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Is There a Single National Lumber Market in the United States?

Runsheng Yin and Jungho Baek

Abstract: This article revisits the question of whether the law of one price (LOP) holds for the United States
lumber markets, with the most disaggregate data and a large number of price combinations for different products,
regions, and species. We also paid close attention to issues related to how we should conduct unit root tests with
a potential structural break, whether we should include intercept and time trend in a co-integration model, and
what lag length should be chosen. After exhaustive investigations, we find overwhelming evidence supporting
the LOP for the entire United States softwood lumber market. We believe that this finding has profound
implications on our market modeling and policy analysis. FOR. SCI. 51(2):155–164.
Key Words: Softwood lumber markets, law of one price, time-series analysis, unit root test with a structural
break, Johansen co-integration test.

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S THERE A SINGLE national lumber market in the United To our knowledge, Uri and Boyd (1990) and Jung and
States? The answer to this question pertains to our Doroodian (1994) are the only two studies that have been
knowledge of the behavior of lumber markets and thus done to test the LOP hypothesis for United States softwood
the appropriate way(s) to model and deal with them. Lum- lumber markets [1]. Uri and Boyd (1990) conducted biva-
ber production for housing construction, repairs, and other riate causality tests to detect the geographical extent of
purposes constitutes a major manufacturing industry in the softwood lumber markets. Their evidence of regional mar-
United States. The 1999 domestic production of softwood ket integration led them to conclude that there is indeed a
lumber alone was close to 35 bbf, valued at about US$12 single market for softwood lumber in the United States.
billion. Meanwhile, the United States imported an addi- Using the same data set, Jung and Doroodian (1994) sub-
tional 17 bbf from Canada, worth US$6.5 billion (Howard sequently used Johansen’s multivariate co-integration test
2001). Therefore, it is crucial to clearly and accurately procedure to examine the Uri and Boyd (1990) conclusion.
understand the behavior of lumber markets. They reported that their results confirmed what Uri and
So far, however, most, if not all, lumber market models Boyd had found.
have been predicated on the assumption that there exists a It appears that these two studies have already answered
single national market in the United States (e.g., Robinson the question we posed at the beginning; as such, it could be
1974, Adams and Haynes 1980, Boyd and Krutilla 1987). In redundant for us to bring it up once again. However, the
other words, all the lumber market segments of different previous two studies used aggregate data—four regional
regions, species, grades, and dimensions are treated as lumber price series (South, Northwest, North, and Rocky
though they are in a long-run equilibrium. This treatment Mountain) originally compiled by Adams et al. (1988) in
implies that the law of one price (LOP) holds for those developing their Timber Assessment Market Model. Obvi-
markets. However, the LOP assumption has not been ade- ously, the data compilation already presumed that the
quately scrutinized. The objective of this article is to fill this United States softwood lumber markets are integrated not
significant knowledge gap with disaggregated data and im- only in species, grade, and dimension terms, but also at the
proved procedures. regional level. In addition, it removed the fluctuations of
In the literature, whether or not different markets of a disaggregated individual price series by averaging. There-
commodity are integrated or segmented is often interpreted fore, although it is more likely to accept the LOP hypothesis
as evidence of whether or not they follow the LOP (Buoni- using such a data set, it seems inappropriate to do so, and
giorno and Uusivuori 1992, Hänninen 1998, Abildtrup et al. the conclusion reached this way could thus be spurious.
1999). Of course, economic analysts rarely insist that all the Moreover, Jung and Doroodian (1994) might have mis-
price series of the commodity in different markets are interpreted their test results of the LOP for United States
exactly the same; rather, they maintain that, given allow- softwood lumber markets. As noted by Abildtrup et al.
ances for price premiums derived from quality differentia- (1999), “Jung and Doroodian find a single co-integration
tion and transport and trading costs, these market segments relation in a system involving four different American price
tend to behave uniformly in a consistent way over time. series. Contrary to their claim, the finding of only one

Runsheng Yin, Assistant Professor, Department of Forestry, Michigan State University, 126 Natural Resources Bldg., East Lansing, MI 48824 —Phone: (517)
432-3352; Fax: (517) 432-1143; Jungho Baek, Research Assistant Professor, Center for Agricultural Policy and Trade Studies, 207C Morrill
Hall, Department of Agribusiness & Applied Economics, North Dakota State University, Fargo, ND 58105-5636 —Phone: (701) 231-7451; Fax: (701)
Acknowledgments: The authors are grateful to the reviewers’ comments and the editors’ assistance for improving the paper. Any remaining errors are their

Manuscript received September 27, 2002, accepted January 13, 2005 Copyright © 2005 by the Society of American Foresters

Forest Science 51(2) 2005 155

stationary relation between [sic] four price series of the t. The equilibrium relationship between markets i and j can
same commodity cannot be accepted as a strong support for be discerned by examining bij, with the specific criterion
the law of one price because the expected number of lin- and method dependent on the LOP version to be tested
early independent stationary relations is three.” That is, for (Baffes 1991).
the LOP to hold in n markets, there must be n ⫺ 1 co- The Johansen co-integration procedure for testing the
integration relationships (Johansen and Juselius 1990). As LOP involves a rank test and a parameter restriction test.
such, the Jung and Doroodian finding of only one stationary The rank test, a test of the weak version LOP, is to identify
relation suggests the presence of three different stochastic the number of co-integration vectors, r, using a multivariate
trends in the system, each representing an autonomous autoregression model. Given a vector yt of n potentially
market in itself [2]. If true, this implication is disturbing endogenous variables, it is possible to model yt as an unre-
because it indicates that (1) models based on the existence stricted vector autoregression (VAR) having up to k lags:
of a single national lumber market are flawed, and (2) the
longtime industry practice of reporting a composite price yt ⫽ A1 yt⫺1 ⫹ · · · ⫹ Ak yt⫺k ⫹ ut , (2)
index might be problematic. where each of the Ai is an (n ⫻ n) matrix of parameters, and
In sum, the sample data used and the testing procedure ut is a vector of normally and independently distributed

