Science II Practicals Part1 Answers

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Experiment - 1 Aim: To study mitosis and meiosis Stages of mitosis: E. ‘ops Posto Mee Stages of meiosis: > g QEQe VO + pte 10-8) Seas fsa Toate Observations : Main difference between mitosis and meiosis are as follows: 1) Mitosis involves one cell division. Meiosis involves two cell divisions. 2)In mitosis, prophase simple, short and single stage. In meiosis, prophaser is a long stage that is sub-divided into 5 sub-stages. 3) Mitosis produces two identical daughter cells. Meiosis producers four genetically different daughter cells. 4) In mitosis, the chromosome number remains the same at the end of division. in meiosis, the chromosome number is halved at the end of division. Inference: 1) In Mitosis, the number of chromosomes in the cell remains the same, therefore this division occurs in somatic cells. 2) In meiosis, the number of chromosomes in the cell gets halved,so this division occurs in germ cells. Multiple choice questions 1) 2n 2) Anaphase 3) Become a range parallel to the equatorial plane 47 5) Metaphase Exercise: Q-- What will happen if meiosis does not occur during the production of human sperm cells and egg cells? ‘Ans.- Meiosis is the type of cell division that makes sex cells or gametes. Absence of meiosis during the production of human sperm cells and egg cells can lead two stations in gametes. Defective gametes that undergo fertilization may result in miscarriages or genetic disorders. Experiment - 2 ‘Aim: To study Binary fission in Amoeba and budding in hydra with the help of permanent slides. Nucleus Cytoplasm Two undergoing undergoing daughter ‘division division cells. Inference: Amoeba and Hydra reproduce by asexual method Multiple choice questions 1) micro parts in a small space 2) allofthese 3) methylene blue 4) budding 5) binary fission Exercise: Q 1) Explain with example different method of asexual reproduction in plants. Ans.-_ Different methods of asexual reproduction in plants: i) Fragmentation - In this type of reproduction the body of the parent organism breaks up into many fragments and each fragment starts to live as an independent new organism example fern. ii) Budding - in case of Hydra, under favourable conditions, on specific parts of its body, ‘an outgrowth is formed by repeated divisions of regenerative cell of the body wall. This ‘outgrowth is called a bud. The bud grows up progressively and finally forms a small Hydra. ili) Vegetative propagation: Reproduction in plants with the help of vegetative parts such as the root, stem, leaf and bud is called vegetative reproduction. Vegetative propagation in potatoes is performed with the help of ‘eyes’ is present on tuber. 2) Name the process in cytoplasmic material is divided into daughter cells. ‘Ans - The Cytoplasm divides bi cytokinesis and two new cells are formed, which are known as daughter cells. 3) What changes occur in Amoeba so that it can survive in adverse condition? ‘Ans - Amoeba stops the formation of pseudopodia and thereby movements. Whenever it faces adverse conditions such as lack of food. it becomes rounded and forms protective covering around the plasma membrane. Such encysted amoeba is called a ‘cyst’ Q.4) How does nutrition take place in the bud of hydra? ‘Ans - The bud grows up progressively and finally forms of small hydra. The dermal layers and digestive cavity of the budding hydra are in continuity with those of the parent hydra. The parent hydra supplies nutrition to the budding hydra. When the budding hydra sufficiently matures, it separates from the parent hydra and leads an independent life. Experiment - 3 ‘Aim: To study the reproductive system in Hibiscus flower Stigma 2 = Coral ~ W a” Observations : Whorl Number of components | Structure Function Calyx Five Green sepals | To protect the developing flower and prevent it from drying out Corolla Five Red petals _| To protect the androecium and gynoecium Androecium | innumerable Anthers To produce pollen grains Gynoecium | Five carpels, Fused Stigma, style, | To hold the ovary, which is together ovary transformed into a fruit after fertilization Inference: 1) Andioecium from flower is the male whorl, while gynoecium is the female whor. 2) Male gamete from a pollen grain and egg cell from an ovule these two haploid cells unite to form a diploid zygote. Thus this process of seed and fruit formation begins. 3) Elower is the reproductive organ of plants. Multiple choice questions 1) Androecium, Gynoecium 2) Gulmohar 3) Fertilization 4) Endosperm 5) Ovule, ovary Exercise: Q 1) Seeds of some plants don't germinate How are there next generations formed? Ans.