General Education Reviewer

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1. Professional marketing consultants know their products thoroughly and


a. study market trends

b. they analyze market trends

c. analyze market trends

d. realize better market trends

Answer: c

2. Approximately 5 years of intensive language study are required for second

language learners. Park Myung-il _____ French for three and a half years but he
will need more training to be more proficient.

a. will be studying

b. has been studying

c. has studied

d. will have been studying

Answer: b

3. Don Agapito del Villar is an absolute ruler who serves his country well and
thinks well about the welfare of his people. He, then, can sometimes he called as

a. belligerent dictator

b. blatant dictator

c. benevolent dictator

d. beneficial dictator

Answer: c

4. “Nothing that happens in this world ever happens by chance; it is all part of a
grand design.” This statement expresses about a person’s _____.

a. ambition

b. dreams

c. destiny
d. luck

Answer: c

5. What does this passage say about life? “Life is but walking shadow, a pun
player that struts and frets… and is heard no more.”

a. life is just a passing stage

b. life is limited

c. life has its end

d. life is ever changing

Answer: c

6. Almost two thirds of the population today ______ poor.

a. is

b. are

c. has been

d. were

Answer: a

7. Much _____ left unproductive by the flooding.

a. has been

b. is

c. is being

d. have been

Answer: a

8. The _____ that, for various reasons, girls spent less time working with
computers than boys.

a. studies revealing

b. studies reveal

c. studies revealed

d. studies was revealing

Answer: c

9. “He has been absent for three days because he is _____ measles.”

a. affected of

b. afflicted with

c. afflicted of

d. affected with

Answer: b

10. _____ to our appeal for reconsideration, the Board of Discipline will not give
us any extension for filling additional evidence.

a. As regards

b. In regard

c. With regards as

d. With regard

Answer: d

11, Everyone in the field of entertainment _____ to watch the FAMAS Awards.

a. was excited

b. were certainly excited

c. is certainly excited

d. are certainly excited

Answer: c

12. During the Independence Day celebrations, the directive is _____.

a. hang your flags on June 12

b. Hanged your flags during June 12

c. hanged you flags on June 12

d. hung your flags on June 12

Answer: a
13. The Vice-Governor said, “I _____ won the election without the backing of a
religious sect.

a. could had

b. should have not

c. shall have not

d. should

Answer: b

14. The measure of choosing well is whether or not man likes what he _____.

a. chose

b. has chosen

c. choose

d. is choosing

Answer: b

15. After 8 unfruitful years, Antonino finally quit his job. He _____ along with his
immediate boss a long time before he finally decided to look for a new job.

a. didn’t get

b. isn’t getting

c. hasn’t been getting

d. hadn’t been getting

Answer: c

16. Many years of intensive language study are required for immigrant speakers.
Antonio _____ French for 3 years, but he will need more training before he
masters it.

a. will have been studying

b. will be studying

c. has been studying

d. have been studying

Answer: c
17. An association wherein the name of something is substituted by something
represents it.

a. Comparison

b. Personification

c. Euphemism

d. Apostrophe

Answer: d

18. A figure of speech which denotes a direct address to an abstract or a person

who passed away.

a. Euphemism

b. Asyndeton

c. Comparison

d. Apostrophe

Answer: d

1. How would you address a doctor – husband and a lawyer-wife?

a. Dr. and Mrs. Mel Rosales

b. Dr. Rosales and Atty. Rosales

c. Dr. and Atty. Mel Rosales

d. Dr. Mel and Atty. Morales

Answer: b

2. Which sentence is in its correct form?

a. His allays are mostly from the Nacionalista Party.

b. The delays in the election returns are very suspicious.

c. He has been travelling for the last 3 years.

d. Only 16.8% of the nursing examiners passed the 2009 Nursing Board

Answer: c
3. What does it mean when we say “We have achieved a breakthrough here.”?

a. that the negotiators or members have begun to agree on certain issues.

b. that the members have abandoned the negotiating table.

c. the other party have won the negotiation

d. the conference have been indefinitely postponed.

Answer: a

4. You wouldn’t want to be late for the interview, ______?

a. won’t you

b. will you

c. don’t you

d. would you

Answer: d

5. Historically, therefore, _____ must be no let up in the pursuit of the solution.

a. There’ll

b. They’re

c. There

d. Their

Answer: c

6. The union members cannot _____ the kind of compensation plan they want.

a. agree on

b. agree to

c. agree with

d. get agree with

Answer: a

7. She has no conception _____ the performance of her duties.

a. as to
b. as with

c. with

d. as on

Answer: a

8. The witness testified _____ the defendant’s early life.

a. as to

b. as on

c. about

d. with

Answer: c

9. It is essential that harmony prevail _____ the departments.

a. between

b. among

c. with

d. with all

Answer: b

10. Please _____ the book with you the next time you come to my office.

a. take

b. bring

c. carry

d. bring along

Answer: b

11. The friendliness ______ the Philippines Foreign Minister and the American
Secretary of State promoted harmony.

a. between

b. with both
c. with

d. of both

Answer: a

12. Since Mr. Dela Cruz was elected President of the organization, the members
_____ better socials.

a. enjoyed

b. are enjoying

c. have enjoyed

d. had enjoy

Answer: c

13. I was filing when he returned but I _____ the report before that time.

a. was typing

b. was still typing

c. am typing

d. had been typing

Answer: d

14. The Congolese refugees paint a _____ picture of their suffering in the hand
of the Chadian rebels.

a. ubiquitous

b. exciting

c. poignant

d. blatant

Answer: c

15. It’s plain to see, said she, “there are too many and’s in that sentence.”

a. Its plain to see, said she, “there are too many and’s in the sentence.

b. “It’s plain to see, “said she, “there are too many and’s in that sentence.”

c. “Its plain to see,” said she, there are too many ands in that sentence.”
d. Its plan to see, said she, there are many ands in that sentence.

Answer: b

16. Suffrage is a privilege in a democracy, Those who are deprived of their voting
right are normally:

a. penalized

b. criminally-liable

c. disenfranchised

d. imprisoned

Answer: c

17. “Join the street rallies and demonstrations!” shouted the realists. What was
asked of the crowd?

a. Sympathy for a cause

b. Apathy for a cause

c. Empathy for a cause

d. Avoidance of the action

Answer: a

18. The statement “I am used to the same tales” means,

a. there was redundancy

b. there is great news

c. there is nothing new

d. this is original

Answer: c

19. The personnel Manager told the Labor Representative: “We have to reduce
our workforce.” What does it mean?

a. Workers have to be more efficient.

b. Workers are required to take their forced leaves.

c. Workers are warned of possible layoffs.

d. Workers have to undergo more training.

Answer: c

20. Some media people are charged of corruption. They are branded as:

a. Commissioners

b. Corruptors

c. Media Grafters

d. “Envelopementalists”

Answer: d

. She ignored the doctor’s recommendation that she _____ smoking.

a. should stop

b. stop

c. will stop

d. stops

Answer: b

2. When I came home, the children still _____ dinner.

a. didn’t finish

b. haven’t finished

c. hadn’t finished

d. hasn’t finished

Answer: c

3. She claimed she ______ there.

a. have never been

b. have never been

c. had never been

d. had not been

Answer: c
4. Neither of them _____ expert on the subject.

a. are

b. is an

c. is an

d. is

Answer: c

5. It cost twice _____ I thought it would.

a. as much as

b. as much

c. more than

d. most

Answer: a

6. The _____ you become, the less time you have for reading.

a. more busy

b. busier

c. busiest

d. more busier

Answer: b

7. She was much different _____ I expected.

a. than

b. from what

c. from

d. than what

Answer: b

8. We have describe that _____ is more important than being bright.

a. to be diligent
b. one to be diligent

c. diligence

d. being diligent

Answer: d

9. Weightlifter: Strength: :

a. marathoner: endurance

b. hiker: agility

c. goalie: skill

d. dancer: speed

Answer: a

10. Lubricant: friction: :

a. speed: drag

b. motor: electricity

c. muffler: noise

d. Insulator: heat

Answer: c

11. Without hardly | a a moment’s delay, the computer began | b to print out |
c the answer to | d the problem. No error | e

Answer: a – without

12. Diligence and honesty, as well as | a being intelligence are | b are | c qualities
which I look for when | d I interview applicants. No error. | e

Answer: b – intelligence

13. Writing a beautiful sonnet | a is as much | b as achievement as to finish |

c a 50-page | d novel. No error.| e

Answer: c – finishing

14. Elevator: shaft::

a. electricity: outlet
b. water: conduit

c. railroad: train

d. skyscraper: foundation

Answer: b

15, Hydrology: science::

a. astronomy: galaxy

b. fir: tree

c. fashion: style

d. theory: practice

Answer: b

16. In his address, the Regional Director exhorted the teachers to discover and
_____ each student’s _____ talents.

a. develop: intrinsic

b. justify: gratuitous

c. redirect: specialty

d. uplift: unrecognized

Answer: a

17. The enforcers feel that the _____ shown by the judges to first offenders
unfortunately _____ many youngsters to embark on a life if crimes.

a. harshness: predisposes

b. indifference: directs

c. clemency: encourages

d. understanding: condemns

Answer: c

18. As long as our political leaders would emulate the virtues of the great leaders
of our country, we shall have economic and social progress.

a. set free
b. embolden

c. encourage

d. imitate

Answer: d

19. I can safely vouchsafe you a fair return for your investments.

a. borrow

b. grant

c. punish

d. qualify

Answer: b

20. The deal was held in abeyance until her arrival from a sales convention.

a. obedience

b. absence

c. familiar

d. suspended

Answer: d

1. The boy gave a furtive look at his classmate’s test paper.

a. coy

b. sneaky

c. abortive

d. underhanded

Answer: b

2. All attempts to denigrate the character of our President, have failed.

a. deceive

b. venerate

c. malign
d. build-up

Answer: c

3. I must remonstrate about the lack of police protection in our area.

a. protest

b. resign

c. restate

d. reject

Answer: a

4. Unless we find a witness to corroborate your evidence, it will not stand courts.

a. collaborate

b. negate

c. interpret

d. confirm

Answer: d

5. He preyed upon gullible people, who easily believe his stories.

a. incredulous

b. easily deceived

c. fickle

d. indifferent

Answer: b

6. The lawyer objected that the testimony being offered was not germane to the
case on hand.

a. original

b. relevant

c. connected

d. assisting
Answer: b

7. His speeches were aimed at the plebeian minds and emotions.

a. sophisticated

b. pragmatic

c. persuasive

d. common

Answer: d

8. People dislike his sly ways but granted him a certain vulpine intelligence.

a. surprise

b. careful

c. wily

d. cunning

Answer: d

9. Easy access to credit encourage people to become spendthrift.

a. stingy

b. sophisticated

c. spender

d. moneyed

Answer: c

10. I think it is impolitic to raise the issue at this point in time because the public
is too emotional about it.

a. advisable

b. explosive

c. unwise

d. apolitical

Answer: c
11. I admire his terse style of writing; he comes directly to the point.

a. better

b. dull

c. illusionary

d. concise

Answer: d

12. His parsimonious nature did not permit him to enjoy any luxury and

a. frustrating

b. distinct

c. stingy

d. vulnerable

Answer: c

13. Jose refused to take sleeping pills that might stupefy him.

a. rigid

b. dull

c. illusionary

d. make numb

Answer: d

14. Liza is not a pariah to be shunned and ostracized.

a. citizen

b. parishioner

c. outcast

d. benefactor

Answer: c

15. The wizened old man in the home for the aged was still active and energetic.
a. mascular

b. clever

c. shrivelled

d. wise and smart

Answer: c

16. He has the dubious distinction of being the lowest man in his class.

a. strange

b. satisfying

c. doubtful

d. existing

Answer: c

17. The evidence gathered against the racketeers incriminates some high
government officials as well.

a. exacerbate

b. accuse

c. intimidate

d. discriminate

Answer: b

18. Jose does not need a new car, but he traded his old one to keep up with the

a. to imitate others in extravagance

b. to be responsible

c. to be envious

d. to please others

Answer: a

19. The politician is a witty speaker but he beats around the bush too much.

a. speaks emotionally
b. away from the public

c. avoids the main topic

d. keeps on talking

Answer: c

20. After all has been said, the issue was a tempest in a teapot.

a. temperature dropped

b. simmered down

c. heated argument followed

d. boiled down to nothing

Answer: d

1. All his life has tried to be a good citizen, but still he doesn’t seem to get any

a. change location

b. take a trip

c. unsuccessful

d. miserable

Answer: c

2. The committee members have gone off, leaving everything at sixes and
sevens among themselves.

a. harmony

b. disagreement

c. unproductive

d. disorganized

Answer: b

3. “Rome was not built in a day!”

a. always on the move

b. accept and bear consequences of your own doings

c. great things require time and effort

d. hatred between forgiven two parties

Answer: c

4. All is well that ends well. The hatchet is buried as the dye is cast.

a. The action is done and every ill feeling is forgiven as it is forgotten

b. the weapon is buried

c. judgement is given

d. in serious trouble

Answer: a

5. Pilar tasted a dose of her medicine.

a. suffered the consequences

b. tasted her glory

c. self medication

d. rewarded

Answer: a

6. Don’t trust him completely; he may try to put one over you.

a. overcome

b. be subordinated

c. to deceive you

d. impulsive

Answer: c

7. Mrs. Gonzales is as good as her last triumph.

a. can’t be good all throughout

b. can’t be bad

c. as nicer as ever

d. in trouble
Answer: a

8. When a leader is succeeded by another leader, the former is referred to as


a. replaced

b. dethroned

c. defeated

d. deposed

Answer: a

9. “Never in World History was there leaderless nation.” This passage means

a. nation can survive without leaders

b. leader is always born

c. leaders come and go

d. a leader fades away but another comes up

Answer: d

10. Adopting the values of _____ colonizer would be tragic and meaningless

a. the

b. one’s

c. its

d. a

Answer: b

11. Colonialism was itself violent in _____ natural state.

a. the

b. its

c. it’s

d. their
Answer: b

12. The right form to address an invitation for a lawyer husband and his doctor

a. Atty. and Mrs. Josef Novales

b. Atty. and Dr. josef Novales

c. atty. Novales and Dr. Novales

d. Atty. Josef Novales and Dr. Novales

Answer: a

13. What utterance show determination?

a. This time, I have not made my mind

b. This time I won’t stop schooling

c. I have good news for you

d. What a shame, she came back

Answer: b

14. “You wouldn’t want to be accused of theft, ______?”

a. wouldn’t you

b. won’t you

c. will you

d. would you

Answer: d

15. An appropriate philosophy of education _____ Filipinos must consider this

historical aspect.