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interpreted in the previous works have cast doubts on their error terms. This system is in reduced form with each
conclusion. Hence, further testing of the LOP hypothesis is variable in yt regressed only on lagged values of itself and
warranted, which is what we intend to do in this article. As all the other variables [3].
Jung and Doroodian (1994) did, we will use the Johansen Equation 2 can be reformulated as
co-integration approach that features multivariate autore-
gression and maximum likelihood estimation. Unlike them, ⌬yt ⫽ ⌫1 ⌬yt⫺1 ⫹ · · · ⫹ ⌫k⫺1 ⌬yt⫺k⫹1 ⫹ ⌸yt⫺k ⫹ ut ,
however, we will consider alternative model specifications (3)
in terms of lag length, intercept, and time trend because the
testing outcome is sensitive to differences in these aspects t ⫽ 1, . . . , T
(Johansen 1995). In addition, we will incorporate market
structural break into our testing (Maddala and Kim 1998), with
which can have a substantive impact on estimated results ⌫i ⫽ ⫺ 共I ⫺ A1 ⫺ · · · ⫺ Ai 兲 i ⫽ 1, . . . , k ⫺ 1
but has been largely ignored by early co-integration analy-
ses of forest products markets. Moreover, we will use highly and
disaggregated price series for softwood lumber in the ⌸ ⫽ ⫺ 共I ⫺ A1 ⫺ · · · ⫺ Ak 兲.
United States, as reported by Random Lengths (1999). It is
hoped that, in combination, these steps will lead to more The model specified this way contains information on both
robust empirical findings. the short-run and long-run adjustments to changes in yt ·
After exhaustive investigation, we find overwhelming ⌸ ⫽ ␣␤⬘, where ␣ represents the speed of adjustment to
evidence supporting the LOP for the United States softwood equilibrium and ␤ is a matrix of long-run coefficients such
lumber markets, implying that these markets are indeed that the term ␤⬘yt⫺k represents r co-integration relationships
integrated and efficient. Therefore, we can state that, among (r can be up to n ⫺ 1).
other things, the current strategies to model aggregate lum- When the number of co-integration vectors, r, has been
ber markets, to compile composite lumber price indexes, determined by the rank test, it is possible to further test the
and to conduct policy assessment at the regional or national LOP hypothesis by imposing linear restrictions on the
level are justified. The remainder of the article is organized ␤-matrix to find one-to-one relationships between the un-
as follows. First, we briefly discuss the procedures of LOP derlying series (Baffes 1991). This is a test of the strong
and unit root testing in the presence of a structural break. version LOP. In this article, we only consider the weak
Next, we present our sample price series. Then, we report version, using the rank test for the following reasons. First,
our empirical results. Finally, we make some concluding in view of the variations in product quality, and shipment
remarks. and trading costs, we believe that the weak version is more
relevant to the United States softwood lumber markets.
Methods Also, given the massive amount of data analyzed, it is
almost impossible to add testing the strong version to this
As pointed out earlier, the LOP hypothesis is tested by article as well.
determining whether there is an equilibrium relationship It should be emphasized, though, that because co-
between two or more markets in the long run. For instance, integration analysis applies to nonstationary processes, we
an equilibrium price relationship between two markets can must perform unit root tests to identify whether the sample
be represented by the equation, price series are stationary first. Although unit root tests
themselves are straightforward to do, it is a challenge to
pit ⫽ a ⫹ bij pjt ⫹ ␧t , (1)
incorporate potential structural breaks in the price series
where pit and pjt are prices for market i and j, a and bij are into these tests. Recent studies have shown that the usual
coefficients to be estimated, and ␧t is the error term at time augmented Dickey–Fuller (ADF) (Dickey and Fuller 1979)

156 Forest Science 51(2) 2005

approach is unable to detect the structural break in a series Larch, Hem-Fir, Spruce-Pine-Fir, and Southern Pine. Ran-
because of its implicit assumption that the deterministic dom Lengths reports lumber prices for four regions: North-
trend is correctly specified (Perron 1988, Banerjee et al. east, North Central, South, and West. The West encom-
1992, Maddala and Kim 1998). In other words, if there is a passes the coast and the inland, where the main species
break in the deterministic trend, then the ADF could falsely combinations are Douglas-fir, Fir & Larch, and Hem-Fir.
lead to a conclusion that there is a unit root when in fact The South is subdivided into three zones: the west side,
there is not, or vice versa. Therefore, if there is any evidence central, and east side, where Southern Pine is a generic
of a structural break in the series, the ADF procedure for a name for the pine species. Likewise, Spruce-Pine-Fir is the
unit root test needs to be amended to avoid this problem. main species combination for lumber produced/sold in
Induced by the spotted owl debate and ensuing federal Northeast and North Central.
harvest reductions in the Pacific Northwest, United States Furthermore, lumber can be classified according to dif-
softwood log and lumber markets witnessed an unprece- ferent grades and dimensions. For example, lumber pro-
dented structural change in the early 1990s (see Figure 1). duced from Douglas-fir, Fir & Larch, and Hem-Fir in the
So far, unfortunately, this structural break has received little West comprises (1) 2 ⫻ 4 – 8⬘, Stud Grade (hereafter, DF,
formal treatment in economic research. Yin (2002), Sa- FL, HF); (2) 2 ⫻ 4, Std&Btr (DF1, FL1, HF1); (3) 2 ⫻ 4,

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phores et al. (2003), and Wear and Murray (2004) are Utility (DF2, FL2, HF2); (4) 2 ⫻ 6, #2&Btr (DF3, FL3,
perhaps the only exceptions. To carry out unit root tests with HF3); and (5) 2 ⫻ 10, #2&Btr (DF4, FL4, HF4). Some of
a potential structural change, we adopt the approach devel- the main products manufactured from Southern Pine in-
oped by Banerjee, Lumsdaine, and Stock (BLS; 1992). This clude: (1) 2 ⫻ 4 – 8⬘, Stud Grade (SP, west side); (2) 2 ⫻ 4,
approach uses recursive, rolling, trend-shift, and mean-shift #2 (SP1, west side); (3) 2 ⫻ 6, #2 (SP2, west side); (4) 2 ⫻
procedures to test for the possibility of a structural break in 10, #2 (SP3, west side); (5) 2 ⫻ 4, #2 (SP4, central); (6) 2 ⫻
a time series (see Appendix). As to how to perform co- 6, #2 (SP5, central); (7) 2 ⫻ 4, #2 (SP6, east side); and (8)
integration analysis of the price series in the presence of a 2 ⫻ 6, #2 (SP7, east side). Our sample also includes 13
structural break, we will address this question in the fol- series for products made from Spruce-Pine-Fir, some of
lowing sections. which are for products delivered to such markets as Boston,
the Great Lakes, and Toronto.
Data Together, our sample contains 36 lumber price series.
Table 1 summarizes our data, which were transformed log-
Our data for the U.S. softwood lumber markets were arithmically in our analysis. It should be noted that all the
collected from Random Lengths (1999). The monthly lum- products used in this study are kiln dried. There are so many
ber price series initially covered the last two decades from other series reported by Random Lengths that it is impos-
Jan. 1980 to Dec. 1999 (1980:1–1999:12) whenever avail- sible for us to consider all of them. Of course, we believe
able. However, our results of unit root tests showed that that the 36 selected series have captured most of major
most of the selected price series underwent a permanent market segments.
structural change around 1991. As such, the final sample for Now it can be seen that, because lumber distinguishes in
co-integration analysis covered the period of 1992:1–1999:12, a number of ways, more disaggregated analysis of market
containing 96 observations in each series. relationships is both desirable and necessary. It also implies
The sample characterizes softwood lumber produced that, even for analysis based on disaggregated data, it may
from five major species combinations: Douglas-fir, Fir & not be helpful to lump them together in a grand test of
market relationships. Instead, what we should do is to
conduct multiple tests from different perspectives (grades,
dimensions, species, and regions) with certain selected se-
ries. An added benefit of this multi-step approach is that it
gives us more flexibility in specifying our models
properly— how many lags and whether time trend and con-
stant terms should be included. This situation also raises the
question of whether lumber products are homogenous,
which is what Buonigiorno et al. (1979) were concerned
about. Again, our suggestion is that, rather than jumping to
the conclusion without testing, we should let the analytic
outcome tell us one way or another.

