Avatar GM-2

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The group is called to Ba Sing Se, some knowing eachother from previous missions,
others meeting for the first time. Ultimately, the reason is the same, they are known for some skill
or another, and they are skills that Prince Wu’s advisor, an older woman named Aya- an older
woman from the fire nation, has recommended he heed with the Avatar busy with other affairs.

Session 1: A Broken World

The group is sent to the Earth Kingdom States in order to investigate Red Lotus
interference in upcoming elections. They were sent through forgotten tunnels to do so atop of
badger moles but were disrupted by a group of bandits working for the Red Lotus. After the
battle, and a little song from Xin Ping to encourage the badger moles, the animals led them
through an alternate route, avoiding a collapsed tunnel and further ambushes but leading them
off their route. They arrive at the Misty Palms Oasis.

At the bar, they get drinks and look for information as Xin Ping asks for where they can
find a metalbending master and Rojun and Mung Gi ask for any information there might be about
upcoming elections. The barkeep, Yunice, replies to both after some convincing. There is a
metalbending and metallurgy master on the outskirts about a days walk away. They headed out,
leaving the badger moles behind and making it to Gee, a man who lives in a shanty home of
metal built in awkward and unusual shapes. But he refuses to answer the door to Xin Ping until
Xin just removes his roof forcing Gee to fight. Xin looses miserably and while Rulo attempts to
steal metal from the man and fails. In the end the group (except for Rulo apologises) and Gee
warns them to not make enemies as he was former Red Lotus, but for their apology he gives Xin
a thin sheet of metal.
They made their way to the next area, a village called Don where elections are being held,
with two primary candidates: Rei an older Earthkingdom gentleman who seems to stand for
traditional values, and Lu, a young woman in her 20s of Fire Nation decent and a firebender, who
strives to be more open to people of all nations. As preparations go for a debate on the day the
team arrived. Xin Ping and Rojun go to check out a tea shop while Mungi waited outside and
(Rulo got drunk). They got tea from the shop and some info about other nearby shops including
an Herb Shop which was closed and a Bakery, both belonging to the tea shop owner’s brothers
children of the Cabbage Man. Mung Gi and Rojun head to the bakery while Xin finds himself in a
weapons shop. At the Bakery, the two attempt to find what they can about a special herb known
to be very spiritual that they learn is the Smoke Lilly. While the Baker certainly did have it, he
devours the last loaf not wanting to give them the herbed bread worrying that they are cops.
Though, he did seem very interested in watching the stage for the debate from his shop not
wanting to look away. The two leave with some (allot) of fire bread.
During this, Xin would buy a stone earthkingdom shield from Avatar Aangs time from the
weapons shop. The group gets back together to the debate largely as Rulo drunkenly walked
towards it. It had many people watching the stage as the two candidates came out, while the
team noticed a window was oddly opened in line to the stage as a noise began to buzz from it.
While Rojun attempted to shoot fire at the window just incase a projectile was shot out, hitting
candidate Lu and sending to her to the ground bleeding. As Rulo and Rojun stayed behind to
protect and attempt to stop the bleeding, Xin and Mung Gi chased after and captured the
assailants. While Rojun did cauterize Lu’s wound, the waterbending healer instead had to cut it
open again so the metal shot into them could be removed and properly healed. Xin was able to
search one assailant and found an unusual object. When Lu regained consciousness she invited
the team to her home to rest.
In the morning she leaves to deal with her own business but not before a letter is stolen
from her pocket by Hogie. The letter being a well wish from her political opposition Rei. The
group investigate her home finding she has allot of New Fire Nation fashion and decorations,
she’s been in regular communication with Rei, and she has a piece of Platinum that looks to be a
part of Kuvira’s mech. They decide to speak with the asailants who are being held in a jail. The
asailants do not want to talk but they were certainly hired by someone. In drinking their tea they
collapse dead with the tea being the culprit that was mysteriously delivered and allowed through
by the guards. They track the tea back to the three brothers. The baker will not or does not have
information related to the tea, the herbalist and Xin Ping flirt to get the information the toxic herb
was Monkey’s Sting, an Aphrodisiac, and the tea brother sells this type of drink which is fatal in
high dosages.
They confront the Tea brother with this information and while he initially lies about selling it
to Rei’s deceased Parents, he admits he sold it to a young man with dark hair and green eyes
that goes by Lee, a traditionally Fire Nation Name. They attempt again to bother the other two
brothers but get little more info, they will speak with Candidate Rei next time.
Pantu Village Arc:

After the events in Don, the team receives a heads up from Lu about a possible
metalbending teacher for Xin Ping in a distant town near Republic City. Given the overall goal of
the team to research what is going on with the Red Lotus, they heed what they’ve learned from
their adventure in Don and head out.

Pantu Village:
Much more of a city than a village although the name has carried over over the past few
decades. Formerly part of the Fire Nation Colonies but also a location where many Imprisoned
Water Tribe members escaped to after the War Making for a culturely diverse town. It’s primarily
known for its fishing industry but also has a well known metal worker who calls himself the Dark
The town has several Inns and shops and is overall very quaint, however there are rumors
of an underground bending fighting arena that is held strictly taboo by the locals.

Important Names:
The Dark One: One of Toph Beifong’s first students, a somewhat grumpy old man with a
good heart and a dark sense of humor.
Ai: Current chief of police in Pantu, middle aged woman with greying hair. Originally from
Republic City but was forced to leave in disgrace she will not speak up on (bending removed by
Amon, felt like she failed to have lost it in the first place and doesn’t feel she deserves it back).
Hau: Man in his 30s, current leader of Pantu, they had elections prior to the group’s arrival.
Was heavily against Kuvira’s control with the town being one of the last to be invaded by her.

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