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1. A faint is a brief loss of consciousness of no more than momentary duration caused by a

temporary reduction in the flow of blood to the brain. How to prevent anyone from
a. Tell the person to sit down in a sitting position breathing normally.
b. Tell the person to sit down and lean forward with the head between the knees taking deep
c. Try to keep the person in an upstanding position.
d. If standing in a crowd, flex the leg muscles and toes to aid circulation.

Q. What is the first sign and symptom of a Cardiac Infarction?

a. Possible frothing at the mouth.
b. Strong and painful pulse.
c. Skin may be red and loss of movement in the right arm may occur.
d. Sudden crushing, vice-like pain in the center of the chest.

2. What will you serve seafarers who have been exposed to cold?
a. Pork and fat fish.
b. Brandy, whiskey or other strong drinks.
c. Fruit and vegetables only.
d. Warm nutritious drinks.

3. Shock is a manifestation of changes in which the circulation fails because either pressure
or volume of circulating blood has fallen to a dangerous level. What is the skin color of a
patient in shock?
a. Dark blue.
b. Light blue.
c. Pale or grey.
d. Green or purple.

4. For adult CPR., you deliver chest compressions at a rate of with a depth of
a. 100/min, 2 inches
b. 80/min, 1 1/2 inches
c. 60-100 min, 2 inches
d. 100/min, 1 1/2 inches

5. During 2 rescuer CPR. on an adult, how many cycles of CPR do you perform before
switching roles?
a. 5 cycles
b. 2 cycles
c. 30:2 cycles
d. 4 cycles
6. In Silvester method how many times chest with their arm lift cycle is repeated per
a. 5 times per min
b. 10 times per min
c. 12 times per min *
d. 15 times per min

7. You suspect a head and neck injury in a victim who is unresponsive and not breathing.
How would you open the Airway to give breath?
a. Jaw-thrust technique *
b. Head tilt-chin lift
c. E-C clamp technique
d. Thumb and index lift

8. If a crew member receives third degree burn

a. Do not cool with water unless it is a chemical burn
b. Do not bandage the burn completely
c. Both A and B
d. None

9. While working in hot areas like engine rooms you can take salt tablets to avoid heat

10. If a crew is bleeding heavily

a. Apply pressure on the wound and wrap it with bandage
b. Elevate the wound if possible
c. Both A and B
d. Do nothing

11. You should move an injured crew only when

a. They are panicking
b. The scene becomes unsafe
c. They asked to be moved
d. They are cold or hot

12. How do you know the victim is receiving adequate breaths during CPR?
a. The victim's chest rises
b. The victim's stomach rises
c. There is no definite way to tell without medical intervention
d. The victim's chin begins to move forward
13. The number of cycles of CPR that should be performed for an adult in 2 minutes
a. 2
b. 5
c. 10
d. 30

14. How can you help someone who is having a seizure?

a. Put something in their mouth
b. Restrain them
c. Keep them safe from injury
d. None of the above

15. What should you do for a diabetic crew who acts confused and irritable?

a. Call the doctor

b. Give sugar to eat and drink
c. Assist by giving a shot of insulin
d. Wait to see if the crew improves

16. A casualty has cut his finger. What should you not do
a. Wash with main tap water
b. Put a plaster in her wound *
c. Apply direct pressure if needed
d. Apply an antiseptic solution

17. If you are alone and come up on a crew who may need CPR, the first thing you should do
a. Activate the emergency response system
b. Begin CPR
c. Go for an AID
d. Make sure the scene is safe

18. The percentage composition of O2 and CO2 in the air we breathe out is
a. 21% 02,0.04% Co2
b. 18% 02,0.04% Co2
c. 20% 02,4.0% Co2
d. 18% 02,4.0% Co2

19. The injury that occurs to a tendon is known as

a. Sprain
b. Strain
c. Fracture
d. None of the above
20. Why should you cover burns with a clean or sterile dressing?
a. To prevent infection
b. To cool burned area
c. To keep the burn area warm
d. Both A and C

21. In which situation would you wrap casualty in cold, wet sheet?
a. Stroke
b. Fainting
c. Heat stroke
d. Heart attack

22. Which of these are not one of the three types of muscle tissue?
a. Cardiac muscle
b. Skeletal muscle
c. Flexible muscle
d. Smooth muscle

23. An unconscious casualty is lying on their back and has a broken leg, what position is best
for the casualty?
a. Recovery position
b. Leave them as they are
c. Sitting up
d. Lying down with your legs raised

24. You find a crew at the bottom of the stairs. He appears to have fallen and seems badly
hurt. After sending someone for help you would
a. Roll the crew onto his stomach keeping the head and back in a straight line
b. Roll the crew onto one side
c. Position crew onto one side
d. Attempt to keep crew from moving

25. Which of the following is the priority when treating fractured ribs on a conscious
a. Help the casualty into the half sitting position
b. Lay the casualty on their back with legs raised
c. Immediately treat any sucking chest wound
d. Support the limb on the injured side in an elevated sling