Empirical Analysis
Unit Root and Other Diagnostic Tests
Figure 1. A plot of Douglas-fir log and lumber prices in the Pacific In determining the stationarity of price series with a
Northwest. potential structural break, we estimated the four BLS

Forest Science 51(2) 2005 157

Table 1. Data description for softwood lumber price series

Species Dimension Category Region (subregion) Acronym

Douglas-fir 2 ⫻ 4–8⬘ Stud grade West (coast) DF
2 ⫻ 4 Std&Btr West (coast) DF1
2 ⫻ 4 Utility West (coast) DF2
2 ⫻ 6 #2&Btr West (coast) DF3
2 ⫻ 10 #2&Btr West (coast) DF4
Fir & Larch 2 ⫻ 4–8⬘ Stud grade West (inland) FL
2 ⫻ 4 Std&Btr West (inland) FL1
2 ⫻ 4 Utility West (inland) FL2
2 ⫻ 6 #2&Btr West (inland) FL3
2 ⫻ 10 #2&Btr West (inland) FL4
Hem-Fir 2 ⫻ 4–8⬘ Stud grade West (coast) HF
2 ⫻ 4 Std&Btr West (coast) HF1
2 ⫻ 4 Utility West (coast) HF2
2 ⫻ 6 #2&Btr West (coast) HF3

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2 10 #2&Btr West (coast) HF4
Spruce-Pine-Fir 2 ⫻ 4–8⬘ Stud grade North (west) SPF
2 ⫻ 4 Std&Btr North (west) SPF1
2 ⫻ 4 Utility North (west) SPF2
2 ⫻ 6 #2&Btr North (west) SPF3
2 ⫻ 10 #2&Btr North (west) SPF4
2 ⫻ 4–8⬘ Stud grade Northeast (Boston) SPFB
2 ⫻ 4 #1&2 Northeast (Boston) SPFB1
2 ⫻ 6 #1&2 Northeast (Boston) SPFB2
2 ⫻ 4–8⬘ Stud grade North Central (Great Lakes) SPFL
2 ⫻ 4 #1&2 North Central (Great Lakes) SPFL1
2 ⫻ 6 #1&2 North Central (Great Lakes) SPFL2
2 ⫻ 4–8⬘ Stud grade North Central (Toronto) SPFT
2 ⫻ 4 #1&2 North Central (Toronto) SPFT1
Southern Pine 2 ⫻ 4–8⬘ Stud grade South (west side) SP
2 ⫻ 4 #2 South (west side) SP1
2 ⫻ 6 #2 South (west side) SP2
2 ⫻ 10 #2 South (west side) SP3
2 ⫻ 4 #2 South (central) SP4
2 ⫻ 6 #2 South (central) SP5
2 ⫻ 4 #2 South (eastside) SP6
2 ⫻ 6 #2 South (eastside) SP7
Dimension refers to the nominal thickness and width measurements, expressed in inches, of any pieces of lumber. For example, the first number in 2 ⫻
4 represents the thickness (in inches), and the second number represents the width (in inches). For studs, a third number is used to indicate the length (in
inches). Also, lumber is sorted for different use categories and applications to establish a uniform standard among different lumber manufacturers. Std&Btr
refers to standard and better, and #2&Btr refers to grade #2 and better (see Leckey (1998) for more details).

statistics (recursive, rolling, trend-shift, and mean-shift) integration analysis. Our original sample should be divided
with two lags (k ⫽ 2) for the original sample covering into two subperiods according to the breakpoint, and our
1980:1–1999:12. The lag length was chosen using the LOP testing should be implemented for the two subperiods
Akaike information criterion. For comparison, we also es- separately. Because the subperiod following the structural
timated the usual ADF statistics for the series with the same break (1992:1–1999:12) is more recent and thus meaningful
lag length. As shown in Table 2, there is strong evidence for to our understanding of the current market relationships, we
rejecting the unit root null after allowing for the possibility decided to focus our attention on that subperiod. Then, we
of a structural break. In specifics, the unit root null could not repeated the usual ADF tests for the shortened price series.
be rejected for all the series with the usual ADF test. In As shown in Table 3, the unit root null hypothesis was not
contrast, the BLS tests, mostly under a trend-shift regime, rejected for the level series, but was rejected for the first
indicated that the unit root null was rejected for 23 of the 35 differences of them at 5% significance level. From these
price series at the 5% and 10% significant levels. Failure to findings, we inferred that the price series over the period
take account of this structural change could thus lead to 1992:1–1999:12 are nonstationary and integrated of order 1,
under-rejection of the null hypothesis. Furthermore, by ex- or I(1); therefore, co-integration analysis can be pursued on
amining the F statistics, a breakpoint was identified to be them.
around 1991:12. Therefore, we concluded that most of the To aid our model selection for co-integration analysis,
price series experienced a permanent structural change we also conducted other diagnostic tests for the residuals of
(slope shift) in 1991:12. our data with different lag lengths. These tests include serial
According to our results of the BLS tests, it is thus no correlation, heteroskedasticity, and normality. Table 4 re-
longer appropriate to use the full sample in our co- ports our results. Overall, it appears that the model with two

158 Forest Science 51(2) 2005

Table 2. Unit root tests of softwood lumber price series with and without a potential structural break

