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Jemmabelle M. Domingo

Nueva Ecija University of Science and Technology- Gabaldon Campus


A Classroom-Based Action Research to be submitted to the faculty of the College of Education, Nueva Ecija
University of Science and Technology, Gabaldon Campus, in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the
course, Professional Education 13 (Teaching Internship) during the 2nd Semester Academic Year 2022-2023
Employing “Cart Me Up” Sight Word Game in Enhancing Reading Fluency


Table of contents------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------2
Context and Rationale------------------------------------------------------------------------------------3
Review of Related Literature--------------------------------------------------------------(page 4 to 5)
Research Questions---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------6
Significance of the Study--------------------------------------------------------------------------------6
Scope and Limitations-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------7
Research Design------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------8
Sampling Method-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------8
Proposed Innovation/Invention/Strategy--------------------------------------------------------------9
Data Collection Procedure---------------------------------------------------------------(page 9 to 10)
Ethical Considerations---------------------------------------------------------------------------------10
Data Analysis-----------------------------------------------------------------------------(page 10 to 11)
Work Plan------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------11
Cost Estimates----------------------------------------------------------------------------(page 11 to 12)
Plans for Dissemination and Utilization ---------------------------------------------(page 12 to 13)
Result and Discussion-------------------------------------------------------------------(page 13 to 17)
Findings/Conclusion/Recommendation-----------------------------------------------(page 17 to 19)
References --------------------------------------------------------------------------------(page 20 to 21)
Appendices--------------------------------------------------------------------------------(page 22 to 26)

Gabaldon Central School
Employing “Cart Me Up” Sight Word Game in Enhancing Reading Fluency



Reading fluency has been conceptualized in different ways. These include the rapid
individual word reading, appropriate word reading, and reading speed are all related materials,
as well as expressive reading the process of simultaneously extracting and constructing
meaning through interaction and involvement with written language.

Learners are required to detect sight words right away to become so accustomed to these
terms with the correct assistance that they are no longer need to pause and attempt to interpret
them, some sight words are spelled consistently, while others are not.

The learners in Grade 4- Bonifacio at Gabaldon Central School, found out some of them
have reading difficulties they are experiencing that are related to reading fluency. They are
difficult to read and coordinate the four components of reading fluency, which are accuracy,
speed, word expression, and comprehension of simple words. As a result, some of the learners
have difficulty in reading text and writing words and some of learners know their letter sounds
but struggled to recognized them when sounding out words.

In the Philippines the ability to read proficiently is related to how much a learner can
achieve in his or her personal and professional life. From the results released at Programme
for International Students Assessment (PISA), among 79 participating countries and
economies, the Philippines scored the lowest in Reading Comprehension in the 2018.

In light of this, the researcher considered a proposed solution to this issue, to enhanced the
reading fluency of learners by using interactive game of sight words. The researcher
improvised an instructional game through sight words. Through this sight word games
allowed learners to practice their sight words and progress toward mastery while also keeping
them engaged and entertained.

In addition to phonics, can help leaners become fluent readers, which is why it is so
important. Gibbon, Duffield, Hoffman, & Wageman, (2017) has found that sight word
intervention games are highly effective when used for sight word achievement putting

Gabaldon Central School
Employing “Cart Me Up” Sight Word Game in Enhancing Reading Fluency

emphasis on involvement, learners must complete an taking an active role in the learning


Learning to read is an important skill for learners to develop and master as it brings about a
sense of achievement and helps them experience success in and out of school. To the study of
(Miles, K. (2017) the results suggest that using a categorization scheme based on learner
knowledge in conjunction with direct and explicit training of words previously taught as full
units may be an efficient and successful instructional strategy for securing consistently written
sight words in memory. Fluency is characterized as the capacity to read quickly, accurately,
and with appropriate expression (Stevens et al., 2017).

