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Assign ment No 6. — ———__———{__,__ i ae -Explain_bagic gates _and _derived_gates with ___> the help_of gymbol and_tath tole ——____ a, a in| Lo ic_gates eee — 2 lo ye te_o1e the logic. circaits_whicb_ock 4 e-log ne - dthe_basie__buildling—blacks of _any- oli gitol_ system, _ Basic gates —_____|@ Ano Gote ; 7 ie _______] AN®_gate is one_of +he lo ic_operators . Tt peri 17k _| the ica enultiplication. eo its input - —.—_ Boolean _expressi -y= = ymbal : + 7 4 6] 4 B ° 9 { ' -|o |- 0 la & -|P/9/o lusion ~Output_ia_high c) omy igh 2 TT one Ot both_inputs yf ond is._high a). P ae high), then the . gut? T gate - —— oT gate Ot Inverter i$_a lo nput and one output a igeapte git tatty ene gn qe in. expression = RAR secied e_exclusive -OR gate’ ig_abbreviated_as_Ex- on gate —. 14 xpression > Y= AO A@e=AStAB_ 4 —ts bothae_inpate-one iets SP is ow al i atin —— ee lean expression Y= 3 TH i) = “Theorem 1 = Proof - Theorem © State De - Morgan's theorem De- Margan's “Theorem... a complement.of a produkt __ This theorem ayia -that, 4 is equal +o addition_of the complement. = “Theorem _2= Are = A-8_ —— [his theerem states that, Complement of 0. ssum_iS equal |to_product_of “the complement J ______ =I ° IO lo |= |- a Halt ‘pdder and full adder Circuit. in cletail. A i 3 te > embatina. be Gein tae ae ts. TE is the basic building block _—_ [we and_to outputs it 18. ilding {ioe ddition “of _-tw0--Single”_bit “number. This —clyeuie —___ |p “ya puiputsnamely--"cany*-ond "Sums aod. | pas. ~ _ —— —_— ==. —fatelstel , eo | olole| . ce e! 1 o |! jo =I Ls {i [0 eo e a 4 Fak sling? : Truth rable. =! | te 4 a oo - _————_— = a sum 6= A@B = H+ PS poo — Cony c= Ae: elle Gi choa output combinational —— Full addey_is q_-three_inp logic_civcurt— which can Oe cee single bits opplied —— "and_catry outputs ————— — tits input to produce Sum J Expressinn for — — rey rT) output ————— a put = "put Cin © (an+06)—_ 9 ites Le ~ ion fox. eS at - +BCin —O) Block cliagram. oo logic _cliagram, | ‘ ©0010 1010 GQ as ~Gai018 10945 C2 _ oe [ O@nvert ert (ucmeink to_ —Ockal, © _Gnved_Cotoionio0) 2 —to_hexadecimal, - 1100, Se 2g dt 4 ic —_,_ + __O100_ 100, aa L ap fhe = 6100. as eiaig + ee ee i ————_}— 21 001 og Pe ees ag el cae =Cesiag t TT te ‘ yn yoc]essot— ict? ss is-defined a multip 7 Hin ar eee -05-0_multipurpose., ptogramable : clock ative ptegister _pased_ electronic. device ~ Instructions fiom _memory 5 processes = “hich takes binary. the input data—9s-pP' available_at_the output + er -these_instructiong_and_makes. jesulls cqnsigt-of —thvee—Dlacks. ot ef fi ghee oncl_logie-uike — : 3, Register Oey — ;_contiol_unit : 7s | aLw | registay — _ ee control_unit- \ Rithmetic ond logic-unit CB) — a —tni ofa greraprocesse: canes aut alle 9 otvemetic_oncl_logic-cperascs j ~ |computations_incluchta oe — ~Ragister _anay-——-————_ a of the — “> eee pig use fx tempory-sumsage of OS ot ia tn he proceed ~B Got onit= . te iS Uni | the_necessary—linin ncol— lena) eiondls forall the opexations———— = eee Assignme nt Mo-7 Qa Classify “Fianselucer_anel state its “ype. —* ————|hansducer _- ——_—_—___ ———|A sengar ot onaclucer_ is. a device which aes ————| physical quantity 4p be measured into_on_equivalent _ — ~——elechical signal _ —— - _ — ——— Classification_of transducer» _ |". Depend ing on the quantity te_be measured] ——|2_ Depending on the. peel of operation. — Depencing_on_+the_application_area 4 Aibpendice cn tebe’ on_extemal source of €xcitation 1s __yequirecl_ar_hat_- pe_ot “transducer LL. Active tansd i -the_transducer_tahich_ clo not_n | source of | eed _any external power fo1_thely operation cove called ag | Active, transducer , a gpa ee »—Selar cell, Pieznelectic —— Example, i] LOR "e-called_os passive tanga cer ————_-——— ii thermist i Strain gauge, L= =< ——————————— Hn es a note ‘on RTD and PRT? ain _ _ ee _ | —= : To |e 7 = ‘ gefination ee aeined d “as the temperature_s sengor_ihase \ora_is jUgstonce— changes—in_pro portional with_its 4emp.