Trend-shift Mean-shift
Recursive Rolling
Series Sampling period ADF tests Min tDF Min tDF Min tDF Max F Min tDF Max F
DF 80:1–99:12 ⫺2.74 ⫺3.93* ⫺3.93 ⫺4.51** 16.16** ⫺4.45 9.97
DF1 80:1–99:12 ⫺1.14 ⫺3.92* ⫺2.88 ⫺4.13* 8.89 ⫺3.88 7.96
DF2 80:1–99:12 ⫺1.80 ⫺2.91 ⫺3.03 ⫺3.91 8.03 ⫺3.86 7.67
DF3 80:1–99:12 ⫺0.81 ⫺3.59 ⫺3.33 ⫺4.07 8.68 ⫺3.75 7.55
DF4 80:1–99:12 ⫺1.10 ⫺4.07* ⫺4.60* ⫺5.09** 13.33* ⫺4.47 11.23
FL 80:1–99:12 ⫺2.75 ⫺4.06* ⫺4.05 ⫺4.44** ⫺19.90** ⫺4.44 9.91
FL1 80:1–99:12 ⫺1.16 ⫺4.06* ⫺2.60 ⫺3.79 7.54 ⫺3.60 6.76
FL2 80:1–99:12 ⫺1.85 ⫺2.66 ⫺3.01 ⫺3.85 7.64 ⫺3.89 7.59
FL3 80:1–99:12 ⫺0.92 3.50 ⫺3.37 ⫺3.89 7.87 ⫺3.63 6.89
FL4 80:1–99:12 ⫺1.22 ⫺3.81 ⫺5.10** ⫺5.13** 13.34* ⫺4.27 11.27
HF 81:7–99:12 ⫺2.13 ⫺3.49 ⫺3.71 ⫺4.87** 13.95* ⫺4.50 10.32
HF1 81:7–99:12 ⫺1.86 ⫺3.51 ⫺3.07 ⫺4.67** 16.32** ⫺4.36 9.79
HF2 81:7–99:12 ⫺2.20 ⫺3.08 ⫺3.09 ⫺4.40** 19.93** ⫺4.39 11.02

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HF3 81:7–99:12 ⫺1.39 ⫺3.19 ⫺2.94 ⫺4.79** 15.89* ⫺4.42 9.87
HF4 81:7–99:12 ⫺1.45 ⫺4.48** ⫺3.65 ⫺5.76** 16.71** ⫺4.48 15.05
SPF 80:1–99:12 ⫺2.55 ⫺4.11* ⫺3.68 ⫺4.62** 14.69* ⫺4.35 10.28
SPF1 80:1–99:12 ⫺0.99 ⫺3.47 ⫺2.91 ⫺4.44** 1.34 ⫺4.20 9.01
SPF2 80:1–99:12 ⫺2.40 ⫺2.62 ⫺2.78 ⫺3.42 6.02 ⫺3.52 6.23
SPF3 80:1–99:12 ⫺1.26 ⫺4.16* ⫺3.80 ⫺4.80** 15.95** ⫺4.46 11.61
SPF4 80:1–99:12 ⫺1.16 ⫺4.20** ⫺3.02 ⫺4.44** 16.98** ⫺4.37 9.74
SPFB 80:1–99:12 ⫺2.69 ⫺3.76 ⫺3.01 ⫺4.95** 17.24** ⫺4.30 12.12
SPFB1 80:1–99:12 ⫺1.04 ⫺3.58 ⫺2.96 ⫺4.53** 15.53* ⫺4.50 10.40
SPFB2 82:1–99:12 ⫺2.68 ⫺4.16* ⫺4.06 ⫺4.77** 18.42** ⫺4.14 11.73
SPFL 82:1–99:12 ⫺2.41 ⫺3.41 ⫺3.77 ⫺4.87** 13.87* ⫺4.47 10.90
SPFL1 80:1–99:12 ⫺1.01 ⫺3.54 ⫺3.18 ⫺4.69** 17.24** ⫺4.18 11.10
SPFL2 87:7–99:12 ⫺1.79 ⫺3.80 ⫺4.25 ⫺4.76** 13.66* ⫺4.50 10.42
SPFT 87:7–99:12 ⫺1.25 ⫺3.39 ⫺3.60 ⫺3.79 7.19 ⫺3.39 5.88
SP 80:1–99:12 ⫺2.63 ⫺4.99** ⫺4.79* ⫺5.07** 17.86** ⫺3.99 8.13
SP1 80:1–99:12 ⫺2.53 ⫺3.47 ⫺3.71 ⫺3.87 7.93 ⫺3.92 7.86
SP2 80:1–99:12 ⫺2.48 ⫺3.83 ⫺3.86 ⫺4.05 8.28 ⫺4.16 8.72
SP3 80:1–99:12 ⫺1.37 ⫺4.76** ⫺3.48 ⫺5.76** 16.66** ⫺3.75 16.61
SP4 87:7–99:12 ⫺2.10 ⫺4.42** ⫺3.35 ⫺4.06 8.28 ⫺3.54 6.73
SP5 87:7–99:12 ⫺2.45 ⫺4.20** ⫺4.11 ⫺4.40* 19.71** ⫺3.93 8.28
SP6 80:1–99:12 ⫺2.65 ⫺3.08 ⫺3.33 ⫺3.95 8.21 ⫺3.99 8.15
SP7 80:1–99:12 ⫺2.66 ⫺4.03* ⫺3.85 ⫺2.95 4.45 ⫺4.19 8.83
Other than the usual augmented Dickey–Fuller procedure, we incorporate a potential structural break into the unit root tests; see Table 1 for definitions of
the price series; SPFT1 was excluded because of unavailability of data before 1991; the 5% and 10% critical value for the ADF including a constant and
a time trend are ⫺3.43 and ⫺3.13; the 5% and 10% critical values for Min tDF (sample size T ⫽ 250) are ⫺4.18 and ⫺3.91 if recursive tests, ⫺4.85 and
⫺4.59 if rolling tests, ⫺4.39 and ⫺4.12 if trend-shift tests, ⫺4.80 and ⫺4.51 if mean-shift tests; The 5% and 10% critical values for Max F (sample size
T ⫽ 250) are 15.94 and 13.32 if trend-shift tests and 19.01 and 16.72 if mean-shift tests. Critical values are from Tables 1 and 2 in Banerjee et al. (1992);
the lag length (k ⫽ 2) was chosen on the basis of the Akaike information criterion.
* and ** denote rejection of null hypothesis of a unit root at 10% and 5% significance level.

lags can describe the data sufficiently well. In our error Johansen Co-Integration Test
autocorrelation test, the null hypothesis of no serial corre-
Our implementation of the co-integration tests proceeded
lation was accepted at the 5% significance level. Normality
as follows. We tested (1) whether the LOP holds for differ-
of the residuals was tested by means of the Doornik–Hansen
ent products of the same species in the same regions, (2)
(1994) method and accepted for most series, with the ex- whether the LOP holds for the four large geographic regions
ceptions of DF2, HF1, HF2, and SPF4. For HF1 and SPF4, (West, Northeast, North Central, and South), (3) whether
non-normality was less of a problem because their P-values the LOP holds for different species combinations across
were very close to the 5% significant level. For DF2 and regions (Douglas-fir, Fir & Larch, Hem-Fir, Spruce-Pine-
HF2, we made corrections to the outliers in 1999:7– 8 using Fir, and Southern Pine), and (4) whether the LOP holds for
intervention dummies to eliminate their non-normality, more randomly combined series.
which might have been caused by some localized events. In In testing whether the LOP holds for different products
our heteroskedasticity tests, the null of no heteroskedasticity of the same species in the same regions, we selected DF1,
was accepted at the 5% significant level for all the series. DF2, DF3, and DF4 for Douglas-fir. Similar selections were
Furthermore, the specification tests indicated that, al- made for Fir & Larch, Hem-Fir, and Spruce-Pine-Fir. Be-
though a time trend was necessary, seasonal dummies cause Southern Pine is classified differently, we chose two
were not. combinations (SP1, SP2, SP3, and SP4; and SP1, SP2, SP3,

