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reading for gist and detail

1 Match the definitions A–D below with the words in the box. There are three extra words.

volunteer recipe receipt entrepreneur voluntary influence attitude

A the owner or manager of a business

B a person who works out of their free will and does not take money for doing it
C a set of instructions for preparing particular food
D the opinions and feelings which you have about something

2 Przeczytaj poniższy tekst, z którego usunięto cztery zdania. Wstaw zdania oznaczone
literami (A–E) w luki (1–4), tak aby powstał spójny i logiczny tekst. Jedno zdanie zostało podane
dodatkowo i nie pasuje do żadnej luki.

One rainy afternoon in 2002, 70-year-old Susan showed her teenage grandson her secret
recipe and taught him how to make delicious jam. It happened in Edinburgh, the capital
of Scotland, and the boy’s name was Fraser Doherty. 1 Back in 2002, 14-year-old
Fraser loved his grandma’s jam so much that he decided to try and sell it to his friends
and neighbours. 2 Because it was too small, he soon paid a local food factory
to work for him for a few days every week. Two years later, Fraser left school and started
working full-time. He wanted his jam to be super healthy, and he called it SuperJam. 3 He also
chose to use grapefruit juice instead of unhealthy sugar. When famous British supermarkets started selling
his product all around Britain, Jam Boy became really successful.
But Fraser never forgot about his grandma and never changed his attitude to important things in life. When
he was still a boy, his grandma used to make jam and cakes and take them to all the elderly people in the
neighbourhood. Her grandson used to go with her and play music to entertain the elderly. 4 It is
called the ‘SuperJam tea parties’, and a group of enthusiastic teenage volunteers help him organise it.
‘It’s a chance for the old people who don’t normally get out to come and have a good day out. It’s about elderly
people and young volunteers coming together and having a party and learning about each other,’ says Fraser.
It also helps change the older generation’s current negative attitude to young people.
Fraser Doherty has come a long way since he started doing business in his parents’ kitchen and now
is a successful entrepreneur selling 500 000 jars of SuperJam a year.

A Remembering those days, Fraser started a charity project for the elderly people in Edinburgh.
B The elderly man used to be famous as Scotland’s oldest and worst cook.
C Fraser named it so because he decided to use so-called super foods, like blueberries or cranberries, to
make his jam.
D Today Fraser is a businessman famous in Scotland and all over the UK as Jam Boy.
E It was such a successful idea that he had to make about 1000 jars of jam a week in his mum’s kitchen.

3 Read the advertisement for a competition by Good Attitude Fund. In groups of three discuss your ideas
for a business, then choose the one you think is the best and write the application.

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