a. of

b. by

c. for the

d. of their

Answer: c
16. The referee may not _____ these regulations no matter how much you

a. explain to you

b. exempt from you

c. accept you from

d. expect you from

Answer: b

17. This iPod is my sister’s. How about this?

a. This is to him

b. This is to his

c. This is his

d. This is of him

Answer: c

18. “His untimely death has left us blinder than we might have been.” This

a. Those left behind are left homeless

b. Those left behind are blind

c. This orphans are left to themselves

d. Those who are blind are orphans

Answer: c

19. Which of the following quotations is the best example of aphorism?

a. “That is no country for old men”

b. “Out of the frying pan and into the fire

c. “Fools rush in where angels fear to tread”

d. “I dear thee, ancient mariner”

Answer: c

20. Adults acquire new words and experience primarily through?

a. formal education

b. use of dictionary

c. exposure to their use

d. casual explanation from peers

Answer: c

1. The best definition of the meaning of a word.

a. the object to which refers

b. its general dictionary definition

c. its use in a particular situation

d. its corresponding idea in the mind

Answer: a

2. People living in the mountainous and rugged areas were advised about the
occurrence of La Nina. This means?

a. there will be famine

b. there will be drought

c. there will be abundance

d. there will be flash floods

Answer: d

3. Professionals going to abroad to seek greener pastures as on type of _____?

a. brain drain

b. employment

c. tourism

d. migration

Answer: a

4. “The modern heroes are understandable products of one’s literacy heritage

and the present world. Heroes of the present are prototypes of the society in
which they flourish. This means?
a. Heroes are alike, modern and classical

b. Modern society affects the modern literary heroes

c. Literature has heroes who represented the people, race and times

d. Modern heroes are the embodiment of the society’s values

Answer: c

5. The victim’s father refused revenged when he said:

a. “an eye for an eye”

b. “Justice is always delayed”

c. “Don’t take the law into your hands”

d. “Give him the other cheek”

Answer: c

6. Identify the Filipino value and its influence on the Filipino youth as stated:

a. Lack of Initiative ….. Passionism

b. Faith ….. Conflicting attitudes

c. Extreme personalism ….. Individualism

d. Lack of discipline ….. Indifference

Answer: c

7. We should work for a total ban _____ of pesticides that are hazardous to man.

a. on the use

b. by the use

c. on using

d. with the use

Answer: a

8. “I will only with the heart that one can see rightly.” This means _____?

a. the heart is always correct about everything

b. important things are not always for the heart but for the brain
c. heart should always be over and above the brains

d. only the heart can see the beauty of life and love

Answer: d

9. “I will take the road less travelled by and be condemned if necessary” said one
politician. His decision shows _____?

a. regrets come before decision

b. decision are made despite differences from the majority

c. decision are made on the crossroads

d. regrets come after decisions

Answer: b

10. What word is not properly spelled and used in this sentences?

a. There were commission on the fare

b. There were confusion on admissions

c. There was confusion on the plane

d. There was confusion of directions

Answer: c

11. You should be more _____ instead of being _____ in order to avoid
committing mistakes.

a. literature ….. erudite

b. intelligent …… smart

c. cautious ….. impetuous

d. practical ….. passive

Answer: c

12. Only world-class athletes win medals at the Olympic Games. Michael Phelps
won several gold medals in swimming at the 2008 Beijing Olympic Games.

a. Michael Phelps is an all-time American swimmer

b. Australia won the most number of gold medals in swimming

c. Michael Phelps is world-class athlete and an Olympian

d. Michael Phelps is a swimmer

Answer: c

13. I. Treasury bills have an interest rage of 6.85 per annum.

II. Savings accounts have an interest rate of only 2% per annum.

III. Treasury bill used to have 9-10% interest rate per annum. Therefore, it us
better to invest in Treasury bills than just put your money in regular savings

a. definitely true

b. most likely true

c. most likely false

d. definitely false

Answer: b

14. “She was a Phantom of delight ….. When first she gleaned upon my sight.
“William Wordsworth.

a. metaphor

b. simili

c. apostrophe

d. hyperbole

Answer: a

15. Which of the following words are misspelled?

1. Transgression
2. Transcent
3. Inmunity
4. Percieve
a. 2 & 3

b. 2,3 & 4

c. 1, 3 & 4

d. 1, 2 & 3
Answer: b

16. He has the dubious distinction of being the lowest man in his class.

a. strange

b. satisfying

c. doubtful

d. existing

Answer: c

17. The evidence gathered against the racketeers incriminates some high
government officials as well.

a. exacerbate

b. accuse

c. intimidate

d. discriminate

Answer: b

18. Jose does not need a new car, but he traded his old one to keep up with the

a. to imitate others in extravagance

b. to be responsible

c. to be envious

d. to please others

Answer: a

19. The politician is a witty speaker but he beats around the bush too much.

a. speaks emotionally

b. away from the public

c. avoids the main topic

d. keeps on talking

Answer: c
20. After all has been said, the issue was a tempest in a teapot.

a. temperature dropped

b. simmered down

c. heated argument followed

d. boiled down to nothing

Answer: d

1. Ano ang tinutukoy ng bugtong na ito? “Dalawang bolang sinulid, umaabot

hanggang langit.”

a. bisig

b. paa

c. mata

d. pisngi

Answer: c

2. The sum total of traditionally-derived and orally-transmitted literature, material

culture and custom within predominantly literate and technologically advanced
societies is referred to as:

a. folk literature

b. folk tale

c. folklore

d. folk song

Answer: c

3. The conclusion of final part of non-dramatic literary work that serves typically
to complete the design of the work.

a. prologue

b. epilogue

c. theme

d. finale

Answer: b
4. A distinctive type of literary composition such as epic, tragedy, comedy and

a. form

b. genre

c. literature

d. prose

Answer: b

5. Ang kauna-unahang nagsalin sa Tagalog ng “Mi Ultimo Adios” ni Jose Rizal.

a. Jose Corazon De Jesus

b. Andres Bonifacio

c. Jose Garcia Villa

d. Apolinario Mabini

Answer: b

6. It is the longest epic ever written.

a. Mahabharata

b. Lam-Ang

c. Siegfried

d. Lament

Answer: a

7. The pseudonym of Samuel Clemens

a. The Barettes

b. Mark Twain

c. Ulysses

d. Abe Lincoln

Answer: b

8. The oldest form of Egyptian writing

a. alphabet

b. cursive

c. hieroglyphics

d. stone carving

Answer: c

9. Father of the English Essay

a. Alexander Dumas

b. William James

c. Edgar Allan Poe

d. Francis Bacon

Answer: d

10. Greatest American writer of horror and detective stories

a. Albert Camus

b. Edgar Allan Poe

c. Justin O’Brien

d. James Joyce

Answer: b

11. An allegory:

a. a poem of sadness

b. a verse of 3 stanzas

c. a short story

d. a narrative whose meaning is beneath the surface

Answer: d

12. An elegy:

a. a meditative poem of grief

b. love song
c. a debate

d, note of love

Answer: a

13. A verse with 14 iambic pentameter lines

a. ballad

b. verse

c. sonnet

d. epic

Answer: c

14. A long poem which depicts the adventure of great hero who reveals his
country’s aspirations.

a. epic

b. legend

c. novel

d. short story

Answer: a

15. A speech made by a person who reveals his thoughts.

a. sonnet

b. metaphor

c. soliloquy-

d. simile

Answer: c

16. Figure of speech where two different things are compared thru the use of “as”
and “like”.

a. simile

b. allegory

c. facsimile
d. epic

Answer: a

17. Isang tulang pasalaysay tungkol sa pamumuhay at kabayanihan ng isang

tauhang may kapangyarihan at kababalaghan.

a. Alamat

b. Epiko

c. Kasaysayan

d. Parabula

Answer: b

18. These stories which reflect the people’s beliefs are handed down from
generation to generation by word of mouth.

a. novel

b. folktales

c. prose

d. poetry

Answer: b

19. A type of literature which narrates heroic deeds and supernatural

happenings with local color and which people sing or chant.

a. epic

b. poetry

c. verse

d. riddles

Answer: a

20. He wrote the famous letter “To The Women of Malolos.”

a. Gregorio del pilar

b. Andres Bonifacio

c. Jose Rizal
d. Emilio Jacinto

Answer: c

1. A kind of literary piece which memorializes and was written in letter form
between twin sisters dwelling in the city and the other in the province.

a. Urbana at Felisa by M. de Castro

b. Pasyon – a religious play

c. Manang Biday

d. Biag ni Lam – ang

Answer: a

2. He is the author of “The Legend of Sleepy Hollow” which revolve around a

headless horseman’s tale.

a. George Orwell

b. Robert Frost

c. Washington Irving

d. Walton shaw

Answer: c

3. Considered as one of the world’s greatest short stories and it is Edgar

Allan Poe’s story of terror about a hypochondriac living in morbid fear.

a. Annabelle Lee

b. The Fall of the House of Uber

c. Macbeth

d. The Raven

Answer: b

4. He is Edmond Rostand’s famous character who is a poet and a soldier noted

for his peculiar nose.

a. Roxanne

b. Don Quixote

c. Don Juan
d. Cyrano de Bergerac

Answer: d

5. “If eyes are made for seeing, the beauty is its own excuse for being.” is taken
from the poem?

a. The Bells

b. Sonnets

c. Don Juan

d. Rhondora

Answer: a

6. A great epic poem whose plot centers around the anger and wrath of
Achilles against Agamemnon, a Greek leader.

a. Bernardo Carpio

b. The Illiad of Homer

c. The Odyssey

d. Myth

Answer: b

7. “I am the master of my fate, I am, a captain of my soul” is taken from the


a. O Captain, My Captain

b. Invictus

c. The Arrow and the Song

d. The Tragedy of Lords

Answer: b

8. He was the American President who said “Ask not what America will do
for you, but what together we can do for the freedom of man.”

a. Gerald Ford

b. Franklin Roosevelt

c. Harry Truman
d. John F. Kennedy

Answer: d

9. The speech of Abraham Lincoln which ends, thus; “That the government of
the people, by the people, for the people, shall not perish from the earth.” is
in famous?

a. Farewell Address at Springfield

b. Address at Gettysburg

c. Inaugural Address

d. Speech before the Union

Answer: c

10. The figure of speech which uses exaggerated statement for aesthetic

a. alliteration

b. onomatopoeia

c. hyperbole

d. metaphor

Answer: c

11. Isang kuwentong naglalahad ng isang katotohanan.

a. Parabula

b. Pabula

c. Epiko

d. Alamat

Answer: a

12. Ang lumikha ng awit na “Ang Bayan Ko”

a. Jose Rizal

b. Constancio De Guzman

c. Severino Reyes
d. Manuel Conde

Answer: b

13. Si Pascual Poblete

a. Makata ng Tagalog

b. isang manunulat na pari

c. Ama ng Pahayagang Tagalog

d. maghihimagsik

Answer: c

14. Sagisag na hindi kailanman ginagamit ni Marcelo H. del Pilar sa pagsulat

a. Pupdok

b. Dolores Manapat

c. Piping Dilat

d. Basang Sisiw

Answer: a

15. Unang aklat na nalimbag sa Pilipinas.

a. Diaryong Malaya

b. Doctrina Christiana

c. Ang Balita

d. Ang Diaryo

Answer: b

16. His famous work is Mona Lisa

a. Jose Rizal

b. Leonardo da Vinci

c. Juan Luna

d. Bartolucci

Answer: b
17. Ama ng Dulaang Tagalog

a. Manuel L. Conde

b. Amado V. Fernandez

c. Severino Reyes

d. Malang

Answer: c

18. Ang sagisag na panulat ni Andres Bonifacio

a. Anak-bayan

b. Taga-ilog

c. Comedyang Bingi

d. Lolo Tiko

Answer: a

19. The award-winning, world – famous Juan Luna painting

a. La Spolarium

b. The Women of Paris

c. Riceland

d. My Hometown

Answer: a

20. Known for his excellence of characterization, swiftness of narrative and clarity
of style.

a. Edgar Allan Poe

b. George Bernard Shaw

c. Ralph Waldo Emerson

d. Guy De Maupasssant

Answer: b

A. Ang Asia-Pasific Economic Cooperation (APEC) ay itinatag noong 1989 ng 18
member nations.

B. Ang APEC meeting noong 2004 ay ginanap sa Santiago, Chile.

K. Bago ang taunang pagpupulong, nagkaisa na magdaos ng Ministerial Meeting

ang bansang host sa pagtitipon.

D. Ang tutunin ng APEC ay malayang kalakalan, pagtutulungan pang-ekonomiya

serbisyo, teknolohiya at iba pa.






Answer: e


A. Isinasagawa ng maunlad ng maunlad na bansa ang pagtulong at

pagpapalakas ng balangkas

B. Kailangan ng mga bansang huli sa kaunlaran tulad ng Pilipinas na matamo

ang kapanatagang kabuhayang bansa.

K. Ang pagpaplano ng Kabuhayang Bansa ay kinikilalang tungkulin ng mga

makabagong pamahalaan.

D. Sa Pilipinas, tuload ng mga di-maunlad na bansa, ang pamahalaan ay

pangunahing tanggapan sa pagpapaunlad.






Answer: c

A. Ang mga pananagutan sa batas ng isang tagapagtuos ay maraming

B. Tunay na kasiya-siya ang gayong pagtitiwala sa tagapagtuos.

K. Ang tagapagtuos, kung gayon ay kinakailangan katiwala hindi lamang ng

kapakanan ng mga sosyo kundi ng mga mamamayang nakikipagkalakalan sa
mga kumpanya.

D. Ang mahalaga sa mga ito ay ang katotohanan na ngayon ay tiyak na

pangangalakal na malagay na malagay sa anyong korporasyon at hindi batay sa
isang pamamayan o sa pagsasamantala ng dalawa.






Answer: b


A. Ang tunay na pang-uri sa katangian ng isang hanapbuhay ay nasasalig sa

isang mahigpit na batas ng kaasalang moral.

B. Ang kaasalang moral ay nasasalig sa kaisipang naglalayon na matamo ng

lahat ng kinauukulan ang pinakamalaking biyaya at ang nagbubunsod ng
mapayapang pag-ugnayan ng mga pagtuos.

K. Ang malaking bahagi ng propesyon ay nasasalig sa pagtupad ng mga

tagapag-utos sa kanilang batas at moralidad.

D. Ang isang tao ay matatawag lamang na tunay na propesyonal batay sa uro ng

kanyang moralidad.





Answer: c


A. Ito ay parang ibon na maamo sa mga taong nagpapala sa kanya at mailap sa

mga nagwawalang-bahala

B. Tagumpay ang hangad ng bawat tao ngunit ang tagumpay nama’y di naipag-
kakamit sa lahat ng tao.

C. Sikap at tiyaga and kailangan upang ito ay matamo.

D. Sino mang magkapalad na magkamit nito ay nagiging tampulan ng

panghanga at nagsisilbing huwaran ng iba.





