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mOne lime awake ,nuh jetalhaut

suti uidicaluny puued alutnes.

mith ugu cooe dnatid

amd alaptakt lity
The jeiis de camemoe ueshowaue do mislnal
ulimulalom, wacding eactng to dnd and

jetl miy aud audulöy diuunzinalion cluuap

ith u asilty to cusknguh ola, lasgagu,
d elodeeo

alouo hy neni moher lwig tu last wie


bueualal wmisumeal tueme.

et that cauus

mamuny mal<owm atiom") auel they Juiat uaumao


- ham dons by dee utogens ws mot lways e

ud utiugutfomwand. t dsms
) Jose - Thu laguy dou Due
hau wonce -e

hau eormut.
g modicalon
wa Cauton
n for need tw
eue uedatue,
tolid thaldomdo
a 19%0, cauly gu
buouuhaon mon- Bugcujnlom
cuuduw. eeploe
e ablils
to child tu
a- oceuub alo wmequMes
may Lydhoicg
cecades foy ub ehow
wdr may aud delayd butemo
ue halth tdamaye.
eheulu. nmeh au ate bcul and hmha He yePuole
deuometo Ruena
damag tn hawnjud euminnnmt
upauud hine,it
biolagially tuo sug Uapidly. duuelop to
haut uicha nhan tame tid ni which
us wuod
cau cauu, meclical o<lacl ndlmuon uaou
Snjbmo megalwe OHun 3)
DES - Dietuy shbubol) eke ct pES ,a tythtic h o n
Ruocuked' to Jseuen miscawuage fuom 199cho 19ro
had wong
MOHA ch au nagumal camcue, wune maijeum alion
and cgnay conplicalin
Accutame (Tsohehnoin) uos - Aceutaw, o wbamun A
a ceuvatue ueoçhed for veueme acne , s a holin

can sww Vauous cbuomalles n tu deeesfwng

eluoy necccitun elict huuth Conol mmano

(uee-the cona medteuen - lome Gw-h wunle

comnon wluwCco u

o cola can aleo laad fo coicalis

Anidijueosawnls mecicam may ineaee the ik

pnau and Rith comlicalon qfecg
Cnd blsd wumue win

mmgr wes ulhhe medcalon
malny it hand to yunut t uat caue
Gthe ionulald fause wmay alao at fy
heuom nd metnad om dlad

puchlina uu babis, wncludug uumabuuty low

Guith naigud, phyieal dyshualung dsciie

-wincud mo ler cleulepmut deley aanien dsu

-C Bahaueunal fclslnmun chedheod
lOcaine n panticWan, can cauu physcal dlewmils

Alchol- uetutal enhowne to alconol am ead to

Atahol- laid Mewoduelspmutal deorde ( ARND

alw uyucal quowth faual abnekmaluti

Tus enact wnchamem tuuough buich luhl alit

Tobao (dmotuy
despile a declw n molumg
cuuny Hei juegnaniso
et on Buth ueig ht - Tht mot wel t w l t no w

oteu owequua Jneude wwicawiag maluy

- Mco ta, hu adaeie

Thus cawew abnomalilis ui Placenta cnd ofut

ony kawn at e mokes but aleo hoeo uoleo

to hareçe emou.
atomue bonbng ef eema amd nag uaki,
luel a Chevnobý! nulea a cldent un 1984
-Cafoun to sadiction dusin g puugnauy inueaasd
wnde cleuelo Re ol braus, phyucal deloumiio ano low
Hadiaton -bhuesedd bobiis Cum noumal t halh,

enalal adialon n
- Chilcun enored to
ounplaya buomallin Et4 braun hwa aclieiy
md hglun has olanguy
ds rdus
cleLd to aoicl mmu cal
wweAne e

imiosunetal leluaen
cheucal into thu wmumweu
-wlansiical coud blosd amausu iuealo
uuctual contaminamli wn

he bulta wieegtut Meuy eshre

Cau had fo

emaluiuli, dow Ruulh

ead eufouw as lmlud to
- Dioxun exhow Lan leaol to bran, in mmae

to euwwt ne
cuuat for child ceuloeu and maltal walt

Mawwal Biseae

duuwm lead o

- HIV can de tanomittid am mead luortren to e

keis , edng to ceuew ha alth uobem win

- Toxoplasv01S, caued dy a kanasit

tau dead o mitd snpaemeut

n ciudy vacinaon
Lhld tcle braCauls
awadabu), sae see
puachu nd aygune, to void trHL mecliur
diful tubemeul udued hao
henblem. health ielong oleasd Dum
cam naeguati
oeli yical amo
uintesult malnututon
Can feenatal Cçeus -
Fuaus felal
ndmalmnal bottherue huyoAloguama)
es3o of
gan weight malval wuh diet
uah seDMMmd cad
syln uagram educaien childbuth thenoaued Kashital- -
eigbt Ruith
ed amd gauous egumy,i eeuay
ewe wch Hee,
too hee blood Wgh
and abelo di e aloncomlic o sle tu luceo e ut
ad genenally
dwwng hth dntased
luugnamey dig
Umoduala Rrgulan
cmelonal sen

clhecae and
Ruensäãl anaty ney
haue abue onaed luilo, ug

Paumin famy cam igmt can

- Teenage mothe mayau ueti'calian cue to
woual and ecomonio faulou
educawon abour enat health amal maleLn

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