- In some plants, reproduction may occur without germination, as illustrated by the following examples: i) Ferns spread sporangia by wind when force break. ji) In asexual vegetative reproduction, some plants send underground stems which form new plants. ili) Some fruit plants may reproduce by grafting. Rootstock is cut and planted in the soil to make a new plant. Q.2) What are the artificial methods of vegetative reproduction in plants? Give examples. Ans - The most common methods of artificial reproduction in plants are cutting, layering and grafting, i) Cutting - In this method, a small part of the stem With some nodes and internals is cut. The part is planted in moist soil to grow a new plant. ‘The most common example is sugarcane. ) Layering - In this method, a branch produces new roots and develops into a new plant if the branch is bent and covered under moist soil. Examples of such plants are Jasmine and Magnolia il) Grafting - This method is explained above. This method is commonly used to produce a variety of mango trees. Q.3) Why does hibiscus not bear even though it has the androecium and gynoecium? Ans - Fruits are structures developed by some flowering plants so as to protect seeds. Plants bearing fleshy fruits are large in size, these fruits ripen. Hibiscus has fruit-like capsules which are much smaller than fleshy fruits and cannot ripen. Q.4) Why do the androecium and gynoecium of the same flower mature at different times? ‘Ans - This is a common phenomenon in bisexual flowers which is known as dichogamy. In the process of dichogamy, the ripening of the stamens and pistil of a flower occurs at different times, .so that the self-fertiization can be prevented or cross-fertilization can be ensured. Experiment - 4 Ai : To study human reproductive system. Urinary bladder Seminal vesicle Prostate gland ‘Vas deferens ‘Cowper's gland Urino genital duet Epididymis Scrotum Testes Human male reproductive system Human female reproductive system Observations : Sr. No. | Name of organ inmale | Functions reproductive system 1 Testes Produce sperm and male hormones such as testosterone 2 Epididymis Collect sperm from the testes for sperm to mature and acquire the ability to move through the female reproductive system and fertilize an ovum 3 Vas deferens Carries sperm to the penis during ejaculation 4 Urinogenital duct _| Delivers semen during ejaculation and urine during excretion 5 Prostate gland ‘Secrets thin alkaline solution to neutralize urine and female system 6 Seminal vesicle ‘Store sperm temporary and produce fluid that nourishes the sperm 7 Scrotum Supports and protect the testing 8 Penis Ejaculates semen Sr.No | Name of organ in Functions female reproductive system 1 Ovaries Produce eggs and hormones 2 Oviduct ‘Transports ova from the ovaries to the uterus, this is where an egg waits to be fertilized 3 Uterus Holds and nourishes a developing fetus 4 Vagina Provide a path for sperm during copulation and menstrual flow Inference / Conclusion: 1) Male reproductive system produces haploid gametes called sperms. 2) Ovary of the female reproductive system produces haploid(n) gametes called eggs or ova. 3) Sperm and an egg unite to form a diploid (2n) zygote And afterwards it develops into a human embryo. Multiple choice questions 1) Testes 2) 60 3)2to4 millions 4) The menstrual fluid, including blood, easily coagulates 5) All of these Exercise: Q 1) How do the characteristics of mother and father get transmitted in a human embryo? ‘Ans.- An embryo receives DNA and jeans during fertilization. Each chromosome is made up of a single DNA molecule. Segments of the DNA molecule are called genes. due to the variety in the sequence of nucleotides, different kind of genes are formed. These genes are arranged in a line. Genes control the structure and function of the cells and of the body.Also that transmit the hereditary characteristics from parent to the offspring, Q 2) Give the names of bisexual animals. ‘Ans - Examples of mammals that show bisexual behaviour include Bonobo, orca, black swan and bottlenose dolphins, Examples of birds include some species of gulls and humboldt penguins. some fish and platform also show bi sexual behaviour Q.3) Why is male reproductive system called as urinogenital system? ‘Ans - The male reproductive system is called as urinogenital system because the urinary and reproductive system share the same passage, namely the urethra. Experiment - 5 ‘Aim: Comparative study of ecosystems in the surroundings Observations : Sr.No | Name of the ecosystem | List of biotic factors List of abiotic factors 1 Pond ecosystem —_| Fish, grass, Insects water, stones 2 ‘Aquatic ecosystem | Aquatic animals, fishes | Water, sunlight 3 Grassland ecosystem _| Various animals and plants | snow,climates 4 Desert ecosystem | Cactus, camel Sunlight, water storage Other important notes: 1) An ecosystem is formed due to interaction between biotic and abiotic factors. 2) Ecosystem can be natural or artificial 3) Earth is the largest ecosystem. 