Answer: c


A. Si Dr. Jose Rizal sa pamamagitan ni Elias sa kanyang Noli Me Tangere, and

nagsabi nito.

B. Kung pag-iisipang mabuti ang pangungusap, lalong titibay and atong

pagdakila sa ating Pambansang Bayani.

K. Hindi nating kinakailangan pang lumabas ng ating bahay upang ang kanyang
sinabi ay mapagtotohanan.

D. Ang taong may isang salita ay isang dakilang nilikha/






Answer: a

A. Ngunit napakarami sa mga to at hanggang ngayo’y alipin, hindi ng kanilang

kapwa kundi ng kanilang salapi.

B. Nang dahil dito ay marami nang napahamak.

K. Tiyak na wala sino mang nagnanais maging alipin sapagkat ito ay

nangangahulugang siya ay may panginoon dapat sundin sa lahat ng sandali.

D. Sino and nais maging alipin?






Answer: d


A. Datapwat sa kabila ng sinasabi sa bibliya na ang magpakababa ay itataas at

ang nagpapakataas ay ibababa, higit ang mapagmataas kaysa mapagkumbaba.

B. Ang pagpapakumbaba ay isang magandang katangian na dapat taglayin ng

bawat tao.

K. Tunay na napakaganda ng katangiang ito kaya ito’y nabanggit sa Bibliya.

D. Maraming tao ang naniniawala na ang Bibliya ay isang gantong aklat ng







Answer: c
9. Mahilig magkuwento si Amor ng mga bagay na tulad ng mga likaw ng
bituka ng kanyang mga kapitbahay.

a. mga karanasan

b. mga lihim o sikreto

c. kabuhayan

d. di-mawari

Answer: b

10. Ang kanyang may mababang-loob ang siyang mga kapitbahay.

a. mga karanasan

b. mga lihim o sikreto

c. kabuhayan

d. di-mawari

Answer: a

11. Mahirap pakisamahan ang mga taong lumaki sa nuno.

a. lumaki sa ibang pamilya

b. walang pakialam

c. lumaking sunod lahat ang gusto

d. malaya

Answer: c

12. Batak ang katawan ni Joaquin dahil isa siyang magsasaka.

a. sanay sa trabaho

b. masakitin

c. malakas

d. sanay sa hirap

Answer: c

13. Ang isang taong may kusang-palo ay pinagpala ng marami.

a. kusang-loob

b. malakas ang loob

c. masipag

d. walang pakialam

Answer: a

14. Ang Sanggunian Bayan ay nagtataingang-kawali sa mga karaingan ng taong-


a. nayayamot

b. nagbibingi-bingihan

c. nagmamalinis

d. nagpapakitang-tao

Answer: b

15. Ako ay kanyang kaututang-dila.

a. pipi

b. kaibigan

c. kaaway

d. kapatid

Answer: b

16. Karurukan ng aming kahirapan ngayon.

a. kasaysayan

b. marupok

c. kataas-taasan

d. malalim

Answer: c

17. Si Liza ay hindi nangingimbulo sa inyo.

a. nai-inggit
b. walang pakialam

c. paninirang-puri

d. umaasa

Answer: a

18. Malabnaw ang utak ni Jose kaya hindi siya agad nakatapos ng sekundarya.

a. hindi nag-iisip

b. mapurol o mahina

c. kulang sa sustansya

d. tamad at ayaw mag-aral

Answer: b

19. Halos pinagsaklunan ng langit at lupa si Antonio nang malaman niyang hindi
matutuloy ang kasal nila ni Josefa

a. humina ang loob

b. nawalan ng malay

c. nagwala

d. nagulo at nagdilim and isip

Answer: d

20. Tila isang taong tulog na lukan kung kumilos si Simeon.

a. mabagal

b. tamad

c. di-maintindihan

d. mapagkunwari

Answer: a

1. Ito ay sinulat ni Harriet Stowe ng Estados Unidos na tumawag pansin sa

kalagayan ng mga alipin at naging batayan ng mga alipin at naging batayan ng
simulain ng demokrasya.

a. ang “Book of the Dead”

b. ang “Uncle Tom’s Cabin”

c. “Divina Comedia”

d. “Sa May Dakong Bukid”

e. “Quran”

Answer: b

2. Ito’y isang mahabang tulang pang-awit bilang handog sa isang dalagang may
kaarawan. Kilala rin ito sa Ktagalugan dahil sa pagpupulong ng koronang
bulaklak sa dalaga.

a. Senakulo

b. Kurido

c. Ensilida

d. Ang Panuluyan

e. Ang Panubong

Answer: e

3. Isang uri ng tula na binubuo ng labindalawang pantig bawat taludtod sa isang

saknong at inaawit ito nang marahan. Pangunahing halimbawa ay ang “Florante
at Laura.”

a. Ang Tibag

b. Balagtasan

c. Awit

d. Dulaan

e. Kurido

Answer: c

4. Isa sa mga ito ay kilalang isa sa malimit banggitin bilang tungkod ng tulang

a. Inigo Ed. Regalado

b. Miguel de Cervantes

c. Virgilio S. Almario
d. Jose dela Cruz

e. Manuel Bautista

Answer: d

5. Sinulat ito ni Rizal na tumatalakay sa mga suliraning panlipunan ng bayan.

a. El Filibusterismo

b. “Mi Ultimo Adios”

c. Noli Me Tangere

d. “Bayan Ko”

e. Ang Inang Bayan

Answer: c

6. Ang may-akda ng kauna-unahang aklat na nilimbag sa Pilipinas, ang

“Doctrina Kristiana.”

a. Fr. Domingo de Nieva

b. Fr. Modesto de Castro

c. Fr. Miguel Bustamante

d. Fr. Jose Gomez

e. Fr. Miguel Cera

Answer: a

7. Isa sa mga ito ay hindi kabilang sa ating matandang Panitikan.

a. epiko

b. kuwentong-bayan

c. alamat

d. kantahing-bayan

e. moro-moro

Answer: e

8. Tinaguring na pinakamatandang epiko ng Pilipinas.

a. epiko

b. kuwentong-bayan

c. alamat

d. kantahing-bayan

e. moro-moro

Answer: b

9. Ang titik para sa “Himno Nacional Filipino” ay nilikha ni?(Philippine national)

a. Jose Palma

b. Julian Balmaceda

c. Julian Felipe

d. Julian Panganiban

e. Julian Palma

Answer: a

10. Ang “Kodigo ni kalantiaw” ay naglalama ng?(code of kalantiaw)

a. batas na dapat sundin ng mga mamamayan

b. pamantayan para sa maayos na pamumuhay

c. batas ng kagandahang-asal

d. kasunduang pang-kalakalan

e. kasunduang pang-pulitikal

Answer: a

11. Ang akdang hindi nauukol sa relihiyon noong panahon ng Kastila

a. dalit

b. panuluyan

c. senakulo

d. panubog

e. alay
Answer: d

12. Naglalaman ng mga butil ng karunungang kinapapalooban ng mabuting payo

na hango sa tunay na karanasan ng ating mga ninuno.

a. bugtong

b. talinghaga

c. salawikain

d. palaisipan

e. pabula

Answer: c

13. Ang katotohanang inihahayag sa awiting “Florente at Laura” ni Balagtas

a. kahirapan sa buhay

b. katiwalian ng mga Kastila

c. pagiibigan ng magka-ibang lahi

d. buhay pangangalakal noon panahon sa kastila

e. paraan ng pamumuhay

Answer: b

14. Dahilan kung bakit naging masigla ang pagsulat ng mga Pilipino sa
magasing ” Liwayway” nuong panahon ng Hapon.

a. malaya silang sumulat

b. walang takot sa mga hapin

c. nabigyan ng pagpapahalaga ang sariling wika

d. mapayapa ang panahon

e. may mga naglakas-loob magsulat

Answer: c

15. Ang “Urbana at Felisa” na isinulat ni Modesto de Castro, ay naglalaman ng

magagandang asal ng mga Pilipino tungkol sa

a. pakikipagkapwa, paggalang sa magulang at pagkilala sa Diyos

b. magandang relasyon ng magkakapatid

c. pagtupad ng tungkulin sa bayan

d. pagharap sa pagsubok sa buhay

e. pagkilala sa karapatan ng kapwa

Answer: a

16. Ano ang kahulugan na nais iparating ng talatang ito hango sa “Sa Bagong
Paraiso” ni Efren Abueg?” At ang pamumulaklak at pamumunga ng mangga,
santol, sinegwelas at ng iba pang punungkahoy o halaman sa loobang iyong ay
nagpatuloy. Ang damuhan ay natuyo ay muling sinibulan ng bagong supling.”

a. napakaganda ng mga tanawin sa lalawigan

b. panahon ng tag-araw

c. patuloy ang paglipas ng panahon

d. malulusog ang pananim sa lalawigan

e. mas masarap manirahan sa lalawigan

Answer: c

17. Ano ang nais iparating ni Jose Rizal sa talatang ito na hango sa kanyang
“Noli Me Tangere”; Mamatay akong di-man nakita ang maningning na
pagbubukang-liwayway sa aking Inang Bayan. Kayong makakakita, batiin ninyo
siya at huwag kalimutan ang mga nalugmok sa dilim ng gabi.”

a. pagkwala ng pag-asa dahil sa mga nangyayari sa bayan

b. pag-asa sa kalayaan at paggunita sa mga taong nagbuwis ng buhay para sa


c. pagpapa-walang halaga sa paghihirap ng mga bayani

d. malawakang kalungkutan nadarama sa pagkwala ng pag-asa

e. taong bayan na dumaranas ng kalupitan at karahasan

Answer: b

18. Karaniwang tauhan ng akdang ito ay mga hayop na ang layunin ay ipa-alam
ang mga kaugaliang dapat pamarisan.

a. tugmaan
b. alamat

c. pabula

d. parabula

e. kwentong bayan

Answer: c

19. Sa saknong na ito na hango sa “Florante at Laura” ni Balagtas, ano ang

kahulugan nito?

“Katiwala ako’t ang iyong kariktan; Kapilas ng langit, anaki’y matibay;

Tapat ang psuo mo’t di-nagunamgunam.; na ang palilio’y nasa kagandahan”

a. Ang kagandahan ay maaaring makalinlang ng tao

b. Maaring pagtakpan ng kagandahan ang isang kataksilan

c. Pisikal na kagandahan ay maaaring magpahiwatig rin ng kagandahan asal

d. Kagandahan ay maaari ring maging batayan ng pagtitiwala sa katapatan na


e. Sadyang mapaglinlang ang kagandahan

Answer: a

20. Anong ayos ng pantig ang ginagamit sa salitang “daigdig”?





Answer: a

1. “Lumilipad patungong Estados Unidos si Jose noong Sabado. Ano ang _____
mong pasalubong para sa kanila? tanong ni Juana.

a. nadala

b. dinala

c. ipinadala
d. padadala

Answer: c

2. “Walang dapat sisihin sa nangyari kundi siya,” Ano ang ayos ng


a. di-karaniwan

b. karaniwan

c. payak

d. walang paksa

e. ganapan

Answer: b

3. Piliin sa mga sumusunod ang pinakatamang pangungusap.

a. Nahuli akong pumasok sa dahilang nasira ang sasakyan.

b. Nasira ang sasakyan kaya nahuli ako sa pagpasok.

c. Nasira ang sasakyan ko kaya nahuli ako sa pagpasok

d. Nahuli ako sa pagpasok kari nasira ang sasakyan ko.

e. Nahuli sa pagpasok ko dahil nasira ang sasakyan.

Answer: b

4. Alin sa mga sumusunod ang pinakatamang pangungusap?

a. Ang nanalo bilang Bb. Pilipinas Universe ay anak ng isang aktor.

b. Ang nanalong Bb. Pilipinas Universe ay siyang anak ng aktor.

c. Anak ng isang aktong ang nanalong Bb. Pilipinas Universe.

d. Bb. Pilipinas Universe na anak ng isang aktor and nanalo.

e. Anak ng isang aktor ang siyang nanalo ng Bb. Pilipinas Universe.

Answer: c

5. Si Lope K. Santos ay tinaguriang “______” sa dahilang siya ang kauna-

unahang sumulat ng Balarila ng Wikang Pambansa na batay sa Tagalog.

a. Ama ng Balarilang Pilipino

b. Ama ng Wikang Pambansa

c. Ama ng Wika Pilipino

d. Ama ng Panitikang Pilipino

e. Ama ng mga Dalubhasang Pilipino

Answer: a

6. Ang sagisag na panulat ni Andres Bonifacio.

a. Anak-Bayan

b. Anak-Pawis

c. Anak-Dalita

d. Taga-Ilog

5. Huseng Sisiw

Answer: a

7. Sagisag na hindi kailanman ginagamit ni Marcelo H. del Pilar sa pagsulat.

a. Kinting Kulirat

b. Dolores Manapat

c. Piping Dilat

d. Basang Sisiw

Answer: a

8. “Kasingganda ni Teresita and nanalong Bb. San Lusi.” Ayon kay Mayor

a. Magkatulad

b. Pamilang

c. Di-magkatulad

d. Katamtaman

e. Panukdulan

Answer: a
9. Isang balangkas ng mga layunin, paksang aralin, kagamitan at mga
hakbang na dapat isagawa para isakatuparan ang mga layunin at matamo ang
nais mangyari.

a. modyul sa pagtuturo

b. banghay ng pagtuturo

c. “table of specifications”

d. batayan

e. silabus

Answer: b

10. Ang pinakagamiting paraan sa pagsusulit ng sanhi at bunga.

a. completion test

b. true or false

c. matching type

d. multiple choice

e. recognition test

Answer: c

11. Ang dapat maging panutoo ng isang guro upang masukat ang kaalaman ng
mag-aaral sa pagbuo ng isang tama at mabisang pangungusap.

a. Paglagay ng bilang sa bawat salita upang makabuo ng tamang pangungusap.

b. Pagpili sa mga salitang hindi akma sa loob ng pangungusap.

c. Pag-ayos sa bawat salita upang makabuo ng mabisang pangungusap.

d. Pag-ayos sa mga lipon ng salita upang makabuo ng mabisang pangungusap.

e. Alamin ang buod upang makagamit ng mga salitang angkop sa pangungusap.

