Ttmik Iyagi 01.ko - en

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Translated from Korean to English - www.onlinedoctranslator.


TalkToMeInKorean.comIntermediate Level

story(Iyagi) #1- Choi Kyung-eun & Jin Seok-jin

Kyeong-eun Choi: Hello. This is the first talk of Talk To Me In Korean.

hello. This is Choi Kyeong-eun.

Seokjin Jin: Yes, hello. This is Seokjin Jin.

Kyeong-eun Choi: Yes, Mr. Seok-jin? (Yes) What shall we talk about today?

Seokjin Jin: Yes. Today, let's talk about senior seats.

Kyeong-eun Choi: Ah... the seats for the elderly.

Seokjin Jin: Yes. Mr. Kyeong-eun (Yes) What did you ride to work today?

Kyeong-eun Choi : When I go to work, I take the subway and the bus.

Seokjin Jin: Yes. If you look inside the bus (yes), the color of the seat is different for some reason.

Kyeong-eun Choi : Yes. Yes.

Jin Seok-jin: There is a separate seat for the elderly on the bus.

Kyeong-eun Choi: Yes, that's right. Then what is the old man?

Jin Seok-jin: Old and weak. You don't know, really?

Kyeong-eun Choi : Yes. I don't know. (Ah... really...) Mr. Seokjin, please explain.

Seokjin Jin: Yes, I understand. old and weak. This is a word made up of Chinese characters, (Yes)

I'll make it very easy. (Yes) The character “no” means old. (ah...)

And “weak” means that the body is weak. (Ah...) The “sleep” guy (the guy?)

Originally, the character for “Nomja” (yes) represents a person.

Kyeong-eun Choi: Ah... Then you mean old and (yes) weak people?

Seokjin Jin: That's right. (Then) those who are old or infirm.

Kyeong-eun Choi: What about pregnant women?

Jin Seok-jin: Pregnant women have a baby in their belly, so their bodies are heavy.

Kyeong-eun Choi: Ah... Do you call a pregnant woman with a baby in her belly a 'pregnant woman'? (Yes)

Pregnant women are also included in the 'elderly'?

Seokjin Jin: That's right, that's right. (Ah...) The seats for the elderly and infirm are called 'seated seats for the elderly'.

Kyeong-eun Choi: Ah... But Mr. Seokjin, (Yea) It's not only on the bus, but also on the train.

This PDF is to be used along with the MP3 audio show available at at at This series is for
intermediate level learners and it is 100% in Korean but the speakers are using easier words and speaking a little more
slowly than usual. If you have any questions, please visit and leave us a comment!
TalkToMeInKorean.comIntermediate Level

story(Iyagi) #1- Choi Kyung-eun & Jin Seok-jin

Jin Seok-jin: It's also on the subway.

Kyeong-eun Choi: That's right. Are there seats for the elderly on trains and buses?

Seokjin Jin: Yes. Anyone who has ever ridden the subway in Korea will know this.

Kyeong-eun Choi: Yes, that's right. Seokjin, did you often sit in the senior seats?

Jin Seok-jin: Yes, I often sat on the bus, but I couldn't sit on the subway.

Kyeong-eun Choi: Why?

Jin Seok-jin: Ah... I can see you're too discerning.

Kyeong-eun Choi : Can you notice? (Yes) Oh... Really?

Jin Seok-jin: I think I'm embarrassed because people stare at me a lot (ah...). I haven't sat down yet, so I don't know...

Kyeong-eun Choi : But the really amazing thing is (Yea) no matter how many people are on the train (Yea)

The seats for the elderly are always empty.

Jin Seok-jin: Um... It's empty or there are really old people sitting there.

Kyeong-eun Choi : Grandmothers and grandfathers are usually sitting, right? (yes)

Actually, I used to go to Gangnam to go to work. (yes)

Usually, if you take line 2, it goes to Gangnam.

Seokjin Jin: Oh... … . It's Line 2, which is called the 'hell train'.

Kyeong-eun Choi: That's right. Why is it called 'hell iron'?

Seokjin Jin: There are too many people. during work hours.

Kyeong-eun Choi : Yes. Subway too crowded. (Yeah) Because it's a 'hell subway' (Yeah, it's so inconvenient)

Yes, it's called 'hell season'. (Yeah) There are really too many people during rush hour, so my feet hurt a little.

Sometimes I feel like I'm floating.

Seokjin Jin: Are your feet floating?

Kyeong-eun Choi : Yes. There are so many people (yes) you can sleep standing up.

Jin Seok-jin: Ah... because there are too many (yes) people now.

Kyeong-eun Choi : Yes. Because it's full (Yeah) Even in hell, young people don't sit in the senior seats, right?