4) Each region contains different types of ecosystem. Inference / Conclusion: 1) Biotic and abiotic factors influence each other in an ecosystem 2) The biotic factors depends on the types of abiotic factors present in an ecosystem. 3) Different biotic factors are found in different environments. 4) Biotic factors are influenced by the abiotic factors. 5) Show both types of factors influence each other to determine the ecosystem. Multiple choice questions 1) Primary 2) Sparrow 3) Food chain 4) Producers 5) Omnivorous. Exercise: Q 1) Find out, If in the past, They were some biotic and abiotic factors in the ecosystem you have selected, But they are not found now this is the situation, find out the reason for their diminution? ‘Ans.- Yes there were some biotic and abiotic factors in the ecosystem selected. Biotic factors such as some plants and animals extinct because they did not accept their surrounding Abiotic factors includes non living matter such as soil, water, nutrients etc. Increasing population and pollution are the reason behind why they diminished, Q 2) Did you find any examples of human interference in these ecosystems? Ans - Yes, due to various human activities cycle of environment is disturbing such as pollution, population, explosion, industrialisation, deforestation, hunting of animals, causing great impact on an ecosystem. Q.3) What Is the relation with the ecosystem of figure shown below? ‘Ans - The animals shown in the figure depend on each organism for survival.Producers are very important in any type of ecosystem. To maintain environmental balance each animal is important. The figure shows the food chain. Experiment - 6 Aim: To study the characteristics of non chordate animals a. Earthworm b. Cockroach Earthworm Observations : a, Earthworm i ics = 1) The skin is soft, moist and pinkish brown in colour and without the exhaust skeleton. 2) It measures about 15 cm in length and is made up of about 100 to 120 segments. b. Cockroach Extra Characteristics - 1) These animals have jointed appendages. Hence they are called as arthropods. 2) Achitinous exoskeleton is present around their body. Multiple choice questions 1) Metamerical segmentation 2) Jointed appendages 3) No jointed appendages 4)13 5) 100 to 120 Exercise: Q 1) Make a list of other animals in the phylum Annelida ‘Ans.- Examples of animals in the Phylum Annelida are leeches, lug worms, polychaetes, nereis, etc Q 2) What are the organs of locomotion in Annelids? Ans - Annelids have setae or parapodia or suckers for locomotion. 3) What is the reproductive speciality of Annelids? ‘Ans - Any leads are better hermaphrodite or unisexual. Q 4) Of what material is the exoskeleton of arthropods made up? ‘Ans - The exoskeleton of arthropods is made up of chitinous material. Experiment - 7 Aim: To study the characteristics of chordate animals b. Fish b. Pigeon ol Observations : . Fish Extra Characteristics - 1) Fish breaths with gills, which are specialized breathing organ that enable the fish to take in the oxygen dissolved in water 2) Its body is covered with scales which prevent water from entering the body. 3) Eyes have no eyelids and are protected by hundred lens. 4. Pigeon Extra Characteristics - 1) The pigeons body is divided into the head, neck and tail. 2) The beak is stout, teeth are absent. Multiple choice questions 1) Cold 2) 4 3) caudal fin 4) Increase the velocity 5) forelimbs Exercise: Q 1) Explain the adaptation in fish body which makes floating on water as well as going in deep water easy. ‘Ans.- Most fishest have an expandable sac which is called swim bladder. This bladder expand like human lungs. In order to float or sink in the water, fishes need to decrease or increase their density without changing their mass which is possible only by increasing and decreasing of their volume. The swim bladder help them to do so by filing it with oxygen from the surrounding water via gills. When the bladder is completely inflated, the fish has maximum volume so it can float, And when the fish has reflected bladder it has the minimum volume and so it can go in the water 2) Which factor decides whether an animal is cold blooded or warm blooded? ‘Ans - Warm blooded animals can maintain a constant body temperature irrespective of the surrounding temperature. Cold blooded animals cannot regulate their body temperature. Their body temperature changes with the temperature of the surrounding, 3) How are the bodies of birds at opted for aerial mode of life? ‘Ans - Body of birds is light weight as phones are hollow. Their body is covered with feathers, forelimbs are modified into wings. They have strong flight muscles attached to the wings. All these changes in the bodies of birds help them to adapt to aerial mode of life.

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