26. After activating the emergency response system, is the next step too?
a. Check for a pulse for 10 to 15 seconds
b. Start chest compression at a ratio of 30:2
c. Check for a pulse for 5 to 10 seconds
d. Start chest compression at a ratio of 15:2
27. Assessing the crew includes all of the following except
a. Shake his shoulder
b. Look, listen and feel for breathing
c. Yell at him or call his name
d. Observe his breathing

28. Which statement is true?

a. Fracture may cause internal bleeding
b. Fracture only causes bruising
c. Fractures are painless
d. All of the above

29. To treat a nose bleed, hold pressure on the bridge of the hose and help the crew
a. Lean slightly back
b. Lean slightly forward
c. Apply heat pack to the nose
d. Lie flat on the door

30. Which one of the following is not crucial in cases of abdominal distress?
a. Establish the cause of pain
b. Give oxygen by non-breather mask
c. Be prepared to deal with vomiting
d. Monitor the crew for sins of hypo glemic shock

1. Which one of the following should the first provider do when helping a crew with a snake
a. Do not remove jewelry or clothing in the area of the bite
b. If a crew is a bit on the arm, elevate the arm about the level of the heart
c. If the snake is still there, go back and approach from another direction to offer help
d. Suck the venom from the snake bite

2. What is the best position for conscious casualty suffering from internal bleeding?
a. Laying down with legs raised
b. Lying flat down
c. Half sitting position
d. Recovery position

3. The correct ratio of compression to ventilation for two rescuer CPR on a child is
a. 5:1
b. 5:2
c. 15:1
d. 15:2
4. Shock is best defined as
a. Inadequate circulation to the body's tissues *
b. Inadequate delivery of oxygen to the lungs
c. Inadequate elimination of waste products from the body
d. Inadequate amount of insulin

5. When assessing the crew, you should feel for a pulse for
a. 3 seconds
b. 5 to 10 seconds
c. 15 to 20 seconds
d. 20 to 30 seconds

6. For any victim, the correct compression rate is

a. At least 120 per minute
b. At least 80 per minute
c. At least 90 per minute
d. 100 to 120 per minute

7. It is important that a compress is done correctly. One of the alternative signs, after
completed compress bandage, shows that the bandage may be too tight. Which one?
a. Blue colour of the skin above the bandage.
b. Swelling below the bandage and heavy pain.
c. Heartbeat increases and a dizzy feeling.
d. Swelling above the bandage.

8. Sun rays and light reflected from a bright surface (e.g. sea); can cause damage to the skin
and eyes. What is is this type of burn called?
a. Dry burns.
b. Radiation burns.
c. Cold burns.
d. Electrical burns.

9. A burn may occur when electricity of high current and voltage passes through the body.
Most damage occurs at the points of entry and exit of electricity. What is the treatment of
electrical burns?
a. Remove loose skin and apply ointment. Don't secure with bandage.
b. Apply lotions and ointment to the injured area and secure with a bandage.
c. Place sterile dressing over the burn and secure with a bandage.
d. Break blisters and secure with bandage.
10. Asthma is a distressing condition in which the muscles of the air passage go into spasm.
How can the asthma attacks be triggered off?
a. Loud music
b. Too much fresh air activity
c. Not keeping to the diet
d. Nervous tension, allergy, or non-obvious cause.

11. If a person is in a state of shock, what of the following is the correct thing of you to do?
a. Apply hot-water bottles to keep the patient warm.
b. Move the casualty as much as possible.
c. Be kind to the casualty and give anything to eat or drink at the first opportunity.
d. Treat and reassure the casualty and stay with the person at all times.

12. Which of these is best when you suspect that a casualty has fractured a bone?
a. Raise the affected portion of the body above the level of the casualty's head.
b. Massage the affected area to prevent stiffness.
c. Rinse the area with cold water.
d. Immobilize the affected area.

13. If the heart of a casualty has stopped, approximately how long will it take before the
casualty is likely to suffer brain damage?
a. Beyond 6 minutes.
b. Beyond 20 minutes.
c. Beyond 1 minute.
d. Beyond 10 seconds.

14. Which of these is the most effective method of artificial respiration?

a. Silvester method.
b. Mouth to mouth method.
c. Heath Robinson method.
d. Mouth to nose method.

15. What is a resuscitator?

a. An insulated and heated bag that is used to wrap around a casualty suffering from
b. An oxygen tank, with a demand valve and mask.
c. An electrical device with 2 paddles that can be used to restart the heart.
d. A plastic tube that fits over the casualty's throat to keep an airway open.

16. Which of these is considered the best way to control severe bleeding?
a. Raise the bleeding part above the level of the head.
b. Direct pressure over the wound.
c. Application of a tourniquet.
d. Direct pressure on a pressure point.
17. What is the name of the type of stretcher often found on board?
a. The canvas pole stretcher.
b. The Hart Imco stretcher.
c. The SOLAS stretcher.
d. The Neil Robertson stretcher.

