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English Language Arts Grade 9-10

Reading Closely and

Analyzing Text
ELA with Ms. Rosa Maria Aguado
Lesson Outline
01 Reading Closely and Making Logical

02 Citing Specific Textual Evidence in a


03 Determining Central Ideas or Themes

in a Text

04 Analyzing the Development of Central

Ideas or Themes

05 Summarizing Key Supporting Details

and Ideas
Close Reading and its
Close reading is an essential skill that we develop as readers to
gain a deeper understanding of a text. It involves carefully
examining a passage, poem, or any written work to uncover its
layers of meaning, subtle nuances, and the author's purpose.

Close reading helps us understand the author's intentions,

uncover hidden meanings, and develop our own interpretations of
the text. It allows us to explore different perspectives, question
assumptions, and analyze the text's structure and organization.

Reading Closely and Analyzing Text 01 Reading Closely and Making Logical Inferences
Close Reading Strategies
Identify key details Author's tone and
and evidence word choice
Look for patterns, repetitions, or Consider the emotions conveyed by
contrasts that might provide clues to the author's language and how they
the author's intentions. contribute to the overall message.

Pay attention to specific words, Analyze the connotations of certain

phrases, or descriptions that carry words and their impact on the text's
significant meaning or symbolism. meaning.

Reading Closely and Analyzing Text 01 Reading Closely and Making Logical Inferences
Making Logical Inferences
Making logical inferences from the text is a crucial skill that helps us go beyond what is explicitly
stated and uncover deeper meanings and insights. Here's why making logical inferences is important:

01 02 03
Making logical inferences Making logical inferences Making logical inferences fills
allows us to uncover deeper cultivates our ability to in gaps in our understanding
meanings, intentions, and evaluate information, and helps us make sense of
underlying ideas that consider different complex information. It
contribute to a more perspectives, and develop a enables us to connect
comprehensive understanding deeper understanding of the different parts of the text
of the text. text and its implications. and interpret implicit clues.

Reading Closely and Analyzing Text 01 Reading Closely and Making Logical Inferences
Inference-Making Strategies
Infer characters' Author's purpose and
thoughts and feelings point of view
Analyze the characters' actions, Reflect on why the author might have
dialogue, and interactions to discern written the text and the perspective
their underlying intentions or desires. they bring to the subject matter.

Consider their background, Analyze how the author's beliefs or

relationships, and experiences to make biases might influence the message
inferences about their behavior. conveyed in the text.

Reading Closely and Analyzing Text 01 Reading Closely and Making Logical Inferences
Textual Evidence
Textual evidence refers to specific details, examples, quotes, or
information taken directly from a text that supports or
substantiates a claim, interpretation, or argument.

It is the use of concrete references from the text to provide

evidence for the conclusions or assertions made in discussions,
analyses, or written responses.

Citing textual evidence is of great significance as it provides

support and credibility to the conclusions we draw from the text.
As readers and thinkers, it is essential to back up our ideas and
arguments with specific evidence from the text we are analyzing.

Reading Closely and Analyzing Text 02 Citing Specific Textual Evidence in a Text
Significance of Citing Evidence
Establishing Demonstrating
Credibility Engagement
When we cite textual evidence, we Citing textual evidence showcases our
demonstrate that our conclusions are not engagement with the text and our ability
based on unsupported claims. to comprehend and analyze its content.

By referencing specific examples, quotes, It demonstrates that we have thoroughly

or descriptions from the text, we show read and understood the text, as we are
that our interpretations are rooted in able to identify and reference relevant
the text itself, making our arguments passages or details that support our
more credible and persuasive. conclusions.

Reading Closely and Analyzing Text 02 Citing Specific Textual Evidence in a Text
Significance of Citing Evidence
Strengthening Logical Dialogue and
Reasoning Collaboration
Citing textual evidence adds a layer of Citing textual evidence opens up
logical reasoning to our arguments. opportunities for meaningful discussions
and collaborative learning.
It shows that we have examined the text
critically, identified patterns or By sharing specific passages or quotes, we
connections, and selected evidence that invite others to engage with the text and
directly supports our claims. We provide a explore different interpretations. It
solid foundation for our reasoning and fosters a shared understanding and
make our arguments more persuasive. encourages critical thinking among peers.

Reading Closely and Analyzing Text 02 Citing Specific Textual Evidence in a Text
Types of Textual Evidence
Direct Quotes Facts Descriptions
Use the author's exact Cite data, statistics, or Refer to how characters are
words or rephrase them facts from the text to described to support your
accurately to support your support arguments or claims interpretations of their
points. related to non-fiction or motivations or traits.
informative texts.
Direct quotes provide strong These details provide insight
evidence when the wording is These pieces of evidence lend into character development
essential or when analyzing credibility and reinforce and contribute to the overall
specific literary techniques. logical reasoning. meaning of the text.

Reading Closely and Analyzing Text 02 Citing Specific Textual Evidence in a Text
Example of Proper Citing
Citing Direct Quotes
When citing direct quotes, you reproduce the exact
words or phrases as they appear in the original text,
encapsulated within quotation marks.

Example 1: "The sun rose slowly, casting a golden

glow over the tranquil meadow" (Aguado, 23).

Example 2: According to the character's dialogue,

"I can't believe this is happening" (Dubois, 45).