Reading, on the other hand, involves a variety of factors such as word accuracy, fluency
rates, comprehension levels, and vocabulary acquisition (Erp, S. V. 2021). Most early
elementary classrooms teach sight words (Rawlins & Invernizzi, 2018) and how instructors
should select words for early readers, how teachers may ensure that words stick, and how
teachers should select instructional activities centered on sight word learning. (Zhu, Xinhua &
Cheong, Choo Mui & Li, Guan Ying & Wu, Jacqueline. (2020) notes that the ideas were
formed when teachers' traditional approaches focusing on rote learning interacted with the
continuous regulatory ways of implementation. There’s study suggest ways for teachers to
teach high frequency words (e.g., Ayala & O’Connor, 2013; January, Lovelace, Foster, &
Ardoin, 2017), forming connections between graphemes and phonemes in memory to bond
spellings of words to their pronunciations and meanings is enabled by phonemic awareness
and knowledge of the alphabetic system, which functions as a powerful mnemonic to secure
spellings in memory.

Regardless of its usefulness, drill and practice are sometimes seen as tedious and dismal. As
(Lämsä, J., Hämäläinen, R., Aro, M., Koskimaa, R. and Äyrämö, S.-M. (2018) previously
said, games can help motivate students to practice their skills. The example of bringing a drill
and practice procedure into playful format are so called racetrack. Sperling et al. (2019)
assessed the effectiveness of Reading Racetrack on sight word fluency (number of words read
per minute), assessed via presentation of 30 sight word flash cards. In addition to flashcard

Gabaldon Central School
Employing “Cart Me Up” Sight Word Game in Enhancing Reading Fluency

instruction to teach sight words, some researchers have evaluated how the combination of
flashcards with educational games can affect the rate of sight word acquisition.

Although the effectiveness of reading strategies is well acknowledged, teachers must also
comprehend the significance of reading participation, because engagement is more than just a
result of reading tactics, because it is a set of tactics that combine mental dispositions known
as 'Habits of Mind' (HoM). The Habits of Mind include aspects such as impulse control,
empathic listening, reasonable and adaptable thinking, and so on persistence. The setting of
engagement depends on maintaining the readers' cognitive and behavioral activity, therefore a
balance of additionally, factors like curiosity, self-control, motivation, reading attitude, and
text participation should be considered measuring reader participation (Roomy & Alhawsawi,
However, Rethinking Sight Words' authors went into great length about how to assist learners
learn new terms by utilizing their prior understanding of words. There are two ways to learn
sight words, according to (Miles, Rubin, & Gonzalez-Frey, 2018) who discovered that "the
first is based on repetition and whole-word storage; the second is based on analysis and
storage of graphene-phoneme relations to secure the spelling and pronunciation of the word in
memory along with the words meaning

The University of Iowa's Reading Research Center stated that, there are two categories of
sight words exist. Some letters can be decoded; however, others need memorization owing to
common letter-sound patterns. Once learners have encountered both kinds of high frequency
words, they integrate them into their sight word vocabularies and can read them reliably and
automatically. One thing that can be concluded regarding reading intervention is that teachers
may lay the platform for raising reading fluency and comprehension by developing strong
basic abilities (Solavi, Denton, & Haring, 2017). In the article ‘’How to Reach First-Grade
Struggling Readers’’ Solan et al. (2017), fluency is a higher-level skill that shouldn't be left
until later years but rather integrated into what learners are already learning when improving
their reading skills.

Snyder & Golightly, (2017), noted that as learners start to master the fundamentals of reading,
teachers can incorporate higher-level reading abilities like fluency and comprehension into
their regular lessons. However, numerous studies have found that learners who are struggling

Gabaldon Central School
Employing “Cart Me Up” Sight Word Game in Enhancing Reading Fluency

with their reading often have certain traits. Snyder & Golightly (2017), also include a
deficiency in phonemic awareness, a lack of acquaintance with the alphabet, a deficiency in
vocabulary, and oral language deficiencies. If these are neglected or are weak, they might
develop into serious reading defects that are challenging to correct as learners get older.


This research conducted to determine if employing sight words games can enhance the
reading fluency of Grade 4-Bonifacio learners.

This study specifically seeks to answer the following questions:

1. What is the performance of learners before the intervention?

2. What is the performance of learners after the intervention?

3. Is there a significant difference between the performance of the learners before and after the


Null: There is no significant difference between the pre-test and post-test of the Grade-4
Bonifacio of Gabaldon Central School.


