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Republic of the Philippines


Bayambang campus
Bayambang, Pangasinan
A.Y. 2023-2024

A Detailed Lesson Plan


First Aid: Bandaging


Prepared by:


Bachelor of Physical Education III-1

Prepared for:


Field Study 1 Mentor

Date of Submission: February 2024

Date of Teaching: February 27, 2024


At the end of a 20 – minute discussion, the students will be able to:

 distinguish first aid and bandaging;
 identify the parts of triangular bandage;
 demonstrate the procedures of doing the act of bandaging on to different
injuries; and
 recognize the significance of bandaging in tending injuries and saving lives.

Topic: Bandaging (Triangular Bandaging)
Reference: Ong, I. (2023, November 6). Triangular Bandage Guide: Everything you
need to know about making a triangular bandage | Medlink Healthcare. Medlink
Healthcare Group. https://www.mhg.sg/triangular-bandage-guide/
Materials: Triangular Bandages and PowerPoint Presentation
Values Integration: Appreciation and Realization


Teacher’s Activity Student’s Activity

A. Preliminary Activities
1. Greetings
“Good morning class!” “Good morning, sir Andre!”

2. Prayer
“Before anything else, Jumby, can you “Heavenly Father, we thank you for the gift of
lead the prayer, please.” life. We commit our day to your mighty hands.
Protect us and our families. Make our day
successful. In the mighty name of Jesus Christ,
we pray Amen”
3. Classroom Management
“How are you class?.”
“We are doing great, sir! How about you sir?”
That’s nice to hear. Oh thank you, and
just like everyone else I am, too. Before
we start, please take a look under your
chair and please pick up the trash you
see and put it on your pocket. Also,
please align you chair and sit properly.

4. Checking of attendance
“Class, raise your hand and say
mabuhay if you are present okay”
(The teacher will check the attendance) (The student will raise their hand and will say
B. Motivation
Activity: MATHdecode mo kaya?
Before we proceed to our lesson, lets first have
our activity entitled “MATHdecode mo kaya?”.
I will be dividing you into 5 groups according
to your row, form a circle with your members.
Afterwards, assign your group leader and
provide a clean sheet of paper. I will be
showing different pictures with numbers and all
you have to do is decode the numbers in order
to get the word what the picture means, use the
sequence of alphabet as your guide to
MATHdecode each picture, write your answer
on the provided paper. When you hear the word
“POP” your chosen representative will stand to
raise your group answer. Remember, each
correct answer corresponds to 5 points. The
group who accumulated the highest points will
receive a gift from me as your prize (snacks).
So lets now start the “MATHdecode mo kaya?”.

(The teacher will show the picture)

(the group representative will raise their

6+9+18+19+20 First
1+9+4 Aid
(The teacher will show the picture)

(the group representative will raise their

9+14+10+21+18+25 Injury
(The teacher will show the picture)

(the group representative will raise their

6+9+18+19+20 Aider

(The teacher will show the picture)

(the group representative will raise their



(The teacher will show the picture)

(the group representative will raise their



C. Presentation of the Lesson

“Based on the given activity, what do you
think our lesson for today?” “Sir, based on the given activity our topic for
“Yes, Marvin” today is somewhat related to first aid”

“Awesome, Marvin”

“Sir, I think this is also related to bandaging

“Yes, Angel” since there are bandages that is shown in the
“Incredible, Angel”

“Thank you for your accurate answer


D. Development of the Lesson

“The lesson we are about to discuss today is
about First Aid: Bandaging”
“Before we proceed, these are the learning
objectives that you have to attain after our
learning session:
A. distinguish first aid and
B. identify the parts of triangular
C. demonstrate the procedures of
doing the act of bandaging on to
different injuries; and
D. recognize the significance of
bandaging in tending injuries
and saving lives.”

“Before we proceed to our discussion, what

do you mean by the word first aid?.” “Sir, it’s the process of tending the wound or
injury while waiting for the rescuer”
“Yes, Glenn”

“Awesome, Glenn”

“How about the word bandaging?” “Sir, it’s the procedure of putting a pressure and
wrapping the wound or injury with the use of
“Yes, Reymark” bandage or any clean cloth”

“Very good, Reymark”

“Class, what do you think is the difference

between First Aid and Bandaging?” “Sir, first aid refers to taking an immediate
action to an injury or wound in order to avoid
“Yes, Liwayway” from getting worse while waiting for the medical
professionals. On the other hand, bandaging is
one of the concept of first aid which has the
main goal of getting rid from further damage of
the wound with the use of different bandaging
tools or sterile cloth”

“All of your answers were accurate. First

aid refers to medical attention that is
immediately administered to an injury or
wound to avoid any worse case scenario and
to save someone’s life until the full medical
treatment is available. On the other hand,
bandaging is one of the first aid procedure
that bind a wound or an injury with
protective strip of materials such as

“Bandaging materials has many forms,

these can be in a form of cohesive
bandages, tabular bandages, gauze, and
many more. But in todays discussion, we
will be tackling about a particular
bandaging that is called “Triangular

“Class, what do you think is Triangular “Sir, its piece of cloth that is cut in triangular
Bandage?” shape which is use to cover in a wound or
“Yes, Jenny”

“Very good, Jenny”

“Triangular Bandage is right angle shape

cloth that is used as an arm sling or as a pad
that control bleeding, it is also used to
support an injury bone or joint as a
improvised padding over painful injury.
This type of bandage and procedure helps
the person who are injured to prevent the
worsening of their injury”
“Triangular Bandage have also part, class,
can you identify the parts of triangular

 Point
 End
 Side
 Base

“Very good class!”