18.The unconscious or recovery position should be used for a casualty who is breathing but
unconscious. Why?
a. To ease the pain of broken bones.
b. To minimize nose bleeding.
c. To prevent the casualty drowning in his own vomit.
d. To correct for any spinal injury.

19. In the absence of a doctor, how long should artificial respiration and heart compression
be continued?
a. When the casualty turns pale and starts to go cold CPR can be stopped
b. Until the heart starts beating or the rescuer is unable to continue because of fatigue.
c. When the casualty shows no response to CPR after 20 minutes, it is useless to continue.
d. When the casualty has fixed and dilated pupils for 15 minutes you should stop CPR.

20. What is the Recovery Position?

a. The patient is seated in a position with the head kept as low as possible.
b. The patient is placed in a 'face-to-the-floor' position with arms and legs arranged in order to
stabilize this position.
c. The patient is placed flat on a bed.
d. The patient is seated in an up-right position and with the arms and legs arranged in order to
keep this position stable.

21. What do you call the method used for bone-soft part injuries?
a. REHAB-method.
b. ABC-method.
c. First Aid -method.
d. ICE-method.

23. You are witness to man getting electric current through his body and is stuck to the
dangerous area. It is impossible to switch off the current by any main switch. How to break
the current safely?
a. Stand on dry insulating material and pull the person away with isolating material.
b. Just take the casualty in your arms and pull the person away.
c. Apply fish oil on your hands and cut the cords by the use of any metallic pliers.
d. Call the electrician immediately.
24. Abdominal Thrust is the name on a technique which involves applying a series of thrusts
to the upper abdomen in an attempt to force air out of a choking casualty's lungs. How to
perform this technique?
a. Lay casualty on a hard surface, e.g., deck, and press firmly and rapidly on the middle of the
lower half of the breast bone.
b. Remove the obstruction and restore normal breathing.
c. Let the casualty grab a list and hang up right down for a period of minimum 5 minutes.
d. Stand behind the casualty. Clench your fist with the tumb inwards in the center of upper
abdomen. Grasp your fist with your other hand and pull quickly inwards.

25. When acting as a watcher or lookout at a cargo hold and men below show signs of
distress, what must you do?
a. Try to rescue them yourself.
b. Raise the alarm immediately.
c. Lower additional breathing equipment.
d. Don a B.A. set and enter the space.

26. A severe blow to or a heavy fall on the upper part of the abdomen (solar plexus) can
upset the regularity of breathing. What is the symptoms and signs?
a. The casualty is speaking in a very loud manner.
b. The casualty may start sweating profusely and develop a fever.
c. The casualty feels very hungry.
d. Difficulty in breathing in and the casualty may be unable to speak.

27. In which way may intake of poisonous material occur?

a. By inhalation.
b. Swallowing.
c. Skin penetration and skin absorption.
d. All mentioned.

28. Due to exposure to heat fatigue, heat stroke and dehydration, what is the maximum
recommended effective temperature (ET) for full work load in enclosed spaces?
a. 30.5
b. 27.5
c. 29.0
d. 35.0
29. A casualty suddenly loses consciousness and falls to the ground letting out a strange cry.
The patient is red-blue in the face and froth may appear around the mouth. You are
witnessing a major epileptic attack. What should you do?
a. Move the casualty in a sit-up position and put something in the person's mouth to protect
the tongue.
b. Forcibly restrain and try to wake the casualty.
c. Loose tight clothing, ask all unnecessary bystanders to leave and carefully place something
soft under the head. If casualty is unconscious, place the person in Recovery position.
d. Give the casualty a lot to drink and keep talking to the person at all times.

30. Treatment of burns and scalds depends on the severity of the injury. What is the correct
thing to do for minor burns and scalds?
a. Break blisters, remove any loose skin or foreign objects from the injured area.
b. Place the injured part under slowly running cold water for at least 10 minutes, but
preferably until the pain is gone. If no water is available, use any cold, harmless liquid.
c. Remove all sticky clothing from the casualty.
d. Apply lotions, ointments or fat to the injury.

1. Water Jel is a unique product regarding protection and first aid of burns. Water Jel is
delivered in different sizes. The biggest is a carpet with the size 182cm x 152 cm. What is the
highest temperature the Water Jel carpet is resistant against?
a. 2500 C
b. 1530 C
c. 414 C
d. 823 C

2. Which position is the best to stop bleeding from the nose?

a. Laying on the back, holding a wet, cold towel on the top of the nose.
b. Sitting on a chair, leaning forward, with two fingers pressing the nose together.
c. Laying on the back, leaning the head as much back as possible.
d. Holding the nose above steamed water.