The study be deemed important for the proper recognition of the Employing Cart Me Up Sight
Word Game in Enhancing Reading Fluency on the academic performances of the Grade 4-
Bonifacio of Gabaldon Central School learners, the findings of this research may prove useful
to the following, to with;

School Department: It will also aid them in determining the exact areas on which they should
increase their focus and continue to improve in order to better tailor the program to preparing
the learners for their future careers.

Parents: This study will be a basis in enhancing the reading fluency for the betterment, and
guidance to enhance the reading fluency of the learners.

Gabaldon Central School
Employing “Cart Me Up” Sight Word Game in Enhancing Reading Fluency

Learners: This study will serve as the basis in enhancing the reading fluency of the struggle
learners in order to develop their skills and their cognitive perspective of learning to read.

Future researchers: This study will be as the basis for further study about the Employing
Cart Me Up game in Enhancing Reading Fluency.


Scope of the study

This research entitled “Employing Cart Me Up sight word game in Enhancing Reading
Fluency’’ attempt to find out if the sight word games can improve the reading fluency of
Grade 4-Bonifacio learners in Gabaldon Central School.

This study is not made to change the school’s way of teaching the learners instead this study
will be made as to help the school, teacher on what the learners are more capable with when it
comes to reading fluency.

The researcher will use the Gabaldon Central School as the research locale.

The researcher will use her Grade-4 Bonifacio learners as primary participants in this study. In
order to get reliable results, the researcher herself will be the one to conduct the study.

The study will be conducted from January to March 2023.

Limitation of the Study

This study has several notable limitations, due to the nature of the research question and the
limited use of questionnaire and materials. The assessment conducted in this research did not,
for the most part, yield statistically significant results. The sample size of the study was
limited due to time, means that this limit the generalizability of the results to smaller
population. The participants of this study are not more likely participated in the study than the
others. This study also conducted within a limited time frame in employing the intervention in
all Grade 4 Bonifacio learners. Which have limited the depth and breadth of the analysis or
prevented the collection of additional data. Some aspects of the study may have been
influenced by external factors that were beyond the control of the researcher, such as
participants behavior and the environmental factors. This affect the internal validity of the
Gabaldon Central School
Employing “Cart Me Up” Sight Word Game in Enhancing Reading Fluency


This chapter present the type of research will be use, research design, sampling method,
proposed innovation/invention/strategy, instrument/s, data collection procedure, ethical
considerations, data analysis, work plan, cost estimates, and plan for dissemination and


A quasi-experimental design used in this investigation. A quasi-experimental design aims to

identify the two variables; the independent and dependent variables using the pre-test and
post-test. Pre- and post-test, often known as before and after measurement. It is the most
straightforward evaluation design for determining if program participants experienced the
desired change. The influence of independent variables on dependent variables is often
measured, observed and documented

This experimental method will use to described learners’ academic performances,

specifically in reading English text with the employment of Cart Me Up sight word game, for
enhancing the reading fluency of the learners.


The participants that be included in this study are the Grade 4 learners of Gabaldon Central
School, North Poblacion, Gabaldon, Nueva Ecija, section Bonifacio. All participants used to
determine whose learners have a difficulty in reading fluency.


The researcher used purposive sampling or also known as judgemental sampling, these
sampling methods used to select the participants of Grade 4-Bonifacio at Gabaldon Central
School, North Poblacion, Gabaldon, Nueva Ecija. Purposive sampling or the judgmental
sampling is a technique where specific environments, people, or events are chosen specifically

Gabaldon Central School
Employing “Cart Me Up” Sight Word Game in Enhancing Reading Fluency

to deliver crucial information that cannot be derived from other options. Which will be best
enable to answer the research questions, and the participants who have difficulty in reading
fluency that be the subject of the proposed action research.


The innovation that the researcher used in this study is sight word instruction activities
like games. Using sight word games, it helps the learners to master skills and without even
knowing that they are learning.