Forest Science 51(2) 2005 159

Table 3. Augmented Dickey–Fuller unit root tests of softwood lumber Table 4. Summary of diagnostic tests for residuals of softwood lum-
price series (1992:1–1999:12) ber price series (1992:1–1999:12)

Series Level First difference Lags Serial

correlation Normality Heteroskedasticity
DF ⫺2.75 ⫺5.48* 7
Prices FAR(2, 82) ␹2(2) FARCH(6, 72)
DF1 ⫺2.66 ⫺3.90* 7
DF2 ⫺2.89 ⫺4.01* 5 ⌬DF 1.32 关0.26兴 1.47 关0.48兴 1.17 关0.33兴
DF3 ⫺2.78 ⫺5.23* 3 ⌬DF1 1.69 关0.14兴 0.04 关0.98兴 0.66 关0.68兴
DF4 ⫺2.88 ⫺6.27* 3 ⌬DF2 1.21 关0.31兴 13.03 关0.00兴** 1.09 关0.38兴
FL ⫺2.71 ⫺5.23* 7 ⌬DF3 0.70 关0.65兴 2.50 关0.29兴 0.60 关0.73兴
FL1 ⫺2.77 ⫺4.32* 7 ⌬DF4 0.43 关0.86兴 0.11 关0.33兴 0.47 关0.83兴
FL2 ⫺2.47 ⫺4.45* 4 ⌬FL 0.96 关0.46兴 0.43 关0.81兴 0.62 关0.71兴
FL3 ⫺2.79 ⫺4.60* 4 ⌬FL1 0.73 关0.63兴 3.33 关0.19兴 0.83 关0.55兴
FL4 ⫺2.74 ⫺5.08* 4 ⌬FL2 0.78 关0.59兴 3.79 关0.15兴 0.28 关0.95兴
HF ⫺2.76 ⫺5.18* 7 ⌬FL3 0.85 关0.54兴 2.11 关0.35兴 1.02 关0.42兴
HF1 ⫺2.69 ⫺5.35* 4 ⌬FL4 0.68 关0.66兴 1.30 关0.52兴 0.86 关0.53兴
HF2 ⫺2.37 ⫺4.20* 7 ⌬HF 1.60 关0.16兴 2.12 关0.35兴 0.76 关0.60兴
⫺2.60 ⫺5.30* ⌬HF1 1.55 关0.17兴 6.35 关0.04兴* 1.19 关0.32兴

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HF3 4
HF4 ⫺2.60 ⫺6.05* 4 ⌬HF2 2.05 关0.07兴 18.17 关0.00兴** 0.63 关0.70兴
SPF ⫺2.47 ⫺5.22* 7 ⌬HF3 1.42 关0.22兴 2.02 关0.36兴 0.96 关0.46兴
SPF1 ⫺2.36 ⫺5.71* 4 ⌬HF4 1.52 关0.18兴 2.39 关0.30兴 1.49 关0.19兴
SPF2 ⫺2.24 ⫺4.69* 4 ⌬SPF 0.68 关0.67兴 1.04 关0.59兴 0.26 关0.95兴
SPF3 ⫺2.66 ⫺5.95* 4 ⌬SPF1 1.06 关0.40兴 0.62 关0.73兴 0.56 关0.76兴
SPF4 ⫺2.51 ⫺5.90* 4 ⌬SPF2 0.71 关0.65兴 0.56 关0.75兴 0.75 关0.62兴
SPFB ⫺2.70 ⫺5.97* 4 ⌬SPF3 0.84 关0.54兴 1.18 关0.55兴 0.55 关0.77兴
SPFB1 ⫺2.36 ⫺5.48* 4 ⌬SPF4 2.17 关0.06兴 6.63 关0.04兴* 0.36 关0.90兴
SPFB2 ⫺2.56 ⫺5.90* 4 ⌬SPFB 0.67 关0.67兴 1.16 关0.56兴 0.13 关0.99兴
SPFL ⫺2.55 ⫺5.88* 4 ⌬SPFB1 0.53 关0.78兴 0.28 关0.87兴 0.50 关0.80兴
SPFL1 ⫺2.35 ⫺5.55* 4 ⌬SPFB2 0.81 关0.53兴 0.39 关0.82兴 0.27 关0.95兴
SPFL2 ⫺2.45 ⫺5.68* 4 ⌬SPFL 0.72 关0.63兴 1.61 关0.45兴 0.21 关0.97兴
SPFT ⫺2.61 ⫺5.73* 4 ⌬SPFL1 0.70 关0.65兴 0.24 关0.89兴 0.43 关0.86兴
SPFT1 ⫺2.36 ⫺5.17* 4 ⌬SPFL2 0.73 关0.63兴 0.48 关0.79兴 0.34 关0.91兴
SP ⫺2.82 ⫺5.00* 8 ⌬SPFT 0.91 关0.49兴 0.19 关0.91兴 0.56 关0.76兴
SP1 ⫺2.72 ⫺5.34* 6 ⌬SPFT1 0.86 关0.53兴 0.34 关0.84兴 0.67 关0.68兴
SP2 ⫺2.82 ⫺5.10* 7 ⌬SP 1.33 关0.26兴 0.29 关0.87兴 1.57 关0.17兴
SP3 ⫺2.41 ⫺5.20* 6 ⌬SP1 0.56 关0.76兴 2.35 关0.31兴 1.14 关0.35兴
SP4 ⫺2.58 ⫺4.70* 7 ⌬SP2 1.58 关0.17兴 3.49 关0.17兴 0.43 关0.86兴
SP5 ⫺2.74 ⫺5.08* 7 ⌬SP3 1.07 关0.31兴 0.05 关0.79兴 1.35 关0.25兴
SP6 ⫺2.66 ⫺5.46* 6 ⌬SP4 0.85 关0.53兴 1.66 关0.44兴 1.16 关0.34兴
SP7 ⫺2.70 ⫺4.90* 7 ⌬SP5 1.88 关0.10兴 2.40 关0.30兴 0.44 关0.85兴
⌬SP6 0.76 关0.61兴 1.14 关0.56兴 1.20 关0.32兴
Critical value including a constant and a time trend is ⫺3.46 at 5%
significance level; see Table 1 for definitions of the price series.
⌬SP7 1.99 关0.08兴 4.83 关0.10兴 0.36 关0.90兴
* Denotes rejection of null hypothesis of a unit root at 5% significance See Table 1 for definitions of the price series; ⌬ denotes the first
level. differences of the price series; the tabled results were based on a lag
length of two, which was chosen as the best alternative to describe the
data. Serial correlation of the residuals was examined using the F-form of
the Lagrange–Multiplier (LM) test, which is valid for systems with
and SP6) to determine the co-integration rank of the system. lagged independent variables; heteroskedasticity was tested using the
Table 5 shows that, in five of the six cases, the co- F-form of the LM test. Normality of the residuals was tested with the
integration rank is three (r ⫽ 3), at the P-value of 5%. Doornik–Hansen test (Doornik and Hansen 1994).
* and ** denote rejection of the hypothesis at the 5% and 1% significance
Moreover, the test statistic of the third co-integrating vector level.
for the Hem-Fir series was quite close to the 5% level. So,
we accepted the hypothesis that the co-integration ranks are
three and declared that all of the four price series for each ings of different species, such as DF1, FL1, HF1, SPF1, and
species are integrated. SP1 (case 1); DF2, FL2, HF2, SPFL1, and SP2 (case 5). Our
In testing whether the LOP holds for the four large results in Table 7 show that about 88% of the 216 groupings
geographic regions, we used price series for 2 ⫻ 4 and 2 ⫻ have a co-integration rank of four.
6 because both of them are major dimension lumber prod- Then, we further expanded our tests by covering more
ucts. We considered all the possible groupings of different randomly combined series, such as DF1, FL1, HF1, SPFB1,
species in the four regions, such as DF1, SPFB1, SPFL1, SPFL1, and SP3 (case 1); and DF3, FL3, HF3, SPFB1,
and SP1 (case 1); and FL1, SPFB1, SPFL1, and SP1 (case SPFL1, and SP1 (case 5). Once again, our results demon-
5). Again, our results indicated that about 90% of the 126 strate that 92% of the 216 groupings have a co-integration
groupings have a co-integration rank of three. Table 6 is a ank of five (see Tables 8). With all the accumulated
partial summary of our results. evidence suggesting that the LOP holds for most of the
In testing whether the LOP holds for the five different United States lumber market segments, we completed our
species across regions, we also examined all possible group- analysis.

