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Practical 1

AIM: Import the legacy data from different sources such as ( Excel , SqlServer,
Oracle etc.)and load in the target system. ( You can download sample database
such as Adventureworks, Northwind, foodmart etc.)

Step 1 : On power BI open odata feed and click on ok

Step 2: Click on the item which we have to preview and then click on load
Step 3: Open Sql Server and then click on connect

Step 4: Now open power bi and then click on sql server database and paste the
server name and then click on ok

Step 5: Then click on connect

Practical no:2
Aim: Perform the Extraction Transformation and Loading (ETL) process to
construct the database in the Sqlserver / Power BI.

Step 1: Open SQL server and copy the server name DESKTOP-74J7GS6\
SQLEXPRESS and save it, then click on Connect.

Step 2: To create database click on New Database , save as TYIT19, then

click on OK
In TYIT19 GO ON Table ,THEN RIGHT CLICK ON New then Table
Enter the table columns, then save as product and close the current page.
Step 3: Download the file form classroom, and SAVE as PRODUCT

Step 4: Create a new project from visual studio 2019

Search for Integration Service Project -> next

Click on next

Double click on Data Flow Task

DOUBLE CLICK ON Data flow task on right side screen


Select blue arrow and connect all toolbox

Double click on 1st toolbox and click on new to add the text file and then click
on ok
Double click on 2nd toolbox and click on price and quantity and then change
the data type of both and click on ok
Double click on 3rd toolbox, then drag and drop the expression as shown in

Double click on 4th toolbox, then click on new button and paste the
DESKTOP-74J7GS6\SQLEXPRESS code and add the database name then
enter on ok and add the table name then enter on ok

Step 6: Now open SQL Server Management Studio 19 then right click on
dbo.product then select script table as view then select SELECT to then
select new query editor window

Practical no 6

AIM: Apply the what – if Analysis for data visualization. Design and generate
necessary reports based on the data warehouse data.

Step 1: Create a excel and all the details in it

Formula total marks =SUM(B3:B7)


Percentage =B9/C9*100

Step 2: Go to data and click on what if analysis and then click on scenario manager
Step 3: Then add the scenario name and changing cells and click on ok

Step 4: Then change all the scenario values then click on ok

Same for M2
Step 4 Then you can change the details by clicking on ok
Step 5: Now click on summary button then click on ok

Practical no 7
AIM: Perform the data classification using classification algorithm.



This image will be display on C:\Users\LENOVO\Documents

Practical no:8
AIM: Perform the data clustering using clustering algorithm.


> newiris<-iris
> newiris$Species<-NULL
> (kc<-kmeans(newiris,3))
> table(iris$Species,kc$cluster)

Practical no:9

AIM: Perform the Linear regression on the given data warehouse data.


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