3. Unconscious casualties who are breathing and whose hearts are beating should be placed
in the Recovery Position. Why is this position so important?
a. Because it keeps the heart beating.
b. The recovery position makes it easy to maintain any kind of bleeding.
c. The position ensures that an open airway is maintained.
d. The position prevents the patient from falling asleep.
4. What is the purpose of a Medico Message?
a. Medico is the certificate which permits the Master to be doctor onboard.
b. Call the health department in the next port of call and ask for free radio practice.
c. Giving a regular statement of the health of the vessel's crew.
d. Call a hospital for professional medical assistance by radio when needed.

5. When internal injury is suspected, which of the following should NOT be done?
a. Slightly elevate the legs.
b. Get the patient to lie down.
c. Give the patient a drink of water.
d. Keep the patient warm.

6. Chemical burns in eyes or on the skin can cause severe damage. Some chemicals may be
absorbed through the skin and cause widespread and sometimes fatal da damage within the
body. What is the first main treatment if someone is a victim of chemical burns?
a. Break possible blisters around the eye and mouth.
b. The casualty may be free to both rub the eye and the affected area.
c. Apply lotions and ointments to the affected area ASAP.
d. Remove any contaminated clothing and flood the affected area with slowly running water.
Make sure that the contaminated water drains away freely and safely.

7. Inflatable splints are made in various sizes and are shaped to the upper and lower limbs.
What are the advantages of an inflatable splint?
a. An inflatable splint cannot fail.
b. Inflatable splints should never be used when leg fractures.
c. It makes it possible for a man to walk on a fractured leg almost immediately.
d. It is easier to give correct pressure to the fractured/injured area, and the control of swelling
and bleeding is easier to observe.

8. There are three levels of burning, namely: *Superficial *Intermediate*Deep burns A large
burn will almost certainly contain areas of all three grades. How many per cent of the body
may be burned before the danger of life-threatening shock occurs?
a. 15 percent.
b. 35 percent.
c. 9 percent.
d. 4 percent.
9. Unconscious casualties who are breathing and whose hearts are beating should be placed
in the Recovery Position. What is the Recovery Position?
a. The patient sitting in a position with the head kept as low as possible.
b. Laying on a water-bed.
c. The patient is placed in a 'face -to-the-floor' position, and with arms and legs arranged in
order to stabilize this position.
d. The patient is sitting in an up-right position and with the arms and legs arranged in order to
keep this position stable.

10. What is hypothermia?

a. When the body temperature falls below 23-degree C.
b. When the body temperature falls below 35- degree C.
c. When heavy coughing occurs.
d. When the body temperature falls to 39-degree C.

11. A companion of yours on a ship falls down a flight of stairs and thinks he may have
broken his leg. What's the best thing you should do?
a. Seek help.
b. Pull on the foot to set the bone.
c. Apply a splint.
d. Apply a tourniquet to his upper leg.

12. What kind of first aid should be given to a person with frostbite?
a. Heat the affected areas with hot-water bottles.
b. Rub the affected area with alcohol.
c. Apply hand or body heat to the affected parts skin-to-skin. (e.g. frozen hand in person's
opposite armpit).
d. Give the person a cigarette.

13. How can asthma attacks be triggered?

a. By nervous tension, allergy or no obvious cause.
b. By too much fresh air activity.
c. By not keeping to a proper diet.
d. By loud music.

14. You are witnessing someone about to faint. What are the symptoms?
a. Red face and big eyes.
b. The person starts to talk a lot and seems super active.
c. The person may be very pale, and pulse is slow at first and weak.
d. The pulse is very fast and the person is getting cold
15. What should NOT be given to a patient suffering from diarrhea?
a. Oatmeal gruel
b. Milk
c. Grated apple
d. Coca Cola

16. How would you ease the pain for someone who gets his finger tip stuck in a hatch cover?
a. Put the finger in warm alcohol until the pain reduces.
b. Put the hand in a bucket of warm water for approximately 5 minutes and then puncture the
nail with a needle.
c. Put the hand in cold water for approximately 20 minutes and then puncture the nail with a
preheated needle.
d. Put the finger in your mouth and suck for half an hour.

17. What types of drugs are permissible to take without permission?

a. Sleeping pills.
b. Antibiotics.
c. Over the counter drugs providing instructions are followed.
d. No drugs (even aspirin) should be taken without permission from the captain or authorized

18. When performing chest compressions, where on the casualty's body do you place your
a. Place the heel of one hand two finger breadths above the bottom of the breastbone. Cover
the hand with the heel of the other hand.
b. Place the heel of your two hands on the top of the breastbone.
c. The position of your hands is not important.
d. Place the heel of your hand on top of the heart position. Cover your hand with the heel of
the other hand.

19. Exposure to cold conditions may cause

a. hyperthermia.
b. heat stroke.
c. a heart attack.
d. hypothermia.

20. When using a compress bandage, what shows that the bandage might be too tight?
a. Blue colour of the skin above the bandage.
b. Swelling above the bandage.
c. Increase in heartbeat and dizzy feeling.
d. Swelling above the bandage and strong pulsating pain.
21. What is the first sign and symptom of a heart attack?
a. Strong and painful pulse.
b. Sudden crushing, vice-like pain in the center of the chest.
c. Skin may be red and loss of movement in the right arm may occur.
d. Frothing at the mouth.