160 Forest Science 51(2) 2005

Table 5. A summary of Johansen co-integration tests of price series for different lumber products of the same species

Null Trace 5% Critical Null Trace 5% Critical

hypothesis E-value statistics value hypothesis E-value statistics value
Case 1: DF1, DF2, DF3, DF4 Lag length: 2 Case 2: FL1, FL2, FL3, FL4 Lag length: 2
H0: r ⫽ 0 0.50 130.37* 62.99 H0: r ⫽ 0 0.43 111.53* 62.99
H0: r ⱕ 1 0.30 64.66* 42.44 H0: r ⱕ 1 0.27 56.77* 42.44
H0: r ⱕ 2 0.22 31.09* 25.32 H0: r ⱕ 2 0.19 26.53* 25.32
H0: r ⱕ 3 0.08 7.79 12.25 H0: r ⱕ 3 0.07 6.84 12.25
Case 3: HF1, HF2, HF3, HF4 Lag length: 2 Case 4: SPF1, SPF2 SPF3, SPF4 Lag length: 2
H0: r ⫽ 0 0.37 91.84* 62.99 H0: r ⫽ 0 0.30 84.90* 62.99
H0: r ⱕ 1 0.21 47.28* 42.44 H0: r ⱕ 1 0.22 50.00* 42.44
H0: r ⱕ 2 0.14 25.34* 25.32 H0: r ⱕ 2 0.16 26.29* 25.32
H0: r ⱕ 3 0.09 9.78 12.25 H0: r ⱕ 3 0.09 9.53 12.25
Case 5: SP1, SP2, SP3, SP4 Lag length: 2 Case 6: SP1, SP2, SP3, SP6 Lag length: 2
H0: r ⫽ 0 0.44 124.36* 62.99 H0: r ⫽ 0 0.45 121.80* 62.99
H0: r ⱕ 1 0.30 68.63* 42.44 H0: r ⱕ 1 0.35 66.12* 42.44
H0: r ⱕ 2 H0: r ⱕ 2

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0.22 34.40* 25.32 0.16 26.24* 25.32
H0: r ⱕ 3 0.10 10.87 12.25 H0: r ⱕ 3 0.10 10.13 12.25
DF1 represents DF price series of 2 ⫻ 4, Std&Btr, other price series are similarly denoted; E-value represents eigenvalue.
* Denotes rejection of the hypothesis at the 5% significance level.

Table 6. A partial summary of Johansen co-integration tests of price series for four large geographic regions of lumber manufacturing

Null Trace 5% Critical Null Trace 5% Critical

hypothesis E-value statistics value hypothesis E-value statistics value
Case1: DF1, SPFB1, SPFL1, SP1 Lag interval: 2 Case 2: DF1, SPFB2, SPFL1, SP1 Lag interval: 2
H0: r ⫽ 0 0.34 91.31* 62.99 H0: r ⫽ 0 0.33 90.63* 62.99
H0: r ⱕ 1 0.23 51.85* 42.44 H0: r ⱕ 1 0.22 52.84* 42.44
H0: r ⱕ 2 0.17 27.04* 25.32 H0: r ⱕ 2 0.19 28.74* 25.32
H0: r ⱕ 3 0.09 9.28 12.25 H0: r ⱕ 3 0.09 8.96 12.25
Case 3: DF2, SPFB2, SPFL2, SP6 Lag interval: 2 Case 4: DF3, SPFB1, SPFL2, SP2 Lag interval: 2
H0: r ⫽ 0 0.35 99.86* 62.99 H0: r ⫽ 0 0.27 78.50* 62.99
H0: r ⱕ 1 0.27 58.56* 42.44 H0: r ⱕ 1 0.20 48.29* 42.44
H0: r ⱕ 2 0.18 28.54* 25.32 H0: r ⱕ 2 0.17 26.97* 25.32
H0: r ⱕ 3 0.09 9.11 12.25 H0: r ⱕ 3 0.09 9.17 12.25
Case 5: FL1, SPFB1, SPFL1, SP1 Lag interval: 2 Case 6: FL2, SPFB1, SPFL1, SP4 Lag interval: 2
H0: r ⫽ 0 0.34 91.19* 62.99 H0: r ⫽ 0 0.27 81.10* 62.99
H0: r ⱕ 1 0.22 50.70* 42.44 H0: r ⱕ 1 0.22 50.24* 42.44
H0: r ⱕ 2 0.16 26.90* 25.32 H0: r ⱕ 2 0.17 26.55* 25.32
H0: r ⱕ 3 0.09 9.71 12.25 H0: r ⱕ 3 0.09 8.97 12.25
Case 7: FL3, SPF3, SPFB2, SP5 Lag interval: 2 Case 8: HF1, SPFB2, SPFL2, SP1 Lag interval: 2
H0: r ⫽ 0 0.27 80.27* 62.99 H0: r ⫽ 0 0.32 93.60* 62.99
H0: r ⱕ 1 0.22 49.49* 42.44 H0: r ⱕ 1 0.25 56.85* 42.44
H0: r ⱕ 2 0.16 26.18* 25.32 H0: r ⱕ 2 0.18 29.36* 25.32
H0: r ⱕ 3 0.09 8.89 12.25 H0: r ⱕ 3 0.09 9.96 12.25
Case 9: HF2, SPFB2, SPFL2, SP6 Lag interval: 2 Case 10: HF3, SPFB1, SPFL2, SP3 Lag interval: 2
H0: r ⫽ 0 0.44 114.86* 62.99 H0: r ⫽ 0 0.27 81.08* 62.99
H0: r ⱕ 1 0.26 59.53* 42.44 H0: r ⱕ 1 0.21 51.41* 42.44
H0: r ⱕ 2 0.20 30.49* 25.32 H0: r ⱕ 2 0.19 28.84* 25.32
H0: r ⱕ 3 0.09 8.83 12.25 H0: r ⱕ 3 0.09 8.46 12.25
DF1 represents DF price series of 2 ⫻ 4, Std&Btr, other price series are similarly denoted; E-value represents eigenvalue; to save space, other results were
not listed.
* Denotes rejection of the hypothesis at the 5% significance level.

