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Part -1

Good morning everyone, welcome to the Sekolah Harapan Utama Fun Day 2024, Closing
and Awarding Ceremony.


To start with, may we call on Bapak Mardison for the opening prayer.


To highlight the festive mood of this special event, let us all welcome the Sekolah Harapan
Utama marching band, let us give them a round of applause. Thank you very much for that
wonderful performance.


At this point let us all welcome our energetic and supportive Headmaster for his message.


In celebration of the Chinese New Year, coinciding with our closing ceremony, let us
welcome once again our Headmaster, Bapak Hartono to light the fireworks to be followed by
the releasing of balloons.


Part 11

Good morning once again, welcome to the second part of the Sekolah Harapan Utama Fun
Day 2024 celebration, the Awarding Ceremony


We would like to acknowledge the presence of :

We would like also to extend our deepest gratitude to the following sponsors ……for
extending their all-out support for this special event. Thank you so much!


At this point, let us all welcome some selected SMP students for a special dance


One of the special events in the Sekolah Harapan Utama Fun Day celebration is a 3-day
English Hexathlon. We would like to call on our School International Curriculum Consultant
Miss Maria Teresa Cortez, and our headmaster Ir. Hartono to award the winners.


To award the winners for the SMP and SMA Sci-Math Festival may we request Ibu Soimah
and Ibu Fitri.

Let us welcome our selected SD students for their dance performance ; Tarian Sumatra

To announce the winners of the ECC Department Drawing, Coloring and Fashion Show
contests, may we call on Miss Ocha, also to be awarded by Ibu Amuy together with Ms.
Novie ECC Principals


Let us welcome some SMK students to entertain us with a song number


Let’s move on to the announcement of winners of the Elementary department Drawing,

Coloring, and fashion show Contests. To call the winners let’s all welcome Ms. Risma and to
award may we call on Bapak Hartono together with Mr. Nurdiman SD principal.


To entertain us with a dance drama let us all welcome some selected students from SMA


We will be awarding now the winners of the Modern Dance Competitions, May we call on
Bapak Purwadi together with ( sponsor) to award the winners.


Before we proceed, let us give a round of applause to the 1st runner-up winners of the Dance


To award the winners of our E-ESPORT may we request once again our Headmaster Ir.
Hartono together with our SMK Principal Bapak Umardi


Let’s proceed to the awarding of winners of our fashion show competition, may we call on
Laosi Sisilia and Laosi Hendri to award the winners.


Let’s proceed to the awarding of our Badminton Contest, may we request ( sponsor)and
Bapak Vernando SHU Funday Head committee to award the winners.


Let’s all welcome our Dance Contest Champion for their performance


One of the highlights of our Fun Day is the Basketball Competition, to award the winners
may request our Headmaster together with ( guest) to do the honor.

And now let us all welcome the head of our Fun Day 2024 Mr. Vernando for his closing


That marks the end of this program. Thank you everyone for being here today, hope to see
you again next year.

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