Reading Closely and Analyzing Text 02 Citing Specific Textual Evidence in a Text
Example of Proper Citing
Paraphrasing is the act of restating information, ideas,
or passages from a source using your own words while
maintaining the original meaning.

Example 1: The author highlights the serene beauty

of the meadow as the sun ascends, creating a warm
and radiant atmosphere (Aguado, 23).

Example 2: In the his words, there is a sense of

disbelief at the unfolding events (Dubois, 45).

Reading Closely and Analyzing Text 02 Citing Specific Textual Evidence in a Text
Example of Proper Citing
Connecting the Cited Evidence
to your Argument
Example 1: The description of the sunset in the
meadow sets a peaceful tone (Aguado, 23). This
supports the theme of finding solace in nature.

Example 2: The character's exclamation reflects

their emotional state and underscores the shocking
nature of the situation (Dubois, 45). This highlights
the theme of unexpected challenges in life.

Reading Closely and Analyzing Text 02 Citing Specific Textual Evidence in a Text
Central Ideas or
Themes in a Text
Central ideas or themes refer to the main concepts, messages,
or recurring topics explored in a text. They represent the
underlying meaning or purpose of the work and provide a unifying
focus throughout the narrative, poem, or play.

Central ideas or themes often transcend specific characters,

events, or settings and offer broader insights into the human
condition, society, or the author's perspective on a particular

Reading Closely and Analyzing Text 03 Determining Central Ideas or Themes in a Text
Explicit Theme Implicit Theme
Explicit central ideas or themes are Implicit central ideas or themes are
directly stated or clearly expressed not explicitly stated in the text but
within the text. They are overt and rather implied or suggested.
easily recognizable, as the author
explicitly presents them through They require the reader to make
specific statements, dialogue, or inferences and read between the
recurring motifs. lines to uncover the deeper meaning.

Explicit central ideas/themes are Implicit central ideas/themes may be

readily apparent to the reader and hinted at through subtle clues,
do not require extensive analysis or character actions, symbolism, or
inference. subtext.

Reading Closely and Analyzing Text 03 Determining Central Ideas or Themes in a Text
Identifying Central Ideas/Themes
Examining Conflict Motifs and Symbols Transformations
Identify the primary challenge Look for recurring symbols, Pay attention to how
that drives the narrative or images, or motifs that characters change, grow, or
the main argument in non- appear throughout the text. develop throughout the text.
fiction texts.
Consider their significance Analyze how these character
Consider how the characters and how they contribute to arcs relate to the central
or ideas interact with this the overall meaning or ideas or themes being
central conflict. message. explored.

Reading Closely and Analyzing Text 04 Analyzing the Development of Central Ideas or Themes
Textual Evidence
Summarizing is the process of condensing a longer piece of text,
such as an article, story, or essay, into a shorter version that
captures the main points and key ideas.

It involves extracting the essential information from the original

text and presenting it in a concise and coherent manner.
Summarizing requires careful reading, comprehension, and the
ability to identify the most important elements of the text.

By summarizing, you effectively distill the text to its core

elements, allowing others to grasp the main ideas without having
to read the entire piece.

Reading Closely and Analyzing Text 05 Summarizing Key Supporting Details and Ideas
Purpose of Summarizing
Condensing Information
Summarizing allows us to condense lengthy or complex texts into a
more manageable form. By selecting the most relevant and
significant details, we create a concise summary that captures the
essence of the original text.

Enhancing Comprehension
Summarizing requires a deep understanding of the text and its key
elements. When we summarize, we actively engage with the material,
identify the main ideas, and differentiate them from minor or
supporting details.

Reading Closely and Analyzing Text 05 Summarizing Key Supporting Details and Ideas
Purpose of Summarizing
Identifying Central Ideas and Themes
Summarizing helps us identify the central ideas or themes that run
throughout a text. By summarizing, we gain a broader perspective
on the overall message or purpose of the text, recognizing the
recurring motifs or concepts that contribute to its meaning.

Reviewing and Retaining Information

Summarizing serves as a valuable study tool. When we summarize a
text, we create a condensed version that we can easily refer back
to for review and reinforcement.

Reading Closely and Analyzing Text 05 Summarizing Key Supporting Details and Ideas
What is an Effective Summary?
An effective summary is concise.
Effective summaries are concise, presenting the main points and key details of a text in a brief
and condensed form. Unnecessary repetition, tangential information, and minor details are
omitted to focus on the essential elements of the original text.

An effective summary is clear.

Effective summaries are clear and easy to understand. They use clear and straightforward
language to convey the main ideas without ambiguity. The summary should be accessible to
readers who may not have read the original text, providing a clear overview of the content.

Reading Closely and Analyzing Text 05 Summarizing Key Supporting Details and Ideas
What is an Effective Summary?
An effective summary maintains objective tone.
Effective summaries maintain an objective tone, presenting the information in a neutral and
unbiased manner. Personal opinions or interpretations are avoided, and the focus is on conveying
the main ideas of the text without adding personal biases or perspectives.

An effective summary is accurate.

Effective summaries accurately represent the main points and key details of the original text.
They capture the core meaning, central ideas, and important supporting evidence while
maintaining the integrity of the original author's work.

Reading Closely and Analyzing Text 05 Summarizing Key Supporting Details and Ideas
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attentive listening!
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