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Additional queries based on Dimagi guidance documents linked below:

Placement boxes or ‘Content Blocks’ for icons: it’s not clear from the
Dimagi examples if icon images need to be square, circle or rectangle. Is the
Content Block an icon goes into prede ned in terms of size, shape and
colour? It looks like they can have an auto colour background added (see
below) but this isn’t clear.

Colour palette: use the Dimagi palette or Zvandir/CATS colours?

Colour background for icons: add a colour background in the PNG le or

use the ‘content block’ for a background colour in Dimagi? Adding the
background colour in Dimagi would mean the same PNG le could be reused
in multiple sections but with a different background colour each time. This
would avoid having to use multiple PNG les of the same icon with different
colour backgrounds - saving space used by the app.

Icon colour: Dimagi can change the colour of the icon (with the content block
behind it). How does this work? I assume the icon le would need to be in
one colour only (e.g. white or black) and this will change by de ning it in
Dimagi. This would mean not using icons with multiple colours. Using only
one colour will make the icon PNG les smaller.

‘Multimedia reference checker’: can a link to this be provided? Does it

specify pixel sizes?

Title block: could this be used for the title images that need to include text
and an icon? A title block is a text eld that can be given a colour by Dimagi.
Could an image then be placed into it?
Grids and lists with icons:
• Which option is Zvandiri using?
• In the examples shown by Dimagi, the icons appear much larger in the grid
option than the list option - so using a grid may be best. If the list option is
used, the icons will need to be very simple designs.

Case lists:
I assume the Zvandiri app will be using this functionality. Will icons be needed
for this? Will it make use of the icons made for other sections? Icons seem to
appear at a very small size in the case lists - that is something to keep in
mind when developing the icons.

Emoji icons:
Does Zvandiri want to use Emoji icons in any sections of the app? According
to they cannot be used in apps.
However, in guidance provided by Dimagi, they can be used and are free to
download from the Emoji website - but this contradicts the license terms on
the Emoji website. Therefore, an alternative may be needed - either buying a
set of icons similar to Emojis, or I create a set of Zvandiri branded

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