically and respectfully, and providing supplementary materials or resources that offer additional
context and information about the cultures depicted in the book.

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