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O n c e people discover an area where they can e x t r a c t materials such as g r a n i t e, s l a t e,

m a r b l e, l i m e s t o n e, and s a n d s t o n e, the area often becomes a q u a r r y. The q u a r r

y becomes a permanent place in the community, attracting daily q u a r r y i n g activities. Much
as it may help people, it also causes significant impacts to the environment. Therefore, as for me
my stand would be to be against to it especially when heavy q u a r r y i n g happens. I believe
that everything in m o d e r a t i o n is better. Heavy quarrying can cause d i s f i g u r a t i o n of
an environment, q u a r r y i n g can heightened risk of soil erosion, even when the area is
managed properly. It renders the entire environment ineffective for any other major projects that
could benefit those living within the areas, such as farming, among other essential activities. It
can pollute the environment as well because of t o x i n s from machineries and other chemicals
used to gather the q u a r r i e d materials that can be harmful for our b o d i e s of water, air and
soil and could damage our ecosystem and animals habitat. In addition, Areas that practice q u a r
r y i n g often experience challenges with the infrastructure since the quarry activities can destroy
road patterns, causing more c o n g e s t i o n and traffic on the roads, especially within small

In the larger sense I believe that q u a r r y i n g can harm the environment, although many of the
negative effects can be controlled or managed. Taking c a r e of the environment can help us
benefit from what it provides, meaning, we need to protect everything within the environment to
maximize its benefits.



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