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Common questions and answers:

1. How are you (today)? - I am fine/good/ok, thank you. And you?

2. What time is it? - It is ____________ o’clock.

3. What is it/this/that? - It is ________________.

4. What size is it/this/that? - It is small/medium/large/petite.

5. What color/size do you like/want/need? - I like/want/need _____.

6. Do you like it/this/that? -- Yes, I do. No, I don’t.

7. Do you want ____________? Would you like - ?

Yes, please. No. thank you.

6. Are you ok? - Yes, I am ok, thank you. I am not ok, please help me.

7. Can you swim? - Yes, I can. No, I cannot=can’t.

8. Could you move there/wait here/come here, please? - Sure.

9. Do you have a ticket/reservation/passport/another card? -

Yes, here you go. No, I don’t.

10. Is everything alright (here)? - Yes, we are fine, thank you. (Could you bring)

(more) __________, please?

11. Can I help you? - Please. I need ____________. I am ok/alright, thank you.

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