Seokjin Jin: Yes. can't sit down

This PDF is to be used along with the MP3 audio show available at at at This series is for
intermediate level learners and it is 100% in Korean but the speakers are using easier words and speaking a little more
slowly than usual. If you have any questions, please visit and leave us a comment!
TalkToMeInKorean.comIntermediate Level

story(Iyagi) #1- Choi Kyung-eun & Jin Seok-jin

Kyeong-eun Choi: What happens when you sit down?

Seokjin Jin: Are you scolded?

Kyeong-eun Choi: Are you scolded? (Yeah) Then Seokjin, if you don't get scolded, will you sit in the priority seat?

Jin Seok-jin: Hmm... If there are no people, we can sit down. Because I'm a good person, yes

Even if there are no people, the seats for the elderly do not sit.

Kyeong-eun Choi: Oh, is that so?

Jin Seok-jin: But sometimes, (Yea) there are cases where young children sit.

Kyeong-eun Choi: Ah... that's right, that's right.

Jin Seok-jin: But in that case, (Yea) the mother (Yea) takes them to sit together.

Kyeong-eun Choi: Ah, really young babies. (Yes, yes. That's right) Right?

Seokjin Jin: Yes. In that case, you have to watch it.

Kyeong-eun Choi: But actually, when I'm really sick (Yea) I want to sit in the senior citizen's seat, but actually there

Sitting makes me feel uncomfortable. People don't know if I'm sick.

(That's right, that's right) That's why I endure it no matter how painful it is and don't sit in the senior citizen's seat.

Jin Seok-jin: Mr. Kyeong-eun. (Yeah?) The next time you're sick (Yeah) enough that other people can tell you're sick (Yeah)

No matter where you broke your leg (ah... yes...) you're so seriously injured.

Kyeong-eun Choi: It would be better not to have such a thing, right?

Seokjin Jin: Of course.

Kyeong-eun Choi: You're not saying that I was hurt, right?

Seokjin Jin: No, no, no.

Kyeong-eun Choi: Oh, isn't it? (Yes, yes) But actually, like Mr. Seokjin, I never sit in the priority seat on the subway.

I don't sit down (yes), but people actually sit on the bus.

Seokjin Jin: Of course. sit down for a bit

Kyeong-eun Choi: Yes, yes. But the other day (yes) I rode a bus and was so tired that I sat in the senior seat.

(Um...) But I didn't sleep on purpose (Yea) I fell asleep. (yes yes)

Then I opened my eyes and saw my grandmother (ah...) standing right in front of me. (Ah... my God)

This PDF is to be used along with the MP3 audio show available at at at This series is for
intermediate level learners and it is 100% in Korean but the speakers are using easier words and speaking a little more
slowly than usual. If you have any questions, please visit and leave us a comment!
TalkToMeInKorean.comIntermediate Level

story(Iyagi) #1- Choi Kyung-eun & Jin Seok-jin

Kyeong-eun Choi: So I opened my eyes, but I was so... embarrassed, actually. Even though I didn’t sleep on purpose (Yeah)

For some reason (yes) I should have moved away quickly, but I couldn't (yes. That's right, that's right)

I jumped up in embarrassment, but the bus was shaking. so i don't know

I jumped up (again) and sat down again. So my face got really red (Yeah)

That's more embarrassing. I remember jumping up and running away.

Jin Seok-jin: Oh, really... When you get on the bus (Yea) When you really give in to the elderly as soon as you see them (Yea)

that's the best (That's right) But in my case, after sitting a little longer,

I have to yield (ah...) I was thinking about that...

Kyeong-eun Choi: It's because of Mr. Seok-jin. (That's right) Because people, some people pretend to sleep on purpose

I'm getting scolded. (Yes, that's right. Then you'll get scolded) I don't pretend to sleep on purpose, I really

Because even when I fall asleep, I get scolded. (Yes) Don't do that, Mr. Seokjin.

Seokjin Jin: That's right, that's right. Even if you're sitting in a senior seat (Yeah) or just a regular seat (Yeah)

If you see an elderly person, it is best to give up your seat right away.

Kyeong-eun Choi: Yes, that's right. In Korea (Yea) even if it's not a priority seat (Yea) I just sit there,

It's polite to leave your seat when your grandfather comes in front of you. (Yes, that's right) Yes.

By the way (yes) I wonder if there are seats for the elderly in your country?

If in your country (yes) there are seats for the elderly, visit

Please come and leave a comment. (Yeah) And if there is a priority seat, there is a map to move out of the seat.

Be sure to leave a comment.

Seokjin Jin: Yes. Please check the sign for the elderly.

Kyeong-eun Choi : Yes. Thank you for listening.

Seokjin Jin: Yes. That's the story so far.

Kyeong-eun Choi : Goodbye.

Seokjin Jin: Goodbye.

This PDF is to be used along with the MP3 audio show available at at at This series is for
intermediate level learners and it is 100% in Korean but the speakers are using easier words and speaking a little more
slowly than usual. If you have any questions, please visit and leave us a comment!

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