22. The treatment for muscle strain may be remembered as RICE. What is RICE?
a. Rest - Ice - Compression - Elevation.
b. Reflate - Ice - Compression - Estimation.
c. Reflate - Inject - Cooperation - Elevation.
d. Rest - Inject - Care - Evaluation.

23. The ABC rule is important for first aiders to know. What does ABC stand for?
a. Attitude - Blood - Communication.
b. Airway - Breathing - Circulation.
c. Airway - Breathing - Communication.
d. Alcohol Blood Content.

24. A heavy fall or a severe blow to the upper part of the abdomen can upset the regularity
of breathing. What are the symptoms?
a. The casualty is speaking in a loud manner.
b. The casually has difficulty in breathing and may be unable to speak.
c. The casualty starts sweating profusely and develops fever.
d. The casualty feels very hungry.

25. How can you prevent a patient from fainting?

a. Tell the patient to sit down with his head up and tilted back breathing normally.
b. If standing in a crowd, flex the leg muscles and toes to aid circulation.
c. Try to keep the person in a standing position.
d. Tell the person to sit down and lean forward with the head between the knees taking deep

26. What is the rhythm of resuscitation should two first aiders use when working as a team?
a. 5 compressions after every 1 inflation.
b. 3 compressions after every 1 inflation.
c. 10 compressions within every 3 inflations.
d. 7 inflations before every 5 compressions.

27. Unconscious casualties who are breathing and whose hearts are beating should be placed in the
Recovery Position. Why is this position so important?

a. This position prevents the patient from falling asleep.

b. This position ensures that an open airway is maintained.
c. This position ensures the heart keeps beating.
d. This position makes it easy to minimize any kind of bleeding.
28. After checking for open airway, giving the first 2 inflations and checking the pulse to
make sure that the heart is beating, what rate of inflations should be given until natural
breathing is restored?
a. Doesn't matter how many times.
b. 12-16 times per minute.
c. 10-12 times per minute.
d. 25-27 times per minute.

29. Abdominal Thrust is the name of a technique used to attempt to force air out of a
choking casualty's lungs. How is this technique performed?
a. Lay the casualty on a hard surface, press firmly and rapidly on the middle of the lower half of
the breast bone.
b. Use the Abdominal Thrust tool found in the first aid box.
c. Stand close behind the casualty, clench your fist and place it in the center of upper
abdomen. Grasp your fist with your other hand and pull inwards.
d. Bend the casualty forward and apply hard blows to the center of the back.

30. If a person is in shock, which of these is the correct thing to do?

a. Apply hot-water bottles to keep the patient warm.
b. Try and reassure the patient and stay with the person at all times.
c. Move the patient to a place of safety.
d. Be kind to the patient and give him something to eat or drink at the first opportunity.

1. After checked for open airway, given the first two inflations and checked the pulse to
make sure that the heart is beating, what is the rate of inflations given until natural
breathing is restored?
a. 12-16 times per minute
b. 25-27 times per minute
c. 10-12 times per minute
d. Doesn't matter how many times

2. What is the Procedure when performing mouth-to- mouth ventilation in combination

with chest compressions by one first aider only?
a. 10 compressions followed by 3 full ventilations.
b. 5 compressions followed by 5 full ventilations.
c. 15 compressions followed by 2 full ventilations.
d. 20 compressions followed by 5 full ventilations.
3. You are part of a team of two First Aiders in a resuscitation situation. What is the rhythm
of resuscitation with two First Aiders?
a. 7 inflations before every 5 compressions
b. 5 compressions after every 1 inflation
c. 3 compressions after every 1 inflation
d. 10 compressions within every 3 inflations.

4. A casualty has been injured by crushing his hand in an item of machinery. Which of the
following should never be done?
a. Have the casualty lie down.
b. Give the patient some water provided there is no injury to the abdomen.
c. Apply direct pressure to the wound.
d. Give the patient a shot of alcohol to help ease the pain.

5. If you are doing heart compression, approximately how many compressions per minute is
about right?
a. About 100 compressions per minute.
b. About 60 compressions per minute.
c. About 10 compressions per minute.
d. About 40 compressions per minute.

6. If a person has been overcome by fumes from toxic cargoes such as acetone cyanohydrin
and has ceased breathing, you would:
a. Place him in a stream of fresh air and let breathing restart by itself?
b. Wait for a resuscitator to be brought from the ship's first aid locker and use it?
c. Do nothing until professional medical help arrives?
d. Immediately start mouth to mouth resuscitation?

7. A crew member has fallen from a height of about 5 meters and though conscious cannot
feel any pain in his limbs. What should you do?
a. Tie the patient to any pieces of wood that can be used as splints.
b. Put the patient into the recovery position in case he vomits.
c. Carry the patient to the ship's hospital.
d. Do not move the patient as he may have neck or spine injuries.