The researcher invents a game that used to help struggled learners in reading fluency
especially in English word. This invention named by the researcher is called “Cart me Up,
Sight Words” the strategy is to utilized this instruction is by giving the learners a shopping list
of sight words, the learners need to buy this sight words into grocery stall. The sight words
that listed in the shopping list must put to the cart of the learners and put a check to the
shopping list of the learners. The shopping list have a space provided beside of the sight words
that listed and the learners may write the sight words that they bought to the grocery stall, in
that way the learners may enhance not only the reading fluency but also to write the given
sight words. This sight word games ‘’Cart me up, Sight words” is useful and enjoyable. This
sight word instructional game is essential because it can aid learners in developing their
reading fluency in addition to phonics.


The researcher used a dolch sight word assessment for the learners reading fluency. In
collecting the data, the scores from the dolch sight word assessment will be used to identify if
the learners are need a remedial.

Data Collection Procedure

The researcher requested a permission from the adviser of Grade 4-Bonifacio at

Gabaldon Central School, North Poblacion, Nueva Ecija. To conduct the study about the
Employing “Cart Me Up, Sight words” game in Enhancing Reading Fluency.

Gabaldon Central School
Employing “Cart Me Up” Sight Word Game in Enhancing Reading Fluency

The researcher administered the performance of the Grade 4- Bonifacio learners. The
researcher must observe to ensure the valid and reliable results.

Initially, the researcher may be offering a remedial teaching for the identified Grade 4-
learners with low skills/performance in reading fluency. The pre-reading will be administered
by the researcher however, to see the authenticity and correctness of the result of the pre-
reading the adviser on Grade 4-Bonifacio class will be the one to administer.


To address ethical concerns, researcher prefer passive consent processes to active consent
procedures, as suggested by (Ebensen et al., 1996):

To begin with, all Grade 4 learners of Bonifacio from Gabaldon Central School, North
Poblacion, Nueva Ecija, and their parents told about the study. That they willingly and
voluntarily complete the experimental activity and participate in the remedial instruction;

Second, be confident that no participants, particularly Grade 4 learners of Bonifacio, would be

harm in the course of the study; and

Third, in order to maintain identity, confidentiality, and privacy, no information, particularly

the participants profiles, will be broadcast without their approval.


All data obtained was documented and displayed on table to assess if there is improvement or
growth in learners’ reading abilities. Microsoft Excel is used to process the data acquired in
this experimental research. The collected data is statistically processed for ease of analysis and
understanding. The data generated as a result of pre-tests and post-tests that have been
examined a paired sample t-test to establish the significance of the difference and the
efficiency of the intervention program. The t-test was used to see if there was a significant
difference between the pre-test and post-test results.

The data means and standard deviation were used to describe, present, or summarize data
from Grade-4 Bonifacio learners before and after the intervention of sight words through

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Gabaldon Central School
Employing “Cart Me Up” Sight Word Game in Enhancing Reading Fluency

Table 1
The researcher interpreted the participants’ scores using the following scale of means.
25-30 Excellent
19-24 Very Satisfactory
13-18 Satisfactory
7-12 Needs Improvements
0-6 Fail
The table 1 above used for the learners’ proficiency level in reading fluency was
determined using this scale.


The researcher divides the work plan into three parts: Pre- implementation,
Implementation Proper and Post-implementation.

In Pre-implementation the following activities carried out to:

Seek approval for Cooperating Teacher and Head School Principal, and securing
consent for parent/guardian.
Conducting the pre-reading test.

In Implementation the following activities will be carried out:

Providing remedial teaching for the participants using sight word

In Proper and Post-implementation

Conducting the post-reading test

Analyzing the data gathered;

Offer remedial teaching for identified participants who got a low performance during

Cost Estimates

In the conduct of this research, the researcher assumed the possible costs;

Table 2
11 | P a g e
Gabaldon Central School
Employing “Cart Me Up” Sight Word Game in Enhancing Reading Fluency

Cost Estimation
Item Cost per Unit (P) Number Total Cost (P)
• Bond paper 250 1 rim P250.00
• Ink for 1200 1 set P1200.00
• Marker 45 1 pc. P45.00

• Colored 85 10.pcs per set P85.00

• Tape 56 2 pcs. P112.00
• Glue 65 1 bottle P30.00
• Glue sticks 3 10 pcs.