Closing Remarks potential structural break, whether we should include inter-

cept and time trend in a co-integration model, what lag
In this article we revisited one of the important questions length should be chosen, and how we should interpret the
in lumber market analysis: “Is there a single national lumber estimated results. It was expected that these major efforts
market in the United States?” To address this question would lend confidence in the robustness and reliability of
adequately, we used the most disaggregate data available our findings. In the end, our answer is an overwhelming
and attempted a large number of price combinations for Yes. That is, the LOP holds for most, if not all, softwood
different products, regions, and species in our co-integration lumber market segments in the United States.
analysis. Furthermore, we paid close attention to issues Because of the large number of lumber price series
related to how we should conduct unit root tests with a contained in Random Lengths and their multiple facets

Forest Science 51(2) 2005 161

Table 7. A partial summary of Johansen co-integration tests of price series for five different lumber species

5% 5%
Null Trace Critical Null Trace Critical
hypothesis E-value statistics value hypothesis E-value statistics value
Case 1: DF1, FL1, HF1, SPF1, SP3 Lag interval: 2 Case 2: DF1, FL1, HF1, SPF3, SP1 Lag interval: 2
H0: r ⫽ 0 0.39 134.98* 87.31 H0: r ⫽ 0 0.38 151.07* 87.31
H0: r ⱕ 1 0.31 88.24* 62.99 H0: r ⱕ 1 0.33 105.71* 62.99
H0: r ⱕ 2 0.24 52.81* 42.44 H0: r ⱕ 2 0.29 67.51* 42.44
H0: r ⱕ 3 0.17 26.78* 25.32 H0: r ⱕ 3 0.24 34.08* 25.32
H0: r ⱕ 4 0.09 8.96 12.25 H0: r ⱕ 4 0.08 8.11 12.25
Case 3: DF2, FL1, HF1, SPF1, SP3 Lag interval: 2 Case 4: DF2, FL3, HF3, SPF3, SP1 Lag interval: 2
H0: r ⫽ 0 0.35 124.45* 87.31 H0: r ⫽ 0 0.40 149.79* 87.31
H0: r ⱕ 1 0.30 83.29* 62.99 H0: r ⱕ 1 0.35 100.66* 62.99
H0: r ⱕ 2 0.20 48.82* 42.44 H0: r ⱕ 2 0.28 59.22* 42.44
H0: r ⱕ 3 0.18 27.44* 25.32 H0: r ⱕ 3 0.18 27.40* 25.32
H0: r ⱕ 4 0.08 8.21 12.25 H0: r ⱕ 4 0.08 7.88 12.25

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Case 5: DF3, FL3, HF2, SPFL1, SP1 Lag interval: 2 Case 6: DF1, FL3, HF3, SPFT, SP1 Lag interval: 2
H0: r ⫽ 0 0.42 143.20* 87.31 H0: r ⫽ 0 0.48 153.17* 87.31
H0: r ⱕ 1 0.31 90.51* 62.99 H0: r ⱕ 1 0.32 89.77* 62.99
H0: r ⱕ 2 0.24 55.10* 42.44 H0: r ⱕ 2 0.25 53.59* 42.44
H0: r ⱕ 3 0.17 28.32* 25.32 H0: r ⱕ 3 0.16 25.79* 25.32
H0: r ⱕ 4 0.10 10.25 12.25 H0: r ⱕ 4 0.09 8.75 12.25
Case 7: DF2, FL1, HF2, SPFT, SP3 Lag interval: 2 Case 8: DF3, FL3, HF2, SPFT, SP3 Lag interval: 2
H0: r ⫽ 0 0.36 117.76* 87.31 H0: r ⫽ 0 0.41 128.34* 87.31
H0: r ⱕ 1 0.25 75.36* 62.99 H0: r ⱕ 1 0.26 78.32* 62.99
H0: r ⱕ 2 0.21 48.26* 42.44 H0: r ⱕ 2 0.19 49.71* 42.44
H0: r ⱕ 3 0.17 26.28* 25.32 H0: r ⱕ 3 0.16 29.24* 25.32
H0: r ⱕ 4 0.09 8.81 12.25 H0: r ⱕ 4 0.12 8.58 12.25
DF1 represents DF price series of 2 ⫻ 4, Std&Btr, other price series are similarly denoted; E-value represents eigenvalue; to save space, other results were
not listed.
* Denotes rejection of the hypothesis at the 5% significance level.