8. What damage could occur if first aider's hands are placed at the tip of the sternum during
heart compressions?
a. The lungs might be punctured leading to severe loss of breath.
b. The ribs might be cracked.
c. The liver might be torn leading to severe internal bleeding.
d. The patient may vomit as his stomach is squeezed.
9. Which of these would be the best action if you suspected a casualty was choking?
a. Press suddenly and sharply into the casualty's abdomen with a quick hard thrust.
b. Tap the casualty on the back between his shoulder blades
c. Get the casualty to lie down flat on his back.
d. Sit the casualty down and place his head between his knees.

10. Which of the following conditions would indicate that a casualty was dead?
a. Casualty is not moving.
b. The skin is wet and clammy.
c. Casualty is pale.
d. Eyes are glazed and sunken.

11. The correct sequence of basic life support is

a. Airway, breathing, compression
b. Breathing, airway, compression
c. Compression, airway, breathing
d. Breathing, compression, airway

12. When assessing the victim, you should remember to "look, listen and feel" for breathing

13. If performing rescue breathing, you should

a. Avoid excessive ventilation *
b. Provide breath every 2 sec
c. Do not allow the chest to expand between breaths
d. All of the above correct

14. When the heart stops, brain death will occur within
a. 3 minutes
b. 5 minutes
c. 8-10 minutes
d. Immediately

15. Adult's and child's responsiveness is checked by

a. Using smelling alts
b. Shaking the crew and shouting
c. Pouring cold water on crew face
d. All of the above
16. Infant's responsiveness is checked by
a. Using smelling salts
b. Shaking the victim and shouting
c. Patting victim's feet and shoulder
d. All of the above

17. The rule for compression part of CPFt when administered to children is
a. V2 hand, V2 inch
b. 1 hand, 1 inch
c. 2 hands, 2 inches
d. None of the above*

18. When checking the circulation/pulse you should locate

a. Carotid artery if victim is a child
b. Brachial artery if victim is an infant
c. Carotid artery if victim is an adult
d. All correct

19. In case of emergency, you should not

a. Leave the victim unattended
b. Try to make the victim drink
c. Try to put the victim into a sitting position
d. All of the above

20. If there is no response from the victim

a. Give 1-2 min of CPR before calling 108 if the victim is a child
b. Give 1-2 min of CPR before calling 108 if the victim is an infant
c. Call 108 and return to the victim is an adult
d. All of the above

21. To clear the victim airways, you should

a. Lit chin up and tilt head back
b. Tilt head forward
c. Slap the victim
d. None of the above

22. You should stand in front of the person to perform the Heimlich maneuver
23. Which technique is used for bad-mask ventilation during 2 rescuer CPR?
a. Jaw-thrust technique
b. Thumb-index technique
c. E-C clamp technique
d. None of the options are correct

24. Which of the following statements is incorrect about performing chest compression?
a. Allow partial recoil of the chest
b. Press down at least 2 inches in adults
c. Position yourself at the side of victim
d. Minimize interruptions

25. If you suspect someone is going into shock you should not give him
a. Blanket
b. Comfort
c. Water
d. Reassurance

26. Poison can enter the body through eating, drinking, inhaling, absorption through the
skin and
a. Injection
b. Intolerance
c. Imbalance of electrolytes
d. None of the above

27. Trauma to male and female genitals

a. Often involves significant bleeding
b. It is not usually painful because of protected nerve endings
c. Usually results in sterility
d. Often results in post-traumatic infection

28. If there is no air exchange and an airway obstruction exists

a. Remove the obstruction from crew's mouth and start rescue breaths
b. Give additional air using ventilator
c. Start CPR
d. Use defibrillator

29. Where are the blood vessels found that supply Oxygen and nutrients to the skin?
a. Dermis
b. Epidermis
c. Stratum lucidum
d. Stratum corneum
30. The Glasgow coma scale measures the three basic functions. They are
a. Eye, verbal and motor responses
b. Pulse rate, speech, involuntary movement
c. Pulse rate, respiration rate, eye response
d. Respiration rate, eye response, voluntary movement

1. You can best control the swelling and pain of an ankle sprain by
a. Tight bandages and a heating pad
b. Rest, immobilization, application of cold and elevation
c. Rigid splints and bandages
d. Compression, elevation and application of heat

2. What is the name of the tiny air sacs in the lungs?

a. Bronchioles
b. Alveoli
c. Trachea
d. Bronchi

3. The voice box is also known as the

a. Alveoli
b. Larynx
c. Trachea
d. Motor mouth

4. OPQRST is used to assess

a. Pain
b. Level of consciousness
c. Vision
d. Hearing

5. The emergency responder is one link in the chain of services known as the
a. Emergency Crew Care (ECC) system
b. Emergency medical services (EMS) system
c. Professional emergency care (PEC) system
d. Community medical care (CMC) system