__ ‘pincipal — tine iiinciple af operation of. yesistance type temp_— \gensor_is “based_on_the fact that the resistance “Toe j_sibstance—lke_metls —_and_semicanductor changes— ~|nith_change_in_temperatu yo ~The long —-form_of @1.0_is_Resistance “Temperature —— - Detector : PRT Wi 2 end connections, EAT = = ae Pra tiga tical ~fthe platinum wire_is_wouncled_in the foim of spirals —fon_an i ngulating_material_such_os_mica_ar ceramic __— flaca: | [sence of the patinum tone changes sith — ~y ta ws DOr utp temberstna manattoble int paren a . Riel gee eee ces Explain Luot_in-cletails.. = Linear_variable. clifferential trans former-_____ Gnstuction . ——= = Aa -LUDT_is _a_yariable_incluctance clisp j|acems ar 2 dimer. The constructian f. woT_is ~shains_4 at NDT consist of _a_primary wincling_ancl_two — — identical Seanclaryawinding iL L ZZ. = _—— = Z 7 ZA a ; orendg=t seconde jcentre of the coil_agse {-flux_gek linkecl to beth [Operation of Lvot . ee The pilmary-tainding_is connecked to the ac Samer _}| fissume_-that Initially the core_is_exactly at the — mbly. Then €qual_amount of ; I, —Wwineling ___ — ifthe core_is_dlisplaced fiom ite 3 ? Hall_paositinn towards _ Secondary_1 then the fluy Seconclary |_increg — Ses—ancl flux linked to Seconda —___|decreasea, Similary co1e_is_displ tele ~th. : conclety2- tthen_flux_\inked seconclay i oa é Y2 increases and "— econdary | decreases, a eo hegative co=0 So positive - plain_thermisto y_anal_ thermocouple sensor -——_____ ___ Thermistor- imistor_also_are_temperolure clepenclent_resistar.— _are_made of Gemiconducto y_moaterials _cohich —— have_-2igh_either negative or_positiue _tempero}ure —___ coe ffient_of vesistivity- The _yesistance_of a_-thermistor_cat S seen "Cal LO g x Ve z S / - hermocouples - - Defination - ; tu Pla. = A thermocouple is_an active tempera Ye -Senagy_ : which produces an emf proportional Seite: tem _ clifference.. batiween two _junctions. a Principol_ot operation — eS = 2 operation of thermocouple is _based On O_pheng. = — menon_called as see —bock_€ fect —___| Basie thermocouple circuit -———_—___ — j plain Bigensa_cnd__Piezeelectric_sensor. Biosensor. Defination Biosensor can_be clefined as analytical _clevices hin = include_a combination of -binlagical_cletectia _elemer* like. sensor system _Qnd_a_-hanad nce: 3 Ke -produces _asig hal. ii) A_Signal_-honsduce. hity ALreade _clavice_, —_H Block diagram. i - « [pio-cota=|__|Tansducer | ; i ~—_| Processor = it y Llyst: - Reference |. [yet —t PE lad } = “| piezoelechic sensor -—__——— _— | Principle. Some moteriala_posses_a special property call ec! ___— ts piezoelech icity” hese _materiala_will_generate cin electastatic charge 1 Voltage. _wohen_me hanical_stress_are_appliect [across them__Materials exhibiting this _praperty are — called. us_piezeclectric_materials_— |p piezo -electic transducer consist_of o Quarte crystal hich _is_macle. fiom silicon oxide. When we apy mechanical _stress_an_it _clong a_certair lane_it. veniae an_elechic potential along the othey Seay | \7 7 weighing pon. = {lane Ari _ALD Cell unit J G@nyertey a | V1 ‘ _ , es yi is_in.clirect_contact_coith the legal Cell_unit-—he load cell unit_contains Strain_gay, os Sensors/ Transducer hich _convert_the weight” into_ electrical output - = — Lh = [the zero settin odjustment is provided along wi, the load cell anit - —— -—______ —— “The electrical output (of the load. cell_unit is_amplfy by the amplifier and_ converted into _a_eligital Signal_using_an_A/> Converter _ ee Assignment WO. Bo: | What is_ Communication and give block cliagram of communication system . igemmuniction —— | Exchange _of_information—is_knowon_as_communication_,__ | | lock iag ran | when the transmitted signal_is__travelling ftom the __ { | transmitte:_to_-the receiver over a_communication— ’ ‘I channel,a0_anwanked_signal_called_nvise get dddecl__ ito it- 18 | sound, picture “Information _| Snput —? ov input _—” . peech ,data