Answer: c

12. Aklat na binabasa uoang makakuha ng tiyak na impormasyon tulad ng

diskyunaryo, ensayklopedya at iba pa.

a. batayang aklat

b. modyul
c. larawang aklat

d. sangguniang aklat

e. sanayang aklat

Answer: d

13. Ang istruktura sa pagsusulat ng balita sa tinatawag na “inverted pyramid”

a. maikling kuwento

b. lathalain

c. tula

d. sanaysay

e. kapsyon

Answer: b

14. Tukuyin kung anong bahagi ng pangungusap ang mga sumusunod:

hinggil sa patubig; ang mga tumayo; matalino’t masipag; sa gulang na walo

a. sugnay na di-makapag-iisa

b. pahayag

c. parirala

d. di-karaniwan

e. panaguri

Answer: c

15. Ang “madamdaming mananalaysay” ni Carmen Guerrero Nakpil at isa

siyang kilalang manunulat ng kasaysayan.

a. Teodoro A. Agoncillo

b. Aniceto F. Silvestre

c. Manuel Principe bautista

d. Rafael Palma

e. Jose M. Zaide
Answer: a

16. Kasingkahulugan ng salitang may salungguhit “Isang karwahe ang nahatid sa

watawat na pinagbuhusan ng husay sa pagtahi.”

a. pinagdaluyan

b. winagayway

c. pinaglaanan

d. nasilayan

e. pinagtapunan

Answer: c

17. Aklat na nagtataglay ng mga pinakahuling impormasyon tungkol sa mga

punto ng kawilihan tulad ng kaganapan sa isang bansa, palakasan, relihiyon,

a. diksyunaryo

b. pahayagan

c. atlas

d. almanac

e. ensayklopedia

Answer: d

18. Alin sa mga sumusunod na pangungusap ay may kayarian hugnayan?

a. Ang mga tatak Pinoy ay tagos sa buto ng bawat Pilipino.

b. Ang pasalubong ay paraan ng pagpapaabot ng saya at pagpapasalamat din.

c. Ang buhat at pananaw ng mga Pinoy ay pansamantalang nagbabago subalit

amay mga bagay na di nag-iiba.

Answer: c

19. Piliin ang gawi ng pagsasalita: “Hindi ko sinasadyang ikaw ay saktan.”

a. gaghula

b. paghingi ng paumanhin

c. pagsagot
d. pag-uutos

e. pagtatanong

Answer: b

20. Tinaguriang “Ama ng Wikang Pambansa.”

a. Manuel L. Quezon

b. Marcelo H. del Pilar

c. Jose Dela Cruz

d. Alejandro Abadilla

e. Severino Reyes

Answer: a

1. “Ikaw ay pangarap sa buhay ko.”

a. metapora

b. sinikdoke

c. iperbole

d. simile

e. personipikasyon

Answer: a

2. “Para silang mga maamong kordero sa gitna ng mga gutom na leon.”

a. sinikdoke

b. simile

c. iperbole

d. metapora

e. simile

Answer: b

3. “Tandaan ninyo: malibang mahulog sa lupa ang butil ng trigo at mamatay.”

a. sinikdoke
b. iperbole

c. personipikasyon

d. metapora

e. simile

Answer: c

4. Paglikha ng isang pangalan o salita sa pamamagitan ng paggaya sa tunog na

nauugnay sa bagay na binabanggit.

a. sinikdoke

b. iperbole

c. metapora

d. onomatopeya

e. simile

Answer: d

5. “Sa galit ay sinindihan ang kanyang bahay.”

a. metonimya

b. metapora

c. sinikdoke

d. onomatopeya

e. simile

Answer: a

6. Anong uri ng panitikan ang tinutukoy sa talatang ito?

“Maganda’t maaliwalas ang daigdig na ginagalawan ko ngayon. Madalas ko tuloy

ipinagpasalamat sa Diyos ang biyayang ipinagkaloob Niya sa akin”

a. tula

b. kuwento

c. sanaysay

d. alamat
e. anekdota

Answer: c

7. “Kaya nararapat gumawa ang lahat upang maiwasan itong pagsasalat;

Magbanat ng buto at magpakatatag, Ang taong masipag, hiyas ang katapat.”
Ano ang nais ipahayag ng saknong na ito?

a. katapatan

b. kasipagan

c. kabutihan

d. kalusugan

e. kasaganaan

Answer: b

8. Mahusay umawit si Jose, _____ ay lagi siyang nagsasanay umawit.

a. datapwat

b. bagamat

c. palibhasa

d. ngunit

e. dahil siya

Answer: c

9. Makararating ka agad sa inyong patutunguhan kung maglalakad ka _____.

a. nang mabilis

b. ng mabilis

c. nang maagap

d. ng unti-unti

Answer: a

10. “Ang gawang mabuti ay pinagpapala, may kaparusahan ang gawang

masama; Kung may pagsisikap at may pagtitiyaga, ang lahat ng tao’y di

Ito ay nagsasaad ng:

a. pagtitipid

b. katapatan

c. pagkamatapat

d. pagsisikap at pagtitiyaga

e. kasaganaan at karangyaan

Answer: d

11. Ang akdang hindi nauukol sa relihiyon noong panahon ng Kastila

a. dalit

b. panuluyan

c. senakulo

d. panubog

e. alay

Answer: d

12. Naglalaman ng mga butil ng karunungang kinapapalooban ng mabuting payo

na hango sa tunay na karanasan ng ating mga ninuno.

a. bugtong

b. talinghaga

c. salawikain

d. palaisipan

e. pabula

Answer: c

13. Ang katotohanang inihahayag sa awiting “Florente at Laura” ni Balagtas

a. kahirapan sa buhay

b. katiwalian ng mga Kastila

c. pagiibigan ng magka-ibang lahi

d. buhay pangangalakal noon panahon sa kastila

e. paraan ng pamumuhay

Answer: b

14. Dahilan kung bakit naging masigla ang pagsulat ng mga Pilipino sa magasing
” Liwayway” nuong panahon ng Hapon.

a. malaya silang sumulat

b. walang takot sa mga hapin

c. nabigyan ng pagpapahalaga ang sariling wika

d. mapayapa ang panahon

e. may mga naglakas-loob magsulat

Answer: c

15. Ang “Urbana at Felisa” na isinulat ni Modesto de Castro, ay naglalaman ng

magagandang asal ng mga Pilipino tungkol sa

a. pakikipagkapwa, paggalang sa magulang at pagkilala sa Diyos

b. magandang relasyon ng magkakapatid

c. pagtupad ng tungkulin sa bayan

d. pagharap sa pagsubok sa buhay

e. pagkilala sa karapatan ng kapwa

Answer: a

16. Ano ang kahulugan na nais iparating ng talatang ito hango sa “Sa Bagong
Paraiso” ni Efren Abueg?” At ang pamumulaklak at pamumunga ng mangga,
santol, sinegwelas at ng iba pang punungkahoy o halaman sa loobang iyong ay
nagpatuloy. Ang damuhan ay natuyo ay muling sinibulan ng bagong supling.”

a. napakaganda ng mga tanawin sa lalawigan

b. panahon ng tag-araw

c. patuloy ang paglipas ng panahon

d. malulusog ang pananim sa lalawigan

e. mas masarap manirahan sa lalawigan

Answer: c
17. Ano ang nais iparating ni Jose Rizal sa talatang ito na hango sa kanyang
“Noli Me Tangere”; Mamatay akong di-man nakita ang maningning na
pagbubukang-liwayway sa aking Inang Bayan. Kayong makakakita, batiin ninyo
siya at huwag kalimutan ang mga nalugmok sa dilim ng gabi.”

a. pagkwala ng pag-asa dahil sa mga nangyayari sa bayan

b. pag-asa sa kalayaan at paggunita sa mga taong nagbuwis ng buhay para sa


c. pagpapa-walang halaga sa paghihirap ng mga bayani

d. malawakang kalungkutan nadarama sa pagkwala ng pag-asa

e. taong bayan na dumaranas ng kalupitan at karahasan

Answer: b

18. Karaniwang tauhan ng akdang ito ay mga hayop na ang layunin ay ipa-alam
ang mga kaugaliang dapat pamarisan.

a. tugmaan

b. alamat

c. pabula

d. parabula

e. kwentong bayan

Answer: c

19. Sa saknong na ito na hango sa “Florante at Laura” ni Balagtas, ano ang

kahulugan nito?

“Katiwala ako’t ang iyong kariktan; Kapilas ng langit, anaki’y matibay;

Tapat ang psuo mo’t di-nagunamgunam.; na ang palilio’y nasa kagandahan”

a. Ang kagandahan ay maaaring makalinlang ng tao

b. Maaring pagtakpan ng kagandahan ang isang kataksilan

c. Pisikal na kagandahan ay maaaring magpahiwatig rin ng kagandahan asal

d. Kagandahan ay maaari ring maging batayan ng pagtitiwala sa katapatan na


e. Sadyang mapaglinlang ang kagandahan

Answer: a

20. Anong ayos ng pantig ang ginagamit sa salitang “daigdig”?





Answer: a

1. To lessen vehicular air pollution, the government should?

a. ask pedestrians to use bicycles.

b. utilize rail transit like MRT and LRT

c. impose stiffer penalties on decade old vehicles

d. ban smoke-belchers on the roads

Answer: d

2. Developing mines require getting a DENR clearance. Which of the ff.

clearances are required?

a. air pollution clearance

b. waster disposal clearance

c. environmental clearance

d. LGU clearance

Answer: c

3. The latest discovery in biological science as applied to animal industry, is most

widely used in?

a. tissue transplant

b. cloning of animals

c. artificial breeding

d. reproduction

Answer: c
4. Agricultural centers have found lately varieties of coconut propagation.
Through what means were the coconut varieties discovered and distributed?

a. tissue culture laboratories

b. scholarships

c. seed selection

d. putting up plant nurseries

Answer: d

5. Food preparation are handled well to avoid spoilage caused by _____ in the
preparation and processing of the food products.

a. miscalculation

b. scholarship

c. seed selection

d. putting up plant nurseries

Answer: c

6. The DOH warns the public about preservatives being used in vegetables.
What advice could you give with regards ensuring safe vegetables.

a. freeze the vegetables

b. wash the vegetables well with clean water

c. soak them with detergents

d. consume them immediately

Answer: b

7. School feeding and milk rationing programs to schoolchildren are being

implemented by the government.

a. have pogi points

b. special program of DepEd & DOH

c. provide food supplements

d. stop malnutrition among school children

Answer: d
8. Food, plants and other animal wastes should be segregated in waste disposal

a. these are biodegradable

b. these are non-biodegradable

c. there are disease-carrier

d. they are unsanitary

Answer: a

9. People on earth experience day and night regularly every 24hrs. Why is this

a. because the earth rotates on its own axis

b. because the earth revolves on its own axis

c. because the earth tilts on its own access

d. because the earth revolves around the sun

Answer: a

10. Acid rain cause fish kills, destroy building, dissolve river nutrients, etc. Which
of the ff. cause acid rain?

a. forest fires

b. burning of fossil fuels

c. use of chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs)

d. vehicle emission

Answer: b

11. Is the relationship between an organism and a host where neither is

benefited nor harmed.

a. commensalism

b. competitive

c. parasitic

d. mutualistic

Answer: a
12. Living and feeding on leaves by the caterpillar in an example of _____

a. competitive

b. mutualistic

c. parasitic

d. predatory

Answer: c

13. Which of the following is not used in the manufacture of food by green

a. carbon dioxide

b. sun

c. water and soil nutrients

d. oxygen

Answer: d

14. Josef weighs 65 kilos on the ground. How much is the force of gravity on

a. 65 kilos

b. 130 kilos

c. 32,75 kilos

d. none

Answer: a

15. During respiration, green plants take in?

a. water

b. carbon dioxide

c. oxygen

d. carbon dioxide and water

Answer: c
16. A root may perform all the following functions except?

a. photosynthesis

b. anchorage

c. food storage

d. water absorption

Answer: a

17. Ang kutsilyo ni Mang Atong ay kinalawang pagkatapos ng ilang buwan, Ano
ang sanhi nito?

a. ang hydrogen ay humalo sa iron

b. pag-ulan

c. may mikrobyo ang kutsilyo

d, kutsilyo ay yari sa metal

Answer: b

18. Alin sa mga sumusunod ang nagpapakita ng kemikal na pagbabago?

a. pagsunog ng papel

b. pag-ulan

c. pagkatunaw ng yelo

d. pag-ebaporeyt ng tubig

Answer: a

19. Ito ay ang pagtaas ng likido sa maliit na tubo.

a. akselerasyon

b. absorpsyon

c. adsorpsyon

d. capillarity

Answer: d

20. Ito ay ang paulit-ulit na pagbabago sa pagtaas at pagbaba ng tubig sa mga

a. wave

b. wave velocity

c. high tide

d. tides

Answer: d

1. What would be the best way to prevent soil erosion in a hill?

a. building terraces

b. cultivation

c. reforestation

d. irrigation

Answer: a

2. The application of specific concepts and principles.

a. biology

b. ecology

c. technology

d. science

Answer: c

3. What causes the feeling of coolness after experiencing perspiration?

a. air entered the skin pores

b. evaporation of perspiration

c. absorption of perspiration

d. condensation of perspiration

Answer: d

4. A weather disturbance having a 50 km/hour center winds is called?

a. hurricane

b. tropical depression
c. storm

d. typhoon

Answer: b

5. Environmental pollution is classified as violence that is now termed as?

a. ecological

b. structural

c. technological

d. scientific

Answer: a

6. There are some insects or animals that can walk on water surface. This is
made possible by?

a. surface capillarity

b. surface adhesion

c. surface tension

d. dense water surface

Answer: c

7. Is a group of interacting plants, animals and humans in a particular area.

a. ecological community

b. environment

c. living organisms

d. food chain

Answer: a

8. Excessive presence of CO2 in the air trapping heat near the earth’s surface
causing a rise in the temperature in the environment.

a. El Nino

b. “Greenhouse Effect”

c. Pollution
d. La Nina

Answer: b

9. The earth’s shield against the Sun’s harmful radiation.

a. atmosphere

b. air

c. ozone layer

d. clouds

Answer: c

10. The use of products with _____ is discouraged because they contribute to
the depletion of _____.

a. CFC’s – Solar radiation

b. gas – ozone

c. ozone – air

d. CFC’s – ozone layer

Answer: d

11. Is a condition in which the excessive number of organisms may result in

unhealthy living conditions and lower quality of life.

a. food shortage

b. population

c. pollution

d. overpopulation

Answer: d

12. Branch of science that deals with the study of the relationship between
plants, animals and other living things found in their habitats.

a. biology

b. biodiversity

c. ecology
d. ecosystem

Answer: c

13. Which of the following waste materials is NOT a biodegradable waste


a. dried leaves

b. food leftovers

c. styrofoam

d. paper

Answer: c

14. These are substances disposed of after use or by-products brought

about by certain processes.

a. waste materials

b. food leftovers

c. styrofoam

d. paper

Answer: a

15. A change in the shape or size of an object can be classified as?

a. nuclear change

b. chemical change

c. physical change

d. electrical

Answer: c

16. Process that occurs when CO2 as solid, changes CO2 as gas.

a. evaporation

b. sublimation

c. condensation

d. decomposition
Answer: b

17. It is the space between the sun and the planets of the solar system.

a. interplanetary space

b. solar space

c. solar ring

d. magnetic field

Answer: a

18. Iron sheet is coated with _____ to prevent rusting.

a. zinc

b. paint

c. anti-rust coating

d. cryolite

Answer: a

19. The sudden change in the genetic composition of an organism w/c can
either result in a wholesome or un-wholesome by-product.

a. modification

b. infusion

c. growth

d. mutation

Answer: d

20. He evolved the Theory of Evolution in his book “Origin of Species”.

a. Albert Einstein

b. Charles Darwin

c. Janus Keppler

d. Archimedes.