6. To reduce the risk of respiratory infection and pneumonia where medical care is delayed,
responder should
a. Have the patient breathe deeply and cough *
b. Provide the patient with adequate hydration
c. Position the patient in the position of comfort
d. Ensure the patient is kept warm and at rest
7. The most important step in managing shock is to
a. Keep the patient warm
b. Give CPR. as soon as possible
c. Give first aid for illness or injury
d. Elevate the lower extremities

8. When treating a 3rd-degree burn, you should

a. Cool burn with ice
b. Remove clothing from charred area
c. Activate EMS or rush patient to the nearest hospital
d. None of the above

9. Which of the following should you not do while treating cuts and scrapes?
a. Apply pressure on the wound with a clean cloth or bandage
b. Wash the wound with soap *
c. Apply antibiotic to the wound
d. Cover the wound

10. First aid treatment for a chemical burn involves

a. Apply ointment over the affected area
b. Remove dead skin
c. Neutralizing the chemical
d. Flushing the chemicals off the affected area with cool, gently running water for 10 to 20

11. At which water temperature should you bathe frostbitten skin?

a. At 32 F (0°C)
b. Between 104 to 107.6 F (40 to 42°C)
c. Between 120 to 150 F (50 to 70°C)
d. You should never submerge frostbite into water

12. If your co-worker needs CPR but you are not trained in it, which of the following should
you do?
a. Give rescue breath only
b. Perform chest compression only *
c. Wait for emergency personnel to arrive
d. Lift the patient's head

13. You should suspect that a victim has head and spine injuries for .
a. An accident involving a lightning Strike
b. A person found unconscious for unknown reasons
c. A fall from the height greater than the victim's height
d. All of the above
14. The type of shock that is caused by a severe infection is called
a. Septic
b. Psychogenic
c. cardiogenic
d. Hemorrhage*

15. During the primary assessment of a responsive adult patient, you detect the breathing
rate of 28 breaths per minute. You would categorize this as
a. Above normal
b. Below normal
c. Normal
d. Indeterminate

16. You discover A particle embedded in the casualty's cornea you should
a. Remove the particle with the most corner of the facial tissue or clean cloth
b. Flush the eye with water for 10 minutes
c. Use splinter forceps to remove the particle
d. Cover the eye and transport the casualty to medical help

17. You came open a person who has lost a significant amount of blood, has very pale skin
color, and is confused, what do you suspect that caused it to be?
a. Seizure
b. Low blood sugar
c. Stroke
d. Shock

18. After finding someone who is unresponsive, has a pulse but does not appear to be
breathing, you find you unable to give them CPR, what do you do next? are
a. Begin CPR
b. Repeat the head tilt/chin maneuver and attempt the breath again
c. Abdominal thrusts
d. Heimlich maneuver

19. How long would you check to see if an unconscious casualty is breathing normally?
a. No more than 10 sec
b. Approximately 10 sec
c. Exactly 10 sec
d. At least 10 sec

20. Which medical condition will develop from severe blood loss?"
a. Shock
b. Hypoglycemia
c. Anaphylaxis
d. Hypothermia
21. When performing CPR on a child how deep should the chest compression be?
a. 11/2 inches *
b. 2 inches
c. 2 1/2 inches
d. 3 inches

22. Which of the following correctly describes the CPR technique for an adult
a. 4 cycles of 15 compressions followed by one breath each minute
b. one cycle of one breath and 10 competitions each 2 to 3 inches deep per minute
c. 12 cycles of 5 compressions per minute
d. 4 cycles of breathing and 15 compressions per minute

23. Severe bleeding is a "hurry case", which one of the following statements is TRUE
a. Bleeding can seldom be stopped with direct pressure
b. A tourniquet is almost always required to control serious bleeding
c. Should the first sterile pad used become blood soaked, immediately remove it and apply
d. Try to avoid direct contact with the victim's body by using latex gloves or another barrier

24. You find a person at the bottom of the stairs. He appears to have fallen and seems badly
hurt. After sending someone for help, you would
a. Roll the victim onto his stomach keeping the head and back in a straight line
b. Roll the victim onto one side
c. Position victim onto one side
d. Attempt to keep the victim from moving

25. If someone who is having an asthma attack does not have their own inhaler, we can use
someone else's if the attack is serious

26. How would you manage a deep bleeding cut on the palm of the hand?
a. Rest, ice, compression and elevation (R.I.C.E)
b. Heat packs for 15 minutes, every 2 hours, for the first 24 hours
c. Massage and exercise
d. Apply an ice pack every 20 minutes

27. White or grayish-yellow patches on someone's ears, hoses, or cheeks are a sign of
a. Frostbite
b. Cold related disorder
c. Anaphylactic shock
d. Hypothermia
28. You have tried to control a victim's bleeding with direct pressure and elevation, but the
bleeding doesn't stop. Where would you apply pressure to slow the flow of blood to a
wound forearm?
a. Outside the arm midway between the shoulder and the elbow
b. On the inside of the elbow
c. Inside the arm between the shoulder and the elbow
d. Any of the above will slow the flow of blood

