Avatar Rules

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Building A Character:

There are 10 Archetypes (Think Classes) that also references personality/history to

choose from and are included in this doc
ndly-4.pdf?v=1666981283 but I will break them down for you briefly to see what type you want
to play.
Note: We can only have one of each so let me know before you go down building a
character so we avoid duplicates.

The Adamant: Zealous with a good heart and strong willed. Their Balance (Inner Conflict) is
Restraint vs Results.

The Bold: Charming, sees themselves as better than they seem and are out to show off. Their
Balance is Loyalty vs. Confidence

The Guardian: Protector and Defender to others, even to their own harm, they’ve made one of
their traveling companions their ward. Balance is Self Reliance vs Trust.

The Hammer: Fighter, solves problems with violence. Their Balance is Force vs Care.

The Icon: Fighter from ancient tradition and dedicated to duty. Balance is Role vs Freedom.

The Idealist: Survivor of great harm or injustice but still very hopeful in a better future. Balance is
Forgiveness vs Action.

The Pillar: Leader, once from another team either lost or separated but now dedicated to the
others in the party. Balance is Support Vs Leadership.

The Prodigy: Master of their training but tends to be arrogant and isolated. Balance is
Excellence vs. Community.

The Rogue: A vagabond who has struggled to survive and belong so they rebel to make up for
it. Balance is Friendship vs Survival.

The Successor: Inheritor of a massive legacy known all over and with its own dark history.
Balance is Tradition vs Progress.
Choosing your archetype you can go to the documents and select it where your stat
modifiers and moves are available. I will providing the list of all other moves that are not written
in the document.

This next section will cover both character creation as well as some gameplay mechanics. I will
be summarizing so y’all don’t gotta read the book like I’ve been doing xD
I will be using the Adamant Character sheet for this example but bare in my every sheet has its
own info.

1. Archetype: We just went over this.

2. Name: The book suggests using names related to the world but I really don’t care go off
3. Background: Where did your character come from, who did they know? A military
background may give you more success in dealing with them, while you may be able to
convince a criminal to work with you if you have an outlaw background. You can choose
as many as you want as long as it makes sense.
4. Demeanour: Basic Personality, again choose as many as you want as long as it makes
5. Fighting Style: Rough description of their fighting specialty, there are no specific ones
you have to choose so you could mark down a brief explanation of whatever you see
them doing.
6. Your Training: One of the four types of bending, weapons, or technology. You can only
choose one according to the book but I’ll allow two but not two styles of bending. You
can mix bending and Technology or Technology and weapons and so on.
7. Statuses: Change throughout the game and will positively or negatively impact your rolls.
I will break them down here:
i. Doomed: Mark 1 fatigue every exchange or every few seconds (decided
by GM).
ii. Impaired: You’re limited, mark 1 fatigue or take -2 to all physical actions.
iii. Trapped: Mark a combination of 3 conditions or fatigue until escape.
iv. Stunned: You can’t act for a few seconds.
v. Empowered: Clear 1 fatigue every exchange or every few seconds
(decided by GM)
vi. Favored: Choose an Additional basic or mastered technique in next
vii. Inspired: Shift your balance to a principle of your choice.
viii. Prepared. Take +1 to appropriate rolls to avoid marking a condition.

8. Stats: Modifiers to die rolls. You already have them set up at the start as you can see
with the Adamant sheet who has a + on Passion and Focus but a -1 on Harmony. You
are allowed a +1 to any of these stats right now so choose wisely. They cap out at +3.
Fatigue: I forgot to number it lol. Different events will cause fatigue to increase from bad
to conditions. Upon filling it, you will begin to start filling statuses until you are unable to
Function. I probably won’t kill you though, maybe.
9. Balance: Your inner conflict and your beliefs. At the start of the game this begins in the
center but if you want you may start the game with it shifted one way or another. For the
Adamant that is either Results or Restraint. The center is your default when not dealing
with shit. The top and bottom numbers are your principle scores and will always be in
opposites of each other so if one is +2 the other is -2.

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