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Activity 2 - My Ideal Learning


Name of FS Student
Course, Year and Section
Name of FS Mentor

Intended Learning Outcomes

My Observation




Activity 2 - My Ideal Learning

Directions: Use the data that you have gathered from your observation or from your previous school
environment where you finished your basic education to complete the table below.

Facilities Availability Description Will it contribute to the

Not students’ learning and
Available Available development? Why?
The Principal's Office is an air- The Office of the Principal
conditioned room with a cctv serves as a central hub for
Office of the Principal screen and a lobby that can fostering a conducive and
accommodate guests. enriching learning environment
for students. Primarily, the
principal plays a crucial role in
shaping the school's vision
and mission, setting the tone
for academic excellence, and
establishing a positive school
culture. Through effective
leadership, the principal
influences the overall direction
of the institution, ensuring that
educational objectives align
with the needs and aspirations
of the students.
Bautista NHS’s has a library
students have access to

Libraries play a crucial role in

fostering students' learning
and development by providing
Library a rich and diverse resource
environment. Beyond serving
as repositories of books and
academic materials, libraries
offer students a quiet and
focused space conducive to
concentrated study and
research. The vast array of
books, journals, and
multimedia resources available
in a library supports various
learning styles, allowing

Activity 2 - My Ideal Learning
students to explore topics
beyond the confines of their
classroom curriculum.

Activity 2 - My Ideal Learning

Bautista NHS has a The establishment of a

Counseling Room Counseling Room for students’ counseling room within a
learning and development in
other aspects of life.
school setting holds
immense potential to
contribute significantly to
students' learning and
development. This
dedicated space provides a
confidential and
supportive environment
where students can seek
guidance on various
academic, personal, or
emotional concerns. The
availability of counseling
services fosters a sense of
emotional well-being,
allowing students to
address challenges,
manage stress, and
navigate interpersonal
relationships effectively.
The school cafeteria is small. A well-designed school
There are fatty foods, junk cafeteria can play a crucial
Canteen/Cafeteria foods, and nutritious role in enhancing students'
foods for sale, such as fruits learning and development.
and traditional Filipino Beyond its primary
delicacies. function of providing
nourishment, the cafeteria
serves as a communal
space where students can
engage in social
interactions, fostering a
sense of community and
belonging. This
environment encourages
positive socialization and
the development of
interpersonal skills,
contributing to students'
emotional intelligence and
social well-being.

Activity 2 - My Ideal Learning

Bautista NHS has a Medical The presence of a medical

Clinic where students can clinic within the
Medical Clinic check there BMI and get an educational institution
advice for health purposes. significantly contributes to
the students' learning and
development. Beyond its
primary role in addressing
health emergencies, a
medical center serves as a
crucial support system for
students' overall well-
being. Regular health
check-ups and
preventative care provided
by the medical center
contribute to the physical
health of students,
ensuring they are fit and
able to actively engage in
academic activities.
The atmosphere is friendly, A Learning Resource
and teachers and students Center (LRC) serves as a
Audio Visual/Learning can easily access the pivotal asset in fostering
Resource Center facilities. It also serves as students' learning and
the office for the Science development. By providing
teachers. It is air- a centralized hub for
conditioned, and the floors diverse educational
are tiled. materials, the LRC
becomes a dynamic space
where students can access
a wealth of resources
beyond traditional
textbooks. The availability
of multimedia tools,
reference materials, and
digital resources expands
the scope of learning,
catering to diverse
learning styles and

Activity 2 - My Ideal Learning

Science Laboratory All necessary supplies are The science laboratory at

available in the Bautista NHS Basista National High
Science Laboratory. Their School serves as a crucial
research facility is stocked hub for students' learning
with supplies that can be and development. This
utilized in several areas of specialized facility
science. provides a hands-on,
experiential approach to
science education,
allowing students to move
beyond theoretical
knowledge and engage
directly with scientific
principles. Through
practical experiments and
demonstrations, students
gain a deeper
understanding of complex
scientific concepts,
fostering critical thinking
and problem-solving skills.