30. What would you do if a victim had a body part torn or cut off?
a. Wrapped severe body part in sterile gauze
b. Place in the plastic bag
c. Put the plastic bag on ice and take it to the hospital with the victim
d. All of the above

1. What is the first thing you should do for someone you suspect has an electrical burn
a. Check for breathing and a pulse
b. Check to see if the electricity is turned off
c. Check for severe bleeding
d. Check for shock

2. The accepted treatment for nose bleeding is

a. Use direct pressure, elevation and pressure points to control the bleeding
b. Tilt the head back and tightly squeeze the nostrils
c. Have the victim lean forward. Apply gentle pressure on the nostril. Apply cold cloth
d. Lay the victim on his back and treat him for shock. Apply heat if available

3. What do you do for a chemical burn?

a. Flush with water, dry, and cover
b. Flush with large amounts of water and cover
c. Flush with a large amount of warm water until help arrives
d. Flush with large amounts of cool water until help arrives

4. Which of the following can cause a stroke?

a. A blood clot in an artery in the brain.
b. A blood clot in an artery in the heart.
c. A blood clot in an artery in the leg.
d. A blood clot in an artery in the lungs.
5. What is a faint?
a. A response to fear.
b. An unexpected collapse.
c. A brief loss of consciousness,
d. A sign of flu.

6. What is an open fracture?

a. A fracture in which the bone ends can move around.
b. A fracture in which the bone is exposed as the skin is broken,
c. A fracture which causes complications such as a punctured lung,
d. A fracture in which the bone has bent and split.

7. Difficulty in breathing may be a sign of:

a. Heart attack
b. Asthma attack
c. Anaphylaxis
d. All of the above

8. To treat strains and sprains, use the acronym RICE, which means:
a. Rest, Ice, Compress, Elevate
b. Run Inside, Call, EMS
c. Rescue, Incline, Compress, Eliminate pain

9. How long would you check to see if an unconscious casualty is breathing normally?
a. No more than 10 seconds.
b. Approximately 10 seconds.
c. Exactly 10 seconds.
d. At least 10 seconds.

10. Hypoxia is caused due to a lack of oxygen.

a. True
b. False

11. Which of the following can cause shock?

a. bleeding
b. dehydration due to widespread burns
c. severe diarrhea
d. all of the above

12. Which of the following includes the top layers of skin and involves blistering?
a. First degree burns
b. Second degree burns
c. Third degree burns
d. All of the above
13. If a crew member suffers from frostbite, what should you do?
a. encourage him to put their hands in their armpits.
b. help move him indoors or to somewhere warm.
c. place the body part in warm (not hot) water at around 40°C (104°F)
d. all of the above

14. What is the best treatment for second-degree burns?

a. Put aloe Vera lotion on it
b. Put water on it
c. Put ice on the burns
d. None of the above

15. When will the short-term effect of heroin disappear?

a. Few hours
b. within a day
c. After 3 to 6 hours
d. Before 48 hours

16. How much exercise do you really need?

a. 45 minutes twice a week
b. 30 minutes three or four days a week
c. 60 minutes at least three or four days a week
d. 30 minutes at least four or five days a week.

17. What is Second line therapy

a. The second combination drug for HIV when the first drug is resistance •
b. The first single drug for HIV treatments
c. The First combination drugs for HIV treatments
d. The second single drug for HIV when the first drug is resistance

18. Amphetamine stimulates the, by increasing the amount of certain chemicals in the body
a. Endocrine system
b. Central nervous system.
c. Respiratory system

19. Color vision is reduced in

a. neuropathy
b. toxic-nutritional optic neuropathy
c. toxic-nutritional ocular neuropathy
d. cerebellar neuropathy
20. How long should a person remain still after being removed from cold water?
a. 30 min *
b. 1 hour
c. 15 min
d. 40 min

21. Which of these will help you avoid carbon monoxide poisoning if stranded in your car
during a snowstorm?
a. Clear snow from the exhaust pipe
b. Open a window to allow ventilation
c. Only run the motor for ten minutes at a time
d. Open the hood to the engine compartment

22. Where should be place your fist on the casualty in the CPR
a. Right side Ribs
b. Left side Ribs
c. Middle of the sternum
d. lower of the sternum

23. One of the principal dangers inherent in liquefied petroleum gas is.
a. As it warms up it becomes heavier than air
b. the way it reacts with sea water
c. the strong odor it produces
d. its low temperature causes frostbite or freezing

24. Who will check the pulse of the casualty

a. First person
b. Second person.
c. Casualty itself
d. No need to check

25. What is the proper treatment for frostbite?

a. rubbing affected area with ice or snow
b. rubbing affected area briskly to restore circulation
c. wrapping area tightly in warm cloths
d. warming exposed parts rapidly

26. Heat exhaustion is caused by excessive.

a. loss of body temperature
b. loss of water and salt from the body
c. gain in body temperature
d. intake of water when working or exercising

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