Grand Total: P1,722.00

Plans for Dissemination and Utilizations

This is the propose action plan for the classroom-based proposal, given that the results
will be gather and analyze:

Table 3
Action Plan
Action Steps Persons Time Resources Output Remarks
Involved Frame
Step 1:
Propose a Laptop Presented
Learning Action Cooperating PPT Output
Cell for the Teacher and January Presentatio
Cooperating School 2023 n
Teacher and Principal
principal to
discuss the
results of the

12 | P a g e
Gabaldon Central School
Employing “Cart Me Up” Sight Word Game in Enhancing Reading Fluency

Step 2: Cooperate
Conducting the Teacher. Gabaldon instructional
intervention to Learners. February Central materials.
be used and 2023 Elementary
organizing the School
materials to be
use for
sight word game
as instructional
materials to the
Step 3; School March Gabaldon Results
Submitting the Principal 2023 Central disseminated.
action research School
about Enhancing
reading fluency
through using
Cart me up sight
game. To
enhancing and
improving the
learners reading
fluency, in
assign school.

Result and Discussion

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Gabaldon Central School
Employing “Cart Me Up” Sight Word Game in Enhancing Reading Fluency

This chapter presents results and interpretation of the data gathered that relevant to the
program that raised in the study.

Table 4
Learner’s performance level of reading fluency during pre-test.

25-30 Excellent Independent 32 72%

19-24 Very Satisfactory Instructional 6 14%
13-18 Satisfactory Frustrational 6 14%
7-12 Needs Improvement

0-6 Fail

The table 4. above present results of pre-test, the 32 learners with a percentage of 72% who
got 19 score to 30 score is presented as “independent reader” with excellent descrition that
based on the scale, that means who can read independently without the help of instructor.
While the 6 learners with a percentage of 14%, who got score 13 to 18 score with satisfactory
description from the scale are falls under the verbal interpretation “Instructional readers,”
learners who needs the support of the teacher or parent, this is the level in which new
vocabulary and concept. The remaining 6 learners whit a percentage of 14% who scored 0-12
are falls under the description level of Needs Improvement, which falls under verbal
interpretation as “frustrational reader”.

This indicate that those readers are hardly to decoding words, vocabulary and has difficulty to
read the text and not able to read a high-level vocabulary words as well as listening to a fluent
reader. Based on Mayer and Felton (1995: 284) that the ability to read connected text rapidly,
smoothly, effortlessly, and automatically with little conscious attention to the mechanics of
reading, such as decoding. The ability to read words by sight automatically is the key to
skilled reading, Ehri (1998: 107).

Based on the data collected throughout the course of this study, it is evident that there is
significant opportunity to enhance the reading fluency of the learners through the use of the

Table 5
Pupil’s performance level of reading fluency during post-test.

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Gabaldon Central School
Employing “Cart Me Up” Sight Word Game in Enhancing Reading Fluency


25-30 Excellent Independent 32 72%

19-24 Very Satisfactory Instructional 5 12%
13-18 Satisfactory Frustrational 7 16%
7-12 Needs Improvement

0-6 Fail

During the post-test, the 32 learners got the percentage of 72%, those learners got 72% percent
during the pre-test means that those 32 learners are consistently “independent reader” That
this level boosts confidence and improves fluency skills, can able read text at the independent
level is ideal for independent and silent reading. But the learner 24 from the pre-test this
learner falls under the “instructional reader” but during the post-test this reader turned into
independent reader which the learner can able identify each sight words.

Meanwhile the 5 learners with a percentage of 12 % falls under the verbal interpretation of
“instructional reader” but the amount of the learners of instructional reader was lessen 1
learner, the learner 25 who got falls under the “independent reader” during pre-test falls under
“frustrational reader” during the post-test.

Overall the 7 learners which percentage is 16% is falls under the verbal interpretation of
“frustrational reader” which means that the 7 learners can able to read a few sight words but
do not have the desire and the ability to comprehend what the sight word is. One important
factor contributing to poor word reading, and consequently poor reading comprehension, is
the lack of automatic word recognition (LaBerge & Samuels, 1974). Reading words
automatically frees up brain resources for higher-level operations that improve reading
comprehension (Perfetti,1985). Those learners fall under the descriptive of “frustrational”
reader should give a proper remedial for improving their reading fluency.