i (ef Sntermalon etc. Signal. a electrical form Teme ___Hansdu-_| heey —| fasrnation Noise ~_1n the original — form. White o_nate_on -elechomagnetic _opectum,, ~efination._ this_entire_ range -of_fiequencies of Em wave is Called os_electra magnetic specham { | ee — — ist of 9; = [Te lectonagnele Se ree signals at bee , woi a | an tas so Me line _ frequency " : Te lower ends . - iuGieuns | wnoveas the yadio frequencies cece cite lthe tuo way Communication cre. _P Me a .centie of the EM speckum * {> ie O.3, ~f>plain_toited_and_witeless_communi ~____ There are ‘hoo types_of_Gmmunications ——114 Wised_communication a {lWireless communication. — sl 0. ~ |] Wied communication : — (The wired —fommunication_systems use the communi ~—_|| medium such os the —llfibes ~—_ {The _examples of Such_system é telephone_systems 4 9-A¥e_teleqyaph ond — 3Cable, Ty a: . = -nnection _-fy, : - Systems qq b ——_!!©mmunication _ 4 nnat_be used far the —— Simple _wires_o¥ cable ar optical — The wireless —commuy | : Nation ——t space aa their_communicat sp gstems—use_the Ae on_mediq Se iF r | ar a - l-athey donot need the wires for sending the inimatian_ [fiom one place do the other - ae ithe. jransmitted signals ia in the form of electiomag- ‘netic. waves. A_receivin Ontenna ill pick up this feed it to” the receiver.—_— = distance _communications_such_.os_— oy_even -from_one_planet. be pal_and [ris used for__lon | fiom ore country “to the other | to other - _— axigus types of cables. Write their — Write a_note_on_u Lodvantages_an d_applicatfone — |-jhere_a1e_-too types ‘of cables | ___ __ | 4 G-oxial_cables- | Optical fibre —cabbes. ___1i] (o-axial_cables.. ee ~__| (e-axial_cable_consist “of two_ Concentric conductors —§ __t an inney_condluctorancl_braicded_outer_Conducton. ___{ separated b ielectric. Material ___ The _external_con ductor_is_in the form_of meta lic braid land _used_for 2_purpase_of _sheilding _. The co-axial — able _may “Contain _one_or_more_o-Oxial_pa ig. > yn ive—rovering— —|__of ‘ araided outer conductor — = —j—____ + ingulattng moteria inner Conductor + | A chantages.. — | Excellent_noise immunity clue to—the—shield-——— ‘ Ors 2. Large bancuilth ..— a, .3.. lasses are small —— an 7 i | Application . : _ St — 1: Analog telephone networks. ——_—| > 12. Digital telephone = pakidedtlia =| "> —— ts Cable Ty SS | optical fie cobles. ~— | Jt consist_of_q n_inner_glass_core_Sur rounded_by gq ~ }_0 glass__claddfng which has a_lawer_vefiactve inde, —____T8ind-a protective covering —________ ———Digital_signals —O1e transmitted _in the 7 anedulated_light signals = ———+ light_is_launched _into ing alight source such_as_q_| ight_emitting ali @-form_oF inten ) the fi bre_at one_end_ugi — “Rey cla aig Advantages. Set Bee ond gig ——— | Ppplications. ee I Got ves_oe nein gag a 7 | -cven_netwaite Cr telephone sys es | Pifferentiale between AM and _Fm_. Parameters — AM yeceiver __|_FMm__eceiver,___ _——————— Operating — ——Super __| Super —_ 2 piinciple—— __heterodyning __|__haterodyning __|- \alue-of 4SS_[t: 10-7 mH 22-108 Mie = frequencies 2 Se COS ___|Amplitude_ Not required Used. _limiter am +___ Quality of Pooy Very gaol, reception 06. nite a_note on GSm. Global System ‘fox Mobile . —|Tthe_globol_system -for_mabile communication ig ~ —Standacl_clevelopec!__by the Eno pean “Tel E Communications _Stanclard_Ipstitute _CeTaT) to describe ; the_protocals_far_second - generation Coa) digital ~—7Cellalar_netwark used by mobile device suchas mobile — +Ahanes And 4tahiete __ ™~ — a = a | SET Uoxious_mobile_ ‘systems. developed_over es ~——_} are_Gsm_,NA-TomA, Comp, PDC etc. —_——____ j The—cnly_ multiple _access_techn ique in_analag. = —— [cellulay system is_FamAa_ but_‘the_cligital_célluigy ————systems__can_use either TDMA_or ‘coma then - —the_long_form of —S8m_is-global_system for _——Thechite. Sammanicetions sit i a. dig igital_mabila_systen ———.Gnd_it uses “roma ix multiple ee ee

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