The gymnasium is covered The presence of a

and spacious, and it can gymnasium in an
Gymnasium accommodate all Bautista educational institution can
NHS students. significantly contribute to
students' learning and
development in
multifaceted ways.
Beyond its traditional role
as a space for physical
activities and sports, a
gymnasium serves as a
hub for holistic growth.
Regular physical exercise
promotes overall health
and well-being, fostering
habits that contribute to
better concentration,
increased energy levels,
and improved mental

Activity 2 - My Ideal Learning

Bautista NHS has a The addition of an auditorium

auditorium where big to a school environment can
Auditorium events takes place. significantly contribute to
students' learning and
development in several ways.
An auditorium provides a
dedicated space for various
academic and extracurricular
activities, including lectures,
presentations, performances,
and assemblies. This
centralized venue fosters a
sense of community and
collective engagement,
allowing students to
participate in a wide array of
educational events.
I saw students tending An outdoor garden can serve
to plants and as a multifaceted learning
Outdoor Garden vegetables in the large environment that significantly
garden. It is composed contributes to students'
of various plants and learning and development.
flowers that add to the Beyond its aesthetic
beauty of their appeal, the
surroundings. presence of a garden
provides hands-on,
experiential learning
opportunities that extend
beyond the confines of the
traditional classroom setting.
Engaging with nature in the
outdoor space fosters a
deeper connection to the
environment and promotes a
sense of responsibility for the
natural world.

Students learn practical The Home Economics room

skills for food planning, serves as a crucial space that
Home Economics Room preparation, cooking, significantly contributes to
and presentation in the students' learning and
home economics room. development. This specialized
facility is designed to provide
a hands-on and practical
approach to education,
allowing students to apply
theoretical knowledge in real-
life scenarios.

Activity 2 - My Ideal Learning

It's a place that The provision of a

provides comfort, comfortable and well-
Comfort Room for Girls refreshment, and maintained comfort room
even girl talk, but it's specifically designated for
currently closed due girls within a school
to a lack of water. environment plays a role in
contributing to students'
learning and development.
Beyond its functional
purpose, a thoughtfully
designed girls' comfort room
addresses the fundamental
need for privacy and
sanitation, fostering a
conducive atmosphere for
focused learning.
It's a place that The provision of a well-
Comfort Room for Boys provides comfort, maintained and accessible
refreshment, but it's boys' comfort room at the
currently closed due school is integral to the
to a lack of water. students' learning and
development. A properly
designed and hygienic
facility ensures that students
can attend to their
physiological needs
comfortably, promoting a
conducive and stress-free
environment for learning.
The computer lab The Computer Room, as an
has a working integral component of the
Computer Laboratory computer, and when educational infrastructure,
we visit, some will play a crucial role in
students are working enhancing students' learning
on their assignments. and development. By
providing dedicated access
to computers, this facility
equips students with
essential digital literacy
skills, preparing them for the
demands of the modern
world. The Computer Room
serves as a hub for
interactive and collaborative
learning experiences,
allowing students to engage
with technology in a hands-
on manner.

Activity 2 - My Ideal Learning

Bautista National High

School has a variety of The faculty room is an integral
Faculty Room faculty rooms. component of a school
School. There are environment, serving as a hub
faculty rooms available for teachers to collaborate,
for each department. plan, and prepare for effective
These rooms are teaching. Its contribution to
designated for teachers students' learning and
to do their jobs, share development is indirect yet
ideas and observations, crucial. The faculty room
organize student provides teachers with a
records, and so on. All dedicated space to engage in
faculty rooms are air- professional discussions, share
conditioned. These best practices, and
rooms are large, and collaboratively design
each teacher is given a curriculum and instructional
personal table that also strategies. As a result, teachers
serves as a productive are better equipped to deliver
personal space. high-quality lessons, adapt to
various learning styles, and
address individual
student needs. The
positive and
collaborative atmosphere
fostered in the faculty room
reflects in the classroom,
creating a more dynamic and
enriching learning environment
for students.

Activity 2 - My Ideal Learning


11. What are the facilities you find most useful?
The computer laboratory and the science laboratory, in my opinion and based on my observations, are
the most valuable facilities at Bautista National High School. The computer laboratory, with its cutting-edge
technological resources, is critical in providing students with essential digital skills. The incorporation of
computers into the learning process not only keeps students up to date on technological advancements, but
also prepares them for the challenges of today.The well-equipped science laboratory, which caters to the
diverse needs of students, is equally captivating. Its functionality is a significant asset, creating an environment
conducive to hands-on learning and experimentation. The use of laboratories and computers for teaching
purposes both contribute significantly to increased student motivation.