Answer: b
1. The relationship of give-and-take of living organisms in the biosphere is
a balance of nature called?

a. universe relationship

b. symbiotic relationship

c. spontaneous relationship

d. abiogenic relationship

Answer: b

2. Process in removing excess odor in water.

a. sedimentation

b. chlorination

c. distillation

d. aeration

Answer: d

3. Which of the following statement is CORRECT?

a. as altitude increases, atmospheric pressures correspondingly decreases

b. throughout the available space, gas tends to contact

c. equal chances are always given to all in life

d. shadow is formed when a colored object is projected against the wall

Answer: a

4. The earth rotates on its axis from west to east. This causes the sun to

a. appear with a fiery orange color

b. cause the appearance of a solar eclipse

c. rise from the east and sets in the west

d. exert gravitational pull on the solar system

Answer: c

5. One of these planets has the greatest gravitational pull. Which one is it?
a. Mars

b. Earth

c. Mercury

d. Jupiter

Answer: d

6. It is the law which explains why one can pull a piece of paper without
toppling a glass in a quick motion.

a. energy motion

b. gravity

c. law of inertia

d. force

Answer: c

7. Which of the following is NOT a source of energy?

a. water

b. nuclear

c. geothermal heat

d. inertia at rest

Answer: d

8. Which instrument will one use to convert mechanical energy to electrical


a. rotor

b. generator

c. motor

d. circuit

Answer: b

9. Sun’s energy is generated by?

a. nuclear fission
b. sin reacting with gravity

c. nuclear fission reaction

d. reaction with magnetic field

Answer: c

10. Application of energy is called?

a. work

b. inertia

c. kinetics

d. simulation

Answer: a

11. Within a large population, which factor helps to maintain a constant gene

a. migration

b. random mating

c. mutation

d. natural selection

Answer: b

12. The sum of all the heritable alleles for all the traits in a given population.

a. gene pool

b. race

c. community

d. genus

Answer: a

13. All the members of a group of organism are considered to belong to the
same species of they?

a. live in the same habitat

b. interbreed to produce fertile offspring

c. have the same body structure and skin coloring

d. have the same size and shape

Answer: b

14. Which is a contributing factor to the formation of new species?

a. gene frequency

b. random mating

c. geographic isolation

d. lack of adaptable variation

Answer: c

15. Many groups of insects have developed resistance to DDT and other
insecticides as a result of?

a. acquired characteristics

b. homologous structures

c. genetic mutations

d. non-specific feeding habits

Answer: c

16. This group of plants is sensitive to airborne chemicals and is often used
to indicate presence of pollution?

a. weeds

b. ferns

c. algae

d. lichens

Answer: d

17. During the process of photosynthesis, oxygen is given off as a by- product.
The oxygen comes from?

a. carbon dioxide and water

b. warer and nitrogen

c. water and not from CO2

d. CO2 and not form water

Answer: a

18. Which of the following is NOT a function of transpiration?

a. cooling of leaves

b. excretion of minerals

c. uptake of minerals

d. uptake of water

Answer: c

19. Green plants are considered autotrophs of transpiration?

a. have pigment to trap light

b. can build simple inorganic substance into complete organic substances

c. can build any kind of substances

d. depend on other sources for their food

Answer: b

20. Fatima uses information that she gathered so that she can decide what might
happen in the future. She is said to be?

a. interpreting

b. predicting

c. experimenting

d. analyzing

Answer: d

1. Which of the following procedures is used to check the presence of starch?

a. glucose solution

b. iodine solution

c. Benedict’s solution
d. Bromthymul blue

Answer: b

2. Which distinguishing characteristics does a mammal posses?

a. feathers & wings

b. hair & scales

c. hair & mammary glands

d. warm-blooded

Answer: c

3. A humid day is a condition in which the air is?

a. warm & dry

b. cold & dry

c. warm & moist

d. cold & moist

Answer: c

4. One major problem involved in organ transplants

a. age of the recipient

b. antigen-antibody reaction

c. race of recipient

d. sex

Answer: b

5. Josef wants to know the mass of a piece of metal. What instrument should
he use?

a. spring balance

b. equal-arm balance

c. graduated cylinder

d. platform balance
Answer: d

6. To what biome do the Philippines belong to?

a. tropical rainforest

b. tundra

c. dipterocarp forest

d. grassland

Answer: a

7. Tides, cause by gravity, is gradually showing down earth’s rotation speed. A

million years from now, scientist predict that earth’s _____.

a. day is longer

b. year is shorter

c. day is shorter

d. year is longer

Answer: a

8. On what earth’s geographical location will a town be to have most nearly

twelve hours of light and twelve hours of darkness during winter?

a. halfway between the equator and South Pole

b. close to North Pole

c. close to equator

d. close to South Pole

Answer: a

9. Which one explains why oxygen, a gas, is the largest component of the earth’s

a. oxygen gives earth crust its lightness

b. oxygen is capable of combining with most of the earth’s elements

c. oxygen is the most abundant element

d. oxygen is needed to sustain all life on earth

Answer: b

10. To earth scientist, the most important features on the map are the landforms
that shape the earth’s surface and are shown in?

a. hydrographic maps

b. geographic maps

c. political maps

d. topographic maps

Answer: d

11. What causes high and low tides?

a. earth’s rotation on its’ axis

b. sun’s solar energy

c. moon’s gravitational pull

d. earth’s gravitational pull

Answer: c

12. How is coral atoll formed?

a. volcanic eruption

b. corals growing around a volcanic island

c. underwater bedrock formations

d. earthquake

Answer: b

13.What is a longshore drift?

a. movement of sand and shingles along the coast

b. sand bars

c. accumulation of sand

d. islands formed by volcanic eruptions

Answer: a
14. How does an occlusion form?

a. cold air moving up from the ground

b. cold front pushing warm air up off the ground

c. unbalanced electrical reaction in air

d. cold and warm air mixing

Answer: c

15. What is a heat haze?

a. A reflection caused by pollutants in the air

b. A distorted image resulting from the bending of sun’s light rays by changes in
air temperature

c. movement of warm air over a vast expanse of land

d. caused by extremely high temperature common in desert areas

Answer: b

16. What sort of rock formation do the world’s greatest mountain ranges
consist of?

a. magma

b. chalk deposits

c. fold eruptions

d. slip formation

Answer: b

17. What is the force that wears down mountains?

a. earthquake

b. erosion

c. volcanic eruptions

d. deforestation

Answer: b

18. How are volcanic islands formed?

a. collision of two oceanic plates

b. volcanic eruptions

c. cooling of lava by seawater

d. Accumulation of corals

Answer: b

19. When you pass orange juice from a tetra pack into a glass, the juice changes

a. volume

b. shape

c. state

d. all of the above

Answer: b

20. The amount of water vapour air can hold at a certain temperature
without any change in state.

a. relative humidity

b. water capacity

c. water holding capacity

d. water pressure

Answer: c

1. A relative humidity of 25% means air _____.

a. is filled with water vapour

b. can hold 25% more water vapour

c. is filled up to 25% of its’ capacity

d. has no water vapour content

Answer: c

2. Which of the following does not cause the different seasons?

a. tilting of the earth’s axis

b. rotation

c. revolution

d. evolution

Answer: d

3. The movement of the ocean water which can be an alternative source of

energy or power.

a. waves

b. tides

c. gravitational force

d. earth’s rotation

Answer: b

4. When the water vapour reaches this temperature, condensation takes


a. saturation point

b. dew point

c. condensation point

d. precipitation point

Answer: b

5. Results in alternative days and night in opposite part of the earth

a. earth rotates on on its’ axis in west-to-east direction

b. earth rotates on its’ axis in east-to-west direction

c. earth stops rotating on its’ axis

d. earth tilts on its’ axis

Answer: a

6. The falling of any forms of water from the air to the earth’s surface.

a. condensation

b. precipitation
c. water vapour

d. humidity

Answer: b

7. The part of the atmosphere that filters the ultraviolet rays of the sun.

a. stratosphere

b. troposphere

c. ozone layer

d. ionosphere

Answer: c

8. The point on the earth’s orbit nearest the sun.

a. solstice

b. eclipse

c. aphelion

d. perihelion

Answer: d

9. The property of the minerals which give off rays of light when exposed to
ultraviolet light.

a. luminescence

b. phosphorescence

c. radiation

d. fluorescence

Answer: b

10. Which of the following involves chemical weathering?

a. carbonation

b. oxidation

c. decomposition
d. all of the above

Answer: d

11. How long does it take for the earth to complete one rotation?

a. 365 days

b. 30 days

c. 24 hours

d. 72 hours

Answer: c

12. What is the primary function of gravity in the universe?

a. provision of energy

b. keep the stars and heavenly bodies in orbit—(TINGIN KO TO)

c. cause movement in space

d. part of universal design

Answer: c

13. What does the word “monsoon” mean?

a. moon will come soon

b. atmosphere

c. season

d. climate

Answer: c

14. Its’ discovery enabled geologist to date rocks accurately.

a. global positioning system

b. carbon-dating

c. radioactivity

d. layering

Answer: c
15. It occurs when the earth is between the sun and moon, with the earth’s
shadow cast over the moon.

a. total eclipse

b. lunar eclipse

c. eclipse

d. partial eclipse

Answer: b

16. It is the boundary at which the advancing warm air mass is replacing
colder air at the surface.

a. warm front

b. stationary front

c. cold front

d. occluded front

Answer: a

17. Alin sa mga sumusunod ang hindi uri ng “galaxy” ayon sa klasipikasyon
na ginawa ni Edwin Hubble?

a. elliptical

b. spiral

c. barred spiral

d. Sirius

Answer: d

18. Ang erosion ay maaring maagapan sa pamamagitan ng pagbubungkal

ayon sa contour ng lupa. Ang tawag dito ay _____.

a. terracing

b. strip-cropping

c. contour plowing

d. hillside plowing

Answer: c
19. Ang paggalaw ng mga “plates” tulad ng “Eurasian Plate” at “Pacific
Plate” ay pinaniniwalaan sa dahilang _____.

a. Hindi pantay ang pagkalat ng init sa mundo na dulot nito ay “convection


b. init na galing sa araw

c. enerhiyang tidal

d. “gravitational pull”

Answer: a

20. Ang _____ ay ang tawag sa pagtalsik ng mga natunaw na material na

mula sa ilalim ng lupa.

a. faulting

b. volcanism

c. tectonic movement

d. continental shift

Answer: b

1. How do hormones work?

a. by releasing adrenaline

b. by controlling cell chemistry

c. by regulating water loss

d. by controlling blood pressure

Answer: b

2. Name the male and female sex hormones.

a. sperm cell and ovum

b. testosterone

c. chromosomes

d. red and white blood cells

Answer: a
3. The unit of measurement of energy in a given amount of food.

a. pound

b. kilo

c. olfactory system

d. calorie

Answer: d

4. Nitrogen compounds known as the building blocks of proteins.

a. enzymes

b. glucose

c. nutrients

d. amino acids

Answer: d

5. The growth of roots towards water is an example of?

a. chemotropism

b. geotropism

c. hydrotropism

d. phototropism

Answer: c

6. DNA means?

a. data nurturing analysis

b. deoxyribonucleic acid

c. deoxyribonucleic acid

d. deotrixyl nucleic acid

Answer: c

7. What are the 3 products of oxygen when it has been burned?

a. water, carbon dioxide and air

b. energy, water and carbon

c. energy, carbon and oxide

d. energy, air and water

Answer: b

8. In flowering plants, fertilization takes place in the?

a. pollen tube

b. stamen

c. ovules

d. pollen grain

Answer: c

9. The development or egg without fertilization.

a. mitosis

b. parthenogenesis

c. spermatogenesis

d. mitochondria

Answer: b

10. Which of the following is a source of energy needed for photosynthesis?

a. water

b. soil

c. light

d. fertilizer

Answer: c

11. They connect roots and leaves and serve as passageway and storage
for food minerals and water from the soil.

a. branches

b. stem
c. trunk

d. tap roots

Answer: b

12. The process by which plants produce food using carbon dioxide and
water, sunlight and chlorophyll.

a. reproduction

b. photosynthesis

c. fruit bearing

d. chemosynthesis

Answer: b

13. Process by which plants produce food using carbon dioxide and water,
sunlight and chlorophyll. (tingin ko mali yung tanong for this)

a. mitosis

b. artificial propagation

c. vegetation reproduction

d. grafting

Answer: c

14. The smallest part of a living thing which performs all the processes a living
organism does.

a. organ

b. cell

c. tissue

d. system

Answer: b

15. A group of tissues working together to perform a complex task.

a. system

b. organ
c. network

d. skin

Answer: b

16. Male and female reproductive part of a flower.

a. pollen grains and ovules

b. stamen and pistil

c. pollen grain and pistil

d. stamen and ovules

Answer: b

17. In the human body, the cell that most nearly resembles a one-celled

a. red blood cell

b. white blood cell

c. nerve cell

d. antibodies

Answer: b

18. The main energy source of a plant-eating animal.

a. glucose

b. starch

c. cellulose

d. glycogen

Answer: c

19. These are cellular secretions which help regulate the breakdown and
buildup of various substance in the body.

a. enzymes

b. amino acid

c. plasma
d. hormones

Answer: b

20. It is the energy source of the cell which it uses for growing, reproducing
and other activities

a. adenosine triphosphate (ATP)

b. amino acids

c. Chloroplast

d. sunlight

Answer: a

1. It is a segment of DNA molecule which controls the appearance of the given


a. chromosomes

b. genes

c. gametes

d. zygotes

Answer: b

2. Group of similar cells performing similar function together.

a. organs

b. system

c. nucleus

d. tissue

Answer: d

3. The diffusion of water through a semi-permeable membrane.

a. osmosis

b. permeability

c. transfusion

d. capillary
Answer: a

4. It shows the complex food relationships of organism in a given are and the
cyclic flow of food through organisms.

a. food chain

b. food web

c. food pyramid

d. biological cycle

Answer: b

5. Which of the following does NOT occur to both respiration and


a. energy is released

b. sugar is breakdown

c. carbon dioxide is produced

d. alcohol if formed

Answer: d

6. The genetic information in a DNA is coded in the _____?

a. sequence of ribonucleotides

b. proportion of the base result

c. base pairing

d. sequence of nucleotides

Answer: d

7. What will cause the process of respiration to stop?

a. absence of oxygen

b. absence of sunlight

c. decrease in water supply

d. presence of sunlight

Answer: a
8. What relationship exist between a bangus and tilapia in the fishpond?