When reading instruction first starts, problems with reading often appear and deteriorate over
time, becoming more severe (Graney, 2000). Additionally, most fluency and comprehension
issues are not discovered in schools until the second or third grade (McCardle, Scarborough,
&Catts, 2001) because the reading skills focused on until the fourth grade are phonemic, and
not based on fluency and comprehension. The remedial reading approach is probably effective
because it

input from the teacher to the reader of the students. Studies, according to Crowe (2005)
learner’s word accuracy and reading skills improve when they receive feedback during oral
reading understanding and fluidity. Intervention programs that promote comprehension
vocabulary is strengthened by abilities like remedial reading (McCardle et al., 2001)

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Gabaldon Central School
Employing “Cart Me Up” Sight Word Game in Enhancing Reading Fluency

The following are the results and the analysis done from the data.

Pre-test and Post-test

Table 7.
Pre-test and post-test results (grade 4
Mean N Std. Deviation
Pre-test 24. 4545 44 7.845764805
Post-test 24. 1591 44 7. 455115871
Table 7 shows that the post-test mean (M=24.1591, SD=7. 455115871) is less than the mean
of the pre-test (M=24.4545, SD=7. 45515871) result.

Learner’s academic performance in reading fluency before and after intervention (Cart me
up, Sight word game)

Table 8. Learner’s performance in reading fluency before and after the intervention of cart
me ups sight word game. (grade 4)

Paired Differences
t df Sig. (2-tailed)
Achievement (Before and 0.407 43 0. 686
After) Not Significant

The table 8, shows the result of paired differences of pre-test and post-test has a t stat=0.407,
and the df=43. Also, the Sig. (2-tailed) =0.686 which means there’s no significant differences
between pre-test and post-test.


The study fails to find a significant effect and the results show that the employing cart me up
sight word game to enhance the reading fluency of grade 4 Bonifacio learners of Gabaldon

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Gabaldon Central School
Employing “Cart Me Up” Sight Word Game in Enhancing Reading Fluency

Central School is not significant on improving their score in the post-test, although employing
the cart me up sight word games enhanced the reading fluency of the few learners. The result
is not significant because of the valid reason of the researcher. The questionnaire that the
researcher used in pre-test and post-test is not strong to really identify the weaknesses of the
learners. According to David E. Bloom and David Canning (2000) from the article “The
Effect of Poor Questionnaire Design on Surveys” the article discusses the impact of poor
questionnaire design of the quality of survey data. That poorly designed questions can lead to
biased or inaccurate responses and results which can compromise the validity of the study.
The time that the researcher gives in employing the intervention are too short to accomplish it
to all the learners that’s why the result of the data is not significant. S.M Benshoff and J.J.
Norcross (1999), from the article “The Effect of Time Interval between Pre-tests and
Treatment on Treatment Outcomes” the authors found that longer time were associated with
poorer treatment outcomes. Also, the size of the group is too large and most of the learners are
good reader, there is also some limitation that the researcher discusses earlier to execution that
can affected the findings. The group size also relates to the group performance, from the
Thomas and Fink literature review (1963) found a positive correlation between performance
quality and production linked to group size in some circumstances, but never were superior
are smaller groups. However, speed measurements did not reveal any differences in preferring
more compact clusters


After the data gathered was analyzed the findings, the findings show the performance of grade
4 learners from Gabaldon Central School during pre-test. That from table 5, where present the
results of pre-test, that the 32 learners of grade 4 Bonifacio with a percentage of 72% who got
19 score to 30 score is presented as “independent reader” who can read independently without
the help of instructor. Those learners can determine the level of difficulty of a text. While the
6 learners with a percentage of 14%, who got score 13 to 18 score are falls under the
description level “Instructional readers,” learners who needs the support of the teacher or
parent. When text is at their “instructional levels”, learners need teacher support to read the
text with understanding. The remaining 6 learners whit a percentage of 14% who scored 0-12
are falls under the description level as “frustrational reader”. This indicate that those readers

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Employing “Cart Me Up” Sight Word Game in Enhancing Reading Fluency

are hardly to decoding words, vocabulary and has difficulty to read the text and not able to
read a high-level vocabulary words as well as listening to a fluent reader.