(species, grades, dimensions, and regions), it was impracti- Third, researchers should be aware of the simultaneity of
cal for our LOP testing to take up all the possible combi- price series, which, if not dealt with, could result in endo-
nations of the existing price series. Our approach was to geneity problems in a market analysis.
selectively cover price series for those major market seg- Another important implication is that any policy decision
ments. Also, as a result of our finding of a structural shift of made by local or federal governments directed at specific
lumber markets around 1991:12, our co-integration analysis regions has impacts on the overall lumber market. That is,
concentrated on the period of 1992:1–1999:12. To some, given the nature of a national market for softwood lumber,
this period would seem to be a bit short; our findings should policy schemes cannot be localized (Uri and Boyd 1990). In
thus be viewed with caution. However, our use of monthly, this respect, the nationwide ripple effect from federal har-
instead of quarterly or yearly, data might have made it more vest reductions in the Northwest in the early 1990s is a good
difficult for the underlying markets to be found integrated example. Furthermore, government policies implemented
statistically. Combined with our discovery of the structural by overlooking a national market could lead to undesirable
break, this should somehow mitigate our concern with the
outcomes such as inefficient resource allocations and wel-
relatively short period of data coverage and strengthen the
fare losses.
credibility of our findings.
A related question is: Is the whole softwood lumber
The existence of an integrated, national lumber market in
market in North America, including both the United States
the United States has important implications for economet-
ric models of softwood lumber. First, it seems safe for us to and Canada, integrated? Given the significance of the bilat-
treat different lumber products as a homogenous commod- eral lumber trade, the answer to this question is obviously
ity. In addition, as Uri and Boyd (1990) elaborated, if interesting. Although some preliminary evidence suggests
lumber prices drift in a similar fashion in the long term, the that the United States and Canada may indeed be integrated
ratio of these prices, all other things being equal, will to form the North American lumber market (Yin and Baek,
remain constant. From these inferences, we can further draw submitted for publication), it goes beyond the scope of this
a few statements regarding the lumber markets. First, it is article to provide a definite answer to it.
reasonable to report and use the composite lumber price Finally, it should be pointed out that, although we con-
index as compiled by Random Lengths. Second, when ex- jectured that more aggregated price data would lead to a
amining the United States lumber market, analysts need to greater likelihood to accept the LOP hypothesis, we did not
incorporate the co-integration relationships; otherwise, the directly examine the validity of this conjecture in this
econometric models could give rise to biased estimation. article. In addition, we did not consider the relationship

162 Forest Science 51(2) 2005

Table 8. A partial summary of Johansen co-integration tests of more randomly selected price series

5% 5%
Null Trace Critical Null Trace Critical
hypothesis E-value statistics value hypothesis E-value statistics value
Case 1: DF1, FL1, HF1, SPFB1, SPFL1, SP3 Lag interval: 2 Case 2: DF1, FL1, HF2, SPFB1, SPFL1, SP3 Lag interval: 2
H0: r ⫽ 0 0.43 181.73* 114.90 H0: r ⫽ 0 0.49 184.55* 114.90
H0: r ⱕ 1 0.38 127.57* 87.31 H0: r ⱕ 1 0.34 119.73* 87.31
H0: r ⱕ 2 0.27 82.12* 62.99 H0: r ⱕ 2 0.29 80.24* 62.99
H0: r ⱕ 3 0.22 51.77* 42.44 H0: r ⱕ 3 0.20 47.54* 42.44
H0: r ⱕ 4 0.17 27.33* 25.32 H0: r ⱕ 4 0.16 25.97* 25.32
H0: r ⱕ 5 0.09 8.94 12.25 H0: r ⱕ 5 0.09 9.16 12.25
Case 3: DF2, FL3, HF2, SPFB1, SPFL2, SP3 Lag interval: 2 Case 4: DF2, FL1, HF3, SPFB2, SPFL2, SP1 Lag interval: 2
H0: r ⫽ 0 0.38 158.32* 114.90 H0: r ⫽ 0 0.51 196.91* 114.90
H0: r ⱕ 1 0.33 112.83* 87.31 H0: r ⱕ 1 0.38 127.79* 87.31
H0: r ⱕ 2 0.24 74.63* 62.99 H0: r ⱕ 2 0.32 81.58* 62.99
H0: r ⱕ 3 0.21 48.28* 42.44 H0: r ⱕ 3 0.18 44.42* 42.44
H0: r ⱕ 4 H0: r ⱕ 4

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0.17 25.83* 25.32 0.17 26.08* 25.32
H0: r ⱕ 5 0.08 7.88 12.25 H0: r ⱕ 5 0.08 8.15 12.25
Case 5: DF3, FL3, HF3, SPFB1, SPFL1, SP1 Lag interval: 2 Case 6: DF3, FL3, HF1, SPFB2, SPFL1, SP3 Lag interval: 2
H0: r ⫽ 0 0.49 203.90* 114.90 H0: r ⫽ 0 0.53 197.23* 114.90
H0: r ⱕ 1 0.46 139.66* 87.31 H0: r ⱕ 1 0.42 124.67* 87.31
H0: r ⱕ 2 0.31 81.06* 62.99 H0: r ⱕ 2 0.25 73.08* 62.99
H0: r ⱕ 3 0.19 46.20* 42.44 H0: r ⱕ 3 0.18 46.03* 42.44
H0: r ⱕ 4 0.15 26.25* 25.32 H0: r ⱕ 4 0.17 26.74* 25.32
H0: r ⱕ 5 0.10 10.2 12.25 H0: r ⱕ 5 0.09 8.64 12.25
Case 5: DF1, FL1, HF1, SPFB2, SPFT, SP3 Lag interval: 2 Case 5: DF3, FL3, HF3, SPFB2, SPFT, SP1 Lag interval: 2
H0: r ⫽ 0 0.44 168.31* 114.90 H0: r ⫽ 0 0.52 194.24* 114.90
H0: r ⱕ 1 0.32 113.18* 87.31 H0: r ⱕ 1 0.36 123.57* 87.31
H0: r ⱕ 2 0.28 75.77* 62.99 H0: r ⱕ 2 0.28 80.79* 62.99
H0: r ⱕ 3 0.18 44.18* 42.44 H0: r ⱕ 3 0.20 49.41* 42.44
H0: r ⱕ 4 0.15 25.72* 25.32 H0: r ⱕ 4 0.16 27.68* 25.32
H0: r ⱕ 5 0.09 9.68 12.25 H0: r ⱕ 5 0.10 10.53 12.25
DF1 represents DF price series of 2 ⫻ 4, Std&Btr, other price series are similarly denoted; E-value represents eigenvalue; to save space, other results were
not listed.
* Denotes rejection of the hypothesis at the 5% significance level.

between spot and futures markets of softwood lumber prod- tion, consumption, and prices of softwood products in North
ucts. Does the integration of lumber markets have to do with America: Regional time series data, 1950 –1985. USDA For.
the existence of a futures market? How can we predict the Serv. Res. Bull. PNW-RB151.
price movement of the spot market with information from BAFFES, J. 1991. Some further evidence on the law of one price:
the futures markets? All these issues should be addressed in The law of one price still holds. Am. J. Agr. Econ.
future research. 73:1264 –1273.
Endnotes and sequential tests of the unit root and trend-break hypotheses:
[1] Interested readers can refer to Hänninen (1998), Thorsen (1998), Theory and international evidence. J. Bus. Econ. Stat.
Thorsen et al. (1999), Toppinen and Toivonen (1998), Nagubadi et al. 10:271–287.
(2001), and Yin et al. (2002) for tests of the LOP for various
roundwood markets. BOYD, R.G., AND K. KRUTILLA. 1987. The welfare impacts of U.S.
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