a. commensalism

b. mutualism

c. competition

d. predation

Answer: c

9. Taxonomy is the study of classification of organism based on their?

a. genetics

b. evolutionary history

c. development pattern

d. habitat

Answer: b

10. As specie is said to be _____ when its number is so few that it will most likely
disappear altogether unless given proper protection.

a. disappearing

b. extinct

c. depleted

d. endangered

Answer: d

11. Some bacteria are classified as saprophytes because they organism


a. feed on dead organic matter

b. feed on other living things

c. undergo photosynthesis

d. have hydrolytic enzymes

Answer: a
12. In humans, food is moved down the esophagus into the stomach by
means of?

a. cyclosis

b. peptic acids

c. peristalsis

d. active transport

Answer: c

13. The structure outside the nucleus in animal cells that is involved in

a. ribosomes

b. chromosome

c. centriole

d. microtubule

Answer: c

14. Coordination and integration of the body activities of man are under the
direct control of the _____?

a. reproduction and transport system

b. nervous and endocrine system

c. nervous and excretory system

d. respiratory and endocrine system

Answer: b

15. Genetic engineering has been utilized for the production of _____?

a. genes

b. salivary amylase

c. uric acid crystals

d. human growth hormones

Answer: d
16. Chemistry is primary concerned with the composition and changes of?

a. mature

b. matter

c. man

d. earth

Answer: b

17. A scientific theory is?

a. a hypothesis not yet subjected to experimental test

b. an idea that correctly predicts the results

c. an imagination

d. a guess

Answer: a

18. Which of the following units of measurement is equivalent to cubic


a. milligram

b. milliliter

c. millimeter

d. centiliter

Answer: b

19. Which of the following is NOT a compound?

a. acetic acid

b. alcohol

c. magnesium

d. zinc oxide

Answer: c

20. The easier the atom loses its electrons, the less its>
a. electro-negativity

b. atomic radius

c. number of shells

d. valence electrons

Answer: d

1. The willingness of atom to receive electrons is measured by its?

a. electro-negativity

b. atomic potential

c. atomic size

d. electron affinity

Answer: d

2. A molecule is said to be polar or dipolar if?

a. its’ positive and negative charges are at different places

b. it possesses polar bonds

c. its’ polar bond have unsymmetrical charge distribution

d. all of the above

Answer: d

3. Which of the following is NOT a physical property of water?

a. freezing point at 0 degrees C

b. boiling point of 100 degrees C

c. It’s heat of fusion at 80 Cal/g.

d. Its’ density at 4 degrees at 1 lb/cu.ft

Answer: d

4. Which of the following statement is TRUE?

a. molecular weight does not influence boiling and melting point of a substance

b. boiling and melting point tend to increase with molecular weight

c. boiling and melting point tend to decrease with molecular weight

d. none of the above

Answer: b

5. A Mole is the amount of substance or the mass of a substance that


a. 6.02 x 1032 particles

b. 60.2 x 1032 particles

c. 6.02 x 1032 particles

d. 60.2 x 1032 particles

Answer: a

6. Which of the following statement is TRUE?

a. hydroxide is present in all bases

b. hydroxide is present in both

c. hydroxide is present in all acids

d. none of the above

Answer: a

7. Instrument which measures the specific gravity of liquids.

a. hygrometer

b. synchrotron

c. hydrometer

d. cyclotron

Answer: c

8. Which property does NOT identify a chemical system?

a. melting point

b. boiling point

c. taste
d. shape

Answer: c

9. The process of spreading out spontaneously to occupy a space to


a. compression

b. diffusion

c. expansion

d. pressure

Answer: b

10. It is the complex mixture of pollutants.

a. acid rain

b. particulates

c. oxides

d. oxidants

Answer: d

11. Energy removal is best illustrated in?

a. boiling of liquid substance

b. changing water to ice

c. changing water to steam

d. none of the above

Answer: b

12. Refers to the maximum amount of solute expressed in grams that can be
dissolved in 100 grams of water at a specific temperature.

a. solubility

b. stability

c. molarity

d. polarity
Answer: a

13. Compounds with the same molecular formula but with different structural

a. cellulose

b. isomers

c. polymers

d. monomers

Answer: b

14. The most penetrating type of radiation given off by radioactive elements.

a. alpha particle

b. beta particle

c. gamma radiation

d. none of the above

Answer: c

15. The basic unit for expressing masses of individual atoms

a. atomic number

b. atomic mass unit

c. nucleus

d. atomic weight

Answer: b

16. A substance that speeds up a chemical reaction without itself undergoing a

chemical change.

a. melting point

b. critical point

c. boiling point

d. freezing point

Answer: a
17. The temperature at which the vapor pressure of the liquid is equal to the
pressure of the surrounding atmosphere.

a. melting poing

b. critical point

c. boiling point

d. freezing point

Answer: c

18. The warming of the earth’s surface due to an increase in atmospheric

carbon dioxide.

a. “greenhouse effect”

b. ozone

c. atmospheric pressure

d. El Nino phenomena

Answer: a

19. Describes the force of gravity on an object

a. mass

b. weight

c. capacity

d. pressure

Answer: b

20. When gaseous molecules are compressed, they tend to?

a. increase in volume

b. decrease in volume

c. repel each other

d. attract and liquefy

Answer: a

1. Chemical Reaction always go to completion if

a. the molarity of reacting solutions is increased

b. water is produced

c. the pressures of the reacting substances are increased

d. the weak base is added to a weak acid

Answer: d

2. A compound was found to contain 15g. of carbon and 5g. of oxygen. What is
the mass ratio of carbon to oxygen?

a. 4:1

b. 3:2

c. 3:1

d. 5:3

Answer: c

3. An atom is ionized negatively by:

a. sharing with another atom

b. combining with another atom

c. acquiring an electron

d. mixing with molecules

Answer: c

4. The average temperature was recorded at 35 degree C. What is the

equivalent in Kelvin?

a. 308

b. 300

c. 278

d. 360

Answer: a

5. When gaseous substances are compressed, the result is a decrease in the

a. size of the particle

b. temperature

c. pressure exerted by the particles

d. distance between the particles

Answer: d

6. An acid substance _____.

a. donates proton

b. accepts proton

c. neither donates nor accepts

d. none of the above

Answer: a

7. The separation of substance by diffusion at different rates through

differentially permeable membranes is?

a. diffusion

b. dissociation

c. dialysis

d. distillation

Answer: c

8. What property shows the water is a compound and not a solution?

a. it is colorless

b. it cannot be filtered

c. it is tasteless

d. it boils at a definite temperature

Answer: d

9. Which of the following is the best technique to loosen two tumblers that are
stuck one inside the other>
a. pouring cold water on the outside tumbler after filling the inside tumbler with
cold water

b. pouring hot water on the outside tumbler after filling the inside tumbler with
cold water

c. pouring cold water on the outside tumbler after filling the inside tumbler with
hot water

d. pouring hot water on the outside tumbler after filling the inside tumbler with hot

Answer: b

10. Which of the following statement is TRUE of nuclear fission>

a. lighter atoms can be combined to form heavier atoms

b. nucleus of the atoms can be broken or split to produce energy

c. atoms can gain or lose electrons without changing its charge

d. the energy process is identical to that which occurs in the sun

Answer: b

11. The property of a solution that depends principally upon concentration of

dissolved particles rather than on its nature.

a. chemical property

b. physical property

c. mechanical property

d. colligative property

Answer: d

12. The ability of an atom to attract an electron in a bond.

a. formal change

b. electron affinity

c. resonance

d. electronegativity

Answer: d
13. Which of the ff. describes an electron.

a. mass of an electron is 1.67 x 1024 grams

b. represents the atomic number.

c. cathode rays are emitted when electricity is passed in an evacuated tube.

d. electrons are positively charged and are massive.

Answer: c

14. The total mass of all substances entering into a chemical reaction is
equal to the total mass of all the products of the reaction.

a. Law of Conservation of Mass

b. Law of Definite Proportion

c. Law of Multiple Proportion

d. Boyle’s Law

Answer: a

15. Ano ang tawag sa solusyon kung saan mas marami ang solute kaysa

a. saturated

b. supersaturated

c. unsaturated

d. diluted

Answer: b

16. Ayon sa “Avogado’s Law”, kapag ang moles ng isang gas ay nadoble at and
temperatura at pressure nito ay pareho pa rin, and volume ng gas ay _____/

a. mahahati sa apat

b. mahahati sa dalawa

c. madodoble

d. matritriple

Answer: b
17. The standard temperature of a gas in 00 and its standard pressure is

a. 101.3 atm

b. 22.4 atm

c. 1 atm

d. 273 atm

Answer: c

18. The temperature at which the vapor pressure of the liquid is equal to the
external pressure.

a. boiling point

b. melting point

c. freezing point

d. balance point

Answer: a

19. This theory states that the tiny particles in all forms of matter are in constant

a. kinetic theory

b. Molecular Theory

c. Constant Speed theory

d. Law of Conservation of Energy

Answer: a

20. A 1 liter sample of gas is at a temperature of 3000 K; when the temperature is

increased to 6000 K, the volume _____.

a. increase to 2 L

b. increases to 0 L

c. increases to 30 L

d. decreases to .5 L

Answer: a
1. It is the measure of the amount of matter in an object.

a. weight

b. mass

c. volume

d. quantity

Answer: b

2. It is the distance traveled by the body per unit time and tells how fast or
slow the body moves.

a. velocity

b. speed

c. acceleration

d. thrust

Answer: b

3. The rate of change of the distance traveled per unit time in a stated

a. velocity

b. speed

c. acceleration

d. thrust

Answer: c

4. The law states that the force acting upon an object is equal to the
product of the mass and acceleration of the object.

a. Newton’s 2nd Law of Motion

b. Newton’s 3rd Law of Motion

c. Newton’s 1st Law of Motion

d. Energy Law

Answer: a
5. When a force is applied to a body, several effects are possible. Which of the
ff. effect CAN’T occur?

a. the body rotates

b. the body changes direction

c. the body increase its mass

d. the body changes shape

Answer: c

6. It is the reluctance of the object to change either its state of rest or

uniform motion in a straight line.

a. force

b. friction

c. inertia

d. motion

Answer: d

7. This law states that energy cannot be created nor destroyed but only changes
from one form to another.

a. Energy Law

b. Kinetic Theory of Matter

c. Law of Conservation of Energy

d. Newton’s Law of Force

Answer: b

8. This Law states that all matter is made up of a large number of molecules
which are in continuous motion.

a. Boyle’s Law

b. Kinetic Theory of Matter

c. Law of Conservation of Energy

d. Newton’s Law of Force

Answer: b
9. The lowest possible temperature that a substance can reach.

a. freezing point

b. absolute zero

c. steam point

d. threshold

Answer: b

10. It is the amount of heat required to raise the temperature of 1kg. of a

substance by 1 degree C.

a. calorie

b. watt

c. Specific heat capacity

d. joule

Answer: c

11. The pressure cooker works under the principle that?

a. Boiling point increases as pressure decreases

b. boiling point decreases as pressure increases

c. freezing point increases as pressure increases

d. freezing point increases as pressure decreases

Answer: a

12. It is the process by which heat is transmitted through a substance from

one particle to another by the amount of heated particles.

a. convection

b. insulation

c. conduction

d. radiation

Answer: c

13. It is the Phenomena in which energy is transferred through vibrations.

a. frequency

b. waves

c. refraction

d. amplitude

Answer: b

14. The unit of measurement for intensity of sound

a. hertz

b. decibel

c. angstrom

d. frequency

Answer: b

15. It is the process by which a heavy nucleus of an atom is split into 2 or more
fragments of comparable sizes when its nucleus is struck by a neutron

a. chain reaction

b. nuclear fusion

c. radiation

d. nuclear fission

Answer: d

16. It is the union of two light nuclei to form a heavier nucleus, resulting in a
mass defect and release of energy.

a. radiation

b. nuclear fission

c. nuclear fusion

d. radioactivity

Answer: c

17. Which of the following statement is a characteristic of an electronic

a. they all travel at the same speed in free space

b. they exhibit diffraction and interference phenomena

c. they follow the laws of refraction and reflection

d. all of the above

Answer: d

18. The term “RADAR” is derived from the phrase?

a. Radio Detection and Ranging

b. Radiation Diffusion and Ranging

c. Radio Diffraction and Resolution

d. Radiation Diffraction and Resolution

Answer: a

19. A material whose ability to conduct electricity lies between those of

conductors and insulators.

a. integrated circuits

b. silicon chips

c. semiconductors

d. insulators

Answer: c

20. “LASER” is derived from the phrase?

a. Light Amplification by Stimulated Emission of Radiation

b. Light Application by Simulated Emission of Radiation

c. Light Amplification by Simulated Ejection of Radiation

d. None of the above

Answer: a

. What is the color of a transparent substance?

a. the color of the light it absorbs

b. the color of the light it reflects

c. the color of the light it transmits

d. the color of the light it

Answer: c

2. What is rotating electromagnetic called?

a. Motor

b. Rotor

c. Phasor

d. Sensor

Answer: b

3. What happens with the centripetal force when speed is doubled?

a. remains the same

b. force is increased 4x

c. triples

d. doubles

Answer: d

4. What is an electrochemical cell in which the reacting materials can be

renewed by the use of reverse current?