“Triangular bandage has point or apex,

sides, end and the base which is vital to
easily fold when tending a wound or an

“Lets now proceed on how to use the “YES, SIR ANDRE”

triangular bandage and how to do the
procedure with particular injury, class, are
you ready?”

Group 1:
Activity: ARRANGE ME! Triangular Bandage for head
1. Fold back the base about 2 inches to
“With your same group, I will be make a hem.
distributing a cut out papers and all you 2. Place the middle of the base on the
have to do is to arrange the cut out papers to forehead, with the hem on the outside.
unlock what particular injury and its step by 3. Let the point fall over the head and
step procedure you will be demonstrating down over the back of the head.
with the use of triangular bandage.
Everyone is required to finish the task, 4. Brings the ends of the triangle around
however the fastest group who were able to he back of the head above the ears.
arrange the paper first will receive 5. Cross them over the point.
incentives to me for the upcoming chapter 6. Carry them around the forehead and
test, good luck everyone” tie.
7. Tuck it over.

Group 2:
Triangular Bandage for Chest
1. Apex at the shoulder of injured part.
2.Fold the base to the desired width
3.Carry the ends around to the back
4.Tie longer end with apex.

Group 3:
Triangular Bandage for Shoulder
1.Start at the armpit
2.Cross – over at injured shoulder
3.Tie at the opposite armpit( side of
front )

Group 4:
Triangular Bandage for Arm
1. Place folded base vertically over
2. One arm, with pointed directly under
the elbow of injured arm
3. Lower ends of base at the side of the
neck using a square know
4. make a several twist with apex and tie
a know
5. hide the knot

Group 5:
Triangular Bandage for Hand
1. Place the hand in the middle of the
triangular bandage with the wrist at the
2. Place the apex over the fingers and
tuck any excess material into the pleats
on each side of the hand.
3. cross the ends on the top of the hand,
take them around the wrist and tie them
with a square not

“Very good, class, I commend your

comprehensiveness in following the step by
step procedure of tending the particular
injuries” “Sir, when a triangular bandage is folded its
called cravat”
“Class, what do you think is cravat?”

“Yes, Jimboy”

“Very good, Jimboy”

“Since cravat is the other way of using the “Sir, cravat is used to sling and support injuries,
triangular bandaging, what do you think its immobilizes fractures and dislocations, or even
purpose?” bandage wounds. Its also use to apply pressure to
wound to prevent further bleeding.
“Yes, Aira”

“Incredible, Aira”

E. Enrichment Activity
“Now, we will be performing a procedure in (Students raising their hands)
a particular injury with the use of cravat
bandage. Can someone volunteer as an
injured person and a person to accompany
me in applying the procedure?”

(The teacher will picked 4 volunteer

students for each injuries and procedures)

Cravat Bandage for the forearm, arm,

leg, and thigh.
1. Place the center of cravat over the
2. Begin ascending turns with upper end
and descending turns with lower end, with
each turn covering two-third of preceding
turn until dressing is covered.
3. terminate by tying both ends in square

Cravat Bandage for the Forehead

1. Place the center of the cravat over the
compress covering the wound
2. Carry the ends around to the opposite
side of the head, cross them. Bring them
back to the staring point and tie them.

“Did you understand class what is triangular
bandaging and how it is done properly to “Nothing, sir Andre”
every injury or wound?”

“Do you have any queries or anything you

don’t understand?”

F. Generalization
“Since you don’t have any question, I will
be the one to ask you some questions. What “For me sir, its crucial to understand these
do you think is the importance of having the
concept in order for us to be ready in case of
knowledge about first aid: bandaging?”
emergency. Having these knowledge and skills is
“Yes, Jecel” vital not just for us but for everyone also, this
skill can actually save someone’s life”

“Incredible, Jecel! Having the skills in first

aiding particularly in bandaging will saved
someone’s life, it also helps the injured
individual in making their recovery faster,
even saving huge healthcare lost, and
preventing the injury from getting worse”

“Sir, my favorite part of the lesson is when we

“Another question is, what is your favorite
part of the lesson? And why?” do the procedure. Its honestly fun to do and the
most exciting part is that you really have to
“Yes, Robert” carefully handle the patient in order to avoid the
injury from getting worse. This might be hard to
perform but having the patience and
perseverance, will definitely result to better
outcome that is much fulfilling”

“That is right, Robert, in performing the

procedure it is not enough that you are just
doing the procedure. You really have to
carefully handle the patients injured part
and as much as possible make your
movements light and precise to avoid
making the injury worse. Performing
bandaging is indeed requires patience and
will to do it”


“This time, try to apply the knowledge and

skills you have learned and acquired during
our discussion”

Activity: Save ME!

“With the same group, assign one of your

representative to be the injured person you
have to tend and do the different bandaging
procedure you have learned in order to save
him. I will be giving you 5 folded papers
that contains jumbled letters, arranged the
letters to get the specific injury you have to
tend. The group who perform and complete
the procedure first will win the game. The
winning group will be receiving a prize
from me (snack).”



“Remember, you will be just moving on to (FOREHEAD WOUND)
the next jumbled letters once you arrange
the existing jumbled letters that you have.
Goodluck and save your group mate! (THIGH WOUND)





“Nothing, sir”

“Bye, sir!. Thank you , and see you tomorrow

“In one whole sheet of paper, search for other
types of bandages and answer the following
1. Describe what they look like (in terms of
size, texture, and form); and
2. Write their functions and how to use
3. Attached the actual picture of these other
type of bandages.

“Do you have anymore questions?”

“Alright, that ends our discussion for today.

Thankyou, go home safe, and god bless.
Goodbye! See you all tomorrow.

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