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ENGL 1302 Synthesis Worksheet

Instructions: Use this chart to help you map the exact areas in which your peer reviewed sources present
similarities and differences, overlap or divergence, and agreements and disagreements in your research area. Make
sure to include proper citations with specific information that you quote or paraphrase from your sources in each
category row.

Exhibit Overlap Where do your sources overlap in their use of the same or similar data sets, examples, etc.?
List specific examples of that overlap here:
Mikkola et al. and Stull and Holocomb both use questionnaires to obtain their data.
- Mikkola et al. collected data from, "13,715 dogs with an owner-completed online
questionnaire. Here we used a dataset of 9270 dogs which included 1791 dogs with frequent
aggressive behaviour toward people and 7479 dogs without aggressive behaviour toward
people." (1)
- Stull and Holocomb obtain their data through " 128- question comprehensive survey was
developed and piloted tested with local animal control agencies in California" (2343).
Exhibit Differences Where do your sources diverge in their use of different or distinct data sets, examples, etc.?
List specific examples of those differences here:
Perdomo analyzes beyond adoption characteristics and behaviours.
- Perdomo et al. look at "problems concerning animal welfare (e.g., starvation, untreated
disease, climatic extremes, uncertainty of rescue and adoption), ecological (e.g., invasive
species and introduction of novel pathogens), public health and safety (e.g., risks to people
from bites, zoonoses, or road hazards), and economic (e.g., financial burdens for
governmental and non governmental organizations." to come to their conclusions.

Method Overlap Where do your sources overlap in their use of the same or similar methods or theories? List
specific examples of that overlap here:
Dinwoodie et al. and Stull and Holocomb both use methods that focus on personal
beliefs and acknowledgement.
- "Approval to administer the survey to human subjects was obtained from the university’s
Institutional Review Board (Protocol 201017974–1)" (Stull and Holcomb 2343)
- The data collected was based on "self-reported by participants (e.g., primary motivation is
owner self�reported primary motivation)" (Dinwoodie et al. 3)
O'connor et al and Kay both use methods of ethics:
- "The study protocol was reviewed and cleared by the University of Guelph Research
Ethics Board (REB#12AP022)." (O'connor)
- The methods for this study: "This study received approval from the University of Guelph
Research Ethics Board." (Kay 376)
Method Differences Where do your sources diverge in their use of different or distinct methods or theories? List
specific examples of those differences here:
Mikkola et al. focus their methods towards behaviour and physical appearance in
- From the data collected, Mikkola et al. focus on "increased the probability of aggressive
behaviour toward people: older age, being male, fearfulness, small body size, lack of
conspecifc company, and being the owner’s first dog." (1).
Powell et al. use methods through a shelter:
- Powell et al. worked with "Charleston Animal Society is a large, open admission shelter
located in South Carolina, USA. The shelter is the only open access shelter in the region
and took in approximately 3500 dogs and 4700 cats per year between 2015 and 2019. " to

build their solution. (8)

Perdomo et al. use business methods:
- Perdomo et al. view their study through a business stance: "In accordance with general
economic principles, commodification and overabundance of animals depresses both price
and value." (2)
Claim Agreements Where do your sources overlap or agree in their claims, arguments, or reasoning? List
specific examples of that agreement here:
Most sources would agree that adoption is a process that must be taken more seriously
and not as simple as a day out shopping.
Claim Where do your sources diverge or disagree in their claims, arguments, or reasoning? List
Disagreements specific examples of those differences here:
Common Topics Where do your sources overlap in their coverage of topics and sub-topics? List specific
examples of that overlap here:
Sources overlap on returning animals to shelters:
- Powell et al. state that "A considerable number of adopted animals are returned to animal
shelters post adoption which can be stressful for both the animal and the owner." (1)
- Powell et al. provide the "impact of returning" animals after adoption to a shelter (1).
Powell et al. also provide "57% of U.S. households estimated to own a pet" (1)
Animal expectations and characteristics in adoption:
- O'Connor mention that "Caretaker expectations for companion-animal guardianship can
affect attachment to, and satisfaction with, an animal." (362)
- Kay focuses on different factors that affect the period of time: "Millions of companion
animals are relinquished to shelters each year. For each dog entering, their characteristics and
the characteristics of the shelter holding him/her influence their time to adoption." (375)
- To conduct their study, Dinwoodie used "Selection criteria rankings that participants
indicated they would employ for future adoptions tended to shift away from physical to
behavior characteristics when compared to selection criteria priorities of prior adoptions"(3).
Distinct Topics Where do your sources diverge in their coverage of topics and sub-topics? List specific
examples of those differences here:
Stull and Holocomb focus on equine cases:
- In their study, Stull and Holocomb gear their research towards horses: "As society’s
perception of horses has changed from their origin as livestock to companion animals in
modern times, owners have transitioned their care and management. The goal of this study
was to identify the role and capacities of local animal control services in the United States
that investigate equine neglect, cruelty, and abandonment investigations" (2342).
Thompson and Young mention euthanization:
- Thompson and Young provide some background on euthanization: "Animal welfare
agencies estimate that 3 to 4 million healthy dogs and cats are euthanized annually in shelters
across the United States" (333).
Common Sources Where do your sources overlap in their use of peer reviewed sources? List specific examples
of that overlap here:
Distinct Sources Where do your sources diverge in their use of peer reviewed sources? List specific examples
of those differences here:

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