a. storage cell

b. primary cell

c. fuel cell

d. chemical cell

Answer: a

5. What will make an object move on a circular path?

a. central force

b. gravitational force
c. frictional force

d. electromagnetic force

Answer: a

6. What kind of energy is present whenever a body is at distance from the


a. elastic potential energy

b. electric potential energy

c. electromagnetic potential energy

d. gravitational potential energy

Answer: d

7. The process which occurs when heat passes from one molecule to
another molecule.

a. convection

b. radiation

c. conduction

d. expansion

Answer: c

8. The temperature at which gas would no longer exert pressure.

a. Kelvin temperature

b. Celsius temperature

c. Absolute zero

d. boiling point

Answer: c

9. The formula for finding the efficiency of a machine.

a. efficiency = input force/ output force x 100%

b. efficiency = output force/ input force x 100%

c. efficiency = output work/ input work x 100%

d. efficiency = input work/ output work x 100%

Answer: c

10. The amount of calories required to convert 30g. of ice at 0 degrees to water
at 60 degrees.

a. 3000 calories

b. 4000 calories

c. 7000 calories

d. 6840 calories

Answer: c

11. When both are dropped, a 5 lb. ball and a 10 lb. ball with reach the ground at
the same time because?

a. the gravitational attraction is the same on both

b. both have the same inertia

c. the inertia resistance of the lighter ball is greater than that of the heavier ball

d. the greater gravitational force of the 10 lb. ball is offset by its’ greater inertial

Answer: d

12. The result when there is lack of cohesion among gas molecules.

a. gas molecules are confined and kept together

b. molecules move freely in all directions

c. molecules are compressed into smaller volumes

d. opposing forces come into play

Answer: b

13. At what temperature does water have the smallest volume and greatest

a. 0 degrees C

b. 2 degrees C

c. 4 degrees C
d. 16 degrees C

Answer: a

14. What single force, when applied at the same point, will produce the same

a. resultant force

b. composite force

c. concurrent force

d. nuclear force

Answer: d

15. Energy can be released by atomic fusion when?

a. the atoms fused have a mutual attraction

b. the atoms fused have a mutual repulsion

c. the atom formed is fissionable

d. the nuclear mass of the atom is less than the combined mass of the atoms

Answer: a

16. Ang bilang ng pagikot sa isang segundo.

a. frequency

b. period

c. acceleration

d. velocity

Answer: a

17. Ang gitna ng torque ay _____.

a. katulad ng “center of gravity”

b. palaging gitna ng isang bagay

c. kalinya ng galaw ng puwersa

d. sa lugar kung saan ang haba ng lahat ng torque ay sinusukat

Answer: d

18. Alin sa mga sumusunod ay lumalaki ang value kung ang isang bagay ay
itinatapon pataas?

a. kinetic energy

b. potential energy

c. momentum energy

d. velocity

Answer: b

19. Kapag ang puting ilaw ay pinatama sa isang salamin na prism, nagkakaroon
ng “spectrum” dahil sa _____.

a. refraction

b. diffusion

c. reflection

d. conviction

Answer: b

20. A projectile always travels in a ______.

a. linear path

b. circular path

c. parabolic path

d. a and c

Answer: c

1. What does a professional code of ethics prescribe for all?

a. moral standards and ethical behavior

b. rules and regulations in practicing one’s profession

c. strict law implementation

d. civility and social-consciousness

Answer: a
2. The number of days after which an enrolled bill becomes a law.

a. 45 days

b. 60 days

c. 75 days

d. 90 days

Answer: d

3. It is perceived as the most important need and most pressing problem of the
Filipino family.

a. unemployment of financial problem

b. prone to vice

c. broken family

d. double standard on roles.

Answer: a

4. There are 3 fundamental Human rights according to the Universal Declaration

of Human Rights. These are:

a. life, security and self-development

b. life, economy and self-development

c. life, dignity and security

d. life, liberty and security

Answer: d

5. Which of the following state is the right to human dignity?

a. property ownership

b. honor and reputation

c. fair trial

d. political and security

Answer: b

6. Which of the following would refer to the “Funnel Effect?”

a. criminal justice is fully implemented in the Philippines

b. very few criminals are actually punished

c. every criminal would be caught and be punished

d. all crimes are under the same criminal justice

Answer: c

7. The most important and central message of the Moral Recovery Program.

a. national moral regestration

b. family

c. self

d. fiscal deficit

Answer: c

8. Government expenses is more than what it earns thru tax collection.

a. fiscal reforms

b. taxation

c. overspending

d. fiscal deficit

Answer: d

9. If the school is considered as an agent of social and cultural change, it should

function as?

a. transmitter of culture

b. perpetuator of tradition

c. pioneer of programs

d. innovator of instructions

Answer: b

10. It mandates the blending of coco methyl ester (CME) in all diesel fuel and
ethanol in gasoline sold across the country.

a. Fuel Development Act

b. Alternative Fuel Development Act

c. Biofuel Act of 2006

d. Clean Air Act of 1999

Answer: c

11. Which of the following is NOT considered a “biofuel?”

a. jathropa or “tuba-tuba”

b. liquefied petroleum gas

c. ethanol

d. coco methyl ester

Answer: b

12. The “ASEAN +3” was recently expanded with 3 new partner-countries during
the 2006 APEC in vietnam to foster broader regional free trade in the region.
These countries are?

a. U.S., Canada and Japan

b. Australia, New Zealand and India

c. Russia, China and Japan

d. Australia, US and New Zealand

Answer: b

13. Refers to a diesel-equivalent, processed fuel derived from biological sources.

a. ethanol

b. vegetable oils

c. bio-diesel

d. bio-fuel

Answer: b

14. What is the main goal of drug abuse education?

a. arrest

b. prevention
c. control

d. rehabilitation

Answer: b

15. The fundamental law of the land.

a. Republic Acts

b. Constitution

c. Court decision

d. Executive Order

e. Supreme Court decisions

Answer: b

16. It is the power of the State to command and enforce obedience to its’ will
from people within its’ jurisdiction and to have freedom from foreign control.

a. Government

b. State

c. Sovereignty

d. Eminent Domain

e. Police Power

Answer: c

17, The Philippines is a democratic and _____ state. Sovereignty resides in the
people and all the government authority emanates from them.

a. Presidential

b. Bicameral

c. Republican

d. Constitutional

e. Free

Answer: c
18. Policy of the State to promote social justice in all phase of national
development and five preferential attention to the welfare of the less fortunate
members of the society.

a. Human rights

b. Democracy

c. Freedom

d. Social Justice

e. None of the above

Answer: d

19. It is the declaration and enumeration of the individual rights and privileges
which the Constitution is designed to protect against violations by the
government, by groups or by individuals.

a. Civil Rights

b. Bill of Rights

c. Political Rights

d. Constitutional Rights

e. Social Rights

Answer: b

20. It signifies that “all person subject to legislation shall be treated alike, under
like circumstances and conditions both in the privileges conferred and liabilities

a. Bill of Rights

b. Constitutional Rights

c. Political Rights

d. “Equal Protection of Law”

e. Law

Answer: d
1. These are the rights of the citizens which give them power to participate,
directly or indirectly, in the establishment or administration of the government,
suffrage and information in matters of public concern.

a. Political Rights

b. Civil Rights

c. Constitutional Rights

d. Economic Rights

e. Cultural Rights

Answer: a

2. The rights of the citizens which the law will enforce at the instance of private
individuals for the purpose of securing the enjoyment of their means of
happiness. Among them are the rights against involuntary servitude, etc.

a. Constitutional Rights

b. Social & Economic Rights

c. Civil Rights

d. Political Rights

e. Cultural Rights

Answer: c

3. They are rights which are intended to ensure the well-being and economic
security of individuals. Among them are the right to property and just

a. Social & Economic Rights

b. Cultural Rights

c. Civil Rights

d. Constitutional Rights

e. Political Rights

Answer: a
4. The power of the State to enact laws or regulations in relation to persons and
properties as may promote public health, safety, general welfare and

a. Power of Eminent Domain

b. Police Power

c. Power of Taxation

d. Emergency Powers

Answer: b

5. It is the power of the State to impose charge or burden upon persons, property
or property rights for the use and support of the government and to enable it to
dis-charge its’ appropriate functions..

a. Eminent Domain

b. Police Power

c. Taxation

d. Constitutional Powers

e. Expropriation

Answer: c

6. It is the power to apply the law to contest or disputes concerning legally

recognized rights or duties between the State and private persons brought before
the Judiciary.

a. Executive Powers

b. Legislative Powers

c. Judicial Powers

d. Constitutional Powers

e. Police Powers

Answer: c

7. Under 1987 Constitution, which among its’ basic principles embody the
sociological aspects of life?

a. Separation of State and Church

b. Empowerment of People Power

c. Recognition of Family as a basic social institution

d. Empowerment of Suffrage

Answer: c

8. The measurement of the total value of a country’s economic production.

a. Gross National Product (GNP)

b. National Income

c. NET National Production

d. Per Capita Income

Answer: a

9. The major purpose of taxation.

a. provides State income

b. redistribute the monetary resources

c. lessen the disposable income

d. controls financial deficit

Answer: a

10. A policy that controls taxes and government expenditures.

a. monetary policy

b. fiscal policy

c. trade policy

d. investment policy

Answer: b

11. CARP’s (Comprehensive Agrarian Reform Program) primary aim or purpose.

a. make the tiller the owner of the land he cultivates

b. achieve a dignified existence for the small farmers

c. provide the necessary support facilities, instructions and services

d. provide credit facilities like loans and financing

Answer: b

12. The term of office for the President under the 1987 Constitution

a. 3 years

b. 6 years

c. 3 years with re-election

d. 6 years with re-election

Answer: b

13. It embodies the national policy on information technology and serves as a

guide to all government agencies in the effective utilization of information
technology resources.

a. National Information Technology Plan (NITP)

b. Information Technology Development Program

c. Science and Technology Development Program

d. Information Technology Utilization Plan

Answer: a

14. It is the electronic commerce between individual consumers.

a. B2B (business to business)

b. C2C (consumer to consumer)

c. E-mail

d. B2C (business to consumer)

Answer: b

15. It is the environmental milestone that requires industries to install anti-

pollution devices and ban the use if incinerators.

a. The Greenpeace Act

b. The Environment Care Act

c. The Clean Air Act

d. The Anti-Pollution Law

Answer: c

16. A broader regional free trade zone established composed of ASEAN

engaging Japan, China and South Korea in expanding economic relations.

a. ASEAN Free Trade Zone

b. “ASEAN Plus Three”

c. APEC Economic Zone

d. APEC Free Trade Zone

Answer: b

17. Program designed to solve the social ills of the Filipino society through social
renewal and transformation and to strengthen the moral fiber of the Filipino

a. People Empowerment

b. “Galing Mo Pinoy!”

c. People’s Initiative

d. Moral Recovery Program

Answer: d

18. The integration of national markers into a single world market place where
goods, services, financial capital and technology flow unhampered between

a. Market liberation

b. Free Trade Zone

c. Globalization

d. Market Integration

Answer: c

19. World body with 143 member-countries that set governing rules in economic
relations and trade.

a. World Trade Organization

b. General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade

c. United Nations

d. U.N. Conference on Trade and Development

Answer: a

20. Refers to the increasing reliance on markets, not governments, to guide

economic activity.

a. Liberalization

b. Deregulation

c. Globalisation

d. Privatization

Answer: b

1. It is a global financial body which imposes sanctions on countries who fails to

act against money-laundering.

a. The Financial Action Task Force

b. International Monetary Fund

c. The Federal Reserve

d. The U.N. Finance Group

Answer: a

2. It measures the numerical index of a person’s general intelligence as compare

to other of the same type of intelligence.

a. Maturity

b. Intelligence Quotient (I.Q.)

c. Emotional Quotient (E.Q.)

d. Aptitude

Answer: b

3. This law allows college students to choose among the 3 component programs
of national service namely ROTC, literacy training service or civic welfare
a. National Service Training Program Act (NSTP act)

b. Civil Service Act

c. Nation Defense Service Act

d. National Integrated Service Act

Answer: a

4. It it the cooperate mind of the pupils and teachers organized around principles
of knowledge in which all minds are thinking as one.

a. social mind

b. educative mind

c. Philosophical mind

d. intelligence

Answer: a

5. It is of outmost educational importance that the social basis of human nature

should be habitual when?

a. man fails to correct some of the worst social ills

b. man resorts to war, terrorism or violence to call the society’s attention

c. Man rearranges social circumstances to let self-restraint give way to social


d. man has to learn to fight to protect one’s life and preserve one’s culture

Answer: c

6. Which of the following situation would hasten the changes the social quality of
human nature?

a. making education an instrument for social change

b. making ourselves open to changes

c. letting the institutions be the agent of change

d. allowing freedom to adopt a more critical attitude towards change

Answer: b
7. They were the first to regard the school as an instrument of social

a. the advocates of progressive education

b. the advocates of conservative education

c. those who see violence or terrorism as the ultimate to hasten social change

d. those who are content with the status quo

Answer: a

8. These are values which are basic, urgent and obligatory in character in man’s
life and activities.

a. religious values

b. ethical values

c. cultural values

d. social values

Answer: b

9. Social stratification is the system used in the assigning men their respective
ranks in the society based on?

a. one’s social stratum to another laterally, horizontally or vertically

b. acquired social and cultural heritage of his society

c. factors such as income, wealth, education, work and lifestyle

d. The person’s view on his social position in the society

Answer: b

10. A society that gives importance and adopts the democratic view of education,
places great emphasis by

a. requiring compulsory schooling for all its’ citizens

b. choosing excellent people to run the education system

c. requiring the use of excellent textbooks

d. recognizing the dignity of all individuals

Answer: a
11. Refers to the passing of culture to the next generation.

a. religion

b. education

c. arts

d. language

Answer: b

12. Is is the important basis in the formation of social unit in a society.

a. mutual interest

b. age and sex

c. kinship

d. education

Answer: c

13. The secret society Jose Rizal established designed to promote civic and
patriotic education among the Filipinos.

a. La Liga Filipino

b. Companerismp

c. Propaganda

d. La Juventud

Answer: b

14. Rizal’s winning poem which is consigned to promote civic and patriotic
education among the Filipinos.

a. To the Filipino Youth

b. El Amor Patrio

c. Los Viajes

d. The Tales

Answer: a

15. The process of two cultures borrowing from each other.

a. mixed culture

b. culture area

c. diffusion

d. assimilation

Answer: c

16. The cognitive aspect of the valuing process wherein the individual has a full
understanding of the consequences of each option being considered.

a. choosing from the alternatives

b. choosing reflectively

c. choosing freely

d. imagining and cherishing

Answer: b

17.Value-laden Ideas indicates the learner’s behavior such as his attitudes,

interest, aspirations, belief, etc

a. behavior indicators

b. attitude indicators

c. aptitude indicators

d. value indicators

Answer: d

18. The teacher becomes a director of values learning and enriches the learnings
through cognitive and affective inputs.

a. activity

b. abstraction

c. analysis

d. application

Answer: b

19. To develop the self-reflection and analysis, educational methods should?

a. focus on note learning and analysis

b. inculcate the value and habit of self-reflection starting from childhood

c. conduct a series of activities on self-reflection

d. encourage conversion as a proof of personal transformation

Answer: b

20. Is an ongoing process of using one’s innate capacities and potentials in full,
creative ways which is the core of the valuing process.

a. self-actualization

b. introspection

c. value processing

d. self-direction

Answer: a

1. The capacity of the individual to function in every way at one’s own best.

a. Physical Education

b. Fitness Testing

c. Physical Fitness

d. Motor skill fitness

Answer: c

2. It is a self-motivating activity where one can manipulate to the different parts of

the body into varied positions or movement.

a. Coordination

b. Gymnastics

c. Agility

d. Physical fitness

Answer: b

3. Which of the ff. is NOT an aspect of Physical fitness?

a. Static fitness
b. Dynamic fitness

c. Motor skill fitness

d. none of the above

Answer: d

4. Which of the ff. is a way to test physical fitness?

a. Bent-knee curl up

b. Sit and Reach

c. Three minute steps

d. All of the above

Answer: d

5. They are exercise done to improve grace, form and control of body parts
through creative movements.

a. Tumbling

b. Knee scale

c. Aerial skills

d. Floor exercise

Answer: d

6. It is a dance or unit formation composed of 4 pairs standing on the side of a

hallow square facing center.

a. Circle

b. Promenade

c. Set

d. Break

Answer: c

7. Is a leadership wherein the members show loyalty and pride for their unit.

a. Proficiency

b. Morals
c. Discipline

d. Esprit de Corps.

