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Chosen for Mission

Impact Urban Centers 2024

Objective: Discipleship (Mat 28:19-20)

Often we think of evangelism as a public event conducted by an expert whom we call an

evangelist. The biblical view of evangelism is more than an event—it’s a process, something that
is ongoing. What if it could happen in urban offices, workshops, universities, schools, homes,
and sporting clubs? What if it were happening every week? What if every church member were
doing it in their own style, using the gifts God has given them? What if it were adapted to local
culture? What if it were personal, real, and natural? The Great Commission was not, “Go and
make converts,” but rather, “Go and make disciples.” In many ways we’ve done a great job at
reaching lost people, but perhaps we’re not doing so well in the area of discipleship—facilitating
the process of maturing in Christ.

Christ’s method alone

Building loving relationships is an essential part of any mission work in urban areas. In the
beginning, the first man and woman started out in a perfect relationship with God (Gen. 1:27,
28). Sin broke that relationship, but Jesus came to heal and restore—and that restoration will be
completed at the end of this world’s history (Rev. 21:22). Ministry is joining with God in the
work of healing all these areas of brokenness. We need to learn from Christ how to apply a
healing touch to broken people. “Christ’s method alone will give true success in reaching the
people. The Savior mingled with men as one who desired their good. He showed His sympathy
for them, ministered to their needs, and won their confidence. Then He bade them, ‘Follow Me.’

This comprehensive approach to outreach is not only based upon a specific formula, but it also
accords with several statements where Ellen White says that evangelism is not merely the
proclamation of a message. She says, for example, “Preaching is a small part of the work to be
done for the salvation of souls.” We need to live the gospel in a practical way. “The world will
be convinced, not by what the pulpit teaches, but by what the church lives,” she adds. “The
minister in the desk announces the theory of the gospel; the practical piety of the church
demonstrates its power.” Again: “The cities are to be worked, not merely preached to.” The
effectiveness of any outreach initiative has to be understood within the paradigm of Christ’s
method, which is person oriented rather than production oriented.

Discipleship and urban mission

The mission field has moved to the city, and we as Adventists need to respond to this
opportunity. The Bible tells us that human history started in a garden but assures us it will finish
in a city. More than a hundred years ago, Ellen White wrote: “The work in the cities is essential
work for this time. When the cities are worked as God would have them, the result will be the
setting in operation of a mighty movement such as we have not yet witnessed.”

Today’s global population is more than four times larger than when Mrs. White wrote these
words, and the global urban population is 13 times greater. Should we not also be concerned?

Suggested Methods of discipleship

1. Seed sawing programs

a. Cooking schools
b. Health expos
c. Fun runs
d. Couples dinners
e. Women and youth empowerment projects
f. Social Sundays
g. Guest days
h. Community leaders trainings
i. Community leaders appreciation
j. Literature Distribution (The Great Controversy & other relevant literature)
k. Community Social Media platforms ( WhatsApp groups & Facebook Pages)
l. Engaging high profile individuals (Politicians, Business people, The Rich and
Famous, even commercial sex workers as well).
m. Global Youth day
n. Drug awareness campaigns
o. Stop smoking plans
p. AMO retreats
q. Hospital visits
r. Orphanage visits
s. Special needs programs
t. Prayer breakfasts
u. Prayer retreats
2. Cultivating interests
a. VOP schools
b. Small groups bible studies with interests
c. Fishers of Men (Deliberate Involvement of the newly baptized in Mission)
d. Visiting newly baptized members
e. Equipping newly baptized members with Bible and relevant literature for
spiritual growth
f. Media evangelism groups
g. Prayer visits
h. Daniel and Revelation seminars
i. Camp meetings
3. Reaping programs
a. Traditional 2-3 weeks evangelism campaign (Effort)
b. Camp meetings
c. Weeks of prayer
d. Personal/ group bible studies

NB. When we conduct seed sawing programs we must be careful to register all visitors’ details.
Everyone with whom the church comes into contact through any seed sawing program
becomes an interest. Interest coordinators must keep a record of all visitors and make
arrangements through the personal ministries department to send members who will continue
to cultivate the interest until everything is done to invite them to Christ.

The role of the Personal Ministries department at local church

To train and lead members in Christian witnessing, such as: 1) Conducting or arranging for classes in
how to give Bible studies, methods of personal witnessing, the operation of Community Services
programs, and provision of disaster relief services. 2) Giving practical demonstrations in how to do this

In summery the PMD’s work is to train and lead church members in disciple making. Every local church
must be a training center for missionaries.

Suggested training programs that can be conducted at the local church

1. Departmental leadership trainings

2. VOP markers and visitors training
3. How to conduct Health expos
4. How to give a Bible study
5. Door to door witnessing
6. Cooking schools
7. Sign language
8. How to do hospital visitation
9. How to visit interests
10. How to run an effective small group/ action unit
11. Sabbath school discussion leaders training
12. AY leadership course
13. Women’s ministries leadership training
14. How to conduct successful VBS programs
15. Literature distribution

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