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Guidelines and Mechanics

1. Each group must have 10 members.

2. The piece to be performed for the Reader’s Theater competition is “The Aged
Mother” Matsuo Basho. Each group will begiven a copy of the said story.

3. The performance must not shorter than three (3) minutes and longer than
seven (7) minutes.

4. Memorizing is not required. The participants can bring a copy of the story on stage
while performing. It should be on a white folder with uniform size and appearance.

5. The participants are not allowed to use backdrops or costumes.

6. Excessive stunts and movements are not allowed. Only minimal but appropriate
gestures are required.

7. Participants can add some lines, adlibs and dialogues ONLY with significant relevance
to the performance and piece.

8. The participants must not use any background music in their performance. Doing so
maybe subject to disqualification.

9. The criteria for judging will be as follows

Oral Delivery (Clarity, Volume and Enunciation) 35%

Facial Expression, Vocal Projection and Appropriate Gestures 35%

Overall Impression 30%

TOTAL 100%
9. Winners will be ranked as First Place, Second Place and Third Place. Each group will
be given certificate.

10. The decision of the judges is final and irrevocable.

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