Answer: d

8. Its purpose is to convey to the reader accurate information concerning the

various terrain and geographical features of an area.

a. Globe

b. Map

c. Scale

d. Grid

Answer: b

9. Is help or assistance given to injured person or taken suddenly ill and includes
self-help and includes self-help and home care, words of encouragement and
promotion of confidence.

a. First Aid

b. Emergency case

c. Ambulatory system

d. none of the above

Answer: a

10. Refers to a general body knowledge that in individual can adopt to reduce the
shock of finding one’s self isolated in a desolate place, etc.

a. Survival skills

b. Technical skills

c. Military skills

d. Scientific skills

Answer: a

11. It is the physical dependence or both on a dangerous drug following its

administration or use on a periodic or continuous basis.

a. Drug Abuse
b. Drug addiction

c. Drug Dependent

d. Drug Tolerance

Answer: c

12. The policy-making and coordinating agency in drug prevention.

a. Dangerous Drug Board

b. Dept. of Health

c. Nation Bureau of Investigation

d. PNP Anti-Narcotics Commission

Answer: a

13. The means to improve the quality of life of each Filipino through regulation
and spacing of child birth, counseling of parents and would-be parents, etc.

a. Family Planning

b. Responsible Parenthood

c. Population Control

d. Contraception

Answer: a

14. It a set of goals and guidelines for changing the rate of population growth in
the vital interest of a country.

a. Population Control

b. Population Policy

c. Population Program

d. Population Education

Answer: b

15. It is the act of introducing substances or pollutants into the atmosphere which
may be injurious to public health.

a. Water pollution
b. Air pollution

c. Noise Pollution

d. all of the above

Answer: b

16. It is the recovery or reuse of any material to conserve resources and waste

a. Recycling

b. Segregation

c. Composing

d. Reprocessing

Answer: a

17. Refers to the economic application of laws and process of science and
engineering in the preparation and preservation of food.

a. Food Control

b. Food Management

c. Food Technology

d. Food Sanitation

Answer: c

18. The style of performing the lyrics of a song in an half-sung, half-spoken


a. Rap

b. Sprechstimme

c. Expressionism

d. Impressionism

Answer: b

19. The use of different meter signatures in a composition.

a. Multimeter
b. Syncopation

c. Polymeter

d. Polytonally

Answer: a

20. The use of two or more different rhythms played at the same time.

a. Bitonality

b. Polyrhythm

c. Polynality

d. Multimeter

Answer: b

1. Which of the following should be taken into account before preparing the form

a. Soil and water supply

b. Sunlight & air circulation

c. Accessibility & proximity to market

d. all of the above

Answer: d

2. Which of the ff. is a characteristic of good soil?

a. Should be viable

b. fresh & mature

c. damage free & free seed-borne disease

d. all of the above

Answer: d

3. It is the first and most important tillage operation in preparing the land for to
make more moisture-retentive.

a. Cleaning

b. Plowing
c. Harrowing

d. Pulverizing

Answer: b

4. Is an organic material consisting of very fine rotted animal waste, plant parts
and other organic & biodegradable material

a. Biomass

b. Compost

c. Heap

d. Fertilizer

Answer: b

5. This method of fish-culture is characterized by the use of net enclosure in

shallow protected areas of inland waters.

a. Cage method

b. Fishpen method

c. Aquarium method

d. Open-water method

Answer: b

6. The objective of applying fertilizers to fish ponds

a. Promote fish growth

b. Enhance production

c. Neutralize acidity

d. Enhance the color of the water

Answer: b

7. This type of plants contains nitrogen in its roots which is converter to nitrates
by rhizolia, thus, contributing to soil fertility.

a. Vine crops

b. Root crops
c. Legumes

d. Tubers

Answer: c

8. Which of the ff. is NOT an aspect of fish-culture?

a. Fish cultivation

b. Fish propagation

c. Fish conservation

d. Fish marketing

Answer: d

9. The object is represented by the side seen at one time

a. Perspective

b. Projection

c. Orthographic

d. Isometric

Answer: d

10. The system of representing the true shape of any object arranged on a plane
in two or more views at right angle to each other.

a. Perspective

b. Dimension

c. Orthographic dimension

d. Oblique drawing

Answer: c

11. Isometric projection is drawn on tree axes name the vertical and 2 _____
degree lines

a. 90

b. 60

c. 40
d. 30

Answer: d

12. It is part of the electrical circuit which converts electrical energy into another
form to do work

a. Voltage

b. Load

c. Current

d. Ampere

Answer: b

13. The system on which the flow of electricity is always in one direction

a. Power

b. Integrated circuit

c. Alternating current

d. Direct current

Answer: d

14. The amount of heat required to take 1 lb. of water to change it temperature 1
degree F

a. British thermal Unit (BTU)

b. Voltage

c. Watt

d. Calorie

Answer: a

15. Property of metal w/c can be hammered and flattened into sheets without

a. Ductility

b. Brittleness

c. Elasticity
d. Malleability

Answer: d

16. A system of principles to conduct life

a. Belief

b. Values

c. Philosophy

d. Goals and objectives

Answer: c

17. Process of reaching solution to a problem which is based on family goals,

a. Assessment

b. Reorganization

c. Decision-making

d. Problem-solving

Answer: a

18. To achieve a satisfying family life, each member is expected to live his role
with corresponding _____.

a. loyalty

b. responsibilities

c. needs

d. care

Answer: b

19. Human resources which the family can use to achieve its goals.

a. Energy

b. Abilities and skills

c. Knowledge

d. all of the above

Answer: d

20. Earnings of corporations which are distributed among stockholders

a. Profit

b. Retained earnings

c. Stocks

d. Dividends

Answer: d

1. This is a scientific test done under controlled conditions where just one or a
few factor are changed at a time, while all others are kept constant.

a. laboratory test

b. controlled experiment

c. chemical experiment

d. science experiment

Answer: b

2. The sum total of the biochemical reactions occurring in an organism, the

process by which young body converts what you eat and drink into energy.

a. digestion

b. absorption

c. conversion

d. metabolism

Answer: d

3. They must use energy and consume nutrients to carry out the chemical
reactions that sustain life.

a. living things

b. plants

c. organisms

d. human
Answer: a

4. Living organisms regulate their internal environment to maintain the relatively

narrow range of conditions needed for cell function and this regulation of a stable
internal environment even in the face of a changing external environment is
called what?

a. temperature

b. homeostasis

c. habitation

d. adaptation

Answer: b

5. This is a process where a heritable trait that provides a fitness advantage may
become more and more common in a population, making the population better
suited to its environment over generations.

a. Natural selection

b. Adaption

c. Reproduction

d. Chemical reaction

Answer: b

6. In a covalent bond, what comes from the shared. electrostatic attraction

between the two positively charged atomic nuclei and the shared negatively
charged electrons between them?

a. the stability of the bond

b. molecule

c. a distinct group of atoms

d. a structural formula

Answer: a

7. An object at rest remain at rest unless acted upon by an external force, or if in

motion, it continues to move in a straight line with constant speed. What is this
law of motion set forth by Isaac Newton?

a. Law of Thermodynamics
b. Law of Inertia

c. Law of Attraction

d. Law of Dynamics

Answer: b

8. When the match is struck, what heats the head to a temperature at which the
chemicals react and generate more heat than can escape into the air, and they
burn with a flame?

a. fire

b. friction

c. tension

d. heat wave

Answer: b

9. Who believed that species survived through a process called natural selection,
where species that successfully adapted to meet the changing requirements of
their natural habitat thrived, while those that failed to evolve and reproduce died

a. Louis Pasteur

b. Robert Koch

c. Sigmund Freud

d. Charles Darwin

Answer: d

10. Who was the founding father of Psychoanalysis, a method for treating mental
illness and also a theory which explains human behavior?

a. Sigmund Freud

b. Carl Jung

c. Charles Darwin

d. Carl Claus

Answer: a
11. These are rocks formed from magma in the Earth’s mantle that generally do
not contain fossils, do not react with acids, can be made of different minerals and
may be glassy in appearance.

a. sedimentary rocks

b. metamorphic rocks

c. igneous rocks

d. basalt rocks

Answer: c

12. They live in all kinds of habitat but most live in the ocean and are one of the
pillars of the global marine ecosystem They have several pairs of legs and a
body made up of sections that are covered in a hard outer shell like crabs and

a. crustaceans

b. reptiles

c. mammals

d. shellfish

Answer: a

13. A zoological term that refers to animal that produce eggs but retain them
inside the female body until hatching occurs, so that live offspring are born.

a. viviparous

b. ovoviviparous

c. reproduction

d. germination

Answer: b

14. What do you call the microorganism that cause disease?

a. bacteria

b. viruses

c. germs
d. pathogens

Answer: d

15. One of the main branches of chemistry that studies chemical processes that
occur within living organisms.

a. organic chemistry

b. analytical chemistry

c. biochemistry

d. inorganic chemistry

Answer: c

16. These are sugars and starches, the chemical fuels needed for our cells to

a. glucose

b. fructose

c. carbohydrates

d. sucrose

Answer: c

17. What do you call these changes that include changes of state such as ice
melting to water and water evaporating to vapor?

a. physical changes

b. chemical reactions

c. chemical change

d. diffusion

Answer: a

18. The rusting of steel garbage happens because the iron (Fe) in the metal
combined with oxygen (O2) in the atmosphere. This is an example of:

a. chemical combination

b. chemical reaction

c. physical change
d. chemical bond

Answer: b

19. When _____ react with metals they produce a wide range of salts, including
calcium fluoride, sodium chloride (common table salt), silver bromide and
potassium iodide.

a. halogens

b. pathogens

c. oxygen

d. hydrogen

Answer: a

20. What is this dominant theory of heredity that suggests that each parent
contributed fluids to the fertilization process and that the traits of the parents
blended and mixed to produced the offspring.

a. pangenesis

b. blending inheritance

c. reproduction

d. genetics

Answer: b

1. it is a molecule that carries the genetic instructions used in the growth,

development, functioning and reproduction of all known living organisms and
many viruses.

a. ribonucleic acid

b. proteins

c. lipids

d. DNA

Answer: d

2. The outer layer of the skin which provides a barrier to infection from
environmental pathogens.

a. dermis
b. epidermis

c. germinal layer

d. granular layer

Answer: b

3. The science of naming, describing and classifying organisms and includes all
plant, animals and microorganisms of the world.

a. Biology

b. Zoology

c. Taxonomy

d. Binomial Nomenclature

Answer: c

4. The female part of a flower which is usually located in the center of the flower
and is made up of stigma, style and ovary.

a. pistil

b. stamen

c. anther

d. filament

Answer: a

5. What are the female egg cells of a flower that are contained in the ovary?

a. ovules

b. pollen

c. seeds

d. sperm

Answer: a

6. The branch of biology that deals with the relations of organisms to one another
and to their physical surroundings.

a. Geography
b. Habitat

c. Ecology

d. Zoology

Answer: c

7. This term was coined by Geologist Eduard Suess in 1875 which he defined as
the place on Earth’s surface where life dwells.

a. Lithosphere

b. Biosphere

c. Hydrosphere

d. Geosphere

Answer: b

8. _____ is a cooking process wherein the food substance, usually a vegetable

or fruit, is scalded in boiling water, removed after a brief, time interval and placed
under cold running water to halt the cooking process.

a. Boiling

b. Poaching

c. Blanching

d. Steaming

Answer: c

9. When the moon is getting larger in the sky, moving from the New Moon
towards the full Moon, it is ad to be _____.

a. waning

b. waxing

c. eclipsing

d. rotating

Answer: b

10. They are often called the building blocks of life, and are the basic structural,
functional and biological unit of all know living organisms.
a. DNA

b. RNA

c. cells

d. proteins

Answer: c

11. These are small vertebrates that need water or a moist water or a moist
environment to survive which include frogs, roads, salamanders and newts.

a. Mammals

b. Crustaceans

c. Amphibians

d. Reptiles

Answer: d

12. A system is said to be in equilibrium when the sum of all forces is _____.

a. zero

b. one

c. negative

d. positive

Answer: b

13. _____ is the process of breaking down food by mechanical and enzymatic
action in the alimentary canal into substances that can be used by the body.

a. Absorption

b. Digestion

c. Assimilation

d. Dissolution

Answer: c

14. The _____ are a long continuous tube running from the stomach to the anus.

a. esophagus
b. alimentary

c. rectum

d. intestines

Answer: a

15. These are atoms with the same number of protons but have a different
number of neutrons.

a. isotopes

b. molecules

c. nucleus

d. ions

Answer: b

16. The _____ is the number of protons in an atom, sometimes called the proton

a. atomic weight

b. mass number

c. atomic number

d. atomic element

Answer: c

17. To geologists, it is a natural substance composed of solid crystals of different

minerals that have been fused together into a solid lump.

a. magma

b. fossil

c. rock

d. marble

Answer: d

18. _____ is the preserved remains or traces of organisms (plants, animal, etc.)
that lived in the distant past.

a. Larva
b. Fossil

c. Crystal

d. Skeleton

Answer: b

19. Who made the first significant effort towards measurement of the speed of

a. Isaac Newton

b. French Mathematician Laplace

c. Madame Currie

d. Archimedes

Answer: c

20. By mass, it is third most abundant element in the universe.

a. Oxygen

b. Helium

c. Hydrogen

d. Nitrogen

Answer: c

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