2. What are the facilities you find least useful?

Personally, I find every facility at Baustista National High School to be significant; however, the
addition of a medical clinic would further enhance the overall well-being of the school community. While the
computer and science laboratories are undeniably valuable, the incorporation of a medical clinic would
contribute to a more comprehensive and holistic educational environment. The importance of a school clinic
lies in its ability to provide accessible medical services to students, faculty, and staff. Emergencies can
happen unpredictably, and having a dedicated medical facility on-site ensures that prompt and necessary
care is available when needed. The accessibility of the school clinic should be prioritized, with efforts to
keep it open as much as possible, recognizing the unpredictable nature of health-related incidents.The
benefits of a school clinic extend beyond emergencies. It plays a crucial role in promoting and sustaining
the health and well-being of the entire school community.

Activity 2 - My Ideal Learning

Activity 2 - My Ideal Learning

Guide Questions for the observation of classroom management strategies 11

1. What are the classroom management strategy(ies) that you have observed?

Mr. Sam Fallorina carefully employed various classroom management strategies during the class
recitation, resulting in an engaging and effective learning environment. One notable approach was his
interactive involvement with students, as he walked among them and posed questions. This dynamic
interaction not only encouraged active participation but also fostered a sense of inclusivity within the class.
Mr. Fallorina also seamlessly integrated technology into the teaching process by using the television
monitor during the question and answer session. This use of technology improved the learning experience
by making the discussion more visually engaging and accessible to the students. The use of multimedia
tools can help students gain a more comprehensive understanding of the subject matter.

2. What part(s) of the lesson this/these management strategy(ies) were utilized?

During his classes, I observed Mr. Fallorina employing a variety of effective classroom
management strategies. One notable strength is his adept use of voice modulation, skillfully navigating
between different tones to maintain student attention while striking a balance between delivering
instructions and actively listening to student responses. Another admirable aspect of Mr. Fallorina’s
teaching style is his unwavering commitment to providing equal opportunities for all students. He ensures
that every student has an equal opportunity to participate, reducing the likelihood of bias and fostering a
fair and inclusive learning environment. This dedication is evident in his deliberate efforts to engage every
student in recitations and responses to questions displayed on the screen.

Activity 2 - My Ideal Learning

My Analysis

Answer the following questions:

When do you consider a facility useful or not?

The worth of a facility goes beyond its appearance and includes its functionality. When a facility
effectively fulfills its intended purpose and contributes to the advancement of both teachers and students,
it is considered useful. The mere presence of a structure on school grounds does not ensure its utility; it
only becomes truly beneficial when it is actively used. The functionality of a facility has a significant
impact on student achievement and the effectiveness of teaching. An efficient school facility not only
meets the current needs of teachers, staff, and students, but it also adapts to changing circumstances. In
essence, the worth of a school facility is measured by its tangible contributions to the educational
environment, emphasizing both functionality and responsiveness to the educational community's dynamic

When do you say that a facility aids learning? Cite some instances.
Effective school facilities play a crucial role in fostering a conducive learning environment, thereby
promoting and enhancing the overall educational experience. When thoughtfully designed and properly
utilized, these facilities become invaluable tools in the teaching and learning process. Take, for example, a
well-equipped computer laboratory. When teachers effectively leverage this space to guide students
through essential Microsoft tasks and foster digital literacy, the facility becomes more than just a room with
computers—it becomes a dynamic space for skill development. The same principle applies to science
laboratories, such as the one at Basista National High School. In these specialized settings, students not
only acquire scientific knowledge but also gain hands-on experience through experiments while learning
proper laboratory etiquette.

What is the impact of environment to the learners?

The learning environment has a significant impact on learners in a variety of ways, shaping their
educational experiences and outcomes. A positive and welcoming environment encourages student engagement,
motivation, and a sense of belonging. A well-designed physical space, free of distractions and equipped with
adequate resources, promotes focused learning and improved academic performance. The social environment of
a school, including interactions with peers and teachers, has a significant impact on students' emotional and
social development. A welcoming and inclusive environment fosters collaboration, communication, and a sense of
community, all of which are necessary for holistic learning. The overall environment, which includes physical,
social, and cultural elements, has a significant impact on the educational journey and helps to develop well-
rounded and adaptable individuals.

Activity 2 - My Ideal Learning

What kind of classroom management is conducive to learning?