During the post-test, the 32 learners got the percentage of 72%, those learners got 72% percent
during the pre-test means that those 32 learners are consistently “independent reader” That
this level boosts confidence and improves fluency skills, can able read text at the independent
level is ideal for independent and silent reading. But the learner 24 from the pre-test this
learner falls under the “instructional reader” but during the post-test this reader turned into
independent reader which the learner can able identify each sight words. Meanwhile the 5
learners with a percentage of 12 % falls under the description of “instructional reader” but the
amount of the learners of “instructional reader” was lessen 1 learner, the learner 25 who got
falls under the “independent reader” during pre-test falls under “frustrational reader” during
the post-test.

Overall the 7 learners which percentage is 16% is falls under the description of “frustrational
reader” which means that the 7 learners can able to read a few sight words but do not have the
desire and the ability to comprehend what the sight word is. That in which more than 1 in 10
words are too difficult for the reader. Those learners who are “frustrational reader” are need to
be focused and given attention, because of their performance during the post-test.

The computed value indicates that there is no significant difference in score between the pre-
test and post-test results.


The following conclusions were reached based on the study's findings.

1. During the pre-reading of sight words, several learners had trouble recognizing words and
rarely understood each word that was offered to them. For learners who are actually struggling
with reading, few words are difficult to read and understand.

2. However, the researcher discovered that using "the cart me up sight word games" can help
the learners' reading fluency.

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Gabaldon Central School
Employing “Cart Me Up” Sight Word Game in Enhancing Reading Fluency

3. The t-test indicates that there is no significant difference in scores between pre-test and
post-test results regarding reading fluency. Therefore, the outcome of pre-test and post-test
score of the few learners were increased.


Based on the researcher experience, the researcher would like to provide the following
recommendation on how to enhance the reading fluency using sight words.

1. The researcher recommend to conduct this study with incorporating a timed reading activity
at classroom, where learner reads a passage containing sight words for a set amount time, and
tracks their progress over time.

2. The teacher may provide positive reinforcement for the learners’ progress and encourage
them to continue practicing and building their sight word fluency with the guidance and help
of the parents.

3. The researcher also recommend to future researchers to conduct this study to small
population, give more time allotment, and use variety of games to keep the future learners
more engage and motivated. Richardson (2016) stated that “you will need several different
resources as children learn best with kinesthetic tactile resources” (p. 28)

4. Use a structured and systematic approach, learners should be introduced to sight words in a
structured and systematic way, starting with the most common and building up to more
complex words. This approach can help learners to develop automaticity in recognizing and
reading sight words.

5. Uses of different instruction, learners have different levels of sight word knowledge and
reading ability. Therefore, it is important to differentiate instruction based on learner’s
individual needs and provide additional support and scaffolding as needed.

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Gabaldon Central School
Employing “Cart Me Up” Sight Word Game in Enhancing Reading Fluency

6. The researcher recommend to monitor progress and adjust instruction. It is important to

monitor learners' progress in sight word recognition and reading fluency and adjust instruction
accordingly. This can help to ensure that learners are making progress and achieving their
reading goals.

Zhu, Xinhua & Cheong, Choo Mui & Li, Guan Ying & Wu, Jacqueline. (2020). Primary School
Teachers’ Conceptions of Reading Comprehension Processes and Its Formulation.
Frontiers in Psychology. 11, (pp.615). https://10.3389/fpsyg.2020.00615.

Chotto, J. (n.d.). Efficiency of teaching sight words in similar vs dissimilar sets.

Lämsä, J., Hämäläinen, R., Aro, M., Koskimaa, R. and Äyrämö, S.-M. (2018), Games for enhancing
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Employing “Cart Me Up” Sight Word Game in Enhancing Reading Fluency

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Employing “Cart Me Up” Sight Word Game in Enhancing Reading Fluency

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Employing “Cart Me Up” Sight Word Game in Enhancing Reading Fluency

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Employing “Cart Me Up” Sight Word Game in Enhancing Reading Fluency


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