An effective classroom management strategy that promotes learning strikes a balance between structure and
13flexibility. A positive and inclusive classroom environment founded on clear expectations and mutual respect is the
bedrock for successful learning experiences. Teachers who establish consistent routines and rules provide students with a
sense of security, fostering an environment in which they feel safe and supported. Engaging students in interactive and
participatory activities not only keeps their attention but also promotes active learning. Furthermore, understanding and
meeting the individual needs of students requires effective communication, both verbal and nonverbal. A positive and
respectful learning environment is prioritized in a classroom management approach, which sets the stage for meaningful
educational experiences and student success.

My Reflection

1. Would you like to teach in the school environment you just observed/remembered? Why or why not?
Having recently observed the educational setting at Bautista National High School, I am inspired
and eager to contribute to such a nurturing environment as an educator. The school impressively provides
abundant access to teaching and learning resources, fostering both academic and personal development among
students. The well-equipped facilities, which include classrooms and laboratories, boast an abundance of
materials and equipment, ensuring a conducive learning environment. The attention to detail is evident, with
well-ventilated classrooms decorated in bright colors to create an inviting atmosphere. Aside from academic
spaces, the school recognizes the importance of leisure and social interaction by providing students with a large
area to relax and interact with their peers. What truly stood out during my observation was the students'
outstanding behavior. Their courtesy and respect for both teachers and visitors made an indelible impression.
Despite the fact that I was not yet a professional educator, the warm greetings I received reflected a positive
and inclusive school culture. The approachable and friendly demeanor of the staff and teaching
professionals adds to the overall welcoming environment. This experience has fueled my desire to join such a
caring educational community, and I eagerly await the opportunity to contribute to the positive growth and
development of the students at Bautista National High School.
2. If you are the teacher, how can you make the environment more conducive to learning?
Creating a conducive learning environment as a teacher entails several key strategies. First and
foremost, I would make certain that the physical classroom space is well-organized and free of distractions,
allowing students to concentrate on the lesson at hand. Using a variety of teaching methods, such as interactive
activities and group discussions, would cater to different learning styles while also keeping the class engaged.
Clear communication of lesson objectives and expectations fosters a sense of purpose and direction, while
fostering a supportive and inclusive environment encourages students to ask questions and actively participate.
Incorporating technology and relevant teaching aids into lessons also improves comprehension and makes the
learning experience more dynamic. Regular feedback and assessment help me gauge student comprehension
and adjust my teaching approach accordingly, ensuring a positive and effective learning environment for all.

Activity 2 - My Ideal Learning

3. How do classroom management impact learning? 14

Effective classroom management is important in shaping students' learning experiences. A
conducive learning environment is created when a teacher establishes clear expectations, maintains a
positive and inclusive environment, and employs consistent discipline. Personally, I've found that well-
managed classrooms encourage student engagement, foster a sense of security, and reduce disruptions,
allowing for a more focused and productive learning experience. A structured and organized classroom
setting not only improves the teacher's ability to deliver lessons effectively, but also allows students to
actively participate, collaborate with peers, and absorb information more efficiently. In essence, classroom
management has a significant impact on learning, influencing not only academic outcomes but also shaping
students' overall attitudes and behaviors toward education.

4. If you are to design a learning environment for your would-be students, how will it look like? Illustrate.

In designing an ideal learning environment for my future students, I envision a space that
seamlessly blends innovation and comfort. The classroom would be designed with flexible seating
arrangements to encourage collaboration and adaptability to different learning styles. Integrating technology,
there would be interactive displays and a well-equipped computer corner to promote digital literacy. Natural
light and vibrant student-created artwork would contribute to a welcoming environment that encourages
creativity and inspiration. Furthermore, a designated area for hands-on activities and group projects would
facilitate the practical application of concepts. The room would be a reflection of inclusivity, with resources
catering to various abilities and interests. Regular collaboration with fellow educators and students would
shape the dynamic environment, ensuring that it evolves to meet the ever-changing needs of learners.
Ultimately, my envisioned learning space is a harmonious blend of modernity, comfort, and adaptability,
fostering a passion for learning and nurturing the holistic development of each student.

Activity 2 - My Ideal Learning


Activity 2 - My Ideal Learning

Peer FS Over-all
5 Rating Mentor’s Rating

Activity 2 - My Ideal Learning

Activity 2 - My Ideal Learning

Peer FS Over-all
Rating Mentor’s Rating
5 Rating


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